HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-16, Page 2MY AND NAVY MUTINY
;t Fire to City of Cronstadt in
f1any Places.
de Patch from St. Petersburg
r-Olicinl reports represent that
situation at Cronsludl has been
ctly exaggerated. it is asserted
the fires have been extinguished.
that attempts at looting have
stupptel by severe weans. It is
said that the streets aro quiet,
urn being patrolled by troops. It
mpossihie to say how much of
official statement is true. Mes-
a from p1 hate sourer% tell quite
efferent story, although they are
ewhat vague regarding the tittles
the happenings. Fugitives who
vcd here on Thursday say the
ors set fire to the greater part of
town. and when the fugitieto left
Inuttineers were toasters of the
ation. 'Proops were only employ --
to guard the arsenal. '
Nile only a few details can be
fleet at the moment, it is curtain
t the situation hos been very
mus. Gen. TrepotT's lastoflicial
as chief of police was to collect
sailors from various fit. Peters -
g jails and Hend them under ar-
to the naval authorities nt
nstadt. They were loaded on a
inter, which started for tho for-
ts. On tho tray the sailors over -
rend the crew and took control
Che Mout, which arrived at Cron -
of the pupulaco. It Is evident that
the aceto crisis caused by the eltsh
of the new eysteit with the out-of-
date tendencies is approaching an
end. The tragic and deplorable
evertus of last tecaek in several places
in the empire care be consideree as
the spontaneous reactien of ttie cun-
eervlttive element of tho population
againta the perhaps exalt u&ated do-
►rionstral 10119 of the re:ileai clement.
On the other hand, it is impossible
to deny that, in certain caeeet, this
reaction was encountered by the local
administration officials. 'lb, pre
sent Covernnmcet is Inc from igeor-
ing; or concealing this fuel. Were
it to do so it. would be going in the
old way, while. profe'ssiug its lirni
determination to follow the road of
"Awing admin istrat ite officials
them are enemies of the new system
tvho are opposing by every merits in
their power the realinttion of re-
forms. In a telegram which he sent
to a New York banker Count Witte
' pressen his abhorrence of the atro-
cities that have been committed.
Nevertheless, it would he (titlirult to
replace immediately the whole Per-
sonnel of the Aduliuistrtttion by new
officials, fully sensible of the benefits
t flying a red flag. The cmbletn of a truly liberal regime. On the
stated oduliuu was seen from shore, other hand it may be s tat 1 that in
uewes of solcliers and sailors every case in which any suspicion
1 to welcome the mutineers. could arise that the local udaninis-
rs later the town and for- teethe officials had encouraged f.ro-
o entirely in their posses- cions tendencies. orders have been
given for investigation by the judi-
IIISLD TIllt TOWN. tial authorities."
• ount states that the crews
arships mutinied and landed. VLAI)iMIR RESIGNS.
Id the town for 24 hours,
ing the people, looting and Grand Luke Vladimir bus resigned
'at random. The inhabitants the post of commander of the; guard
e4 aboard steamers in the liar- and of the military district of el..
"abandoning their homes to the Petersburg, anti the announcement
.derers. Sono wealthy residents, of his resi nation, which has been
the wives of officers paid hum-' in the hands of Emperor Nicholas
of roubles 'to bo landed at since the degradation of (:rand
enbnum, five milts away. 1 Duke. Cyril, his son, because of his
ginrent of Uhluns was sent from marringe with Grand Duchess Vic-
etcrsburg to help in quelling toria, divorced wife of lh : (:rand
niers. The first members of Duke of Hesse, is accompanied by a
Intent who landed were hay - cool and formal manifesto referring
and .the rest joined the aur- briefly to Grand Ituke Vladimir's ap-
Sonte other soldiers also pointnent nt the wish of Emperor
oar, making a total of•5,000 Alexander M.. and of his desire to
es troops. What part the civ- resign on act",. 1 of ill -health. In
Workers took in the rising is
tear, but apparently grout num- closing; the manifesto contains tau
, si.:reotvped expression of thanks for
joined the mutineers. The flght-
"' scents to have been between the the (/rand ]nuke's long services.
The resignations of Prince. llilkolT,
Minister of Railways, and Charles
von ticliwanetbuch, Minister of Agri-
culture, have been accepted. Roth
have been appointed members of the
"n Corps, are showing an Inset- Council of the Empire.
ante spirit. A detachment Of
Wards'Regiment is stationed in ATROCITIES IN CAUCASUS.
barracks. A despatch from St. Petersburg
says: The revolutionary wave con-
tinues to subside, except in th:, Cau-
casus. As details of what happened
colon 'J'inu±s' St. Petersburg throughout. European Russia during
Indent quotes n friend who the upheaval are
given the story
nbawn ut 1 p.m. 011 'Fluent- grows more revolting. In the Baltic
saying that whale quartters provinces murder, riot, and 1ncendi
r burning, including the arisen prevailed. In Poland ev. it the
co mrd the State brandy (clergy, Catholic and Protestant, par-
1icipat(sI in the manifestations in
ng of Kona was audible !favor of the autonomy of the ancient
burg on Thursday ev-;kingdom. In South -we eerie ltussia
lrarael from a trust- hardly a city or two r:caped .Jewish
o that the sailors massacres.
arships are bonnbar•l At Tomsk, Siberia, according to
s on shore, and that the latest reports received her.•, the
l r.ng wil•lly. It Isl whole population of 40,000 and the
the grtrrisons in some ninitmiry stood by while 600 m n,
have mut Med. The tton,eei and children Were burned in
ere helped vsorkm •n to
senate. It is bclieetet
•e nrt tllr•ry.
pendent ascribes the
the reftsnI of the de-
nted three days ago for
of service from seven to
prey of $2 a month, pro-
ne! clothing, 'terntis:ion to
tt'c•tings, and better trent-
he officers. The shipping
1101 is ifs fire.
er 1'rtlnre is being hurri-
1 Inc the (*ear's arrival,
fborlrootl of Cronstadt is
ter and the loyal troops. Tut un -
eller ofllcers are among the killed.
total number of casualties can -
be estimated.
he Fourteenth and Eighteenth
Is suffering free) nrr-
Dom ('m onetadt says:
reelected the glace of
as the currespnn-
ach,•tl ('ronstnelt on
evening. Upon landing.
horned enquiry no calve'
that the troop, and the
1nos apparent !y had the
nil Fighting had teased in
Is. anti tho town was quiet,
rs were expressed that there
he fcuthe' trouble. 1'nlre.le
agtsl in hunting; down and
Ing the mutineers.
outbreak started on Wednee-
ftern ion. when the sailors of
eletenth full equipage," revolt -
led It is omen t., killed sante
h ..O!erre. '11.••y ninrcheil out
barracks eine immediately
er;.1 four : 1 i1it shugw.
:ern nith levier they relmu•n':1
sized their none. rind then Went
1111114441g.', lining{ pneniscuoarly
the inept' awl the ler:nl snil-
1..lte•' they were joined by
of their c•lu1reteto and fighting
el fr midnight nail
v morwing, when the terror-
Iiihabitant- began to flee.
estimates place the mam-
a theatre. The court -house at
Tomsk and the Mayor's rc•si:lehco
where the !indents anti revolutfan-
ists took refuge from the mob, were
burned, and the: a who tried to flee
tvcre killed in the streets.
Lt Moscow tete social revolution -
lees and tho lilnck Hundred and the
(cossacks rind police fought bloody
battles. '1 he descent of the imtch-
ers of Moscow with their knives and
ayes open 1he students was one of
the most. horrible chapters, but not
as pitiful, however, As the attack of
the Black hundred on a preotosion
of school children carrying eel huge.
When the children sought to escape,
a cordon of police barred the tenv,
and the youthfn) martyrs were beat-
en into insensibility +tad in some
cases were actually turn to pi eel.
in the Alexander Garden at Mos. ow
C'oseetrks Iny in ambush in tli•
shrubbery and set upon their vic-
tims; with whiles. fiany were heat••:,
to death, and others were 'molly
able to crawl away.
The reports from the ''enc., -•,a
%}tote there is no inmumpli.,er p1(1 1, 1
of suppressing the present slate ,.f
starchy. Battles; be•t'1,1m Tartar,
and At'u&4t,ktn8 contrinne. and the
de -:Owl' of the railroads and lo.k
of troops make it Intpussitd.' for Ih.•
authorities to cape with the situa-
Unusual Percentage of Grain
jected by Inspectors.
Missionaries Met a Horrible
Death at Lienchow.
A liong Kong despatch says: -1)r.
Machle, the American missionary who
escaped the tuassetee at Lienchow,
confirming the previous accuunts of
the outbreak, adds horrify ing details
of the atrocities committed ou the
American woman. When the distur-
bances ecommetice•el the limb seized
Miss Chestnut anti Mrs. Machle mud
exposed them to public view in the
Chinese temple. Amy Machle, a 10 -
year -old child, tens carried on and
flung alive Into the ricer. The riot-
ers stripped Miss Chestnut naked and
flung her into the river. While the
two were et•ug;gliog in the stater
three (Chinamen (peered thein ttitit
tridents. Miss Chestnut's body and
Amy Machle's head were pierced.
Mrs. !tackle appealed to the rioters,
but. they ' stoned her brains out,
stripped the body and flung it into
tate river.
The mob then captured ]ir. and
Mrs. Peale, stripped lieu naked, ex-
posed theta fur fifteen minutes, club-
bed 111•. Peale to death 111 his wife's
prc-seuce, and subsequently killed Mrs.
Peale in the saute brutal fashion.
1 Royal Party Enthusiastically Wel-
. conned at Bombay.
A Bombay, India, despatch says: -
Tho Prince and Princess of Wales ar-
rived here on 'Thursday on board the
British battleship Renown. They
were greeted with salutes from the
forts and warships and were ilccorcl.•d
an enthusiastic reception by the im-
mense crowds lining the sen front.
The city is tilled with visitors front
all parts of lndin. 'The town and
people alike are bedecked in the gay-
est attire.
The Viceroy, Iem•d Curzon, went on
board the Renown to welcome the
Prince and Princess of Wales, while a
notable gathering of native chief); in
glittering uniforms and surrounded
by their staffs and escorts itwaited
the Royal visitors at the landing
A itoyal salute WAS fired as tho
Prince and Princess of Wales, accom-
panied by Lord Curzon and Lady
Curzon, landed ft•otn the Renown and
proceeded to a canopied platform,
where a civic address of welcome was
presentee' to the Prince.
Shocking Fatality at a Fairy -ale,
17.B., Sawmill.
A St. John, N.11., despatch says:-
Telegraphic Briefs From 08/f Cwa
Samuel 'Hutton, aged 25, was kiu,at
and Other Countries of Re- and fearfully 'smelled iu Cushing's
sawmill. Feirville, on Wede• relay. A
cult iron tthtel below tho floor buret
CANAI).\. and tore up the (lour. Mutton fell
Nrepnwn, Muu., after 18 years' e'- into the hole thus mnude um! was
perieuce Las decided to retain loc.tl uuutg;l(rl by rapidly-rutolviug porta
eept1 1,. of tbu broken t.hc'c•1. One piece %rut
11a1.1i1(un has now $40,000 11t through the roof of the mill.
sight fur a projected sanitarium for ,r_ .
eorsutnptivr8.KILLED IN TRAIN WRECK.
'twenty thousand tons of sugar
beets are to to bhihped trout Ontario Head -on -Collision on Delaware
to Acarine City, 11ichiga°'and Laekawarsna Read.
People in the tvt:,t aro satisfes1
that the new ia•lway built in Mani- _Five Wilkesharre, 1'a., despatch says:
team is .1 J. Dill's line. -Five pertsuns were kilted, ten ser -
.lames Montgomery, a patient in iuuiay injured and a score slightly
the London Asylu►,t for the Insane, hurt in a hCtld-ell l'UBIlilell bctwtou u
strangled himself on Saturday.passenger train unci it coal train on
llo S. P. May at about to retire the Delnwnru, Lackawanna & 11'c>!t-
frono his position to; Provincial In- tern Railroad near Duulocks Creek
of Public Libraries. un \1'txloexiduy. Alt of the killed were
Norman P:Ilis was fined 830 and trainmen. 'lhu wreeck, it is said, maze
costs at blouse .law for selling the due to the misreading of orders by
return check of his farm laborer's the freight crew.
• ticket. 1 -____�
William Purdy et Hamilton druakif/RTHE
carbolic acid in mistake for cough _
mixture and died in a few minutes, Outbreak in Tilbury and Chaffoy
en Friday. Townships.
It is proposed in Montreal to tax
the residences df clergy heretofore A despatch from 'Toronto says:
exempt, at least on assessment above An outhri ale of diphtheria wan re -
a certain minimum.ported to the Pro% incial Wahl) Of-
Klitn farm of 6.10 acres near Re- lice on 'Thursday from 'i'illmry Fast
gins bought less than three years Township, in Kent County. The
ago for $U,200, has been sold to e:. township has no health officer, and
1'. Gatos of Minneapolis fur $40, the 'Township Council are reported
000. to have been a trifle slow in looking
The Dominion Government have after the matter. The Provincial
proposed to Australia that the tat- health Officer has asked theme to ap-
ter submit a tar11T whereby prefer -
point A health officer, and if this is
cntial priviheges could bo enjoyed by i not done the provincial office will
both countries' appoint one at. the expense of the
$4.25 to $3.50, and straight rollers, Mr. W. A. Clark of Toronto was
shot and killed by Mr. William Pan- municipality. The outbreak already
$t to $4.25 in wood; in bags, 51.85 ton of Milton hi mistake for a deer, includes several cases.
to $1.1,0. Rolled oats --82.:15 per on Friday. The party were hunting In Chaney Township. Muskoka,
bag of 80 Its. Feed -Ontario bran,
near Pickerel River. several cages are reported which are
in bulk, $15 to $15.50; shorts in The 'I'illsonburg, Lake Erie & Pact- , supposed to have originated from a
bags, 520 to $20.50; Manitoba bran, fie Railway has been leased to the boy who died of the disease. It was
in bags, $16 to $17; shorts, $19 to Canadian Pacific Railway Company, not known that he had bud diph-
$2U. flay -No. 1, :;8.50 to $9 per and will after November 15 be op- thcria. (Inc of the pallbearers at
ton on the truck; No. 2, $7.50 to crated as part of district No. 2 of the funeral developed diphtheria anti
$8; clover, 86 to i6.50; clover, prix- the (intone division. went into a boarding-house, where a
ed, :;6.75 to 57.25. iteans-Choi.:e Chas. M. flays predicts that tho number of people caught it. Thera
primes, $1.50 to 51.55 per bushel; movement of grain and other pro- have been one or two deaths alreudy.
handpicked, $1.65 to $1.70. Potatoes ducts of the west would one day be Iit Moulton 'Township, ilablintand
-New potatoes, in bags of 80 lbe ns heavy to the west coast as it no•.v County, a case of smallpox is re -
53 to 55c; i.t bags of 90 lbs, lit) to is to the east. ported.
65c. }holey -White ciover, in combs,, 'no Carberry, 11an., flour mill has
12 to lac per 1-1b. section; extract, I been sold to a syndicate of American
74 to 8c; buckwheat, 6 to 61c Pru capitalists who intend to establish a WHEAT AS BALLAST.
visions-lieavy Canadian short cut string of mills throughout the west, --
pork, $32; light short cut, $I8 to arftl manufacture for the export Object of Shipping Grain by the
$19; American cut clear fat hacks, trade. All -rail Route.
520.25 to 520.75; compound pural.trd, little Current wmis visited by ado A despatch from Winnipeg says:
61 t() 7c; Canadian pure lard, 11 i structive tire 011 Saturday night. , peg
kills; kettle rendered, 121 to 121c; ` Only for the assistance of tugs And n The C'nmm�lian Pacific Railway will
baits, 12 to 14c; bacon, 14c; fresh bucket brigade most of the town forward 2,000,000 bushels of wheat
killed abattoir e.'c5sed hugs, $3.50 to ttotticl have been destroyed. front Fort William to Mt. John,
58.75; alive, 50.12:) to $(3.•',O; tnixoel Mayor Sharpe, of Winnipeg, has N. Be by the all -rail route, and op -
lots. i ggs--Straight stock, 11) to! come out with a proposal that the et•ations on this project have Mml-
I:aNo. 1 candled, 18 to 18 t' nldermanic toil be ono year Instead ready commenced. There nrr. now
llntt;runderg ecu creamery, 2:; to ` of two as at present, and tint the being shipped from Fort William 50
2:3lc; underg:rndes, 22 to LS;c; dairy, 1 Board of Control be elected by tt u carts of wheat a day for the long
18 to 20c. Cheese -Ontario, 11 j to j001)10, one member to retire each anal. It is unusual at this season
1'l;c' Quebec, flee. year. of the year to tnke wheat by the all -
As a result of the protest by mem- rail route, but it is being done now
hers hers Inst session, Richard 1). Kiat- by the Canadian Pacific to furnish
Toronto, Nov. 14.-Quotutlons ball• of Boston, ono of t.to greatest ballast for the company's trans-At-
wero as follows:- experts on ventilation in the United 'afllle boats o. their first Winter
Export cattle, choire...$4.00 $1.25 States, ar been brought to tmOttawa r sailings (rent St. .iohn. 111-vte'otd or
Ito., 1110(1fum 8.85 8.1)0 by the Public Works 1 .l a securing cargoes from Chicago, Do., bulla 3,00 ;;95 the purpose of reporting upon ' the has been done in the past, the conl-
1)o., light 2.75 3.00 ventilation of the House of Coit-il,ally vtilr f•mrwn a wheat over the
Du., cows `1.75 3.00 atoms. line from Fort William at a low
Butchers' picket ... 4.10 4.80 "- rate, and thus keep the business for
Do., choice 8.1)0 1.10 GREAT RRIT,11,. Canmidians.
Do., lightmednr :21:31.11.7:21)°5(5)
.80 3.65 At n cattle conference in Dundee -♦
Do., 12.75 :3,001
I)o., bulls 2.0U 2.2:i� resolutions were prised asking; that SMALLPDX IN VICTORIA.
Canners 1.75 2.25 the restrict.' thou Canadian ca_-
Bluckers, choice :1.'25 3.50 tie bo tricttlid. Su Supposed to Have Originated !u
1)0., common .. 2.1)0 2.251 Tho London '1'imr•s A(1vtmcatr9 an pp Toronto.
Do., bulls '2•25 2.40 immediate dis:blution of the Brit -
1I iivy feeders 13.50 ;;.60, ish Parliament and an appeal to the A despatch front Toronto says:
Short -keep :3.75 0.90 people on the festal question. lir. Bell, inspector of the Medical
Milch cows, choice ...10.00 LU.OU� Health hoard. has returned from t to
1)o.,buckscommon .........28.00 aa.OU UNITED STATES. Townships of ]iariposa and Feudon,
Sheep, export, ewes ... :3.8.', 4.2.i in Victoria County, where there aro
Do., bucks 3.00 3.50 Greater New l'urk's population !s 11 or 15 cases of smallpox, spread
Do., culls :3.00 a.;,u giver as 1,01•!,304. over About eight fnmilirt. 'ih re are
Lambs, per ca t. 5.2:, !,.(;5 Thursday. November 30, will 1 o also some ens. s reported from (-art-
Township, each 2.00 10.00 9'hanksgiting Day in Lho 1?Wiled tariglit 'I'otvnship, in Durham Coun-
Ilogs, aeltrts ... 5.110 0.(30 Btntes• ty. it is "'epitome' that these cases
• Do., lights and forts 5.25 0.00 The Farmers' National (tank o[
originated from a man in Cartwright
Kingfisher, Oklahoma 'Territory, has Township who was in Toronto at
been closed, by direction of the the time of lin i:xbiblliun, and was
Coufptrullef of the Currency. in an infected house avid went away
The shortage of tho Enterprise
(lank of Pittsburg through the defal- booting the diseasft with' him. The
cations of Cashier Clark will amount health officers in the localities have
to a million and n half dollars. the cases pretty well tinder control.
Three ilnylield, 1\iscensbt, men have ___.-+
been arrested in connection with the WILL TRY COLD AIR CURE.
robbing of the body of Captain Mc-
Donald, who was drowned when the _.-
steamer Seventh IVUs 1411:t. Experiment on Tuberculosis herd
As the result of a gas explosion, of Government Cattle.
Ring of the United Kingdom of (creat Britain, and of the British Dominions
beyond the seas. and )emperor of India- Born Nov. 9, 1841.
Prices of Cattle, - Grain, Cheese,
and Other I:airy Produce
at home and Abroad.
Toronto, Nov. 14. -Wheat -No. 2
Ontario white wheat quoted outside
at 79 to 80c, and No. 2 red or mix-
ed at 78 to 79c. No. 2 goose at 73
to 74c outside. No. 1 hard is firmer
at tole, Georgian Bay ports; No. 1
Northern at 87c, and No. 2 Northern
Outs -No. 2 white aro quoted at
Sir James Robert Gower. and 34 to 844c west, and nt 341 to 35c
Sir Henry I'ellatt. east.
Barley -No. 2 quoted at 52 to 53c;
A London despatch says: -Icing No. 3 extra, 50 to 51c; end No. 3
Edward's birthday honor list was at 46 to 47c at outside points.
announced on Weditescluy. it con- Peas -No. 2 quoted at 74 to 75c
tains few features of general interest Outside points.
and chiefly concerns individuals who Corn -The market for Canadian is
aro rewarded for service to the dull, with prices nominal. American
('rowel. J'he Duchess of Fife, eldest new corn is nominal at 58c fur No.
daughter of his Itinjesty, is author- 3 on track, Toronto.
teed to bear the title of princess Buckwheat -56 to 56;c outside.
royal, and her daughters to be do- ltye No. 2 quoted at 72 to 73c
signated us "highness" and "prim- west.
cess." Flour -Ninety per cent. patents
Baron Windsor, First Commission- made of new wheat, for export, (wett-
er of Works, is created an earl. ed at $:3.10 to $3,20 in buyers' sacks
Baron Iveagh (Edward Cecil (:min- at outside points; do. in bbls., $3.50
mess) is tuule a viscount, and Prof. to $3.60. Manitoba flour's unchang-
George Howard Darwin, president of ed; Nu. 1 patents, $1.90; No. 2 pa -
the British Association, is appointed tents, $4.50, and strong bakers' at
a knight commander of the bath. $4.40 Manitoba flours mode of new
Jn the colonial list, J. It. ()mom, wheat, quoted as follows: -No. 1 pa-
rt 1"°1"ber 4'1 the Cmnadian genote, teats, $4.50; No. 2 patents, $-1.80,
is made a knight commander of the nttd stung bakers', 51.20 on truck,
order of St. Michael and St. George. •Toiy,nto.
and a similar honor is bestowed on
George (:retitle, British Minister to
Lieut. -Col lieury Mill I'ellatt,
commanding tho 2nd Regiment Can-
adian Infantry, 18 created it Knigiht
Bachelor. For his service) in settl-
iug the French Newfoundland difficul-
ty, Commodore Puget is created n
The following Canadians are grant-
ed the elevation of C.M.(:.:-Major-
Gen. Lance, William Saunders, Direc-
tor of Eeperbncntnl Fnrws, and
George Doughty, of the Archives J)o-
pertinent of Ottawa.
Five Boys of One Fancily All in
Reformatories or Gaols.
A 'Toronto despatch says: "'facto is
urgent mrd everywhere for an ac-
tive and progressive Children's Aid
feociel} " said .1. .1. Kelso the other
day. "Take the following case of,
five bright boys of one Ninety all in
reformatories and gaols because not
under l:oed home influences. By
the (bath of her h,mshand a woman
in one of Dur northern (011119 WI114
left, with five tenni! buys to provide
for. Um: it time she worked hnt'd
for their support but gradualiy got
into association with bad (barite:
tris And her house bccrnte a resort
of ititnlorn1 ttunlen. The result is
;that 11►, five boys are now in gaols
.or reformatories. At tee time of
writing this item the two youngest
!ads, nine anti eleven, etre in the
. mete: gaol omitting transmission
to the industrial Scheid ttnit taxi•
mus chitrg. s of honsehrertleng. horse
,.te+tli,g, etc. 'fru older bo) s are
in refr.rmmntori, s in the United States
i nn 1 the etelent is nt present in a
Canadian (minty gaol charged with
Re -1
Anti -United States reeling at
Canton More Intense.
j A Hong Kong despatch says: -Ad -
vire.. from Cantor, say that the anti
United States feeling: there is grow-
ing, more intense. :\ Indy wee spat
upon in the street. And the United
Stales Consul, Jul 111:4 11. i.ev, has
received nn Itnenyn 0(18 letlrr threat-
ening; his life if the imprisoned boy -
rot tors of United State's goods are
jot released. 'I he• Conical has tvrit-
ter, to the Viceroy asking to prohibit
nn atttI-United States mass meeting
which it is proposed to hold in Can-
ton. but tho \ iceroy appnrontly is
The Consul on Wednesday proceeded
to i,ienchnu In order to make an
.,th'ie, investigation of the recent
nlncs;icre of United States mission-
aries there.
A despatch from 01taw'a sats:
Dal id Horn, chief grain inspector,
111nnipeg. writing 10 1'ruf. ('lark,
betel of the Seed Ditisi,n of the De-
part meet of Agreed ttire. says cif
this 144'04(11'8 10 lied trot, -•'1\0 1111 V
now 1nspecIed 20,1101,000 1111sh••19 of
thee corp, of elect' A:, ;,•• 0.411. is
of high grade. 1t'at is, No. North-
ern and better. 1\'e h.tv.' me er be-
ta with eight ata- :tee. had 8o tench neje t.e1 fur tieing
l'etea•sburg and mile tl wish wild nate net beetle' and
andel 011 'Phare.- cecklo amt logwn ed. 'Terminal ele-
vators cannot lake MIs oat with -
from SI. Petersburg out special 4leaning:. me• •1 for (hie
al notice. Peeledom, They hello 1e. 10.1 1-.• 0 sg)••.18I, ri.;rg(e.
the (1overmeient. The percentage of cc.1 4 roe et mil et
chi. way is neatly dut,hle what 11
i:fere» t parts of no,, AN keit yrnr. and last year wee
enoral appeasement !ser item enough.''.
Milifeed-At outside points bran is
quoted et 512.50 to $1:1, and shorts
at $16.50 to $17.50. Manitoba
bt'an in sacks, $16, and shorts, at
Apples -Choice stock, $2 to 52.75
per hits. and cooking apples, 51.25
to $1.75.
Beans -111e market is firm; hand-
picked, $1.75; prime, 51.611 to 81.65.
Honey -The market is steady at (11
to 7;c ter strained, and -$1.50 to $2
per dozen combs.
Hops -The market is steady at 15
to 18c per In).
flay -Car lots of No. 1 timothy aro
quoted at 58 to 58.50 on truck here,
and No. 2 nt $6 to $6.50.
Straw -Car lots quoted nt $6 on
track, 'Toronto.
i'otatoes-Ontario stock, 55 to 1i5c
per bag;. and New Brunswick, 70 to
75e per bag 4)11 truck.
Poultry -Turkeys. 13 to 14c per
Ib.; clucks and geese, 9 to 1(le per
Ib. anti chickens 8 to ltc per Ib. I.ive
poultry steady; chickens, 6 to 8c per
Butter-1'ound rolls are jobbing at
20 to 22r; tubs, good to choice, 11)
to 24)e, and inferior, 16 to 17c.
Creamery prints, sell at 23 to 2-1c,
and solids at 211 to 224c.
leggt Pickled etre settee:: at 19c
per dozen in case lots; fresh storage
at '20 to 21c, and new laid eit 23 to
21c per iloxen.
Cheese' -Large chose, 121 to 121c,
and twins, 12jc per ib.
110(1 I'Itol►l?C'TS.
Dressed hogs in car lots are quot-
ed nt $7.25 to 87.85. Macon, long
clenr, 111 to 11 jc per lb in case
lots; neon pork, 818 to $18.50;
slu,rt cut, 522.110.
Cured teems -Game, light to me-
dium, 1:11 to 14e; do., heave, 13e;
rolls, 12e, shoulders, 11c; backs, 15
to 151c; )tttukfust bacon, 15c.
Lard -'Pierces, 101c•; tubs, loic;
pails, 11c.
111'81NESS .A'1' MON•1'itl•:A1,.
Montreal. Nov. 14. -The market is
gniet her oats. Prices remelted un-
changed, it few cars of No 2 having
hetet sold at $Ojc store; No. 3 la'ing
:3R1c and No. 4 being :37:c 'Ili• sad- Winnipeg Dentist Accused of
den advance in the price of Manitoba 1 Breaking Into Fur Store.
%hent ehick ainomuitel to 14c at
Winnipeg, exceeded tho advance in A Winnipeg despatch says: -Faced
Englnnd, the result being a • ex- with n merinus charge, that of break -
porter); experienced considerable dif11- ing into the slurs of WilliamN.
ctlty to working wheat. for export. + Drown. 361 Main Street, and steal -
Pens were quoted nt 78lc afloat for ing therefrom a quantity of furs
No. 2. Manitoba hnrley being un- valued At about 53,200, Arnold W.
changed nt 48c for No. :1 track, end, i'eterson, n city dentist, was nr-
401c for No. 4. flour-Mneitoba j reigned before Magistrate Mcelicke'n
Spring %cheat patents. 55; st'ongt at the Police Court on 11'eduesdmy
(fakers', $4.60, Winter wheat patents,' morning.
It Conies West by - the Trainload
on the Intercolonial.
A Montreal despatch says: -Ono of
the largest steel shipments by the
Dominion Iron & Steel Co. was m11de
un 'Tuesday, when :;0 carloads of
manufactures, aggregating about 2,-
0(10 tons, were forwarded west by
the 1.1'.11. The shipment consisted
principally of steel rails. C. 11. Mc-
Midlan, formerly supet•intentlent of
the open hearth plant nt lnsly, Pa.,
has joined the m.(m*1 of the Steel Com-
pany, to take chtu•gc of the extension
of the open hearth department and
to supervise its operation. Mr. Mc-
Millan will, in addition, assist Gen-
eral Manager .lanes in matte's con-
nected with the uperatiun of the
cumpuny'(4 plant.
BOERS GETTING $15,000,000
Some Dissatisfied - With Distribu-
tion of the Fund.
A .7uhanneshut•g despatch says: -
The distribution of the free grant of
315,000,000 promised the itocrs by
the Treaty of Verceniging at tho
close of the hoer War for repatria-
tion and other kb1(11(81 purposes is
now proceeding. Some of the recip-
ients are dissatisfied because previous
advances aro deducted from the nuns
they receive. ns they hall expceted
to bo Allowed to repay such advances
at their own conveuicnco.
which meekest n bunk building ut
Ishpeming, Mich., on Saturday, tht00
children were killed and thirteen per-
sons injured.
The British Government is cunsl.l-
eminc tho questine of withdrawing Its
troops hew. China.
The Malian 1:otcrnrnent has Issued
a warning to Italians, ndtisintf them
notto come to Caunda.
it is estimated that. the case/titles
movement in the former which is
during the rioting nt Odessa totalled P
5,T ►O, mostly among the .fetes, exlect. el to result from, being stalled
The 0ovcrnnu•nt of Norway has in tgunrters fitted up on the most
been empoe creel to offer the crown of improved hygenic principles.
that country to Prince Charles of
'litetncorner-stone of the now barber
works mt Gonna won laid by King
Victor Emmanuel, in the presence cf Plans
five hundred thousand spectators.
A derpatrh from Ottawa says: The
cold nit cure will be tri. (I on ani-
mals to a herd of el) rattle at the
Expel imnenln1 Farm at Nieman,
N. S.: which linvo been found to to
suffering from tuberculose:. The en-
tire herd will Ito ncgregvated under
conditions such as favor the eradica-
tion of tuberculosis from 1h, human
systent. The effects of the proximity
of the diseased steel: to swivel ani-
mals will be tested from time to
time, ns well as the gradual int -
Death of Imprisoned Doukhobor -
Others Compelled to Eat.
A despatch from Ottawa says: 1t
has been reported to the Mounted
Police Department that one of the
16 houkhohors condemned to six
►nonths in the Prince Albert jail
line stared Iminmself to death. The
prisoners it tuned to eat anything hitt
peanuts and apples, and finally some
declined to take even that. Recog-
nizing that they were deliberately
starving themselves, the jail author-
ities compelled them to take food.
one men of the nnenher, however,
was 90 weakened by his self -enforced
fasting that be Bled,
Provide for a Ve_sel
Prince Edward Island.
A despatch from Ottawe srtt.. The
plank submitted by Mr. 1►e etir1, of
the efnxim-Vickers Company, f' r the
new ice-brenker, Willi 1'.hirh i1 is
proposed to ninintalt \tinter C0111-
011101410 1011 Mich Prince I•:denrd Is-
land, provide for et twin-screw steel
steamer 260 fret long. 42 feet beam,
18 feet draught and 5,000 hors•• -
power. The bow is of the splitting
typo above, and the gat crushing
r.hnpe below. 'The ohlect Is to split
the plle'l-up ice as well as crushing;
the pans. The deesigns will go be-
fore n committee on file a Etat aril
Island navigation, and ns *non 14s
approved of der it ish shiptmmilelere will
be nskrd to tender for sp edy con-
struction. The Winter sereice in toe-
ing perfor►nal at present by the
*tato, of 8,100 horsepower, anti Lb