Exeter Times, 1905-11-30, Page 31b-000000OJo-U o0oo0o00ie
We've formed a new society -
"7 he otter of the Sneerer Face:"
11011ured 111c•11iber you inay be,
or eatery 0110 may have a pluce.
The rules say you tnuet never let
The corns s of your mouth droop
For by this habit you may get
ll he habit of a silky frown. ,
If playmates tease you, let youreepits
A Lravc enfl Merry tw•ilit:le :hose,
I•'or 1f the angry tears urine
They're very apt to overflow.
If you must practice for an hour,
And if it seeded a long, long while•.
Remember not to pout and glower,
But wear a bright and cheerful
bl1li lc.
The rules nre simple, 118 you see;
Make up your mind to loin to -clay.
Put on a smile and you will be
An active member right away.
"Tell nut a story, please:" begged
the little Loy.
"Well, go to my desk and brin:c;
me that little pitturo in the gold
So the little boy brought the pic-
ture and climbed upon his father's
knee, and this was the story he
"This, laddie, is the miniature of
your most famous ancestor, your
great-g,•rent- . t -grand fat her, Sir
Roger Templeton. Ile was a brave
1d gallant knight, and lived hi
y England in the time of good
Queen Ross. And when I wns a lit-
tle boy like you. laddie, there was
nothing in all the. world I liked so
well as to listen to the stories of
his inany valiant deeds.
thi4nd often he would look first at
soy 1n'1)'.'"nVortncl then 8t. tae, and
dream of knights anti lists and tour-
naments, end the bravo deeds of my
"And one day I thought of the
belfry tower in the old church where
n,y father preached. i had heard
that the ascent wan difficult, end
that no one had attempted it fur a Co., Brockville, Ont,
long time. herr at in;t was a tusk
worthy of valiant, loegnosed Tem- AFRICAN RAILROADING.
piston! So instead of going nutting
with the boys, 1 slipper( into his
study and took from his desk the
heavy iron church key, and hurried
to the ch!trch. which stood on a
lonely hill n little out of the vit-
• "1 turned the key in the rusty
•k, climbed the. gallery stairs and
ed the door lending to (ho.lielfry.
forst: two flights of stairs were view, one of the must remarkable
y climbed, though the way was !view, one
in existence. After passing
anal dusty, and, oh, so dread- 1 througih the Kei Hills the line wind
ly -till: !around another hill, and then, at a
••'I h,•n the stairs ended, and a long lower level, goes under its own
ladder led upward into the lower. track. This portion of the railway
Sums of the rounds were broken, and is known as the "spiral." At an-
tI, whole thewgg seemed terribly other poin! the line travels along
sh,tl.y. l'or n moment I longed to the ben': ai the Mangulu River for
turn back; then 1 reinenoered my tw•o miles. and then doubles hack
brave ancestors, I started up the for n mile anti a half. so that. after
1ndt,r. Lovering three end a half stiles. the
"1 (1118bed it safely, and found train is ru:lly tn"y half a nolo to
revxelf in n tiny room jurat below the the good. This rection is called the
b. IVY '1'I;er. carne another short. ..rig_ing,..• and. with the spiral is
et"irtcoy, and at laste1 had rcache.l unique in South Africa. Alt along
the Ladd of my jourt•cy. And, oh, the Kei heights the route Is through
how good it seemed to be out in the cuttings or on embankments. Sotne
clear air and bright sunshine once iclea of its extraordinary character
snore! Aad how tiny the village may be formed Brum the statement
looked, for, far below! that in eighteen miles the lino falls
'Alien i 811W by rho setting Fun or rises, to the extent of 1,500 feet.
Can Only be eared Through the
Bad backs -aching backs -conic
from bard kidneys. Bad kidneys coma
from bad blood. diad blood el ties
the kidneys with poisonous impuri-
ties that breed deadly discuses. elan.'
the first sign of that fatal truui,lc ,s
a dull, drugging pain it the bat':.
Neglect it, turd you still sown have
the coated tongue, the pasty skin.
the peevish temper, the swollca
ankles, the dark -rimmed eyes, and
all the other signs of deadly kidney
disease. .Plasters and liniments can
never cure you. Kidney pills and
backache pills only touch the synr,)-
•toiisethey du not cure. You ittust
get right flown to the root and
cause of the trouble in 010 bloud-
nud no medicine in the timid con •10
this Bea surely us 1h•. 11'illiluus' fink
Pills, because they actually make
new blood. This strong, rich, net:
blood sweeps the kiducys clean,
drives out the poisonous acids. and
heals tho deadly inflammation. That 1
is the only tray to rid yourself of
your backache and bevy strong,
sound kidneys. Mrs. Paul St. Onge, er or less distances from the reser- PERSONAL GOSSIP.
wife of a we'. known contractor at voir in question. --
St. Alexis des Monts, Que., says:- At first his project seemed doomed
"I suffered for upwards of six years to failure. as there existed between
front kidney trouble, I had dull, acs- Jerusalem and the springs from
iso Pains across the loins, and ttt. which the water was to be derived 8
C5' Cf t REWARD will
p t7 • be read to any
ppeen..n who pros cit that
Sunlight Soap contains any
iniu r...ue ehemica.a or any
Lain ,t adulteration,
is equally good with hard or soft water.
if you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions)
you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better
results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way.
As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly
pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be
washed without the slightest injury.
Lever Weathers Limited, Toronto
Your money refunded
to the dealer from whom you buy
Sunitght Soap if you find any
cause for complaint.
Interesting Notes About Sotne The clock in the tower al the New
Prominent People. Naval College at Dartmouth, Eng-
�land, tibial will he opened shortly
Lord Roberts is able to endure a 'by- the Kira;. will mark time as kept
fast so prolonged that most mon •on board ship, tittle it; g .right, :it.
threes could hardly go about. I lost high chain of hills, over which it • would he incapacaated by it. Ile four bells, etc., and will be the only
flesh, had dark rims below my oyes, would be impossible to convey the eats very !Taxingly at all titles. and
and grew more wretched every clay. I water. It was th •r Coro determine(1 • g cluck of its Hod in 1'ugrinnd
I was treated by different doctors, to open a passage for the water I always of the simplest kinds of food.
P 1'Th • (lure e f til. Netherlanes be -
paired f my health, nod y g S `'•
ISir ach MSS.g h i)f i d •rn that sho has not a „tut
The n ' t Known to '1'hmm:ands - Parmelee's
through the solid rock. One of tho Heves in earl • tisane. nutwithstaml- 1e• ntr,l;lo 1':Its r.• •u:ate the nit .1
,nlre< o regaining, dutin from this
but with no apparent result. 1 tit
r o ; • ggreat. the sctietionq. I.uruy the blood and
was becoming a burden to mytun►-`stales in this connection: "IIexe amount to do. She has been uccus- kte•le rho stolnnrh anrlhowels (rce trout
11y. I was in a deplorable condition ; Kiah fortified his city by bringing li,ceti ions nuttier. 1'ttkrn according w
when one of my friends advised me totted to be downstairs by half -past direction they will overcome dvsliel,sia.
water thereto, and he bore(' through sestil of a morning ever alae() she erutiicnte biliout,net:s. and leave the 0i.
totry Dr. Williams' I ink Pills. I'the solid rock by means of bronze•, gesuve organs healthy and strong to
began taking them, and after using - 'was a little child. perform their functions. 'Their merit:.
three or four boxes, 1 began to fel anti he collected tho water in a '1'11 be the possessor of a distinct car. welt -km -eve to thousands who know
reservoir." era in England, Scotland, and ny experience batt beneficial cbly me
better. 1 cont.inutrl the treatment' pt ge R ,in gOt11,g toile to the systetl
for nearly three months, whc11 every! Recent explorations I•n:'e enabled Ireland Is n rare honor. Only throe
sY)W nl ttoof the trouble had vanishvanishedl this predecessor of the Simplon 10 nobles can claim it. One of them is
and 1 was again a well +comesLite . e thoroughly identifier!. It is said the Duke of Abercorn, who re ently "What does Freddy like to play?
(eel justified in saying I believe 1)r.: to be the Shiloah Dinned by n)Oans ( celebrated his sixty-ficventh birth- asked the caller. "Freddy," repllua
Williams' Pink fills saved my life." of which tater was brought down clay, and the others are the Mar- ! papa, "likes to play whatever games
New blood -strong, pure, ria v,h a source to the east of Jerusa- guts a:( Lansdowne and the Earl of matnma and I decide urn too rough
blood which Dr. Williams' Pink I'il et n and poured into the Pool of Si- Ve:alum. for liiw,"
make, cures not. only kidney troub tiann, trn:utioned in the Bible. This Lord Ashbourne, who is now sixty -
but a host of other ailments. such ea ndt(; 1 -I 360 yards long. The'
eight years old, has been I.,orrl
as nnnetuin, iudigestiion, rheunia-,listadee, us the bird flies, between Chancellor of Ireland for twenty
tism. erysipelas, St.1t0s dance, to-! t'he two mouths of the tunnel is also Years, having risen from a practis-
comutor, ataxia, paralysis, and Meanly Rtt0 yards, which proves that ing barrister with rcmnri:nhle
secret ailments women do not like co. the `work was not executo•:l in a per- gi.ickne.s. Entering Parlinna'nL in
Yes. 1t 1s humili.t rag 11 have n skiu covered
with f-.ae onuptt..us. It h i.iiatnl, tnis w•hy a .t
0164 the trauma ,10:1 o,to.e your skin to its eat -
ural faintest with 1Veasor•s Conte?
Marie -"Why is Mr. Puffer in suet
talk about, even to their doctor. (fatly Ft.ratght line -duo doubtless to1875 as member for Dublin Univer-
a hurry to starry Maud?" Arthe,r
ty the genuine pills can bring the dilticultie:t which the eneireers sits, he was appointed Attooicy_
-"Ile promised her he woulcfit'L
health and strength, and these, have ,,,countered in their task, which forgeneral for Irelruul in 1877, and in sni,,!te while they there engaged."
tho full name "Ur. Williams“ rink the period, was of a really morvel- 1885 got his Chancellorship and his
I'ills for Pnle People" printed on the bus nature. seat in the Cabinet, which he line ht illy °t"enEtti and Woodenly 13011 sty
scrapper around each box. 1f your That the work was commenced sines continued to hold uuiuterrupt_ daps Id n l:rdty ..t taw td.,d, and mush of Met
denier docs not keep the genuine 1.111,4(tom both earls of the tunnel is n. t caddy eta ay derandi ane pa loot kidney tetering. It
you can get them by mail nt 50 only proved by the inscription. but + the .0 teams ice di a ,ed and tris ILA perform
cents a box or six boxes for $'2.:,0 aho by the fact that the marks of theirfanotion.. iniawill reek iay.tinfor atre.,gth
by writing Tho Dr. Williams medicine NO DOUBT ABOUT and woms:r 1 .r beauty. S iutls Amo,iaiu f:il,iey
Cure thiso. out all inpurttion through the body's
Engineering Facets Called for in
Construction of New Line.
In the construction of the Arna-
belt Butterw•trth railway in Cape
Colony, unusual difficulties had to
bo surmounted. according to the
"Pal! Mall Gazette," and the result
ie, front an engineering point of
that 1 n►tiethurry clown if I wished
tri reach home in time for supper. A LITTLE TYRANT.
So I started to go, but turned bark
for just one more look ret the big ero is notyrant like a teething
hell, and at that very moment. there ba7iht The (.vrr isn't due to orig-
raine 0 lona! crash from below. I'he innl sit; the little one sutlers worse
treacherous old holder had fallen, than the rest of the family. lie
and i was 11 prisoner in the totter! doesn't know what is the matter-
( th tined and culled, but no one they do. But baby nayd out stiffer "-
heard 111e. The sun went down, end longer than it takes to mole hits Makes Way for the Better Food of
it became quite dark in the belfry. hell. i( the mother will give his Better Day.
The stars cone out, one by one, 118(1 Baby's Own Tablets. 'they ease the "Porridge in no lorg er used for
still I crouched beside the big hell. tender glints and bring the (eeth
and cold nal frightened. breakfast in in bonne," writes a ole onei,lesn in 111.'
hungry through painlessly rued v. ithuut tears. loyal Britain from Huntsville, Otl'--• Miss Bertha Krupp, who has for
"Ai. Inst, shivering with cold. I lira. c. ('onrlolly, St. (,aur, ret, Man., This was an 8dunission of nu small
crept don to the 1 Iny room below pays; "801110 months ago my little two years been 1110 real bend and
the belfry. It tees wnriner' there, girl's health became so bad that we significance to one 'brought up' un owner of the huge Krupp Works, is
the Gifu -honored stand-by. owner rd ns one of the richest and
and 1 sot,hed myself t- flat- nal felt ver;' nnxduus. tihe was teething (11(1 "(inc mouth ago, she continues,
dr. anted that (treat-g�rcrtt-great- and sea ercd so lnurh that we slid •, r most. capable young women in the
I bought a
package of (ire►pe Nuls world. Not yet tweety, she Is nn nu -
grandfather Templeton came n -riding not knurl what to do for her. I was toned for my husband, whet lied been t
on n Froom, witch fashion, and tele- advised to try Itnl>v's own Tablets, all invalid for over a year. Ile hail tbnrity on great guns and bn ti' -
r, rnr away-nwnv-over the fret- and from almost the first il118 sho )assert through a set ere attack of ships, Rnd the nilitnry rep rosenta-
rr 1
trttt,, beget' to improve, 'e, and there tans no pucunlonia and la grippe combined, tiers of cot.ntries needing armament
"'then I awoke in great terror, for further tromble. She. is now in the last wnv left in a very bad condition (nrluently meet and discuss their
the whale tenee•r tens mite with lets." '1110
'110 health, thanks to the Tun when they passed """Y'ora business with her personally.
sound. and kaki g nal trembling in lets. ' '1110 'Tablets cure nil the .'I tried everything for his benefit,' Almt•. l,eJane, the great French ne-
n fenriul manner. minor ailments of children. and nre n but nothing seemed to do him tiny trees, has received n call by balloon
'•'fhe big; hell wits ringing madly: blessing to bulb mother rind child. good. Aluut11 followed month 1111(1 Le at her summer cillo at 1Iomietlae-
Bourn! boom! boom! All the world posy always (In good -they cannot still remained ns ec8k as ever. i ville. At. the hour of nfternonn ten,
seemed full of noise. possibly do harm. I'rv than and yo't teas nlnu,st tiscuurogred about hint five o'clock, !herr 11.171rd don's on
"Boom! boots! lemon! I clapped will 001 no other mill drtline for yo r when I got the Grape Nuts. but 11c the limn an airship, and sInnrlingg
little one. Sold by all druggglists or
my hinds to my cars. sent by mail at '1a rents a box by result has compensated ane for my up in it was Mine Henri i-r•ttellhr,
( ('hen it sopped for n moment,nxieg who observed quietly ns she extend -
the Dr. Williams'' Medicine y'
and for tha try,
very, loss faintly, 1 Co., Brockville, 010. "In the one month thnt he has ed her hand to the astonished lady
henrd os* cr:, '!toy lest! boy lust! eaten (:rape -Nuts he has gaited 10 of the house, "We hove celled to
bow lose fl •1 h •n bonen! bnurnl NT EN4 pounds in weight, his strength Is thank you, dear madame, for yotir
• boom! went the boll ng;nin ANCIENT ENGINEERING. ellPellift at last it stopped, rind they -- feels Tike rgtpidty returning to hire, and ho co-operation in our charity ploy."
Ill new mall. Now We all
"This is the first time anybody has
bee rd my tries rind cnme With noted Tunnel, Similar to Situp- eat (:rapt -Nuts food. and are the dropped from the clouts to thank
lights not a Milder, and took nre inn, 2,500 Years Ago. better for it. Our little o years girl me." said Whine. "R is the way
safely down and carried the home. boy, who used to suffer (rain pains in we hour in 1(1(15 of paying tris, itr to
"In tiny mother's nrins I toll any 1"1 mieteI,aile rt•idenee exist that the stomach after eatireg the oil- talent," was tho testy response.
etery. My hither listened tlHletly, 2.R(s) years ago cortnii Hebrew 011- fashioned porridge, has no more Tie (!rand (ho easy rn of lin• la
and *oi,i.how, with his grave eyes gtiueers (in the time of King daze -'trouble since he began to use ((rape- has(nd Du her OIge of nick -
upco tnc, the taking of the church Kiah) executed exactly the e8►lte kind Nuts, and 1 have too more doctor's hawell "Thr Princess ch m Peace."
j;ey scrmol anything hat a knightly of work which was Gutted out In hills to pay for him. Iger imperial ilighness, who is the
deed. the Simplon tunnel, though perhaps "Wo use Grape -Nuts with on:y
"When I had finished, my father nn n slightly smaller scale, enys the sweet cream, and find it the most (lot's ynur,grst si'aa•r, inherits her
rear's of war from her late father,
tasty dish In our bill of fare. and it is sand that the recant erste,
Ra ill, very sternth, 'There wag one ScientificBe American. r
5 irtuo, toy tin, that your nohlt• an- Dr. Ltertholet, a prottvsaor at the. "Last Yondny 1 ate 4 teasp'onful+ negotiations were greatly due to her
atones vnhu•d even 81010 then coil- University of Basle, is the gentle- of (trap -Nuts and creem for break
her brother. he (:rand
raft•, nal that wns honor ' " mon who claims to heve made this fast, nothing else, then set to work TMrr eft( on who Is now f Thi' thrt•e
The little hay g need long and discovery. The Jewish record. state and got my mornings work done by years of age, was married (our yetree
9 o'clock, and felt less tired, much
!hoar hi billy atie the miniature. that King iir eri int, or 7:r 11 (' , stronger, than if I had made my ago to a dl.tnnt (ousin, I'rinre
•'i'rt{an." said he, "hair i the Tetn- whn retgfh tat J1eil itt the
bre ll. at. breakfast on meat, potatoes, etc., ns Peter, Duke of Oldenburg. She Bees
pleton twee?" was ►Hoch toothiest at the had Mate I Used to. 1 wouldn't be without in St Prterihll gr, and is very rtt-
�' •\u, inddlr," fail his father. of the welter mnpplicYl to the peddle (Irape-Nuts in the house for any tnon- tached to the Empress. and also to
"Veer once Is jnsf an every clay of that city. He accordingly Anda ey •• Name given by 1'ontum Co., the Grand iht.hese Serge. "The
tw',•ntiethaenturw nose, and the must vest reservoir made at the gates of !tattle Creek, Mich. 'There's a reason. Prinreern of Deere" is also it tilece of
eal!nnt deed you can do to -night Is the city, to which water was fed Read the little book, f"she Itoad Oteem Alexandre, whose gentle an -
to go straight up-slairs to bed:" (rem various springs lying at great- to gellville," In Op. tore she sitar's,
the boring tools, picks, etc., cony
still be seen. all bearing in oppo0te
directions. The direction of the tun-
nel was altered several tunes during
the constructia n thereof, as there
aro several short galleries, which
were evidently abandoned as soon ns
it was noted that worl.ing was be-
ing dene out of line. 'The floor of
the tunnel is fcnisheel with tho
greatest etre. and the workings vary
fionl five -eights of a yard to one
cant in w•it!th by from three feet to
nine fret in height, more or lie, ace
'cording to the hardness of the rock.
In the light of modern engineering
science. the following questions sug-
gest themselves: How did thee() old
time tnzineers gauge (lair direction,
reeogni•re and remedy their errors in
alignment? What tools dict they use
to execute n piece of work which has
remained t'- ithot,t equal or rival for
2,500 yearse
ROBT. BOND'S CASE "1titorers"--rep.liri whit tip ,tl.--48•
Doctors Said There Wee no I -Tope
For Him Fut he is a Well Man
Dolly Swift -"Odd, isn't it?" Sally
(any -"What, clear?" Dolly Swift-
"WIly, • that the more n girl blushes
the more a man a(11011es her cheek."
Th- heat e( the'rroaet 1a 'vs re y ch -.8S,
It tikes away the eno'ry. "Earrwie," it the
:,eat tate t, beaus pas up. It etims:ate+ the
'latent. It wakes the net:: strati,;. It is Vora
ant to take. Ali drug;;id a tell It.
"This sterns like a pretty healthy
1%T3131117IT 'ywT C A.1
That's what any woman is after a hot cup of fragrant
It ch.l-cs away that o'd tired f: 1 tar and fills her with new
So Delicious too.
Oaly one bast te:t. BLUE RIBBON'S IT.
1.WJ'1 or GOO'S
At )uu..cu.<S
„Ic Et3E1130 i V mss. V Z
eenJ w J.,. ruseis .n.1 ,d.L•.,., awl 1••• • 1 re •e:,• r..• oe A rr•e, a,., . pare.
1. ,212 .ting. .. 1 IJ'1 l ,kl.. ,Oar 100.1 pat taros' a de 111 X,al Al
"Au•.eA .. y,..,!'% ,ty �1 m 1* d are 13 .1 e,.d tv.,l:: ttLwlreal adarartlaw.
16, aul carte, t.,ue.tu
Fell the 21 arti.-let at it oasts em -l:, m,k in, 5143 * i'v-.th.•,, hxb forv.rd tot
..11 .•oa •.0 at .a.e, as a r,aar.l. a Matto actin L.v.r Wat, h, su.raare
nae other Presents of 1114h -ciao. Jaw.liery, .1 :1, Jou too • .:.rt far eau,
CILLI :1 CO., No. 2, Th. Watch Horse, Delamera Cre.eent, Landon, W., Eng
- Praetleal Every day Loom
For 110e poll WAG•
Res. 425, Mach
:.. �Igii.l 1.Er' iI
MACI'lNE to .....,e. -
Rill -Did you ever notice how many
tall men you meet in a clay? 'Tom -
No; but I've often noticed how many
short glen you meet when you tvcu.t
a 1uae..
There are a number of varieties of
corns. Holloway'. Corn Cure will re-
move nay of them. Cull on your drug-
gist and get tt bottle at, once.
lir. Kinks -The fools are not n"
dond yet. firs. Kinks -I'm glad of it,
dear. I never did look well itl hlaei:.
Loss e1 Flesh, e'lush, and pain nn the chest
may net mean eessumptlon, but ;are bad signs.
Alice's lama Rodeos loosens aril beady the
sough: Nota grain of opiate to it
"Ire says his wife is largely re-
sponsible for his business sneers."
"Well, sl:e has certainly made it ab-
solutely necessary for hitt to Car11
more money.''
Speechless a't✓J Paratisasf.-"t had
valvular thieve of the be :rt,'• writes Iles. J. S.
O ,ado, ref Truro, N.S. "I suffered terribly an,l
was often &peachiest an 1 paralyzed. Ono 40341
of Dr. Aguow'y Cure for the Heart gave oto relief,
and before 1 tiuiebed one b Atte I WW1 able to go
a beat. To -clay I am a molt ,..•satin. --43
Ilewitt-"1Cho is that terril,'y
homely woman?" .1ewett-"That'.:
my wife." Ilewitt-"You haven't
(poked to sec which one I menu."
Jewett -"I don't need to."
A Son114 Stan -inch cleans a Clear
scud.-'Il,e high pressure of a nerve.,
bre a rich businees uteri of the pre-'
day aro constrained to live me,
(1 1tughls upon their vitality highly ilet-
rieaeuUtl to their health. It is only
by thea most careful treatment that
they are able to keep themselves ale, t
and active .n their various callins••
ninny of thrt•n know the value of Pnl-
nielt•e's veg..tahlc 1'llls to regulating the
Now. country," sant the tourist. "Whitt etuusttch sand consequently keeping the
disease do most people die of out heed clear.
Mount Bre-ages, Ont., Nov. 'lea. - -
here?" "Well," replied the Western
(Special). -'That 1)odd's Kidney fills native, "you might call it ktcptuur_ Mistress (to new servant) -"There
cure Bright's Disease completely ant. aein. bat. 510 got a different name are two things, Mary, about whicn
permanently has been clearly shown fur it." I am very very part itular. 'l'h'y
in the case of lir. ltobt. Bond, n are truthfulness and obedience."
well-known resident of this place. The Crick in Inc Mick. -"Ono voice ltiary-"1'ts'11), and when you tell me
Mr. Bo►id dues not hesitate to say of nature hanker the whole world kin. ' to say you're nut in when it personhe owes his life to Dods; Kidney
touch tut rh.un)atlucn what
alum lumbago. calls calls that you don't wish to sae
which Is it to be, mumu -truthfulness
or obedience?"
bad all kir,y of herse if angles.. aya
i1&u. UUBrA1 1) DYaLI t SIM
Write to w abate louts
OWITION MUM* 11111111111 C0.. sea lU.
----- -FUR ■ANvFACT5aIaa�
7.7 $loos ESuadesh, Z osesd
lINM,D COATS of every load. Ever)ltl
Furs at close prices. Tall TILADK
YLINO. Send for catalog.
▪ 4RM 1B SALE --100 ACRs4-:f.
11 10, c. li. 3, Tp. Mlyttaa,: nearly all'
good brick house; frame harp; good
e xcellent fruit: never -failing lrpotg
.e.eion at twee: only f2,4W.0u; $.ee.W
arse on time: this le a tare chance,
pa tisalara, writs to U. McAlpine, 420
street, Louden, Oat.
Pills. which Is no common now? 'There is no
'My attending physician." Mr. poetry in that tcucb, for it renders lito
1 Bond states, "said 1 was 111 the Imo iiil>:erabte. 1'ct how delghted is the
►core of rrllef when nn applic•ativa
The earnings of a successful Lon- i stages of Bright's t)iseat;e and (het g,r. '1'hoenar:' t:cicctric oil dricev pain
don beauty doctor run easily into there was no hope for enc. I then army. '1't.cre is nothing equals it.
four figures. There is one lady who commenced to use 1)otkre Kidney
snakes sufficient income out of the fills and no other remedy. I used Old harmer (tending thrashing -
business to roe £1,1200 a year rent in all about twenty boxes when my machine, to applicant for.Job)-"leeer
for premises and keep a house in the doctor pronounced me quite well I (lone any 1 ashing?" Applic.n:t
vicinity of Hyde 1'rirk. Site charges have had to return of the trouble1iiiodc tly)chile1 ashy t10 father of sev-
enteenas much as ten g,1linens an operation, since."
and for merely manicuring„tho nails Bright's; Disease is Kidney Diseeso Burring Skin Dia -
half a guinea. Vivo atieist- In its werst form. Dutld's Kidn••y I'chinw,
nuts tire kept, in addition to o it They else a ter• curcd for Th)►ti-Flv�
book-keeper, a Indy 10 receive pat-
rons, and one young lady whose duty
it is to look after the advertising.
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only.
A hnndpnmo illustrated treatise, giv-
Ing fell dee:ra•tion c' l houmatDan and
Paralysis. with instructions for a com-
plete home cure, describing the most
surcersrnd Ueat alrut lea the world, re -
Pills always cure a tt_ ee commended by the Ministry and vudors-
easily cure milder forms , of Kidut v Co (stet -I tr. a Aggnew's Ointment re "1 by'
y medical men. 1 his highly In-
structive hook auras written by W. N.
Complaint. 1icvt's in 1 day, and cures 'Tctler, Ste t eerie, a gcat:counts who line ntntle n
-♦ idiom), Scald Ilend, Eczema, nate atudy of the o diseases The preface is
1by a graduate of the University of
Thu ling of the Iiellenes general- ber's itch, Ulcers, Blotches and all Nurtrhurg. .a(r•nd postnl to-dann1
ly spends some part of ea it 811111.11 •r eruptions of the skin. It is south- you will receive the book free -by re-
in a pleasant say. Ile turns farm- leg and quieting and acts like magic lt'r".--
Addresr.. 1''l VcrDrug Co., s•t
King tit . West, Pelmas
er, and works as hard as though Ile in the cure of all baby humors. 35c. -.-
wire a Inberer. 110 can pluuelt n -47 Mrs. 11.-"i nm told that you al.
field, cut nuc! bind (urn -111 short, low your husband to carry a Intel -
keep a farm going front start to lilt- A IIANI)SOME SOITVEN1lt. key." Mrs. (.i.: -"Yes, but it dols
ish. as well as though it were his Tho (lrrtnd Trunk Railway�tystc,n not fit the door. I just bet hint
1,15.o issued rt beautiful set of file,- carry 1t to humor him. Ile likes to
Mg cards which contain racy -two show it to his friends, niicl slake
yeses of scenes on their liars, rc• thein think ho is independent.
prv)ducel in half -tone engravings -0n --
illustration on the face of each card.tl'IvelseMclticaclcuyn of ilcurinirkle'a Anti-sC'nnsutnp-
g an
Tho stock of which the cards are and aric.tiagp iInflammctiorounghof tied lucngoldss,
11)8(10 is the best that can be obtain_ can he eetablished by hundreds of testi-
er) for the purpose, prepared by a moofonlasaelss. It from walla
sortsstands I and conditions
remelt• In
waterproof process by the well known these ailments and all affections of the
English firm of ((medal! le Sons, Lott- throat and lungs. It is highly rccnrn-
(Ion. The bucks curtain a handsome
design beautifully lithographed on
eight colors. The cards have gol,l
edges and urn neatly boxed. 'fhw
are for Fate by news agents on (,rand
Trunk trains, Hind at. the news stands ane to said he would give anything
and snake an bitpreeting souvenir net if he had toy voice. Be' the way,
only for one's home but to send Lt. what business dues he fellow?',
distant friends.
mended by medicine venders.
they know and appreciate its value o parlour why bas been In the '
a turati.u. Try ie.
-- been dragged front them by Smith
Miss 'Howler (w•110 sings) -'"That tine. (8 74) V,&4ter of pereit,
ge,tletlhnn who you Just introduced °t'. my lite to it. E.erytbiug
ants."- 44
rye aro appeintl one druggist et
In every town or village all over Clan
+ the sale at our reae.iles. We treat sea
j fully 11.,r e., collo. Sheep, Hogg
I'oultry, Young Cults with naval and
4. Our Free Advice and Coupon 8
ti will intere-,t you. Write for list
4.ties and 118trod a/r&t)y. t(,:1tack
�trale know too m.u,!, about the
animals aro station to.
o The V2Y58.8ASY SPZCI1LTY e0.,
+f 6.7,0 DUMAS ST., '10110N 1'0,
Remington Typew
Every m ••1.,1 of lleni'neten
hat been n 1.0.0,,. '110:3
Remington *satire.
THF. NEW Iluerate rep .
and sale:save of ell lion,:
Opn% Au years of capo:tenco
We will be 3331 to hive
o(t've and see the new to ate
lll•utr:ato4 bo,klet closer!.
fest ores. -
Rem+nJ;ton Typew
33 Atte:aide tt. L, Tana
eel) i' ra:YtwH
The fact that itnulo
in a day iA 11 :tierce •,
to the lazy luau.
Do not delay In gtttln
little folks. Mother tint
tern,- tar is a plcas:u,t .
1( you love your died
let it salter whcu a r:ut
al hand?
'There is some hope fo
knows that ho is a fool
keep the knowledge to-
'mentions eherene. brat 1
the ge trine...1'11•. 11 A 1; • It
has a t..• a l the last d ye. rv. I '
padasquiez,t: titan ally pian
The reputation of
won't to you much
aro looking for empl
Twitchy Cuticles and
The 14 poles Malt sick
rain or woman w !rose nisi'
dis.•v a can heft be g loured
"You have spurned me"" he CH''
bitterly: "i will go into the busy
world. I will fight and twin. My
r111 111C shall be known and tow riches
envied-" "Then, when you have
done that," she interrupted, "try m•1
hriend-"lie's an 0110i1)nr.1 -•
Sunlight Seep is better than other soaps,
Dot is beet wren used in the lianligat tray.
Rny Sunlight Seep aad (chow direction
Tho lightest of European frowns
le the State crown. of Great Britain.
which was tondo (mr (!tam Victoria.
Although it weighs only 2 lbs. 7
nes., its value is Tt1.500,0110. One
en, emotes sapphire carne from tho
signet of Edward the ('onfeesnr. in
the l'ope's treasure hou'e nre two
crowns which nre valued at $2.000••
110(1 one of them was the gift of
Napoleon to flus VII., and contains
the largest emerald 1n the world.
The other, the gift of Queen Bethel -
la of Spain to Pius iX., weighs 3
Tbs., and is worth $1,000,000.
Algernon -"You must not think,
dcnreat, that because you are rich
and I nm pont I am trying to mar-
ry you on acroln.t of your mo,4ey."
(lenevieve-"Whose are you after -
A1d W. Anker Simmons
oft --Thames town Ii* i ell
coulplishe,l a ro,nnrkab
the famous reach r f the'
Henley. I•;ug!nnd. He wad
cycled, rowed, and I hi n s
yards n11 un.b•r tight mil
Mr. Sii,nnons is 44 tears
teat, is all the more noted
Cash or Cure
11 Shiloh'. Ce.a1.
your Cold or Cough, lee
paid keit You w
the Cads.
11 it wasi t 8
sot be tele.
If tort have
2k. per baht.
-IS St7