HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-02, Page 8'i'HE EXETER 'r1MES. NOVEMPER 2nd, 1905. .STIWART'S tIF1L PRIGS HND 1188 One hundred sample ends, 3 ply wool carpets, 40 inches long, 36 inches wide, swell for nobby rugs or mats, worth if bought by the yard $1.25, our bargain price while they last each 50c Some big inducements... in Ladies' cloth and Fur Coats, also Neck Furs. Yes! W(+ will poly the ve.ly highest kind of prices for ooti Dried Apples. J'_ A. STEWART We have the best $5.00 watch ever offer - Gents or boys size. you want one move uickly as we have Only a limited number. S. FITTON, f Marriage Licenses. e Turned Corner, t's fall now in the store no tter what the weather is ide. Fabrics for the coming cold ve again filled up our Ives nd cun o tees, and the and will turn largely to vier weights. t's a splendid time to order. d you have the choice he refusal of the most hy r3ollection of clothing terials that you will find nywhere around here. Call any time. W. W. Taman Merchant Tailor. Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rroted up to Nov. 2nd . Wheat, 75c per bus. Harley, 35 to 40 cents per bus. Oats, 32c. 'tier bus. Peas, 60 sesta a bushel. Shorts, $18 per ion. Ilran, $14 per ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Ray, $6 per ton. Mutter, 20 cents a pound. Eggs, 19c. a dos. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisementr accepted up to noon Wedneeday of each week. rllt'RSD:\F, NOVENIIIER '_'nil, '05. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • I LOCALS ••• Bee Mara's, London al. on pa.io 4. Chesley Evans, of London. spent Fridlty Instil in town. Use Dix Kidney fills, best on the market -sold by C. Lutz. Mr .Geo. Crawley was in London a few days this week ,on busineo. Master Melvin Dearing spent the holiday with friends in St. Marys. Mr. It. Seldon, of Ingersoll, spent Thanksgiving with friends in town. Mr. J. G. Stanhury was in fthe County town last week on legal busi- ness . Miss Hazel Dignan spent last Sun- day visiting friends in Ilcnsall and Zurich. Mr. W, J. Carlin; left on Tuesday for the Rainy River district on a shooting trip. Mr. and Mrs. ,Toseph Snell were visiting Mts. Snell's parents at El - mil :t lase week. Thanksgiving services were held in the Trivial Memorial church • last Thursday evening. Miss Steinback and friend, of Sea - forth, spentt the holiday the guest of Mrs. Fred Fisher. Mrs. B. ICni;111 and little son, Drew and Mrs. Thorne spent Tltanks- zivin; Day in Lol',on. Mr. Thos. Horton has sold his re- sidence to \1'm. Tapp. Mr. Tapp will take possession in a few days. Miss Annie Lawson, of Godcricb, has returned utter a pleasant visit with her friend Miss Della house. Miss Amy Johns vi°.iVVd in Henna!' Sunday. in the evening she render- ed a so!,u in t ' Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .Senior. of Blenheim, formerly of Exeter, were in town spending the Thanksgiving Mrs. Barrows, wife of Landlord Il tri ows of the Commercial hotel, who has been quite, ill. is c•onvalos- irl g. Miss ,leckcll took charge of her rats ret. the Fchool llond,ty morning. Miss .leckcll conies highly .recotn- mended . Miss Hat l i' rollick at t4n•1^d the Convention of the Ontario Sunday School Association held at London last week. \Ir. George Armstronr, of Lon- don. teturncd on Mond after a visit of a few days under the parent nal roof here. ,lir. Melville Ilowey, who is at- tendinz the School of Pharmacy, To- root,o, spent Thanksgiving boli lays with hitt parents . For coughs, colds, influenza and heaves in bores, Tactz's Cough nnl Iieave Powder will give relief, 1 ry it -sold by C. Lutz. Mr. John 1'. Diznin, of iIancilton, opent 11.1 Thanks;ivine holidays with his [amity here, returning to Tlanlilton on Monday. I)r. llutler, London. will be at the Central Ilotel, Exeter, on Thursday \ "v,onbe r 101h, 1905, n11 day for Eye, Ear, Nolo and Throat con- sultation, Eyes (cited and glasses supplied. Onions. 60c. per bushel. DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Clover seed $5 4o $6 a bus. RYE, EAR, NOSE and Tt3ROAT.Fits Hors. tinct wei,rhr, $5.60 per cwt. Glasses properly. Office, Commor- Ilozs, dressed $7.50 per col, chi note!. Exeter,. Next visit Sat - Chicken, old. 6 cents per bound, urdny, November ]Rt h. Chicken, young, Pc. per lb. Ducks, Pc to Po per Ib. Turkeys. 13e per I1. Geese, Pop er Ib. Dried Apples, 541. per ib. Do not deapair of curing your sick daohe when you can so easily ob. Carter'. Little Liver Tills. They t/lteot a prompt and perman- re. Their action is mild and TO CURE A COLD IN ONE I)AY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab - !eta. A11 druggists refund the mon- ey if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25o. Mr. Frank Williams, traveller for the W. A. Walt harness Or.. hied at Brandon hospital, Oct. 1n th after 3 short illness of .iipthorii. Mr. \\'illinms loaves a widow. •1 dal)zhter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. (kyle, of Russel - dale and two small children. Mr. AI( Wolters ie troubled with :1 sprained :ankle. Sl a. .1i)13i•sott, 1t L'. 1131 bccrl W. .till continues very low. 1):. and Airs. Anderson visited 11 rusts in Mitchell Sunday. Mies. E. Follick was in St. Marys for Thank';iviu; holidays. • Mise Rif'. Hui I•,-. ••r Brussels, is tlt.a igc::-st cf 11334. N. : t hcol t. Misto5 Bertha tint! Mari11:1 Suc11 vi.-,:.I.ad at, Clintron last wcx'k. Miss \'erli:r Quince, of Ailsa Crai. , visited her mother here last week. Mrs. Ly,ofs, of London, visited her :dsir:r, 111,;. Eli S1. -'II 'I'h:utk' givin_t. Mr. John Charleton returned home from his trip to the Northwest on Saturday. 11rs. Loyd. of Stratford, visiti`d her mist •r, Mrs. John Muir, during th.a holidays. Miss Mabel Itrer•ks, of Carlin; Bros., spent Thanksgiving with friorsls in 1tit!;:•boots. 51r. aid 5!r:;. 8. Sample of bullar - ton, wc14 the gucst:i of Mr. Jas. lhl:gshaw, 'Thanksgiving. Mr. arts Mrs. Geo. Willis, of Lon- don, spent Thanksgiving with ,Mr. and MIs. T. 11. McCallum . Mr. nett 51r.s. Inwood, of London, were yi,it ih; 511'$. 1113Posi'9 :tont, Mrs. 8. Sanders last week. Ile,,: y'; "Cu.rc-A-Cold" does cure. Cul �v in 21 hours and saves you two nicks of annoyance and danker. AL. \V, J. Ilcannan moved into his residence atltis week told Mr. E. W. Horne has taken the one vacated by (tint. Mrs. Noble, of Sea forth, who has leen visiting Mrs. John Muir for tha iiasl' few week8, returned honk Monday. Mrs. It. Elston :11141 children, of Central: t, spent' the forepart c,f 1 his week with her parents, 51r. and Mrs. \:'m. Rugshaw. The Tilr.es is always pleased fro re- ceive coin hitt' I ions to its pet -F.011.11 columns. DI':p theist in the letter box .on our front door. A wiseacre declares that a good way to 13^t some people to attend church would be to enact a law for- bidding )Leto to attend . 1.s: hooey's "Cream of hoses" fox cracked hands, sore lips, and gentlemen after ehavin;, only 25c. a hattle. Ifowcy's Drug store. If all, 11141 Ontario job holders wloi are. inoompetant or unfit were dis- charged there would be many a good opening for ;tseitin7 individuals. Miss Susie Iht'lificld, of Lakelet, spent a few days Las! week the guest of her sister, Miss Margaret liuslt(ield, roillircr with Miss Stor- lock . Miss Mary Sanders, who has been on an extended visit to London, To- notatr.:,and other points in the East returned home on 'Thursday morn- ing. ' Mr. 'Theodore Sweet, Mayor of St. Catherine's, accompanied by his wife and child ‘pent she 'thanksgiving holidays with his ittother and other relatives . Mfr. Frank Woad desi'•cs So an- nounce ho Ilse public that after Nov. 1st he will In, located at the stand now .occupied by .los. Senior, photo- grapher. Revival services are being con- ducted in the Main street Methodist church. Itev. G. W. Andrews, of Centralia has charge of the meetings this week. Mrs. it. 11. Samuel is having; her household ,;ends packed, preparatory t:, moving. to Highgate to join her hu,hand, manager of the 51olsons Bank there . Mr. Alf Sheers returned home Monday morning from Manitoba, where be has been working during the past season at his trade, that of a mason. A number of our Inw•n sports cele- Ti►anksgivin; Day in the bush with their Ir lend, the gun. Some rel►or1 a ;good bar of game, while others say very pmr. l'miott '11:anks;ivltt; services by the two Methodist churches amnia, Caren Presbyter iait church were held in the Main street church on Thanksgiving morning. The Ladies' Aid of ,Tames streel Methodist church will hold a social at the parsons,;e on Friday evening. A ,.goat (program is being arranged for. Collection at the tables. Messrs. flaw len & McDonald left Thursday fon England and Scotland where alley will purchase several horses. It is their intention to ob- tain Shires, Clydesdales, Ilackneys and Suffolk fudges. Thos^ who base 11c.iuenh colds, h irking oourhs or bronchial t roub- I,`s shoul,i fortify their systems now with 'limey's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. it curets chrondo them( and leo; troubles and prevents their re- turn. ` Las' week's storm ptnyed havoc with alto wharf ot Grund ]tend. The sant) 1139 bre!) washed nut from un- der the cribs and part of the struc- ture hos been shifted from its ori- ginal resting place. 1t i9 said on good authority that the storm which rarest! on Old Lakt Huron last week was the worst fie.' some years . John Smallte,onl' o, who works for W. Monteith, of the Thames Road, while assigt.in,r sxmte neighbors at n Saw Ing bee Friday last, sustained a compound fracture of the right Ie; between the knee and the ankle. it was Smallaoomle's tduty to pile up rails for sawing, when I he rails rol- Iril .over him causing t to aenidrnt. 1)r. II. 1C. ilyndntar. w.as c3110d and reduced Ilin fracture. Sovereign 11 ink ('Lange$. - Mr. Ii.1rI 11rnwninz leas been changed from the Exeter branch (o the Hen. salt branch, where he will lake the place of frank Delbritl te, who has 1,ren promoted to teller and account - ant. Mr. G. 1i. Powell, who . w•ts recently sent' from Exoter to nssume the position as actin; teller and accountant at Bengali returns here to -'ay to resume his former dist:es. The 8overei zn bank lore has taken on a metropolitan air and bas en- ga7ed a stonozritiller, Miss Edna Callum, of Exeter, h'vinz 1M011 sel- ect.) for the positron. UNDLRL#1R UND[RU1R -FOR MEN WOMEN GHILDREM A big, elegant stock of Woolen Underwear to fit everybody. Our prices on these goods are right, better values and a better seise• tion than we have ever shown before. Mee's all wool shirt and drawers Women's vests and drawers, pen - soft finish guaranteed unshrinkable, man,. natural all wool, guaranteed Sfanfield's make, unshrinkable, sizes 32. 34 and 90 price *1.00 and $1.25 each. prices $1.00 and $1.25 each Men's all wool shirts and drawers, plain Scotch knit, natural colors or fancy stripes price $1.00 each. Men's wool shirts and drawers, in fancy colored stripe. fine quality puce 75c each. Men's wool shirts and drawers in natural color or fancy stripe price 50c each. Men's fleece lined shirts and drawers in plain grey or fancy patterns, extra good quality price 50c and 75c each. Woolen's vests and drawers, fine rib all pure wool, in black, cardinal and grey. beautifully finished, full sizes, price *100 erch. Women's vests and drawers, fine rib in white and grey, well finished, special 75c each. Women's lovely made vests and drawers to match, good weight, spied - did fitting, elastic rib, tbey are well worth 75c for 50e each. Women's Vests and drawers in grey big sellers special 40c *nal. Women's vests and drawers in grey fine ribbed, close fitting, will wear well special 2& each. Children's Vests and Drawers m ECTAL PRICER Women's nightgowns. made of good Bargain in boy's top boots English flannalette trimmed with torchon lace and frills, colors -pink. sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4, regular blue and white, big full size., 58 and 00 inches long prices 50c, 75c and $1.00 price $2 to clear at $1.25, If you have a thought of buying anything in FURS don't miss seeing our big stock, we have a fine showing of Fur Coats, Fur Ruffs, Fur Muffs, Fur Boas and Fur Lined caps and no doubt can save you BIG MONEY on any of the above lines. S1V EI,L & ROWS Mrs. Collins and Miss Bonthron visited friends in Hensall last week. Miss Irwin, of Wingham. visited Mrs. Jas. Grieve over the holidays. The usual Hallowe'en tricks wore perpetrated Tuesday night. Special officers kept the boys from doing !ny- thing serious. Woman's Institute will bold their regular meeting in the reading room of the Town Hall, on Friday, Noy. •rd, at three o'clock. Mr. John Kerslake and daughter, Miss Rhoda, of London Road south, attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. John Isaac, of London East, on Sunday last. Mr. Frank Samwell, who has been visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barnwell, left for Stratford, Wednesday. where he will remain for a time visiting relatives. Mr. Ed. Fish has placed a light in the street lamp in front of his husineee. Twenty five years ago he disposed of the lamp to the town and now that the days of yore are again with us, it's usefulness is appreciated. Visitors to Exeter Burin; the past week will not he exhultant in their praises of our town. Saturday night without warning the L41118 were shut off nein the town will be in darkness until •the new cll.7ine is put in place, which it is expected will he about the last of hie week. Thanksgiving Dray Visitors.- Mr. end Mrs. John Gould, Hilton Evans, Berl Muir, Percy Rend.le, Arthur Wood, Charlotte Drinkwatcr, ,Maude Taylor, hiss Davis, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Inwood, London ; Sandy Bowdon. Frank Taylor, Hernial!: tMrs. It. Banes and ohild ; London; .lames Ilawden, Chatham. GOLDEN \WEDDING The Immo of 51r. and Mrs. Henry Lanlbrook w.ati on 51nnday 1atit 1144 scene of very joyous festivities, the day Iroi147 dhe 50111 anniversary of their wedding day. The 0 zed couple wele surrounded by their child••rn. grandchildren and many rela(ives and friends who Impel 111ey would be spared ho each other for years to come and .Ihat :t continuation of joy 111',1 happiness would he theirs until life's end. 51r. Lambrook fs a native of Han- over, Germany, while his nttentivo spouse is a Cnnadi111, 111ViI17 been born near Kingston, Ontario, 70 years neo, her maiden name being Jane Corbett. They were married in 111y township by I(ev. W llin,ns :1 Bible Christian 51inister. in speak- ing of. I heir wcdd:n i day, 511 ,. Lam brook stales, "We did not have time then for •sp.arkin,' Henry got a li- cense in London and we ,got married and have been tootling ever since, each year bringing forth renewed Love Lor each of us." The broad expansive smiles on their beantirn; countenances certainly show that such has been the case. Amon; 1 hose who were present at the fes- tivities were Mr. Frank Sweet, \\'inzham ; 1(eht. Sweet and family, of Clin;on ; \V. Blackwell and fam- ily, of ilen9•aIl ; .1. 1i. 1, nubraa,k Ind fancily, Exeter ; \1'ilh4r and Edward grandchildren of fort Wayne, Intl., Miss Mon'.lzue, Chatham; Dennis Halloran and fancily of Paris; and Rev. It. .1 .51 .Perkins, pastor of Trivit t 5lrncori if Church. Mr. i.ntn- brook is 311 enthusiastic member of the I. O. O. F. and Orange Notches and never fails to tniss any of the nose 1inz•. The patriorhii couple ecupl4 wore recipients of numerous rifts, showing the high esteem in which they are held. 10,000 bushels of wheat wanted. At the Exeter Grist Mill, As we are running full time we require a largel quantity of weeat, for which the highest market price will be paid. The present price is 75c per bushel. HARVEY BROS. The sale of Andrew Gibson's farm stock and implements, on October 25, was very eucce.sful, upwards of $2,500 being realized therefrom. Mr. Gibson is high in his praieee of the auctioneer, Mr. Thomas Cameron, who has con- ducted most of the sales in this section this year. TOR O V gR8IXT Y 1 ZAR8 Le Oro urn Wen. -TIMID Rsuimy.-Mae Window'sliciathing ityrep has been ossa ter awaken foe taste e�vnair seMwaue teeth! with ruooes It teethes the di ld. Io[teea 1 s same, allays all aures wled colla and 1s the beet remedy or 1 mot It a pleasant to the taste. 20 by a !n every sari ot the world. 9f 3ente • tie. Ita value i. incabnla Bs Imre and take Mrs Winslow'. flootlang Syron and ask for so other kind. FLOUR, FEED GROCERIES In addition to a full stock of Flour. Feed and Groceries, we have on hand some first class Timothy Seed, the best to be had, We have also a supply of the cheapest and best Stock Food. ProduGc taken In Exchange. S. HARDY & SON V/)0 CARRY IiOT WATER BOTTLES in largo variety. A hot water bottle often prevents a serious illness. iC oasts only :a small sum but many a time saves 1 big dru; and doctor's bill. iPS GOOD DRUG ADVICE to tell you to have a hot water bot- tle handy so you can neo it at mid- night if it's needed. Look over our dtuz,tists' 5updr: :;red buy what you need while our stock is fresh lel new. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont LizVEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer A splendid tonic for the 11ttir, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Always restorescolorto gray hair,all the dark,rich color of youth. Smnsfaliinghafrot lso. Sold for fifty yearasan�>w.."r'-:;�-;;;rt+,�;.r,-�e'•� r r. CAROLING BROS.. IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY YOUR "WINTER WANTS". We have the best of everything required for the "COLD WEATHER" that money can buy. We will always bo pleased to see you and show our big range of Dressgoods, Furs, Underclothing and Winter Bedding. HOSE Atl wool •pocxi httxtvy Lova, vlbbed or plain, sizes 4 1-2 to 8, a bi; snap per pair 15c. All wool worated hose. good qual- ity, 25c. The best woretod on the n.erket. BLANKETS The large Flanclotte blankets, white or t;rey, $1. \Voo1 bktnkote Lought oefore the raise in price of wool. A large soft fluffy blanket. pure wool for $3, $4 $5.00. OVERCOATS Men and Boys who want the new. est Cloth in the latest fashion should not fail t osee our leaders. Iloys' 1#atalars ct, $;,, Men's Loaders ...... ....P, $10, $15. lloys' Reffars$2 and $3 FURS Neck Butts ............ ... ... $1 to $ 6 Neck Ruffs ............ ... ... $5 to $15 Sable Ruffs, good ones, ......... $20.00 Fur Caps ...... ... ... ... ... ...$1 to $7 Ladies' Coats... ......$30 to $47 Men's Coats ... $20 to $38 A Bi; Selection RAIN COATS We shine in them on cloudy wet days. Three quarter Coats, Light, ... $4.75 Three quarter Coats, dark, ......$5.75 Lon; Rain Coats foe ... ... $2.00 Long Rain Coats for ,.. ... $4.00 Long Rain Coats Lon ... ... $6.00 Long Rain Coats for ... ... $10.00 SHOES The "ASTORIA" is lotdin;. We are (-Attila; a lot of them. Be as good as your neighbor and have a pair of kite nest that is zein;. None too rood for you. I'opul:►r price '$4.00 DRESS GOODS Plain Cloth, Plaids and Tweeds are very fashionable this season. Our stock is made up of all the new colors in those goods. ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••••4 DESIRABLE FURNITURE • At Tempting Prices. • This month we offer a few Attractive Specials in Furniture. I Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dress and Stand, with large British Bevel Plate Mirror. Regular price *35.00 ; sale [dice, complete, $32.00 Solid Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard, with British Bevel Plate Mirror, two small and one large drawers, large size cupboard. regular price 233 ; sale price $jo.00, Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Table, full extension, regular price, $22.00 sale price 120.00. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Chairs, leather seats, one arni and five email chairs. Regular price $19.00 ; sale price $i6.$o. W. C. HUSTON, Funeral Director. • •••••••••••••••••••••••a•••••••••••• •••••••••••••• 8 E C u R 1 T Y SOVEREIGN / A Bank Account is both Desirable and Necessary. -----THE 30YENEICN BANK OF CANADA EXETER BANK 8 A V' 1 N 8 GREAT RETIIZINCi SALE Thousands of Dollars Worth OF OF The Very Best of Goods STILL IN STOCK. The CHEAPEST SPOT in the County at the Present Time Lots of Dry Goods yet, Lots of Groceries left, Lots of Hats in Stock, Lots of Clothing bought. We have Wall Papers galore, Boots and Shoes on the ground floor, Rubbers by the boxful, Caps by the tubful. Nairn's 4 yard wide Linoleum at $1.75 Carpets, new in pattern, good in quality,,,,at 25 per cent off. • I Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Ruffs, Stoles, Caperines AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. We want everything sold by January 1, 1904. TERMS:==Produce or Cash. NO 60008 GIVEN ON APPROE 110N. NO G0008 MKEN BACK AfT' T PURCHASED. i Popiestone & Gardiner One door not th of Post Office.