HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-23, Page 310.
;►••.{ .• :,e•.4":":•eC,:,.s..W.'►4.,:.{ ,.:".••:e, DYING BY INCHES.
4' Bloodless Girls Saved by Dr. Wil -
4• liams' Pink Pills.
Dying by inches -that is the only
t• : way to describe hundrttiw of blood-
INv‘<ftiei..:.e:.i..G0.4404444 testi girls who are slipping stool}
nut purely from simple anaemia into
. :tt decline. They drag thc'rnec•lves
!along with one foot in the grave
through those years of youth that
bhuuld bo the happiest in their lives.
f:Alai the ohule trouble lies in the
blood. )tad blood is the fountain-
head of all the trouble that afflicts
. woman from maturity to middle life.
iliad blood causes all the backaches
. an.i sideaches, all the paleness,
e brcatlilt ssrat•ss and despondency; all
Otho heart palpitation, sickly dizzy
turns and deathly fainting spells.
front fainting spells to cnusumptiun
is only a step. In nine calve out of
' test conr:urept ion starts from blood-
lehs+tear,-aiel the only sure cure for
Wwodlcl(snes is Ur. Will :wits' Pink
t ;Pills. They actually make new, rich,
Ired blood. that brings the retry glow
1of health to sallow cheek', and
strength to every part of the holy.
'This has h(eu provtel in thousands
lof cases. hiss France*: Peach. Wel-
iland, Ont., says: -"A couple of
'years ago ;os condition of health
war.: very serious. Doctors said that
11 had no blood -that it had turned
to water. 1 wan unfit to do any-
thing for nh)iths, and was little
more Ghats a living skeleton. I had
no nppet it e; the leant exertion
would (cave tic broatblaes. and I
had freuuent severe headaches. I
was•troated by several doctors, but
they failed to help me. and I was
completely discouraged. Then 1
was urger! to tithe Dr. Williutns'
l'ink fills, and in a few weeks found
my health improving. I used eight
Luxes in all, and was by that time
a : sin well and strong. I gained
twenty-two pounds in weight, and
neve telt Letter in my life."
\What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did
for Miss Peach they can (10 for every
other weak and ailing girl. Th;y
new •loot
is Mood. and new blood
make lie to
brings health, strength and happi-
ness. But. you roust he euro a o•I
have the genuine. pills with the full
mine, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pill fpr
Pale People," printed on the wrap
per around each .'sox, All dealers
sell these pills, or you can get. thein
by mail at 50 ants a box or six
Coxes for $2.50, by writing The lir.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville.
Salt hits bealint. end health -giving
prop,"rt es, both taken internally and
us an outward upplicati. n. The .01
sacs soul strengthening qualities u
Ica baths are well known. Fisher
folk trill tell you that to drink a
little s a water ttcry day tot a
week or lugger is an unfailing cure
fur indigestion. People who ar
too delicate to stand the invigorat
lug cold piunge of sra bathing are
often recommended by their physici
ans to take warn) sea limits. Old
aures, having Ineg defied treatment
knee been cured by c,,nstant bathing
in sea water, which is very good fat
the skin and complexion, especially
if 1t he a skin with a naturally mit
rather than eon alkaline tend'ncy.
Balt dissolved in milk and applied
to the face with n soft rag, sifter
witching in soft hutwater, nightly
for a week or so, imports a velvety
sot(rlc's'v to the complexion. Salt
water is also a good lotion for tho
scalp, as it is the most efficacious,
though simplest, remedy known for
falling hair. A solution of salt and
water is also good for bathing sore
If one has taken too much pelt, ei-
ther tnedicinally or in food highly
seasoned enough to make one unple-
asantly thirsty, a little acid, either
in the form of lemonade or vinegar
and water. will speedily remove the
A hag of hot snit applied to the
fare fir aIle. led partis a great, re-
lief in neuralgia. Applied to a cut
liup'r, salt, though it [Hakes it
smart very much lit the time, will
beat the smelt quicker than anything
Honest manual work, even of the
*amnion, everyday sort, has in it
the power to drive away worry. 'Phe
woman who works with her hands
at housework, day after day, may
cot appreciate the blessings of kg
bard task, but the blessing is there,
and the average of "nerves" is far
loner among Gime who plan and
think and have the social burden to
hear. If the lady whose time is
full of social engagements, and tvlto
is distressed over the servant ques-
tion. would sometime go into the
kitchen and cook, would got down
on her kneos and scrub. she aright
thereui:on taste the joys of the sim-
ple life, and she might be surprised
to find how soon, under the benign
influence of work, the problems of
life would grow less complicated. An
Lour of work each day, gook) hard
work that clears the brain and
heaves no room for worry, tnny
prove n saving of lime mai of
strength for the woman of affnirs,
for it will hrettk the monotony of
the intellectual strain and make
life brighter and easier in every
There are time.; when work alone
San correct. the harm of "overwork"
and Uverworrv. The pri'ncipio Is
most clearly appreciated when we
realize that the great inajo,"ity of
servous invalids have never over-
worked at all.
Influenza, in its recent. land slight-
er) manifestations, says Lr. Ovcrend
In the Lancet. has involved little or
in rise in temperature.
'ro those who may be suffering
from this sickness, and who may
bo disposed at its first onset to fly
to eucalyptus for relief. a warning
printed in the same number of the
Lancet, may be of value. The ward-
ing also applies to those who use
eucalyptus as a domestic rcmexly for
"It is very probable," says the
?.nncet, "thnt too largo n dose is
usually taken by tease who employ
tt as n tlomestic remedy, the custom
being to f;nturate a lump 1:1 huger
with the oil."
A recent reference to n (ase of
acute poisoning by eucalyptus is
mentioned; and the opinion of Sir
Lauder Brunton on the tonic pro-
perties of the oil are quoted. "In
large doses," pays the famous physi-
cian, "otter absorption it appears to
act chiefly on the nerve centres, pro-
(lucieg paralysis and druth. . . . Its
depressing action on the spinal cord
Is so great ns to abolish reflex no-
tion, eve 11 when it has hero previ-
ously increased by brucine, sad from
depression of the 1•rnin, medulla and
heart, there is drowsiness, f,rble
reepirn1ion, lowered blood prrsrcure,
and fall of temperature. Death oc-
curs from paralysis of the respira-
'Phots who iter encelypti' are pro-
Hnf1y little nivnre of the terrors that
lie hidden in the oil.
The persistent ii ' of the muscular
[system is well calculated to relieve
OPr the brain and 'tervous system of tate
• tension. It Is also true !lint tennnnl
work pleases and satisfes the mind
when its results are good. All
this becomes clearer when wee rea-
lize holy vainly we may perk re-
li• f frau) nervous fatigue in physical
rest or even in recreations of the
onlinary sort. The quiet remit or
the quiet hillelde, so suggestive of
rest and pence, them nte. loo (furl
impotent in the preeente of cnrkinr;
rare. One reason for this failure is
that the brain and the body ere com-
monly not tired in whet is called
nervous exhaustion, but are only Ir-
ritnted, while the rense of fatigue
tt hi h is So tni4lcasling is merely the
result of that irritntien rind Inns he
termed n psychic fatigue. 1/nder these
rlrcumstnnree ft le easy to un(ter-
etned that It fs change. not flees... -
rarity physicnl rest, tthich I! so
Sorely needed
Looking through a peep -hole into
the padded room at Westminster
Workhouse, England, anti failing to
see a lunatic who has teen placed
there, an attendant maned Lewis en-
tered, end was immediately seized try
the madmen, who had been crouch-
ing- below the perp -holo. Lewis was
caught by the begs, lifted up, and
I thrown down with great force. A
fierce struggle ensued. and the atten-
dant had the greater part of hit(
clothes torn from his body. As a
consequence of the incident, the
guardians derided to obtain tenders
for lighting the room by electricity.
It is a recognized fact that babies
-and indeed all children -need a
medicine of their own. Medical men
know, too, that most baby medicines
o more harm than good -that most
of them contain poisonous epiatCS,
that drug children into ruietness
without Curing their little ills.
Baby's; Own Tablets is a modern
medicine for habits and young chil-
dren, and is sold under a guarantee
to co•.1't- lit no opiate or harmful
drug. It. cures stomach, bowel and
teething troubles, and by its natur-
al, healthy action promotes sleep
and repose. It makes little ones
well and keeps them well. Airs. W.
[7, Ansel), Ayer's flat, Que., says:
"I would advise every mother with
sick or fretful children to use Baby's
Own 'Tablets. They are the most
stet isfnc tory medicine 1 have ever
tried, nnel almost mng,ical in their
effects." You can get the Tablets
from any medicine dealer or by mail
nt 25 conte a box by writing the P('.
1Viltiatme Medicine Co., Brockville,
Receiver of Stolen Goods Makes
John ir.eyie, who dener11u41 himself
as a g -neral dealer. was charged at
Marylebone, London. on his own
confi sten, with being concerned in
the theft of n watch and chain fn
Mnrc')i last, fur which another then
is now undergoing n sentence of 1A
months' imprieonni nth
Doyle said thnt 'he theft was 0--
tunlly committed by a elan unlne41
(rant, who has 1.0411 convicted for
the crime, and that he, Ihlyle, re-
c'rivrd the watch and told it. Rec-
ently he learner) that (1 rant lu:d
been rootb(1, nal that another
man. Itiehnrd Flynn, lad alto lh. n
Cony ie 14.11 /IS an ru•cessor}'r nithnugh
he had nothing to do with the theft.
In his confession Doyle die:edited
the circumstances of the theft, and
said that. he hnel been traveling
nitwit the country, bud had not
heard of the conviction of (rant and
Flynn unlit it few days ago.
Doyle was rernnnele d, Mr. Plow'den
remnrki'.g thnt. his cenfeeslnn Waft
very rrewlitable to hits and ought. to
be tnken into nceonnt nt his trial.
"What silly Ver(es that %roman is
"I wrote) them. sir!"
"Ah -oh, yes -to be cure -clever
lines, but horribly deliver.d, don't
you know -woman Most be n fool to
btlnale 'peel so -who in t=he?"
"My wife, sir!"
Till: 1)OMINAN'T F.1("IY►It.
'.'i'lte fleet husband eloped tti'h
her," said Mies ('nyenne.
"And the second and third?"
"She eloped with them.".
Man Who Had Los- t Use of Leg
Danced About the Room
in Ten Minutes.
The cue in of a peer is now at-
tracting 1Ito eetiotis attention of
many members of the medical pro-
fc:.sio• by hie wonderful hypuutic
awl curative powers.
Under the nurne of "Prof. Alex,"
be has appcurc•d recently at music
halls all over England, but few were
aware that his real nano was Ers-
kine, and that he claims to he a
cousin of the present 1:ar1 of Mar
and Kellie.
The "professor's" most wonderful
euro was affected only a few weeks
ago, when a young man named Al-
fred Thomas, who w•us suffering
f oat functional paralysis, duo to a
fall from a ladder, came to lrirn fur
treat rn'nt.
"Thamne had been treated in no
fewer than seven Londou hospitals,"
said the "profes.sor" the other d:►v.
"itis case had been carefully record-
ed in ea h of them.
"Last week he left Charing Cross
Ifospitnl, and made his way to the
hackney I':ntpire. where 1 was then
"Ho carne into my dressing-roont
at the theatre. Itis arm was tretnb-
ling violently, and one of his Legs
was useless, and contracted.
"By exercising my control lie was
cured in less than ten nriuutee, urn)
danced about the roost afterward,
walking away like a baby who first
feels the use of its leg=."
"Prof." Alex ares neither metal
discs nor the power of the eye to
any extent. The secret of true hyp-
notic control, be said. was the con-
trol of the imagination of the hyp-
notized subject. either in the waking
or sleeping; state.
"I nm not i
0 oacd n any way to
the medical profession," be said. "I
want to he of use to there. I never
attempt cures on the state. I t•e-
tict•o that hypnotism will be recog-
niZed lichee very long as a great
science and a curative agency. It
would be especially until) in putting
hospital patients to sleep.
"'This power I have already exer-
cised. I have said to my patient:
'Nurse So -and -SO will s'nd you to
bleep to -morrow for three hours,'
and the control I exercise then pans -
es to the nurse.
"My power Is the art of sneakier`
to the sub -conscious mind while the
patientis awake and in his normal
state "
"Prof." Alex is tall and wiry,
with piercing dark eyes end upturn-
ed coal -black moustache and Roman
Sixty-two Per Cent. of Railway
Nen Drill of Hearing.
Absolutely normal hearing on the
part. (f railway servants is unneces-
sary timid travelers will be surpris-
ed to learn.
This is the coneluslon of an Eng-
lish expert, the result of whoop re-
searches Is giv' n in the current num-
ber of the London Lancet. It is
the more comforting. in view of the
fact that in the opinion of the ex-
pert the demand for normal hear-
ing could not he met, and that if
the demand were complier) with 62
per cent. of the workers he examined
would have to be dismissed.
Still be makes tonne concession to
the timorous. The "possible draw-
backs" due to defective hearing
ought (a'sily to be counteracted by
the use of optical signals. For ex-
ample, the guard might he obliged
when he whistles notife-iig departure
10 give a Isignal in daylight with iris
hand and after nightfall with a
"Can you trust me?" she whisper-
ed. "Even with my life," he re-
sponded, fervently. "'Then eat those
mushrooms, thnt i have picked, and
trust in Inc that they are not tond-
There are nenrly 23,00f),f00 borers
In 1 tir•aprm herein. No other coun-
try in the world has so Inuit' hero•'
ns Russia.
Some Coffee From the Lone Star
Ste te.
From n beautiful farm down in
Texas, where gushing springs unite
to form babbling brooks that wind
their sparkling way through ff.nvery
meads, comes a not(' of gratitude ft r
delivery ?rob. the coffee hnhit.
"When my hithy hay came to rue
five years ago, i began to drink Pos-
tern Food (.'offer, having a ftel'•1g
Gant it would be bett'r for him and
me than the old kind of drug -laden
coffee. I was not di'appninted in 11,
for it (•nflled me, 0 Small delicate
woman, to nurse it bouncing healthy
lsntry 14 months.
"I hnt'e since continued the use of
Postern, for 1 have grown fond of It,
and hnt"t' discnveresl to my joy Dint
it has entirely reiieved me of n
bilious )Whit which used to prostrate
me two or three times a year, caus-
ing much discomfort to my family
and suffering to myself.
"My brother-in-law was cured .,f
chronic constipation by leaving the London plague pits which he hal
the old kind of coffee and using I'os- examiner).
tum. Ile has become even more fond
of it than he was of the old coffee.
"In fat the entire family, from
the late t arrival, (n 2 -year old we)
alwny.: calls for his 'patio' first thing
in the morning) up to the head of
the house, think there in no drink
Si) good or se wholesome as Poa-
hirm. ' Nettie given by Poston) Co.,
linttie ('reek, Mich.
There's a reason.
)tend the little hook, "The ifoal
to Welivilte," in pkgs.
Sunli' ht Soap is better tn'n
other soaps, but is bast when
used in the Sunlit.,ht way (fellow
du ecti:ns).
Hard rubhin- and 1)3;1'n:tare
things of tl-c pat in herpes
where Sun!igat Soap is
un.3ht Soap vt::1 rot ir:;ire
even the daintiest fa'.'r;c or the
hands, and the clothes veil be
perfectly white, woolens so: -t
and fluffy.
The reason for th; ; is because
Sunlight Soap is abso4:tc!y pure,
contains no injurious chem cats
- indeed, nothing but the r_ctive,
cleansing. dirt-rernoving froper-
ties of soap that is n..uLnb but
Equally good with hard cr
sof t u< atcr.
b the dealer trent whoa[ yeu
h ty Nnnligt.l Fool) if yvu find
any cause (3. r complaint. t55
L(VfR BRCTt1 RS LIltITrn, TGRtItere
The Cartnania to Make Her Maid-
en Voyage Next Month.
The maiden voyage of the Cartnan-
ia, the first Cunarder to be lived
with turbine engines, which take's
place early in December, will render
it possible to make an exa-t com-
parison between turbine and recip-
rocating engines. hitherto such a
comparison has been impute -tilde,
since two yesnels of the sante size,
cne with the old type of engine and
one with the new, have not beta
But the Carmania Is to be sister
ship to the ('aronia, which is titled
with the older type of engine, and
comparit,uns between the two will
1)e eagerly awaited). Should they
prove the superiority of the Turbine
the new engine will probably be fit-
ted to all future boats of the lin.e
Her gross tonnage will he 21,000
tons. the will he fitted with triple
screws, atld will be capable of carry-
ing 3,000 people.
She Sends a Message of Hope to
Other Suffering Wooten in Can-
St. Malachie, Que., Nov. 18. -(Spe-
cial) -'Ib those women who suffer in
silence --and there aro thousands i•.
Cuinda-Mrs. Jaunest Kinsella of ties
place wilds n uu'ssagc that tells of
a cure as silent as their suffering. As
.he result of her own experience, lir::.
Kinsella says, "'fake I)odd's Kidney
"When I sent for Dodd's Ki(iney
Pills," Mrs. Kinsella says in relating
that experience, "I had a pain in rely
Eight hip and in the small of the
back. I was molten all down the
right side of the abdomen noel 631(1
fu pans water every fifteen minutes in
a burning, itching, sort of way. i
could 11nt. sleep 8t nights end tens
obliged to sit in a chair for two
"After taking the first box "f
Dodd's Kidney. fills I felt much he t-
ier so I got more. They have dem;
me a world of good and 1 have [net' •r
slept in a chair situ !."
'))pore rain be no Female Wes'tku,ss
where there are sound Kahle.S.
leeld's Kidney l'iIl8 snake sound Jhi 1-
"It Is not the cherries I like en
much res the spirit in whisk they pre
sent," es the lune said when reture-
1: g thanks ter n present of the fruit
preserver) in brandy.
atop the Palet but Deit'oytlto
stomach -1)118 is t:nrtly too (Sten
the case. So many nauseous list rums+
purporting to cure, in the end do the
pntitn(t immensely more burnt then
good. i)1'. Von '[tan's Pineapple 'I se:, -
lets are a purely vegetable pe;.!.i11
preparation, as harmless as milk.'
One after eating presents any (11s- 3
order of the digestive organs. 60 in
la box, 85 rents -40
ltl':N GROWiNG SMALLi';11,
Striking miasmic.. of the physio)
deteriorn(ion of the rare has beet
suppled by n large quantity of hu-
man bones discovered) in an nnrient
charnel )house at Dover, England. '
I)r. E. O. 'Simons, 1'.it.('.S. alto ex-
ine1 the hones plates t.hnt the
a m ,e
represented Loo hndiew, and neve
more than four hundred years old.
Ile had never seen n large collection
of skulls with such perfect teeth. The
bones were those of a sturdy race of
people, with an average height great-
er than lhnt et the persons buried in
"When n shoe dealer wants to get
rid of n surplus stock of women's
[shoes," says the Chronic Itncheler,
"he marks 'cin don't -not in pries,
but in size."
Soverni centuries nen it wits con -
metered fnhionnble Ir► carry silver
timthpicke , seep aided around they
peck by a chain.
There to one sin which all of u8
feel should not he tolerated. It is
the one that bas no temptation for i
Mirrors are a natsanee b, the home of a gran
whine Lice is branded with eoee,ua. llh •wa
✓ eftoe ian eh►atea him. Let him e►:Litt nt 1.1-a stiff
with Waster`s CoeSte sad ps;i(y lits biur,J wilds
Weeveetr byrup'
If all of nur doilies were lahl baro
to the war • P wn
t there would be more
hermits than there are now,
The healthy glow disappearing from
the cheek turd moaning lull restlessness
at night aro sure symptoms of worms
in children. Ito not fait to get tt bot-
tle of thither Graves' Worn Extermina-
tor; it is put effectual medicine.
Patience -I ta'co it from the way
Will talks he's not afraid of hard
work. Patrico-No; talking about.
hard wore, never killed tu:yune.
Catarrh And itis/rats Got in
10 to CO MI, utots,• Ono short puff of
the bresith through the blower sup-
plied .with each bottle (f ib-. Ag-
new's Catarrhal I'o%vder digitises this
powder over the surface of the nasal
passage S. Painless and delightful to
use. It. relieves instantly, and per-
manently cures catarrh, bay fever,
colds, headache, sure threat, tonsil -
itis and do:ttnrss. 50 coots. -41
"Maria Jane," said a fond mother
the other Morning to her daughter,
"(!id Daniel Jamieson kiss you on
the steps last night?" •'No ►rlall1n►a
he did not." If the fond parent had
Said "lips" instead of "steps," It
would have troubled Maria .lotto to
Are your corns harder to 0('1038 they.
those that other.[ have find? Have
they not had the saute kind? Neto
they not been cured by using liollo-
way'a Corn Curo7 Try a hotUe.
A bachelor fine that "ladi's are
n like w'ntchee-pretty enough to leo:
at; preset faces and delicate hnnrs;
but soiichew difficult to 'regulate'
'after they ars het a -going."
IScnl(ght Beep le batter than Whim tonne,
but is beet when need in the Sun!IgLt way.
Bay Suali1ht Soap sad f41:ctrr dirtct:oc(s.
"Coyne back for something you've
forgotten, its 0811111'?" said the hus-
band. "No," replied his wife tiwcet-
ly. "I've come back for n !thing 1
Atlwatnen know whit it le t n litre ti.ole•nl
pale ; e•,mc tyke one tic,a,,• nil UCe9 am .thus.
)aur ,Arae 1,, 1,o prase "7`)n &) A 1." 13a na�1
Pia ter ,.ler the ..ett•dthe pi1: 1t wlll.%o n,ro
1, giro yen enn.t•,rt than anything.
•'I10w' is it 113311. you are always b►
debt.? \'ou should be uslrunhd of
yourself.'' "Conn', now, don't. be
too hard on n fellow. You would per-
haps bo in debt too if you were in
my place." "What piece?" "Able
to get credit •"
They Ad.crt110 '1 heu,1.elt•rs.-iannali•
olely they were of:ercd lo the 1
I'at:oche. s yr•)•rluble fills became 1,
pular bemuse or this gland reps,
,',pile for the nisei ces. flit repmt«lion
has grown, and they now rank among
the first tne(ltr•tue0 for neo In nttarks of
rIvAlrepsia nae a uuep1n tats
lit u,c lt%cr nn.: kidney., rhrun.aitem,
toter end ague nee the input•• --'.'r
crnuplraliann to which then° ailments
Q uo r.s.s.
;sour Briefed brothers, all nrtiznns,
have just received news that they are
heirs to n fortune cf £251),0)0, 1.•lt
by their uncle, a Brooklyn merchant.
A rich uncle in California has also
left. It large fort'1n(' to ?dr. Michael
M'Donald, club steward, of Greet
Hnrwood, i.nneashire
A Durwcr gentlemen who was rob-
bed of L' 1(1 in Lcuuien, 11118 just had
his empty purse retuned hits by the
thief, together with n typewritten
letter of thanks. "four genr•r.t,ty
enabled the to cense Neer): for theft
day," wrote the pickpocket.
Remember Your Friel
When you ask your friends t,) tea be sure that von hove Qt
it's Ike elide. of the CarOful, that's why YOU shoo]
Tele reason f,r the en"-ernv-e of the
@Eifr\lITgiN rvrt.K?tetti'.t 0 iii .
PERSIST E' Y 8!'r testi'!. emyohse1I
e.1 mai n e n d ;a; til to eros new elate! Sours
tha 1113•ati.a11 of tits writ/it,1 toLel nd-
We will be rtt l t• hwro 5 '! ctl1 at err
e•ii,a ant a8) the 1191c re.ial3 or 80 4.1 lar
illu,tr's: 7 b.uk(at doeurIbie the new
teat ares.
Re ugton Typewriter Co.
33 A e It. L. Toronto, a.twaaa
Jukes --"Who was the hist man at
! the weddings" ,leukins -"Well, ['111.
not suet. The bride's father got all
the bills to pity, the bridegroom had
Ito buy divanond brooches for the
ijht•idcin ti(is, the guests Lad to give
handsome presents; upon my , word,
bink n bestm was the cic
r. ,..-
1 the an
ansa- h' MIS the only one who made
anything out of it."
A cough is often the forerunner of
Per pubnonury attlictioas, yet there
is n simple cure within the reach of
all In pickle's Auti-Consunptivc Syro
old -mels unit widely recognized rem-
edy, which, if resented 1.0 at the Incep-
(ion of a coli!, will hn'nruii,ly give r0-
lie(, and by et -creel -1011g the trouble,
guard the 1ysteu, front any serious con-
ce yuenie.•s. Price 25 cents, at. all deal-
Jlgsby-Twins at your home, eh?
1'll bet they're pretty boisterous.
Popley-I'artly so. One of them is
The Ccvernor'e Vide a Prisoner. -
Mrs. Z. A. Van Leven is the wife of
;the governor of the county jail, Na -
flintier., Ont., and was n great suffer -
1 er from rheuulat lent. When the best
'doctor,: in the community and "spee-
inlists" failed to help her, site buried
her sceptisin of proprietary remedies
and perch/ted South American Rheu-
matic Cure. 4 bottles cured her. -42
Mr. Rinl:pnte--"1 ;ort my heir In
the middle, please." The Iiarber-
"',:1it there is an 0(1(1 one, sir. What
shall I du with that?"
Fever the Case of the Tropics- In the slow
and tedious rennin -lei tr eat this and all other
disc» "Nom'vim' h the kat tonic, hostas♦
bar the name, " 1l 'J8itJftnt."
"What, have you iirthat little '.ox,
1,7,'. )fuller''" "A handful of ,lair: a
memento of my talc wife." "But
your wife had no blonde hair'?"
"No, but I had."
'T'ie %tell to Rrow n (lone) Thing.
0814 )lira. surface to Ifrs. Knuwwell,
when they met in the street. "Why.
where lint,' you h^en for a week buck?"
"Oh, lust down to the store for a bot..
tle of 1►r. 'Phomas' Electric (Ii1,' and
lirs. Surfc:ce, who hates puns, walked
on. out ALIO remeanbered, and when she
r01111-01":. 13 n weak hack there was an-
other cu'tumer for Et -kettle Oil.
"When 1" mil and 1 became engaged
ho (:,'.•tarot that he was in the
seventh heaven." "Ilia! 1'es! Ile 14
Leen rugagcd six times before!"
Enraged E!ephent Charged a Res-
taurant After a Boy.
'1'o tale. part in the performance (tt
the ),rhea (Portugal) circus three
cicl 11 (n1:; arrived from France at the
rail maty station recently, but the
Journey had upset their temper's, and
they became truulrlr'1:n(113' lifter they
left the frtein. 'there was a large
dewed waiting to see the huge
h' a-sls posh, and the usual collection
of entail hoes sun•ounde•rl the nni-
mnls. Suddenly one of the leading
elephants reeled at one of the hive,
who lire) s n -thing into n restnur-
nnt. The angry unified follnweel,
and crimeel moth alnnn touring the
custuncrer who were at lunch. Tattles
were overturned and dishes and
plates smashed, while the eitetorpors
Jumped 01e:' the vomiter and Made
hnt.ly barricades of chnlr':.
'i'11e only victim Iva'; n parrot,
whites' terrified screams so exasper-
ated the elephant flint he encircled
it with hit. trunk and eilcn-crl it for-
ever. After .h persuasion en the
part of its beepers the elephant r.•-
tutn,l to the street, and with its
cetupanime; ons ►(afely put in cus-
tody at the circus.
---- s ----
Art Inheritance of creak inert 1s a 1.e•1^lie
hantie.tp, br,t AllPn'. twig IlilArm ttkea et the
flr.t rtxna et a e-oi h writ ensure im ansa) fe,m
thi<.lIngeraua defect. Lien tris with iteknown
cure .ells.
A pill ;onion was pond,•ring over
pleat to give ei young Indy friend,
and es last decided it 1) ould be a
rims. ;.ru1 said to her: "Now, my
(Irnr friend. whet kind of ring v:nuld
you like? It IN so very puzzling;
there are so warty sorts " "Well.
Mr. Sweet, one, you know, don't
like le make a choice in these n(ut-
ter'<-a tittle delicate, you linder-
sta11(1; but, really, if you insist up-
on h_e. 1 s1A'11d 1fko nn en-
gncetnent ring!" wail the innocent
Prnotio.tl Every t
For 74. p^.
▪ (18.4.4 gaits .palet Ino[ I,.!ter,
✓ 9056 in yew elareut 1
tip l5J
77 =nag 778,,Eart, 1
LINK&) COATS tit every k
Furs at n1.w prices. '1'
PLIKI. Head fur catalog.
SAW ru.+S mango. $
;ti♦j(tF+44t,40♦i0E♦ a
A -k 7nnr dealers to eeeure (
6p'tctfic Rem,
ferrite They are gamine
syou the hest restate. The ni
1, ewdee the direct euperibiea
et-actiea Veterinary .uagerm
♦ggi.tiand can give ysaValurab
mere Int,rutatisn we I
yeti will want it as what y
rir a -private teethed of t
4. at...* wceesfully.
♦ ls8it UUNllk(4 HT., Y'
Miss Jilt-"I'nt sor'M'�
you'll find some o
make you forget ale."
-"Oh, but. 1 can nese
Miss .1 ilt-"Nonsense
my last birthday with
Running Sores
neglect, or had blood,
failing balm in Dr.
)pent. Will hent the
cases. Soothes irri
stautly after first, lip*
Iieves all itchingwa
(lisestees in (lay. It
to 5 nights. 35 cent$
Miles- I underst
Stnytho is quite a
-That's what.
to the countl•y to
and what do you
-Give it up. (i
less than a week.
l'hee ('lean: a th
-I',irmelee's Veg
stomach and leo
ei1 nM! the ex.:n•
off impurities fro
bowels and expel
front the body.
polo or inc.)))vele
Who sof echly real
as A0011 as they
They have it
frotu all kinds
Serf int-"
Smith?" Sod
trousers?" fire
in this 'ere pnil,'
You cenvAComputek
Cnida. Ne. ..d
e.1 hire not
to cc•,nsee 5341
it. 11 ,1 aicees'1
it dew it twill
Io -'lay.
Iva curt) e'.at
caau. awl we
Amy d r.,3 there
Wly ea
wort di
teem (•+bit tat
of ca ccrwro
is 1..•,vl m mfr (nae/
toed Sleek .id twee
Arch, Pa., mike i-
1 t,nuele(e Lorne .f
and fared ,1 3/11/
.14 timer bed •
enrr(haae i soul
tool elle ever.ise •f
Sielu!.. V.' gate
went to inl,a.d
twee r i pletelr.
lira. Groleby-"My!
dentist'', this nfte
[mode me keep any
whole hour. It n
Mrs. 51 illwater-"Y
have boom worse.
you kee;, yo
Clint time 1
without a
4t per week
deflate the fall
new and b'gM�
11a:strides' honk