HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-02, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER 2nd 1905. POSSES ALL 1 The Surrounding NewsI PERRY's TABLE EMULSION OF-- ltE NORWEGIAN ) LIVER OIL WITH-- OPHOSPIIITES IF LIME ANI) SODA. CURES s, Colds and builds up the System. EASANT TO TAKE. ,—It will do you good. ICE -50c and $1.00. AT 11OWnin ug Store S $5.00 - GIass' y Bowl t five dollars' Cut Glass in —is what, we are o say of this Berry And its exceptional e is another proof w customers bene - Diamond Hall's d manufactur- ecial bowl is of glass, brilliantly d of fu 8 -inch di- er. We pay express. YRiE BROS. MATED 138 YONOB ST. PITO • ONT. Exeter Times FOI{ NOVEMBER, letee 5 12 19 28 8 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 . 1 8 15 22 Z9 .. 2 9 16 El 90 8 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 MBEI1 '_rel, 'U5. hool system of following from '•Assumie; Iltat the education of the n. efficient ly managed nchcr( are a necessity, 1t only by inducing men profession and remain y be secured. To this nditions. more or less d, roust be fuifillk.d : be increased, a systron ealion must be devised, s for married teochers bided. It is quite futile roan of experience to for a salary of from and fifty to four sun• 1f he has cod physi- c:ut do hotter by work. tabor. In the pours+ compete with young r» intention lo send cw sears at to chins, upposc,1 to stay at it 11 boards help to keel, en by putting a premium to uudcrbiddin; one in- ne►, of s(choLlrly itt.tin d. plofe<eeell shiest r in he to ,. raps• cry lea .1 h of positions so hurni!:nt!n;. dyer's Ir's Cherry Pectoral is tickling throats, hack - loughs, pain in the lungs. clieves congestion, su t• Cherry Pectoral l inflammation. it heals, roilhens. Your doctor will thisto you. He knows t this cough medicine. Zeas avers Cherry restore in lee fl+ .en Mr tbr'.I .ad Ian¢ aM we tlIl ao me4htn..�n.h u.' A. MQIIRol' Appl.ton. Minn rt.(' AVIA ('e.. for 1nw.tl. Mur Throats toy •Id recovery. sway laxative. Items of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondents. C1tE1)1 ON The home of Mr. Adam Fiukbeiner, oro utile north of here was the scene of a very pleasing social event on Thursday evening last. being the natal day of his daughter Arnt:tnda. The birthday of his other daughter. 1to.ic, bcin4 the following 'day,� Thanksgiving was selected as the most o,.portuue for holding the dual festivities. Over fifty people were present to tender congratulations to the entertaining young ladies. Th• evening was very pleasantly spent in •games, music and other en- joyments. Numerous presents. to- gether with the required salutations according to their ages, were show- ered on the hosts of the evening. Freese; were present from Exeter, Crediton and other places. Mrs. harry Raplcy, of Finley, Ohio, is visiting her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Lewis. Rev. ,lir. Dation this week attend- ed a meeting of the trustees of the Northwestern college of Naperville, 111 Mr. M. Kcstle, who has spent some months in Manitoba, returned home last week. Mr. Kcstle has secured a situation in Zurich and will leave for dhatl village at once. Mrs .(Itev.) J. W. Andrews, and daughter, Miss Estella, who have been spending :the past I\wo months in tho far %vest returned home on Saturday last. There will be quarterly service in the Ebenezer Methodist church on Sunday morning next. On account of the above service there will be e e •i M t od's no service in the Gr ueton c h t t church in t he Morning, but the even- ing service will be held as usual. Miss Abbot tI and Dr. Orme, of Cen- tralia :pent Sunday the ;uesl of Mr. and Mrs. C. Beaver. ,hiss Itouiah heaver spent Thanks- giving holkhtys with Miss Living- stone, .of Exeter, at the latter's home in Blyth. I1iss lney Andrews, of Parkhill, ,pent the Thanksgiving holidays at tis }wino o[ her parents, Rev. stir. and Mrs, Andrews. Miss Ethel farrow spent Thanks• giving- at her home in Gotlerich. The Literary society held their first meeting at the home of Mr. C. Bluett on Friday evening last. There was a good attendance, and consid- erablc business itransactod and an enjoyable time spent oy all. A short Programme consisting of it piano sole by ;Miss Allie Boltzmann; mixed quartette by the Misses heaver and Alessi -3. Brown and Eilber and u piano solo by Mr. 11. Eilber, was well rendered. The next, meeting will be again held at Mr. Illuet1's house on Friday, Nov. 3rd, when a good at• V'ndance is expected. Mr. William Kerr, of Chicago, who was home attending the funeral of his father. the late Mr. John Kerr, returned honed on Saturday last. Mr. Garnet Maker, of London, spent Thanksgiving •the guest of Mr. :And Mrs. C. Braver. Mr. Nicholas Beaver has a slight attack of typhoid foyer . There will be a wedding in a ifew weeks ir. the north end of our vil- lage. particulars later. The halo of the estate of tate late Mr. John Eilber was well attended oit Saturday last, erne( prices bein realized . Rev. G. D. Damm and Mr. .1. 11. Boltzmann rave a very interesting detailed report/ of the Ontario S. S. (convention held iu London last week, to the Sunday school on Sunday af- ternoon last . ,Air. Krupp, of Guelph, spent Thanksgiving day with his Mother, Mrs. Mart. Mr, and Airs. John Morlock, of Guelph, spent Thanksgiving the 3uest,of Mr. and Mrs. II. Oestreichcr and Mr. Morbock's father. Mrs. Mclsrtae who has been spend - in; a few days in Toronto, returned home on Friday last, accompanied by her father. ytr. Chris Either, of Zurich, was itt town on business on Saturday. Mr. A.. Mortoek .urd Alex Iicrr;ott wwure ill L1,11(on on Friday last. They expect Io t,pen a butcksmith shop in a few days in Went zel's old stand. Rev. Mr. Sutcliffe. of Corlett. na11od .on 1(011. .1. W. Andrews on \l onlay. t1r. G. Rau left for London, on Thur+.fav evening last looking for a situation. Ale Mathews, who has i.ven en- -gaged as blacksmith with Air. A. Hudgins for the pest several months has sever(n1 1ti s nonncct ion and 1188 left the village THE EXACT THING REQUIRED FOR CON2TII'A'rIoN ":\s a certain purgative and stom- ach purifier Clhamperlotet's Stomach ar.d Liver tablets scene to be the ex- act t sirs; required strong lerxwu Th for the most robust. yet mild cr.eugh ar.I stf0 for children and ww•ithwut that terrible !griping so cxmunnn t most puezativea,"say It. S. \\"chafer & Co., f,'dora, Ontario, 0made For sole in Exeter by \V. 5. Ileeey. WOODilAM The it:embers of L. 0. L. 492 aro tnakint a special effort Ibis year 1.. make their :moult o}ster supper and concert a treat ►:aces+.. They have g one to considerable expense to sc• cure the very hest entertainers for the ooca9i• n. Anion; those :s hour they have secured are Mitts Miller. .1 talented elocutionist, the •44e11 k nw w n Voral i.419, M r. rind Mrs. Thompson and Miss Thompwan of Mitchell and the celebrated London 1r:trpete. The affair will he hell y^.Ir on 'Monday evening. Nov. lith. Sul.p'r w ill ho serve,/ from ti to R p. m., tl:e program commencing at R o'eU►ck. Mr, 1Villi:rm White. of llihbert. will act es ch.airm In, and eldressev will le delivered by the (0110(4 ns. ,tenticmen: Rev.\\.V'nlsh, firtmpton : ,0. C., of Ontario \Vest : itevs. ittcey and Veale, of Kirkton, -1v:si•, of Grantee, anti Bartlett, of \Voodham. 1 . 1)ASII W OOD BTOYE8.—lf you are la :teed of a stove or fur- nace. don't fall to have a look at our .tock, we were never In • better pa+itlon to supply your wept*. Z.1'. Paulin, Hardware, Stoves and Ttnsmithing. Mr. Mark Jtrokenshire expects to get hack in his old stand in aoout a more h . Mr. George Kellerman, started his flax mill art Exoter North, :Monday last. Isis ruill at Shipka is now run- ning every day. Barry 1'. Weaver, of Zurich, was in the villas on Saturday last. ,Mr. Tiernan is to have some oppo- sition .in'lhe butcher business, os Mr. Geo. Ituby has o cart on the road, the prices has already dropped 2c. per pound. It its said that opposition is the lifo of trade, but if prices con- tinue bo decline it will probably be a snore lite. Barry Guenther, of the Dashes cod livery, has the contract of gr.ding a, rood into Maple Grove. They would have difficulty in selecting a more competent person for that work. Mr .Aaron Musser, who has for a number of years past been sawyer in Mr. Ale/ladles sawmill. of Kippen, has secured a position. in Kimberley, B. C., at $5 per day, where he start- ed ,Lor Monday morning. Ile has a son diving Ithcre and his sojourn there will (lettere! on how welt he likes t ho West. \\'e wish hire every s uocie S9. E. P. Paulin is putting in. a fur- nace .for Mr. Joe Sparrow, of Brews stere E. P. reports the stove business first class this fall. Mr. Arthur Walper, son of August Wolper, of 'the 141 h, left Tuesday morning for fort Wayne, where lie will stent) Some time for the benefit/ of his health, Mr. Wolper had been working at Mr. John 1'(001er's store, Zurich, when he was taken (town with the fever. Mrs. (Rev.) Clemens' father, Mr. \\'ismer, it visiting at the par.aona40. Bible Society Meeting in the Evan- 4elical thatch Tuesday evening, a full report text v:cek. Some of our ycun; men, w•Ito are in 'the habit of loafing around the Barth -lib Block after closing hours and Sundays :have beencarrying their pranks altogether to far of late It has ben almost impossible to keep Mass in the front cellar windows of the hardware tstore and many other acts of destruction of the above nature of common occurence. A short time ago E. P. Poulin had a beauti- ful linen reign fastened securely to the side of the store some eight feet from the ,ground. This was allowed Io retrain a few day's when it was horn les ribbons by Iwo young men, orseo weeks. on the front street and the other dives ,on the back street torts of the liar -licit) block. Now if tbs'scr young men will take this in• timatian •and call at the Jlardware store and settle up they oltn .get off easy, otherwise the law shall take its course. The Dashtv'.I flat stills are again in full swing. Our ,genial ionsorinl artist, J. A. Wambold, is 'going around with a bnoad simile on his face. Itis escape from what alight have been a ser- ious accident on Thursday last in the reason he is shaking hands ww•ilb himself. Mr. \\'ambol.t ww39 prepar- ing to light our street lamp, 3aso- lin:e Nein; use!. lir was on the top of 8 ladder and while pouring gaso- line in -the tank, sorno of the fluid spilled on his clothes 8(111011 ignited when he lighted a match. in an instant his clothing 4488 a mass of flames, He jumped to the ;round rolled over a few times and srnoth- ered I Item. 111 nloust ache was slightly buried, and his nerves seat flying in different directions. His numerous customers kindly assisted 1 im in +getting them together. The street lamp is now under the rare of Doc Route—etre. who has devised a fire eseai.e, wvhich 110 has attached to an ladder. WHEN YOU HAVE A i1AD COLD You %anti a remedy that will not only !give quick relief but effect per- li) 1tient cure. You ware, n remedy that will ro- I'v`ve the lungs and keep expect<mt- titan ca.(y. You wail a :comedy that will cour►tc'lact any tendency toward pneun1onit . YOU want a remedy that is pleas- ant and cote 1' lake. 011atnhar1.,in's Cough Remedy meets all of 111,1 for ,aloe ,aso•,ly- and permanen 1 cure of had (10!(14 Nt8(1(18 wcilhotlt :t I.(x•r. For sale in 1•:5o1-•1 )..v \\'. 8. 1I'.wey. h I I I NN'I'O N Mr. l) Ivi•l (G11101an, ti Ito hos been at4ertdint 118(, 004111 11 11er'•ttes4 Col- lr. in Strolford, M,^nt 'Ib 'iksgiv- foie uet't•r t .• I,,,rw aI I,• Rheumatism Loormo.t the oonstitetiosel It manifests kW wed ads' and� stiff muscles. It cumot be Irequires econstitutional treatment acting through the blood. and tbe best is a course oft the great medicine Hood'sSarsaparilla which has permanently cored tbousends of catch.. Par sa,i1..o els sf risasikaNNe NMI gar Des `ird < , a• rMw IIENBALL Mr. aitt Mrs. A. Dent, of !ditclu.I1, were ,in ,the village the. t-orly bare of last Beek visiting Mrs. J. Suther- land, Mr. Dent's sister. --Thi first mcetirt; c<1 the Young I''ople's Society connected with Ht. Paul's church, was held on Friday evening last and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather there was a fair attennttnce and an inter- esting programme Wks carried out. —A number from Hensall and vi- cinity attended the anniversary ser- vices held in .Cave► Presbyterian church, Exeter, on Sunday. —Mies Stephenson, of near Varna, is visiting Ler relatives,Mr. and Mrs. It. Drysdale and family. — The executors of the estate of the late Mrs. \Vm. Ilou;all, sr., have sold her dwelling here to Mr. George FCnguSon. — Our council acre tloulpleting (01- provemenitti.on,tlie streets before the frost seer, in. —Miss Belle Thompson, of this vil- lage, has been engaged as teacher of the school in section No. 14, Ilay, for the incoming year. —Mr. 000040 Joynt received pain- ful injuries by stepping into the new open ,dnain on •a side street atter dark 'ono evening. — Mr. Dunlop, who was engaged in lite sovereign Bank, here, has been pnomotod to the Berlin agency. —Mrs. Simpson. who was on a visit Loa a nuniber,o! weeks, has re- turned. —Mr. B. \Vilste-r recently accept- ed a situation at Newbury. —Mr. 3. ID. Stewart intends ro- turning Ito Bengali and again -x- cupy his dwelling. — Miss Eliza hell is visiting friends in Brueefield and vicinity. :Ales. (Rev.) Iktugh is visiting her children in London. Mr. J, C. Stoneman spent Thanks- giving visiting friends in Landon and Lamboth. BROKEN SLEEP --TIRED NEXT 'MORNING. Sleep not only rests, but builds up the licitly. Cut down the hours of sleep, and you cut down health in the ~ante proportion. Rebuilding l}rcn 0041108, nerves 1310 to smash, you ;row tired, weak and wretched. To treslpr(Y sleep you 'must ,get ruor-e bodily sbrength, more nutrits sous blood, healthier nerves. Ferro - zone solves the whole problem, mak- es you sleep soundly, gives endurance vim, ambition. No more m•)r :inT waw:tkiess—inste..ad :the dire of youth ell' run in your steins, supplying abundance of energy and vigor. Witchery expresses ,the instant ef- fect of Ferrtozone; try it. A TRULY IDEAL WIFE HER HUSBAND'S_BEST HELPER VI oseua Health I the (best Sours* oft tie lower to Inspire and Encourage —All Women Should ower It. One of the most noted, successful and richest men of thin century, in a reosat article, has said, " Whatever I am and whatever success I have attained in this world I owe all to my wife. From the day I first knew her she has been an inspiration. and the greatest help- mate of my life." To be such a successful wife, to re- tain the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself, should be a woman's constant study. If a woman finds that her allergies are fialraing, that she gets easily tire& dark ridows appear under her eyes, she has backache, headaches, bearing - down pains, nervousness, whites. }-reg- ularities or the blues, she should start at once to build up her system by a tonic with specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. Following we publish by request a letter from a yyoung wife : Dear Mrs. Plnkham: " Ever +Luce my child was born I bays suf- fered. as I hope few wouten ever have, with in - f leaur +tion, female weakness, -down pates, backacbe and wretched . It affected mystomach so I could my mytime :island anthalfh�Qt�n 1Ded. " LLydia & Pinkham's V Compound made area well woman, I feel so grateful that I em glad to write sad tell you of my marvelous recoveerr�y. It b v t me health, new life and vitality.“—Iiirs. Alosisy, 611 South loth Street, Tacoma, Wadi. What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainaley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. If you have symptoms you don't un- derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice Is tree and always helpful. "Maple Leaf Rubbers" are made of pure Para rubbe' , are wet -proof, neat, perfect -fitting and lasting. Every rubber has a Maple Leaf branded on the sole, and this brand is our guarantee that the rubber is perfect in every way. Insist on your dealer giving you 1:aiple Leaf Rubbers" Made for every purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies', men's and children's shoes. fl book that no farmer Gan attord to be Without The Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide Compiled by the Agricultural Editor's of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, at the request of Hundreds of Readers IT CAN BE HAD FREE The most complete Farmers' Handbook and Veterinary Guide ever issued sirnple and practical information of the greatest value to every termer. Three hundred and fifty-eight subject. dealt with ; every one of interest and many of theme illustrated OUR SPECIAL OFFER: \We offer a full ycnr's suhacription 1,s the Exeter Titres, a full ycur's 8ubscriptinn to that 1 reotest of all Weeklies. the Family Berald and Weekly N'. r, of Motor(tl, including their beautiful picture, "Queen Alex- andra, Ilcr (:randcluldrert and Dego," and a copy of "The Farmer's Man- ual ar•! Veterinary Guide," all for $1.81). A 1:nnplo eripy of the picture 111 1,0 s. -(\n :rt phi.. offs^.,'. TIMES OFFICE, Exeter, Ont. Subscribe for the TiMES. From now until January 194.7 for $ 1.00 4 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦ ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUY OUR NEW LAMPS The London Crockery Co, offer for your inspection their magnificent line of lamps of all kinds—hanging, hall, parlor, sew- ing, reading, glass, table and bed- room lamps, excellent in design and style and our guarantee with each line. That is WHY you should buy from us, we buy only the best the factories can make and the best does not cost you as touch or any more than other houses ask for inferior goods, WRITE US FOR FRICES. COME IN AND SEE THE NEW STYLES. Fancy Table China, all makes carried from the cheapest to the best, splendid new stock lines in Austrian, English, French, German & Bavarian. See the beautiful Japanese line rich in dainty decorations and so many useful table lines. = Dinner Sets, beautiful new goods, just in, special prices, 6.00, $6 5o, $8 . oo, $9.00, $10.00, $15.00. You cannot • duplicate these prices elsewhere. Toilet Sets. new shapes, new colors, immense 'variety, prices from $2.25 to $15.00. Every set bears our personal : guarantee of quality. Buy only where you can get satis- faction • s London Crockery Co. • 169 Dundas Street, London. I WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of $10.00 or over. S ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••• MARA'S Phone 1684. 134 Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane, Former Scl'eaton Premises. LONDON, O11-TARIO EVERYTHING HEW SPECIALS $1 Men's Fine Worsted Yarn Sweaters, in plain and fancy, regular $1 for • • • • . • . • • • •690 65o All Pure Wool Shirts and Drawers, trouser finish pants unshirinkable; reg. 65c. for each ........ • • 4740- 45c Extra Heavy Lined Mitts, ribbed cuff, large sizes; pair••290 65c Extrafor Heavy•B•lue and Black Smocks and Overalls bib or plain,; reg. 65c, for pair • .. • .. , ..... 500 35c Worsted Yarn Hose for boys, sizes 61 to 10; reg. 35c, for, pair .. • • .. 25o Mens' and Ladies' Fleece Lined Night Robes, extra large size, fancy collars and cuffs; reg; $1.35 for 850 65c Boys' Fine Worsted Yarn Sweaters, double cuffs and collars and finished bottoms; reg. 65c for .. • • 500 Coats for the New Babies $2.50 White and Red Eiderdown Coats, fancy trimmed wide sweep, all sizes; reg. $2.50 for • • • • . • • • • .*1,49' 75c Ladies' Kid Gloves, fine quality, in tans, slate,white and black, sizes 6 to 74; special pair 590 $1.25 Golf Coats, in pure wool materials, red shade only; reg. $1.25 for •••• •••• •••• 79a 2sic Fleece Lined Vests for ladies, full fashioned, open down front, all sizes; special, each ..... ....190 374e Dress Tweeds, in dark patterns, correct thing for school dresses. also skirts, wide width; regular 374o, for yard •••• .. 264' 15c Cashmere Finish Wrapperettes, 36 ins. wide, 2 widths to a comfortable: reg 15c, for yard 100 Best Pure White Batting, 1 Ib bat; bunch .... .... 16o $1.25 Dresses, made of heavy wrapperette, 1; :ed, fancy trimmed, fit girls, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14; regular $1.25,for each ••.. 690 Girls and Misses Winter Jackets, long length, fancy trimmed; reg. $350, for •••• •••• •••• .•.•$1.98 Mail Orders Especially Attended to. THE 1'1OLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856) CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• •••• S3,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• ••• S3,000.000.00 48 Branches In Ontario, Quebec, Alteon Rrlttsh Columbia arid M snitoba EXETER BRANCH °pee every Iswful Day from 10 A. N. to 3 P. x. except Saturday 10 •. Y. to 1 P. fe. Fear niers' Stale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied On applleatlon. DRAFTS on ell point. In the Dominion, (fust Rritala sari Un- ited Staten, bought and sold at lowest rales of exchange, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Depostts o *1.00 ant upwards received. Interest com- pounded half yearley, and added to prindpal June rots and December 31.1. ile- poetG Receipts afro honed and htgheet current rates of Interest allowed. Advesoces made to farmers stock dealers and business men at lowest race and on moot favorable term.. Agenet at Reeler for Dom. fleve,na ea$. DI kson & Carling. Molicito,p. N. D. HURDON, Man .. or