HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-02, Page 1. ' p,The Wedding Season Again Ve have the moat up-to-date wed- i; stationery to be bad. When it nee to bill beads, envelopes, eto.. vas ahvays fill orders. Little 1 utter THIRTY-THIRD YEAR --No 1678 Mimi Ser t. T. HAI/MINS & SON 1 wz.9., Hardware and Seed Store is the place for Builders and those intending to .build p we carry a fu Soo ear J'm Should go to get Chea Hardware as Vero .hall wad to take too on line of ilial Fel Fah Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. E- Fal: g Far In Cements we carry the two leading Brands RIR of Canada .:JLiU1 r,r, sev r airurel7vagrirl.. CURE. SICK HEA' ... FOR. Diarrhoea, t Stolrlacl We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as lave a machine to make all our own Troughs an 1pian give you firstclass material. Try us and Summer"*iI1 be conuinced. National and Star EflVETROIJOIIINf, r. HAWKINS & SON 1 1 eceter and Centralia (During Recent Months -Storehouses + -THE- , read_ HE ''hat money can buy also ,'read,_ for use, the best ement and Lime 3.. for Everybody Don't oxpori at lowest prices untithxl ramcd1.GO13BL DiGK which has stoi Dr. Fowler's l:a years, and ' a WE'RE f ction. in it artioi, cont; ate' I. Tnev'iu: I elver• 4IaLRRS MRs. Dam. so:► hart• vans 1)r. row'tr'i I:.tr- buyer., We wake the for Di.,rt:,ae far a<v^rel'ar 'them Wit. We make tic .alb texl::c:a tr6ie24 brit, ve can, so that tbey ewe," it sooner than they if they do, you'll fere else for your to one could blame STRONG AND VP"! ought to buy 4. And Suit worth -of fabric -style in Fiery Organ of the oke - dressynees -- up and invigoraice. SUIT as there is within land not pay too ( ► .Ick and Blue Is for $15.00 Si8.00. OJINS 'ant Tailor Real Estate ge, Limited. .Mr. F. \7, they're. r, ant., says: "1 ante. St.e London v.it!t pale t�tinn, .110 terns tbat you want 01C011!011110 143 nr,.l pile for out ferule of net.. ono bat of Miib•arn'e \Wc have the nwst rills caalplotely ren.. ,od of adrortirene and tresging symptoms .y in Cana(ka. I)o you .ince tekin thecal, an :a farm or bueine IM feel strong reel vier.. ny part of Ontario! Milburn':; Dart re lei. we have some all riiss::ar'a ariaieg fro out usrv• tiisae', or lv. vibe '.mpbell, ex -M. P. for Con.), and ex -warden , pa isevt away ricer 9. vehicle lyin; on the hie paper. Ile had List nttellrtint to his Wes. As nn equal int, the Ontario Legis- , term. giving his sup - Meredith. r ALMANAC FOIL 1906. tl it. (licks' Almanac ubliahe4 for 1906, but Journal, WORD ANI) t••qn chimp -41 into a nta;azinc, and it .storm and weather !other tett ronomie.1 .Isle. Th.' November ready. r•afr:tins the t January to June, 1906. number, toady f)ees-m- rt contain the f.rrecasts o December. 1906. The splcn•li.l Mi£ t7.inr i• YEAR. See it an 1 it. Tile November slumbers rA/lllalni itz the (licks' forecasts for the r,•l mole complete thin •'ad by sentient IIS emits ,1 Works l'uhliehirt; !01 Locust Street, St. IllirCOSPILZAL. 'Tilt Nitll YN Nle. Alova,...,. ._ . :.._ • TORONTO, Olfl'. COR. YONGE & ALEXANDER STS. Has received TEN, FIFTEEN. TWEN- TY AND EVEN FIFTY TIMES as many calls for stenographers, bookkeepers. etc., as it had stud- ents graduating during the same months. Some of the salaries of- fered were from 840 a month to $1,200 per annum. THHIS CLEARLY INDICATES THE BEST SCHOOL POR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO PAT- RONIZE. Enter now. Handsome catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. CENTRAL STRATFORD,. ONT. sents one of the largest and best This small advertisement re re - business colleges in Canada. No school in the Dominion does more for its students than we do. To our knowledge not one of our graduates is unemployed. We get far more applications than we can meet. You may enter at any time. Write for our handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, D. A. McLACHLAN, } Principals: i HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT EL EXET.ERi JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1906, EXETER SCHOOL REPOR JR. LEAVING AND IATRIC •TION. FORM III Jr. Leaving Class, (Honors 70 cc'►lt).-A. 13rintnell, 87 per cert Jones, 81; N. Mussell, 73; E. Mel sort, 70; bfay Wood. 67; E Melee T St. Petersburg Joyous.1 OI.A. 1 Emperor's Gilt of Freedom Stirs t hpet►Ir Russian People 1. A: mstrowe 66; M Qox and 6 Workman, 63; M. Murray, '60 tit►iaht, 56; W. Triesbncr, 51; Plaft, 49; d). Digging, 32. Jr. t riculrt ion Class. -A. Goin;. 70 Davis, 62; E. Senior. 59: .W. fin 52; V. &rfldcrs, 51; p• Stoneman. 49; 11. Gardiner. 48; .J.. Davis, 45; R. Farmer. 41; T. (Yarling, 36;.11. Fair. 14. No. on roll 25; daily average. L. C. FLEMING. Teacher. FORM If, Edna Taylor, 85 per cent ; 1 fit:rleman, 79; .Alma May, 75; Rendle, 74 ; Gentile Thomson, lea Rowe, 71. No. on rcIl, 25; aver - :lee at.tend.anc(t e3. A. E. DORRINGTON, Teacher. COMMERCIAL COURSE, FORM I Dora Fidcrt, 93 per rent ; Jessie Cameron. 92 ; Allan McCurdy, 92; Bort Luxton. 91; hush McKay, 89; 13. ' se: Welsh, 87; Alice Howard, 86; Willie ltusssell, 85; Edna Dissett, 83; May Qtxincc. 81 ; Emily IMe, 80 ;Ma ry Mack, 80; Oliver Fee, 77; Ifet,Ite Sttrot, 75; Mabel McTat;.tart, 72. REGULAR COURSE, FORM I Louis Birn,ey, 84; I3erdha Mack. Irene Ifandford. 78; ,Llsoy d Godw { 76; Katie Collins, 73; I3ca,tr.icc How- ey. cy. 72 ; Ella May Down: 72; Lizzie Sardors. 71; Lillian Amos, 70 ; Flos- sie Sweet. 70. No on roll 46; avero;c attceldance 44. A. F. CIi I DLE Y, Teacher. ROOM IV J r. IV.- A lonz.o Heywood. wood. 78 ; Willie Bradt, 75; Willie Armatron 74; W;II;(l Berney. F. E. McLEAN, Teache ROOM V Jr. II1.-\Villie Fen;alien, 74 per cent ; Raymond DcrtrinX. 74 ; Bella McKay, 71.5. Sr. III -Percy Godwin 70. No. on roll 49; a ve rase attend- ance 42. II. E. WALROND. Tcaober. ROOM VI Sr. II. -Lottie• Delve, 82 ; per cent Irene Hardy. 74: James Walker, '71 Feed Shudddck, 70. Middle IL-Mad- eteine Carlin a and Ruby Wood equal 95 filer cent ; Leon Treble, 82; Gladys Dive, 80; Viola Bowe, 7.7; Eddie An Jerson, 74; Bard Mitchell, 72; Gordon Marshall, 71. Jr. 11. - Maurice Quanoe, 83; Erie Jlundon, 75; Bruce Walker, 72. No. on roll 53; average attendance 45. A. E. MARTIN, Teacher. ROOM VII Sr. Pt. II. -Blanche Qurance, 87 per cent ;Nellie Jones, 84: A;nee Mc. - Kay. 78, Mid. Pt. BI. -Muriel Ander- son, 88 .per rent •M1fa.r•;uerir Gar- diner, 86; Linden Hervey. 77: Joan on, 75. Jr. Pt. IL -Willie leydd Stentey Johns, 73. No. on roll :38 age 33.5. LSIE A. MCCALLUM. Teacher. ROOM VIII. Pt. ii, -Lily Collilu;weed, 83 end ; Feted Dee. 82; Eddie Welsh cent ; Ethel Day, 82:EddieWelsh eBid. l't. 11.-Flornece Rowe, 97 tint ; Robbie Flemin;, 88; Alma and Beatrice Hod;ert equal r cent : Willie Manson, 76; Ma - not t, 71. Jr. Pt. II, - Anna 84; )Flossie Neil, 79; Fanny 130- 70. Class III. -Wilber .aitchelt ocy 1er.ison, 78.No on roll 36 ;C attendance 34. F. E. CARLiNG, Teacher. 66; St. Jtotcrsbur;, Oct, 31 . -All 5; 1.1. All Rus- sia to -day celebrated enthusiastieal- M. 1>/ <!le Eperor' M. Ma- ight 3ert Dan 72;1 Locals. Miss Ada Hornet' spent Thankin Ai - 41vine holidays in Crai;. Last meek we offered a HomeComfort Range for Hale. We have since learned there is a lien there - 1 on and ite sale has been withdr;site ti Sift of freedom,. T. lfawkirart & Son. e ( which the greater part of the ell with deepest pe St. Petersburg, Moscow joy, though cities, Sooiatists and revolutionaries organized anti -Government demon• strations. In each) of the two capitate, 8t. Petersburg. and Moscow, the day was ono mut) 03 the Russians never before have seen, WINCIIELSEA Mr. Medd has installed a kind of churn in his butter fa which promises to be an efficien labor-itvin machine. The butt churned and worked by the one Cass, this up-to-date machine away with the old time worke Several visitors; were present the meetingof the Literary tido at the school on Friday last. would he glad to see more of p:trc.nts take this manner of e 80 ;t;in; The pupils in their work. Miss Alice Howard was the of Miss W. Howard on Friday Mr. Bruce Medd and Miss Le Clinton, also Mr. and Mrs. Ger. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Med on Sunday Last. Mr. John \Vebb, .of Toronto, s Thankeeivin; with Mr . lticl Hunter. They paid a visit to butter .faobory and Mr. Webb eo well pleased with the qualit the buttes that he took away a with /dm.Mr. and Mrs. Mots and two c dren, of Crediton East, spent Than 3ivin; Day at the home of Mr. Mrs. Wesley Heywood.Mrs. Woodly and son, Harry, Fullerton, were tthe guests of and are. Eli Heywood. on Than giving Day. (From another source.) Miss Mary ,Allen. of Seaforth, has been etcayin; with her aunt, 5 Wheeler, has been token down wn typhoid fever and also vvith co tion of the lungs is on the mend der the medical care of Dr. Peep'sof Kirkhon, we hope to sec her s able fro be around again. Our ,enterprisin; merchant, Mr. J. G. Jones, has disposed of his pro- perly and is ;oinz to take up busi- ness in Exeter. \\'e regret to sec trim ,leave us ow lie will be 'greatly missed as superintendant in tho Sab- bath school and also in the church ;it Surshine. We hope that God will prosper him wherever his lot maybe cast and that our last may be their gain.Mr. Veil, of Kirkton, preached a very interestitix sermon at Sunshiae, Sunday last :takin. his text from Psalul.t 137:5 and 6, he dealt on old acquaintances. new ctory t ander is pro - (Joiner r. at ;oty We the noou r- uest last. c, of Jou d on petit lard the was y of box bil- k s- and of Mr. ke- 'ho Ir, it0 es- un- on don r. Seld 86; aver Sr. per c per 70. pert Mack 84 tae bel I{ Bell, set', 86; .1 ave ra FAR(QIUIIAit Mr. Will I'assmtare is ill with ap- pendicitis but tis recnverine sLovvly, Mr. W. Ii. Passmore has n'turno:i When you wantpleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomachs and Li- ver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no zripin; or other un- pleasant effect. Soiiin Exeter by W. 8. Howey. BUSINESS CHANGES, It is definitely settled that J, (i Des, of Wincheleea, will take pose ion of E. J. typackman'e store the t of the year. the papers having n drawn up last week. Mr. Jones w i come to Exeter well known and Jo ties ere bee ii rot 8 tile -inane trip to the North � v wit GRANDTRUNK \ tet' atav far of out a many o the totene as far as Edmonton and r ver} hi;hly of that anuntry. Mr. N. McQuade hos Gornpletetl cored his contract •tl Mr. G. 8, Beavers teas in London ono his do c of th iness bee Cabo i . nit!) the Gardiner ditch Railway System and has returned to boson . Iec h an established reputation. He been in business at Winchelsea for umber of years, and has built up himself a trade that would :do It to a much larger place, and dur- his long business career there has owe acquainted with nearly every in this section. It le certain he will be welcomed here. and with energy and progressiveness will oosIderable for the advancement e town. It is understood the bus- of Mr. )ones, at Winchelsea has n purchaeed by Mr. T. Coward. of rne, and Mr. T. Boyle, of Exeter. SINGLE FARE FOR TIJANKSGIV- ING DAT. GOOD GOING OCTOBER 25 & 26th RETURNING UNTIL OCTOBER 30. Between nil etntirms in Canada. also to Detroit and Port .Huron, Minh Suspension 13ridee and Buffalo, N. Y. GOOD GOING DAILY UNTiL NOVEMBER 7th FOR HUNTERS SINGLE FARE TO Points in Tenra,gam; on T. & N. 0. 117.. to points Mattawn to Port Ar- thur, inclusive, to Sault Ste Marie and font Arthur, Via Northern Nay. Co., GOOD GOING OCTOBER 26th TO NOVEMBER 7th, TO Muskoka Lakes Midland Lake of Bays I'cnetan; t Sia;netew;tn River 1, ikeficld. I All Stations Arzyle to Cohorenk, 1 Severn to North Bray 1i on business last iteek Mr. T. Alien is ill with inflamma- tion of the enrlorcnrd;tt,m. Mr. Geo. Kiley visited his uncle Mr. J. Riley on Sunday last . Miss Motel Campbell iv expected home from her trip to the North West ill a couple of weeks. Mr. Joseph Lewis payed a flyin; 'itit to Farquhar on Monday 1aet. Mr. J. elnellaoombe met with a misfortune by xcttinr his lex broken n bite sawial; wood, hast woad. Mr. and Mrs. William Iktavers and Master Lloyd spent Thankegivin; at Beavers' Bnos. Mr. llarrey ltortarrd left last Thursday for Winnipeg. rlF,f(fl W', E':D\\'Anus IN.11tRED Herb W. Ede et(14 of Des Moines, Iowa, -rot a fall on an icy walk last ;enter, sprainin; his wrist and ,ruisinz hit knees, •'The next day," e isnys, "they sere sn slue ,and stiff was afrird 1 would hart` to stay in Md, but 1 rubbed them vett with hnmberluin'r fain ilaint and after few applications all soreness had i.tappeired." For sale in Exeter by 1V, 8. llotrey. Points on Northern Nay. Co 1 (Georgian Bay and Mackinaw Divi- C cion.) a All tickets valid returnin; until d Dee. 9t t. Mr. p: ,\W. lisiditor, barrister, died For tickets, illustrated literature and at hes horn" in St. Marys on Tuwadey full information, call on I of taut, tcc^k, n.z(N1 Go yeas, By his J. J. KNIGHT, de:uh St. :Marys loses one of her most 16zhly esteemed citizens ;red Depot ticket tient, Exeter. his family stiffs,- a heavy bereays- J. D. McDONtAI,I District tend. About a year and a kill ez.. ) , _ nt d to lye you first paesengeragent, Toronto. he fourA1 it necessary to live up hip f clasp as 71' fact ion, nt 82.00 per loin - law practise on neo"lnt of (.,ilia { dred lbs., and pure 5fanitoho at 82.25 health. Along with Mr i, :n 1 1 r hur.tl SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIAZTION The Execttlivo Committee of the Huron Co. 8. 8. Association, in con- nection with Mr. E. A. 'lardy, Teach- er Trninin. Secretory of the Previte rial Association, have completed pre- lintinrry arranzenaents for a series of meet ins to M' held at various points in the County next week, for 1 he purpose of securing I be forma • tion .of local township or. aniza1ions nhere none already exbist. MTonday evening, Nor. 0. nt Exeter in the Main street STe.thodist church. 'Tttestkiy aflerrnon, Nov. 7, in the German Evanzclical chureli, Dash- n•trmd, iter. 51, Clemens, pastor ; to inelul.• the schools of flay :and Ste then ton nshies ; not ()there ;se at - tached, whether Fn_lish or German. Tuesday wcn;n.t at fleesill, to in atoll' schools in adjoinir; '.art 4 of Hay. tort It part of t'sl,n. no and low- Locst.-A silk belt, with mclal1 buckle, last Thursday cvenin, be- tween TriviAt Memorial church school hound and south boundary of village. Reward aft this office. Mr. John R. McDonald, who re - crustily sold his farm near Kitlpen, has purchased the lots on Mein street nearly opposite the Main street church, from R. Gidley. It iK Mr. McDonald's intention to enact a ,' lwandsome residence on the property. \VINCIIELt3F,A SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report o[ 8. 8. No. 6, 'Ushorne, for the month of October. Names in order of mer- it. V. -Olive Berryhifl, Willie El- ford, Vera Washburn. Sr. IV. - Othella Heywood, Newton Clarke, Nettie Campbell. Jr, IV.-Lilla Iley- wo«i, Alma Johns, Virda Berryhifl. Sr. III, -Ella Vale, Ella Washburn, Hubert Jones, Jr, Room. Jr. 1II.- Minnie Talbot, Lillis Godbolt, Pearl Guhr. Sr. II, -Jennie Campbell, Jno Brock. Arnold Clark. Jr.II- Emma Heywood. Pt1I--Alice Creery, pt. 1 sr -Hardwick Cornish, Inez Creery, Dial Cornish, rel jr.-May Otarke, Lloyd Johns. D. MCDOUGALI;, \VINONA HOWARD. Teachers, P:LIMVILl.E We are in receipt of a copy of the Elora Express giving nn account of the death of the late T. P. Smith of that, town who died on Oct. 20th. Mr. Smith was tve11 and favorably known around here, and the news of hie death came as a shock to his friends. He was a self made man and charitably inclined. CENTRALIA Bev. G. W. Andrews, Mss Bronie Andrews. Miss Floe Eseery, and Sir. Norman Mitchell are attending the Loa;ue Convention .in Lon,1ion this week. Dr. Orme and.651is1 Ida Abbott visited friends in Cre4aton .on Sun- day. Miss hfautlo Porter spent Thanks- ;ivinx day' at her hofne in Clinton. Dr. Orme repent Thankegivfne day at bis home in Landon. Miss Irene Curtin left on Mon(lay :after a ileo weeks' visit at her home here, to oontinue her studies at the Convent, Stratford. Thankngivi,x Visitors.: The Misses. Leonia and Alvi,na Wil- son, of London, visited at their home 1 here. Miss Katie Elliott. of London, at her, home here. Slits I?ttiae Couehlin, of London, was the euest of her sister, Mips Ai.zelia Gnu:Odin. Master Lemoine and Arias Ruth Ilodden, of London, were the :west of their .xrandmot}ler, Mrs. Itiohard Hi ndtord. No one known than those who have used Carter's Little Liver Fills what relief they have given when taken for dyspepsia, dizainess, pain in the side, constipation, and disordered stomach. CLUBBING RATES. Bargains i Newspapers! The Times; will receive subscrip- tions at the fol:owin; rates: Times to January 1st, 1907 ...el 00 Times and Daily Globe .. 4 50 Times and Daily Mail and Em- pire 4 50 Times and Daily World ... 3 l0 Times and Toronto Daily Newe 1.90 Times and Toronto Ulla Star,1 85 'Times and Daily Advertiser 2 35 Times and Toronto Saturday Ni;ht ... 2 35 Times sad Weekly Globe .. 1 65 Titnes aad Weekly Mail and F:mpire 1 75 T;mcs and Family Herald and \Weekly star 1 80 Times and \Weekly Witness 1 65 Timex and aontreal ‘Vee kly Herald 1 50 Tinges and London Free (,'revs (1We kly) 1 80 Times and London Advertiser (\Weekly) 1 61) Tines and Toronto Weekly Sun .. iso Times and Presbyterian 2 25 Times and World \Vide .. 1 85 Times and Norther,, efesecn.t(•r 1 2•rt Tunes a:sd I•arnlers' Advocate 2 3ra ..,�.. Times and Fannin; World 1 Go- READY Tiniefl and Vonth's Companion 2 75 Times and Impressions (.1 bus;- ness rnont01y) 1 8o 'hen pr(miams are rivet, nith The Auction Sa Still He We print your bills give you a free ad in o ter columns which is you pay for your bills Jour Warta 4 he Growiijgw� Wooaorroi rGpJon for uwst ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, On General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian No Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. La a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest fa Just Thtnk Of the difference in profits in reieieg 10 bushels of wheat on 810 lay raising 40 bushels of wheat on $l0 land, and 30 bushels of oats on and 100 bushels of oats on $10 lead. Along the various lines of rho Pacific Railway, such yields as 100 bushele of oats, and 40 bushels t and 60 bushels of barley per acre are frequently obtained. Are y that well ? If not, Why not go Where You C Its easy to own a farm, tha first crop pays for it. Write o Pickard who ie thoroughly posted on the situation. It wa you. We have spent the whole of this section travelling th and have made a number of very desirable selections of farm 1 ase now offering for sale at 0. P. R. prices. We give Speculators t3 years in which to pay for lands. We Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands. R. E. PICKARD General Selling Agent for C. P. R. ! Office at Residence, Lands. CUT -R ATE Exet FURNITURE SA Having our Immense Show Rooms packed full and up-to-date furniture in everyline, room for some Large shipments ogoods now on order ordei have decided to open the fall trade with a suprisi Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all intending p to come and examine our goods and compare our r fore placing their orders, as we intend cutting the every article in our store Lower than we have ever a to do before. So don't fail to take advantage of th'. to buy furniture at prices never before known in Exe ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading House Furnishers acd Ftineral direct* l IRI{TON Mr. William Hanna, who has. been on a pra.»peot;r.r tour through the W, st rcturne.d hnnfr 011 Monday. Mr. J. Taylor is experimenting with cement by putting a 1 inch coat over. the Meeting of a roof to take the place of shingles. Mr. Hu- berl S. Roadhouse, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving day with his sister and brother-in-law, dlr. and Mrs. Wm. . Brown. ,\Liss Nellie Nixon. of 8t. Marys, i? ar home at present leek;n afte- her mother, a lin is indite *sed. :ley. Fair, of Elirnville delivered a firm serinon in the Slethaeliat church of this place on Sunday evenly.: last atel to a lanes conerc,ation. The Cotupanien Court 1. O. h. - the villa re met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Brown on Monday evenin;, to For Infants and spend a social Clenire nnrl to hill The Kind You Hare Ahr zoo>d-hye 10 one of their tncrnhcrs, Mrs. 11. Presticy, who, with tier hus- band and family, will runes. to Kin- to•re shorties. After a short address and a presentation of :( member's had„e, a very enjoy spent in social cnt the round of life The Lew 51011i now ceeziplolcd on pancy to the deli and ali.o ,he buildi looked net? after th sante and to whom it see To get relief from in. iousness, constipation or t without disturbing the et purging the bowels, take of Carter's Litt:o Liver P IN ;it (,0")!'. you. CASTO NflP WE 1.1 Of t, Frost 2-12ft, `t I.13ft. " 1-3ix4ft. " Bears the Signature of WANT THE MONEY. Wire Gate, reg. $5.25 for $ 46 66 44 $5.75 44 $4 " tt $6.00 tt $4. t t " $2.50 $2 Complete with (-tinges and Latches. HIGH " Ci RA D E MiXED PAIN any of the aluv(. -+t•�• -w�-s �V VV e er end of Tnrkcrsinit ii. pc!ni,,1, auhs.ribers y 1 Onl (('ill rrCure /welt prcrniur q telae r, • `Jelin; throuzli /we tis, signs as it ort!( r- t «y opts. Jewel Reddy Mixed Paint 12 1 pts, " 1 qts, " gals. '1"1"t:-+eefseeef 4'-F +4el 'seen"' 'r e-'r.'la.•++ ed direct from e u h) i - }:ere. You cern buy the best mixers fare- The rates are as lie as we cal ;ly flour which ;. made of a!1 choice make them, and mean a creveder•able 54 n' 'cal ,nava et(' NORTH WEST LANDS. A few sections of good North-west laid for stale at $s4.7fi an acre. Apply to ERNEST ELLIOTT OFFICE --Main Street, Exeter zer,of Sowth Lon4on,snd Mrs. Gear all day, t he 14th fact t lam last innivtail, Albs. Geary Iiiytaxeo v;•itl►(tttt the 5 per '. Ii "i, r M' ((•d th:, at the ifenall took a trip out West test year ;n (lourin.( mill. the hope of ber;cfittin; les healtt,. 4d'•}.1.{a..t..t..¢.Fw,..}-}.t..t,.r,.t„t,.t.4,{.,1r.,l,.r,.t.r lint ha Caine back unitnprovr, 1, .,nd for rm•o months has been confined NOTICE TO TA T111'.\Yi;Io; to hie home. 11" had leen 2redutlly srnklriz for necks, red was unc rn- (`„II(.�,) •,. It; set 1 o7(mout1004 that '.Cions for se'a'r)! d:ayc before th end I:n a;II be n; the Town Ii alt curry reme. i1.• was a member of Ih^ Ma- Friday from 9 1. ns. to 5 p. m., eom- gnnic fr.:ternity ere1 tilt` Mctln>,tist menein; ttfib Nov. 1(1111 to res^it•c advance Church, S1r. 11areinx ban one broth- taxes. Be n;11 :tree he at the al note. er lirir.z, nho is Julie H:vd;ne, of Town Daft Dor. 12th, 131h and lith order, a Lindsay, and two sisters, Mrs. Swit • 'rr, a.� da Ivit13 to our rea(1err. 1f rr.n do not see what Vol) want in the list, 22 ('u(uire at the offire; we can •zivc •1 2 ion rate on any newspaper or mar - :Irene. N071: CAREFULLY. -Aa)• of :1. I starkly publications in tl,e above loot n'ifi 1N' Nan: rn /in t\' s1IIi rtit/eri (ruin nose (0 1st of January, 1907. for the price quoted --the remaiader of this • 6s 66 Si 44 44 46 66 46 66 2 7 " 4qt, Ice Cream Freezer $2.65 for $ HEAMANS HARDW And Stove Store. Samson Portland Cement on hand.