HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-02, Page 5THE EX.E1 k! R T1>�Et3, NOVEMBER:M(1 1905 Cedar Posts A large quantity of Cedar Posts for sale of the best quality. I4uat be sold Mance. We would be pleased to quote you Mar prices on any Building material you may require. We can supply with. Sash and Door Frames tuber, Lath & Shingles on shorteEt notice In tact we are in a better position than ever to supply our many custom- ises with all they may require either from shop or yards. Bee keepers supplies ready for delivery. Tanks made to order Wood for Sale Call and see the wood we have for tyle. Just the kind you require for dammer cooking. The Ross-Tu1or G0. Ltd. Notice To Farmers and the Public in General As the fall is coming on now gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take t them down to MIIJACKSON & SON Mein -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's where you will get the high- est cash price for them. Grist CREDITON w„ -,Lw,. me• A\vegetable Preparation forAs- Mutilating the Food ardRegula - titlg the S tomachs and Bowels of 1\1•A\TS: (H1LDltl:\ Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ncss and Rest.Contains reinter N'Lun.Morphine liar Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Arps or D SfATIlZPITCIgQ liwgiirr: Sari - .ecAwr • da jam, .int • ' ! - .e artforel flier • I)tra,;rKd - kM ...r."�iaUr.t Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Co nvu lsio ns,Feveri sh- tiess and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YOt'K. f Ti EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CA$TORI INC ec,.vau. CO.IA.T. atw VOR CST SALE REGISTER. S,rtutdey, November 4, 1905. Auc- tion sole of farm stock and imple- we its or Lot. 1S, Con. 1, Stephen. on Saturday. Nov. 4th, at one o'clock Harry Brown, Auctioneer ; Samuel Parsons, Proprietor. easFriday, November 3rd, 1905. Auc- tion stale of stock Steers, heifers and Colts on Lot 22, Con. 2, Usborne, on t he Iiarvey farm, one mile east of Exeter North on Friday, Nov. 3rd, at ono o'clock sharp. Thos. Cameron Auctioaneer; Andrew Campbell, pro- prietor, Tne Usborne and flfbbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. prepared DIRECTORS President:—T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. Vice -Pres.:— J. A. NonE18 • CROMARTY U. F. MORLEY, WHALEN O. W. B. PAI SHORE, FARQUHAR P.O. WM. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0. • y g : at]�fa(t]on J. L. RUSSELL, RU , ELDALE P. O. AFlour. OA res.:— RL, BTAPYA. ONT, S. DtnWAN FAILQVHAII, ONT Switzer J. 5. (}JLN, FIILLLVC N, Ove /! J. S. 4'1 LFILLAN, LCCAN, ONT • B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. � GLADMAN & STANBUIIY, Solicitors ti We are re red to do • Gristing and Chopping on jjlortest notice. We are makinga splendid grade of Flour which is giv- e le excellent rry our • J. W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni- ma/lty. ot3loe and reaideoence. Dominion irahoeatory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former ggppoossee Surgeon to Toronto Western Hospital. lsoce8nor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night17alll at mete. TIIOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer, wily drawn, money to loan on real estate, a1Fe Licensed Auclloneer for the conntici iof Huron and Perth. Charges moderate. Orders left at the Timm' arm lily residence, Farquhar will receive prompt atten tion. as DICNTAL I tit OR SALE — Lot 8, Con. 3, Ca - U. EIN1EMAN, L. D.8. ANI, DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8. D. D. 8., Hobo? Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. NatiBeth pa extracted without n Faor bad after efforts, Odic.lce fn• son's block. West side of Main chess.` Exeter' D.A. ANDERSON. (0' D` S.1. D.S. DItNTIST. /boor Graduate of the Toronto University 11tsd RoyalCollette of Dental Sumatra, o tib, wt:b b000rm Aoo Po•t•eradnte Of School of Proitthetie Dentiitra (with Vable mention. rything known to the Dental Profeealoe ��ea••in this otlloe. Bridge work, crowns, al. Iaarinum, gold and vulcanite pplaces all done in nearest manner porwibte. A perfectly less anaesthetic not.) for painless extrao- /os- o ono door south of Carling Pros store MONEY TO LOAN J► borne, 100 acres, all under cul- tivation, 2 wells. On the property ie a frame house, good bank barn. one frame barn. For further par- ticulars apply to Jae. Easery, Exeter P. 0. SHORTBORNS FOR SALE — The undersigned ham for sale on Let 16, Con. 2, Hay, n number of up-to-date t horonghbred Shorthorn bulls. They are of the low met blocky type, dark red in color and of choice breeding. They are all elig- ible for regbmtration, end will be roll reasonably. — John Elder, Heneall P. 0. DUNLOP DETACHABLE BICYCLE TIRES • Your own two hands and a pair of these tires and your bicycle is ready for the road. Every pair guaranteed for a year. •--'• The Dunlop Tire Co. tit. Jeb TOAOI!TO Vaacsum ma lfssies7 OgasTORIb• 3.sn tbs The Kind Yon Hatt Ants Mert iigaatan of - SEWING St. Petershooz, Oct. 29.—The con- M ACAs INES physv of the chic -f telegraph office hare n have declared o throe days' et'riko. All incoming' 'service in atoe- pod. wb have naumIted privet• tundra for invest omoa tarns a vil)atre vrotxrty at lows •tt3 Interest. DICROON t (`ARLI Lsater HONEY TO LOAN. We have t► tante Mrnnuntnt private rinds to ofrba farm and village preperUee at borate. OLA1)MAN & 8TANRVRY ' Darriater• Boticnora. Mala 81. Easter. DICKSON & CARLING, I♦asrtaterc 8oHdters, Nbtrarlea teapommt•edsmore, Deflators tor Ib o, ie• Bank, hate. if yea, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits. Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, r.r Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tux 1.eteio Co., 179 Kier„ Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All NNW to Loan al lowest rata„ oe tolerant. druggists sell or can obtain f, r yon At Bargain Prices. We are offering a 5 drawer, drop head, guaranteed sewing machine for $21.00 Satisfac- tion guaranteed. I11 Pianos we still keep up our record. high grade pianos at prices other dealers ask you fur inferior goods. Come and see ns we will interest you sure. 17 TICE t—PIoN /BET. u=ax1Tost.LEIBIOSFITCURE S. MARTIN & SON To Cure a Cold in One Day . Tile Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets. every eR me. oosi//'Jirsvt� b. ,s: its Milks loss trove he pot 13 moss. 1Yti g 1t11S8ELBALK blies Irene 1"ac•y, who is attending 11u.ir.osa colt(;o 01 St rot( rd, and her aclauril mate 51 is' Ilorrir;, spent Tliiikadivin; witis he former's par- Der. (•01MYt:Ince Sete :either -Ter spent Thrinka;ivin; with friends ;uta relatives at Hamilton. . Tho Diet !statists; of hullarton held a very rsucoessful entertainment on Moseley night. Miss Jean llalfour, as( \Vokc Icy, who as viartirsg with friends here, ape►L't Thanksgiving meek in Torose- to. bliss Jennie Hawser left on. St:ttur- day tort New York where she has re- cavcd a position iu t he y;ette.rctl hos- pital. Mr. Iticlirird Net !reread whipped :t carload of choice nettle to Toronto on 8atusduy. Mr. George~ Itoy has bou;ht the 50 acro farm [Toru Miss lioeseatt, the one lately occupied by Mr. Thos. Winne- coet. ZURICH Mrs. 11. II. Whiteside and son, Max haft (or their home in Ottawa, after a two months' visit with her par- ents. Mr. end Mrs. J. A. William t. Mr. Phil Sipple, while di;;•in; a well for Mr. Jac. Deichert lnat week, struck a wonderful mitring. Iie had du; ,down about 37 feet and then bo.an to bora. When some distance had boon bored the water suddenly began to rise and it rose about 20 feet in the well. Contractor Currie. who was en- gaged in building the 8t. Joseph dock, liana shopped work on it as the weather is too uncertain to snake touch )loa.dway. Dlr. Daniel Steinbach. who has been it resident of Zurich for some yoar., left for Seaforth, where he will make his home with hie dau,lrtcr. WHY WE RECOMMEND "HECLA" FURNACES Decants they are mark by Clare Bros. & CA., of Preston. 's the best guarantee of quality we know of. Because they have fused I.thts, instead of being bolted or cemented together. Posed joints make Heeta PRtrn.ceasmoke tight and gas-tight. Because they consume less fuel for the beat they give out. Becssue they have special grates for soft coal and wood. Beaus—welt, there are a doaen good reason why we think Recta Furnaces are best. Come in and kt w re over theca — together. Local Agent t H. SPACISMAN YO(rbt \VORN-OUT fiTO $MACH. What it exeeLs is the ,tren;then- in; influence of 1)r. Hamilton's fills tIi y work marvels where the; at}om- aclr 'amid diaaaa ion .:aro poor. 111 one day rho appetite incroanes and the whole system is n'apielly strengthen- ed. No stbout:telt specialist could write a better prescription, t'eat Dr. llamilton'* Pills of Mandrake awl Butternut. At all dollars in a yellow box, 'price 25c., or fire boxes for tort. dollar. M1icGILLIV RAY The home of Mr. Kent on Wodnes- 'Lay, the 25th of Oct., was the scene of a very 'pretty wedding. when his daughter Lillie, woe married to Mr. Fd. Monza n. The cetenrony was per- formed at .b;li root by Rev. An- drews, of Creditor,. Miser Andrews playing tho wedding march. The bride Looked Channing in a gown of dark blue Bilk •trimmed with satin with lam yoke and oarryiorg a bridal bouquet of carnations. She was as- sisted by Ayer cousin. Miss Kent, of Luoan, and Mr. Faultier a`sistc•l the .,troorn. After n very (sumptuous re- past, the :hrisktl couple took the evening train for Detroit and other i•o•nts. The element .3 reccivcd by Mr. mei Mrs. Mamgan bmapcxak t.be high esteem in which they are held by their many friends, who wish them their shar•o of 110. world's good t )WIiY 1)0. WOMEN SUFFER 1 Such pain and endure the torture of vervtoow hca kache when 25c. buys n esure euro • e 'ervilsrrt•. A few like h drops in seeetcned avnlnr brings un- fa.il'us; relief. You (cel hotrter at once, you're brncr+l up, lovegonited. hcad.icho geese away after one dose. T'h • resavvu•ui use of Ncrviline pre- vents indigestion and shorn:.oh ills - et del .a --keeps ftp health rend strengbh Evo+ry wiotmtn noels Ncrvil:an and whould uail it In In 25c. bottles everywhere. BORN ('11IIISTiE—in Stesp1 ,•n, r't 5i• .:.lay. Ont. 40th, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie, a son. 13AG81IAW.—In Stephen, on Thurs- day, Oct. 26th, to Mr. owl Mrs. .1. Ra,;ahaw, a son. MARRIED IIF,RN—CARL—On Thurmdny,Oct. 26, at Kirke.,:. by 11^ Rev. Mr. Vcile,i 51r. Jo.hu Thema:4 [tern, t+nn of Mr. and Mra. Philip !fern, to Miss' Chriw':.•'.t F ir1, .'•ire.iht •r el Me. • and Mrs. Wm. Ervrl, both of t's• borne. MORGAN—KENT — in McGillivriv on Oot. 25th, by the itev. Andrews, of Crediton, Mies Lillie Kent to, Mr. E.1. Morgan . DIED )iARDING.—Tn St. Marys Tuesday, Oct. 24, E. W .Ilarrtin;, raged t6 years . cLf111TOR2s. Bain eke TM Rind Yet Hirt Ateari Lae..: et flaw. ef BRIGHT EYES. Load an Irresistible Charm to Erary rum. Clear, sparkling eyes make the plainest face beautiful. The eyes cannot be bright if the body is suffering from blood poi- soning. Many people suffer from blood poisoning and do not know it, but they show it by their dull eyes, grey orsallow completion and faded appearance. Con- stipation poisons the system. I nstead of the blood taking up wholesome nourishment in the intestiues, it absorbs the poisons which the bowels have not gotten rid of. The blood deposits these poisons wherever it can, which accounts for the dull eyes, pimples and headaches. Ripe fruit is Nature's remedy for constipation. Fruit acts on the bowels and makes them move —acts on the liver and causes more bile to flow, which is the natural purgative, —acts on the kidneys—acts on the skin and clears it and beautifies it. An Ottawa physician has discovered a process for combining the juices of oranges, apples, prunes and figs—and then by forcing into the united juices an additional atom of bitter from the orange peels, a new and very much stronger fruit is produced. The fruit extract is made into tablets, with the addition of tonics, and sold under the name of "Fruit -a -fives" or "Fruit Liver Tablets." These little tablets are easy to twice, have the gentle fruit action and are a positive cure for constipation, biliousness, headaches, kidney and liver disease and all blood impurities. "Fruit- a-tives " are recommended by able phy- sicians everywhere. For sale at Druggists Sec. a box or 6 boxes for 52.5o, or sent os receipt ece prof price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Otta SHARON SCHOOL REPORT The folly -ask 'tea is the percentage oh- UaincAl by, the pupils of S. 8. No. 4, Stephen in !the review and promotion examinations of October. V.—Elgin Amy. 69. Sr. IV.—Wilbur Morlock, 68; Pella Schwarz, 59; Gladys Nes- tle, 55 ; Sybella Morlock, 51: Willie )'reszcat,or ,52; Merner Felber, 41; Jr. IV—Minnie Nestle, 62; 'tNellie Army. 55: Lucille Schwarz, 52; Ethel Kest lo, 48. Sr. III—Lorne Morlock, 83; Herbert Wein, 80; 'Harry Schwarz, 76 ; FTlwin \Vein. 70. Jr. IIi,—Arva ltrokenshirc. 81, Leonard Schroeder, 81; Herbert Kraft. 74 Beulah Smith, 70; Clarence Eilber, 69: Alvin Cornish, 65; Oscar Carn'sh, 61; Willie Schwarz, 51; Finor•r:on Scliracder, 49 ; Milled Klumpp; 48 ; Mervin I)rokenshirc, 45. Sr. 11. — Clinton Drown, 87: Mabel Coxwortti, 86. Jr. 11.—Otto Drown. 90; Gordon Cornish, 89; Lulu Kestle, 61; Clary Wein, 60. Sr. l't. I.—Edna Amy, 95; Emerson 1t.oeszler, 94 ; Emerson \Vein, 81; Clinton Morlock, 71. Jr. Pt. 1.—Jeeopli Schwarz, 99; Ila Eit- her, 91; Laving Smith. 93; Joseph Brok.. aspire, 92; Mervin Coxwortb, 88 ;Eddie Cornish, 8e1. GEORGE W. LAWSON, Te::cher. SELL YOU'It COLD FOR $1.00 I Yea sutaly vi:.n't stop at a dollar bill to cu:e that Ira:rel. sniffling t..ldf G•o to any drug;iot and gra "Oal:trrlaozii'. " and your cold will be a thins; of the past. Thoro is al - meat witohery in the swift way Cu- 1.►rrhors-Ann kills colds. But when y,ou oansialar .rhe penetrating, heal- .; :out ar.liatept.ic qualities of Ca- t ar rhozoro perhaps tit's not so won- rsrful. Certainly there is no remedy half ed prompt for oolds and catarrh ea Oa(la rrbozorw. Refuse a substa. tote ar..'t insist on having only "Ca- w' rrhozono".. NO POISON IN CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH RED1EDY From Napier New Zealand, her- ald: Two years azo the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales. Austral- ia, had an analysis made of all the cough mexl3cines sl hat were told is tb1t net rivet. Out of the entire list they found only one that they do- clared assess era hely free from ell poianas. Th;s exception wan Chain- beiloin's C•ou,r)1 1te,ni ty made oy the Chamberlain Medicine Company, Des Moines, Lown, U. 8. A. The absence of all t.urcr taco makes this remedy the serest' and best that can bo hod ; and it is with a (enUnz .i f occur':y (hat any mother con give it to her little ores. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in especially recemmcnded by its makers for coughs. CoI.b , croup and whooping cough. This remedy is for sale in Exeter by W. 8. llowcy. W. C. T. U. NOTES. IbosolutL.a I. Resolved that we rcitomte and em- phasize our detcrmirntinn to adhere to mace hart, of our wroth utioil whit►, birds um to co-operate heartily with other temperance societies in oombat tin, thn evils of intemper- ance, and do unite with any other society c.r on;anizatinn which is en- doarorin.;, just ty, appn•rpriatcly, and guided by chrf•,':an princip'•.s, to Farmers' Poultry We want all your Poultry, alive or dressed, and will pay the Highest Prices for It. Quotations sent promptly on request. FLAVELLES, LIMITED LONDON - ONT THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Home for Catarrhal Diseases. IIR and MRS. Ciumf. Sanborn. tlintt. MR. endNR S JNO.OAThIriSOrt, independence. No. Remarkable Cures Effected By Pe-ru-na. Under date of January 10, 1x97, Dr. Hartman received the following letter: "My wife has been a sufferer from a complication of diseases for the pa-. twenty-five years. Iter case has baffled the skill of some of the most noted phy- sicians. One of her worst troubles was chronic constipation of several years' standing. She was also passing through that most critical period in the life of a woman—change of life. "In June,1895, I wrote to you about her case. Yon advised a course of Peruna and Manalin, which we at once com- menced, and have to say it conipletely cared her. "About the same time I wrote you about my own case of catarrh, which had been of twenty-five years' standing. At times 1 was almost past going. 1 commenced to use Peruna according to your Instructions and continued Its use for about a year, and It has completely cured me. Your remedies do all that you claim for them, and even more. "-- John O. Atkinson. In a letter dated January 1, 1900, Mr. Atkinson says, after five years' exper- ience with Peruna: "1 will ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna. I am still cured of catarrh. "---John O. Atkinson, inde- pendence, Mo., Box 272. i) Mrs. Alla Schwandt, Sanborn, Minn. writes: "1 have been troubled with rheu tism and catarrh for twenty-five yea Could not sleep day or night. A having used Peruna I can sleep nothing bothers me now. If I ev affected with any kind of s Peruna will be the medicine use. My son was cured of a the larynx by Peruna."---M Schwandt. Why Old People are Especially to Systemic Catarrh. When old age comes on, catarrhal eases come also. Systemic catarrh almost universal in old people. This explains why Peruna has beeo so indispensable to old people. Pe Is their safeguard. Peruna is the remedy yet devised that entirely these cases. Nothing but an eff systemic remedy can cure them. A reward of $10,000 has been de in the Market Exchange hank, bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the testimonials are genuine; that w in our possession authentic tette tifying to tho same. During years' advertising wo have never in part or in whole, a single spoil testimonial. Every ono of our monials aro genuine and in the wet of th+a one whose name is appended, proaur:a 1 h total prohibition of the liquor traffic. And whereas efforts are now being rna.l.e .t.o regulate the traffic by such methods as government control, or so called I'ublic house Trust system and whereas the universal testimony of flier' who are competent to judge wherever these measures ixave been adopted is 1bat 1110 result is of a most a:ernoralizirag character, there- fore re:salved that we enter our sol- emn wettest against any such sys tent, anti pledge ourselves to oppose in th.- stronzest possible manner all efforts in Ibis direction, no matter from whatquarter the counsel may porno. resolved also that we call upon alt lovers of true Temperance reform •to join us in this crusade, and that! copies of this resolution be forwarded to all newspapers in the County ; ,to the White Ribbon Tid- ings, The Pioneer, and to the lions. J. P. Whitney and Hanna. MRS. 111. 1100PElt, Co. fisc. Fccy. The changes to be 'rode in tete License Acu by the Ontario Govern - merit .:i1 the coniine meshes Of the Lcziela.lure, will be .of a more drastic character than is expected in some quarters. While ,stone of the Min- ivtcrs veil) talk of the changes to bo made, persons interested in the mov .lent are authorities for the statement that dhe renewing will be anions the thins erntsstied in the not after its revision. Dnublio; 11.e license fees, mak in: it in a el.tce like Toronto $1,200. ,,cad proportionato ly team in st i centres. A double system of Iice nse, which the 1:arteneler a)oil Le li as wolf as the house, mite but so Iioensert l:cjpa allowed ho liquor under any consideration. these licensee men gra found vie irar .1 ),n regulations, their t.errn are liable to cancellation, and a ally is to bo exectc.l for ::11 uffe No bartender or Hotel keeper be permittor) to turn a omen the streets after permitter]; become drunk on their peen shall ogre for him until 1 n rain to care for himself. The atilultcraticn and tion of liquor will be expert inspector is 1n scoret service force of specters, whose .duty i take and ,to lest all 5: hors at cry lime and n if the liquor i a rot found uir.^, a penalty is Lo be i to .1ho third offence, when tion of license may 0e 'court No placer where liquor is sol be open for the .wile of soft and cig:trv, on any do- dor time other than during t prescribe.) by law for the salt] uor. No place inhere :igloo. is ho oontain at any titne mote th bar for a he sale of liquor. Women are lobe protected the troe tin; system by mon. The sale of liquor to chit prohibited under all nir•eu THE air in an ordinary oven is stag It becomes saturated with the odors the different dishes cooking—the strong odor impregnates all. That is why you some- times get pie with a flavor of onions and roost beef with a taste of fish. The air in the oven of the • Imperial Oxford Range is constantly changing. Fresh air is drawn In from outside the range by oar patent oven flue, superheated and forced into the top of the oven. It circulates throughout the oven, keeping every corner at a steady, even teinperature. The air isthcn driven of through the oven ventilatcrs carrying with it the fumes of the cooking dishes. The imperial Oxford Range Cooks your foal with pure, fresh, dry heat. Would you like to sec this range? Call at your dealers. If he can't show you the Imperial Oxford, write to us and we'll send you full particulars and tell you where you can see it. 17 Tie Gurney Foundry C•„ Tosoxro, i.ovtatAL, g•tmat l wi>r5i►rW, TAa GOWaa Sold by T.;HAWKINS & SON, Exeter,