HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-23, Page 8B3IBER 23rd, 1908. WART'S Seasonable Specials ,dins Black i3toad Cloth Cape, targe storm collar, nicely mined with braid and stitching. dies Fine Black Cloth Cape, trimmed with fancy black aid and strapping. dies Fine Kersey Cloth Cape, a beauty, trimmed with silk tpl+ing and satin cording. dies Lovely Black Kersey Cloth Cape, fine corded silk muting and stitching, yes this is a swell line :dies Black Cloth Cape, fur collar and lined throughout th Kaluga fur :die 'flack Beaver Cape, black thibbett fur collar and ed throughout with Australian baby coon fur. dies Black Silk Brochie Cape, thibbett fur collar and Tined 'oughout with grey squirrel fur. dies Black Kersey Cloth Cape, thibbett collar and fronts, d throughout with best baby coon fur. Ladies Long Genuine Sable Neck Ruff, trimmed with )uinc sable tails, a real bargain. our Choicest Real Sable Neck Ruff, trimmed with four sters of real sable tails, we believe these are the best ruffs :xeter. r5, $8.5o and •$12 00 for four very choice lines of real man Mink Neck Ruff.;, good lookers and good wearers. t5 and tfo.00 for a swell range of choicest American Ile Neck Ruffs, yes. they are beauties. Do, $4.50 and $5 co for a swell range of Boy's New :rcoats, nice mid and dark tweed effects, new belted ks, tong full Mints) styles, the boys all want them. We are big buyers of good dried apples. We take all farm produce salve as cash. .A- STEWART ve the best h ever offer- or boys size. rut one move as we have lited number. TION, e Licenses. y to look, we Vou. to buy, e , SO will =ORDER th style, to fit, ou pay more ble prices. man I tons. P111 lorety Company ,-Temple Building i, Ontario. k,oident,! Sickness I ng InsuranceI by any com- b, if any, as good. I to 'show you a I 1 id bond. TV ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tueeday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, NOV. 23rd, 1903. •••••••••••••••••••••••• N • • LOCALS i •••••••• ••••••••.s See Mara's, London nd. on pao 4. Mr. S. hardy visited friends in Zurich last tt eek. Queen Alexandra wi11 celebrate her birthday Dec. 1. William Wilson spent 'the latter part of knit week in London. Mr. L. II. Dickson ret urned Friday from Renfrew, where he was called owin; to the .death of his father. Itev. John Graham. of London, will prcnch the rtnniverteary services in the James street - church on Dec. 10th. • In 1906 there will be five eclipse; throe of the sun and two of the moon. The colil>ses of the sun will be invinable in America. Dr. A. F. Malloy loaves ,to-ni;ht for n weeks' visit in Toronto. bur- in; his absence his pr.acti.so will be looked after by 1)r. Hollins. On the recount of votes in HintRiver, It. A. Wallace, Liberal is de- clared elected by six votes. This means that only one Conservative is eleoted in Alberta. Geo. Balden, of Osnabrook, N. D., formerly of Exeter, in renetvin; his subscription to the Times Frays: "En- closed find money rto fury for tate Times until Jany. 1)7. Keep on send - in; it, we can't do without: it. • Mr. Art Wood of the Sorereign been Bank staff, London, has ap- pointed secretary of the London foot ball club. Art et nn cut hu+fay. tic admirer of the ;arae, and will see that his team will not want ttfr• rooters. Salo of 'work -'Tire public is in 1 cd to a sale of [work in 'the Trivi Memorial School Hall, on Wcdnes day, Dec. 6th, dnonl 4 to 10 p. m. Them will be on sale u variety of fancy and useful articles and an as• sorlment nt bread, cakes create, et• Hefreehmeatts is ill be served. Al ,fission 10 cents. .lunicieal nominatio:1 day this year will be held on Friday, Decem- ber 22, instead of as usual on the last Monday in It he month. w cls this year trtNieto to be Cori -'ins:, Day. The statute provides that when the Inst i1ondty in tee moat is Christmas, nominations shall take place the preceeding Pre! ry, but election day will be on Monday just the t•.anie, althoueh it is New Year's Day. Rev. A. K. (]irks, of Seeforth, preached two very interestinz ser- mons in t he ,lanes street Methodist church on Sunday last in laici..r- terest of the Superannuation fund Rev. Goitre tali in; his %%fork at &ea• fort h. Next Sunday nutmeat; [the lice. 11. J. Fair, of Elitnville, will oc- cupy the pulpit and the Pastor in the evcnin;. Mr. and Mrs. T .11 .McCallum on- tcrtained the choir of the Main ►:t. Met hndist church East Frit ty even - in! iehence-of Mr ,.a net firs. [Gurney. eho arc leavine for the West. Mr. Gurney was presentee! with n RiftRift,of cuff links and Mrs. Gurney ssith a souvenir of Exeter. On Monday af- le'rI,oen the Women's institute :.ave an at home at Mrs. (Dr.) Amos in hotter of Mrs. Gurney. Dr. nutlet.. London, will be at the Central Bole!, Exeter, on Thursday December 28th. 1903, all day for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses ik (.ouoern. supplied. DR. OVENS, London. Sur ;eon. EYE. EAR. NOSE and THROAT.Fits Exete. ldal Hotel. Exeter.. Next visit Sat• Glasses properly. Office. Commer- 1 urd:ty. December 16th. i TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Lam Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- . lets, All druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to sure. F. W. Grove's signature is on caeh box. lye. Tb., children of Thom. Elliott, of the [earth cn.uI are laid up with dip - 1 h :ri•r. Tlt- Su.:ai•LY Sch.'.l Asytci,ttiou Ix . :,routed permission from the Council to vet, the librury medias; mom for the iteeruetion of •teachers in Sue - day settee, work. Clifford Stockman, who went to the London Is reit al a couple week 1 a;o. Buffet it Kit h dyplrrd fever, returned taus Saturd .y } 11h1 ;:eiat- ly iutpr wed and is !Lev les a fair two)- leo 1'.c'.very. Mr. 11. If(a i.er, swim 1:!!•1 Leen look - after property beton;ing to It. E. Pickard et Frobisher. Man.. dur• bre the past summer. returned home Saturday evening. Last. Ile- is very much pleased with d11.c country. The rate of taxation for t Vil- la:e of Exeter for 1905 is 19 [Hills on t he dollar, made up as follows: County rate 1 1-4; ;hallway and Town Hall debentures3; Villaee pur- poses 10; School purpo'-es 4 3•4. Mr. Donald Mclnnis, of Exeter, of the firm of Iticl::u•ttson & McInnis, Sea forth. has teturrtc•d from 1 Le Northwest where he has spent most of the summer and where lw has in- vested oorsiderablc of his surplu. cash. Some of the adjoinin- town.~ are compl•ainin; about the muddy con- dition of thrix• -tree:S. if their street Cotautissiorers were only as attentive to their duties as our Commissioner they would 'have no reason for complaint. There are several ,;enticuten in ill totwn %who :uc expert curlers, and tlorou;hly enjoy it, while there are others who would like to learn. Ev- ery town has a curline- club. It is a rood exercise and isc should have one in Exeter. East Lynne was presented ie the Gidley Opera house Wednesday evcnin_ of last week. Owin; to the disagreeable weather the atten- dance %t as not very lar;e. The com- pany is a well balanced one. The different parts were very eel( taken. R':: are in receipt of n copy of the Dunnville Gazette, edited rand pub- lish d by Hobt. \Vhtite. The older boys will remember Bob, 11;11'1113 many jimes watched him exercise his muscle on the old \Washin;ton heal press Burin; t he ,early t'nys of 1 he Tittles . The limits of several military com- nuutds and districts in Ontario have been divided as follows: 'Military district ,No. 1, counties of Essex, Kent, Lan,bton, Elein, liiddlescx, Ox - Kent, Lambton, Elzin, Middlesex, Oxford. \Water leo. \Wcllineton, Perth, IIuron and Bruce. The County Council will hold tt•elr December merlin; in Brussels this year, the Council of that. bur ; 1'av• in; zranted the use of the council chamber. The. County Councillors twill l:e ;i yen the freedom of it he town and will also he elven the keys to the lockup. Mr. 1). It. Elliott, eholesate hard- ware ,;- tiler, St. Paul, Minn., was in Exeter last Friday, 11,s -in; called off here cnr.•utc to his home from \Washinetrr, where l;e attended a convention of the hardware mea. Mr. Elliot t Ic•:u-r.ert hi, t rad twit h t he late James Pickard, thirty years a;o. The remains of the .ate Wm. Jam- ieson were taken 4o Mount Forest Lest Thursday for interment. Rev. 'and Mrs. Martin :accompanied the remains. Services were held at the Manse before leavin; for the train, a lard number of citizens twine pre- sent to pay their last respects to the patrierchial ;cntlema',. Mr. W. J. Carlin,[; returned l'rictay from a irtuttine trip with a party of friends to Rainy River. The t►tr- ty was succeenful un Iia;;ing five deer and some of W. J's. friends tire enjoyine veniesoa steaks with his compliments. Mr. Carlin; says .there are steer in a111141.11ttce 1.,1'1110 counties where his party hunted. The anniversary services of •: he Main street Methodist church 'will be held on Sunday, Dec. 3rd. The .services will be e.onduoted by Rev. A. L. Russell, M. A., L. L. Il., an ex - resident of the London Conference. J. rink, 'tenor soloist, of Askin st met Met hrulist church, London, will :Lid the choir in 1tvt ecervice of sone. A mass meetinz of children, parents and friends of the Sunday school will be held in ,the audience room at 2.45 p. til. Addresses twill be riven by !tee. Russell, solo by C. J. ''ink and roadin; by Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon. The Clinton New Era says of a former resident of Exeter, aril who rraduatett from t he Tithes office: "Though not &finatcly settled it lrrtks as if Mr. Andrew l'ortcr is to become marsa;er of t he Sovereizn Dank at Tecstvater, ::n't %while every - batty in town will bo :lout .to know of his promotion, if such it proves to be, they will also Is' sorry that tha promotion involves les removal from town. He has been a resident of town for a number of years, a participant in its various activities, and contributin,( his share to its proxress and development. Before ;coin; into the banking business he had earned the good will and respect of the citizens by 1;4 affability and oorteous manner, :td tic can tor• dully .commend hila and his elfin). able wife to the ;n 1 people of Toes - eater." Mr. itobl. 'licks, %%ho recently flit- pose•d of his (business and privntc in- terests here, accompanied by his %vile leaves to-dey jor Montreal a n.1 wi:l visit relatives of Mrs. Iiicks there prior to leaven; for California, %%here they intend mokine their /u- ture home. Mr. llicks was .5 pro - duet of this (section, )►•awful •1►ccn born at Centralia where his .hrnt her nit -bard r:ow lives. Mr. (licks learn- ed the jewelry trade at Kincardine, anti Meer re;nainine there a few veers 5%4,11 to fort Elein where he 13, ,neh•etl nut in business for him- self. Tenet' he remained 12 years, cnmine to Exeter 22 years a;o, et. t.ablishin; the business whioh • he conducted until a few 5seeks az% %when be sold nut to Mr. A. Mar- chtnd, of ''ort Elfin. The climatic Conditions of this [vection treacly :rn- p•aircd Mr. lucks' health, and this coupled w it h n dew^ t.► Lr is it It his c161(1rnn are his reasons for Iuavine Exner and seekier It he sunny +:limes r -f ('alife'rnin, Small Fronts and Qu16k ReturiBaraaln Foy Thi8 ENABLES US TO SELL THE FOLLOWING LINES AT THE FOLLOWING CUT PRICES 35c WOOL HOSIERY for 2.ic Woutea's Wool Stockings mule of Pure Worsted Yarn. sizes 8i. 0, and 0; Special Zeta. 35c GLOVES for 25o 35c RIBBONS for 25c A special lot of sample gloves bought at a big discount, a big selection in Ladies' and Children:' all sizes 23cta. Fine showing of shot. taffeta silk ribbon 4 inches wide suitable for neck wear all colors Special 2octs. 7:c DRESS GOODS for 53c 54 in. Hopsack Cloth in grey. brown and black, all pure wool, regular price 75c to clear at 53cts 350 FLANNELS for 25c 25c SATE ENS for 20c Celon flannel in pretty grey with black stripe, also grey with pink stripe, English make, warranted fast colors. correct for men's shirts Special 2act.a. 1 25 SATEEN UNDER- SKIRTS for $1.00 Art /lateens, fine soft make in blues, greens, reds, pinks, lovely patterns, correct for snaking comforters or cushions Special 20cts About 23 different styles to choose from lined and unlined some frilled others shir- red, best range we have ever shown Prices 11.00, $1,25, $1.50 and $2.00 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS for $1.00 50 pair white Flannelette Blankets 11/1 size pink or blue borders, good quality Clearing at $1.00 WO$2.75 Heavy Wool Wraps with fringe in grey OL WRAPS brown, black and fawn mixture, thick and for $2.00 warm Special $2.00 $8.00 About 30 Womens Cloth Jackets. good WOMEN'S JACKETS styles, every coat. lined, all lengths and for $3.50. sizes, regular prices $(1,00 to $8.00 [selling off at $3.50 SWELL & ROWE Market Repgrt.-The following the report of Exeter markets. co rested up to Nov. 23rd. Wheat, 78 to 82 cents ,per bust Wheat, 80 to 82 cents per bushel Oats, :34 to 36 cents per bushel. Barley, 43 to 45 cents per bush Peas, 60 to 65 cents a ou.shel. Shorts, $20 per ton. Bran, $16 per ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Ihatter, 20 cents a pound. E 3;s. 20 cents per dozen. Dried Apples 5 1-2 cents per lb. Onions, 60c. ter bushel. Clover seed $5 •to $6 a bus. Chicken, younz, 8c. per lb. Ducks, 9 cents per Ib. Geese, 8 cents per )b. Turkeys, 13c per Ib. Coal, $6.75 a t.on. Ifo;s, $5.25, live wei;ht, ling.:, $7.00 dressed. Hay, $7 per ,ton. Potatoes, 75 cents ler bre. Mrs. Eliza Reid loft Tuesday lo London where she till retrain, luau in. eecurtal a til t ua t John Cann, isle, sins Ines uorkin itt the Northwest during. tee pas year, returned to Exelct• Saturday He will remain byre durinz ;the win t:r. QUJtLITY Is our aim in the manufacture of all our goods OUR STAR FLOUR Is a favorite wherever used. In its manufacture only the best 'ONTARIO and MANITOBA wheat is used If you are not getting good results from using other brands try STAR and you will know why it is growing in popularity. 10,000 bushels of wheat wanted. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers • EXETER, ONTARIO. Mr. F. nn'ri;ht, who fora number of ye -ars has conducted a bt tcktou n, FLouR shop o the nerts end of o 1 ensu, FEED has moved his business fuer, ,t he: ol.l Davis blacksmith shop. op.AND Mr. Thos. Handford is slmndin; n 9 fe(c%% days this week in Gedrrictt. Mr. W. E. Hustont)uc[went to f Thou. GR O OE R Monday for the remains a Thos. IES Hartnett, svho died 1lx•re on Sunday. The remains were buried in Zion cemetery. The Will Upheld. - On Thursday and Friday of .last week the t rine for>k pl;10,, at Godcrich to Itcs1 the validity of the will of 111(1.1:14e Jac-ob ha zier, of flay t. wnel,ip• The tel. tutor was a hi,rhly respected farmer and had attained 4 tsr a;c of 86 yearn but had never lied his will, made un- til about a month prior to his death which took place on Marcell 711: last. In it he ;directed 1 hat his estate[ should be divided equally :tenor[; his children except Mrs. Caroline Jen - tette, of Detroit, [whom he e_xclude_I because she had route years before es he claimed, marred a ;al tee his twi h. Mrs. Jenne( le eon! ested the twill on the trr>und asst her (outer east so ill :11 the limo the( he dial not understand ivhtctt he twos dein; atut t113 he acted wl►olly under, t he influence of members ;.t the Lundy and I he Perish Priest. She clainter' that lie toil erclx;atedly told her he [would have her a sluare, bort al- thou_i' other members 1.f the fam- ily had received a port Lots in his ilio[ imc, she itad received not Liner. She asserted that her fettlsr elm not want 'lo Drake a twill and probably [would rr.t Ng yin 410m so if he had been left alone. 11 lomat a1s', claimed that tbe<+ trill was not properly, ex- ecuted. Mrs. ler,atetle to+ked t he Court to set the t% ill aside ami 5it•e her a sixth intets's, in the (•:rale. The a sc swat kcenty conte -ted by both sides ant listed 'two slays. All t he members; of i he family ([wore that tle•y laid in ter. way. even sue- zn'.ted the makinr of the will and it was cictr-ly established that the cee.eyman, helm a stranger Ca the Ire ulity twos innocent of t he char"' of undue influence. The Ilo:a. R. F. tut hurl antl, le. C., of Windsor, st,cak- rr of the House of Commons, ,ably reeducted the ease for nlrs. ,lennette ae•1 'treed her claims upon the In addition to a full stock of Flour, Feed and Groceries, we have on hand some first class Timothy Seed, the best to be had. We have also a supply of the cheapest and best Stock Food. Produce taken In ExGhanUc. • For the next week we are going to gig. some very special bargains in Furs and Over coats. This will be a chance for you to get one CHEAP. We are going to make ther hum. FURS Ladies' Dog Coats, good curl, nice and glossy $30 and $ Ladies' Greenland Seal Coats, the best coat on the lnarke we are the sole sellers, $45. Ladies' Neck Ruffs, Beauties at 3, 5, and $7 ; Better at 12, and $20. Men's Dog Coats, we sell the best, at $2o Men's Calf Coats, we have them for 25 and $28 Men's Black Curl Coats, for only $12.5o Children's Grey Iamb Furs, Best Quality, Examine then. FUR C 4PS- In Dog, Persian Lamb, Seal and Beaver. OVERCOATS For a good stylish Gents or Little Gents Overcoat, you don't have to pass us. We have them of the very latest design and newest patterns at low prices -Men's at 7, 8, lo, $13 -Boy's at 3, 4, 5 and $6. A few odd lines of Overcoats suitable for working coats for 2 and $3. A few more of those Hose at 15c per pr. CARL=N'a- EROS. •••••NNN••NNNN••••••N•••NNNHNNN•NN• DESIRABLE FURNITURE At Tempting Prices. This month we offer a few Attractive Specials in Furniture. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dress and Stand, with large British Bevel Plate ' Mirror, Regular price $35.00 ; sale price. complete, $32.00 /fSolid Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard. with British Bevel Plate Mirror, two small and one large drawers, Large size cupboard. regular price $32 ; • sale price $30.00, y solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Table, full extension, regular price, $22.00 sale price $20.00. tSolid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Chairs, leather seats. one arm and eve small chairs. Regular price $r9.00 : sale price $s 6.3o. I W, C. HUSTON, •••••••••••••••••v••••+.•••••••••••Funeral •N•1•NNtoONN SAVING IS A HABIT One of the most profitable habits you can form, start now. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. INTEREST PAID 4 Times a Year. n Rank of OanadSovereig CREDITON, DASH WOOD, ZURICK, HENSALL BXEETE,R BRf NGti JOSEPH SNELL, GLADMAN & STANBUR' MANAGER, SOLICITORS. BIG CUT ON PRICES OF OVERCOA T ALL OUR OVERCOAn MIL and $12.00 Overcoats for S. HARDY & SON ($10.00 19.00 8.00 1 7.50 6.00 5.50 3.75 GUARD AGAINST COLDS Colds lead 011 to lonsilitis, (onsilit:j te impairment et the lines, -int im- pairment of the tunes to tht: rno:t dreadful disease i)EADLY CONSUMPTION it's easy to cure a colts, harder to cure tonsiliti' and it takes a T.tiricle to cure consumption. Get our tooth mixture eel keep it on hand. lud;c, hale Mr. ,1. G. Sou rahur}, of I I tont bibles up it will save expense. Eseter, vas Counsel for the Exccu• 23c a bottle tors. atelentent t%a : river) in favor W, S. HOWEY, Phm. B. of the I':xe•etltors e it hilt ,tests a t LiItst tier.. Jcnnet te. Chemist and Optician. Exeter, Ont Ayer's Pilis Vegetablc,livcr pills. That la what they are. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick -headache. +•::,stilt : Wast goat maatacbe tx. beard f 1,p Itrews *1' black? use BUas io CKINGHAM'S DYE '4 44 '' 44 '' &c., &c., &c., &c. We do not want one overcoat 1e( JANUARY 'est., 1906. 25 per cent off on all our Men's and b Suits. COME TO US FOR CLOTHING. All Accounts due us must paid by DECEMBER 1st, 19 TERMS: -Produce or Cash. 10 GOODS GIVEN 01 APPROBATION. 10 G0003 TAKEN BACK NII. PORCH 64 '4 64 4' 14 Poplestone & Gardint One door north of PostOffice.