Exeter Times, 1905-11-16, Page 4TBE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER 16th 1905.
'cerine Jelly
ose Cream
Irritable skin,
Face and Lips,
.ns and all the
ns of the skin
r Times
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
8 15 22 29
16 23 30
17 24
18 25
h, 1905.
re hate to
le are to be
cher, Wanted"
any criterions
)t of places in
the youthful
latest ail.
;ue of dig -
:ee yet been
tion anyway
to a stand-
il have a cut
er to use on
is brine con -
appointed J. 1"s
Icaciee of t he
aril Oil Conm-
uced elle price
Mt have been
Liberals. L i .. It
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was a fore -
Nort Invest,
Id derive
Govern -
vin; the
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b the
Int hell
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he spoils
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and has
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1 %%thin:
about my
t i v%ilp not
y fie -•e iii e
kin: for a
principles (,r
helps, and
Of con-
. Fresh
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the Couserv:llivc',. and I think the
p.uty at large docs not eepect such he
Surroiind N
:1 system introduced in our plohincc.'ing
• • • • •
At a tethering in Sarnia the other
,l ty, in di,cus'in; elle ",;.teary 4rtb"
queetiou, lion. C. S. Ilyndwan said
that the causes which led up to the
increased indemnity to members arc
brow;ht about by the members on
both 1011(•3 of 'tete House asking for
the increase, reasoninti 1lctt the loss
of time from ,lhcir business war-
rented it. The Government took it
up, the bill was inlroducc.i, and the
set tries of members raised I: am
$1,500 to $2,500.
Itcg:rdin; the tensioning of mem-
bers, Mr. Hyman said that there
%%ere men who (spent their wlwlo life
in euidin % the country's aff:tir-, -ac-
rificing business and pleasure, only
to retire at old age practically poor
wen, while it their energies !tad been
applied to personal affairs, ,their
singular abilities mi. ht have amassed
large fortunes, and alley would have
been'acatthy-in '(heir retired old axe.
It was for then like ,the.. ,that the
pension clause had been inserted. The
Government and Opposition both re-
garded t his as a fair measure but
"Sir Wilfrid Laurier teoin; the in-
demnity bill is unpopular with the
people. has xlve,l his promise a hat
it will be treoorsidered at tho next
session, when nicatsteres will be taken
to Lave it satisfactorily amends 1."
Mr. Win. McPherHorn and Mr. Jas,
Elliott, of Dlont real, president and
general manna ;er respectively. of ,the
Molsou's Dank, here vi'iters in Exe-
ter on Wednesday of last week. They
are on a tour of inspection of the
different orauches throughout Can-
ada. !loth gentlemen have .recently
returned from the Pacific coast, Lew-
in; visited British Columoia and the
otl.er Northwest provinces, and are
exccedinely enthusiastic over •the
prospects in the Northwest. 'the
People out there havo vvonderful con-
fidence for the (,ro;res; of :the coun-
try. \Vinnipe is constantly im-
proving and will tee a great ce')tre.
Next to \1 innimee, Edmonton is ex,
pected will make ,the most rapid
strides. The G. T. P. will open up
new fields and will do wonder; in ad,
vancin; the Northwest. It ie ex-.
pected the raitreed will reach .Ed-
monton ccfore Christmas. Plenty
of soft coal is to leo had.
The Caleary Irrigation Company is
ouildin; en irrigation canal 40 miles
lone.. it being 89 feet wide at the top
41 feet at 'the bottom and 10 feet
deep, which, it is expected, will open
up a million and a half acres of land
which are novo useless.
The people of the United States are
paying considerable attention to
Alberta and Saskatchewan, anti it is
expected that 100,000 people will no
in there next .year. The ttvera;e
crop of wheat is about 23 bushels to
the tiers, although 51 bushels per
acre has been harvested. Messrs.
Davidson also steak 1ti;hey of Brit-
ish Columbia, especially the Okana-
;on Valley, the fruit productine,
part of the q,r*wince. 1n s4•c•-akint of
Exeter and surroundin;s both gen-
tlemen expressed surprise at seeing
such a ocautiful country, with sub-
stantial homes and bank barns. They
were well ll r c
1 seed with the manner
in which the 'bank is conducted here
and complimented t he mane ger, N.
D. llurdon, and his staff on their
etteciency and for ,the amount of
business done by .the Exeter branch.
The Granton Heat & Li;ht Com -
petty inade application for the pri-
hile;e of laying. dawn pipes on the
streets o[ Granton and Awnick. The
request was .;ranted.
A .resolution was pissed requesting
Mr. 1'aloot, the County Commission-
er. 10 inspect the new steel orid;e
.end order payment if everythin; is
The followin; accounts overs or-
dered to ee paid: W. Lloyd. work
at nrid;o, W. Be Moiety. 67c; 11.
Frazer, vv of k t.n orid;e, moiety. 50c:
J:Is. Thoumpson, vvork on "1. 11., moi"
city. $6.50; J. eicl''alls, culvcrteliticl-
itr; and draw in; tile, div. 2, $7.00:
fI). \Vestmlau, con. tile, div. 2. 39;
Do., div. 4, $17.85; Do., div. 5. $1;
Do., S. 11., $16.00: Ib., Div. 3, $1.00;
Do. on nccount of :u,ulmente. 1'lyI_v's
orid ge, 82111.110: .1. Ryan, ;roiling; C.
8. It. s1'2; I'.•. L. It., $25; A. I'at-
toe, easel contract, W. 1i., moiety,
$16; Jas. Whalen, do. de. 4. $18;
Do., L. It., (live. 1, $90; R. Guilfoil,
sprraJin; •e,rovel L. It. and neve rotd,
810.09; W. Lewis. 18 Jays ovcreeeing
cement tints. and arch. culvert, $27;
.1rnks and Dresser. on account of
rontr:tct price of orid;', $.175; John
Lie tenet.. rep. said re :mil drawing
tile, div. 4, 1, $1: Joseph Itydcr, re•
nlc.vine lice off rout; $1: George
IlotI. ins, roy at gate, 8Uc C. Rowell,
culvert, S. I1., moiety. $2.25; A. 1).t -
vi+, :t tee& account and work in pit,
$7.91; G4.or • Breen 40. $16.20; Mrs.
O' ih• t, gavel account. 711r. ; John
Perk, do., $5.50; Joseph Kelley, lo.,
$8.16 ; ; I). 1)inzlcy, roadway Lo
goat el pit. $5; E. McDonild, ;ravel
:account, $22.80; •.)preps Mos':cy. do.
$1. John Wet -gins. do., $1A.0n; E. I1.
Illake, tile, div. 4, $14.19; Thoe. itir-
ney, 'tile N. II., moiety, $6.90 ; A. 11i1 -
ton, Sewer in Grant:et. $2; ,las. 11.
Bryan, do., `1.50; '1'h,•+. :i)uffield,
sprcadine travel, div. 5, $9; John
Knows'•., 29 curds ;revel contract,
div. 5, S5$; John Crandon, 35 curds
;revel contract, S. 1). and N. 1)., moi-
ety-, $31.30; \\'nm. Armita;c, ditching
div. 1. S:l.50; Chris Ilalzina, do.,
50c; 1' .A. Ryan. 4 days nt eon. arch
and eieel orid;e, $C; ,1 a.. Courcy,
draeinz itile and rep. culvert, dive 1
$2: A. McDonald, rep. to ori.le, div.
3, 50c; W. Dior;an, overseeing aro!
sprcadinz 'tra%t•1, div. .1, $3 ;Ry-
der, ditchinz nnil rale, div. 3. icee e,
Total expenditure for doe. $1129.16.
,Cour.oi1 meetI)•(^rrnt-'.r It h,
W. D. STANLEY. Clerk.
T1118 31EDiCiNE la IlltF..\TIIEl)
That's why it is aur:• to cure ca-
tarrh. You Pepe it Tors direct to the
source of t he (Iiset►ec,-its ties lin t
vapor remits the (lama et.'Caecal (,
cat :rrh'il inflnmtn•eti.,n. '•Catarrh -
•ozone" always cures .venue(' it :o:-
into tt•cee tiny cella and row, - s
1h•it ordir try reme Hee can't re
zee' eller. the discs'^ net witty is.
itnpc.si:vac leer "Catnrrhozer," In
fail as nny (lector will tell you. 1)on'i'
.se misled into thinkinr there i.• any-
thint c0 z:o•I at (',tarrb. zonc,-
use ir and you'll Evil ray •To(► 1 -nye
10 eat.vrrh.
Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
By Our Correspondents.
-Mr. and Mrs. %wicker at tended
the weddin; of Mr. %wicker's broth-
er in London on Wednesday of last
- 51rs. V. !Utz, of Parkhill, is the
guest of Mrs. Chas. %wicker for u
few days.
-On Tuesday evening last the Ep-
worth Loa;ue of the Met linden
church ;ave u r:ocial evening. The
Epworth League of Centralia fur-
nished the pro;ramme after which
refreshments were served. A nlees-
ant and profitable evenia►; was spent
by all.
-A number of our your); people
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
liirtzel one night last week, an ea-
joyablo time was spent by the young
- Messrs. McDonald and Witmer,
of London, attended the tveddiu; of
Mr. Henry Fahner to Miss Wein, oa
Wednesday lest.
-The regular ntectin; of the Lit-
erary Society, which was held at the
home of Mr. \Vm. Lewis, on Friday
evening was indeed tiatereslin; and
instructive. The pro;ramme was as
follows: Piano duett, Misses V. and
E. Beaver ;vapor on Lord Strat hcona
Miss Carrie Isuhn; piano solo, Miss
Clark ; readinz, Miss Ella Link ; ad-
dress on wireless tele;rnphy, Mr. C.
fluctt ; vocal solo, Miss Beulah Bea-
ver ; piano -solo. 'Mr. Herb Either.
The address ,given by >ie. Bluet tt was
greatly enjoyed. Ile handled his
subject well. Mr. Wm. Lewis oc-
cupied the chair in an efficient man-
ner, anti in it few well chosen words
spoke on the good the society was
doing and the pleasure it ,gave !tint
in Iain; chairman. He was ;lad to
ewe the youn; people taking so much
interest in the mcolin;s of the Foe
piety and was sure they would be
welt repaid for (their efforts in the
knowledge they would ,gain. The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Mr. C. Beaver on Friday
evonin; of this week. Nov. 17th.
Miss 011ie Boltzmann will ;ive a
papier on Dombey and son. and Air.
Ira Brown a paper on Lord Cham-
Mr. Chas Grap .wits a pleasant mil-
ler on Mr. August Hill on Sunday.
Mrs. Michael llertzel is visitin:
of M r. J Jones, of 530 Kin; street
to Mr. ('ltristien t', '/.thicker, of
Londc.a. The bride entered the
church !semis; on the arta of her
father, while Lotien;rin's \Veddint
March Wags played by Miss lfutler.
The bride was attired in a •dainty
tr:teellin; suit of blue, and carried
:t cluster of cream noes. The bride::.
staid Mies Marvin, WW1 ;owned in
vvl.ite &ilk and o:trr.ied pink row;.
Mr. Albert '%wicker, brother t -.f the
;rornrn, was best man. Rev. Dyson
Ilatue, rector of the Memorial
church, perforated the ceremony.
When the happy knot was tied, the
party adjourned Lo tho residence of
the bride's parents, where a dejen-
cur was served. Later Mr, and Mrs
Z%%icker left for a trip to the oast, 1 womb or irregularities. All of these
after which they will reside in Lon- . symptoms are indications of an nn -
don. The .;room's gift to the bride I healthy condition of the ovaries or
was a beautifulpteadant of pearl; womb, and if not heeded the trouble
and diamonds; to the bridesmaid a I will make headway until the penalty
handsome Acari oroscent, and to Ile
;no.arnsmasi a sapphire scarf pin. has to be paid by a dangerous opera -
Wo are pleased to learn that Mr.
Abe \Volker is slowly improving.
Air. henry \\'illcrt from Dashwood
teas in town on Friday dist.
• Messrs. Clifford McDonald and
Arthur Wee;, of London aro the
guests of Mr. Te.b is Palmer.
Miss eta ry Gainer .returned frons
London after spending; a few weeks
with her ;runt of that Once.
Mr. M. IIoltzman and Carl Eit-
her of Zurich, visited at :Mr. W.
Wenzel's on Sunday 1c131.
Mrs. Tobias Fulmer spent . a few
days of last week with friends in
London .
Mr. Edmond \Vuerth (;pent Satur-
day end Stenday in Dashwood.
DTr. Albert \V.olf intent Sunday the
guest .of Mr. and Mrs. -E. Williams.
Mr. J.trties Lawson is haven; hie
house painted w•hich:dtte recently pur-
chased. Bert is doing .tete work and
he guarantees a good jolt.
Fahner-Wein--The home of Mr.
John Wein, north of Crediton, was
the scene of a very pretty wedding
Wednesday. Nov. 15th, at 3 p. m.
when his dau;liter was married to
Mr. henry Fahner, of Crediton. The
bride looked charming in her beauti-
ful wedding gown. and a large aum-
ber of guests were present. Tho pre-
sents received by the Happy couple
were evidence of the hi;h esteem in
her tion, Mr. harry Header, at Iiam- which they are held by their many
ilton. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fuhrer will
Mrs. Jas. Banes is visiting Mrn locate on the farm recently owned by
Skinner at Ilderton. John Pedlar.
Mrs. McMurray and Mrs. George
Hirtzel spent Wednesday with Mrs. A SUCCESSFUL HORSEMAN
Geo. Mantle, ref Exeter. Never allows his lienee to suffer
One day last week the Ladies Aid pain. lie always uses Nerviline
of the Evangelical church surprised which is meted for curing stiffness,
Mother Trcity, %rho recently moved rheumatism, swellings and strains.
to town, by calling at her home and Nerviline is .just ns ';to4 inkidc os
having n pleasant visit with her. outside. leer cramps. colic, and in•
Mr. Ed. \Vuerth, who Nome time ternal ► iu
a is e
iteo had the misfortune to have his t t a perfect marvel.
toot badly burned, returned to in ililo 1400(1 racing stoolee Nerviline
Itrantfard this week 40 resume his
former partition.
Miss hove feinkLeirier is v:isitiny
her sister, Mrs. !Humble, of Sarnia.
Mr. Fraser Brown is now leorni•ne
tits dry toads husinese with his
brother, Mr. S. Brown.
!tete J. W. Andrews vvas in Exeter
on Monday aticndine. an Executive
moetin; of the 'District Epworth
Miss D. Fssery is v'iritin; Iriends
in Exeter This week.
Queenie llalzins who has been
quite poorly for the past few days
is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Best le, of ['shores•.
Mcsers. Albert Morlock and \Vin.
\Wentzcl put n dust collector on Mr.
Garnet Ilissett's clover mill. It
tivc's excellent eatisfa.ction.
-Miss Kite 7,wicker and Mr. Art
%wicker spent friday gut their home
in London.
The sermon given by the Rev, Mr.
Dation on Sunday evening teat on
"Divine hoalin; as Itsauzht in the bi-
ble" vvas instructive, and in brin;in;
out the different Iu.:n: i of his sub-
ject evidenced much thou;tit in the
t,reparinz of the iterinon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilofineyer (nee Mies
lilt \Viler) of liatnhurz, visited the
latter's pe rent. durinz the past week
oa their honey moon trip. They will
make their future home in Guelph.
.\lr. Warden, of Statfa. was in
town s:•licitinz orders for the Pel -
helm Nursery Co.
Mr. John Greity, who has just
moved into our villazo Ls erecting
it stable out his premises.
Mrs. D. Svveitzcr, who iias been
ill during the past few days, is able
to be around a;tin.
The fol!o•e-in; item refers to the
niarren.n.• of Mr. C. le .Zwick -r, .of
London, a former Crediton boy send
who is well known here. The many
friends here join in tvishin; Mr. and
Mrs. %wicker many hippy years of
wed Ir'l
life: "The rnarrit4 took
place is the Mcntorcal church on
1Wetr:esd ty morning. of Lest week of
Mise Minr:ic Evelyn Jones, daughter
Mrs. Pinkham's Advice Saves Many
From tads Bad and Ooetly /experience.
It is a aad but,
true fact that
every year
brings an i n -
crease in the
tions performed
upon women in
o u r hospitals.
More thanthree-
fourths of the
patients lying
on those snow
white beds are women and girls who
are awaiting or recovering from opera-
tions made necessary by neglect.
Every one of these patients had
plenty of warning in that bearing down
feeling, pain at the left or right of the
womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the
small of the back, leucorrhoea, dizzi-
ness, flatulency, displacements of the
The Kidneys
Wben they are weak, tor-
pid, or stagnant, the whole
system suffers. Don't neg.
Iect, them at this time, but
heed the warning of the
aching back, the bloated
face, the sallow corn ' n
the urinary
begin treatmentat oncewithh
is always used,-oecause it stakes
meter )tor.ses and srualler veterinary
stile. 'Twenty five cents buys a
large nottle of Nerviline; try it.
STOVES. -If you ere in need of a stove crier
pace, don't fail to hare a look at our stock
we were never in a better ppoo..••ition to supply
your wants. N.1'. Paulin, Hardware. Stoves
and Tinsm(thdng.
Miss Mabel Taylor, of Exeter, has
Leen the ;_hest of Maida E. Houk-
^dg.•^ for a few days.
Our blacksmith at the east end
1 he low•►► is very busy ns he has
no help. His new apprentice not
Navin; arrived.
Airs. Joseph Snell, of Exeter, has
been in the vallate for a few days
attendin; to iter mother, 7,1rs. Sim-
one, who 1111a Deem 011 1.110 Pick list.
A short lime e;o, Ida Itoulle,lee
and her coucsin, Mary Marr, or Ful-
lerton, bout youu;slcrs et/tried out.
on a shopping expedition, intend-.
in; to invest in IManule. They Fe -
cured the peanuts 1116.0 t, but net
being thoroughly acquainted with
the villa xe, took it he wrong direction
for home and wandered away .shout
a quarter of a mile. Kind friends
noticed their distress .•vnd took them
in,and after dryinr 'their clothes,
which %here 11•oronehly aoeked the
little tots Wele Burned helm-ever:1e
much to their -relief.
Our viIL•tzers were 310(1,0(1 I:1(1
Friday nicht by else ral1line of old
pond and saw -a, (the event being the
chivarai for pee marriaze of Nike
Annie 9lnuhus, of i):evin%:god to Air.
Daubus, of Zurich, which event look
place on Thursday.
Std indeed %vas the. de.ith of Eva
l'asrinjre, who t'aersed away sudden-
ly on Nov. 8th. The funeral on 'Sat•
today woe t irrely attended by
friends of t Le deceased .
Mr. i1. W. F. heavers spent Sun-
day visit in: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. hoes,
3lount Ph -leant.
A number of the farmers - are
It (aline out their wheat now.
Mr. Jas. liallantytie's house kit
r %stir:; c•omplet:on.
Mr. \\-m. Fletcher has sold his
tares to Air. itichird Scott.
Mr. George. S. Delvers, who is now
1revcllin; for the Western and Jew-
:rlry Co., of London, %vas in the vii•
biz.^ Saturday ni;ht last.
Mr. C. E. lleckr.•y, who recently'
1,1(1 a successful r t -r (r horses and
Daftly, but kept Fettle of the horses
( t� c ,cn i:,e, will probably dis-
t c of some'ut the colt` and :Divers
Mr. ttuckr.cy hie a reputation for
1: i• z zeal her::s and whey: you
I it, to animal fron him y -•• r^ se:-
"tir.z the +test.
Hood's Sarsaparilla CASTOR IA
which contains the best and
safest -curative substances. The Kind You Hare Always Bought
For tesemonl4s dr resserkakle mei Bears the
wadi for look on Kidneys. No. a.
G 1. Hood Co., L owe& Mala>k Signature of
For Infants and Childrer.
tion, and a lifetime of impaired useful-
ness at best, while in many cases the
results are fatal.
The following letter should bring
hope to suffering women. Mrs. Robert
Glenn, of 434 Marie St., Ottawa, Ont.,
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-
" Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
is so well and widely known that is does not
need my recommendation, but I am pleased
to add It to the many which you have in ata
favor. I suffered untold agonies from ovarian
troubles for nearly three years, and the doc-
tors told me that I must undergo an opera-
tion, but as I was unwilling to do this, I tried
your Vegetable (omnound and I am only
too pleasedtaltfrestored or
perfect health. Saving mthe of
ovaratlon and the immense bills attending
t e same. Pray accept my hearty thanks
and beet wishes. '
Just as surely as Mrs. Glenn was
cured of the troubles enumerated in
her letter, just so surely will Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cure
every woman in the land who suffers
from womb troubles, inflammation of
the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous,
excitability and nervous prostration.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all young
women who are ill to write her for free
advice. Address, Lynn, Mass.
'fl1- Literary soniety of our school
held it very succe>.rul mectin; on
Friday lav(. The debate "City Life
versus Country Life" w•av a .;rent
success. The lea dere viers Newton
Clarke, affirmative and Willie Ki -
ford for the ,rxegnlive. E-iclt look
his pert nobly and upheld his side
evil h credit. Newton strove 'to brine
out the oduoatiorv:,.l and rolieious art -
a1 v.1
I uta, *as � f the IM Clife,
Willie 1 ll u•
p coed that fur freedom rend
purity country life is certainly in
the lead. However, the result wine
in favor of city life. Tiles (elate
may I:e contested :1';n.in before. the
end of the Ilene. Thede who re-
mairead last 011 Ilse floor for slue
spcllin; match were Willie Elford
for the Sr. earn and Pearl Guhr
for the Jr. 'renal. It was decided
that the next regular mee:int of the
sooiety will to held on elle last day
of school and will take ;the ;forts of
a concert. Ta lent. ,other than school
talent, may assist in the prozram.
Al this entertainment ;parents and
friends will Le cordially .vvcic.rue 1.
Mr. amt 51ns, John also Mr. ar:•l
Mrs. Philip Hem have returnee!
hoose .after •t pleesant strip to the
Nort 11 -we
Miss fief lie Millar is visitin, with
beetles in Kirk(on 11 hie week.
(From another source)
Mrs. David Gouldint, and her lit-
tle boy Itoy, who has for the past
few weeks been viSitin; relative=. in
Si ritit v and ether hoists returnee
home on Thursday of last week.
51rs. dares Gardiner un:i Mint
Emily Harrah called on aequorine
Lances at Sunshine on Tuesday of
last vvrek.
The boys of this tci;itborhood had
'a very hard time on hellowe'en. We
are sure they worked h iril to set the
farmers plows chimed amulet and
in order for work the next day.
51r. :err! Mrs. Robert [terry met
little tir•i were the zuest s of her
father, Mr. Robert Crcery, sr., on
Sunday last.
Variety in
Scarf Pins
Variety in scarf pins
is almost a hobby with
the average man.
And good taste need not
mean extravagance at
Diamond Ilall, where
there are tasteful pins
in solid gold at $r.e.5-
as well as solitaire dia-
mond ones at Si So.00.
A first favorite is a pin
in fox -head design of
Solis! gold --chill finish
with ruby eyes. And
postpaid it is yours for
$ J.Oo•
121121E BROS.
134.138 YONOF. ST.
N♦♦••••NN•••• ♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦NN••••••♦♦♦♦•8
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O!
169 Dundas St., London.
We made a big purchase of American Lamps at a
largo saving in price, and we are offering them at
prices you never before havo had given you and you
may not havo such a chance again for a long while to
come. They aro all new. The very best' of Fired
Decorations. Best brass fittings with Rochester
Seamless Faunts and Burners also II Founts and
Burners. Do not miss this opportunity of getting a
Genuine Bargain .
Regular Price $1,5o Special Price 85c
(1 11 1.65 a " $l.00
,1 „ 2.00 .1 /. 1.35
" t/ 2.00 n I1 1.50
3,00 2,00
3.75 11 2'75
6.75 1, 4.75
7,50 11 /' S I,o
9.50 4, /e 7.00
I 1.00 ' / 8.00
11 •1
•� 11 „
11 (1
11 11
I1 /1
li 11 et
I( (1
13.00 /( " 8 goo
i We carry all lines of lamps -Hanging, Hall, Parlor,
2i Glass, Reading, Sewing, Etc. an(1 we sell thorn at
:: Close Prices.
London Crockery Co
•t 169 Dundas Street, London.
-• WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of
♦ $10.00 or over.
t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Phone 1684.
134 Dundas Street and Carling Street,
Opposite Market Lane, Former Screaton Premises.
ILONDON, 01\1.411A-1=2,10
Matehless Vaines
in White and Grey
Grey Blankets, fine and lofty, guaranteed goods, un -
shrinkable, 41b., 50x70 inches, special, pair
5 lb., 54x74 inches, special, pair
8 lb.,►60x80 inches, special, pair,
All Pure Wool White Blankets.
1 Pure Wool White Blankets, large size,guaranteed
pure and clean ; regular $3.25, for
Extra Super All Pure Wool Blankets, guaranteed
pure and free from spots, fancy borders ;
$2.75, $3.25 and $4.05
t Fine All Pure Wool Sheeting, 72 inches wide ;
special, yard . , .. 690
Comfortables filled with white pure filling, large size
Al coverings ; extra special, each • $1. iia
Extraordinary values in Chintz and Sateen Coverings
large size, whit(' filling; at $2.00, $2.50 an(1 $3.00
Oxford Grey Homespun at Half Price.
50c Homespun, in oxford grey shade, 54 ins, wide ; to
clear at half price, yard ........
Mail Orders Especially Attended to.
(htcorpor:►ted by Act of Parliament 13.51
CAPITAL PAID UP ••• •-•• •••• $
• RESERVE FUND ••• •• • •••• •••• $
45 Drenches in Ontario, (jut bee. Alberto British Columbia al d M •nitoba
open every lawful Day from 10 A. M. to t i'. M. except 8t.:nrdny 10 A, Al. 10 1 r. -.
Feer,tierw' Mnle Notees cawed or collected. Forms supplied
On atplieation. UiIAFTs on nil entree in the ik,tninlon. Great 1)rIteln and Un-
ited Mate•, bought and mold at ;owcst rates of exchange,
Depoesltre o 101.00 ani upwards received. Interest come
pounded half yenrley, and nddcd to principal June 35th and Deerntber 31.1. De.
pewits Receipts elan meed at:d highest current rates of Interest allowed.
Advancew mode to fsrtnere tock dealers and business men at
lowest tattoo and on meet fro trattle trent. Agents et rtzctcr for (tom. Oovernmeet,
Dickson & Car11ng, Solicitors, N. D. UR ON, Manager. •