HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-02, Page 6YOUNG FOLKS )000000-00000000000000 JUST A BOY'S DOG. , spree, that dog won't bite; .1ut a bit danger! tat's heti breed! Shure I don't know, Fest a 'buy's dog,' stranger. St. Bernard -yet last year, rime the snow was deepest, egged a little shaver hone ..hero the hill was steepest. nt't n bulldog, all the same, 'I'woul(1n't do to scoff hint. stene(1 on a trauq, ono time-- .ouldu't pry hien elf him. .t a pointed -jest the same, Then it all is over, n't a better crit tel' round itartiie up the plolc:. 11 hits? Say, there ain't his price. Cut in all the nation! st a 'boy's dog'; that's his breod- ainest in creation. CHOOSE A LIVE VOCATION. [here cones a time when every cowing boy anfl4t face the question: Int shall 1 do for a life work? It is an important question. one at is as important to the parents to the child. It is one that must faced squarely and answered w•ise- nd yet there are nanny who shirk turn away, trying to (,void a t answer, leaving the solution to they hope will be a happy ere are sons who leave the entirely to their parents; are parents who leave it sons. uld consider the matter once and frankness and determination agreeable to 'tiering the problem it. will to remember several things. first place all real success o founded in the economic pal of becoming a producing ✓ of the great industrial There is no room in the for a drone. ody tnust produce sotncthing who produces what is most most wanted receives the ards. ral rule it is wise to try something of which the scant. In any case, it is O avoid those occupations there is already a surplus product. I'or instance, the Is not crying for lawyers, doc- preachers, or accountants. The led professions are overcrowd - There is a large surplus stock al advice on the market; also advice and of bookkeeping. gently the rewards are dimin- nd of ,man that is most plen- Ole market is the one who business in particular find omcthing in which ho can d clothes while at work. an most in denad(1 and least ul is the one who has had nc- xperience with some occupation soils the hands and the clothes ho, at the same time, has the y for planning and directing. way manager who has tramp - ties and built a trestle. a sher who has set type; n er who has served as it a contractor who has ' and "checked out" - nth!) most in dcmnnd find is the one WI10 SI LY CIIILD1tEN. (1r More chen die during the het weather months than at any other season of the year. 'Their vitality is then at its lowest ebb, and an attack of diarrhoea, cholera infantuui Or stomach trouble may prove fatal in a few hours. For this reason no house in which there are young chil- dren should be without t, box of Baby's Own Tablets. which prounp'ly euro all stomach and bowel troubles. If the Tablets are given to a well child they will prevent these ail- ments and keep the little one well and strong. Mrs. Joseph '1'. Pigeon, Bryson, Que., says: "My little one was attacked with colic and .liarrh- me line of business sire on the part of some person or rat to the. 'front of - persons to get rich quickly. 'this n who want to learn desire was in itself essentially t'ic- m the top down are It great industrial ern. pportunitics for all. Every enty years the great recruitedIndus- to other people. y aunt be recruited anew' With all respect, continued the pas- has passed when it was not tot, h0 desired to add n ,cord (on- hle to be n11ything but n e..r1,ing the 111111101ce which nicht Ifo .nal 11181)... Science and 'err's"'by the King. Ms Majesty have become the handmaid- was much loved by his people: he e industrial arts. had proved l' self worthy of the o VIlii11gr, is honoittI le that postern. and hail rightly enrnal for welt. Produce something- hi,m'elf the title of "the p0ncr kpr thing to the world, and the 0f the world." 1f the King would BIG REVIEW BY THE KNIG TO BE HELD IN EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. His Majesty Will Inspect 40,000 Troops on September 18th. The announcement that his Ma- jesty the King is to hold u review of volunteers in Edinburgh on Septem- ber 18, bus created intense satisfac- tion all over Scotland. It has long been known that Lord Provost Cranston has been exerting himself to the utmost in order to get his Majesty to hold it review on some - vest, and 1 found Baby's Own •'nbl)ts thing like the scale which One,. Vic - so satisfactory that I would out now to•iu held in August, 1881, when al - he without them in the house. "These most .10.000 volunteers were on pa- 1'ablets not only cure' summer :roe- rade from every part of Scotland. Iles, but all the minor ailments that Thearrtngenu•nts are in the bunds afflict Infants Sari young children. of the mlilitury head -quarters in They contain Ile opiate or harmful Scotland, who now occupy spacious drug, and may ('s even with equal offices in the palatial buildings of safety to the Eau Wen baby or well the "Scotsman." grown child. SITssee aro imitations ARRANGEMENTS ON FOOT. It is believed that the military authorities ill Scotland have already put themselves in connection with of this medicine tsect mothers should see that the v..4115 "Halos '14 Own Tablets" and the tear -leaf clover with child's head on each leaf is found of the wrapper around each the War Office will► a view of ascer- box. As you value your child's life taming what allowance is to be do not be persuaded to taken rub made toward the ;xpeuses of the 'o1- stitute for Baby's Own Tablets -the ustetr5 who may come to the review one medicine that makes children well front a distance. as soon as (to - and keeps them well. Sold by all finite information has been obtained druggist or You can get them by upon this point no time will he lost (nail at 25 cents it box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., in conuuunicating with commanders Brockville, Ont. of corps throughout the country. Edinburgh it; sure to snake a good contribution to the gathering, for it THE EVILS OF GAMBLING. will be the desire of the brigades of which Lord Provost Cranston is so popular a commander to turn out in such numbers as will demonstrate to his Majesty how admirably he has interpreted the feeling of the volun- teers of the capitol. All over Scot- land the same feeling is b; lievcd to prevail. and there is general expecta- tion that throughout the country the day will be observed as tt gener- al holiday. This will moan an influx of people to the capital on a scale which will help to make up for the lack of visitors recently complained of. The various railways will un- doubtedly offer tenspting facilities which will insure an immense attend- ance of spectaters. it will provide, too. another of the too rare oppor- tunities which people from every part of Scotland have of testifying how ho;tnler his Majesty is among his Scottish subjects. IHELP VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. The review will also tend to infuse new life into the ve•lmsteer move- ment. which in Scotland, as in some parts 1)( England, has rather suffer- ed in popularity within recent years us the result of what, rightly or wrongly, is regarded as the want of genuine practical interest on the part of the war office. It is not vet known whether the Queen is to An Appeal to King to Use His Influence Against It. A striking sermon on "Tine Sin of Hazard," was delivered a few Sun- days ago at the City Temple. Lon- don, England, by the Bev. R. J. Campbell. The preacher [,poke of the unhealthy desire to gamble which too often ac- companied our national sports and even our indoor pastitnes. The sin of hazard was, in his opinion, one of the most outstanding of our nation- . al vices. and one which every serious- minded patriot must feel was a menace to the well-being of the com- munity and to our Imperial destiny. The gambling evil had penetrated to the highest grades of our social life, to our commercial life, and to our sports, but the most regrettable fea- ture of all was the way in which the desire for gambling had spread to the lower classes, among whorl the "copper book -.maker" and the small moneylender had firmly (stab- 1ished themselves. With regard to gambling in society, Mr. Campbell could only say that if half the stories which were told about the sums of money lost and won at "bridge" among the upper classes • were true, they formed a very et it portent for the furore of the race. RI - i was only fair to say that. there was • accompany the King, but if his Ma- to -day a healthier feeling a g the j j''sty is accompanied by his royal highest grades of society than exist_ j consort. this will only lend audit ion - ed in the eighteenth century, for in - 81 eclat to what has (eery prospect stance. when statesmen of the high- of being a memorable eceas:on in est rank gambled away their entire Scottish history. Unfortunately the fortune. Still, it was to the upper last review took place on what was classes of society that the country ono of the wettest days on record. naturally looked for an example. and But be the weather what it may this it was to be regretted that the sin time, deer, is no doubt but there will of hazard was manifested in so be plenty of enthusiasm on the oc marked a manner in connection with cttsio:s of the King's visit. a11(I it the gave of "bridge." will not be surprising if the .Ouster AN AI'1'EAL 'f0 THE KING. of volunteers at the review exceeds In our commercial lice there were ('e'en the great gathering which many phases of activity which were mtu•ched pest Queen Victoria In not ordinarily described as gambling. 1881. but which partook of that character, Ai'1'Ai11 1S iN GOOD BAND'. and which were certainly examples of General Sir C. Tucker is not the the sin of hazard. Speculation in man to leave anything undone that many of its fnri ns was merely it tie- is calculated to ())sure the success of the review, and once he returns to hts, because, it added nothing to the wealth of the community, but merely acquired for one man whnt might he looked upon ns belonging 1 pour its blessing into headquarters in i:dinburgh from his loner of the Scottish volunteers no time will be lost in pushing forward the needful arrangements. • II•;AI(l:PS OF FAMOUS NAMES. The "1 o•ndon 1)ire' t ury" shows that John Bunyan is a gre'n-groc.'r; John Milton keeps a chandler's shop; n barrister, a .'oneh-builder, and n watchmaker each boast of the nnn)e of William Shakespeare: while Charles Dickens is a Poplar baker. exert his great inlhience in separating gambling from sport, and In (lis- WRONG SORT. countennc•ing what was essentially AIRS iN ONi: 11011SK• evil. and encouraging whet teas en - e tenanted without t► break Fent jolly good. a ver} •h more 2(111 years by a 10(11 fans- healthy impulse ,night be gives to Rushton., a representative the sports of the nation. Ir. 'niceties Rushton) is a onager for the tai 1 of ♦ A change to the right kind of food ns demolished 1110 other PAVEMENT OF' SK 1,1.1.5. can lift one from a sick lied. A lady lkden, near Manchester, the in 11'eldc•n, III., says: required for a new Mimi- (iwandu, n town in Africa. con- "Last spring 1 became bed -fast thodist t'hapel. 111 the early tains between 10,000 and 15,000 in- with severe stomach trouble accoln- 1 lust century the cottage, habitants, find is surrounded be a ponied IN sick headache. i gut sly emus). served ns n preach- palisade of pules, the top 1,1 evory worse and worse until t became so lace for local Wesleyan Metho- pole being crowned by a huuan low l could scarcely retain any food and handloom weaving "n% skull. There are six gates. and the at all. nithough 1 tried every kind. curried on in it: it also seri fel approach to each is laid with n I had lesOat1' completely discour- an alehouse in the eighteenth pavement of human skulls. the tops aged, had given up all hope end ury. being the only ports that show thought 1 wits doomed to starts to nbove-ground. More than 2,000 dent h. till one clay nay husband try - skulls are timed in the pavement I ing to find something i could retain, leading up to each gate. The pave- brought home some Grape -Nuts. meat is of snowy whiteness, polished I "Tu my surprise the 100(1 agreed (1) the s ,bless of ivory by the with ane, digested perfectly. and daily passage of hundreds of naked • without distress. I began to gain f1et. jstrent 11 et once. env flesh (which ♦---- ' hnd been flabby) grew firmer. fnv health improved in every way and WANTS A IIU`DIIED MILLION. ,eery day. and in n very few weeks Lord Kitchener has asked $1110.- 1 gcin0(1 20 {rounds in weight. i 000,000 for the erection of bat rn(•ks !liked (Iratee-Nuts so well thnt for -1 and military centres along the In- ,uol►thy 1 ate r,o other food, and nl- dinn front 1 r. '1•he Indian .rimy Ivor' f'•11 Its well sat isffei after (at- exiele. he s.1ys, only to repel a iso - . 111E1ns if 1 had mat down ton fine sinn invasion, and is not a police lnntpict• force t0 preserve British supren n t "1 hod 8') return of the mieernble among; the natives in Indio. 't'he'n- is! 'tetriveh nr.r of the headaches. fore. he proposes to change alto- Ow'1 e- 1 to have when 1 n}e gether the system on which the 1't•.'• 1••etl 1 nm note a well w"- army lets iree11 prepared for mo!,i)ii- m81;.(141511.: nil ►ray otvn work again, alien. ;snd f1 '1 1f n'. life is v.orth living. • *:ripe -Nets feed 11118 been n god - Ieen(1 to guy family: it s'trely saved Perhal's Plain Old Meat, Potatoes and Bread May be Against Ycu for a Time. I EN(:I.ISIf VOCABULARY. e English language -according a German statistician who has Ir n steely or the conn,tu-ntitr 1th of la)geitges-heads the list h the enormous vocabulary of ,0110 words. Gereent% rom08 next 11 80,(100 words; then Italian, th 75,000; french. with 30,000; rkish. with 22,'00; and Spanish, th 20.000. he following note renrhed ooltt)nster from n b y's father. in- ning:- hint of tie cruse .,f his son's pence from stile 1 11,0 pret•iotts t•. Ii 140urally eau• et) some pier- ent find. judging •1..11 the way igns the epistle. it in no way ers him. The note (:u• ns (01- •' ['lease eks use 1 filmy 11111 rat school yesl.•rel 1y .8 he wile at horse to wash --his father.'• shopwalker - "Poor old loss completely lost him hcar- nfraid he will tote his cond Shopwalker-" lion- 's to be transferred to t depart 111cnt 1" THIS MESSAGE IS FOR WOMEN DAME BRADETTE CURED OF ALL HER PAINS BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILL:1. Suffered for Years Before She Found Quick Relief in the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. St. hose du Ilegele, 'l'euliscouta Co., Que., Aug. 21-t Special ). .Suf- fering Women all over Canada will read with (1 Kegs. of interest and re- lief tho experience of 'Duna' Amnedec liradette of this place. "It gives lee pleasure to be able to tell," says Dane. liradet0'. "that 1 and cured of all the ills 1 suffered for (t number of years. I found in 1)odd's Kidney fills quick relief front all my pains. 1 only had to take one box to bring hack my health, and in five months 1 have had no return of my trouble." Those troubles known only to wo- men always spring from disordered Ki(lncys. The female organs nre en- tirely dependent on the Kidneys. Dodd's Kidney files never fail to cure the Kidneys. '!'hat is why they always bring health, strength and cheerfulness to weak, run-down, suf- fering woolen AUNTY GLEN'S CURE. How the Old Lady Got Rid of a Dreadful Headache. 'I'otmny I'onmeroy's pneumonia led to a discussion at the sewing -club Ineween an advocate of unllstart] plasters and a believer in cold -water applications. "What a variety of curs there are," remarked Miss Everett, pleas- antly, with n meaning look at the others. "Yesterday 1 heard of the 'laughing cure'!" "Indeed!" The minister's wife hastened to help in steering conver- sation away from the belligerents. "You've kept yourself so young. Mrs. Glen, you must have something interesting to contribute on cur s." The old lady thus addressed was a recent tomer, but it was gradual- ly dawning on (ho community that they had a saint among them -one of the unobtrusive, ).appy. healthy kind. Children were already calling her "Aunty (g!,n." "Do you believe in mustard?" de- manded the deter nhiled advocate. "Fur those that it benefits, yes," said Mrs. ellen, gently. "Ilut tell us how you hr.vo kept well," hastily interposed Miss Ever- ett. "i don't mind telling, but i guess you'll thin!. it's n funny Lind of cure," Mrs. Glen replied. with n smile. "Once, years ago, f had n dreadful headache. I hadn't slept n wink the night before --1 was grieving about a friend that hadn't tri aced the right. "1 was just brooding away. going over and over in nay mint) ghat 1'd BAD say to Ittt•hilnhcl itecord some day, when I saw that n big grudge was Tons Of growing right up inside of ate. 'Now,' said I to toys. If. ''poso Me- it hitnhel Bccorel did really do it, lesport that tt reason why you should grow (00 n grudge?' that "So i set richt about fireiving less Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. SUNLIGUT REDUCES EXPENSE lek fnv the Ar(ae.1 Mee A PROSPEROUS SOCIETY. How the Independent Order of Foresters Has Grown. Tho Supreme Court of the Indepen- dent Order of Foresters held its triennial session at Atlantic City, New .Jersey, recently. The reports submitted at this meeting show the society to be a wonderfully prosper- ous one. An Independent Finance a. e1, �lU�l�iR4s Committee investigated all the secm- ities, etc., anreported that theyPrincipal, round the business affairs of the or- der managed in a thoroughly busi- Y 1 SCHOOL Of ME�RAPB mess ,»annne•1•, the investments mal y DOMINION and wisely made, and that nu losses SA. clatde St. tea t, Toronto, Ont. had been incurred during all the years of the order's history. Tho order's accumulated funds have in- creased in the last three sears $:3,- PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. 272,3'15.51. The order's position is During June, July, August and growing better every year, for Sc i'iiig the: Chicago and north assets stair(•, the increase in a(•Cu(11((laled Scptern ley. will sec' oon Ch North sduring the last two round trip excursion -tickets to San yours, ]903-•1, wa.s :i1.a4 per cent., while the increase in insurance at Francisco, Los Angeles, Pot Hand. risk (luring the same period was only Ore. (Lewis & Cingkc 1•:xcerston), Se - 0.07 o -0.07 per cent. The order has increas- , attle, Victoria, Vancouver rat very ed its accumutat(s1 funds since the low rates. Correspondingly cheap last meeting of the Supreme Court fares front all points in Coanda. more rapidly than it increased in any Choice of routes, hest of train ser - equal time previously. During the vice, favorable stopovers and liberal 818 working days of the year the return limits. butes, folders and order pays out $8,892.89 per (lay, full information cult be obtained and each day puts away a surplus from 11. It. Bennett, General Agent. of 53,907. The order's accumulated 2 East King St., Toronto, Out. 31 funds now amount to over 59,000,- 000, and these, the committee re- ports, are all well and safely invest- ed. The society 118" added 11,000 members net for each year of the past triennial period. No changes were made in the rates, the Supreme Chief Hanger contending that the 1 work, rates of the order at the present time To give bad example to young were ample. �p(ople. All the Supreme Executive were re- °, P 0 have elected, ,with lion. 1)r. Oronhyatekha at their bend. It should be added i manners. that. the death rate of the order is ; 'I'o live a half -lite when low, indeed much lower than it 1085' life is possible. some years ago, and the average age Not to be scrupulously clean in of the membership is only thirty- person and surroundings.s• Ven. The medical work seems, I 1'o acknowledge a fault and make therefore, to be well and carefully n° effort to overcome. it. done. As a frnternnl society the I Po he ungrateful to friends and to independent Order of Foresters eel•- those 11h° have helped us* taints- has been a wonderful success,, To go through lire a pygmy when and sumethiu:g of its financial Nature intended you for a giant. st rengl11 may be understood from 1'o kick over the ladder upon the fact that the reports show that , which we have climbed tu our posi- !• it has already enough in its treasury 11(I10 he grossly ignorant of the cos - ito pay all probable death claims for ituns and usages of good society. !about live years without collecting any premiums from any one of its She -"You say you are devoted to Inetubers.-Toronto Globe, August rpt. 11hut is the particular art that 15. yeti lute best? Ile -"Thou art." -f- FOOD WHOLESALE. It Destroyed Monthly in the Metropolis. BLACK AND WHITE are not more different than the ole, fa shitvt• d bulk of j-.ohuge teas. ncd Carefully Crown, Thoroughly Cared and Properly Packed WWI AL. 'rRY TEEM MAE") I.L3 a Y. For sale by all live grocers. TELEGRAPHY A telegrapher tarns from 5540.00 to *1800.00 It year. 1)o you? If not, let us qualify you to do so. Our free telegraph hook explains everything. Write toe it to -day. Mention ,Lis paper. DISGRACEFUL 'Di':I•'ICIENCIES. It is a disgrace- 'I'o half du things. To be lax, indolent, indifferent. Not to dsvclop your possibilitiefl. To do poor, slipshod, blotched crude, brutish, repulsive a whole appears from the monthly re- nt the merlicc.l officer of health the city of London, England, in the four weeks dealt with no than 310 tons of 1neat were con - her as hard ns 1 could. and pretty (b nerved as unfit for human food, of soon f just loved Mehitnhel Becurd. which 145 tons were imported frozen no matter what she'd dune." produce. Of the whole. 30:1 tuns are Tho needles were motionless. The the speaker, although flushing. described 0s "patrol." The total flushing.u11undernumber of seizures made was 8,•1011. gape of many eyes, continued: and in more than 1.000 cases sales- "An(1 when I'd thoroughly fur- 1,1,11wee the• first to call ntt0,11100 given Mehitnbel-tvhy, my h(e) to the quality n( the food. Other ens gun,. nod 1 f.•It nirc all ver. it if)rnrlttc0 114t0nd0d fur hunt.. ,un- set me to thinking. After that, SumpUon, but s.•ii,sl and condemned whenever i had an ache o• pain, 1 during the four weeks. included:- practised going nwny by myself and One and n half tons of slraWber- forgiving some one. 1 t worked won- derfully." "1►Id you 8lwa0a hm'e Sonne 0110," asked the minister's wife, softly, "to pract is.' un?" "henry tno, no"" Fail! Amity Glen. "EY( rybndy's always treat- ed me en ni'e, i ran out of folks to forgive long ngm.•' "Ileo did you manage your 'cure' then?" "(111, nlong nhout 1he some time I run out of aches and pains. too. I haten'1 lost a day in bed in forty- five cl urs." • 'There wnS n pause. Miss Everett, with shining eyes. broke the silence: "Lade s. I nl(Otr n Vote 01 thanks to -to (tear Aunty (:len, for n bit of eery deep nisi very dear philoso- phy. And I move, also, that we adopt her cure and prnct ise it - with mustard plaster or without, as each one likes." Th Andre her is not toles man in Great within he 1111111.11 the la's' su11ei all therofere. LAW ANI) 'flit: QUEEN. legal i5 tt private posit (0rieus. ion of ,y bus Mese (1 regard( by England of at all. She Britain scup(" Proper, v is is h, n tine Quern Alex - So gar concerned, lawn and ns Innrried is only woman 1111) does not conte of the Married Wo - Act. The i1(n of that affairs of :ante cen- time td the King", and, reoponsil.il it y for 1 he 118 she 1118- W0 - Ills .Q11. en's private busines8 rests upon hits. If the Queen contracted debts :in he:. l ,sba;d's name, he 1.0111(1 not he resl•on..it.1e for them nm any other husband would. The Kirg cau.Ot be 8110d for delft, hal the (211ern ,811 1)0. 5110111d the King die, sone au- 1horiti,•s hold that the Queen could cot perry ngnin, in 6080 he 'wished to do so. without the special Iicen,o and commission of the King's suc- cessor. --� 1 her • are only three n8* l(tl n l L.•I, "What do you think of 0111' new my life and my two l ti le boys have dnyo in Japan. •l0.nunry 1st is one oil pnintine asked Mrs. Newri,hthrilen on it wonrlerfn!iv " seem•' of them, and lit • bit thane of the "Well." answered Mr. Nes-rich, "it given by Postu111 Co., Rattle ('reek, reis,'nit„t l'snperer. Novetel.er aid, is seems good e,eugh from the front, Mi( h. er.•tl•1• But Fein -linty 11th is that but if you turn it round and look at I 'i'I.ere's n re•:,sone grntest of the three dates. for it is t ho other mule i must goy the 11111- U,•' the little 1,1-"k. "'1•i:o Road t.) Ithe nneiversnry of the eoronntion of terial ,eons kind o' cheap." 1Welltille, ' in inch pll• the fir::t Emperor Jimmu. [les. tine and a half tons of damsons. On' and n half tons of fruit and P88 . One ton or more of blackberries 811(1 pions. On one day the inspectors seized 1,2410 tins of pines, mixed fruits, sal- mon, lobster. and sardines, and on another 1,4(10 tins of condensed milk. Use the safe.le sant find cttectual worm killer. Mollie (:naves' Worm i:x- tennlnutor: not hint equals it. Procure u bottle and take it (tome. "it is n positive delight to meet n man you feel yell can trust " re- marked the 1nd11idual 16111 'he high forehead. "Oh. 1 don't know! I prefer n nein who prise cash." re- plied the 1111111 who kept the grocer's shop. Meeker -Say, old chap. I'm in beastly bad luck; need .'encu badly end haven't the leas( idea where i can get it. Baxter -Well. 1'n, glad to hear that -i thought perhaps you had an idea you could touch lee for it. "it must he awful." remarked n gushing young girl. "never to hate n chance to marry." "Yes; but not nearly so bad ns to have had a chance tool let it slip!" said the lady of uncertain age. they aru Cn,crully Prepared. -Pips tt hleii dissipate tb(auta9te8 in the stom- ach cannot be expected to have 11,11 eticct ug the intestines, and to over - 11)186• cestlt•eness the medicine adminis- tered mu..t Intlucnce the action of these canals. I'armelee's Vegetable fills are so ,nadc, undo* the supervision of ex- perts. that the subst e In thein in- thein." tended to operate on the intestines is retarded in action until' they pass I thr.,ugh the stotna.:t to the bowels. Very many persons die annually front cholera nod kindred summer comnplaint, who might have been saved if proper remedies had beet• used. 1( attacked do not delay In gutting a bottle of Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, the medicine that never feels to effect a cure. Those who have used it say 11 acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. 11011 5.11..' 1:1;1•71(111(1111i Wil() keeps hens or pets should send Oe at one,+ and get the best practical inlorruat and latest news about (•oultry and pet stunk keeping, every month for the next 16 .inths. Money buck if not satisfied. Agents wanted. Addres<. Poultry News, (Owen Sound. Superfluous Hair Permanently Removed 11bile traveling in Mexico 1 discover- ed it drug whsle removes hair from lace, arses, neck. or any part of the body 11.stantly and permanently, so will send to any one afflicted without any expense but a postage stamp. Don't judge my treatment I.y unsuccess- ful attempts of others. 1 have suffered for years with this affliction end now uiy life's work is to help others from this humiliating trouble. My treat- ment is easy and accomplished at home, and 1 will forfeit $GUO if it fails to remote hair. Don't sutler longer. Ile- hef is now yours for the asking. Write - 'low fest you forget my address. DOItO•l'lIV 111.x('u' . 11.15 North six- tecntlt Street, Phitsdelphia, Pa. t AIIM A'i' AlltDltit. AI./''""i 1- 2a98 acres -211 miles north of i-steery; :l miles from Airdrie railway depot; convenient to church, schools, stores, etc.; splendi(11y situated; mognl- lict:ut view; first-class soil; good water supi)ly; up-to-date improvements; well- built house of eight rooms. fitted with all modern ' conveniences arid drainage system; stable. cattle shed,, bucey shod. workshop, corrals, et..; good fences, all oew and substantial: will he sold as a going concern, with stock, crops, machinery, toolsend house fur- nishings; this farm 1s all plowable, and Is especially adapted forrowing hard' fall wheat and for 'nixed farming. VIM particulars on application to Gray ilros.. Airdrie. Alla. CLEANING WALKIMS LADIES' e a . OR supra Csa bs d.ne perfectly by oar Freaeb Proem. Ty is. SUITORS AMERICAN STRING C. KOXTISR>ta TORONTO, OTTAWA t QIIEn110 MUSHY. Pearl -"I hear that Jeanette and Marry went about the softest couple that were ever married in this town." Ituby-"I should say so. Why, they were so soft 1hat their friends boiled the rice before they threw it at- AN'I'IIROi'OME'19tiC SURVEY. "In my opinion," said the Duke of Pkvonshi. e, "the report of the coin - mission has not received from the public 111 the attention it deserves." i Ile suggested a systematic anthropo- 1 metric survey. Speaking for the Government. Lord Lansdowne guvo the assurance. that ' the report should not be pigeon- holed rind forgotten. Ilut further en- quiry and investigation were neces- sary before a great many of the re- commendations could be taken up. A Small 1'111, but Powerful. -They that judge 01 the powers of it pill by its sire, wooltl consider Parmelee'', Vegetable )'Ills to be lacking. it is little wonder among pills. What it lacks in sire It makes up in p..•e• The remedies which it carries are put up In those smell doses. because they aro so powerful ,lint only small (loses are required. The full strength of the extracts 18 secured In this form and do their work thin (nighty. REM :11t1:ABL1; BOOK. 'l'he Prince de Ligne is the fortu- Mavis-"And so you are going to nate possessor of perhaps the ,Host harry I•'1 rdinnnd after all. You've nines hook in the world. It is chosen him out of n11 the legions of neither )1 tia'(1 nor written. The I,lIilors you used to hnv�'" Avis -- ofVes of the buck urn allb rut out „Yes, he was the only en • who pro- of yell and (eased on blue paper. poti d, and I decided that a 1'erdin- The hook is ns cosy to pond ns if posed, ' printed fr the boldest type, p!; and was worth two in the bash." the characters are cut oil, ;pith Inarvollols precision and uniformit.•, and this dexterous piece of handi- ( craft must have required a great amount of time. labor nn 1 patience by the author. The volume bears the tills "The Book of all 1'nssions of Our Lord Jesus Christ. with (•har•nclrrs not composed of any ma- teria) " it is said that in 1010 the German Emperor, Rudolph I1.. offer- ed the enormous sun) 1)f 11,000 du- cats for this wonderful. Inst yet curi- ous. work of art. What maker; the history of the hook more peculiar is the fact that the English nuns are inscribed upon it. although the book is suph;Sed never to have been in England. .lamps -"When I'm calling I never know what to do with lay hands and feet?" .1ims-"OfTer your hand to the girl, and use your feet to get away from her father." (lave you tried Holloway's ('orn Cure? It has no equal for removing lbeso troublesome excresences as many have testified who have tried it. "Is thnt n birthmark ••n your friend's forehead?" "No; that's a laundry a perk." "A laundry 'nark. iGow odd?" "Not so very. 11is wife hit him with a flat -iron." Lever's Y -'h (Wise fiend) Disinfect.. asst :soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and ,linin. tecta. RiNG 1'1' IN. "ile mode quite n :ittle speech when he proposed last night," con- fided Helen. blushingly. "Sort of n ringing speech, I pre- sume?" ro-sume?" laughed Katherine, noticing the glitter on her chum's hand. MAILS BY SKY -ROCKET. Perhaps the most timistifkl Way e1 delivering mails Is that adopted for one 0f the islands of the Tonga group in the Pacific, where the danger of approaching inshore ren- ders It necessary for the mall steam- er to use a sky -rocket as a postman. 11 Is an ()firer of the Law of fienith. -When called in to attend a disturb- ance it searches nut the hiding -Om e of pain. and like n guardtnn of the pram, lays hands upon It and 1nye. '•i arrest you." Resistance Is U,etes1, ea the law of health imposes a sentenre of perpetu- al banishment on pain, and Dr. Thous as' i•;Icctrlc 011 was originated to on - force that sentence. 1 Mrs. Casey -An' wet be ye goin' to imako of yep boy, Mike's" Mrs. O'Toole[ -Well, we !Minded him for n hodcnrricr, like his pa, but the bye's aim Was 80 good at hittin' srnbq wid bricks while the laststrike was on, that now Tim is Goin' to have his( train for a hall player. Summer Whooping Cough The children seem to 'stitch whooping rungthe.• 11ily In the summer nIMO whci, it is always s, mitis harder to get ri1 of. Shiloh's Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic will cure thein quickly. ?i.ere H r•, lojnrlees drug in It and It is pleases to take. At a:1 druggists, /Sc., 00e. and 11 1., a lube. =say$ NO. 84-05. • 4 rr Ali • •