HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-30, Page 1ki 1906--1907 ',We have jest corrected our label Sheets. Donn your label read 1906 40 19071 If it ebould and does not �ein and we will help right it. • ''tend to the matter now. la' 1 niter HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTEi The Auction Still He \Ve taint your bi11a give you a free ad in ter columns tvtikh it you pay for your bills THIRTY-THIRD YEAR -NO 1681 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 3Oth, 1905, JOHN WHITS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store is the place for Builders and those intending build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star LRV LTROU�IIINO We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. H AW K I NS & SON 1 1 • 16••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mme. ' Stock and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators " Prices satisfactory. Bring in your grain and load home with feed. GOBBLEDIGK ALFter. Centralia. your'* may Igg p' WE'RE (I`sp to p r SUIT t.r. • I ler• 61.;1?t':. SELLERS faetu: for ov.. du hsa which good.' i+ "A iLL •- u are Suit buyers. We make the you wear them out. We make as well as we can, so that they sot wear out soo.le.r than theyou •, Because. if they do, you'll go somewhere else for your Suit. And no one could blame 1 So much money ought to buy .,ch Suit worth. And Suit worth hionableness of fabric sty le It -finish -looks - dressyness - 3ngth of service. good a place as there is within to get all this and not pay too is W. Johns. We have been appointed sell ing agents for the Regina Precis. sion Watches. We have a com- plete stock of them. Anyone contemplating purchasing a watch will make no mistake by calling on us. We wilt explain the fine quality of this celebrated watch, RINGS We have reason to be proud of :gant Black and Blue our fine stock of rings. We have e nes is A, ; Suitings fo and $i • JOHNI lutur. hx,d r $15.Oo th fi t d play in this county fail to tempt anyone, future On the strength .of this statement the officials The Durham Cement C Locals. 0 Boy Wanted. -To learn tailoring. Apply to W. W. Taman. Mise Jennie Quancc' vii•:ted in Ail - sI Creis a few days this week. Mrs. Holloway, of Clinton, i3 vis- iting her daughter. jttrs. It. N. Rowe. Mrs. John Ilawkshaw and Miss Jean Hackshaw• are visiting rela- tives in London. Mr. 11. Spacktuan this week pur- chased Dr. Rollins' cafe and moved it to his stone on Tuesday. The fellowship tweeting in the Main street church will be '1 ell next Sunday morning at 10.15. Rev. Godwin k assisting Rev. .1. W. Andrews with the Evan;elist.io services at Centralia this week. Geo. Harlon end family. who have been in the Northwest, have return- ed Flo Exeter and will ,risks their home bete. Mr. Marton Inas leased his farm on shares. Messrs. 1'euhale and ford, who have been. in elle Northwest during the past .summer, Jutve returned .to Exeter for the winter. They have taken up land in the w-cstt and will return in the 'Trip;. At the second annual At Home of the undergraduates in medicine of the University of Toronto held tel Friday of hast week, Miss Nin- Carl- in; assisted in .t he program b! ren- derir. a solo. Miss Carling is a promising pupil of Mr. Schoch. The Miller day an Exeter woman. while making a social call on ono of her friends. overheard her frost dell one of the children. who was break- ing some eggs laid in !rye ozone days, to put them away, oo they; 'could be sold to ono of the stores. \Vo afton wondered how the ,teres managed to got "fresh" eggs. Sale of Work. -The 'public is invit- ed to a sale of work in •the Trivil,t Memorial School Hall. on Wednes- day. Dec. Gt h, from 4 to •l0 •p. m. There will be on title a v-nioty of rancy +and useful articles and ad as- sortment of bread, cakes, creast etc. Refreshments will be served. Ad- mission 10 cent's. The Ladies' Aid of Main street church met on Tuesday afternoon at the commodious residence of Mrs. T. Handford. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather a goodly number assembled, and a very pleas- ant meeting was held. Mrs. Johns, the president. was in the choir :end at the conclusion of the special busi- ness, a dainty lunch pas served by the presiding hostess. Mr. Archie Hicks sends the fol- lowing to his father, Mr. Stephen Hicks. and ,gives an idea of the _suc- cess those In the Northwest have had this year "\V. L. Fh;chcr,PofI lr Creek Ranch, has just completed tfrr ting, We think the threshers rep i.n- terestinz therefore we public .- Oats, 90(10 bushels, 85 bushels. s • Marley, 3000 bushels. 42 acre, 44 lbs.: bushels to the acre, 54 lbs. to the bushel: Spring wheat, 900 bushels. 40 bushels to eIre acre,"66lbs. to the bushel; rye, 500 bushels. 30 bushels to the acre." Sunny Alberta. Stockholders Are Being Asked to Give the Proposed Removal Considerable Thought In Exeter and vicinity there oro :t considerable number of stockhol- ders in the Durham Cement Com- pany, and the proposed removal of the plant from Durham Ives caused a stir apron; those leers holding stock and also throughout the whole Dominion. A few years ago a pro- moter for the company came to Exe- ter and the immediate vicinity, as- suring he people that looney invest- ed in this enterprise would firing larger dividends than anything heing promoted at that ttimc. ile spoke of the vast quantities of marl; to be socuted at Durham and that the supply was ueexhaustible or that it would last for at least fifty years. Wi'.h this ;larin; assurance and the pne•spectsof sharing in the largo div• idcrds to bo paid, he succeeded in sc- curing upwards of $ 100,000 from this vicinity. Tho mill was built and the company capitalized at a million of dollars, of which one-fourth, or $250,000 was appropriated by the pro- moters. This was Looked upon by the shareholders as a huge swindle. but upon an explanation by Mr. Cow - ham the "natter was allowed :to raft. The construction work went on and what was supposed to no the best marl cement mill in America, was put in operation. about 1,000 barrels a day being its capacity. The mill was in debt when it: was com- pleted and this had to bo paid out of the earnings. The destruction of a portion of the plant by lightning, inexperience of the w•otkmen, and other causes made the mill a profitless concent for a couple of years. The news of +this state of af- fairs was spread broadcast, and the tact that dividends were not forth- coming. caused the Stock to go down to 16c on the dollar. This year the mill has been a honey maker. At the beginning of 1905 there was an indebtedaeas of about $140,000 which }las been gradually reduced to *30.000 shoving that a large amount of business was done. Now is where ttho shoo vi•nohes• It is stetted that in face of this pros- perity the majority of the Board of Directors have a resolution on their hocks to move .the mill elsewhere. On this .natter WC have interviewed Mr. Joseph Cobbledick, of Exeter, Vise -President -'of The awnfinny. He tells us that Supt. 1•'arr, of the com- pany, a man who has had consider- able experience in cement enter- prises, at a meeting of the Ito•rrd some time este, advised that body that the supply of marl la almost exhausted but ptight•po•wsibly last (two years long- er. Mr. Farr stated •that \Vilder's Take, which was supposed to con- tain an inexhaustible supply wvas almost cleaned out, and displayed to tire hoard a chart of the lake show- ing where tes(M were made and where the dredge had worked. In some places the snarl showed up (cool, but in other places n vegetable deposit was found, which took as touch (ucl to purify as the clear marl. FI10111 ale Ic-Sts mode by hien and his experience, Mr. Farr cLaimeAl • able to give the and at prices so low which do not Hoard any roseate prospects for the 5.00. he was un The"'`."-- Merchant drain en th decided that A. MARCHAND statement facto as statedby Mr, i••arr be true, it would t,e wise (0 took of - Tailor Watchmaker, Jeweler. Optician. ter a new location, and experts were P. S. -Our holiday catalogue is now out to work to make 'testi in other tests wore made, 'Ile ,l Mad ,.....-. heart and ne"e"pr t Real Estate In all throe yrs Nerve NI! will over the tar range Limited. Oct,. write•; bl , heart lieu &- d"e to "c' a I ndas St. London Ilrart and "' ou a form t hat you want to c"n'in"e d" .,'•rit ofer our terns or sel- thry are the Ir fly: -We have (he most building "1"' net11orl of advortieain; and u• this ata: operty in Canada. Do you sufferer.." buy a farm or bestrews Price54)cent in any part of (Walled dl dealers or our lint. We have some Toronto Ont. Many AND TRUNK UN- tiny System K 1' We -y r. **Female t than 1hr) I.:INGh,l', 'Iccpl,- ale draocioa •4oittz I)ceenll•rr 9:h. to 1).'c- 1# and they re other Int h. then. IA With In, ming until Mond lv Ilccenstl'r bsve "far 1901. closely rot I that wh' annual winlrr fair 4 ante. leo. a cscellcut rxbihiti �f 1. ler goes nomen w • etc• Do no: f al to t,ce it. FAIR, 1:1'1:L1'11. tett line+ to Guelph leis Gr sn01 k from all direction.•. -e tick(•ts (tons J. J. KNIGHT. t Exeter. Depot ticket agent, J. i). McDONALP st K"' Uistrlt.t passenger agent. Toronto. O♦fi•TQ =`• a uses _s1M Inti iw AM1 et ready. Anyone wishing one kindly loo.tlhtiem. TI'c•se drop us a post card and we will be the marl analyzed by the Company's pleased to mail you one. chemist, but no delimits,. not ion ay to a removal was taken. a+_min After 1he trews .1►ad become pub• A CANADIAN CONCERN tic 11aa` 'Ire l;;nmprtny tni;irt al els(' whets, owing to ilhc surged lack of snarl, the council of Durham and others interested, took it upon them- selves' to investigate Alle matter, and sent out a comp illy to make Iror- tnzs. They wore refused an auger belonging to the company. but never- theless secured another one and went on nith their investigations, with such results that everyone, in Dur- ham is convinced that the works are teensy :►ccest of a sufficient quanti- That Concerns Canadians. THE EMPIR Accident & Surety Clmpiny BRAD OFFiCR.-Temple Building London. Ontario. ty of the raw nnalcnal of excellent Ac ident and Sickness lllslll'• quality to keep the mill runninj for ance and Guarantee ,,,,vrtiol t0 conic. BOfl(lln ►. An Exeter stockholder in an in - he � tcn•iew n•!AI-dill g the wetter sail�- he w:as averse to the removal of the No Better Proposition Any plant and cspresccd'.hintself that noit about ? 00.- OINI and t43uld 1V.t (le' moved and it A C,f1113111t111 LOII^,cl'll• I would INC a Ovicidal act to locate W.JOHNS,tipter. -.erne outer pilub2 vtatcd tlxtt fluent. �AVYLI • f ' i'"rc' i• n IM►sibility of 'lac plant I r, 1t: the .ptt•sellt Hone oil •1 p'yin; basis and some person or person; •1r^ During Recent Months lendeavoring deprecate the v+ante and proalpe ct' of the plant. w kill a Ti E of totenr '1111' official•, lit or- 'tomethin; roust be wrong. "The W11('1't'. slant Ito . 1 ht (d, (or at I(ttst it would be intended to ',save that inference) ,and could be purchased for a .;mall percentage of its original Caul,' and would pave the way for s.onte clog .to secure the plant at a small figure and continue the manufaoturo of cement, and prrsto, there would be marl in abun- dance. Ili+ reasoning in the matter should be given a ;rent deal of con- eidrral.ion. Newspaper reports from Durham are emphatic in statin; that there is an abundaanco of marl, not- withstanding t),o esscr:ions of Mr. Farr, and a telephone message from or of the Directors states that he confirms the newspaper reports. The stockholders here, sellout we terve interviewed are unanimous in (•xtresint their intention of hold- ing their stock and emphatically ob- ject to )laving the plant moved. They claim the price quoted for the stock is ry low that they in- tend hanging on Ito their holding preferiny to Lase all than to sell at a sacrifice, and even though the report of a scarci- ty of marl .bo true. which they do not believe, figure 'that tho divi- dends on t heir investment in two years should be more than the pre- sent figure quoted for stock. The directors of (the company are: Gilbert McKechnie, Durham; A. F. Maclaren, M. P. 'Stratford ; b. G. McKay, Woodstock ; Joseph Cob- bledick, Exeter; Valentine Ratz, M. P., Parkhill: J. T. Cline, Stratford and J. W. Soott. Listowel. The number of shareholders is about 1800. Mr. Cobbledick inlensls leaving to- morrow for Durham to attend a meet in, of the board of directors to be held next Monday. It is his in- tention t0 ;0 into the matter thoroughly, make borings himself, as he feels cotrfident there 'is an abundance of marl left. To the Editor of the Exeter Tina's. Dear Sir.-Itegarding the Durham mill (National Portland Gement Co.) I wish to say, I nm not in favor of moving the plant, as long ne it has sufficient marl around Durham. \\'e the directors, were told by our man - a Ser that there was not sufficient pearl in \Vilder's lake to last the trill more than :two years after this season. \Ve then instructed our hest men to make a thorough search around Durham to ascertain if there :IS more marl to be ,sot. Their port came. before :the Directors in writing and is still on ,filo to the ef- fect that 1 here was not any deposits of marl in paying quantities after we got through with \Vildcrs lake. With tide report lying on our table ee passed a resolution as follows: Whereas it has been shown that the marl supply is .ni'arly rxhaltsical 330 (Mein it in d he best interests of the Nalionol Portland Cement Co. to search for ,31re Lind a suitable lo- cation for the cement pliant where sufficient raw material cin he found." i o0 will understand that oar of our dircotors is a worthy citizen of Durham end was very much displeased \.it1' this report and wben it became known in Durham the town council (.111 honor to 'them/ did right. They appointed a com- mittee to invest i�zate for marl, and w\ ^ ,rr^ 1 old by I his committer) that t11('rc is marl 111 :abundance to Le hal to keep the mill runniu; for a life- time. and by the ways 1 am person- ally very glad there i= mart in e, . •1 abundance, hecau.c it has into ave the value of my stock in the com- pany to the extent of $8,000. The first riirectors meeting the' I attended was about ono year azo. You w\ ill remetnher 1 took the The anniversary services of the Main street Methodist church will 1>e• held on Sunday Dec. 3rd. The. cervices will be conduoted by itev. A. I.. Russell, M. A., 1.. L. 11., an cx- prccidcnt of the London Conference. C. .1. rink, tenor soloist, of Askin street Methodist church. LondM1, will aid the choir in the service of son;. A mass meeting of children parents and friends of the Sunday school will be held in !the :audience room .at 2.45 .p. tn. Addresses will be riven by Rev. Russell, Selo by C. .1. Pink and reading by Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon. it is beginning to look as though the G. T. It. is anticipating the C. P. R, to build its dir." through stere./ The other dray Ilse Division Freight. agent of the 0. T. it. interviewed e Bros. relative to a switch Harvey to their mill. Harvey Mos., had of- ten spoken to the G. T. iI. otticials it -eliding the matter but nothing. he Growing Vkd fl Wood6r!oI roioo tor JDv6: ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, 0 General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest Just Whtnk Of the difference in profits In raisin bushels of wheat on $10 raising 40 bushels of wheat on $10 tan , and 30 bushels of oats and 100 bushels of oats on CO land. Along the various lines of Pacific Railway, such yields as 100 bushels of oats, and 10 bush. and 00 bushels of barley per acre are frequently obtained. All that well ? If not, Why not go Where You Ca Its easy to own a farm, tha first crop pays for it. Write or c Pickard who is thoroughly posted on the situation. It may 1»( you. We have spent the whole of this secson travelling throu and have made a number of very desirable selections of farm tan aee now offering for sale at C. P. R. prices. We give Speculators 0 years in which to pay for lands. Settlers 10 years In which to pay for lands. R. E. PICKARD, General Selling Agent for C. P. R. Lands. Office at Residence, E CUT - R ATE FURNITURE � Having our Immense Show Rooms packed: and up-to-date furniture in every line, and in o room for some large shipments of goods now oat have decided to open the fall trade with a su Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all intendin to come and examine our goods and compare o fore placing their orders, as we intend cutting every article in our store lower than we have eve to do before. So don't fail to take advantage of 1 to buy furniture at prices never before known in 1 place of 1)r. Malloy after' his dcat11.1 more than a passing nolo- vac -11v- The debt on the plant 33 is then en their request. however, now the: .out art a 'I . to l not willing Id n ..,c i �NO,fH10 and the bank w ou 1 C. T. R. r � supply us any more oath to zo on switch provided the •town will pro - with 11e work without further se-� wide the right of way. The • ma •er emits. so my install It 1011 ceremony consisted in my signing with the rest of the directors our personal note* to the extent of $30,000. This was a hard dose but it had to be done to save the mitt from the auction - eves hammer. Now one ,yeir 1, t zone and i can confidently say that 1. ..1 ha, !wen referred 4o the Councl is being looked tile. At the service in the Epworth Learns. East evening, the tette, which 'vas a ntission•ary (.ne, woe taken by the W. M. 8. of .1:amen street church. Papers were riven ; y Mrs. Spsack- 1 man and Mrs. (Dr,) Anderson, a sol( every tnan on .the board has done hitt wvas sung by Mr•. Cobbledick, alar duty to the company, and this lsa+ a s^lection by Serer lethal, \Irr resulted in 1hr feet tbst wwc only o\ce Mani le read -1n interest in letter the ball' 1311,tM:rt instead of $140,11110 from Mi•'•a \V1zi , nt .lap an, nn•l -1 :end Iii plant has been kept up in number of items were given from (1113 tiro' class cotldilion, trerides sots'• im- X% .11!..11 Tower. Mrs. twerp, the provetur, t that bare been added ..1111 1„ •,i dent, look chane •afl'r the hes for, of which you have not ot'rnit►z ^xeroises I.y Mrs. Godwin. A heard, and 1 have no hesitance t p0grey wo'c of "Ianaks to those t:ak- • sayin; that with plenty or snarl to in; part closed very proal ilab'r keep rolo2, 11113 present nsan<t.zcnacnt meet ;oz. can pay overs stockholder a hand- Stanhov-Mchinzhtin-A verY prel- some dividend next year. 1 .ee stock t wedeln: was celebrated at St. is quo;cd at 10 cents osl ti ' dollar, y 1 wish to say 1 ran fin,' 1111)'r' for Alban's prol13ttrnl Cat )edr.al, Kert- or•', Ont ., on Thur'd sy, Nov. ire h, by Rev. Arthur A. Adapt•, when Ol- lie, )-onnre+t daughter of >ir. an 1 Mrs. J1-hn McLaughlin, of Exeter, w:aa married 10 .13mes Alfre•l titan- - l..y, of Winnl11'Z. Mr, and Mrs. \V001)11AM Stns:!'y eft for .their borne inlmed- lat^.ly after 117e ceremony and will -- rc>c^ :• tee Shctbroka Airco!, Win Doe's forret t1.e ,hot fowl Now CitRg, i pen their airiest a reception was given them by their friend'. Many lifts were presented the younz couple, amour which 3315 a hotel - some china cabinet by the fellow cm - r31 t, c who l.o ployct of Mr. titan. ). responsible po'ifion with Leslie (s,t'o. furniture manufaeturcrs, The 10011 ww.')I' Ind eon r• 1 t till i ions of the 1•:c^ler peopte go forth to .c•1r. :.nd it very low. ?1r.•. Stanley. the latter havinr been Mr'. John M' -t 1' Y. of \\'hien, born and oared here, and was •Jwa)•' spent Sunday v. it h 1.: r si• :erg Mrs. ore of 1 h' hi 'My ,respected young I 1 • A. Gunning. die' of our town. ROWE & ATKINS The Leading House Furnishers ar.d Funeral dir School concert friday night. Fred Pen hale, of Clinton, spout Sunday in town. Mr. Harrison, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mrs. D. Russell spent Sunday vis- iting relatives at Prospect Bill. Mist May Wood deft Wednesday morning to visit friends irr Londoa. Mr. John Wood e;hipped• a carload of cattle to (the old country Tuesday. Mr. Eli Snell left on Monday for Forest where he has recur •d (1 pa'i- tion. • 'Mand Harness, who ..=pent the pas( month visiting friends in Pert Hope returned home this week. Fred Gould, of 8eaforth, who was here attending the wedding of his sister, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Pete Robinson and son. of Forest, who visited Mr. Gould for few days returned home on Wednes- day- 1. I• Mrs. \V. .1. White :sn•l daughter zhtcr Olire, of Ottawa, were the !west., of Mrs. John White the forepart of t he week. itewv der to protect lttemselvel. to move it. if the pallors v. ill communecat(4 to cosine otbc r toci1k•n. In • that with me. %. ill (1tc enorrrroui inicrest1 at J. COnitLI•:IltcK Durham would be a11n0(t vtluelesj, lix13lcr. Nov. 27110, 1905. TORONTO, ONT. GRAND DENT) COR. YONOE It ALEXANDER STS Owing to the overflow of coot' \•: :u•) ut:nblc to truhlish 11.• poetry in nr•mary of Mos. Rhoda tirade, who dr d on Nov. 12th. Tar. poem is Melt v. r:. Vitt < !rd 1Ie 41411lw)r, Mrs. .13ne Taylor. d4Fervrs credit for the oble a maw �inwhiehit is . ;Mien, up. Mt -. NI. Gill has .Leola n oetnenl Iound,a1l and cellar under Lor rest urant. t HAP received TKN, FlrrtotS. Twl-:N• TY AND EVEN FIFTY TIMES A9 many calls for stenographers, bookkeepers. etc., s.i it had stud- ents gr. , UwtI1KdriaKtheFAme months Some of the salaries of- fered were from $11) a month to $1, 1O per annum. T1118 CLEARLY INDICATES TIIK BENT ((('1i0(11, FOR YOt'NO MEN AND WOMEN TO PAT- RONIZE, Enter now. Handsome catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 11iwe no equal as a prompt null positive cute for tick h'•a•taci" , 111- lirntstoss. constipation, pain in the side, aHyl all liver troubles. Cat let's I.it1le I.irer Pills. Try them. night, i) c. 4114 Foscrybaty et !come. '.1 -s Nellie Soila13r Fptat part of 1 e t neck rieitir.Y fr."nyl' in $teat- ford. Mr. amt Mr'. Tho'.. Johm•lone scent Sunday.in Ft. Jl•'r}s. Al (1.e Bene of v.titir.g Nsut L.. A It is time t your poultry. Dressed Poul except Saturd or cash given i and see us be( Try our Coffee at Our 25 is a cr We will gi in trade for dried apples. Beave Strictly One Just received a large assor Xcut Saws an Saws from $3.00 Axes from 75c up. See our gua Complete with !tinges and Latch HIGH GRADE READY MIXED CLEARING OU 21 only ipts. Jewel Ready Mixed 12 " 1 pts. " " 54 1 qts. 22 - gals. 64 46 64 46 66 46 66 46 1 `6 4qt. Ice Cream Frees HEAMANS H And Stove Samson Portland Cement on h