Exeter Times, 1905-11-16, Page 7li ANYTHINC YOU WANT, IN LUMBER,HINGLES, LATH.CEDAR POSTS, SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, YOU CAN HAVE at rock bottom prices at our yards and factory. STORM DOORS AND STORrI SASH uttr and e to order on short notice. We tnaufactrder earlure y y apple boxes in large quantities, n S�� LAG= OF EVERY WE PAY THE eT DESCRIPTION CASK PRICEE FOR We are always prepared for CUSTOM S WING. Go. LAIL_ EYttotera T11g Ro�� Tarlor 444++++++++++++++++++++++1 $ Inc Usborne and tubber% IRON $I I farmer's Mutual fire InsUEr- ce Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. ?QSTS\DIRECTORSU• Pret;ident:-T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. num' * Vice-Pree.:- J• A. NCRMARTY 1'. U. We, have a F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. O. iliifBrent W. H. YASusfoxE, FARQUUARP.O. bur of 1V M. Roy , BORNHOLM P. 0. I. L. 1ZC88ELL, RIISSSLDALS P. O, kinds of iron Fence ORN • STA1<FA. OhT we will A DUNCAHAEL+ FARQUHAR, ONT. Posts which DUNCAN FA1 Q MON, ONT. will t 1' WILSON. or •'t J, S. UILFILLAV, wroN, ONT sell cheapB. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN `Jt. STANBtiRY. Solicitors TI10:1JAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer, with drawn, money to loan therco noes,tofnMortntandttPerth Charges N0dctate. Ohet+a it•I at the 'Ibents•iratnip rest del:ce, Intouht.a will1ccelvetit nee atteu tion. THE i8.E'11 R TIMES, NOVEM E 16th1905. CASEIN \ For Infante and Childr The Kind You N Always Sough Bears the Signature of take all kinds oil scrap iron in exl change. M.JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN One door south of the 'i' We have unlimited UTivate fund„ fort "vest Metropolitan Hotel. out uponos faror village property eti rows }i•rhea of interesulCS80N l dRd tIiti 't••!•4•M•i•4•,1••�•I,�..I.,t,{,}. +++ blister SEWINGT Grist Mill CREDITON We are prepared to do MACIII S Compiled N tp•risting and Chopping ell At Bargain Prices. and shortest notice. making a splendid j We are offering a 5 drawer, The most c we are g , i�_idrop head, guaranteed sewing simple grade excellent Flour satich isl' Three hand 'sfa(tl(in machine for X21.44 5atisfac- Ilfigtion t tium'inntas E\.gci ►U1e Prc paration for As- s Mita t lud and Regula - till the: S $ the Fco=a lit:Aw of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- (less and Rcst•Contatns neither opnini.Morptiitte nor rfutcrai. NOT NARCOTIC. Atajwdata 1)-Sfit azzparEm I}ki• SdJ- ,ur.Jrnnw • (C41/4 .fete. - /s,ist Sod filwrosist Jda• ffross;ia,i - ( «v wra^ - Apetfect Remedy for Constipts- tion, Sour Stontach,Dtarrhoea, Worms ,Con'J1it5i0tls,Feveri 511- neSS and LOSS OF SLEEP. YaeSin-ignature of N lW YO I21(. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. 11 For Ov Thirty Yea CASTORI T„a CIMT, a, COMM„r. r•EW VOR,( err fl book that no rarmcr can amtord to bo Farmer's Manual he and Veterinary G u i "HECLA" FURNACES Cortoinlr do appeal to ,thee aconowteal wan. They burn up LESS tuts for the !MAT TH1iY GIVI: OCT. than any other fur- nace in Canada. Two or three tons LESS every winter. is the usual sating. That means 1:o. to $15. a year. And 11ECI.A furnaces are built for service as well as economy. Quick fares-poWtrfut `tufts-smoke- pro>f, gxsptc,)f, becau,e the joints are 1 SED into one solid picce, not bolted or ver euted together. - 111:CLA'• burls hard mad soft coal, coir -.n1 wood equally well. u all the Stop in and let us show y l special features of the best furnace made In Canada. Local Agent: H. SPACKMAN 11I NSA1.1, A quiet wedding tock place at the Methodist .parsonage, ltt•nyall, Nov. 81 b, the cont rtctin; panties nein; Mr. \Vat. Kemp, .of St. Marys :tad Miss Beak. of Ilenettll. The aride was supporter( goy her sister. Mr. F. McArdi�. doing- t;itnilar service for the ;room. The rroou' is acts a popd lar ar St. Marys y.oun, yen°outtlolds a ton; as ;end ill wish rospethe rous wedded lif+l . Ooneleer;tula -.rain is Lean; bnouAht to market. •tut meets with a ready demand. was a Mrs. L'lentiu;, of Milton. guest all it he manse Last Creek. She WAS a ineinoer of Rev .Mr. Smith's oon;ix►;anion when ,ate was at Mit- • hon. Mrs. 1). McLeod, who was here for eevcral weeks vieit.in; her mot her. has returned lo her home in Detroit. Miss Olive bellery. of Kincardine, is visiting; her another. Dr. E. A. Sellery. Mist Carrie ltlaoarlhur, who has Y.li1tictl etre J. A. \Villutut' itis i•tstnlled + steam haaatin; sy-'tent in his dwelling { The scant is lied to the lotl€C by 1 L1iP connected to the ooiler at the mill. The house is comfort a Ley Cheated ny this nr-tet . and Ute :system is t,ronounced a sue. .+. KIItt IDS M r. John Ilant: t dispoeed of :• fine te:tel of )bcr•.,es to a tie:slut.ta buyer last Werk icor rho snug : 11111 of $425. Dr. Ferguson, who has disposed if )tis prop;rty •tn.l iunctlse in l'hthis place 1e.ivtts for. Toronto (Thus -84.1y.) 1)r. C:un IIM11. of T. - routes • - routes i+ the •purch.as:r and in fu- ture will take up j)r. Ferguson's eracti`'x'. Before leaving for Toronto the cott.re;ation of tilt+ Presbyter- ian church, of w!Lice`', hot It the Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson were value.I members, met on Friday leonine last and pn•Eented :►Irl. Fer;won t:ith a Lcautiful set of pearl handled silver a z,,old heads and s 1 ks utnbr and The Telt- I pitora Comtxtny alae presented (15 Dr. with a Xold broiled walking cane and the L. 0. F. with net address of which society both were metnbers. ukase; Malel and Maud Road- house of Bolton. ore %rutin"; a few (Lays in the, village vtsitiat.; their e,ousin. Mrs. \Vm. brown. Mr. Itobt. Robinson was ca lledsed i `• t o attend the funeral of t t.•r at \Ve-tea Gast week. Mos. Rob- inson is also visit=t>,; the houlo of n sink sister at Toronto. The sermons in oon.tect.iart nit it 1110 anniversrtry of (the •Metiltolist. church delivered by the Rev. `ic'rct.a isle of (1r:uut+sn, on Sunday la;1 %fere r pointed. troth; an.i well liven, s t t'•on _ very Lange crowds greeting hila tont morning :and evening. Mr. \Vie. DLoore, collo has i.,•%•n spending- the past week vi:c.ihin., h:s brother and enjoying on outirt; an shootin ;rt I'a.rh ltead rcturne l home on Monday'. - 1 coon horns on account cf tlluess. 1111 •tYsd .to Clollcgo in '1'oromto on turbot' Niro. M. Stuart. who has 'neon for u nunt.,er of months at. Bothwell, • rofaiives, returned last d by the Agricultural Editors of thee rFamily 'nmi y He Weekly f Hundred oofleal, at Readers IT CAN BE HAD FREE k d Veterinary Guide ever 1 'ect.s dealt with ; every one of I red ten lour. -all guaranteed.and many of them illustrated Dry our Flour. I In Pinnas we still Beep tips • Exeter Times, A f Y ALSwitzer ask for vi ►, at week and 'has since been visiting North rah' fot'utcrty .of Ilon.'sall. was here last week renewitt; acgtetitttaneer'+. Itev. Mr. Davidson, of Varna, con- ducted services tin Carmel church morning and cvcni.l., on Sabbath last, Ltev. Mr .Smith preaching an- niversary sernt'Xl tor Mr. Davidson issued at V Rev. 111r. Wilson, ,of Teeswator, Varna tot the Can- rmer. Court Ivy. Green Lod 01 admit Order of F,orresters of this tel est vitt:ay. have hecn rereiv.in3 a num- ber u►eutics during the past bur of it k ,� no as ;a rc_cull of Onganizot' oniplete Farmers' Handbook An and practical information of the greatest value to ru'e's fa in High grads] we off I fifty-eight su ij OUR SPECIAL OFFER: inferior • all car's our record. er a full year's subseripti on to the ,z ,ub:scrit: ion to that rest or all Weeklies, tato Family Heraldd Annd pianos at t' other dealere y and a copy of "'rhe Farmer's Man - Oil goods. Weekly Star, of Montreal, includie•t their beautiful picture. ands, slur Grandchildren i11 for.$ 1.80. A imampie dopy of the picture Doture Alex - Come and See us A8 Will ual alul Veteriho s Uuidc' TIMES OFFICE. Exeter, end $Beek can he seen tat this office. T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. IY • P. S., Graduate Victoria Un1= ay. Glome and retsideaence. Dominion �apratory. J xeter. -- GRADUATE DR. A. F. MALLOY, Fortner Toronto University. Igons‘Surgeon to Toronto West r:Rhe oospit a Bnoc< r to Dr. J. A. g Icai _DICNTAL ^"�'- KINt'MAN. 1.. D. S. AND H• DP.. A.R. KINSMAN, nor 1,- D. e D Toronto Univ;ersitlDentist. Teeth extracted without pato or lead titer etre' tee OAioe In Fan• eon's bloc{:. Weer aide of Main tent►.• 1zeter' I•A. ANDERSON, (D. D. DEN TIBT. Honor eral College of of Toronto Surgoo of t • tarto. wtth borers Also l'o-t °�a tt k, go School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with lasorabtemention. Dental t,roro,Tfon Mveerythingknown to the Dental crowns, n1' io this oAftx. Arcate plates rfectln uateat d and vulaapOHI bl. A mono to E asanner fpr painless extras• les. anaesthetic used • one door south of Carling [treat store streter.Ont. rIONEY 1'0 LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to pan on farm and vUlage properties, at towrate•• rr laterals.OLADMAN It 5TAN11UI(Y Barristers Solicitors. Min St. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, � nern CoCo nmlalenere.�Bottct Ote,tor the Mol sone 1 Bank. luta 1MMay Ultima at towel% rates or natures. OVl7CI: t-MstN STIQF.ET, L XXTXR. e, tae ,uterus s. a. interest you sure. rode 7,000 Miles on One Pair of Tires S. MARTIN & SON R .r- S11ORTIIORNS FOIL SALE - The undersignt•,1 has for gale on Lot le, p -to -date othorougt bred Shorthorn.n `ells. They are of the low pet byKky type. Irk'red in naro coloil u1l. - fdand of ee breedin&g. Y ration. and John ElderrillOepel treasonably. - el Y. 0. Olt o Iota On Strome act. in 11.,. aitln3c of Exeter. .x ln. the $tt(l1 parts of lots ti and 42 on the north ride of e • tote street. 'These lots a '' arc Weil for • o,ew For patlic for ,uildsn; t•uti Lars ripply to Andrew lltxlzcrt. Far- $ 11.•11» 0uhar, ter Gt.-OwnR St:anuuty, Iter• are sisters, Exeter. of Farmsrs' Poultry Ws went a❑ your Poultry, ����e or dressed, and wlll pay the Highest Prices for It. Quotations promptly 01 We want alt your Poultry, alive or dressed, will Highest Prices for It. Quotation request omptly FLUMES. LIMITED ON/ FL�YELLES. LIMITED ONt IOpDOM LOPIDOI V i1I1:I) 1'ASSMOttE,-In Tuckort'.mith. Nov, 8th, Ewa Passmore, a3ad 37 years. 1)O 12,19 t,I Maryinn. Dorwood, fort' Nov.oa•. ll, 1. (l. , y for- merly of Exeter. \VII 50N -11011N1'; l - At Brantford W. Wittoott,tele a of 1 et retiev. W. d, 10 Ethel DA U t. Dr. 1 las i:g nntl },act r[xan of i1 1► tmd f ate years, six n+ + bout tsa n 1 KF\11' ICF,\l. f: - At 11Cna:111, on` k '' stroke kened h r der+( •of \\'inglsan, fors many Y Mr) et no. JAMES THOMAS DswIY is Canada's MR. champion steady bicycle rider. He is ,. a collector for one of the big telegraph com- panies in Toronto, and he rides a wheel all the year round making collections over a ddistrict. His record is ss,000 miles a year. Mr. Dewey's bicycle is fitted with Dunlop a single pair of him over 7,000 and indifferent Detachable Tires, 'd wet G. ls, Walker's efforts supported by themembers. An ,clectrio light i.•+ Lein; agitated Ito fiehtcat the darkness cit the :da - tion when the evening 1 rai•.1s are Domain, '1Itsort ;b. The meeting 'held under the aus- pioes of '1 he Young People's Mutual Improvement society of Carmel huroh, on Monday evening last, was EDEN ltrs. T:•ort, ofIleaInsvillc. who hhe as astbfew weeks, returneen visitia; friends d home for ton past last. Mr. Rook, %rho .bas been ill for the past few months. accompanied by Mrs. Rook, left for Bea iliaill on visit Thursday, where they friends. c largely attitendcd and an excellent musical end literary programme was carried out. The Canadian Order of Forrester% intend holding on (toter meeting on Friday cvenir-;, the 171h, cou- pled With ea tea a.lrl ,rant( literary awl tntLsicat proerent to which the 1 large membership, fuse Iar;eat in the village', :are looking foraaard with much pleasure. Mr. William. Mcl)C.u4all returned home last wet'k fnotn Manitona. where .het !had neon spending several months with this married daugtr awl report' having had a very pleas- ant ti it rip. which have earns Mr. and Mrs. \\'n►. Sinclair have have heen tspendin't a month or so miles of good, bad l eel muted m Whitey,rtted ,frohilry, where (hey roads. Dunlop bicycle tires are famous as the with ml+t iveq and friends. kind that may be attached, detached andhands, rd; \fI . Tho the Derry e ooleft f t filers re - CI:N'1'i�+IA The centrali:l Epworlb LeatuD avore entertained by the Crediton league sat Crediton on >iontItty ovoi- ing. An enjoyable time acus had by all prwat. A number !rem iC here tatiended the James re -opening ` ' al- ohurch, Clandehoyc, on Sunday, so the fowl euppar on 'Tuesday even- ing. ,, Norwich. is ,r.;. Nelson flicks, of vielai" at Mr. Richard Hicks'. lay Miss Gladys Esser3talent in Crediton the quest of Miss Lou Sims. Miss Margaret I(andforu, who had to return home from her position as milliner at (sort Dover through illness. 1s improvin.• MisaAliciatlewel1- Prominent Charity Worker A Victim of La Grippe. PRAISES PERU -NA. Miss Alicia Newell, 6 Stanley ser Montreal, Can.,charter member Sec Francais Bienfaisance, write: : it We had a siege- of la grippe family and 1, as well as some friends, was a victim to the ma "Three bottles of Yeruna assis to perfect recovery and some o friends regained their health by even less. se agriPpe, as a rule, leaves one bilitated and nervous, but 1 noticed' every case where Peruna was u the recovery was not only compleab but the medicine Itself seemed to b fuse new lite and vigor." La grippe is acute epidemic cstarrh In many tustances it leaves tho m membranes lining various organs of body in an inflamed and catarrhal dation. Pertuia at once cures tbis Anion, In ten country to britt, by the two a (tit .otntt more entire of Paired whoa necessary unaided by any form of tool. Every pair is itiMiss \vrigl+t, .of Havelock, is vi;- s; her friend, Miss Violet 11cAr• guaranteed for a year. thur, 2n4 vena rosir't of stay. Ilontaall has joine,' • fen 0. II. A. and V. P. Irvinz, repo -vetoing our town Y Limited r or the TUE DUNLOP TIRE COMPANY, attended the annual meaning a,.soc+i:tt.iort at Toronto inset week. W���� YONTaaAL class •iMsalA i. intend having a [lust c t Y ST. foH>t hockey teem here ,this yoaar and our 1104 V,ttilooWISS citizens sl►ould give it every support. k Reynolds --- r-•-- E1,IMV 111.LE R: v. Fair and wife spent a few n Sp- wortIt Leoa conventiodays in bonflon sn recently hell there. The dredge is m:skin; goal head - wry, }ovine oomroe ted about two mites of ditching since lite .middle of September. The many friends of Mrs. it, Spicer. stile of the late ityam•8picer. will 110 sorry to hear Ithat alto 'is in very poor licntth at tpresetit. Miss Lizzie John's and Mr. Victor Stull were delegates from the i':p- worth TPA ;Ile here to the convention r^cent ly held in London. Mr. Bert Andrews. of Exeler hers purchased the farm of Mr. J. Hey- wood, of this villa re. Mr. Andrea% is expected totake p•.,t•►GSSiOn in Mit r,11. Mr. and Mrs. iVilli;un Contiia .i,ent Sunday wit it friends in Carlingford. S•tcr anent was adn'inisteresl in the '!et ltoii';t church here last Sunday' e ve n i ►t t. It is rumor'd in the vill•ttc (h.11 et -tatting tells will eo,n he heard in ibis air -4)0y. GOSIIEN LiNE. STEPHEN. `.hr. Jonah trestle attended the bit party at Mr. John Chambers on Friday evening L,lSt. Mr. Huebert Dovey and mother spent Monday with Mrs. Johns. Mr. Chester Mawhinney awhile htmtir-z on Fridaly oat. very lc secure two ducks and one partridge. Mr. Thomas Dinney who itas been k fora fete days, is much better and is able Ito attend t,•. lits work. Kin \V., Toronto Mr. Robert Keys, of Parkhill. els- t79 gStreet, druggiuts seller can obtain f. r ilcd with the folks on the Linc fori. ILEIBIGrS FIT a couple of days last week. ♦1F+s Lilts Schrader. of Dashsso.otn ,hiss J_uinie x11.1 A.artie e:l> t rldetl (Ito vveddD of Lyda t ou \Vedtxrday. Mr. Alred Williams left day for Larelou where hes staying for the g i tar+ of Mrs. John 1a •, spent Sat urd.v ' ash !ter Mr. David M•ov'o:: •"T. to tom Mr. and elr V. i'I Yearly forlcably settled in .their new holm recently yactteil t v Mr. Y mot her i•tid up for nom". 1 Cmc a tl It a spr.tl cd krc•t•, is ; t'tz to :_fit ar0%1' • "3 but his I:nee is very istifr yet. of Pc totes i:iptsit bro.Iter t g. ho hats 1- Mr. Witt. Yearly. Urn, your fr'cns!: rr re' a:i Fits. Epilepsy, St. Veto' Par Sickness, write for a t lett britt] treatise on such di.ca.st t to 'le IIURON ss "1"- -� Ily '1 het •diva t h of 1)otninic last which •occiired nn Tucs.lay of week, 110.1tfrMiiip so 1Hui ll !et one es its •oldest Ms',tlttnt, its 'west hit1►1y estce�trd plion rs. Ile had rt•ncht•d (1.•' 1 of PO )e=rrs anti at few west hi, 111111 had enjoyed the best :d hcoll.h dur- ing his entire life. ghoul three or four moralise ago he began to ``ter• rept.ihly decline attd finally flied of .old •1 zea cute sick lteadaoho Will positively and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This se not So ad- vertisement. bst truth. One pillhdose. Bee ad- vertisement. Small p all dose Small price. 'the 1i••Itint tut Star, owned by, the Pert Burwell Fish Company-. ,while lifting nets during ,t he heavy south ;:air. of Nov. 11. shipped n ite:avy •:' a 0 iiicll Ivo:shed a Yount man muse 1 tudtoverboard. aas ttperriemndlailed from'oy- field. The tar lost all of her upper works. dyspepsia, Pain from indigestion, and too hearty eating is relieved t onto by taking eoittcly niter Little Liver Pills, imm dinner. Don't forget this. Mr. John Lon -t, a reepecte,t (nra- 1 •.tont 1k,ted Otho tenure of human life•, t R 8. -Sty, Nov.(It lhy Rev. o. and r,nsrd tsy hi+ reward. Deceased M •,Is , • Mr. No. Rt h, by 1 t v. 1 I %seen fchi • in t for some ri cede a re Medi, a r. \\'t.itons ))thaw to M lied the out h . A Annie' tannins. a's t'. o o }••t. - of agues yw•+ weeks it inn, awl on Nov. At h. •M r. floor re x 'still further weakened t.•►rk of lite at 08 Marys, ata( 'Mises Madre. lleneatl. Thursday •1c+itl:the se nt. ark Mr. long was a native of Lon- tIDA.BTOR• ttoneferry, Ireland, and came ot Con, Bean tto ire rind `feu Nett Alec s Both > h••n v n t ^n y . ca r settling (first in Norfolk county, On - toric,. I'ERT11 !s vi.itint with her slater, "Mrs. Join \Vit}r IIl1 .of Mr. and Mr'.. Ezra Insist, toe Cr^diton East spent Sunday ;molts o: Mr. aiel Mrs. John Wil - helms. Mr. David alae Finney c:+ltcd on 1 fricrd, uIs M' 4 Jennie Glanville, $1,000 BEWAIL For :n r-1.rs of her, WIC C '1'o a person ho can't of c•:•nslipalinn y' 1):•. Pifla, dho at ore rcnard oil No cathartic n'. ith'iret Tic heeler en Tuesday. 11': t r ag ; • r:'' 'laces s awho la, n'+tvt+l•on, core' ��lit)i.i`Ila been laid up for some 14 1110 Wit .t 1I'i1ls. Itt•i::•1 , ... a severe Gold %V3'. able to call on some for hr-:dt+fhn. I• -i' '• ••' ' of her old friends on Sunday. \Ve , itch ,Iieors'.ars. ? ti 11414 are :ill glace to sec' Jennie able to he mmarringost eenrn(''+°+ni�•lat Lee liner out a rain. Mr. (ioortc \ha acliinney, of I'ark� of 1►r. li rnillta,'- 1'01. -co hill, Ls visiting wwitl► his son, GeorJe, . !.',I. ''tic's 3.-,r :, • • x for a few days. 1f you are tired taking) the age rPillstera Little Liver uld fashioned griping take some comfort. Amanan'tn`stnnd everything. One pill a dose. Try there. A very poet ty home aced -lint was s01'111nized,11 Elntsweood i';.rin. N•sth East hope, the 'residence of Mr. ant Mrs. Duncan Stewart on \\'ednestlty Noy. 1, when their second daughter Mi•'s .L8 Tilt, 'become , the bride of Mr. Malreern M;acllc lis. 'ti `,iilverton. titer of it be Sun. SALE REG ISThaIt sit - ofTihurs,lty, Nov. 30. Auction Farm stock end imt,lcments on NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS ('olleelnr ltiswett announces that he will be at the 'Town Il all every Frilay front 9 3. m. to', p. m., corn- mencint with Nov. 10th try receive ill :dwi be .at the '':axes• rte t, west let. tot 1 an 3, L It k^rl 103, at One o'clock bornas Ker. a11swday'stth Dee. 14tlhl beim tnth he last 1 it h day tail( t'o'iiVflY Le sold. totr per cunt trick, ' 11. Proprietor, �it i►,T1Auotiotteca�eron hA`peliyt lxew w•it f;nnt 1he , TI1E grate of a range will get out of repair. If yet let ashes accumulate in the pan until they come near the grate you are sure to burn it out or warp it. On account of the construction of ordinary ranges, re- pailinb a grate means taking out the fire bricks and practically taking the tire -box to pieces. It is the work of a stove expo'. The imperial Oxford Range has a patented draw. out duplex grate. ity this construction the grate and frame is readily dr on out over the ash -pan without even disturbing the linings. Repairs arc thus easily effected even by one without experience. 'fhe life of the tiic-box linings is thus prolonged, as they do not require to be moved to repair the grate. finperial Oxford Range This�.. ...,. of the e�dm This is only one exclus points of the Imperial Oxford Rai which make it last long and reduce necessity and expense of reps Though the baking and roasting qt ties of the oven arc the most vin important features of the Imps Oxford Range, we have f' nothing that will make it add to the ease of its Write for some of our, tame of the nearest d You an Imperial Oxford The Gamey fossdri TORO,T 1, not3TR&At, ewe/so, v Sold by T. IIAWKINS & FON, Exe