HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-23, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER 23rd 1905. COMMEND n News!The SurroundsTIE DISCOVI3RI3R Of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, the Items of Interest Here and There Furnished O•reat Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. By Our Correspondents. Iycerine Jelly GRATED) ND pilose Cream DR or Irritable skin, ±is, Face and Lips, ;urns and all the ions of the skin :er. CItEl)ITON 1?v: ry:)oly in Crediton knows Mr. Smote, Brown, one of its staunchest b ass IQSs men. in fact, he es well known anal favorably too, in 'the ;meter portion of Western Ontario. Ile is a self nettle roan Lavine' start- ed at the bottom of the Tedder. and steadily climbed uetil vow lie is owner of a business, 'which enjoys it p11 r,ona 2C equal .to some of the pr.'t?tit iaus city ,'roes. His first ex- pericn t in his, businees career was • I when he Cage;ed as clerk wine' An- drew Walker. is Centralia. After a time he cline ko Credi•tiea .o clerk for Drown, \Vu^rth & Co., and nein; endowed with a thriftiness so char- acteristic of the Cerm.en people. he telt,, Mr. D. Heider bou;ht .out: the (iru, of Mown, \Vuerth & Co.. the name of the new firm Lein; I(rown & It(•it.e-. Sonne time afterward Rel - der dieposcd of his interests to W. L. Seibert. %the Iter sold nut to J. Previte-. of Zurich, who had boon a clerk in th' :store. This was in 1894. The row firs;, city ' 1 in .on an increased scale, ey eet,ablishin; p7 NOVEMBER, 1905 1 breech in Zurich. Mr. Preeter Ic_•kin; after the Zurich ' more, �mn s Store FREE IN GUARANTEED. r Times t` 5 12 19 28 6 13 21) 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 232 2') 2 9 18 2 30 $ 10 17 24 ' 4 11_18 25 V. 23rd, 1903. OOMMENT issued for t he tions to be held on • • • rdy, of the Mutual must feel toug.h. D.000 has been cut It •• • look place ,yei- to our =oink to ernoon we can - ,this week. The North York, Lambton and • • of the Alberta 'chows the Iol- appoiatments public 'works, J. leputy minister of Harcourt, Edmon- r att.orncy--;c-teral en Ken.letty Mc - clerk of the . John Kennedy We Mr. .1. T. P't been appointed of Alberta, is a -flu rie, ex -M. P. • • mat) (tarns, es - with the ad - town. Many 'ten up by elle and Iron) it d to believe burg* 071 the 'tin; ''the joices t lett it tote. It ret' of t ho an. instead before tho connect ion quircnient 1. Jud ring ber towns not make nt hs n ro ho by -Ino o purchase t of this Iliovin; it f the coun- w•n light:n; a been run the direc- t week t he le of the water end fibrously in otter basis s the nrt- mrnission (1 of the thin; all suddenly the water a1 tent ion r tomake s the game ?The fad will be end a :reel tt•lI 1.. the rienre. -- Set- S on Ayer's tore color to every time. f and It never ork. It stops MIT. S. BROWN - while Mr. Brown remained in Crediton. In lett 7Le firm dissolv- ed partner hip, Mr. firo++'1 becomin; sole c.w1:•.•r of the Crediton store and Mr. Potato the Zurich store. ely his honorable t:1 tl:nee with the ,pub- lic Mr. Br'own's ':u.incss rapidly in- crawled and to thee! ;he demands of his hinge end ;rowing trate ho was obli;ed !eel sprier Rr, enlarge and remodel Iris Lui!di71 . Mr. lirowu is n product of Ste- elton le let born ;ea t!r• et it conces- sion, one mile north of Crediton, in 1859. At that time t hre 'vas only one store in Crediton, conducted by John Perrone. In 1883 he was mar- ried to Miss eviller' and their happy union has been be•ss• 1 by 8 children. U 111 'iCrediton U r hr alleer to 7i int 1► taken an active interest in every - thin; pert:kinin; to tht• welfare ('f the villa se and has at various times leen appoint:•11 to quoit ions of trust. n•..:' of tt hi .h I:c has even betrayed. Mr. Brown is bi;hly res1rected and the cifiz(•i.'s of Crediton arc proud of hint. Mr. Art ;wicker was in Leadan for a few cloys It his week on business. The fol Cowin; pri;os are being paid here for the follow in; ('cosh: Alsike :?;1 to $5 (a bush •1 : eineethv $1.01) to $1.111; .Red Clover $5.75 to $0.50 Miss Martha Went ze1 i= s['ondin; a few w(:cks in Zurich t Le guest of Miss lk,r(t Silber. Mr. Geor,te Either epent Sunday ul Zurich. Messrs. Cleve McDonald and Ar- thur Wae; returned to their home at Lorter_pn on Saturday last. \11. Autust IM:ti•st is letvite; a new r..4 put on his barn. A corn htt. kin; bee was hold at Mr. I•.zt t llaist's oa Friday Lest. All r•1 yr:ed a ;.<r! time. W II t h('s 1:.a.oi.•,I our s4i -otin; club! Mr. 11. Felber ret urned Saturday from a humin; Irie) to Muskoka. Mr. Felber was nucceeeful in Lta;;ing t wo deer and venison Monks are flow brine passed around with lees camn- pliments. Game ii abun(lant lhii year and our M. 1'. P. reports a very enjoyable out int. The lance of Mr. John Treitz was the scene of :1 very- pretty we•ldin; yesterday aflerre...1 when his (1(tu;h- tet. Emma was married to Chas. F. Feltner. The bride was ;owned chartnintly in a beautiful weddin; dregs. The weddin; was a quiet one only the immediate t;elati -e* and friends loin; ['result. The youn z e Jul& 14 ill remain here for a fen seeks before ;cin; •o Killarney, 4771.. where they intend maki.l; t heir future home. The ['rescan reeeive.l stere (.le tette ',turps -leer; to lir. and Mrs. Feltner. and are •;restt- ly eppr:•:i trete Rev. ..lr. Dantries subject for next Sunday et•eninz +till be "Divine Ileti- ine and Modern Miracles. 1'hii is a ceetinu•stien of the services whie.l: Mr. Damns commenced a few weeks n;0. Mise. Mary Linzelbach and Miss Nickl'rs. of Eaet Gorra, are the ;ues!s of Mr, one Mrs. 1). Oestrei- ch•r. el r. Ezra tenet is weirini a 'noel simile tow -it is a dau;liter. Mr. Ind Mr:. Lows •111,1 their rem %lit r. Mrs. 11. !Tapley, spent Sunday at Grant 00 will \ars. tt. ('I irk and o: her friends. M rs. Thai. Wood. of Fore -'t. is visilinz her daughter. NI re C. Illus'. Dlr. Edward Amos, (4 Str:Ifore his leen etar ., 1 1•) fir. A. Ileeleir.< :s !Oleic -math. Mfr. Amon is a good ttorkrnen and %%11i ,give ;Cod wilts f:actien• Mr. It. 1.sery r•nterleincd a num- ber of friends (rntn Crediton and Exeter on \yeast' 1 I.1y °yenta; Lott. Miss Itoclio Finkbeiner has return- ed home after a pleasant visit with friends in Sarnia. While away Miss Finkbeiner was royally entertained by her sister and friends. The announcements are out for the inarr-axe of Mi,s Mary L. Geiser to Mr. Allan Strickler, on Thursday, November 30th. Those who attended the Methodist church on Sunday r•wcnia; Last list tenet' to ono of Mr. Andrew's best' s.ermons, his subject being "Witness- inz for Christ." Mr. \V. Finkbeiner tons the ,guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brock. of Exeter, on Sunday Last. Wanted. - 10,000 pound, of poultry. We wish to announce to the public that we arc now taking in poultry and can handle 10,000 pounds for which we will pay the highest market prices. We will also .pay the hi;hest prices for clover. alsike and timothy seed. See us before dispasin; of your 'seed. 8. Brown. Crediton. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. C. Zwicker ;awe their report on Monday even - in; of the Epworth League conven- tion which was 'held in London two weeks a to. Rev. J. \V. Andrews spent a few days in Parkhill last week. Messrs. Young. Ilnos. have the con- tract for putting in the furnace in Mr. Harry Bossenberry's new hotel :it Grand Bend. The regular meetin; of the Liter, ary- society which was held at the house of Mr. C. Beaver. on Friday everting last. Wta3 well attended. The following pro;ram was : Pi oto solo, Mrs. C. Zwicker ; reading, Miss Turner; 'weal solo, Mrs. H. Rapley ; paper on D.omlxy & Son, Mitis Attie Holtzmarut: Piano solo. Mrs. C. 11111(tt1 ; Reading. Miss Myrtle Clark ; vocal nee), Mr. Rollinson; paper on lion. Jas. Chamberlain, Mr. Ira Brown; weal solo. Mr. Herb Silber. Mention mi;ht be made of Miss Iioltzrninn's paper. We uuderstaal this wast her first attempt at pre - Lorin; 7 paper, anal 4he way she handled her 'subject 13 worthy- of note. The next regular meetin; of the society will be held on Friday of this week, at the home of Mr. S. Brown when there will be a debate on "Resolved thatCanada would the better as an independent state than it is at present." The debaters are Mr. 1(Itwtt, Mr. Banes, Mr. Lawson and Mr. Amos. Mr. Brown. Mr. Sil- ber. ELI M V 111.I.ie The friends of Mr. 11. ILtzolwooe will be sorry !to learn of +the death of his mother at Kirkton on Sunday nicht past. Mr. Ilazelw'ood is well known here, and will aaubtlese .have the syinpa1hy of 11tis re.ebborhoodi The death occurred in Clinton on Sunday of Mr. Hare:toll. The Io- wans were brou;ht do the home of his (tauehter, Mrs. ltowcliffe, an Monday eveninz. The funer•(l 4vok pl:toe yeStterday a flernoon, ,interment loin; at the Zion cemetery. Mr. :) el ![ run t was an old and respected citizen of Usborre, having worked •t farm al Whalen ;for a number of years. The deceased came to phis country at an early Cee rinsl' located in London. when the city was a mere hamlet. Ile was N3 years of nee. The dele;ales gave .their report;, of tate, convention held at Lon:lon, list Tuesday at our lea;ue fluorin!. Mr. Walker, of Kirkton; took the subjent for the lea.;ue on Tuesday e mine, Temperance bcin; the topic. A►.r.iversary services will be held at Zion on Sunday. Nov. 26. Rev. A. II. Goin;, of Exeter will pre.ich in the inornin; at 10 'o'clock and Rev. J. Veale, of leirklron, in elm evening at 7. . THE ROOT 01' NE('IRALGiC HEADACHE fs an irritable condition of the nerves caused by .cold. Relief comes quickly from Nervilinc, 4he ;real pain reliever of do -ley. "1 consider Nervilire n tna;icel reutcdy for neuralgia," writes Mrs. E. 0. Harris of IF.Itinlore. Ilut 1 never worry if Nerviline is in elle house. A few ap- plications never yet failed to kill the pain. 1 can also tecotnmt'nd Nervi - lire for stiffness, rheum:Went and muscular pains." In ore nearly fif• ty years; try Serviette yourself. CLANI)EI(OYle On Wednesday of .last tw(•ck there permed 7w••ay her Mrs. 1•:1. Ward, at the age of 21. Mrs. Wird eel hith- ly resfrectcd and her husbaretOtte the synln3 iii; s of the ern ire cormorant y. Th' rennins were interred in Si. e:'ntetvey Saturday last. (eo. Scale, an ol'1 pioneer, :toe is feet was considered elle old0'tt mei- den( of t his meet i,'•1, p;1! 60(1 noway on Tuosrley of Inst week froth inlfirna- 1i(v ed oId nee. Thedemised ca o to this country when it ons a for - tot ana hes levee here ever mince. The remains were ir.lerre,l in St. James James Su 111111.ty last. Dssia YAeP is an indication that, the stomads and other are weak, or It. causes no and O1 acbss and pains and is most common where bolt, their meals and and worry as they do in this country. Hood sSarsapari la CASTO R IA cures dyspepsia -it bas " magicto- uch in this disease. sod /sr roLkzeirds.Lowtittaies. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine Itas such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Fallingg and Displacement of the Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. It has cured more cases of Backache and Lencornccea than any other rem- edy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such eases. It dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of de- velopment. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debil- ity quickly yield to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight and backache, in- stantly relieyed and permanently cured by Rause. Under all circumstances it invigorates the female system, and is as harmless as water. It quickly removes that Bearing -down Feeling, extreme lasaitnde, "don't Care" and "want -to -be -left -alone" feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous- ness, Dizziness, Faintness. sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the "blues" and headache. These are sure indications of Femalc Weakness, or some de- rangement of the Uterus, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaints and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want -a cure. Sold be Druggists everywhere. Refuse all substitutes. CROMARTY BAYFIELD Rev. Mr. Cranston (preached an• nivcrsary sermons in Zion on Sun- day lest. Mrs. Wm. Carruthers, nee Mist Minnie Spear°, of Vancouver, British Columbia, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. \Vnr. Butler. Miss S. Calloway, who has t.,7u;lit successfully for the past year tit) iarn left on Monday for Port Bur- well. Mrs. \\'illianao, of Sectforlh, was tho guest of Mrs. Little List week. blaster Cleave Erwin, who Inas been en;a;ed with Mr. Sprott, of Tuckorsmitl( hie past sununer re- turned to town on Saturday. Mr. It. 11i;tart, of Clinton, spent Sunday with his brother Mr. John Ili;;art. Air. Jas. At wool, who hag. been In Clinton the pest month returned Mrs. John McLeod, who hat been visit.in; her husband, who is enraged in fishing at )'ort Burwell, returned home last week. Mr. James Thompson, who has boon vcu•y sick for the ,past few weeks, wo are ,;Lad to say is out a;a in. Mr. Jas. Stur;oon and sore Will - school section No. 6, has resigned with the intention of Lakin; a sellout nearer home. Mis3 M. Davie has been cnea;ed to fill the vacancy. The kite Miss Butler. -The death of Miss Sadie flutter, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butler, on Sunday ltac.t has East a Bloom over this entire community. The deceas- ed lied been ill a little over a week ttitit typhoid fever. Miss Butler tots one of elle most popular and CS(00 wed your'; ladic3 in this din- horse on Saturday. trict. She 10•13 a mernber,of Staffe---f--- Metht'dist church and also of the SHARON choir ante Epworth Lot;uo and i(ad The free:miter para;raph refers to been to church the Sunday previous ll,0 death .of Mr. Ger. Weekly. (ro- to her illness. The funeral +was ther of Mrs .NrLnn ht+tllu, of Iles very Jar rely attended on Tuctatity. p1aoe. The sympathy of ,ibis com- Itev. and Mrs. Cranston attcnaed triunity is 'extended tee Mrs. Keeler the (uneril of Mrs. Craneton's in her bereavement : "Dished from erondfa1her, William Jamieson, nt the top of the tower o1 Otte new Ar- Exelcr last Thursday. mory buildir.t tie .tiro ;round below, a distance of 70 feel, G(ion;t5 Weakly, a mason oonlna.otor, mot an :»+Tui death on Salurt!.ly afl(•rreon. Nov. 18. 1'h- eocidcnt was oiueol by a derrick ...Repine' from its support, (17111n! and strike)! M h nl:,.t ns Jac. str,A an the Miele seiffola. Ile alizhlyd u.t a pilo ed bricks anal Las killed instnnlaneously. tic was 45 year' of are, and Wives .1 wife :an:l fancily. An inquest eel be he!•1 to dclormine the reeponsibility for the fatality. lit SSEL1),11,1: (Too late for last week.) Mr. Devil McNichol ,of Farquhar, was a pleasant roller at our bur; on Friday. `.list Jean McGill, of Toronto, and Miss Joan Ilalfc►ur. of Wolsely. Ansa. visi toil at M r. 3114 Mrs. Thos. Iia n • son's L:.st week. Mrs. C. Schcllen!'creer i+ vi'silin; friends in Tavistock end Stratford this week. Mrs. A. Morrison end daughter Gldys, of Atwood, rclurned home 00 Monday after spcndi.t; a few days with leer parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Goo. Mellvllle. Miss Aerie )[art oleo Mies Jean 11:t1(our and her aunt, Mra. .1ul.n I(Ianchird, of Fullerton, 'tore wisi- tots at retool !totter lest week. Archie Iio'I;ern, of C'hise(lturit, specte Sunday under the pares111 roif. miss latsof Gone of mtliirn, ••e. n 1 Sur.dey with Mt. and Mrs. A. Hee- eel t . l ,- Sent. HER SKIN \VAS YELLOW •1 hid only tte try .Dr. Hamilton's fills to eppreciet0 their merit" writes Miss Annie S. liryee, of \\ cod - stuck. "My ey.lem w::s :,ut of or- der. My elo(►.1 44 5t. k tr..I thin. i lied a. r :sly, ,1171 ::y r •.lntdezton. 'ly `kit: wee hire) me ti y. The first box of Dr. ll:inilton's tee- med!. a c•omI;lete chime. l felt bet ter at once. healthy teeter (same in- t:) my face. In al. u1 three week 1 was cured." Dr. Ilnmileon's )'ills effect nn easy cure. Try these .;Doti eels, 25e. per l' -x, er five boxes for e1 00 :at all (leasers. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Aiways Bought Bears tho Signature of Ryrie " Steady Flow" Fountain Pen Our St.00 hountain Pen is a popularly favored specialty at Diamond Hall's enlarged Stationery De- partment. The point is of finely finished solid telt gold with iridium tip. The name "Steady Flow" is accurately descriptive, and the pen is guaranteed for a year. Larger sizes $a.00 and $2.so. Samples of note paper, embossing and engraving are gladly sent on request. RVLIE 81205. LIMITED 13.1.138 VONOB ST. TORONTO . ONT. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••• Choosing Christmas Gifts. LONDON GROGKERY GO.. 169 Dundas St.. London. -�� Make such an important event easy and pleasant for you, we are in a position to make your purse go far enough so that you can re- member all your friends, we can please you in every line we carry, we save you money on each line you purchase and you have the opportun- ity of selecting your gifts from a Magnificent New Stock, we show the newest decorations, the daintiest productions of the famous china factories of England, France, Germany, Austria, Bavaria and Japan. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, make a nice Gift. Do you know we carry 200 Different Lines of this. "That's why it's easy to make your selection TEA SETS, 4o and -44 piece sets, in all the leading makes you should see the New Decorations and Dainty Thin • •China from $5.00 up. DINNER SETS, our splendid assortment is not equalled i•anywhere else, always new and quality of the Best, and Z we carry, 12 differ4ent Stock Patterns, the best makers Igoods, whereby you are enabled to make up your own 2sized set and add to it at any time. See our Sets for $ro.00. Z CHRISTMAS TABLE AND ART CHINA, in an immense i assortment of Salad Bowls, Berry Sets, Celery Trays, Z Chocolate Pots, Biscuit Jars, Sugar and Cream Sets, Tea- : pots, Plates, Cake Plates, Chop Plates, Cups and Saucers, I Vases, Fern Pots, Etc, Come and see the new things in china, you will miss it if you do not. . St.. London. Z• ♦ WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of $10.00 or over. • ♦♦♦•♦••••♦•••♦•••♦♦•♦•••♦•N♦♦♦♦•••••♦♦••••♦♦♦••♦ here." i LONDON GROGKERY GO 1(69 Grandes • •t , is • 2 •. i •' • •♦♦♦••♦♦••♦♦••♦♦••••♦••••♦••••♦•••♦••••••••••••♦•••• • ► ARA'S Phone 1684. 134 Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane, Former Scl•eaton Premises. 1.10NDON, O TARIO EVERYTHING N E W READY•TO•WEAR DEPART- MENT REAR OR STORE. SKIRTS GALORE At Almost Cost of Material Tweed Walking Skirts, in fancy (f ects, tailored -made goods perfect fitting, Helena make. To clear at $1.99 Black Broadcloth Skirts, full sweep, silk trimmed, sizes 38 to 44; special i$2.4% Extraordinary Value:I Ladies Think Quick Walking skirts, tailor•nlade, in new shades of blue, blown and green, extra wide sweep and straps; regular $4 and $5 for $2.95 Shirt Waist Suits Shirt Waist mutts, made of chiffon brcadcloth. Helena stun- t'' pies, in browns, greens, blue and fumy combinations, , . gocd value at $12and $15.To cliiir(30suits only)at $7.95 99c -Underskirt Special -99c Mercerized Sateen Petticoats, in knife pleat frill, also dust frill, celebrated:B. & 8. Skirts; regular $1.25 for 99c Ladies, Keep Warm Extra [ifey Quality Mercerized Skirts, flannel lined; specialav$1.25 Bargain Tables 69 only Wrappers, made of heavy (duality Wrapperette, lined to waist and flounce, sizes 34 to 44. Yours fol 50c Messing Sacques, made of heavy (duality Wrapperette, fancy trimmed, all sizes (200 to s:e11). Yours for 49c MisseR' Tweed f•kirtis, in plain and fancy tweed effects, all sizes. To clear $1.25 and $1.50 Mail Orders Especially Attended to. •••••••••••N•♦♦••NN••••. ••♦••••♦••••••••••••••••N THE 1101.SONS BANK 1 (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • 53,000.000.00 RESERVE FUND ••• •••• ••• •••• 18 Drenches in Ontario, Quebec, Alt.erta Itritlxh Columbia and H inttoba EXETER BRANCH Open every ;Awful Day from 10 A. M. to 17 r. si. except tiaturd•y 10 A. M. 10 1 e. ae. Felrtttvsrts' Mato Note.' cashed or collected. Forms supplied On application. DitAFT$ on all point.' In the Dominion. (rest tenets) &ad Un• (red tears-, bought and road at lowest rates of exchange, MAVINL;iM [DEPARTMENT Dopositts o 11111.00 an.1 upwards received. interest com- pounded half )carley, and added 70 princfpal June 111411 and December Met. De• po.Ita Reeelpt. silo lasued and 6ighext current rate* of Interest Allow(d. Advareceso trade to (Ateliers etock dealers and business men at k.weat rates and on meet favorable terms. Agent. at Exeter for Dom. Government. Dloktson dI Cwrlln . Aolicitore. N. D. HURDON. Manager. N♦N• •N•••♦••