Exeter Times, 1905-11-09, Page 7CURRENT EVENTS A meeting of grout interest and. perhaps of grout importance In the religious world will Juke place be- ginning Nuv. 15, when representa- tives of Me -sly -f..••: den.,u,inatiunr, having un agar:gate membership of 18,000,(1(10 persons will aseemblt+ to New York for the purpose of confer- ring on the advisability and feasi- bility of forming a federation of all the Protestant churches in America. The plan of drawing all Protestant churches together in this manner was lee haps suggested by the example of the Presbyterians, who herrt now in a fair way to get together as a ted - ere% Ludy. The union of the various and some- on the way to becoming the greatest times warring sorts of Protestantism kingdom of that clay. In spite of were to be taken uwuy (rem the Winslow boothiag Syrup for Chit - into one great, homogeneous church ; his nearness to God (and lie teas physical world, then chaos would deer 'Teething. It will relieve the spoken of by the Almighty as ";t tomo again. ' pooc• little suflorer immediately. Do- man after God's own heart"), with He (iw•eils, too, in the society of fend upon it, mothers, there le no riches and honors pouring in upon men, molding surely -i(. perhaps, ; ptistake about lt. It cures Diarrhoea, hire -David fell into a fearful sen- slowly-tho general trend Of act acdircgulates the stomach and bowels, soul sin, which drew other sins in word and thought, using men for the cures Wind Colic, salters the Gums, instruments of reduces Inflammation, and gives tons sn:1 energy to tho whole system. "Iles. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for And it is not too much to say that, children teething is pleasant to the weak and imperfect and bad as social taste and is the prescription of one and commercial life seems to be in of the oldest and best female pilled - some of its phases, vet if the holy ;' cians and nurses in the United Spirit were to withdraw from It States. Price twenty-five cents a T1113 DIVINE PRESENCE rlen Feel It Within Them, Assisting, Suggesting and Elevating Cast me not away from Thy pros- I world, in the spiritual and in tho ill - once and take not Thy spirit from i teticctual world. ate.-1'saltee ii. 11. 11e it is who brought order out of With large advantages, large possi- I chaos, ill 1 hose times immediately bilities, large knowledge of right and 'following the creation of world mat - wrong, the soul that lives on the • ter. He (Neils still within the phy- higher planes when it dues fall into ,steal world, conserving its order and sin suffers at once the keenest re- its harmonious progress, restraining been used by millions of u,uthcrs for smooth. Pat and roll out, cut into gret and lungs to intake the fullest "rho slurs iu their courses," ,teary_ . their children while teething. If des- small cakes and hake in a moderato rest itutiun. ing about in appointed sequence the ;turboct at night and brakes of y)ur even. Such was David, the King of ]s- seasons -fructifying, storing, con - !rest byla sick child suffering and cry. Sponge Cake with fruit Sauce.- racl, at a time when Israel was well sutaluating tiro earth's fruits. And ing w•itit pain of Cutting Teeth, send Cut a loaf of fresh sponge rake into if it were possible, and His potter at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. rather thick slices and lay these on enty years" (.ler. 25. 11). A prom-:************ ase of future restoration was also de- finitely given. "After seventy yeas3 aro accomplished for Bebe -Ion I will 1-1 OM visit you and perform uty goud word toward you in causing you to return to this place" (Jer. 29. 10). Che seventy years must be counted net from the final destruction of .leru'•x- lcnt fu 5811 B. C., but from the time tiI:LF("1'1;U taxi PESS of the leading into captivity of •Ic- hoiuchin and the principal men of Ging, r Cakes. -Mix and sift to - Judah with hint lo 597, from the gether six cups Hour. two table - time of which even onward the con- spoons ginger, one tablespoon 80(10. dialer of Judah was one of absolute Heat ant•-hul( rum lord or hurter, selvitutiu to Buhvlunict' one cug, New Orleans molasses and -♦ ono cup brown sugar until boiling. FOR OVER SIYiY YLARS. Tffire• d110 cup o sourake crearomnt (alined pourogradd(1ually intof etre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has the (lour ttaixt ee, beating until E• bas been dreamed of and advocated more or less over since the reforma- tion. ?tinny Protestants have always conccde(i that it would be a good its !snit, and as his position was thing, but no (tenant inat ion has very high and he was very near to shown n disposition to make such ivory so his fall was in olTeet the conce•ssiens in regard to organize -greater, and his self-abasement the time creed, and teaching as it would !arose earnest. be necessary for all to make before Psalm Itead rhinowhwich holeho ofHithatrers tift;y-ficepl:st rho t+ it would he possible for such a union sorrow of his great heart, and cries �r to take place. They have professed for pardon and pleads the •liviee His energizing, sanctifying, conserv-'bottle. Sold by all druggists through. a willingness to unite, but such has promise, and declares his own pro -ling power the whole stela' fabric; out the world. 13e surd and ask for mise. • would totter to its fall. 1' Mrs. Winslow's soothing Syrup.".tactly or avowedly made union con- In the Christian church also (list ditional upon such terms as no other holt DAVID WAS AF'R:\ID• power is present. rendering the divine' would accept. Considerable of the The Proud king of a proud nation will and tho divine judgments' ARGUING WITH THE TURK. was all trembling before the king of through the mouths and persons of ITIS (GRACIOUS ACTS. old spirit still exists and complete fusion would be as impracticable now as it was in the past. all heaven and earth. Ire fears the His ministers and servants -teaching, loss of the divine favor and help, uplifting, upholding. and cries out: "Cast me not away And what. said St. Paul to the from Thy presence, and talc not 'thy Holy Spirit from rte." It is the cry A Traveller's Experiences in Mace- donia. ChrisLiuns nt. Corinth, by any of After the last Macedonian upris- in'. under Saraflov had been put rebuke and reminder 1t hen some had down, relief expeditions were sent by g y way. 1'eder,1l ion is practicable because of fear; but a fear inspired by %via- fallen into licentiousness: ''What, due klin s. c the remove it melee- possible union without dotal and high character, 1Know ye rot that your body is tLo:I:nglnnd •into rho Bnikuns, •carrying from the ducks the onions and ap- prot•istons for the inhabitants of the All men ought to be very fearful of • temple of the Holy Ghost., tubo is in pies, which are to be used for the fusion. Irotestants agree concern- losing the divine favor of being de -!you, which ye have of God?" For burned villages and medical supplies purpose only of imparting a little 1 ' f 1 flavor to the birds, and of absorb- ing. if need be. any strong flavor of the ducks. Frozen Peaches with Ice -Cream. - Large firm peaches should be chosen for this. Teel carefully and cut each in half. Pack in an ice cavo or freezer for two or three hours. until well frappe. Have ready round of sponge or angel cake. Lay o10 of the peach halves un oath of these, surround the cake with ice cream or whipped cream, and put a large spoonful of ice -create in the place left vacant, by the peachst0ne. Ripe Tomatoes. Pickled. - Wipe carefully one peck of smooth, ripe tomatoes and pack them into a jar, sprinkling them as they aro peeked with one cup of Slado's Pickling Spice. Scald one gallon (or enough to cover the tomatoes) of strong cider vinegar and pour over the to- matoes; cover closely and let. stand three days. Pour off the vinegar, scald and return to the tomatoes Atter three days repeat the process, then set aside for six or eight weeks. a plate. Cook in a rich syrup flav- ored with nutruschin0, diced pine- apple. or any chosen fruit, and when this is cold moor over the cake. Surround with a border of whipped creant and serve U.S 10 m as possible. The cake should nut be allowed to get. soft or too soggy before it is served. In using strawberries for this dessert, they must not be cook- ed for more than a minute; indeed, they need not be cooked at all. Cut them in small pieces and stir into the syrup when it Is cool. (toasted 'i)ucklings.-('lean the births thoroughly. put into each one an onion and app1:• cut in halves, dredge with flour, salt and pepper, and rc•ast about twenty minutes, ac - milling to size. Baste from time to time with melted butter. 'fake out the bird, when done. Into the pan in which they were roasted pour a little stock. thick -.'n this with browned flour, add a dozen olives chopped and serve as a sauce for the ing most points. 'There aro no dif- preyed of the grace of the holy the Holy Spirit dwells in the indivi- ..ul clot or t luso to (lest 5 .0 tt, nerd. In "the Burden of the. Ilal- ferences between them regarding the f • and if some fail to find in; dual and performs His great. work - themselves that peculiar fear it •save when the individual utterly re-' kens," T1iss Durham, one of the re - seems that the reason is in a general l jeers flim. all wish to disseminate the truthslack of information and understand-! We can .800 111 some people's faces, 1 with the warring factions. of Christianity as widely as possible Lig in regard to the work and power and in their aetiens, the proof oil "'This unhappy land," explained and there are no considerable vari- of that Holy Spirit. ithat. divine presence. 'They (tel llim one Moslem official. "is given over antes between theta concernin the For it is hardly to be expected within thein, assisting, sl test•sting, to the devil. You see his work g that a thinking being would do such elevating. The best of things of everywhere. 'rhe Moslems are break - best ways of doing this work. Peder- things as could insure only the loss ;life are 'Itis work, the greatest bene- ing the commandments of the Pro- ation would enable thein to inculcate of something he knew to be priceless. 'fits done by man are Ilis work. We phet and the wrath of God is upon the doctrines which they all nccopt, Men are careless about their reli-, must learn more of Him and we shall , them. 'bey are drunken; they kill to ac•colnplish the objects they all gious. Men are careless about their' trust Him the more and value IIin1, one another as well us Christians. religious life and shout their rela- I the more. During these days of our When a Christian is killed 1 speak to aim at, much more effectively with tion to the Holy Spirit, mostly be- !probation we shall he wise to plead them like this: a given sten of mun:•y and a given cause they do not fully understand • for His continued presence. "Cast " 'Why do you strike this scan? Ho expenditure of effort than they are who the holy Spirit Is and what Heinle not away from 'shy presence, and did nothing to you.' hue done and is doing in the physical take not Thy holy spirit from me." " 'I struck him because he is an able to now, and that without sac - unbeliever.' rilicing any of their denominational " 'Why do you strike an unbeliev- peculiarities of creed or organiza- Stiffened his neck -Was stubborn err tion. Tho federation would carry on " 'Because I wish to kill them THE SUNDAY SCHOOL and proud. Hardened his heart -Literally. all.' the work in regard to which all were strengthened his heart. That is, b.'- " 'Do you wish rho land to bo all agreed. Each church would be au- INTERNATIONAL LESSON, canto altogether fixed in his purpose Moslem?' tononrous in respect to matters as SEPT. 3. and determination not to huinl.le " 'Of course I do.' (o which thorn was not complete .himself before (God nor to follow the " 'But du you not understand that. agreement. It would seem there could hardly bo any doubt among Protestants sed the friends of Pro- testantiten as to the deeirnbllity of organization along these lines. • Lesson X. The Captivity of Ju- advice of his prophet Jeremiah, to what you do is contrary to thewill dah. Golden Text, Num. surrender to Nebuchadrezzar. of God? i)o you think you are more 32. 23. 14. Polluted the house of Jehovah powerful than Ile? If every Chris- --9'o what awful extent and in what thin were killed the land would be LESSON %VOItD STUDIES. manner is indicated in the following' almost without people. Who are Neto--'I'hesn Word Studies are bas- passage: "For both prophet awl you, who think you can arrange the ed on the text of the Revised \ur-`Priest ; yea, in my house have 11 world?' 31011. found t heir w•icketiness, saith ,lollov-+ "Then 1 give hint a handful of The Find. -In the year 597 Ncbuca- ' ah In the prophets of .l urusnleul i clay, and say, "Take t hat and make It is an interesting question whe- adrezzar had sent •)ehoiacht6, to- ; else I have seen a horrible thing; it into a Moslem. 1linke it into a e • ther the proposed federation, if of- 'gether with many of tho noblest o(, they commit adultery , and walk in ! Moslem, 1 say, at erect' fected, would not prove the first stop tat., Jeos, into exile in Babylonia.I lies; and they strengthen the h,ul,ls� •Ila is ns.tonixhed and says hr. can - In so doing and in exacting front of evildoers, so that none doth re ,trot do it toward a complete union. Taint it I. � !turf, from his wickedness: they aro cal 'The •'I ho Lord elected all the pee- edekiuh, whom placed ho on the of them become unto n10 us Bodoni, Would bring about. a better under- I throne of Jerusalem, a solemn oath ples of the world thus with clay by standing between the various church_ of allegiance he evidently considered nu rrah" (,ler. 23. 1 1, 14: comp. auto (land the inhabitants thereof as (lo- n miracle,' I say to him. 'and you, Jer. 7. 9-11; 1 ek. 8.:-131). 15. His messengers-•leremiah, Eze- kiel, l'rijah, ilabakkuk, and other ` and h exclusive v f ur uon !peweeewer of resistance which he had un- ri hets. r , Rising e ed 1 t t t u► r !their awn seems probable. That it . fe,iestimnt, and sea rely hitd o g, ( early and sending -Imply - their returned with his army into llablon:a ing the urgency and importance of would lend in the neer future to ac- !before this remnant of tho nation at the message and the earnest soli' l- tunl coalescence seem.. improbable, .1(eu elem were again planning the tude of Jehovah who did not fail to Widespread religious revolutions are oe vrthrow of foreign supremacy. worn end instruct his people l,y Iik es and cause them to look with more the hunlilietion of the kingdom of Pas Judah sufficient to render it. harm - tolerant eyes upon each other's pIless in the future. The Jews, how- cuiiarit ies of dogma and worship lever, had a stubbornness and a mot so easily or speedily brought to Y.t•d,•kiuh himself, us we have seen in means of the messengers he sent to (- tornwr 105,4011. Wt18 above all weak , them both early and lnte. pass. !anti vacillating. and finally yielded to I 16. Mocked tho irssseugers-How ----4.-- i the persuasions of his chief advisers 1 Jeremiah was imprisoned, beaten, IIKALTH HINTS. Iand of the king of ISgypt and, break- and threatened with death we have ling his oath. again declared tho :rt- seen in a previous lesson. l'rijah is For Round Shoulders -if von are • dependence 01 Judah frunt Babylonia. reported in ,tor. 2(1. 20-28 to have round shouldered try sleeping; with- 111 580 11 (7•., after a siege of ono been put to death, and of the fate of out a pillow for a while, or at leastand a halt years, Nebuchudneezar i Habakkuk, who naso lived during the 09e a Vat tie. ;genie took Jerusalem. captured the Chaldean period, nothing is 1'now:1 pv, 01' dors the paper not say?" Ism.a Sick headache -The juice of fleeing king, blinder! him, and sent teem).!lab. 1. 6). -- hail a lemon in a tencup of strung him in chn1118 to Itahylun. The t17311' 17. ('hul.eans-The land of K81(10, in her will an 01(1 18(1y has desiro:1 black coffee. without sugar, is an Isle, the royal pu181'. 1111( all of the (r which the nature Chaldean is de - her cut, her "oldest 1111( truest excellent torr, • nr.05t buildingcs in the city Nero burn- rived, lay southeast of Bah}lupin a+1 friend," to be shot um1 bur•ie(1 with To Prevent a ('old -Warm baths 1(l The walls of the city were in a the seacoast. it became a Part' ( her. Such touchingdevotion to old should be taken just before retiring. large part turn down, and 50,00 aha Itabyluninu empire, and the friends is, fortunately for calx, rare. 1f token during; (he (Inv. exercise for •t,etenty or more of the higher officers (Malayans not only furnished the - s few ntnnteet3 vigorously. 'I'nke • 11t111 nobility were executed. Others early dynasty of Babylon, but also ('oenoisseur-"1 tell you what it 18, the (.01(1 bath in the morning. as it • f the remaining iihehitnnts suffered migrated in large numbers into Bale:- M'i)nub, those ostriches aro simply Is an itt'igor•ater for tat' entire date exile, and only n mull remnnlit of tonin. The (wieder of the new linl,a- superb, yon shouldn't paint any- cooked fond. This may be an inno- Fo' Burns -Nothing is better for the poorer classes were left in the Ionian kingdom. Snbopulnssn3. w03 n thing but birds." Artist (disgust- nation in the country. Thr family burns than the white of an egg. it illy• Instead of n king a governor, Chaldean, and from his time the ed) -'"Those are not ostriches; they nr.e accusteme,l to sit down nt table excludes all air, thus erste the . 1•. at'( nppoiated, (Gelialiuh, n trust•:(, term ('holden was used to designate are camels." g( and Ont heartily of fried runt, fried pain, nue prevents inflammation. it tend of .lerrtninh, who utnde his the whole of Babylonia. A fete drops of lnuaenurn, heated it Jlizpah. 1'inully (ieduliail w.ts sen for this dire punishment is teat - Slightly, with the sante qul►utity of i�pondered by a revengeful prince of ed be Ezekiel ns follows: "'Cho ini- sweet oil, is also an almost sure i the house of David, but the usurpers, ' salty of the house of Israel and of cure for earache. it should be fearing the revenge :►f the 1labelun-,.ludtth is exceeding great, and the dropped into the ear, carefully, and 1fans fled into l aypt. 'theaged Jere- land •is full of blond, and the city fell plugged in with cottoil. Itti1111 was against his will taken with ,of wresting of judgment: for they Camphor is very useful to freshen ;1h18 party. say. Jehovah hath forsaken the land, the air of a sick room. Put n plec • Verso 11. %edeklah-Compare lees- . and Jehovah seOth not" (tack, t). on nn (141 saucer, 811(1 on it lay the 801. Word 81101101 ui preceding lee- 9) The panishinent itself is de - point (•t n red-hot poker, when its son. stinted nu re in (lentil in verses 1-8, fumes will quickly fill the room. F;evcn years --Front II. C. 597 to 10, 11 of F:zek. 9. I'hysicines are advocating the use t86. IS. All the ''essels--The spolilti'►n of pure olive oil for weak lunges. It 12. itunthled not himself before of the temple and city is thus made N, (rids ((lir to take the piece of cod- Jet•eminh-The prophet had steadily ,•e,nplete by the currying away of liver oil, avid is •thneghl by many • pleasanter to take. Olives. ns a . food, are considered very strengthen- ing for those with lung troubles. Don't think of the complexion only $ • grid fear tan and freckles; they can be removed. Tho sun is one of the most efficient of all surgical methods in treatment of morbid growths. as wnrls, moles, and nil nnrasitical skin dasense. Don't be afraid of sunshine. Curative powers are in the chemical rays of the sun, and they rejuvenate. you cannot even make of it one Moslem; yet you would destroy the Lord's work.' "Then he is ashamed. 1t is thus one must speak to sueh mcn The clay and the words -that they under- stand." Individual nrgurnenl of 111nt sort ploy seers to be a slow wry of bring - in • ,carte into the Itnlkans-►•u f t L 1 6 1 the words and the clay hold out it may be done Mr. lvellnce (impressively) -"Ah, here is another 8tery of a man who killed himself because his hone. was unhappy." Mrs. %v I I c,• (v wocUV)- "And diel that stake his house hap- IIINTS 'CO HODUSEKEEPEiRS. I'or a beautiful (lower centrepiece fill a glass bowl with carbonated water and immediately arrange in it nasturt lune; with plenty of leaves. The flowers will soon be covered with sparkling dew, presenting the coolest appearance. Heliotrope, which is so hard to keep fresh, should have the leaves stripped from the stalks as soon as it Le cut. Greenery can be •nixed with the llerwers afterwards. Poppies, very fragile blossoms, should have the ends of the sterns seared with a lighted Match or candle before being placedto in water. '1'o dip broth or soup from the ket- tle move forward to the hot part of the range. making the soup poll furiously. This raises a large bub- bler( 11. of pot from in the middle which ti cupful of soup at a tlnlo may be dipped out -tile fat all goes to the sides of the pot. The practice of letting little chil- dren rum barefoot is a very danger- ous one. 11 we could be sure that there were no nasty nnils or bite of might l ri ht. glass around it n all g Even an ordinary scratch corning in contact with tetnnux germs aright lend to very serious results. Clothe your boy's feet in light -weight, cot- ton stockings and roomy, stout - soled shoes (or sandals). Serve ((sale ripe fruit for the first. cotir•sc far breakfast ns at other men's. At sanitariums the patients are VXperled to ref fruit before the LeadqunrteIs not at .1erusaletn, but Slew -had no c•utupnssion-The ren - nn, Consistently advised 'Ledekinh to all the things of value which rennin - submit anti surrender to the Baby- ed An curlier spoliation had al - 1010008 (romp. Jer. 21. 1-7: :I 1. 8- ready tobbe•1 the temple of the 2'2; :37. 1-10; 17; 3M. 17-2:1. But greater part of its more valuable vet. the vacillating king though frequent- nets (comp. verse 10). 1y asking the advice of the prophet, 20. To him and his 80158 until the pnttly through fear of his princev reign of the kingdom of l'ersia- t.;uu partly throi:i h elusive hopes of Three kings succeeded Nebuchadrezzar ultimate relief fro)n Egypt, could on the throne of Babylonia before tho never bring himself to surrender. establishment of the Persian rule by 13. King Nebuchndnezzar- The Gyrus. Of these three kings the more correct spelling substitutes an first. Evil-merodnrh, ass the son 1: ✓ for nn 11 in this name. 'This was Nebuchadreeser. The ween!, Nerig- Nehuchadreesar 11, son and successor llssar, seems to have been his son -in - of Nabopolassor. He was 1•. Ing • f low, though a usurper. Whether the Babylon from 604 to T(C2 B. C. third, Nnhonidns, was a lineal rt -4- Had mado blur swear-•t'.?ektel also ce11dant of the royal house 18 not def nitoly known. 21. Word of Jehovah by he mouth of .Ierernttih-''And this whole land shall be n desulatinn and en astonishment; and these oativng shall serve the king of Babylon stove' Mother-'' There Nero two apples mentions this oath of fidelity: "And in the cupboard, 'I'omtny, and Low , he took of the seed royal, and mado there is only one. Bow's that?a 'P.nnny (who sees no way of escape) "Nell. ton. it was so dark In there Z didn't see the other.' n covenant with him; he also brought him under an oath, and took away the Inig47, 01 1.110 104$1% .(gook 11. The Kind Von Have Always Bought, and which has heel in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre c and bas been made under his per sonar supervision since its infauo' • Allow uo ono to decelve you in thli All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are bu Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o Infants and Children -Experience ug. last Experiment What is CASTORIA Castor's is a harmless snbstittlto for Castor 011, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 1 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Irarcotit substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrho3a and Wim Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatioi and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates th( Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea -Tito Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAI Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hage Always B In Use For Over 30 Years. TM[ CICMTAVM CONI.MY. TT Nn,111AV MEW Y01111 CITT. or boiled potatoes, and strong coffee I Tho symptoms produced by and then have little desire for fresh substances may he extremely berries, apples, peaches and other and comprise intense gastr fruit in its season. The strength vomiting, intestinal dist recuperated by the rest of the night burning thirst, conatrictio must largely be expended in digest- throat, and oftentimes ing hearty, unsuituble food, whereas of sight, such as hazy a as much as possible should bo in re- vision. In marked cases serve for the day's labor. great prostration and we Mice may he used at the noon meal the heart, which may last in place of potatoes, it has a Medi- I The practical lesson to b cinal value in the season when bowel from a consideration of the disturbances are more or less preva- bilities is the necessity for lent. Ileus care in the handling o� Pineapple juice is delicious flavor- I things intended for table use. ing to use in whipped cream. This perishable foods must be con will be found worth trying with the as quickly as possible, and cake (.runnb8. Mix cream and crumbs 'never be left out of tho i exactly as directed for the maple !longer than is absolutely n cream, but flavor with pineapple in- Canned foods should bo ontir stead, and have slices or bits of moved from the tin as pineapple at the bottom of the dish opened, and nothing that is i and also on top. to bo eaten should ever bo to stand unprotected from t A Fi•%W PICKLE RECIPES. The air is constantly swarmi. bacteria and mold spores, wh admirable conditions for aro the dishes prepared for tho stomach, and often give ri production of the poisons tion. Lastly, every article tinned or otherwise, tha: abnormal in appearan •. odor should be discard ---*- Mrs. Ilarker-"Sh cause I Love You?' if you love rhe, don Pickled Cauliflower. -Take good white heads, break in pieces, and boil for ten minutes in rather strong salt water. Takia out the pieces and lay on a towel to chain: when cold, put in n jar and cover with hot vinegar in which has been boiled a few whole cloves.. sticks of cinnamon and a dash of cayenne pepper. Sweet Pickles. -()ver steamed fruit of any kind pour a hot. syrup mado of three pounds sugar and one pint vinegar fur every seven pounds fruit.. Spice to taste nifty be added to the syrup, preterahly tied up in a thin bag. Curried 'cd (n11i 6 awer.tihr ed and steep In brine two days, drain dry, and put in a pan of vinegar in which three ounces carry powder per quart has been steeped for three dnvs. Ltt con(0tonhoil. An Excellent Mustard fickle. -One quart ripe cucuntbets, cut line, also one quart small green cucumbers, one quart green tomatoes, one largo cauliflower, six green peppers all cut line; 11(1.1 one quart small onions. Put all in a week brine for twenty-four ,. hours; drain, and buil a few.nilutea in equal parts of vinegnr and water; drain again, and pour over the pickles n dressing tondo as follows: '1'nke six tablespoons tau•iI, one tablespoon turmeric, one and a half cups white sugar, on• cup flour, and one-quarter pound mustard seed; mit, and add two qun►•t% hest vine- gar; e(-ok, and pour over the pickles. I'(OU-1'(1150\INII. ABSOIU SECU Cenulne Carte Little Live Must Sear Sign Soo Far. -Sri /Ile Wrsper There etre many ways in which foodstuffs rutty give rise to more or Teri *,ratan slid as eaeg► less !serious disturbances of health, lie take asoe:gsr. and it is pert iculauly during the s FOR I ?MACNM FOA DIZZINESS. suntlner weather that such accidents ,BARTERS are likely 10 happen. Official exnit- inati0ltA are constantly revealing (y _� I'VE how widespread is the prnrtice of adding preservatives or adulterants IVEp to viands of all sorts, teal though - PI6iJ. it roust be admit tcd that in tunny instances these lauhstnnces are by their nature or the sntnllnc,s of the quant it les used conlparnt ively harm- less, still in the majority of cases the ronditions are such ns to reveler their presence c•Xlremely undesirable. But entirely apart f•orn these, se- vere 11111018 not Infregnently follows the use of certain common foods. In animal tootle, extremely poisonous Pranciples celled ptomains easily ap- pear ns the result of bacterial • ac- tivity, and 818y cause wholesale ill- ness. Dairy prodeete are especinlly prone to such chnnges, and if not properly cared for nifty develop tyrotoxicon, or cheese [•Olson, a substance that is not rare in fro -cream, while hotel - Pon Is a aerates form of ptomnin- poivoning following the rating of Minted inent or sallxago. Fish and shell -fish afield shriller products, a specially 'widow; poison named mytilotuxin having been is0- into(1 from mussels, and canned thugs ore also often offenders in this way. 1011 WLI0USNESRS FOR TCFHD LIVE" FCR COI(S1IPATIi 1 FOR SALLOW 2KIN i'O; THE COMPLEX IC•1::: CFA ,.:.,n,trr, aroar, c`4It, IPure1y Yefete l•t, 1 ante r e n see--- , CURS SICK tic. AUACIIE. ht ;8r 1 S. q(1 :*?6:144 t)rstn '411• CcevsioH AnvnfA f e i !!n fl a sttet rh RIA dolt Pitt -1117 na, •r,nla Oar rptaton 1' unennm lapr•'h.F4►p, 1 .'i e.n.par, ttTrlhatteetfd. taatd.. Bent free. Recta piratic,' tepee,* Patents Faker teres h non IDs 4,' n"(:.., aehnnt itaa to Sei�ttiic A nantannier meowed ro19110:1 of any achnOiCo ane: font m t. 11 ) ,1139, SI. Vitt &CO11618 Pr -1 (":r.:.SY£t.