Exeter Times, 1905-11-16, Page 1It i r 1906--1907 e - '..' We have just corrected our label --• Sheets. Does your label read 1906 OP ar 19071 If it tlivuld and does toot dome in and we will help ri;ht it. Attend to the matter now. seta . P.• r, list ' THIRTY-THIRD YIaAR—No 1679 HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT Et We print yo rive you a free ter columns w you pay for your EXETER, 3NT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 16th, 190h, 1•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store is the place for BCh a� � adwaro ashose �wel('Arry a full to should go to g P line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star EIIVETROUOIIINO We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstolass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. 1 Joan WH Exeter Is Progressive But Lacks Enthusiasm in the Securing of New Industries. in our last week's iFjuc, the article under the caption "Has Exeter Pro. grassed?" has been ltc.ay discussed during the past week, and that is one reason why it was published. In the article we recited tate different factories in operation here i iredttw with five years ago as come' those of to -day, and also made men- tion of the larr,e :,mount of money that has oecn taken otlt of Exeter. • secured fron► our townspeople .or Zpromoters to further the interests of outside concerts, the stock of borne of which. not being worth tl.e paper it is written on. But, while sonlo'of the promoters have Jeeu fakes, pure and simple, a few have worked in the interests of laudaale enterprises, tor which they could not secure etiough support in 4heir own bourns but have done considerable in adding to their advance• ment by establishing in-stitutio-ta which are on a paying basis and give employment to mato' who wvould na- turally have to ;o elsewhere to make a living. It is a fact. that there are towns not many miles from Exeter, and although their agricultural sur- roundings aro not in any way to be compared with what our town en- joys. still they have in some manner made greater strides in progress than we have. For instance, take t he town of Berlin, whish about' twenty years ago hardly enjoyed anything but a place on the trap. It has progressed wonderfully, erred has several good sized factories :is an evidence of its progressiveness. They have no doubt received the moral and financial support of the citizens• The town of \Wingham is another place that has shown a progressive spirit. It has a number of factories and we are informed that the tax rate is about 22 miils on the dollar. and that about $40.000 has been loaned by the municipality to assist some of the different industries. The tax rate of Exeter is about 19 mills, a dif- ference of 3 tnills between the two places. \\gingham has two railroads to be sure, and we want two, hut a railroad oompany is not going to ex • pend an immense amount of money i►1 a country settled as long as this has, and wait for business. They want the business in sight. it is a well known fact that we have a school that affords excellent educational facilities and itt • ono f t T. HAWKINS & SON ���N� NNNNN�N�N�NONN�� At Exeter and Centralia I Storehouses Now ready for use, the best Cement and Lime That money can buy also Coal for Everybody at lowest prices J. GOBBI DiGK Burr xeia Diamond Hall Having purchased the Jewellry Business of- Mr. Hicks and have added a large stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Rings, Jewelry. Silverware. Clocks and Optical Goods. We would be Fleased to be favored with a call from all the old customers as well as the new ones, to come and inspect our stock. We feel confldcnt we will be able to please you. smLLmis Our Watch Repairing You are Suit buyers. We make the Suite -You wear them out. We make them as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner tanthey Ought. Because. if they ll likely go somewhere else for your nett Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to buy eo much Suit worth. And Suit worth le fashionableness of fabric -style in cut-ft--finish-looks - dressyness - and length of service. As good a place as there is within miles to get all this and not pay too much is W. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $i18.00. W. JORN'S Merchant Tailor Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a f:irtn that you want to seri( \\'site for our terms of set. lip; property. We have Olio most Complete method of advertising. and Mainz property in Canada. Do you wont to buy a farm or business property in any part of (interior (fiend for our list. We have some tear,; a ire. th,,, loses • tunny :. thing ) ' g,'st i, Ott rheuntnt Ohs! 1I-a.lar1i -.he sir • nater nrck. C n n.l (i %%runt. prime ,- r.i1 rano r• li , ea, r. hn4 9 ',•1 Department Will have my personal attention Our experience and knowledge of watch making will enable us to give you the beet of satisfaction. All work turned out from our work shop wilt carry our guar- antee. A. M ARO HAN DRANO TRUNK Railway System Points in Terra 3:ttni on T. & N. O. 1f17„ to points Mattawwa to fort Ar- thur, inclusive, to Sault Ste Marie end Port Arthur, Via Northern Nay. Co.• ' 6th TO ' t e c: OCTOBER Oii F. f 1 GOODrott D NOVEMBER 7th. TO Muskoka Lakes Midland Lake of Itays l'elletang Ma3nctew'an River 1,lketield. All Statins Argyle 1 Bay oboeonk, Seve to Points on Northern Nay. Co.. (Georgian Ilay and Mackinaw ai0n.) All tickets valid returning until lh•e. 9th !)ivi- D Watchmaker, Jeweler. Optician. ar CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ONT. This small advertisement repre- sents one of the largest and best business colleges in Canada. No school in the Dominion does moo for its students than we do. !o our knowledge not one of our graduates is unemployed. We get tar more applications than we can meet. You may enter at any time. Write for our handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, D. A. McLACHLAN.• Principals • NNN••••NNN••N•••••• barns are criterions. In Lcokinr over the market reports %ve find that Exeter for wheat pays 78 to SO cents, St. Marys, 73 cents. Strat- ford 7.2 rents and Clinton 75. For cru s we poly 33 cents, St. Marys 30, and Stratford 29. For peas, Exeter 60 to 65, St. Malys. 65, Strafford 65, London 65. For live. hosts the price quoted here is :5.60 as against1 5.50 at St. Marys, $5.50 at Stratford awl $5.10 at Clinton, or at Least $5.10 is w frit both Clinton pa- pery quote for fogs. There is a large number o[ logs and cattle shipped out of here annually, and it. scents as though the farmers use their rain for feeding stock. er market it elsewhere as there is not rho amount of •,rain brought here that there was soot' years azo. Har- vey Bros. are advertising. for 10,1100 bushels of wheat and will pay FO CENTS per bushel but have to brie; ;rain itt,here from other points to keep up with the demands. 81111 the market (trice here is :as high, if not Maher. than that of the burround;ng towns. When a fanner comes to town and disposes of his produce, lie receives cash and invarianly leaves considerable with the, merchants, which he would e; pend elsewhere, if his sales were made there. We should be ,proud of our town and the ore, and everybody itt town should. It is our duty if any person, having, credentials for honesty and integrity who desires t.o establish an industry.here, to sec that he receives our united support. The following we take from the Clinton New Erb and should also apply to Exeter:— drawing; card to those who desire to locate in Exeter. But on the other hand, take a man with a .rrowinx family residing in a small place and he will naturally look around for a suitable location, where employment can ere had, and while a place with an educational institution is desired, almost any town of any consequence enjoys a good school and teaching faculty. Ile will take his tastily where work can he secured. We have been confronted with the statement That there is 1 not a house to oe had in lows, every) habitable huildint }.ring oci:uper .1 This we quite agree with, hut that the New Era:— fact is, a number of houses Coco eel TIIE CANNING FACTORY. — cupied ore going to ruin and not fit "Tlje proposal to establish a can• • "sant factory here, though still in "crnl)ryo,.•1tat led .10 the appoint- "nicnt of a commit tee of live "basines,r men to look into the "natter and if satisfied of the "feasibility of the proposition to "carry it Through." Lot Exeter do tsomethinr. Locals. Mr. J. (;. 1itatibury left yestar- day morning. for Goderich, %% here he is looking after legal business. Mrs. Goo. Anderson wwho has (sen wisitinr friends in St. Thomas and Fingal. has returned hone. Mr. and Mrs. G .A. K. McLeo.t left this neck for Egnlondville, where they will visit 17iends for :1 few ,weeks. Commissioner Ilissctt is having the mud taken front Main street and getting things fixed up for the winter. Mrs. lnksatcr, of Paris, who has been visiting her mother. Mrs. Welsh, returned to her home last) Thursday. Mrs. Elbe rthy, of Usborne, has purchased the residence of William Tapp, on Waterloo street, and will move to town shortly. Tanks for Sale.—Nine targe tanks of various sizes tor title at prices tltatn %till mann quick hale. Conte and ,et your choice ;first come first served. S. M. Handers. On Monday evening last Messrs. T. 11. McCallum, Thos. !torten, \V. C. Huston, 1t. Gidlcy and 11. E. Ruston were reappointed stewards of Main Street Church for the curreot year. Apprentices to learn fires inakina• —Apply to Miss Tom over Snell & It:-twe's store. Having purchased an uptodato button machine, site is pre- pated to furnish buttons to in-ttclt dresses and scat's. "GET A IIUSTLE ON "With the exception of God••rich, "Clinton is the best town directly "north of London and west of "Stratford. But there is no good "reason why it could not bo trade "much better than it is. Situated "in the finest agricultural part of "the Dominion. with railway ,facil- "ilies '.est equalled by any other "town in the west, it could an eas- "ily he shoved ahead. All it needs "is the hearty co-operation of its "own people. \Ve could alleof us "be more progressive .than we are, ",tad we would be all the better "for it, collectively and individual - 'ye business of the town has rt. roved greatly during the past "few years. It con stand a zoo:i "doal more improvement. And it "can have the improvement, if the "people only make up their minds "to it. Let's rot a hustle on. Part "of the development of western "towns is due stn wide-awake, encr- "retic hustling by business men, "backed by everybody else. They "haven't anythinz Tike the favor - "able conditions we have. If any "of us have been too slow, and can- ' (jolts, and needlessly aonserv:itive 1 business tendencies, let's wake . get a tail on—hustle, move "start to push ,things and t he town "will experience a 007111 that wt•aQ "do everybody in it good." from n he following f '1 dl \\ c e loo cit to live in, rind a trip around town will Convince anyone of the srnrcity of building. operations. Why should this state of affairs exist3 That is the question. Our agricultural surroundings are of the ties1, the farmers me pros- perous, if their well fenced f hankbeautiful homes and large Why can we not organize tt curl- ing club for the oomin, winter; The ;ams is interesting as well aa invi *- orating and there ire several in town who are we11 up in the game. The rink here, while not A301 com- modious, is large enough to ,play the game, and if as much enthusiasm is ;ivcn it as was given ito bowling, the game will surely be a success. Mr. A. E. Ilodgert has severed his connection with the Rathbun Port land Cement Co., for whom he has during the past ;five years been tra- veler and instructor. Ile intends de- voting his entire time to the sale of cement machinery and other devices for which he has secured patents, both in Canada and the United States Mr. llodzort itt oontemplating a Itr.ip to the northwest next summer. Mr. Thomas Handford on Saturday last shipped two ,carloads of horses to Winnipeg and ,the Northwest. This is his dast shipment until next season. During the past year Mr. Handford has handled between 700 and 800 horses, which at an average priceeef $150 each, makes over $100,00 paid to farmers in this ,sec- tion. Mr. Handford certainly 'should he appreciated, as it is greatly due to him that the price for lorso flesh is kept at a good .figure. Tito district officers and delegates of the Exeter district Epworth League met in Jnmes street. church on Monday with the Sunday schools of the Exeter district. The object of the ntectitt); w•as to arrange for the boldin: of a summer school nt Grand Bend next year and preparing a sujhable protrant. It was decided to hold the t ehtool about alio middle of .1uly and Rev. 11. S. 11outill, it. A., 11. 1)., of Walkerton will Is' asked to tak:' studies in the .old test. :•tuent and Bev. C. P. Wells, B. A., 11. 1)., of Corrie, the new testament, irant res n[ th c ro fent u 1 Special f t 5 i will be the discussion of missions in New Ontario and the Nor1ttwi'st, and the 1r:tininr of teachers for Sabbath school work, for which a al)ccinlist will be invited to lead the discussion. The Growing 1 fi woocriui rcWoo tor III ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canada; Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba C a number of other improved and unimprovedNorth' Just Think Of the difference in profits in raising 10 bushels of wheat of raising 41) bushels of wheat on $L0 land. and 30 but hele of and 1110 bushels of oats on $10 land. Along the various lin, Pacific Railway, such yields as 100 bttshels of oats, and 110 and 00 bushels of barley per acre are frequently obtained that well ? Sec A. Marchan.l's new advertise- • conduct .le.sBirks.sof St :,for le l' men( on page I.1. church next Sunday. Rev. Going Mrs. T. Il. McCallum •pr+ntt two takes Rev, Itit•k't :appointment at (1•1y4 in London lost week. f Sea fout h. The seivices will be in the interests of •:Itc 5uperannu:tlio:l fund, .lir. and 'Sirs. itohert Trick, Clinton spent Sunday the guests of During Recent Months Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samtwell. Mts. !told Elliott, of Brant F'orsiillustrated literature s and fullnformation,call on J. J. KNIGHT. Depot ticket agent. Exeter. J. D. McDON L Toronto. District passenger agent. AL ill or COM a leo Col Yoe Now Ain ot • THF. I who bars l ec•n spends,%g a few rt. t)'s Era.i0rr w%itlt ND-. :ltu► \ins. It. (•alley, his %%it. for her 11 to 4itutd l laal. h11 �./l.�It (" II ...". ""' over von% steps at his r V borne. Mr. B. .r, ey on ' residence' in - ,Y#1/11 �� jurinz his hick. and Iris bred contin- ue ONT. I t o 1 he house ever since. Has receivedCOR. YONGE & ALEXANDER STS i \fila 011ie �icl.au;hlin left Mott - COR. 'rn , FIFTEEN, Ttt'RN- day for llieM, where she it:i5 met TY AND EVEN FIFTY TIMES as by Mr. .l. A. Stanley, of Winnipeg. many calls for stenographers, bookkee )era. etc.. as it had stud• ente gr eating during the same months. Some of the salaries of- fered were from $41) a month to $1,200 per annum. THIS CCLEARLYiNntc INDICATES THE R REST SCHOOL FOR YOIINO NEN ANI) WOMEN TO PAT- RONIZE. linter now. Handsome catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. NORTH WEST LANDS If not, Why not go Where Yoe Its easy to own a farm, tha fret crop pays for it. Writ Pickard who is thoroughly posted on the situation. It m you. We have spent the whole of this section travelling and have made a number of very desirable selections of fel ate now offering for sale at C. P. R. prices. We give Speculators 0 years in which to pay for 1 Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands. R. E. PICKAR General Selling Agent for C. P. Office at Residence, Death of Mrs. Anthrone Smith.— Word was received here on Wednes- day of the death of Alberta 1'. liod- tins, wife of Ambrose Smith, of Woodstock, formerly accountant 1n the Exeter branch of the Sovereign hank nt the ate of 29 years. Th- re- mains ,were taken •to Ilentall, Mrs Smith's forgoer home. and the ,tuner it wilt be held today from 81.l'aul's (-hutch thtre,interuinnt heirs a1 the Exeter cemetery. and will le m•n'ied today. 1'or- 1)•ith of William 3irni sonuse. ln••A t tette rs flex l 11 k• lent life of inerry . it The Epu7' th I..•.1!t3 or 1h.' \login 1',1114' to a peaceful .tertn,natton on street church iail a 40(431 tatitcrjnt •I'n^s,lay oficroor•n, Nov. 1ith, t,lt"n on Tuesday erenint. Mk. Dorney \\'illi'tm .laniiesun breathed his tact i )n 1•1•t t tie Ca'er1 Presbyterian mane, at or eat r 1 t ,the a report t the , Niue Scott :IL T.nedon 1141 %••4'k, the adwance,l :, to of F1 years lite P Ianaie'�.rm I::id :1 par- . �. 1 rt. t: • remelt 11,41 his •ttalrbrIlvnie•, nlylir stroke al)Oul rtwn 1710111 11 CUT -R A FURNITURE Having our Immense Show Rooms and up-to-date furniture in every line, an room for some large shipments of goods have decided to open the fall trade with Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all in to come and examine our goods and coin fore placing their orders, as we intend cut every article in our store lower than we have to do before. So don't fail to take advantag to buy furniture at prices never before know ROWE & ATKI The Leading House Furnishers and nine Mr. 13. S. O'Neil slipped •on the sidewalk Monday morning injuring his right arm. Although no: ser- ious he itt compelled to carry it in a sling. Death of Mfrs. Chas. 1)orwwood. — The resident s of Exeter will sympa- thize wti111 Mr. Churlcv 1)orwcwd, of Pullman, III., in tit': death of his w ire Mary, elm died tit:•r" on Sunday, Nov. 12th, 1905 front pneumonia and general break down, aged 56 years. Both 51r. and Mrs. Dorwood were well and favorably known here. Mr., Dorweod having built the flax mill nt thr north end, %which Le conducted for 17 years, ten years a 1'1 moving to Pullman), ills, where they made t hr it home. The deceased was a Canad- ian, having ,K`e'n born near St r it foril, :tail was married to Mr. i)orwood years azo in Toronto. Mrs. Durwood tt as in Exeter :11)ou1 a year, and be- ing desirous of spending her declin- ing years here purchased a tiptoe on iluron street, jntending with her husband to return t14 Exeter next y'ar. Mr. rind Mrs. I)orwc,r,t were never blessed 1% it children, Alt houth one was lvwrn no them but r,4•v, r liv- ed. 51r. i)orwnet,l, and \1 r. Gus. I'lo.%tn, of Pullman. +e intimate f n i'•n,t of the. (amiJy.acreel t• retied t he tettt:tii:4 1.o Exeter, where they were interred 00 'Lu ruby ntornint. at► NO POISON IN CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH RES! EDY From Napier New Zealand, Her- ald: Ttv41 years ago the Pharmacy Hoard of New South Wales, Austral- ia, had an analysis made of all the cough medicines that %%ere sold i.w tltrtt market. Out of the entire list they found only one t h :t they de- clared as entirely free front i clarcd w ) I poisons. This excerption was Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy in tdc ny 11he Chamberlain Mcdicina Company. Des Moines, Iowa, t'• S. A. The nbscnce of all 'narcotics makes Iltis rermdy. 1he serest' and best that can be (till; Wfe and it is with a feeling 1)[ scant ty' over that any mother con rite jt to her ehvdr s little m,es. Chamberlain's Cough IsueetAes Remedy i9 especially recommended by its makers for couglts, colds, croup and whooping cough. This remedy is for sale in Exeter by \V. S. llowcy. 51uniripal t'o'iI1es.—Asporlllt. for honors at 1tt" roman; January clue• li>ra t^ 1� tir.ni1t 1 t nn- rrtnce themselves, 1L•e ,office of • 1 Reeve 11;c: dy having Ih'('° condi Vereen .rave t 1 ra \\tll,s 1110111 h \tr, dales 1n Ile d, -!I Thr• ree.e nl ►' eupa„t of III” chair. \1', l:. h. et (:jdl4'y tendered a Fo'n. \1i+' rein:, and Ill it with ,the infirmities of 1,11 states that lo' has leen wafted upon Enl1lek a solo, and R. G,1rneY a into. were the equate of his do it h• boor I I.y p tieletaticn a'kint hint 10 try IMr. McCailitin occupied 'the etti;r en wan iltvs he writ u•na.hle 1n Itozn,z4' r.;t' the hnr;at5 grain, \\'. 11. l.etett, 1 w•le able taint: -r• The lee;;it)ta any of the members of tl:e family(whois :,t •prevent a nlcrnlle) c;f tl,,: of the Ira rue ars very integer' in i and bis death %cgs hourly rx;.er1 rd• I. r,,u,acil I r:irvl has lien a' ked to rn and it is desired that everv:'cdy 1'he deceased wag horn in Alx•rdeen-i . ...r Ills ert l a%P, and a.-ke Taylor ni,ke an effort •to al tend. •hire, Scotland, and came to tb° T,y1nr, and r• ha has at 'rsl •cl � Ijn t is Leen councillor, ha { TIIAT PA She is in home, every always worn riot heard ne perfeotl strength) gives—w' lid ace cd in any/ eri;h the' Tito r a u t A no lets s t ore. Nfi or b,eisa sura Syrup WE WANT THE 1- l Of t. Frost 2.12f t. " 1.13ft. 1-31-x4ft. Wire Gate, r 46 tL 4( « Complete with Hinges and Hl€iH GRAD MIXED READY CLEARING 0 21 onlyts. Jewel Ready Mixe1 p �, t< « 12 " 1 pts. 54 " 1 qts. 46 44 Offici rt. Ilford of , in fl ry u1 1Pte ft . Ili different I itlir • I Th. Quarterly itch in t:n^I•,11. ,fterwards mowi'it Ir -en a.ke•d by his friend( to allow ZZ• rs1 where r te ,go � th \l a:n .hoot Met Lie ch 1 toe hr c arra d nn lea 1 .. before Ire people [either and edits^ buaine•+• .'' me 111 Iry her lh• hnnora 11'. heir. at !licit- rezul it meeting on A few sections of good Monday ew{ ring ttn amorously Ira` st.l NOI'th•West 1'llltl for sale at To \1r. and Mrs. It. I,u n t) t we tt spend his aleelinint day.. 1 rt I,In.11inr ntuu:ci1v11 nffattF, n.td departure tl: folio,‘inz reso1utctcr Mount I n t All I years ado h^ moved to 1)nrhtin, :in .l Ihre( of t10014! :those tr•tu)e•l (cntleutan about 1t yrars n•g�• conte Io Exeter I.tv 1f7.11 u1 ext,t.ri01 0 i.t It is t- tit treat es ret to ,lar'• co.., ; fight for he leader- OFFICE cnder 75 -1111 aCl'('. �111i1} to I Ir n of 6 of 1 tnjcven %.:z w.tlt�••d r•1• ether 1 wife the I ,esh tcri it ship of our ,ot r ERNEST ELLIOTT !gni the c to %awe I t) lwwo .wrnr awl int r�•t,nr Several t e cgs , ., 4' 1 t w •t h••'• 1 h lr and '1 ' nm 1 h cannel! r n r hie c C o t t > t , 1 i r'- reg ,cct(• i•. . t ,•, stir. ., ,• ill ver' Mr. Ib, bourn^y p.m! 11 I %%ire O i E —Main Street Exeter. gentlemen not to tuule .ibt y y at North-west to of Ctna- Conservative y 1we in I''ai',iror-. ilauzhler,l, rt. n` the present 1 \\'e hereby desir,' to cont' Y r- hr. �.i:1inicvon. 51. 1'. 1'. (.,r swoe .t Mouni 1'0-- Councillors have signified their in- F•p• C ._-1 , •reit ion 4.1 eel itinz at the cad eg the e lensed to our ch11rc11 nor est )til11\lratl(Itt�) 5!,rtin, 91 i:we ,resent yen, f rat there is .1.1 d•atht, �n ns �nprine ter. The remains %till he 1 )ken to 1 %then ll:37 I1ule oranea .gift of them 1 Gurney ' ,.ill Lc in 1he held :1t1 well as 1bern \iisa �i,rtin'+ ro:mn In the =drool char ••ee cloy^d tor a (ample de .ti dory! this t1, 111. Ohe kindt.at %'safes follow IIM G. zTn. st illilKil 1ha (Thur` ')utter :'.sp 111c nY wwagank owtjng to ahc death of Icr 1)-'1rtlftof thetrBaird oew iby H. E 1IIu Hust;tied on on., for l'Luted.I:c F1tipPed ,fnMt.� ,grandfwther. r .1 therm our Fillet.'" 11:11,k. (^" il,e ra. 1 w•ir0 5 tendered chair, )l r. Gurney as bailer of th, ar. 1 Mrs .ur 1 own 44 gal S• 46 46 1 " 4qt. Ice Cream Freezer $ HEAMANS And StoV Samson Portland Cement o