Exeter Times, 1905-11-09, Page 8,Ae IC EXETBR '.1:iMES.
9th, 1905.
Tome Seasonable Specials
25 Ladies Black Broad Cloth Cape, large storm collar, nicely
trimmed with braid and stitching.
.(,a Ladies Fine Black Cl )th Cape. trimmed with fancy black
braid and strapping.
oo Ladies Fine Kersey Cloth Cape, a beauty, trimmed with silk
strapi_ing and satin cording.
.50 Ladies Lovely Black Kersey Cloth Cape, fine corded silk
trimming and stitching, yes this is a swell line
1 50 Ladies Black Cloth Cape, fur collar and lined throughout
with Kaluga fur
5.00 Ladies Black Beaver Cape, black thibbett fur collar and
lined throughout with Australian baby coon fur.
5 50 Ladies Black Silk Brochie Cape, thibbett fur collar and lined
throughout with grey squirrel fur.
7.0.) Ladies Black Kersey Cloth Cap. , thibbett collar and fronts,
lined throughout with best baby coon fur.
6 oo fir Ladies Long Genuine Sable Neck Ruff, tri nined with
genuine sable tails, a real bargain.
8.5o for our Choicest Real Sable Neck Ruff, trimmed with four
c'usters of real sable tail, %•: a believe these are the best ruffs
in Exeter.
.50, $6 75, $8.5o and $12 0o for four very choice lines of real
German Mink Neck R+iif;, good lookers and good wearers.
.00, $7 25 and $1o.00 for a swell range of choicest American
Sable Neck Ruffs, yeq, they are beauties.
50, $4 00, $4 5o and $5 co for a swell range of Boy's New
Overcoats, nice mid and dark tweed effects, new belted
backs, long full Minto styles, the boys all want them.
We are big buyers of good dried apples. We take
all farm produce saute as cash.
e have the best
00 watch ever offer--
ffer=Gents or boys size.
u want one move
kly as we have
a limited number.
arriage Licenses.
are ready to look, we
o show you.
are ready to buy, we
to sell.
in a hurry, so will we
care, with style, to fit,
me do you pay more
west possible prices.
• W. Taman
Merchant Tailor.
rket Report. -The following is
port of Exeter markets, cor-
d up to Nov. 9th.
At, .5 to 80 cents a .)U hcl.
Its, 32 to 33 cents a 'alohel.
Irley, 38 to 40 cent, n :rushee
tan, 60 Flo 65 reals a 'ousted.
Itorta..17 to 8118 a ton .
ran. $14 per ton.
lad Floor, 01.25 per cwt.
our. 02.25 per cwt.
ty, 06 per ton.
Totter, 20 ccnta a pound.
ISe. a dozen.
Iknea.60c. per bushel.
Deter ;:cod $5 to $6 a bus.
%ITS, li%ct weight, $5.611 per eel.
lila. dressed $7.51) Ix'r cwt.
ken. old, 6 cents per pound.
°ken. younz, 8r. per lb.
ke. 8e to 90 {ter lb.
keys, 13c per Ib.
, sap er Ib.
d Apple.. 5c. per Ib.
441.75 a bon.
1M Mad Yr, halt Ahnn IbO
Tire copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, NOV, 9th, 1905
•••••••• r•••••••
To -day, Thursday, is Kin; Ed-
w-trd's birthday.
See Mara's, London ad. on pa4a 4.
Mrs. Monroe 'returned last week
from a visit %vitt friends in London.
Air. George Crawley, who was in
London, visiting, relue•.ned home Iasi.
Miss Hattie Foltick left Monday
for a few weeks' visit with relatives
in lit., Marys.
The "Enjoy" y (Ws pre-
parations solatjlef' C. Lutz. Enjoymc
Tooth Orr Oc.
Lost. -Last %veck -nu Orphi,;lion
pullet. about air months old. Re-
ward at tbk"office.
Mr. If. S. Lanz interuls holding an
auction :gale of his household ef-
fects next Saturday.
Tho (Lorne Comfort Steel Range
Co. has given Mr. Ed. Treble a con-
traot fort six set of sleighs.
J. G. Stan•bury was at Windsor on
Friday of last week as Court..ctl in a
ease in which some residents of this
locality are interested.
Sunday 1212 Guy Fawkes day.. Sev-
eral Orange lodgos throughout the
district oolebrated on Monday with
oyster suppers and entertainments.
Mr. Thos. Johns. who has been in
the Northwest the past 'neigh,
prorpectin;, returned home last
week for the minter.. Ile intends
moving to (he West in the spring.
In ienow•in. his subscription to
the Times, W. 11. Falai%, of Sanborn.
N. iD.. says: "1 enclose postal note
for my subscription to the, Times and
wish you every succus." T1..nks
Mr. Pales.
Mr. John Bullock, of York:on,
AAea., and formerly a re.ident of
Illy Township, is viaitting his broth-
ir-in-taw, Mr. John McManat. of
illy, and other relatives and friends
i 1 Exeter.
When you get your sato bills
printed atl the Times you receive a
free notice in our Rale register. at
moll :t4 a bill placed on our sign
hoard, which is read by Hundreds of
p op1e every clay.
In !esti week's iceue we announced
t tat Mr. Thos. Royle is likely to be
a pattner in the ouSines9 at Win-
chelsea. Mr. Doyle wisbea us to
state that be i4 not t.o 00 inter-
ested in the firm.
Inspector or J. E. Tout, of Glide' idle
was in rt.ot%0 I tat week inspect ine
the school. Mr. Tofu it pleased with
the conditions which prevail Isere,
and highly eomplimente 1 he teacher.
on their izorel work.
Dr. Butler, London. will bo at the
Central Hotel, Exeter, on Thursday
November 16111, 1905, all tAty
for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat con.
sultation, Eyes tested and glaeeee
euoldie d.
DR. OVENS, London, Bur;eon,
Glasses properly. Office, Commer•
tial Hotel, Exeter,. Next visit Sat•
(1rday, November ISth.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab -
lot,. All drufrgints refund the mos-
ey it it fails to eine. E. W. Grove's
s geature is on each box. 25e.
llutwey'S '.Cure- -Co1d" docs our C.
l'urc•S its honr0 and %avec you 1 w
ores of anwriywyee and dimer
S*:ru t 1.uy a ceded. - Ito iiia ut'.s
Al r. \V, 11. Lcvctt was in Montreal
lost w(c•k on basin s.
Miss Millie Cooper, of Lucan, teas
vi.,tiu3 frionda in Exeter the past
Mrs. 1tr,Lt. Muir, of Gownuda, N.
Y. iii vieitin; Mr. and Mrs. John
Mass May Sanders viei3t I her c.ru-
s;ia, Mrs. J. 11o11idAy, 1.o11dun, (11114.114
lh=' Iw.s't %%OA.
Food retaliate, of Clinton, spent
spent Saturday and Sunday eieli
friends in town.
Mr. \Win. Frayi:e, of 1'ab trn ,
YAW has tcr.n in the \\'est for the
leak couple of months. returned
borne on Saturday lost.
Lida Qu:19oe, who has been visiting
hsr ureic. John Quanco, of Snow-
flake, Klan., for the past 4 n volts
retureed home on Mond ty.
The Timer mailing list was revised
this week and suoscribons airy re-
quovted to examine* the date on
%hair label and see 1hit it is correct.
We should be ,;lad ho receive remit-
tances [10111 subscribers in arrears.
Mr. Powell, who has been in lien -
sail for a he total few weeks, returned
to his .duties wikli (he Sovereign
bank }tore, Monday. Mr. Enrle
Browning left for persalt Monday,
to Make charge of his new work
t hare.
Mr. 1t. Gurney, Miss Amy Jolliet,
and Miss Follick took part in the
anniversary services 11) 1 110 130010sdaa
Methodist church last Sunday even-
ing. Although the weather was
disagreeable the attendance was
quite lame,
Mr. It. Gurney. who for several
years hue diad ctch, a of the dry
goods department of Mr. E. J.
Spackuran's store. has accepted a
position in Calvary, N. W. T., which
he %1 i11 assent.; on the first •o( De-
°embcr next.
Mr. Geo. Minters, who has been in
Brantford' for sonic time, is visiting
his pa ren(y, Air..111)11 M ns. Wm. Min-
ers, Here. Mr. Alia.era 113s recently
ace:tided a position as traveller with
Marshall & Cie., of London. Ile
.ill commence his new dutiea at
'Tho revival services are boiii, oon-
linucd in the Main streetchurch tees
w.t.ek anti will probably end Satur-
day .night. The services have been
conducted for several weeks, being
oonduct,ed by the different niini.lees
of this circuit. Rev. Godwin has
bha ri of it hoof this week.
\Vhile policeman Green and Smith
of the London police force, were en-
doavorin; do arrest a man by the
name of Flexon on Monday, the lat-
ter shot at the officers several times
before being arrested. Green was
shot in the neck, his injurie.e not
being fatal, and Smith had his arm
grazed by one of the bullets.
Mr. Amos, iDoupe, 'the genial sec
rotary of 1t11e Blanshard A;ricult'ur-
al society was in Gown Saturday pay-
ing the prize money ;to successful
exhibitors at the 1:irkton fair last
month. . Mr. Al' a Dyer, secretary
of tho Stephen & Osborne Agricul-
tural society, paid the prize looney
on Friday.
A quiet weddui; NVOei Celebrated
Nov. !sit, at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. '&lmtie! season, when a heir
daughter Mamie wnK married to
John Nosh, of London. The cere-
mony was performed by Itcv. God-
win. After spending a few days the
3teasts of the bride's parents, the
happy couple left for their home in
London .
Mr. A. Marchand, formerly of I'or!
Elgin. wishes Vo announce that tic
hen purchosed the jewelry business,
established and conducted for 22
years 'oy, Mr. Ilobt. Hicks. ile tho-
roughly understands the business
and intends adding c.a.tsidernblc
stock Ito his already large assort'-
tnont and twill be pleased to meet
the old' patrons and new ones clsa.
Those who attended the services at
the Main street church last Sunday
%%ore treated) to two of the best ser-
mon:ever preached in Exeter by the
Pastor, Itev. Wm. Godwin. in the
I. e "Narrow
r 110 tlwt t on Ih row N r
path and :rta1rrn w ,gala" and in the
avenin; the "Wide path and the wide
the Iwo extremes in the moral
walks of lite. Mr. Godwin evident-
ly aa%c much thought to )iia subject
Lis delivery, bcin exceptionally ;cod
and not for a moment did he diverge
from )tis texts. in the evening he
closed his bible and laid it aside, and
stoke for almost t tree -fourths of an
hour. Both sermons were attentive-
ly listened to and greatly appreciat-
ed by his liaarore.
Constable Wes. T3iesctt had quite
an exciting time on Monday morn •
in; last and busirx .i men were quite
interested in the proceedings. Ile
had asked •t.hc tnanazer 0f the
Wrought iron Stove Company,
w hiolt hast been (bin; business here
for tile past several weeks, and
were leaving town, for $1 poll tax
for each of the men employed here
by f he Company. The manager re-
fused to comply with his demands,
and Wea immediately had Summons-
es issued for their detention, "Chic["
(:ill as%iyttng him 'n oorrallin. them.
The amount( was odd to Squire Snell,
under protest, ai.J the manager ac•
oornpanied by his wren and wagons,
left .tor mew. fie' .1e, Clinton being
their first: onjeolive point.
Al r. Joseph Ser:ior, photographer,
last %%tck got settled in his new and
commodious studio, which h" re-
cently purchased. An addition of
:35 Del hay been added to the build-
inz, the upper part of 1130 new por-
tion nein; used 85 an operating 100111
A. you enter the building you (int
yourself in n large exhibition room,
very artistically arrayed with scenes,
portraits and a profusion of plant.
At the rear of the exhibition room 111
th!• waiting parlor, 11 here prospective
subjects. while waiting their turn,
fitly look over as%r'rtlawn!S of liter•
attire and other interesting tliiotc.
At the stair I sndinz is the ladies'
drraaing roam, while in the rear is
it operalinz poem. Mr. Senior
hag trade an extensive Slurry of dif •
fcrent lights and has his curtains
and slei&s so arranged lhit pic-
tures may be taken in any poi oon
of the rnotn. The ;round (door cf
111 new addition 1A awed for the dark
roam, printing, and finishing rooms.
A big, elegant stock of Woolen Underwear to tit everybody.
Our prices on these goods are right, better values and a better sclec
tion than we have ever shown before.
Men's all wool shirt and drawers
soft finish guaranteed unshrinkable,
Sfantleld's make,
price $1.00 and $1.25 each.
Men's all wool shirts and drawers,
plain Scotch knit, natural colors or
fancy stripes
price $101) each.
Men's wool whirts and drawers, in
fancy colored stripe, fine quality
pike 75c each,
Men's wool shirts and drawers in
natural color or fancy stripe
price 50c each.
Men's fleece lined shirts and drawers
in plain grey or fancy patterns, extra
good quality
price 50c and 75e each.
'\Vonien's vests and drawers, pen-
mates natural all wool. guaran'.ced
unshrinkable, sizes 32. 31 and 3:3
prices 81.00 and $1.25 each
‘V otnen's vests and drawers, tine
rib all pure wool, in black, cardinal
and grey, beautifully tlaished, full
sizes, price 81 00 era).
women's vests and drawers, fine rib
in white and grey, well finished,
special 75c each.
women's lovely made vests and
drirvwere to match, good weight, spied -
did fitting, elastic rib, they are well
worth 75c for 50c each.
Women's Vests and drawers in grey
big sellers special 40c each.
Women's vests and drawers in grey
fine ribbed, close fitting, will wear
well special 2& each.
Ghildren's Vests and Drawers S ECTAL PRICER
Women's nightgowns, made of good
English ttanualette trimmed with
torchon lace and frills, cclora-pink,
blue and white, big full sizes, 58 and
(10 Inches long prices 50c, 75c and $1.01)
Bargain in boy's top boots
sizes 1, 2, :3 and 4, regular
price $2 to clear at 81.25.
If you have a thought of buying anything in FURS don't miss
seeing our big stock, we have a fine showing of Fur Coats, Fur
Ruffs, Fur Muffs, Fur Boas and Fur Lined caps and no doubt can
save you BIG MONEY on any of the above lines.
SN-Ezl & i owE
Mr. I1. Bishop, who for some years
conducted a hardware store here
afoerwnrds located in Leamington,
oat in down Tuesday, renewing ac-
3ivaintunoes. Mr. Bishop ,recently
disposed of Lira Leamington interests
and 'i4 now Living in Parkhill. Ills
many friends here enjoyed a hand-
shake with him.
\Von131t'8 Institute, - The regular
mcet.in; was held in the Town Hall
on Friday (the 3rd inst. Owing to
the fact .that Christmas was some-
what remote, aloe matter of .going
fully into Alis subject that w1l$ in-
tended for, 'this meeting was deferred
till the next reular meeting as a
more opportune lime to take up the
work of "Makin Chri:atmas prasents
and cooking csuitclble for the holiday
SCason." There was, however. a
dant, attendance ::td many of the
r.tetnbera came prepared to make
this incelint interesting along the
line indicated, but o still .greater et.
fort is expected itt the next meeting.
Another Business Change. - This
week another business change is
announced in Exeter. Mr. 11. Hicks
who has conducted a jewelry busi-
eesa hero for the past 22 years, last
Saturday disposed of his stock to A.
Marchand, of fort El;in, the con-
sideration being private. Mr. Mar-
chand has Omen in the business for
a number of years 1,11(1 contra highly
recommended, troth as 1 business
in:1n and as a citizen. Dlr. Ilicka
%was o fortuer resident of 1'ort Elgin
and after coming to Exeter built up
a lucrative trade. Owing to this
climate bcius dctriment.tl to his
health and the desire of Mr. and
Urs. Ificks to be with their chil-
dren, who reside in California, Mr.
Ificks decided to dispore of his in-
terests here and join them. Very
r;contly he hold hi.a House to W.
J. I(camati rind auctioned off his
household effects. Mr. llickv is un-
decided what' business he will zo into
but in airout twvo weeks he and 1114
wife will •.o to :Montreal and vis'
friends, after which they will zo to
California. At present. Mr. Mar-
chand's family are vision= in Bu(-
falo, and as soon as he can secure a
house he will trove them here.
EAST LYNNE. -11 tis refreshing
in 'these darn of rushing after the
latest sensations Lo find that a few
of the fico' old plays, which have
b:^_n known oto the stage and the
play -;cin; public for nearly halt a
century, t.:1 ill maintain their hold
:u,d vogue in the 1 heat rioal world.
Of tbie sort is "Ease Lynne.", whist'
will be produced in the Opera House
Exeter, Wednesday evening. Nov 15.
it is one of the greatest dramas and
moat powerful moral les:4ons ever
put 01) the sin 40. The organization
ie composed of .spc'ci.Tlly selected ac-
tors and aclrenses, each trained 3903 -
• for the part and united in a
performance 4lia1 is a marvel for
s incealli ess and satisfactory actin;.
it cvnlains a wholesome heart in-
terest and there is a clever inter-
mingling of comedy and ••altos
which keeps the andictice in a stater
of ploasumoble excitement. The
old tale of the fight Between virtue
and vim is hold in a oonvinan g man-
ner, .and not once is there a nent-
bl:ince of improbability, the fault of
so many dramas. Scenically the
production is said D)I a Triumph
of modern stagecraft and judging
from the names in the east, lite oom-
pa1)y is competent in every sense of
the word. Admission 25 and 35e.
For several months my barye hod
a dry. backing cough ehicdr ,1
thou zlit world turn. to heaver. in
a 11(1'k L111Z'9 Cuuzh and )(cave pee -
der cured cured M. I sttronzly 10.
r.omm'tntl Ihia powder. --Abram 1)•.tr-
inz, .Ir.
Is our aim in the manufacture
of all our goods
Is a favorite wherever used.
In its manufacture only the best
wheat is used If you are not
getting good results from using
other brands try
and you wiil know why it is
growing in popularity,
10,000 bushels of wheat
Merchant Millers
itt the way of u surprise is a pair of
our spectacles. The surprise d0uice
in, in the ease in which you can read
with may new pair we may sell yoU.
fitted by us are a positive luxury.
Luxuries as a rule cost a lot of mon-
ey, but ours don't. Anyone eat)• af-
ford our "nest glasses made" and be
sure when using them Iliat they're
helping (Leif oyes inyl(ad of hurting
t Lem.
Here are a few snappy prices
for the next week. Those goods
can only be had for a few days
as the quantities are limited.
BLACK CORSETS -Sizes only 2f1, 24, 25, 26 regular 75o
corsets, the next week for 37c a pair.
EMBROIDERED TURNOVERS -A largo range of pat-
terns worth 10, 15 and 20c, the next week for 5c each
WOOL HOSE -Sizes 4# to 8, all wool regular 25c hose,
the next week for 15c a pair.
LADIES RAINCOATS -Good grey Cravenette with small
cape, always sold for $6.00, the next week for $4.00.
MENS' RAINCOATS -A regular $10.00 fancy tweed
Cravenette coat, newest cut, belted back for only $7.50.
stock of Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns for 50c, 75e
and $1.00 ; Ladies' Drawers for 25c and 50c ; Ladies'
Corset Covers for 25c and 35c.
NIGHT GOWNS -Misses' and Childrens' Night Gowns,
all sizes from 3 years to 15 years, in pink and white,
50c. to 75c.
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••••
• At Tempting Prices.
• This month we offer a few Attractive Specials iu Furniture.
• Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dress and Stand, with large British Bevel Plate
Mirror. Regular price $35.00 ; sale price, complete, $32.00
I Solid Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard. with British Bevel Plate Mirror, two
• small and one large drawers, large size cupboard, regular price $32 ;
sale price $30.00,
• Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Table, full extension, regular price, $22.00
• sale price $20.00.
• Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Chairs, leather seats, one arni and five
• small chairs. Regular price $19.00 ; sale price $16.50.
• •
Funeral Director'.
• ••••••••••••••••••.••••••+►••••••••••••N••••••••••••
8 � A Bank Account is both Desirable
and Necessary.
T _ _
$10.00 and $12.00 Overcoats for $8.25
9.00 64 7.50
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. 8.00 " " 6.50
Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont 7.50
66 44
FLOUR,FEED 5.50 " 4` 4.50
A 6.00 144.75
D 3.75 41 2.75
In addition to a full stock
of Flour, Feed and Groceries,
we have on hand some first
class Timothy Seed, the best
to be had,
We have also a supply of
the cheapest and best Stock
Produce taken In Enhance.
&c., &c., &c., &c.
We do not want one overcoat left by
JANUARY 1st., 1906.
25 per cent off on all our Men's and Boys'
All Accounts due us must be
paid by DECEMBER 1st, 1905.
S. HARDY & SON TERMS: -.Produce or Cash.
• Wake up your liver. Cure
AyersIiISyour ur biliousn. Get old
of your iliones:s. Sold
for 60 years. afseYue c...
H ,_.
Po iestone & Gardiner.
Wart Yur moustache"beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE'
& beautiful brown or rich black? Use ,..t CT...r t13.441N. (.. ,. s.u. c.., r tae,, R e.
One door north of Post Office .