Exeter Times, 1905-11-16, Page 3New r MIM k 1THE POWER OF HAPPINESS'' SEUTY6 It is a Fair, Refreshing Stream That Flows >• Through the Dusty Ways of Life. Cenu;ne Carter's Little Liver Pills. Iklust Dear SlCnr.=taro of .See Fac-Slnit1e Wrep):cr Below. Very small ons sacs W talus as enf-it -. FCfi iICACN!. Fin Cei21NESS. l-Gdi GILi9USSESS. F*GS 77.l%tiiD LAYER. F4Fi^:#;1IlAT1G?!. 7 R urLLDW Slid. For,TallteethIF�LEJiiCii tom" Va-c r._ - v.+.r.a.. or�*i•. o� • C.-14: I'Uratl S'OIrt side./:4. .. Z7*-�7wST37':1' CURE. SICK Tho joy of the Lord is your of every glad, generous hearty int- st:.•ngth.-Neb. viii., 10. pulse and act' they said, tl1 -.0 1osteu11 of the strength of your things must be evil because they are faith being marked by tho length of happy. your sighs. the genuineness of your The old boundary line between the religion is to bo known by its joy- pain that uas piety and the phasure fulness. The same God who gives that spelt perdition has almost pas> - the sunlight and the smiling fields, cd away. Alen now know that (hero who males the brooks to laugh is pain and loss in the way of sin, through tho meadows and the stars that the way of the transgressor is , to sing at night, would rather seo hard; they learn by tasting them ; smiles than frowns en the faces of that the fruits of righteousness aro p his children. His glory is not in joy and peace. The age demands gloom but in gladness. Ito designed what the ruler of all has ever in - this world for happiness, and re- tended, that religion should send ligion is but the pursuing of his rnen on their way with the vigor of plans for the good of his children. .happier hearts, with the upweliing That which is holy Hurst be happy. 'love for men that should drive the Artificial sadness is always sinful. A !squalor. misery. despair, and heart - church is not sacred because it. looks aches of sin before it. like a sepulcher; music is not sacral Life has its work and it has its because all the spring is taken out sorrows: hut they ought both to be of it. You (10 not keep a day sacred for its enriching. to divine ends by making it dismal. I TIIE BUSINESS OF IIELIGI0`1 It is a religious duly resting on all • is to teach us that understanding to eel' ivate happiness, to make this ;and adjustment of life that will world less mid. Intake it a feast of fat things, to No matter how sincere n man may 'teach us that the God of all desires he, if his sanctity results only in Alm good of all. The moor•+ true sorrow to others its satisfaction to • piety -the seeking for the loving will him must count for nothing. Thorn of the all wise' and loving -there is is a great deal of piety that needs in this world the more pleasure there operating en to cut the bands that will be in it. AWOMAN'S BACK IS tie its heart and re(luee the Infiniti- I This happiness IS the cure for the enation of its spleen. Happiness is ;madness that some call pleasure. the very _ Life is a mockery indeed to those THE MAINSPRING OF iJEALTII OF RELIGION.(Whose only hope is for the ):ours of I leisure in which t o drink at the i If religion does not give right rola- lisurning drafts of excitement, the Mons to the things that determine lc,thal cup that only excite life's mis- t he tone and color of lift it is a try by paralyzing the faculties SYSTEM. Tilt, Slightest Lack- failure, ache, if Blest ted�s against the possibilities of real lint true happiness can never he pleasure. If Hien might only hear Liable to Cause Teary of Terrible selfish. It. grows only by giving. No •again (ho call of hien wlto bade tho Suffering. 1 ono can eat a feast by himself. Hap- weary and heavy laden to come; if No woman can ba Farmand healthy I patens is not found on lonely mounts they might but know that his way unle<s the kidw•vs aro weft and regelar in j of vision. Its waters are never so of life can give strength, rest, peace, their action. When the kidneys aro ill, { sweet. and cool to you as when you joy,. what an enriching life might the whole body is ill, for the poisons which , seek them for others. Nono ever have. tho kidneys ought to havo filtered out of ' find it who go with their own pitch- Make life happier and you will the blood are left in the system. len; alone. The reason so many make it holier. Make it full of plea - Tito female constitution is naturally !would -1m saints are sae) is because sure -not. that of a fool's paradise- moro subject to kidney disease than a I they will !tot lin other than selfish. man's; and what is more, a wu(nen'8 work It is not strange that teen who is never done -her whole life is one con- love this heaven horn lifer of ours tinruus strain. should turn away from tlio religion How many women have you heard say: (that re "My, how my hack aches!" Do you know P every happy, )y• joyous 1 that backaeho is one of the first signs of i human thingsresenitu as an enormous of kidney trouble? It is, and should be at,. i!naso against its God. Once men tended to immediately. Other symptoms gathered together every dark and de - are frequent thirst, scanty, thick, cloudy pressing thought and tiling and said or highly colored urino, burning sensation Mese constitute tho divine in this whoa urinating, frequent urination, puff- world; they looked out through the and yours shall be religious service ing under the oyes, swelling of the feet and smoked glasses of sanctimony and iiide rl. ankles, floating specks before the oyes, eta These symptoms if not taken in time and cured nt once, will cause years of terrible uu�-e c LESSON Snt ilotcn an(1 wept-Lulicaling tiro kidney suffering. All these symptoms, and 1 HE S. S. pail ness concerning Jerusalem ryas in fast, these diseases may bo cured by the to Nehemiah unexpected. use of --- Before -Lit. "In the presence of." HER PHYSICAL but that of peace with heaven's plans, with the joy of knowing that. over all is infinite love. the strength that comes from knowing right is invincible, the tender and sweet joys that spring up at the touch of hu- man love. Go your ways to snake them paths of gladness, to show love shining throng sorrow, to give love in the name of the lord of love DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS They act directly on the kidneys, and mako them strong and healthy. Mrs. MaryGalloy, Auburn, N.S., writes: " For over fur mantles 1 was troubled with a lone back and was unable to turn in bell without help. 1 was induced by a friend to try I)o:<n's Kidney Pills. After using two- thirds of a box my back %vases well as ever." Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or sent direct on re- ceipt of price. The Doan Kidney rill Co., Toronto, Ont. Every Hour Delayed IN CURING A -COLD IS DANGEROUS. Yon have often leard people soy: "Its o fly • cold, a truing e:ougb; ' but many $ life history would read different if, on the first appease/me of n cough, it had been remedied with R• 0 NOR- WAYW OO D'S N WAY PINE SYRUP. It is a pearnt, safe and effectual remedy. that may be confidently reliul upon as a speeifie for Coughs end Colds of all kinds. Hoarseness, Bore Throat, Pains in Chest. Asthma, ioesehitu, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quir.:ry, and all afros- Mons frse-tion+ of the Throat and Lungs. Mr, Stephen E. Strong. Berwick, N 9., writes: "1 have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for Asthma, and have found it to be a grand medicines. always giving quick relief. W. would not be without a bottle of it in the house." Ur. Woo.ts Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper. 'Three line Trees is the trade murk and the pries 2.5 cents at all dealers. Itefuse subatitstcs. iternard Dr. Woecre and feet it. SUFFERING WOMEN whn find life a burden, can hero health sad strength rut - stet by the use of Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills. The present generation of women and girls ha.,' mere than their share of misery. With some ir is nervousness and palpitation, with other!, weak. dirty and fainting spells. while with ethers there is a general ee•llapse of tho system. Itlilburn's )kart and Nerve Pills tone up the nerves, strengthen the heart and make it beat strong end regular, create new red blood cor- puscles. and impart that sense of buoyancy to the spirits that is tl.• result of renewal mental and physical biter. Mtg. P. O. Donoghue. (irii!is. Oat., writes: •• For over a year 1 was troubled with nervous- ness and heart trouble. 1 decided to give Mil - burn's !fears end !fens Pits a trial. and after using five betel i found 1 was completely cured. 1 always recommend teem to my friends " Price 50 rest, per hot or three beteg for SI 25. all dealers or 9e. T. Hi:hura CO., 14ruted Tetoslo. Ont. • INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NOV. 19. Lessen VIII. Neheniiah's Prayer. God of heaven -A title also fro- quently found on Persian inscrip- tions. b. Verses 5 to 11 contain No11e- miuh's prayer. In verse 5 we have - Golden Text, James 5.16.f the opening address' aothat prayer; BOY BRAGS OF H IS GRIMES cnl'ed all right then, but were caught. Note --'These Word Studies of this 1n verses (S and 7, the humble con- , fessiou of sin, and in verses 8-10. afterwards. 1 had nothing left of the lesson aro based on the text of tit.S6,000 worth of stuff that I stole Revised Version. the petitioner's confident a eraeal erto YOUTHI'UL BURGLAR PROUD previous to this." the Ezra -Nehemiah. -The books Ezra the divine promise. l'he prayer i �� 1braggart con - Ezra -Nehemiah. -The verse 11, with an earmev6 OF HIS "BUSINESS. unties, "because aoyette, my partner and Nehemiah together record ,events told the police where some of it was of two most important epochs in the st.pplicatilm for the people, 111111 es- ""that and I came to the conclusion history of the Jewish people. '1910 Pedally also for •. ehemiah himself on Prepares a Statement Relating that I might jolt as well loll %hirci first of these epochs covers the period their representative nt the royal His Experiences -Says He of the return from captivity and the court. Would Kill. all the other stuff was. We got out 1 y That kee et h covenant and loviit of prison on Monday evening by pull - rebuilding of the temple: the second P° 3 embraces Ude period of reform under kindness with thein that love him Tho two boy burglars, Albert ing a hook out of the wall. i expect Benoit and itudolph Guyette, aged to get out again before my time uniah. An intervening period of al -1 Mut.ut. 7. 9.) The expression "keepeth i►bout seventeen years ro,pec.tiveiy, comes Ezra and the governorship of Nese-;and keep his co►llrilalidlne0ls-(Comp• most sixty years is passed over in j covenant and loving-kinduesg" is an who bink•, jail at St. If•Vncinthe, silence by both books, except for two abbreviation of "keepeth the J int Que., a few days ago, aro now on 70 'fl GO TO PENITENTIARY. and showeth kindness." '1'o the .leo- alert solely behind bars, but th •ir brie( s period to persons and events"After we left nil we tramped for of this period in Ezra 4. 6 anti Nub. 1 to mind the relation of v sinful man retaking has revealed a most remark- j P 12. 26, respectively. to Cod was that of a servant to ha 01)10 tuna of criminal prccociouamess, fifteen miles steadily, );Ding in the Verso 1. The first sentence of this master. Devotion on the part of meat While u Posse of Polito aero out direction of St. Charles. Wo were ld box or bag of short cords proclaims r old I decided ire %u all cold,u c t; r.a 0 pretty broke t thsmall OP youth e cl'n + country t vx l i Lhc cv to •o 01 ! meowingn YIth� d 14x1(1 nIg could 1 1'zo )e. t realized, h•b a c therefore, r ) o :n only r heading t• . r• %• rso . first verse ferule a title ohn a t)get conte, warm for the entire bank. obedience to God's law. I into Chicoyne's store nt tit. Charles. details. it is Busy to take a stitch 6. While I confess the sins of rho No ciao was left, but Detective l u- pro Tuesday night we decided to break in time when eyerythin 18 in rcauli- Words-Or, history (Itev. Ver.into tho store of Mr. Chicoyne. We R �turg). 1'h0 rendering "words," children of Israel 'Po he have sin- Point happened to I:o ill rho into r y aces, bat exceedingly difficult when right act putr n .v K gut in all t o o f e w n t h( .f u•►lI es R � h• i4 the would seem to point to Nehemiah r.8 Heel against flee -To Nehemiah 18 st tLe of tit• •tell •t ti clothes we found in the store. As we came needed sleet of cotton is gone, scuttorecl .lowish ext ion is still w cuni0 walking up the street and warn 1 g the author of the entire narrativeor llo small acts ors are not to bo which fullo%s; the reudering his- unit and as such God's people. It is Placed uncle arrest bolero they we•e trona out of ing !roof dour there was tory," which with the known conn- itself which responsible for national efts- aware of rho presence of the ollic;r. n man watching with a revolver in a found, and so on through a long )osite structure of the book. aster which hits come upon it. We After being taken back to St. WA- trembling hand, oho told its. if ea. list of small accessories. A corm- when tho he 's attracted u;n0 encs! t didnot.tw ouldshoot us. M f I t t stopho h Y to hetet) •••ls 1 note also the sense of personal re cintho Benoit. alio seems Nrhet1inh, the son of Hetcetlinh-{ The father's name is given to distin- sponsihilit.y of the individual for the been the leade', made n signed elute-' Pnrtnrr (Gu}•otic) laughed at him, , writing desk is well stacked with ui +h Nehemiah from other rllell hoar- sin of rho nation which Nehemi h melt, iu part as follows.- I but h0 did shoot all right, but anter i stationery, pens, goal ink, and post- The tllat1ifests .and which is ten hatiir_d in "I gave only been n burglar about :hit as. '!'hen 1 ran, while fl0yotto age slumps, and equally necessary ing the seine name, mentioned in P (1110+ months, but 1 1111we travelled i got in rho shadow of Lho building, are t► definite number of tuftal arti Ezra 2 and Noh. 3. ]0. the next clause, Vea, 1 and my (nth- The month of (7htslev-The ninth pr's house have siunrtl, over tho greater part of America for, although we. each bud w rot'ultror, clew. i. We -The pronoun refers again to since I left school. I had always I two did not leant to shoot until it, The spots c! iron rust frequently month of the Jewish calendar year. The names of rho months in theft the nation in(ludinq. of course, Nehe been n great. reader of dime novels, became absolutely necessary. On Wed.deface the white clothing when it order were: Nisrtn, lyyur, tiiwrtn, miah and his father's house. pertaining to burglars and highway- nesdst ny night we et some kind peo- comes from the wash. as overy Commandments,statutes.mea, and the conviction gradual:), plo near St. Hilaire, who incited its housewife knows, and often and grew on 100 that if tho business was Into their place for the night. We . vainly has she endeavored to find , i .11 PSY HINI Taken promptly and faithft.:Ily according to di pitons will not only invari^bly pr. vent Consume but will never fail to cure any of those le diseases which are always tho forerunner Oonsumptiof. CoNsscoN, May 3oth, It affords me pleasure to speak of the me rsychiue, which I found to be a marve!oMtec tissue builder. I was taken down with a bac which settled on my lungs. In fact, I believe never free 'From colds for months previous, an many of the common cure-alls and cheap nostru see advertised, but obtained no relief. I hay learned that such remedies are merely ',allied riot curative pr-;.aralioI1s. Friends advised l'sycbi after taking several bottles I became sound and again. Scores of my friends have been save< suffering with Psychine, and I voluntarily give per for tlto publication of this statement. O. W. MORRIII sychin (Pronounced Si -keen.) For sale at all drug stores, $1.00 per bottle` druggist hasn't Psychine in stock -call at Dr,` Limited, 179 King street, west, Toronto, an sample bottle will be given you free as Persons living outside of Toronto a sample request. VALUABLE DINTS. A little lemon juice added to tho water for pastry helps to make it light and improves the flavor. When seeding raisins rub a little butter on Leo -Knife and fingers to prevent the feeling of stickiness. To collect dust. while sweeping, nos tiring is better than old newspapers. 'fake a page of newspaper, wet it in hot water. and press it between the IY j hands until it. ceases to drip, then doily or weekly dusting tear it. into pieces and throw them brushes and cloths shout over the carpet. When you sweep readiness. First (tic lar you will find that most of the dust gathers on the wet paper. Feather beds are most unhealthy. The body sinks down into them. This prevents the escape of perspir- ation, anti makes ventilation diffi- cult. They are heating, and, im t�trLing (lownwnrds. Pull vaso of illness, make the duties of of the duster through any nurse most difficult. If used, 31109 spaces. A feather brush is ti 81100111 be shaken every day. and oc- for the tops of pictures, ale° casionally the feathers should be tops and backs of hooks. e cleaned. glass of pictures may be '1'o wash embroidered linen make a with newspaper, tissue Pape strong suds of some white soap and soft old duster. An old s 1 lukewarm water -cast il0 soap 13 h(rchfef is convenient for d appears best -and wash the pieces carefully ornaments from the m in that. The washboard should not which should E.0 placed t be used. Rinse them immediately in on the table to admit. of ing with this, and hent in hot over the fire. Pour i and when cold, if Prussia entered into the coniposit. will be a distinct deposit which will form n brown • the bottom of the glass. a will be sufficient to account - large number of iron spots in the weekly washing. Method should no used in a room, and before star Tho Czar, who recently signed it ussia's Magna Charts, as ho in his Cor enation Itobes. of furniture should hav - wiped o1T carefully. And carved parts n soft should be used. 'Filen all. and rims of the chairs dusted, beginning at the lukewarm water, then in water ()ugh (lusting of tho overn slightly blued, and then hang them mantelpiece, after which to dry. 11'hen half dry lay them unents are replaced. Imsj smoothly on n clean cloth. doubled wooden mopboard with a or laid over a piece of double faced while canton flannel, and press them on (h• wrong side with a hot iron until they are dry. 1f the embroid- eries are fringed condi the fringe out carefully with a coarse comb. The value of 9101111 conveniences in the home cannot be placed too high. The providing of these is one of rho duties of the housemother or daugh- ter. For instance. the matchbox which is found empty in the dark- ness, causes great dissapointtnent. The went of a hall of twine at a crucial moment, or the need of a Tammuz. Al '1•:lul, 'Tishri. Marchesut- van, 'Sisley (or Chislev) 'I'ebeth, Sheltie h, Attar. Shushan -Ono of the three capitals of tho Persian empire. it. had form- erly been the capital of t he kingdom of Elam, whose territory stretched along the shores of the Persia golf lions, and the land of your enetni.•s eastof the Tigris Ricer. The king- shall eat you up. And they that 01'0 duns of Elam is mentioned in Gen.twit of you shall pine away in 11. 1. it was conquered by Ammo- quity in your enemies' lands; and tenni-paI who destroyed the capital also in rho iniquities of their fathers city of Shushan. Darius llystasoos shall they pine away with them," rebuilt the rity and made it his royal Lev. 26. 38, 39. residence and enpit al. ; 9. But if ye return unto me -The 2. 1Innani, one of my brethren- promise referred to in this verse •s Probably n near kinsman of Nebo- given in lent. 30. 1-1, from which mine. If not nctunlly his real brother. it is taken el most verbal lin. Certain men out of .1udah-lieu The place that I hate chosen, to who had conte from Judah to Sims- cause my name to dwell there -Be- han to communicate in Nehemiah the ferring to Jerusalem end the 1ten- mot s which they brought. pie. The 1lebrew verb translated .lows that had escaped. that were "cause to dwell" is the same sword left of the captivity -Men who had from which line come the later Ile - returned from llabylonia to Jerusa- brew word Shechinah, applied to the lent and who wern now doubtless visible nlanifestnt ion and glory c t well ndvance.l in age. the divine presence. Concernitflg Jerusalem -Probably I1. '1'o fear thy name -Name here also concerning the temple, though stands for nature me+ at tributes, this is not specially mentioned. that is, for fled himself. :3. (trent affliction nod reproach- ('upbenrer-An office of exceeding:y This is not n reference merely to the high honor nt an ancient Oriental huntilintimd cif being subJect to (1 court, though one which might he foreign ruler, but rather to the evil held by more than one person at the plight in which, on the one hall 1, saute time. the residents of Jerusalem were with- in the city units, and to the scorn- ful attitude. on the other hand, of their enemies without. Broken down -burned -At one time lly thi9 tim• e the ice-cream free: c Since the captivity, the walls had probably been whole and the city secure. Now the walls were again broken down nn(1 tho gates of the city destroyed, antes -These three words occur to- gether in i)eut. 5. 31; 6. 1; 7. 11; 8. 11; 11. I. 8. 1f ye trespass, I will scatter you abroad among the peoples-- " And ye Anil perish among the ma - has departed for the cellar on a P -.)- longed vocation. "At least, 1 can go down with Colors flying," said the painter when his foot sllppt'd on his ladder. properly conducted it 1t ould t o a started on our way to Richelieu, aft 1 the cause. 1)otnest lc s•rlence declares very profitable one, %ith great 'to- never was there a more surprisedit to proceed frothe bluing, Maras in it and little chance of cap- farm than I was when i reitintn 1ho tvtii(.h, instead of being made from turn. My start in my new business arms of inspector Lapoint. ile grub- the pure ultra -marine, is sometimes was most successful. bed us so quickly that 1 did not have made of Priv-shin blur. There aro time to draw my revolver. ns I oth •r- tiny test (Meet which will reveal the I IL1d) A 111(1 'TIME wise certainly would have Clone." Inspector 1.;tenial, who was present precipitato of iron in the ono case_ in 'Trois Pistoles, ns eel' as in St. when Benoit told his 1tery, asked, and the put•e indigo in the other. dean Port Jolie, Levis, 'Phren Rivers e'rh.e test i., a simple one, and each and a few other places. I made "You do not seriously want to ease lie usekceper mkt make It for herself that you would have shot and tilled Minot three or four hauls n week, Inc if you end 1)c.n given a chance?"and thus avoid al brands of bluing and managed to get t ogether abo'tt .•I certainly would have shot yo,i, : that do not slant!it. The process $6.000 worth of jewellery and other consists in dissolving n little wash - valuable things, wfilch 1 gradually not 1:ecrtuse it %n a you, hut. because in soda in water, mixing some obi - shipped up to St. Hyacinthe with the i would have shut any Inns th:et tried to capture me," K intention of selling it when opportua_ " Renuit replied. ity offered to some of the people ,n The Iran who fired a revolter at Montreal aha tical in stolen pro, er_ the youths in front of ('hicoyne's ty. I had one greet disappointment was the proprietor ):iuteelf. In 'i'hree Rivers because I could not break in a safe which contained a large nniount of jewellery, but 1 have not yet got up that high in my Wee- ncss, although that will soon come no doubt. 1 know that if 1 go to penitentiary 1 %ill 1. urn a great many more secrets and wrinkles about my business than 11.now now. "I have never killed anyone yet be- cause there has never hero any oc- casion for doing 80; 00 one has ever interfered with my liberty in such a twny that i could use a gun on hint, but 1 would not. hesitate h1 the toast to shoot anyone that %mild do so if opportunity were given me." lietdolt desc: ibes ns hinny his caw- ture as 1 h rca+:lt, of breaking into the ('onlr'nt of the Precious 1110401 and searinft the mien. "They s-ri,tm- r.•1 so and made ! etch a terrible sae's - et Ihat all wo could do was to get out as fast as Re'cauld, and wo es- 44/44ie 1"EIIOCIOUS EAGLES. f.1:S. 'lite story of nn eagle atfnekine a boy near Gstcig, in Switzerland, h,..s brought to light ninny records of these birds even nttncking grown-up persons. in rho spring of 1898 a pot•trnan going his rotuidv in the ncighbuncuod of Sospello, in the itiviern, %as attacked by an eagle. and so seriously injured that he died a few days afterwards. In the il- loge, of St. Martin Vesufia, in the some district, an eagle swooped down apo•. a brood of chickens close to cottage door. One was pounced up.)n, and the infer•fated mother h,+.t seised the eagle by one of Its wings and was dragged a!unq the street for several minvites, the "noble bird" being unable to rise. ber and then with a dry• careful housewife does n dust the legs of. Laid Windows, chandeliers skirting boards, th door when open an grata. • The fellow who be a high flier d wings to sprout. MILB LAXA- P11 ars mild, sure and regulator of the sys They gently url away all effete and system, and give whole intestinal tion, Sick Heade° sia, Coated Tonga dice, Reartburn, and R. S. Ogden, Woodstoo "My husband and m'aelf burn's L:a-Liver Ptlts f years. We think we can them. fihoy aro the only take." Price 25 cents or five bet at all dealers or direct on The T. Milburn Co., Limi Ont. Excesses and in 1Iseretloos are the can renew and suffering Mao all other diseases We ice the victims of vicious habits on e the sallow, pimpled face, dark circled eyes, form, ,tunic.' development, bashful, m cnonteeance and timid bearing' proclaim t world his folly and tend to bight LIS existe treatment positively curls an weak rnen by o and removing the effect, of former Inciter excesses, It et 't -S all losses and drains a n•Uorrs the patient to what nature Intended red happy man with p.ysical, mental and era comple 5. For Deer 2.5 fears Ttr•, K. h R. have the gieateet snccrts all di.eases of teas If) I:avaany ,poet dl mewl, • t a year health (0055 ia::altho do not base to ex 1*e guarantro 11 co Diseases, !trt:tt:re, Ve testeses. Consultation P for a Question Blank for IQ