Exeter Times, 1905-11-16, Page 9THE EXETER 'J iM ES, NOVEMBER 16th, 1905 ► STEWART'S Some Seasonable Specials $4.25 Ladies Back Broad Cloth Cape, large storm collar, nicely trimmed with braid and stitching. $5.00 Ladies Fine Black Cl nh Cape, trimmed with fancy black braid and strapping. $6 0o Ladies Fine Kersey Cloth Cape, a beauty, trimmed with silk strapping and satin cording, $7.50 Ladies Lovely Black Kersey Cloth Cape, fine corded silk trimming and stitching, yes this is a swell line $11.50 Ladies Black Cloth Cape, fur collar and lined throughout with Kaluga fur $15.00 Ladies Black Beaver Cape, black thibbett fur collar and lined throughout with Australian baby coon fur. $15.50 Ladies Biack Silk Brochie Cape, thibbett fur collar and lined throughout with grey squirrel fur. $17.00 Ladies Back Kersey Cloth Cape, thibbett collar and fronts, lined thrDughout with best baby coon fur. $16 00 f 1r Ladies Long Genuine Sable Neck Ruff, tri nmed with genuine sable tails, a real bargain. $18.5o for our Choicest Real Sable Neck Ruff, trimmed with four clusters of real sable tails, we believe these are the best ruffs in Exeter. $4.50, $6 75, $8.5o and $12.00 for four very choice lines of real German Mink Neck Ruffs, good lookers and good wearers. $5.00, $7 25 and Sto.00 for a swell range of choicest American Sable Neck Ruffs, ye4, they are beauties. $3.5o, $4 00, $4.50 and 35.(0 for a swell range of Boy's New Overcoats, nice mid and dark tweed effects, new belted backs, long full Minto styles, the boys alltvant them. Oh ye ' We are I)ig buyer's of good dried apples. We take all farm produce same as cash. STEWART We have the best $5.00 watch ever offer- ed. Gents or boys size. If you want one move quickly as we have only a limited number. S. FITTON, uer of Marriage Licenses. TAKE YOUR TIME you are ready to look, we ady to show you. en you are ready to buy, we ready to sell. you are in a hurry, so will we MADE TO ORDER LOTH I NG with care, with style, to fit, e. at no time do you pay more the lowest possible prices. . W. Taman Merchant Taller. Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, eor- rcoted up to Nov. 16th. I'ea.,, 60 to 65 cents a ou ltel. Feed Flour. $1.23 per ewt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Hay, $6 per ton. Mutter, 20 cents a pound. E3gs, 18c. a (dozen. Onions, 60c. per bushel. Clover aced $5 to $6 a bum. Chicken. old, 6 cents per pound. Chicken, young, Fe. per Ib. Duck.. 1ac to Co per Ib. Turkeys, 13c lacr Ib. Geese, ;1c.p er Ib. Dried Apples. Sc. per Ib. Ooil. $6.75 a ton. Wheat, 80 to 82 cents per bushel. Oats, 31 to 3G cents per bushel. Jlirlcy. 43 to 43 rents per bushel. horts. $20 leer ton. $16 per tone 25, tiro weight. 00 flee ai°OInt. =A. The KA You Hire Met Bwttt , TU ADVERTISERS. *The copy for charges must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, NOV. 16th, 1905. ••••••••••••••N•••••••••. • •••••••• N•••••• LOCALS See Mara's, London ad. on p03o 4. Christmas, five weeks from next Monday. Mr. Clark, of .rho Molsons Hank staff, spent Sunday in London. Mr. John Woods shipped a car- load of cattle to Toronto on Satur- day last. Mr. W. Irlatchford, who was taken to his bed e►onco weeks ago, con- tinues ill. About fifteen new members were taken in the Main street church last Sunday evening. Little Miss Laura Cann is visiting at the home of Miss Lulu Steinhlgen at Dashwood . The W. C. T. U. held a meeting at Mrs. W. Ilissett's residence yes- terday ntternoon. Tho "Enjoyme" Purity Co's pre- parations sold by C. Lutz. Enjoytne Tooth Cream 20c. Mrs. P. Phippen on 3Londay ship- ped her household effects to Winni- peg, where she will reside. Miss Rettie Essery, of Eden and Miss R. Kerslake, of Exeter, were visiting in Fullarton last week. Several .from Exeter went to Cen• tralia last Thursday evening, where they were The guests of Miss Lillie Elliott. Mr. Grange Chapelle, of Detroit'. Miele., spew a day of this week with his friend lli's Hazel Di;nati while on his way Ito Denver Colo. Mrs. Charlie Ste.,inhlgen, accom- panied by her daughter. Miss Lulu, of Dashwood, is visiting at her sis- ter's. Mrs. Chas. Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, of Petrolea, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ii. ilorney, (,horns. Queen Alexandra has contributed $10,000 and Ilan initiated a move- ment for the relief of the ._poor, starving and unemployed in E.t;land (luring the winter. it is expected that Itev. Mr. Locke, who was appointed to Kincardine at the last conference, will ':c able to lake his work there after Janurary 1st, as ,ie is reoovering. Mr. J .A. Jackson, Conservative, who was fa candidate at l'onola, in lila Alberta elections, wai formerly a resident of this section. Ilia home having been at E;mondville. Mr. Trios. Ilandford on .Monday shipped a carload and a half of hor- ses to 1Vinnipeg. The horses were purchased in this vicinity. Mr. Alf Tennant accompanied the horses. \\'in;haul Advance :-"It is rumor- ed that owing to the scarcity al marl within convenient distance, the Durham cement plant is 10 he mov- ed to Niagara Falls after another year. Mr..1. 1:. Baker, of Ilenfryn, Ont. AN :19 a pleasant caller on the Times e a ur/Icy last. Ile and \Vm. Snell .1,ipled two ear -load of choke cat- tle 4o Liverpool, making sir car - tools exported by them this bill. Dr. Muller, London, will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on Thursday November 18th, 1905, all slay for Tye, Ear. Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. DR. OVENS, London, Burgeon, EYE, EAR, NOSE and THItOAT.Fits Glasses properly. Office, Commer- cial Ilotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat- urday. November Pe h. TO CL'ItE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative ilromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to cure. E. \V, Grove's signature is on each box. 25o, Hoeey's "('are -A-(' ld" does erre. Cures in el Lours and eves you two %tees of alln(,P .Ince and :ere The electric Tights are c•ut.tiuly better than they were. Mr. Alex Dow took a par -load of horses to the Northwest on Monday last. Mies ::,fear, of Ingersoll, is visit- ing her grandparents. Mr. and Airs. Geo. Saluwell. The yuartcrly meeting of the James stt.tt church was held Mon- day evening' last. Revs. Godwin and Goin; leave to• day to attend alto; board meeting of the Alma College at St. Thomas. Mr. Alex Cotquhoun of Douglas. slap., who has been renewing uc- qutint:uaces in town during the past few weeks returned home o:a aeon• day. Nr. and Mrs. Fred (tumble, Lon- don, Mr .I.ind and daughter, of Lon- don, ai..d Mrs. Ed. Dyer, of Brant- ford, were hero lass wwk attending 1113 fuuoral of Dan'I Dyer's infant daughter. On Thursday ve head about tw•,a in- ches of the taetu1iful, but iii di:1 not retrain long with us, sleighing w.s reeorte•l flout some q►arts of the country. The freshets 111a(re 'the Aux Saublc u::sume a more river like ap- p::,1u►oc. Hockey, Canada's winter Lance, isI being boomed in almost every city, town and villate in the Dontinioa. Our Exeter boys .are late in getting organized, if indeed they intend or- ganizing for the corning season. Misses Annie and Venetia La.t;, datltt.'.ers of R. 8. Lang. left Monday for Tor; tato, where they intend to live with the fancily of Mr. J. P. Ross, until their father settles his affairs in Exeter and joins them in 1 heir new home. The short history of the old Roy- al hotel published in the Times last week has received considerable fa- vorable c•ontmeut. A number of our older residents arc quite familiar 'vitt' its history. and reoall many in- oideiita connected with it in years gone by. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hayes, of Brantford. former residents of Exe- ter. purpose spending the winter at Los. Angoras, Cal. Mr. Hayes has been in pear health for some time and the trip is Hein; taken in the hopes that that climate tnay prove b enefioal. The Ministers and Super.intendeats of the Exeter Sunday schools, met last evening in the Main street church for a discussion of the mat• ter of forming a society for the study of Sunday school work. Marc particulars next week. The sale of household goods on Saturday last by R. S. Lan; was very successful. A large slumber of people were present and bidding was keen. Mr .Lanz expects to leave for Toronto in a couple of weeks, where he will reside, having purchased- a home there. a1i• s Eva Passmore, daughter of \\'. 11. Passmore, of t he Thames road diel ; :. the residence: of her father. on \t:dncsday, Nov. 8th, aged 37 years. Miss 1'assn:tee had been troubled with her heart for some time and that ailment was the direct cause .of her death. The remains wore interred in the Exeter ceme- tery on Saturday Last. DI r. 1'. J. Knight, who recently left for England and Scotland has sent word to his family here, iltat he arrived safely, and will spend some few weeks looking over the country of which he had oft times heard but had never seen. Messrs. Raw )en & McDonnell, who are 'there, for the purpose of purchasing horses, expect to complete their deals in a short time. In recalling his long career in Exeter, Reeve W. 0. Bissett, prides himself in the tact that to has been in business Ion -ger Than a .ay 111311 here. Ire with the Late Isaac Carlin; and ,Tunes Pickard were the first three business mien to subscribe for the Tines, and Mr. Ilisse.tt's name is still on our lists. Mr.'Hissttt( has been in business 36 years, and the Times was established 33 years a;o. After being in darkness for three weeks, the electric lights were turn• ed on Saturday night last. The plant has boon completely overhauled 1 he old engine having been replace:I by ,1 new Leonard, resides several ot her impnovemen ts. Id has been int irnafed by Mr. Snell, the owner, that he intends introducing the teeter system. Ile intends . asking the Council for a tett years' fran- chise, which was promised hint if be would make the desired improve- ments to his tplant. lot reduced by the Times. - That the Times is widely read and ,greatly appreciated is evidenced by the fact t hat two nen became acquainted. and afterwards found out they were first cousins, through the reading of the Times. Mr. David I•:Is(on, for• merry pf Centralia ,and who has n large business College with an enrollment of 50,-tudents, i Seattle, was riding in a street car the other day and reading this pa- per, was tapped on the shoulder and asked "Are you from Exotori" He responded in 11,11 affirmative, and a oonvers tion was .the result. It was discovered that llie itw•o gentlemen are first cousins .,ut did not recog- nize each other. Tho other gentle- man is lar. Itich::r0 Pickard, former• ly of Exeter. Isn ioey - qid din\\'ig owas- l perfrrormedA uatet weolio- Colborne Met hodist parsona;e Irrantford, on November 8th, at 8.30 n. m. by itev. \V. i). Caswell, when William Wilson, of 1'etrolet, and anis, Ethel May llorncy, laugh. ter of R. 11. llorncy, of i'storee, were united in marries;e. The bride wag attended by Miss Nellie Fergu- son, of Exeter, and Calvin Wilson. of Grand Bend, nssistc,l the ;room. The bride was ;owned in a suit of Glue cloth, and white silk waist, with a ruff pleated silk collar. After t he ceremony t he tantalite drove to the residence of the bride's sister, alts. James Collinrwood, where a lunch was served, after which they took the train for a visit with t bride's p+r1nts. They w111 make their future I,onae in 1'ctrolea. The lest 1' isle' for a tont and h ippy 14ed(kd life i (xtltrndcd the ) nun; (swede. The numerous presets 14(1.1 evidence of the hi;h esteem in t. hieh they are .held. Small rroiits dO Qu16K Roturn cAk u l N G ENABLES US TO SELL TILE FOLLOWING LINES AT THE FOLLOWING CUT PRICES 350 WOOL HOSIERY for 25o Women's Wool Stockings made of Pure Worsted Yarn, sizes 81, 9, and 91 Special 25ets. 350 GLOVES for 25o A special lot of sample gloves bought at a big discount, x big selection in Ledieti and Childrene' all sizes 25cts. NNW 35c RIBBONS for 25c Fine showing of shot, taffeta silk t•ibbou 4 Inches wide suitable for neck wear all colors Special 2Sc ts. 7•c DRESS GOODS for 53o 54 1n. Hopsack Cloth in grey, brown and black, all pure wool, regular price 75c to clear at 53cte 35e FLANNELS for 25o Celon flannel in pretty grey with black stripe, also grey with pink stripe, English make, warranted fast colors, correct for men's shirts Special 23ets. 25o SATEENS for 20o Art Sateens, fine soft make in bllces, greens, reds, pinks, lovely patterns, correct for making comforters or cushions Special0)cts $1 25 SATEEN UNDER- SKIRTS for $1.00 About 25 different styles to choose from lined and unlined some frilled others shir- red, hest range we have ever shown Pricea $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 $1.25 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS for $1.00 50 pair white Flannelette Blankets 11/1 size pink or blue borders, good quality Clearing at $1.00 $2.7a WOOL WRAPS for $2.00 Heavy Wool Wraps with fringe in grey brown, black and fawn mixture, thick and warm Special $2.00 i$8.00 WOMEN'S JACKETS for $3.50. About 30 Wornens Cloth Jackets, good styles, every coat lined, all lengths and sizes, regular prices $6.00 to $8.00 Selling off at $3.50 SNELZI & ROW E Mrs. R. Knight and son Drew and Mrs. L. Thorne spent a few days last week in London. Word has Leen 'received from Mr. It .11. Samuel, who was recently ap- pointed manager of !the Highgate branch of the Molson's bank. Mr. Samuel is well pleased with his sur- roundings and appreciates his new appointment, but still has a longing feeling for Exeter. Over two hundred delegates at- tended the sixth biennial oonve.ttion of the Epworth League of the Lon- don Conference held at Londoa last week. Amon; the delegates who attended are A. itoach, itusseldale; E. Swcitzer and 1'. Webster, Wocei- ham; Chas. Cann and Miss Mills, Eliniville ; W. W. Kerr and Mise E. Kerr, Crediton; Miss F. L. Kssery and N. Mitchell, Centnalia: W. ibor- ney, Exeter; W. Gults. Kirkton. Mr. Thos. Kernick, of Tuckersmith who a short time ao;o left for the Northwest with a coneigutncnt or horses, shipped by Th..s. Ilandford, has returned home. On Nov. 30111 he will hold a scale of farm stock and implements on his farm, lots 1 and 2. L. 11. S., Tuckersmith. Mr Kernick has purchased the residence at the north end of 'the town 'from Mr. It. S. Lan; and will move into it in the spring. He will look after the in- terests of Mr. Lanz here, that: of the buying of apples, •turkeys and hay. Marguerite, the four year old daughter of Mr. Kind Mrs. Dan Dyer, of Casevillc, Mich., and formerly of Exeter, died on Wednesday of last. week from pneumonia. The child some time ago was vaccinated, ner- vous prostlrn(ion resul1in_r, which afterwards developed into pneumonia The remains were brought to Exeter for burial, the 'funeral (akin; place last Saturday from the residence of Mr. Alex Dyer. Four cousins of the deceased, Eve Lind, of London, and Maude, Clara and Mary Davis, of Exeter acted as hearers. aim, the famous old livery horse, who stood many a herd days drive while in the livery barn of Mr. W. 0. Ilisset t, breathed ,his last on Tues- day of last week. Ile had got to old to cat his food and was .-gradually getting weaker for want of nourish- ment. lie had reached the ad- vanced horse age of 28 years, and about 22 of 'this was spent in the livery barn. l'e.►r Jim went through the mill, having one eye knocked out one first of July at Grand trend, the person who had hint hired put Lim in a race and ran him into a tree. This partly ruined the horse. The ahimin; of the Trivitt Mem- orial church hells last Thursday evening reminded the con_regatio1 or the lecture which was announced to be given that evening by the Rev. Mural Dern Gunne, M. A. of Cliaton, in the school hall. The meeting was opened by the Rector, who very heartily welcomed tate speaker on hit first visit to Exeter since receiving Dean l the appointment of Rural of Intron. The speaker's subject was "The Anglican Young People's Asso- ciation." lir. Dunne gave a full ac- count of the origin of the A. Y. 1'. A. and also the history of its work- ing. Tho lecture was both instu•uc- t ive and humorous awl was thor- oughly hor- ourhiy enjoyed by those present. As it was the evening of the Kin;'s birthday the meeting closed with the sinain; of the National A.athetn and the benediction. T1:STIMTONiAI. For several months my harso had 1 dry, Rockiest cough which 1 t would turn to heaves. In a week l.utz's ('euzli ir►cl heave pow- der ruled cured it. I strongly re• commend (hi. powder. -Abram Door. in;, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shecro spent a few days of 'this week in Brantford, visiting their sons. Sale of work.- The publis is invit•' ed to a sale of work in 'the Trivitt ;Memorial School Hall, on \Vednes• day, Dec. 6t11. 'from 4 to 10 p. m. There will be on sale n variety of fancy .and useful articles and an as gortment of bread. wakes cream, et.. Refreshments will be served. Ad- mission 10 cents. A young wornart, roamed Mary Mor- rish, who, it is claimed, itt demented, caused some cohtmotion on the streets Tuesday. The woman was some time a;o placed in charge of an aunt at 1'antowa, near llensall, and while the family was away she gathered up her belongings. put them in a bundle and started • for Exeter. At Iteid's tempera lice house she frightened the women folk by her actions. She then canto ,down Lown where Constable Bissett took har in charge and escorted her to the Mansion (louse for her supper. Drs. Ilyndmati and Malloy were called i.t to examine the young woman as to her sanity, and it was decided to take her back to her aunt, which Constable Bissett did. Steps have been taken to have her 'placed in as asylum. When she landed in Exe- ter she bail 811 which[ had been sent to her by a sister . al/ UALITY Here are a few snapp for the next week. Thosa can only be had for a feV as the quantities are limi BLACK CORSETS -Sizes only 23, 24, 25, 26 regula corsets, the next week for 37c a pair. EMBROIDERED TURNOVbRS-A large range o terns worth 10, 15 and 20c, the next week for :)c e WOOL I1OSE-Sizes 4i- to 8, all wool regular 25e the next week for 15c a pair. LADIES RAINCOATS -Good grey Cravenette with sir cape, always sold for $6.00, the next week for $4.0 MENS' RAINCOATS -A regular $10.00 fancy t\\i Cravenette coat, newest cut, belted back for only $; LADIES FLANNELETTE WEAR -We have a stock of Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns for 50c, and $1.00 ; Ladies' Drawers for 25c and 51 Lad Corset Covers for 25c and 35c. • NIGHT GOWNS -Misses' and Childrens' Night Goal all sizes from 3 years to 15 years, in pink and wh 50c. to 75c. Is our aim in the manufacture of all our goods OUR STAR FLOUR Is a favorite wherever used. In its manufacture only the best ONTARIO and MANITOBA wheat is used If you are not getting good results from using other brands try STAR and you will know why it growing in popularity. 10,000 bushels of wheat wanted. is HARVEY BROS. EXETER, Merchant Mi101ers NTARIO. FLOUR, FEED GROCERIE'S In addition to a full stock of Flour, Feed and Groceries, we have on hand some first class Timothy Seed, the best to be had, We have also a supply of the cheapest and best Stock Food. Produce taken in Exchange. S. HARDY & SON ALVEQETABLL'; SICILIAN Hair Renewer Renews the hair, mates it new again, restores the freshness. Just what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, for it always restores the color. Stops failing hair, slso.nin ,,t:1,71:r;.:" CART • T fl - EROS ••••••••••••41.••••••••••••• ►••••••••••••4f•••••••. DESIRABLE FURN At Tempting Prices. This month we offer a few Attractive Specials in Furniture. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dress and Stand, with large Britis Mirror. Regular price $35•oo ; sale price, complete !Pond Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard. with British Bever OM • small and one large drawers, large size cupboard, re, • sate price 530.00. I ,Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Table, full extension, regal( sale price $ao.00. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Chairs, leather seats, one small chairs. Regular price $19.00 ; sale price $1641 W. C. HUST Fur ••••••••••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••f SAVING 15 A HABIT • One of the most profitabe habits yot start now. Deposits of $1.00 and upwar INTEREST PAID 4 Times a Year. Sovereign Bank of C CREDITON, DASH WOOD, ZURICK, EABTEER BR'f MO JOSEPH SNELL, GLADMAN & S MANAGER, SOLICI t BIG CU ON PRICES os OVERCOJ ALL OUR OVERCOAT M? $10.00 and $12,00 Overcoats 9.00 8.00 7.50 6.00 5.50 3.75 ll 46 '4 '' 4' ll &c•, &c., &c., &c. We do not want one overc( JANUARY 1st,, 190E 25 per cent off on all our Men's Suits. COME TO US FOR CLO All Accounts due us L.__ paid by DECEMBER 1s : 1 TERMS: -.Produce or C, ale •. NO GOODS GIVEN ON IPPROBAIION. NO 00008 TAKEN BU - =a1n, t ilia, Popiestone & 6a12.g1;16 One door north of Post Office: light Ire.- r'hen