Exeter Times, 1905-10-26, Page 8THE EXETER 'TIMES. OCTOBER 26th, 190b. STMWARTS Rousing Price Inducements for Early Fall Buyers The season has now swung in in earnest and the new things must be bought. 'fh.t stole's full of the newest fall styles tor all the family. The earl et- you're here the better tate chuice and the more looney you'll save, for the lest bargains go first. Don't forget the children, we've always cotuething special fur the busy school folks. 2.1,0. 2.2.5. 2'. i , 3.0u, $3.25 :.end u!, to $5.00 ler rowel lot of girls' lteefer :and Ulster coats, Neely trim- med, some at corning, store with ,atrtp1.i1Z.,.t.t:.'. with back Il.1ts and some reit full Belts. 111 iu; the :gir!a :1101 let theta pica: their own et v'r•s. :4111.00 •;, ud U I .'. a 2.511, 3.75, 5,IIt1, li.uu, ti 7.:,0 alai up $12.50 fele a: u..1: ge of '•.Ilio,' tailor to 18.50 for a very complete ra1;e. made co':ts that wi!.1 urlkc toady of fur reek' ruffs aid scarfs. Our pleased ells( Neel s for us -Yes. you'll Ame.ric In Smile scarfs and ruffs at ere our Cl '1 S, tt'o11't emir $5.00 i'ti.110, art.! 8.110 are wonders. .:1.7:u is our price for your choice 25,7.for a ramp ear _.tin of a swell range of wait calls in in dt•nble fold Iwr•:d 1)rc;r Goods the nM'w Shot Mohair effects, ;1 soft \'alcur finish, tegular price '.vas B. own. Grweri. (Blue :Ind Beaver . f- ter. We zoo a bargain .11:11 in I.urn fcc:•. r`A: lo SVC ILc r:ewv Diull.wy r't:' you one. Coors are greys and Ill!. • .Ilh. FIJI? T COAr�.s \\'e show nearly one hundred, and 1 every coat a distinct bargain. Our ti1I5 00 and $10.00 fur coats for men are money savers, and the Bran who buys early gets the beat coat. There is lots to choose trent. All dependable lilies are represented in our stock. We bare 1 •dies for coats in Astrachan, 11 .karan, near Seal, Coon, Uus,ian Lamb le and Yersian L•tnth. \Ve have tnen'b fur coats in Womhatt, Wallaby, Yack, Siberian Dog, Russian ('alt, Galloway Calf, Corsican Lamb, and Coon. Our Mens ('o.ui co it at $48.00 is a world heater and our woruan's 00011 coat at $40. to $5000 are values that you'll not see later. _etc. 45c. 35c. 45c. And up to $1.25 for tie best t:t1;e of Ladies' Vests and 1/rawerwe have ever placed on our court:els. One flue %volt by of special mention is our 1:11111 al wool Vests, I)r:twcrs and Combination suit for women. \\'e'Ie exaia.; lots of 1 )le'nt . $12.50 for 1 new 108 piece perce- lean Dinner `'. t"it- Belly L'I ;• the name, Lure whit• body with lovely char p`r.k rose dccr.r..tions and gold tracing. it looks jest ::s al ::s a himn_e china et three the {nice. "Yes we have other ones 1 oa." Ahrens Grain Calf Boots for boys and girls for school wear arc, we be- lieve, the 11e51 value in Canada. Ev- ery pair is sold under ntananitcee. Your moles back if shoes .are not exactly as represented. We Bre sole selling alzents for Exeter. Ask for Ahrens and take none other. re you using Mooney Biscuits? "Yui yule but they're good." Mooney's Cracker is a world twitter, got them all beat to death. The quality is does the trick, and Ihi'n we sell there so cheap. Try a package of Moon- weet Mixed Cakes, 3 pounds for a quarter, cheaper than baking. Oh yes we are still keeping up the price IJ A STEWART Butter and Eggs. \\'• are hard to down. 1 • • lug us all your p:• ,lilt e, it's just as good as cash. ftTGfI ThLK TU ADVERTISERS. Tne copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TIit'IISDAY, OCTOBER 26th 1905 •••N•N•••••••••••••••••• e can supply you with a LOCALS tch of any description. t • GENTS WATCHES, in either ••••••N r••••••• lid Gold, Gold Filled, Silver, I See Mara's, London tad. on pazo 4. DIr. A. Hodgert, of Itusscldalc, was fickle Silver or Gun Metal cases,' ill totwn Monday 011 business. ging in price from $2 00 up to i Mr. John Weekes, of London. is 00. visiting Mr. Thos. I'rior. Mr. W. Ir. Finger, of Battle Creek, ADIES WATCHES, in Sil-, Mich., is the guest of henry Ru- mors. Enamel, Gold Filled or Solid! glass Gertie Sheere i9 vir•itiu3 her Id Cases, ranging from $4.00 brother, Mr. Garfield Ehcere, ;,f $60.00. I Brantford . • Mr. It. Pickard and fancily return- ed home from Fronislle', Man., on Friday last. Mr. Alex Stewart was nursing .t sore face a few days list week ti,e cause being neuralgia. The faint lights Wednesday- ni;lit %wets caused by the crossing of the wires on one of the circuits. Dix Cold Cure Tablets taken early will break up a cold without fail. Sold at Lutz's Drug +More. Mr. John Hyndnl to left for Hamil- ton last week, where tie has secured a position as agent with a tiriu of that place. 3fi s Dorothy Lonshery, of Detroit who was visiting her sister, .Mus. John J. White, leturncd honk last Monday. The auction cs'ilc of .range horse, held in town on Thursday of .last week, was fairly well attended, con- sidcrirs; the weather. Mr. J .J. White of the Times, lets mowed into the house on John street formerly occupied by his brother the late Miller J. Whitt. Itev. S, Brown, formerly of Exeter, accompanied by his slaughter are visiting friends in this nci_;hborhood over Thanks; ivin;. Saturday was Trafalgar day, the 100111 anniversary of the glorious victory of Nelson over the combine 1 fleets of France and Spain. M. Gardiner, John Wood, of town. and M. Cronin, of U1Olin, shipped ;; carload of export cattle to rho 0111 Country market on Saturday. Mr. \Wn). Dignan, formerly of Exe- trer, anti who for [conte time has been running a blacksmith shop at Luc In, left for Roland, Man., Monday. 31r. 1)tvid Spicer, of Brantford, w'as called here lastweek owing to the serious illness and ..subsequent death of his brother, Mr. W. 11. Spi- cer at Elimvillc. i)ix Lung Syrup, Winans Cough Selsun and Garnets Golden Cough Syrup are without doubt the best cough preparations in the market. Sold at Lutz's ')rug store. \Vliv not _et together and or •renin' 8 hockey club for the coming, winter We haw.' she talent for t (list class team and a little encouragement giros the boys enthusiasm. !tee. \W, Godwin was called to. SI. Thomas on Monday to attend the hfunerel of Mrs. Hoffman, of (hit city, The diseased wog :a valued member of the 8t. Thomas Metho- dist ('hureh, Dr. Buller, London. w111 he at the Central Dote!, Exeter, on Thursday October 2610, 1905, .11I day for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat con- • We have a fine assortment for ou to choose from. Before parting with your money and see what we can do for FITTON, Marriage Licenses. e Turned e Corner, It's fall now in the store no tter what the weather is ide. abrics for the corning cold e again filled up our ves and counters, and the nd will turn largely to ler weights. s a splendid time to order. d you have the choice the refusal of the most thy r3ollection of clothing terlals that you will find anywhere around here. Cali any time. W. W. Taman Mercient Traitor. Market Report. -The following 1s the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Oct. Beth. Wheat, 72c. for Standard Barley, 35 0o 40 rents per bus. rear!, 60 cents a bushel. Shone, $114 per ton. Bran, $14 per ton. Feed Floor, $1.25 per cwt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Bay, $6 per ton. But ter, 20 cents a pound. Ego. lee. per dozen. Onior>.s. GOc. per bushel. (;lover seed $5 to $6 a bus. Oats, 30 to 31 cents n bus. Hers, live weight, ei5.50 per cit t. }logs, dressed, $7.00 to 18.00 a cw"t. sultation, Eyes tested and glasses Chicken. old, 6 cents per pound. supplied. Chickete younz, Sc. per Ib, DR. OVENS, London, Sur;eon, Ducks, 8c to !'a per lb. EYE,EAR. NOSE and THROAT.Fits 'fSurkcys, 13c per 10. Glasses properly. Office, Commer- Gc.e '. tic.{, et- 10. Bial Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat- Dricd Apples, Sc. per Ib, urdoy, November 1810. disorders caused by a bilious TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY of the system can be cured by Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab. Carter', Litt'o Liver ring. No lets. All druggists refund the moa - griping or discomfort attend. cy 11 it taile to cure. E. W. Grove's Ir use. Try theme I signature is on cash boo. £Sc. To -day is t Itatiksgivinz. Mr. John ('har1ton 18 expected home from the Sol 10'.'. 'sl' t Iiis week. The Canadian Northern is com- pleted to within 30 guiles of Edmon- ( on. Mr. Thos. Culbert, of London, was the 'guest of Mr. George Crawley on Monday l::0. Miss May (;ill. who Isis open visit- ing friends in Detroit. le•lurne•d 11o11te D1o.xt:iy eveuin;. Hiss 11:1 Johnson, of town, has ooulmenced with Miss 11a1!anlypo to [warn dres-stuakin;. The only .real pleasant feature about breaking in a slew pair of shoes is taking thecal off. 31r. W. Blatch;old is quite ill, be- ing confined to hi* bed, the trouble being rheum atisul. ,1r. Jamas 1)itncu,, who was laid un last week with a slight attack of pneumonia iE ), c to be around a :rain. Small hots ate still 11) vo.ue, but lho man who writes the checks dor theist continues to nett the customary size. Any person contemplating the purchase of :t "Home Comfort Steel Range" can do SO from T. Hawkins & Son at a greatly reduced price. Thanksgiving Services will be hall in ithe Main street church this (Thursday) morning at 11 o'clock. The service will be conducted icy Rev. Goan:. Word has been received that Miss Jeckell has secured a sub';tilutc for her school :and will 'lake up her du- ties as teacher in 1)1iss Carling's rcotn Monday next. 'floe literary entertainment iri the high scher';l will not ,)c riven to-tnor- rowv on account of a number of s•tude,:Is being away ,having ,g0n to their Louses for Thanksgiving. Mr. Frank W'ocd, will after Nov - 1st., carry on Lis butcher busi- ness in the 'old stand of Mr. Joseph Senior, who is moving into 1 he preut- is•I's 1c•ccnd•ly vacated ny 11 r. George Ma 11',D11. 'I'he firm of Renato & Dav- is, outc1<rs, will remove into the prenl- is:•s vacated •Ly Mr. Wood. Word has been received from To- ronto that Mrs. It. Iforne, formerly of Exeter, who has been seriously usl Y ill underwent 1)0 operation for the removal of a tumor a few• dc.ys ago at St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- to. The operation was successful and Mrs. Horror was moved to her hone much impnovc-d. The bowling for the year has clos- ed and the "eyes up" and kitties have been .Lacked away until next season. A meeting will. be held shortly •10 balance up the books. if any balance is left in tate treasury it will probably on placed in a bank to apply on the 'purchase of new .grounds, the club having ,several sites in view. Mr. F. J. Knight, accompanied by Dir. W. Allison, c.f thii Thames (load, left Saturday for a two months' visit to England and Scotland. Mr. Knight has devoted a number of years of close atter 'ion to hi= busi- ness and feels entitled to a well earned absence. They will take in London, Edinnur;h and all points of interest. Messrs. Richard Treble and Thorne Baker on Saturday last purchased the livery business which Mr. Geo. Crawley Las parried on for the past five years. Messrs Treble and Ba- ker are both well known men, the former haein; been in the employ of Mr. Crawley and the latter being a dealer in machinery which business he will continue in connection with the livery . In tho weekly letter about Regina to tho Ifuron Expositor, mention 18 loads about 1 wo former residents of Exeter, Mr. M. Martin, Fon of Rev. 'Martin, who is considered one of the best and cleverest lawyers in the city, and who is rapidly coming to the front not!) professionally and as a citizen. The letter also speaks of ltev. Mr. Brown, pastor of the Meth- odist church, who was for three years stationed in Exeter. The County newspapers are clam- oring for a report of the valuators at once. The County Council will not 111001 111114 December, at which time the committee is to report. The report Is expected tobe cemplct- od this month and as the public is entitled to know the findirrzs of Committee, t ho Times joins the rest of the papers in demanding a copy of t los report at an early date for {.ub'ficat!on . The Green Opera Company which was hiked to fill a week's errz:)ge- ment at the Gilley Opera House. ()til- led up stakes Friday. and left town. They took the bus to the station, so it is quite possible they cleaned up ennu;h money to pay tail road fare. While sortie of the company showed talent the majority[ was very amateurish, havi0z to .e prompted in the lines front the wings of the stage. They played to very poor houses . A joint int -rain; of the executive committees of the East and West Huron Teacher's 1`.ssociat ions was held in Clinton on Saturday, 14tH inst. it was decd• d to hold a joint meeting of the associations in Guelph in .lune, Bee, the session to last two (Lays. A sub nommittee consisting of Mears. Ronk, TiZert, 3I off at t, McKay, Johnston and ilartley w•as appointed to Blake :Ir- rar.,crnents. it wns decided to re- quest the Education Department to restos.. the public school leaving (x- a►ninat," it so as lo cover the work of 1 )s IeNwcr high school. The anniversory services of the (':i - '.'t1 Presbyterian rl'urch were held SllWNlay last, conducted by Rev. A. McWilliams, of St. Marys. Both Morning ant evening Serf ices were well atteral(d and the .renr.rks of the minister attentively listened to and .appreciated. On Monday even• irrg the anniversary tea) was held. Addresses were •ziwen by Revs. ('ran - sten. of Cromarty, 11..1. Ni. Perkins, of Ev.ter, 1'rquhnrt, 0,f Kipl•e'n and (;ting of Exeter. The ;Adresse% were interspersed with sinzinz by Miss Ann's Martin, Mic Atny Johns, Miss t-ivierstene and 1 111 Ile 'In lr- lel to co►n{.nsod et Messrs. Fletnin;, Kinsman. 1-'onior and )'nplestone. Th' retecip,rs for the tava dips amounted to $180. UNDLRU1R UND[RM[IIR -FOR MEN WOMEN WOKEN A big, elegant stock of Woolen Underwear Our prices on these goods are right, better values tion than we have ever shown before. CAi-2L1NG Bios. IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY YOUR "WINTER WANTS". We have the best of everything required for the "COLD WEATHER" that money can buy. to fit everybody, We will always be pleased to see you and show our big range and a better sclec• of Dressgoods, Furs, Underclothing and Winter Bedding. Mer -'s all wool shirt and drawers soft finish guaranteed unshrinkable, Sfanfleld's make, price $1.00 and $1.21 each. Men's all wool shirts and drawers, plain Scotch knit, natural colors or fancy stripes price $1.00 each. Men's wool shirts and drawer,, in fancy colored stripe, fine quality 1st ice 75c each. Men's wool shirts and drawers in natural color or fancy stripe price 50c each. Men's fleece lined shirts and drawers in plain grey or fancy patterns, extra good quality price 50c and 75c each. Womsn's vests and drawers, pen• mama natural all wool. guaranteed unshrinkable, sizes 32. 31 and 30 prices $1,00 and $1.25 each Women's vests and drawers, tine rib all pure wool, in black, cardinal and grey, beautifully finished. full sizes. price $1 00 erch. Women's vests and drawers, tine rib in white and grey, well finished, special 75c each. Women's lovely made vests and drawers to watch, good weight, spied - did fitting, elastic rib, they are well worth 75c for 50c each. Women's Vesta and drawers in grey big sellers special 40c each. Women's vests and drawers in grey fine ribbed, cloeo fitting. will wear well special lac each. Children's Vests and Drawers SPECIAL PRICEf3 Women's nightgowns, made of good Bargain in boy's top boots English flannelette trimmed with torcbon lace and frills, cclors-pinta, sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4, regular blue and white, big full sizes, 58 and 00 inches long prices 50c, 75,; and $1.00 price $2 to clear at $1.25. mow If you have a thought of buying anything in FURS don't miss seeing our big stock, we have a fine showing of Fur Coats, Fur Ruff's, Fur Muffs, Fur Boas and Fur Lined caps and no doubt can save you BIG MONEY on any of the above lines. SN" OE I $z ROWS Miss 3 t Thanksgiving 1 . Dodds tent Tlt n6r�1 wit!! her sister, Mrs. Autey. Miss Lilla Johns left Wednesday for Toronto to visit friends. Mrs. Woad, of Detroit, who has leen visiting her aunt, Mrs. Kernick, returned to her home on Tuesday. Mr. L. II. Patton, of Toronto, was in to:.vn Tuesday in the interests of the Globe Casket Co., of London. Miss Passmore returned ]tome Fri- day after wending a month visiting friends at Grinl8ny and iteamsvillc. Mrs. Godwin left yesterday for Sarnia to epcnd Thenksgivimg with her daughter, Mrs. Itev. E. Currie. The Ontario Government has of- fered a reward of $600 for informa- tion leading to the conviction of the by druggists in every part of the world. 45 Hamilton murderer. �eotta tale. Its value le inealcnlable- Be care and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Any person contemplating the Byrupaodask tor no other kind. purchase of a "Home Comfort Steel Range" can do 50 from T. Hawkins & Son at a ;routly reduced price. A quiet wedding Was solenulir.0 •t last evening when Miss Elira \Vontl ar>KI Thos. Hortton were married, t he ceremony being performed oy Rev. Goin. The ashes of the late SirHenry Irving were buried its the Poets cor- ner at Westminster Abbey on friday last . Any person contemplating 1 he purchase of a "home Comfort Steel Rank" can do so from T. lfawkins & SNn at a :;really reduced price. Harsh. purgative remedies aro fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try them they will certainly please you . FOROVERBIXTY 1EARS AK Orn AND WELL -TIMID RzYznr.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Byrap has been used for over sixtyears by millions of mothers for their children while teething. with perfectenooese. II soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all Aures wind colic. and is the beet remedy or Diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sol Mr. Frank \Vood de-si"es Ito an- nounce Oo 11ce public that after Nov. 1st he will Ixt located at the stand now• .occupied by Jos. Sena•or, photo- grapher. Thanksgiving' Service. -'there will be service on the evening' ,of Thanks - living day in the Trivitt Memorial school hall at eight o'cl ;ck. All all, invited . The You11g People's society of the Tr !Vitt DlcrnorilI ,Lurch have c10c1- cd the following officers for the coining yal Iresn. , [ Sweet ; Vice-presielent, ►Viss M. llytxdm:in ; Secretary, Dyer irunton ; Treasurer, Miss 13. Hawkins ; Organ- ist, 31184 0. Acheson. ily plans filed at Ottawa by the Grand Trunk Pacific, and now in posse•seion of 51r. Collinzwood Schri- Ler, of the department of railway)+, w10 iv at Saskatoon, thy+ main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific wi11 cross Saskatchewan two and threc- quarter utiles southwest of F1ska- t mon. There passed away in Au Sable, Mich., ab•)ut the middle of Septem- ber, air. J. C. Mitchell, at the age of 55 years. Mr. Mitchell had been ailiIlI .for ,pole time wilit heart dis- ease and hail been a patient sufferer at Harper ILospital, Detroit, for neatly ,three months, but his ease became serious end 0 w•a.; thou;hr best to move him •to t he )route of his sinter, Mrs. W. 11. Brokcttshire, Au Sable, at whose borne he died. Mr. Mitchell wtai favorably known herC ha wing visited at the home of Mts. Brewer Kernick frequently. FLOUR, FEED AND ROOERIES In addition to a full stock of Flour, Feed and Groceries, we have on hand some first class Timothy Seed, the best to be had. We have also a supply of the cheapest and best Stock Food. ProduGG taken In ExGhange. S. HARDY & SON IMP RANO TRUNK Railway System SINGLE FARE FOR THANKSGIV- ING DA Y. GOOD GOiNG OCTOBER 25 & 26th RETURNING UNTIL OCTOBER 30. Between all slnlir'na in Canada. Thal to Detroit and Port ,Huron, Minh Suspene'.on Bridge and Buffalo, N. Y. GOOD GOiNG DAiLY UNTIL. HOSE Alt w'col goad lruvy tole:•, t jbbed or plain, sizes 4 1-2 to 8, a big snap telt- p•t.ir 15c. All wool wc.rated hose, .zood qual- ity, 23c. The best worsted on the nitrlrrket. BLANKETS The large Flanelctte blankets, white or grey, $l. Wool blankets bought Before the raise in price of woo!. A large soil fluffy blanket• pure wool for $3, $1 5.00. OVERCOATS Men and Boys who want the ne•O- est cloth in the latest fashion should' not fait t este our leaders. Boys' Levee's ...... $1, 85. $s Men's Leaders ...$8, $10, $15. Boys' !terror'., $'2 and $3 FURS Neck !tuffs ............ ... ... $1 to $ 5 Neck Ruffs ... $5 to *15 Sable !tuffs, -good ones, ... .. C20.00 Fur Caps ... ...$1 to $Z Lades' Coats... ......$30 to $47 Meal's (:oats ... $20 to $38 A Big Selection RAIN COATS \Vo shute in them on cloudy [vet days. Three quarter Colts, lust, ... $4.75 Three quarter Coats, dark, $5.73 Don; Rain Coats for ... ... $2.00 Lon; Rain Coats for ... ... 54.00 Lon; Rain Coats foe ... $6.00 Lon; Rain Coats for ...... $10.00 SHOES The "ASTORIA" is loading. \Ve are selling a lot of then!. Ile as good :1a your neighbor and have a pair of Irho best that is going. None too ;cod for you. Popular price '51.00 DRESS GOODS Plain Cloth, Plaids and Tweeds are very fashionable this season. Our stock is made up of all the new colors in those goods. s ���•••N•N•NNNNNN••►••••N••• ••NN••N•N• t• DESIRABLE FURNITURE i • At Tempting Prices. This month we offer a few Attractive Specials in Furniture. I Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dress and Stand, with large British Bevel Plate Mirror. Regular price 133.00 ; sale price, complete, $32.o0 i Solid Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard, with British Bevel Plate Mirror, two small and one large drawers, large size cupboard. regular price $32 ; sale price 130.00, solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Table, full extension, regular price, $22.00 Zsale price 120.00. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Chairs, leather seats, one arm and five I small chairs. Regular price 119.00 ; sale price $46.50. W. C. HUSTON, Funeral Director. ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••:“:4•••••••••••••••• THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Established May 1902. Total Deposits on 3oth April 4903 $3,252,583 3oth April 1904 5,707,503 29th April 4905 8,316,203 31st August 4905 . . . . • • • • 9,138,437 Your Current or Savings Account Invited EXETER OUR RETIRING SALE Is a Big Success Have You B660 to the B1fl Sale? Do you want to save from 15 per cent to 35 per cent? If so, come and see us, and if we cannot save you that much do not buy. You are to be the Judge NOVEMBER 7ti1 �OO FOR HUNTERS S150 LE FARE TO On Monday, Oct. 16111 the follow- Points in Tcma.gami on 1'. & N. 0. ing mcrnlera of the County Sunday Ey., to points Mattaen to fort Ar - School Association Executive met et they, incluaiar., to Sault Ste Marie Clinton: ,ianles 5111chell, president; and !'ort Arthur, Via Northern Nov. Miss A. C. Elder, of Illyt0, scc.-lrcas. Co., and itev. .1. M. Perkins, of Exeter, and .1. C. t•itonenl:ln, of Hensall. The business was to arrange for 8 series of mee'tin;s Flo be Thrid during the first week in November, for the pur- pose of et -;a tri Zit] .r lotw nsliip associa- tions where nolle now exhist. these to Hold 111ear own exmwentions and zenera1by !WI l) on 8111utay ecllnol Points on Northern Nay. Co., [work in the Ioc..t districts co►npri4• (Georgian flay and Mackinaw Divi - in; t heir association. The rally sion.) meeting for Exeter and rlietrict will ire held in 1111 Main street Methodist church on Monday evening Nov, 6111. 'the meet biz a ill be address:•,' ny For tickets, illustrated literature and 3I r. E. It, !lardy, 11 .A., Provincial full information, call on 'reacher To:lining tiectetary and one J. J. KNIGHT. of the(lnunty Executive. All te•teh• Depot ticket agent, Exeter. err and .others interested in Sunday J. D. McDONALD Snleeol work are heartily Invited to attend. District passenger agent, Toronto. 0001) GOiNG OCTOBER 26tH NOVEMBER 7t11, TO Muskoka Lakes Midland Lake of hays 1'cnetanr Ma;netewan River Lakefit, Id. All Stations Argyle to Coboconk, Severn to North Bay TO All tickets valid reinrninz until Dee. 9t h OMNI A erP LIT i S The dose is one, just one p111 •t bedtime. Surrat--coated, mild, ccnain. Thecy cure consti ation. 1.44.irr.F� Want your 1 bri*i1fa1brainier rldi Miele r use arms et& re safreases ea a s. eau, csa. Rama 1, t , moustache or beard B D C K I N f II AM'S D Y E Pieces of Dress Goods We want to clear every piece of Dress Goods from our shelves and to (10 so we have cut our Dress Goo(is 25 Per cent. Do you want a dress? Come to us. Do you want clothing? Come to us. Do you want shoes. Come to Do you want anything? Come to us an will do you good. Our Store is crow4ed WITiH BARGAINS but cum, early and we will wait on you. TERMS: -Produce or Cash. NO GOODS GIVEN ON APPROBATION. NO GOODS TAKEN BACK A'iER PURCUASEI Poplestone & Gardiner; One door north of Post Oflice.