Exeter Times, 1905-10-26, Page 6CZAR WILL GRANT LIBERTY
Government Will Lead the Reform
The St. Petersburg correspondent and Con. Kourtain, who expounded
of the Loudon 'Telegram claims to their Programme at great length.
know (hut ukases are 1•uje:Ming'l'hey recoiled assurc-oces that 1 h
g;rnteting certain in:portuut li: ertiis will give precise ludicution 011 111;,
in C0nm.1'11011 with the est alit ieliment meeting the wishes of tho manes
of the National Assembly, to which Count du Witte declared that the
('.cry reasonable lucilay will to Czar's greatest 111siro is to become u
elven for making the political condi- colesti1utional sovereign. Ills ideal
lion of the people practically es fres is King; ir,<iw•ard, who rules over loyal
as that of their 1\'cstorn neighbors. subjects without the terrible burden
Wide-spreadirg changes will Cu made of responsibility imposed by an 011 -
ht the Russian admiuiitrittiun, tater tocrutio regime. Ile hesitated to
t:hic•h the Cover:unent will try to grant a coestitution solely because
lead, instead of following, the reform he is yet unconvinced that the ea -
movement, adopting lines of polity tleit desired it. Count do Witte in -
which will run parallel with tho re- 1in7ntod thr,t it would bo the high dull, with prices
(oro deIOOIded by the Moderate mission of the National Assembly to American corn dull
- l.ib • 11(1+. express this people's W i.l in this re- (nominal.
The air will be to allow the Teo- sleet, but. lie urged moderation, so Buckwheat -The market is quiet, nt
pie, through their cho•en represe►ita- ae to avoid playing into the hawks about :Mc outside. n,
lives, to work out (Mir own distill- of tho reactionary counselors who Rye -No. 2 quoted at. GO to 62c
les on national lines. Thu l:eoj,le • surroun( the throne. west.
will be permitted to elect freely nett:- 'Ihe correspondent adds that it is Flout. --Ninety per cont. patents
tiers of the National Assembly. este e'i Iicilt to !ureses success for these made of new wheat for export are
ilidut(.s will be allowed to put;lishotertu•cx. The Reformers are 80 pro- quoted at. $3 to 53.11) in buyer;'
WI( rt::se•u and deliver sper:hes, the foundly sceptical and suspicious 01 sacks at outside poiets; do., in bids,
• restrictions on the press will be rt- the °uremia(nt tlin t they rues Per- $345 to $3.50; ,Matnituba flours utt-
pouled, and tho people generally will i-Ist in their present intention of on- changed; No. 1 pateets, $4.90 to
1'n treater] with confidence. In a tering the National Assembly to de- $5: No. 2 pat:nts, 81.o0 to 84.70,
certain sense the coming changes mend an immediate charter of liber- and strong; I aher,:' at. $4.40 to $4.-
n7ay he described as a revolution t i. s. The Congress of Reformers, to 60. Manitoba flour, made of new
from above. 1.i held at Moscow on Wednesday, wheat. yuute<I ns follows: -No. 1
will give precise indication on this patents, S1.60; No. 2, $4.40, and
EDWARD iS ('%,\It'H MODEL. point. The first Petersburg
meeting strong bakers' $4.30 on truck, To-
wns held in t. e tersburg 1\'oanes r( oto.
10 St. Petersburg correspondent day. Several speakers urged C..0 ex- lllllhr+l-At out side points bran is
the London 'Times says that Count tension of 1!:e franchise, pointing out
quoted nt $13.50 to 813, and shorts
With, is holding informal confer- that the capital. with a population al Sas! 01 to $17,50. leuun.I bran,
es wish 1nlluentinl reformers, not- of 1,400,003), has only 13,000 elec int sacks, $1.;.50, and spurts at jan.
ly Editor Ilcssen, cf Iles )'rase, tors.
Prices of (:c.ttle, Grain, Cheeses
and Other i`3iry Produce
at florae and Abroad.
Toronto. flet. '24.--V.heat -Tho
market is quiet, nod prices aro
steady fur Ontario grades. No. 2
white is quoted onteid:t at 75 to
75.c; No. 2 rets at ;•ii to 75e. and
mixed at 7-1 to 7111'. Uoosa wheel,
GJ to 71.e outsi:!,•. New No. 1 hard
unc)uttietel ut 87c, Georgian l:ay
ports; No. 1 Northern et 84c, and
No. 2 Northern .tt 120.
Oats -No. 2 white quota! at 32 to
824c w. sl, and at 32; to 33c east.
liark•y-No. 2 quoted at 48 to 49e.
mei No. $ extra at. 40 to 47c, and
No. :3 at 43 to 44c at outside points.
Peas -Sales of No. 2 at 69 to 70c
th and west.
('orn-•The market for Canadian is
pretty nominal.
and prices also
S Shaping. -Chickens fattened for Apples -Choice stock, $1.75 to $2.-
PREPARING THE CHICK market should be Troperey sha►.ed. .tri per 111)1., and cooking; apple, 2.
This gives them a compact, plump to 1.2:7.
appearance, and the returns ars Brans -The market is firm; hand -
greater than when the chickens are
Picked, 81.75; prion:, $1.60 to $1.65.
shipped in a rough, unprepared con -
di( ion. HonHoHoney-The marked is steady at
'the shaper is lands by nziling tem 6; to 714: for strain(al, and $1.50 to
-inch planed boards toget her at cls per d.L.•n &011104.
right angles, so ns to feria a (i incl) Ilups-'1'..;, market is steady at 18
trough, inside measurement. 'Tit; 1.7 20c per 117.
trough inn Le ilia(° six feet long' ditty -Car lots of No. 1 timothy
and mailed in n frauie, ur 12 feet are quoted at !S8 to $8.50 on track
long with en(!, on it and laced on :here, and No. 2 nt $0 to $6.50.
the top of two barrels; the trough 1Straw-Car lots quotedat 86 on
should lean slightly backwards. 1track, 'Toronto.
directions for looping. -As soon as i'utntues-Ontnrio stuck, GO to ,0c
the chicken is plucked, pla:0 its p'r ling, end New itrunswick, 75 to
legs alongside its breast; then with 81.• per bag cn track.
its breast downward, force the chick- J.ive Poultry -Fat hens. (1 to 7c:
en into the angle of the shaker. thin, 5 to lie; fat chickens, 8 to ¶h"
Cover the thicken With paper and thin, 6 to 74.: ducks, 7 to 8c; tur-
place it Krick on top to shape it and keys, 13c; n11 live weight..
one against it to hold it in position.
Continue tho some pr;cess all the 'rill: DAIRY \iARKP71:4,
oth. r chickens are plucked, placing Putter -Potted rolls are jobbing nt
each chicken in the shaper close to
the last and moving the lower brick .ti to 210; tubs, good 10 choice, 18
along to hold the row in position, to 20e, std inferior, 16 to 17c.
Leave the chickens in the shafo:' fur Creamery prints s.11 nt 23. to 24c.
at genu six hours. 111111 eolids nt 22 to 2:1c.
Packing. -.%flet• being thoroughly Eggs -Sales et 19 to 20c per doz-
cooles(!, the chickens should he packed en in case lots: splits. 16 to 17e.
into :dapping cases. The able! easy Cheese --At 12 to 12;c per lb., the
must be cooled and dry on the skins letter 10r twins.
before j,aehdl(g. 1 lidera they ere ar-
titiciully ce7oted' they should not 110(1 PI:Oi►IJC'l':4,
I.e peeled for twenty hours n'l: r flacon -long their, 111c pee lb. in
killing. The shipping; eases used J;v case lots; mess perk, $114 to $18.50;
the wings firmly after killing the Isepnrtment of Agrieult.u►e "14° short tut, $22.',11.
ow too chicken's head to hang. grader) accurdb,g 111 this rile ..f 11:0 Cured Meat,-ilunns, light to 10111i -
that the blood can colloet birds. i•-ueh (11x0 1:, LIs 12. I'u11 d'•- ,lie, 13; to 1 111 do. heavy. 18c;
•11; the head is attached to ^criplinu is eunt:tined inn llullctdn \o. :sills, 120; shoulders, i1(; backs, 15
edmply by the skin of 117., ' to 154e; breukiast bacon, 144 to
Nor those having only a limn •'1 15r.
irks that are to he exported 11 iorof thickens, 1h' nr.in)ward-The market is cadet. and
packing eases, to be obtained
me col(xtornge oust be smell
,rices are unchanged. We quote: -
et. rocking in the mouth. Cut nt the g;rocel;v store, trill be found 1'ierets, 1(1, to unchanged.
tubs, (U2 to
nr•ge arteries at the skies of the
ftirly' yatisfnctor.. 1iei pail:, 11 lis ]lir.
, just bio tho ears. 'Thiel caul To a,ccrt tit the price prr j (tunll
done by introducing the knife into at %Idris ehlckene may he sold by
e threat cod giving 0 couple of "nut It. pl,e•';..I or live w.lgshl, to lel 81Nl?S.'t A'1' 11Or'1'i(RA1,.
thick turns 111' and down. When 11.0 sr:r., tuuount of money. Al out real, Oct. 21 -Crain -The.
Ised10g( It'1•ly drive the hbtdu at the fun.'" .8';
of e117:1vn ant ►narked for tints tens firm this morn -
i u,egae with the bird's hill into 1he1vnlncs Ln• the different s;liing; prises ing ant the outside lenge of prices
ck part of the roof of the mouth.has b. on calculated:- advanced to 37e fur Ne. 2. this be-
gun) theblame it throl►gh the l:quul ►u•i':os per pound (in cents) fine paid for haveredhaveredca e, stere
uy strop itne and has ,mitered the 1, far rotted chickens sold by lit irlunr- I'hu two large mills are to-
ai1, then give n quick half turn t.- tt''ight, ph,c.ed weight, or drawn get her en quotations for the first
knife. This cites: a sutra's s'"eig;lil.
the fenthers, roasts), Lite weight --6e, 7e, Me, tee, i0c, 1 • to n►awy mionths. '1'hi'y (111010
tell loosens Ile, 1 L',. 1 a, $4M per bbl., in bags. for Mani -
du anis► evader to OWL.OWL.\lies 1'1Inest U I weight -7. 1e, 8.60, "e, tuba strong 1 n!tery, patents ieing
bird to hang by its fest until 111, 12.10, i8.IIc, 1.1.8e. 16e. 84.1)0. list -tiers state that their re -
herd. thrown weight -1It'. 12.5r. 11.:0 forts front Onto,i) millers oro 10
lurking --:a) Wile killing by kis 2 2,2;, ,. the effect That. there is n good ex -
Viol', commence de' plucking( es irl ars 1N.ir, 'Ile. _ t.►tr•
318 th,' bet!; is dislocated.
'g'Itis table gives the ,.•tier n b'Ir'Sort thenst:d tit better prices than
tenets ter I'tncklnt'.-1WhiI0htill id!.%,1 0x to ahirh put •, the lest. Xe •un be Iail h 're. (ntnri° Ruur is
ng the chicken in the left lintel, oerruullnt hns7 lurhing bo •1 IaL. 1,471.:3181
draof ing. tl'o 4.0-'1I , u,g( .I ,• ted 111 Ilia fullo43ing;
f kiing, pur w • tees, - Patents, 51.:15 to M.1.50net the tell feathers and the a 1. I.t.n. 51. night rollers. in Mile.,
11 leathers et the sting. Allow the 11 1. 1,.10-: of straight rollers being
eken's bond to liana Coen and �- -- !:
nuuence plucking the feat hers to 1 85 to $1 ►s end es:trn hogs be -
r ing $1.115 to 81 .75. 1'.• el -Ontario
thu bac•:. ,nal wings; thin pluck the
TRAIL �U fHL 1 U .I:rnn, in bull.. ffl. to RI:,..n; shorty,
brant noel lower part of (1.0 neck, Coo to ls'20.A11; llnnllnhn brei. in
work Lark en 11.e body' In rho toil, Police Cutting it Fre..: L'3..-enton Mage, sin to $17; shorts, S19 to
trod. turnip,; 1)..• I:ird u, el' again. Make Good Pr elle. ltng-Vo. 1, $8..0 to ::!► per
finish the back and wings
An (11 :ee d.•..,,..' h says. -,record-• ton 017 trnck; `to. $7.7.11 to $4:
Calve the feathers 1111 1L•e nick for 01,), so • ,, :. s • •e.1 nt the Mount -?clover, 86 to $l..a•r; clover, seised,
three inc11••s from the hence, a viol ,f ed 1'•,.• !,,•,•,, •,t .:•.ellent Mo $11.50 to $7. Ite.ti-(101ire. jO •s,
fenthers nro1' slouch the lr•glt at the Itsek g,r.es,, e, I.. • 4,., 7, the police
Poets. nn<I Ole fe.itherx on the e In x1.57. pet hashed; hand-
paly u:, ± !• ut ('01191911 picked, $1.11:1 to $1.73. 1' I ttoes-
out•i.1c joint .:f oath wing tine. w;1,•', :. 1,, .:' north
Clean pluck the rest of the chicle. w, ste::L ,,',, , :in potatoes, 111 I;n.Gy of f:tn lbs+.
Remove all jitefenther4 and make Len.
At t I ;i1.; 'arty :•n to :.3c: in hag;( of !t0 1h8., 050.
the hied en nt7rootl3, 119 possible• Will ten !, I : ':rahnnn nits I (1411. 1:1c y-\11,110 el,.v.-r. in r h, .1'2 to
Ile carrfnl not to tear the skin. If 11 . 1k ,s1( 1-lh ,•.•01.311 rxt►11'1 Ilj to
n •ul .r;7,n.I , ,clads I1: 1 tlun'o 7c; burhtwlia•.31 "11 In 6e. Provisions
tear is made, bete the flesh brought ,,,,.tin•.isig II ,f trail to 'I'o:+tin nest-Ilenvv 0148410,01 short cut pork.
together with white thread s e;rn,e: 1 ei the A1;11°,1,114' 8°2:
11:) 1'11:ctiiri; rho Chick Ihu( is I'" i.'.• ,t', :,,: I .,t `.11111:1'0';01°;::", d 822: light ,hurl telt, 81`; to S10;
111rt-As the bird is hnng,in4 011 0 t 1, ij',! ,,, :.,,. Amer,,•111 1'111 1I.•or fat harks. $20.-
J I ale: \1inr,i-`�'• t.. ti'11►.75; comp/mita lord, h2 In
tete! with the operator chest, grilsie en 1 m•� !.,
the wad hettte.3* the thumb 11111 Iils, , 111, 1 .,1,aili,tn in,n•:t,tr1 117 10 10;r•
in() lingers 11 the tett bund, hotline) ' ' I l., : , '. , ••neltaed, I 1 1.1 1 2• ; hilr.0,7a, 12
,he neck between the third nn1 1i111•. 10 I!, , ,.n. Ile: (.• h killnbnt-
1 n. rr 1'h iwe8 lir uper14lul tenIeir i hoes. so ", lis t~S►.7,:I•
HUMAN HAIR1=i�U;1 CHHINA. $0.R7'. r,iiee1 I')14
Beeen,,, !' • '•tr ; • yr iris; ft•:,ther,1 it•, I 1 ,,. 11.,, •1e0., \o. 1 rnntllil.
11.0 st, 1 nt the she^L1, r ! ,1 ,, t . I s it ;• • •r--Ohnic,esl (Tenni--
11.e C•,• F-: :•7 1 ,t ' - ,..711 1f:
Sant.: Wit 1, :1,. I1;ht hard. Rc1n,7,a .1., I• . e.s,!,•.;, 211 to 22e;
tail fentlus•y milli ono quick lmietim; t • s • , .'„ thee,1 Ontario,
motion. Par's: the right buret rapid- .A 1.,,,.;,,.„1 - !1; ! - tee•este i1 to 111c.
It down •he• hack, front remtit to; 0::,•s1 ie 111,' 1.1... of a•,--
reek, t•envsting lir fe,011, 1s 41Ith t;cu, 01 went- •Iehere et Il:'.;f 4141 31 -e i I ,, I 4 ,1 -•, \ ; i '- ',tAtile pers.
thunk and (oven tiger. Shit ti,' le rd (less fest o net t::ans ,ov„mild that o 1
the„ to 11:o tight band 311.1 lee tile );:e:)1 1,r1t GI filo bursae heir 1:a • 1 ` V - ,i • " 1--1\h' e'
left 17a,l in p;ckibg the sett fe:Ith':s: ur,i,'e:,.'1: d., d•1•p'.rle•:1 teem( bins).]._. t It i . .•!r - to Nat,
from the laves!. j Th., f•.1. , . e.',1 that it a,rited et ': May. :+ . - No. 1 herd.
If 11'.11 s•glchit: g 11ae been pt'000rlO I thous s, .l 7 s•,.1 ' 1.:1•.'t. 'Cleve wee 11,0, 81;c: Ne. 1 .•r,,. 84:.•: les -.
114', the feathers will all term.• Alit 1 Kiln! .4,,' 1 ,,' ,• hod 1,,,„(i,rut (rankle., 81: 1 .,.,:1.-I i.st pot,.,,.-
lie and without te:1r•1�•. '1'L•' hrn!'h' 1t Might (rnne�$1.1►0 1A : , ,e,•:11 •io, $1 711 1,,
' It neeif1 held i1 11',0 left 17,1,,,1, (teen r',••. • . . I ,! stores -el (role f;<1.F'', first' clent't, $370 to $:1.1►'t.
the f,•aghers nu, qui.'kly ►,tri;••' Ih( pint to e . eller 1:,nlo!,de•ix 1 s- 111.1 '11d do., $2.40 to 1?'2 .1) Brun, in
Ito neck• airg: nal hoc�k o.►4h• . eases. '1111• eneµuhy weft adieus -nal to bulk, el 150.
o left the sante al in ial'' allOtt an cstlntination of xammilltr. I St. Louis, ata., Oct. el. -Wheat
Timely Bulletin Issued by the
Dominion Department of
teteing.-'Tho chickens should be
tett 21 hours before kiting, e i
vent food in the crop and intea-
es decomposing and spoiling the
Ver of the 1'.1•e!s. Yeveral hours
(ter the Inst fe,•.1 allow the chickens
'what water they w!sh to drink. They
should then have a complete fast
until they are 1.111.(1.
lii11i'g.-(a) 1'ur chfcl:tits going
to immediate consumption on the
:al market it Will he most convert -
to .lielocate the sleek, with the
•hard mold the chickens legs and
in one lirnt grasp. Place the
:er of the right I:aud on the
•le of -the neck and the re -
lingers on the left side.
.he head in the hollow of the
With the fork of the fingers
d the 1ittd (there it joins the
1 he back of the chicken being
up,terds, hold tho legs against the
left hip, and the head near the right
• thigh or knee. 1k•nd 1 he head back -
words as 'ur ax pctsible niel at the
the time stretch the m,cic, when it
dislocated iunue(lintt•ly; pall the
I about 1 inches from the nee.
closed: -Cash, 861e; Dec., 834c; May,
Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 24 -Wheat
closed: -No. 1 Northern, 801c; No.
2 Northern, 84 to 86c; Dec.. 87c bill.
I tyc--Nu. 1, (I0c. Barley -No. 2, 51c;
sample, 36 to f8c. Corn -May,
4-1!c bill,
DOG ON LONELY VESSEL. 7.•:•-•:•-•:•-•:•-•:•-•:•-•:—:—:•-•:-.?
Speeding Across Atlantic With l i in Uitilei.All Sails Set.
AwY k despatch A4'•t11 e �
'a or says:
iris vessel in n11d-uceun, deserted by •• .j.
her crow, but with sails Rea j •:•
pl (weeding with fair speed toward O•ss': ••' • .•st•. . e'•:•11.•, ••: •': ••:.•
LIYI•: h31Y)CIC 11:\lthl7ls4, the shore of North America, Was '1'111: ML\U,
sighted by the stcanier 'Teutonic,
'Toronto, Ocl. 21.-110 limiter] which arrived here on '.lmtiredess 'Idle 'Thanksgiving Day means good cheer
I*CInI:er cl good tnt1'lurs' oatred 'l'eutonic's ,,licirs believe that the and groaning tables. IZelow is giVell
n11du buying quite act ice, and on- t -,' :el 4,1 tho ark Orion„altos,, crew. n mono in which the recipes silo 011
ing to the extent of tee donned buy- ace otting to a wireless message re_ tried and t1)0 (1 . It i, nut intendai b
art bought extensively the inferior eeiterl from acid ueettn hest '1'uemduy, merely
to bon welt stiie,d mmui.,A'apa,(r•.
stuck which always comes forward lis were rt•stuecl fret, their ship by tlto , but to have dishes to suit the iadi• Tho Government returns shote a
this market. Business in distillery simmer 13i'liria. 'Thu 'Teutonic )ass- II %ideal taste. (reJuctlon of 160 liquor licenses this
feeders was lively. and paces wane a 1 1 Celery tioup-Cut two heads of •cat. 1 l ti
0d the dc:;et-0d ship about 40 miles )
title higher than lust souk. flog,: southwest of the point front which celeryr in Srnail hotly t:u1 (boil in hot i A W'ondcrfel strike of oil and gas
were unchanged, but w01tk. 7'heoi) the wireless nnrsstitge tans scut, and re'.dy unlit perlrctly te1er..er. Kato is reported from Mauituwanin ,
and Iambs were not )n very brisk do-. rear y n thin cream entice made cf 2:
Manitoulin Island.
About live hundred miles cast of the I 'J'he (1. T. It has asked the flue-
nt/m(1. tables )Quart Melted btat('I, 2 to olw
i:xgto►1 cattle, choico..$4..- $d.50 blackNertdo1'jerttai. n es en 0oest 1111.1 thelrlo•
nrdly a spoons flour and milk added slowly,. crnnusnl to leusn Alge wjuin Turk
Ik►., medium 4.15 4.•2.7 6y ' until right a4usistcucy Is oht.tined. ;islands for suenmtrr resort Willi
1)0., bulls 3.00 4.15 vessel by the 'Teutonic's passengers. Mesh celery through colander into ltri'udicr llow.l tIV
1)0., light 3.75 ;j,00 The bark's lthcel was lashed. and this sauce and beat together thor•, b 1 sgy's rho tinlva-
' Linn Army ,till bring foto S,C(U In
1Z1)ol)u., rose 3.7:7 3.05 her course was steadily southwest.. (,(tg-hly. tiaasen with pepper and. nt 1U,0(lU itnea:gcauts to Cunadu next
.. hers' ticked I.'l:, 4A0 Pruni the masthead a distress sig-
of celery salt. Fert'o Trot with
Do., r 1-ic 4.O1) 4.11► nal was Ilyiwg•
little squares of const. fur fraudulent
Ino., e01l' .ium :1.00 a.7. 4-- (:oii0sh hiked with Tomatoes-liail packing were made un-
f'A DRUGGIST SUICIDES. , 1 bar the 'Fruit >►l,ttks Act in t>opteua-
1)0., light 2.75 S.1 U fresh rud.:,h until tender. rick u) its
1)o., bulls ...... '2.IJ 3.L':t� suwll j'le is end moisten taorougltlyl Sarnia repots enlargements of alt
Stec:;e1)1 chcico a.hU :1•'-'-5 J. C. Luclrhatn, of Guelph, Took with tomatoes (canned) salt, pepper its Important muaufuctories owing:
I)0., common `2.(4) 'l.'�5 Doee of Carbolic Acid. and n drop ur so of \1 onc,•sto:s!tir(' to inereasu business from the Norlh-
1'u., bulls 2.Yb , sauce. Sprinkle bread crumbs over , weal.
Ilea: , feeders :t.nd ;Z,7►!i A Guelph despatch rays: 1 rol;ubly top. Iktku n dish shells until set. I Awc•rtiquo Lnliherto (110(1 nt St.
worried bycontinued ill -health, lir.
keep h a.7:, 4.O:J .l, L. Luhhnm, druggist, took a A good -sired turkey shcul! roast Norbert. a parish nerr Winnipeg.
1 Ina cows, choice t11.. 15.(10 dosis of carbolic acid during Wednes-
from lino Lo six hours; first in n stow! this 1te_k, ug'ed LOG years. ills
In., common 28.((0 .1,1 O do 'night and ie now dead' Tho oven for at least two hoots. Make widow hall lived with hits seventy
Shee;7, rxpurt, ewes ... :l.h:, 4,�.i y h the oyster stalling us [(Aloes: ]lois- I scars.
i)o., Lochs .i.1 7' a.a0 last *wen of him alive was about ten tl:oraaghly brown crusts of
Do., culls :Z.1H► :1.50 7 .30, when he left the horst where breul with the oyster liquor, add!Co.1'he Huron & Erie Loan a Savings
•••• and the ian Savings &
].orbs, per Cwt. b.!)1► 0,111 he has been stttyn:g since purchasing popper, suit, a touch of onion, sago Loan (.'e. of London, Ont., will bo
Calves, each 1',0(► 'tete) the business from Mr. Law, about and savory, '2 tablespools 10111011
lle>gs selects
IS.O(1 coin -
„,e0) mix weeks ago. juice and 1 pt. oysters slightly chop-',,,,,,,,,,."‘, aisia:Autntl(' under the former com-
Do., lights and fats... 5.75
0.00 ` hart ly hefurn eight on 'Thursday pod. If not moist enough, 2 tubus l'ho new1tes essment of I'eterboru'
—� morning, the clerk, M. 11. Cook, ar- spoons melted butter adds flavor. {s $7,541,:35:(, tut hicreuso of 81. -
rived and was horrified to find lir. 'Il:o cranberry sauce should boa►ale , ,
POLITICIANS RUIN BANK. I,uckhtun stretched 011 the (lour of n the day before and placed in n mold G`)b,1114, largely due to the new act-
back room. Medical Aid was num- so it will Loan out in Shupe. Serve. Fhe) populatium is 2eturned u 11.-
nc aunt Then •303. ern increase of llfi
Telegraphic Briefs Trent en' Cvrls
and Other Countries ut Le-
Mr. Arthur F. Crow, postmaster
at Aiug,trn halls, Is dead
Mr. .1. S, Green of Naj�anrr) hAsie
ren appointed chic( of police of
Cashier Took La Ia and31ioned and the still living 111011 re- With a spray of red chryr;utthcmu711s; ,
Shot Himself. tuuvel to tine hospital, tehere he stack in this anter, it 117n table t:C-' Phenomenal yields cf reheat are
' ' stuck
aro to 110 red; and b the reported near Gladstone, Ilan.. ono
A Pittsburg-, 1 u., despatch says: died hhorlly nflcr his arrival. A %cern nothiu • could be orett)eryLan,7 'field on the farm of Mr. Lobb going
Aller an investi nttion of the books icund bottle of carbolic acid was b I t
6 1
bushels per acre, and another 480'
of the Lithe -prise National Bank of found nt the store with about two either red or yellow chrysnntht•rnnlme t;hels; ssnmpa lis 1,001 also.
Allegheny, which disclosed that the ounces gone. • ' to give color tune to the dinner. I Tho Cit Coal Company. Edelen-
was insolvent, T. Iso ('lark, )deceased left a note reading: "My Mash rho potutees with plenty of tonrecentlyor
decide! to reduce then
cashier of (ho institution for years. (sod has cot unanded moo to Ilia ('ream and butter and boil the squash alin,ing; staff. They discharge) r.
wont to his home 011 Tuesday night, kingdom right ntmay, (food -bye.” it long time until very tender. Jt is fcei••ner, who at once threatened to
spent a sleepless, nervous night and _♦ then delicious if hi ;104., as
nsonctl. shoot the nutnuger on sight or any -
on Wednesday took an ounce of lawn- . 11001 potatoes and sc;twttsh can ba: one Qin • to work.
(datum and then shot himself through DROWNED Al PORT ROWAN gornished with parsley, i g 6
3, -- Macaroni letkeel veth cheese makes: Governor IJcf°11"' of rho Yuhon,
the head, dying at i0 pan. An (rho recei.tly returned to Dawson
hour before the announcement of his
Two Young Men Loso Their Lives a delicious side dish. l'se suflicicnt
death was received nt the bunk a While Duck-huntiu0'
lelegran► came from the Comptroller A fort Rowan despatch says: -
of Currency at, Washington to close Four young then, n11 residents of
the doors, rood appointing Rank F x- South Walsi;)(;hada, went out in a
aminer .101:31 0. Cunningham as re-; Finnll boat early on Wednesday morn-
ccivc►•. ing hunting thick. While chasing a
'J'ho President of the hank, Fred wounded It to the sail jibed and tho
(Iwi11ner, on Wednesday announced boat capsized. Two of the men Were
that ('lark had loaned thousands of drowned, ltoy Smith and Nelson
dellu.li to Pennsylvania polis iciatts, ('conk. 'l'i:o cries of the ct::er two,
that I:e himself had endorsed It note 11iraeu 111•)g;httnan nes .dohs (;,.0......4...
for $50,000 for t'larlc, concluding
with the statement: "If the shortage
was only $100,000, ho would gladly
pay it himself."
The batik has State deposits which
were bawd on shore. Elgin [lecke-
fellow of this village Was just start-
ing for I.wug Point, and, being told
of the cries for help corning from the
tiny, he at onus etnrtcd in the dime -
will amount to $8O0,u00, of whieh (ion of the sound, and arrived just
$3Jt3,000 is in the checking or active in tiino to rescue. The servivors
account and the rust is State sink- were in a very exhausted condition,
ing funds. !)raving; been in the water over one
Mr. Genittr, in his stuten:rnt, hour, Eteding fast to the boat.
sold: "Nearly $700,(470 of the $tir'e'.- bonnie prince churlio
O(() Slate del'osit:: of our 1nit; is 4_
0•:1 1.w paper of :'.late poli: i• i.u,•.• JUVENILE DRUNKENNESS.
W. 11. Andreas hos borrowed new --
$40,000; hcan:< .1. '1'urraaro has Ler- Two Sad Cases at Ottawa - Boys
Found on the Streets.
A despatch from Ottawa says: A
twelve -scar -old boy, who was ((turd
on the street:: helplessly intoxicated,
appealed in the Magistrate's court
on Wellnerday. On this previous
night a boy nearly ns ycung tens (11r-
coV(rcd in a drunlen elate in one of
the city lanes, where he had been
left. In two Wren. Efforts are being
made to trace the liquor dealer who
futnithcd the boys with whiskey.
Experiments by French War Wilco
-Dropping Projectiles.
A lrspnteh from '(olden say::: in
the course of further experi11ente
with the (huge Lehnutly •tirigihle bal-
loon. (onstructeO muter the patron-
age of the Weir (Mice, the aeronauts
on 'rue:4day succeeded i11 dropping
(dummy projectiles upon the forts,
demonstrating the possibility of air-
ships being able to completely de-
stroy military works during 110atili-
Togo, With Admirals and Sailors Eight Persons Milled in an Illinois
Attends at Temple of Tee.
A Tolle dexpitich 314,9---A de-
spatch from 1'nuuufA, Ise 1 rovfnvc, Ili orolut.on hux tircn rcr.•itr*I that
reports that Admiral 'foga and the a larnnde sa,pl through the Vi/11101
admit -els melee his command, with of Sorentu, 111., un Tae -day night.
their st•t'is and 2.000 unreel noel ]sight prr,un 1 ore drud, dourly Ain -
1,000 mutt o1'1 snilnrr. and nrtrinese,
in -
proceeded 111. W0(ln(•x(Iny to the great J111rd, 1111 •1(1 10 51) hoiser dtinul-
'I'cinple of J9,. to worship, tnttk1ag n fished. Su w101en1 Wny this tornado
L inIpreesite sight. that some re•,idence,l were swept
lienal 1r l.:'tsurn, aha nso••ied t'e away completely. Houser; that re-
dulies: of )',•reign ►1ini,te•r a'hcn ntniu('d standing; %Vere converted in-
11utron hon t 113 lho 1'orei;n Minis_ to icmpornry hospitn11, 111141 lite
pour -
ter, area to .t1n,ricn, ax pence plea- Incnpl1 by lenlern light in the pour-
iputeetiai•V, has been relieved of him ing rain sleuthed through the deb -
duties as Minister for 1•'urtegn Al- Els (0r the injnrt•ll. The populnt1011
fairs. of Sure11to numb,u:r 1,1(10 Persons.
rowed considerable. 1 tlo not know
how much. But the bank, I state,
in solvent."
Government Offers a Reward of
Six Hundred Dollars.
A tit -patch from 'Toronto rays:
'Tic (;uverruueni decided at the Cab-
inet meeting on Thursday to atter a
reward of $(S00 for the arrest. or
information leading thereto, of the
murderer of the moisten w10ee bo.ly
was recently Iota)! near ilammilton. A.
eUculn1 nnwount•ing the toward and
giving a description of 117e (nun
unrated in the ease Will be distribute
e•I broud(•a t .
ik•leteive Greer. who is engaged on
the (•11.0. urged that this should be
doer. To n reporter It ho 14)33 111111
timing the afternoon he said there
was 1:othing new in the rns • MAL
(4)111(1 be nide public. Ifo trill de-
vote I:iv whole attention to it for
tonne time.
Given Two Mouths to ?fake Hone_ Young eters Robbed Churches and
stead Entry. Other Buildings.
A Vomits; 12 d,spat ch says: -Tho A despntch from ISin,h0mten,
N. Y., says: The ninny burglaries of
1►oukhobors hese been notified by tho ..hurchei, re:defen es, need btiein1ss
Minister of the Interior that they
j have Iwo menthe; to become nn hind'
Nacre, which have pnralcd the police
of 11'nterdy, N. Y., for we h , erre -" 4."�"'-�..
Joel mid 11101.0 entry for ,h• i:• home -MULTIPLIED BY TWO.
' steads. or their present holdings a ill cleared up 1131 11'e�lnisda,v morning,
`bn gitcn to others. Peter ter. ,in akin two pre' ocieua infants, Prank Increase of Wheat Nstrketed Over
hoe nth is el his countrymen to r, fes,, end Mille tiuil13e". eight and 8i3
to become British subjects. In 3li'w years• old. owned tip thnt, alone nal Amount Last Season.
nue:itroni, broken into 2 -inch piece.,., from a trip to the, new Windy Arms
to about heli lilt n pudding disha carp, said to a reporter: -"I ho -
lion rntsirtl_v in salved water for, bevo the district will be the centro
of a camp that will surpass Iles& -
A rumor is current at Sarnia that
the reason ter the delay of Our
Grand 'I'r•unk Railway Company in
equipping the St. t'lnir tunnel wile
electricity is because the company are
anxious to investigate the feasibility
of Niagara power.
about 20 wninatcs. Drain and allose
to stand In cold Water a few mo-
ments. Drain again. Put a Inycr of
this into a baking dish, then a layer
of grated ch ase. Another layer of
macaroni and so on until the dish is
tilled, having the top !aye- of cheese.
Pour over the whole a cream sauce
made of 1 tablespoon butter, 1 of
flour, with 1 pt. milk stirred until
boiling. Bake for about half an
hour. Serve with hot buttered crack-
ers, salted. Butter the crackers,
sprinkle it little salt over the butter
and heat for a few minutes iq (170
Broiled quail should be thoroughly
basted with butter and served uu
slices of hot buttered least, garnish-
ed with lemon. •
ltird's nest salad is made of hart -
boiled eggs (with shells neatly re•
moved), half hoiden in a (nest of let•
tura. 'Thick mayonnaise dressing is
served in a dressing bou 1.
Spanish cream is a de.it•iuus end
inexpensive dessert. Souk holf box
gelatine in 1 cup cold anter, Place
111 holt ono qt. sweet meilk. Beat
the whites and yolks of three eggs
ee;'11rntcly. Stir into the 1:eaten
yoll:s half cup sugar. When the milk
hits ranched the belling; twilit stir in
the dissolve,] gelatine And the yolks
and sugar. Let. boil up thorougIlly
and then pour into the)beuten whites,
not lel ting than cook nt all. hlavor
with lemon •)r vanilla and set into
molds to horde n.
IDeli:•ioos little chocolate cakes can
do mutt'° us nccontpuniineuts: Whites
of three eggs, 1 cup powdered reign's
1 tablespoon butter, 1 cup milk. 2
rutin flours 2 teaspoons baking( pow-
der. lemon flavoring. The yolks of
these eggs cult be used fee the salad
dressing. Cteent butter and sugar,
add beaten whnttx of egge and milk.
Sift flour with the baking rowa'.er
flavor. itale. in very renal' gena pens
in it hot tot 11. Ice e. i1 h chocolate
king: Melt 2 squares iliac alae, add
a little boiling achy and add pow
tiered sugar until Odie': ii n+'gh, 1
teaspoon lemon retract. When icing
the cakes pout. 1 candied cherry in the
renter of each before the icing har-
Mince pies should be hentrd in the
oven just before serving, and sprin-
kled with sugar.
The renterpieee of the fable at the
Thar.kngiwdng dinner rno he a hig
open stork buxkel, with 11 red ribbon
run through. fillet with the hnrvtst
home fruits]. Nuts end c,utdies, to
carry out the sante idea, can be serv-
ed in four little basl:dr, similarly
lleliciouii 110ne made rnndi(9 stn
I:o innile by hinting titin the whitee
of 2 twee, wading confectioner's 811•
g:+u• 111110 4.1 right consistency, nn•l n
fete drn; a ,1 nay desired flavoring.
Take email temps of this paste and
roll into oblong ',tutor. Re►nove 010
9(111108 of dates and put half of the
ditto either title of 11114 ,..ixtur..
lehen dune toes ere delicious.
After-dinner coffee should be very
strong and black. end may be eery -
ell either at rho table or In the
of (hie slat .1 neri(t:w complications lIt.arcxixted, they committed the s,'c- A deep/it/1i from Mentrenl trays:
are sure t,• 11'111. era] crimes and rotenle(1 the hiding Therehn8 Hua 11,40 renrketed in the
-♦� - place of the assorted booty. ('n►)ndinn Northwest, Meng the line
RONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE --♦--- of the C. 1'. 0., 14,1-1)0,(N►o bushel's
SHOULD CUT THEIR HAIR, of wheat. as compared with 7,0(►0,-
UOo bushels for the rerr•epnnding;(
Carnegie's Advice to Girl Students period of 1!'01, end 100,5rt0 cnrs
of Durkee University. have been loaded with thnt cereal
A des! etch from Dundee, Scot- and sent eastward to the lake front,
hied. say's: Andrew Carnegie. ad• ay ngainet 4,650 tars Inst yenr.
dressing the girl students nt the No less thnn 6,Z.O0,00(1 huehels of
Dundee University College, advised wheat have reached the Fort Wil-
thnt women ti:heuld rut their heir linm elevators over the C. 1' it.,
..1 ort for hygenic reason', but hoped and fs,800,f(s)lsushelshoe elyenship.
they would ren!'1" .le
retain their longhair, frutn that port to (nrgInr7 flay
a'e� s, Leruriaals, 13uflalo and Well -cal.
Ire ie Fre-acted to Accept the
Not:•:ellen Throne.
. 1,, carr -•,pendent
e • 1 . \. • way. cables: --
i 1. he. , , , . I;ut,•rnne•nt. au-
•. ..'• .4 proposal to
1 i , . ,nark to accept
the '4• • • .•.111 (lo..I•e' is expect etl to
Ibo 1a1 . 1 :ere j he Sleuthing t, ry
GREA'1. 1titl'1'AIN,
English newspapers strongly favor
thu idea of a worldwide penny 1:o3'
The London 'Times says that ten-
dencies point to higher stoney in lir
financial centres.
Canada will bo typically reproeent-
e'l in the procession of ti:o Lori
]laver of London next, month.
British labor Wren will visit tho
colonies 0) consult on a common
/abet policy and tariff reform.
A London report says that the
Grand 'J'runk Pacific has acquired
Hudson's tiny lands
In the I3nrktton Ash division or
the west riding of Yorkshire the Lib-
eral won over the Unionist candi-
Tho London 'Times' St. Petersburg
correspondent hints that important
, political events are pending belay •'t
Creat Britain, Prance, Germany tel
Russia, which will make for the
peace of the world.
Nen-union switchmen inking the
place of (:rand Trunk striiers were
refused shelter at I':Iteolon, 111.
The !thole island State 1►rmecrn1ic
convention parcel! Al resolution de -
mantling freer trade %tlt.h Canada.
General Wm. 'I', ('lark of W'asreing-
ton, 1).('., flied en 'Thursday, in St.
Dike's hospital, New York, of can-
cer of the tliroitt.. 110 WON 74 years
old and wan the last 8itrvi%lug edit. -
taut and chief of staff (t General
(tenet's Army of the Tcnnee,ce.
l'ongrc,4tunn .1(.hn Newton Willi-
amson. convicted of ronspirney 11)
defraud the United Slates Govern-
ment of its public domain, was sen-
tenced nt Portland. Ote., to len
months' intprisoi.nicnt, on Satur-
Heavily loaded with freight. and
with a crew of 25 mon, the steamer
Elk struck n sung and (ink in 25
feet of water near Vicksburg, YR..
on Saturday. from five to ton
negro roustabouln were drowned.
Japan mill Login the eva.:nstlon t'1
Unnchurirt 1st. mice.
Funds/eel Spanish farmIn')erere
attacked n market
food un Saturday.
1'rince Serghue '1'rmuh(•ti:koy, the
foretrwt!, Liberal in (tussle, died of
apoplexy on 'I'hurs.duy.
.lnpnn reports state that the blow-
ing up n1 the flagship Mihrtsa was
dun to it mutiny on boort!.
'l'hn New lealand (lover •nt i0
asked to place a prohlhitory (1ll#'
1p011 the'mfslemeuls 01 tl:e Ameit...n
Keit Hobe that. who nssn•8lnetcrl
ll.n. 1'rucucatur (:,nein) of Finland,
escaped from the prison where 1.0
wee undergoing n life sentence.
Political circles in Europe consider
that nn ngreement between Itritaltl
end Russia :r probable.
iiing Oscar gins fnrtnnlly resumed
the reins of government of (Sweden,
which he relinquished on Angus:) 1')
lest to Crown Prince 0ustare n.- e.
gent while Lis Majesty went to Mei--
strand for his health.
Another Russian Ship Ratted at
Port Arthur.
A Tokio despatch lays: -The It'is-
linn Land(sl)ip Pot 'tete wee roan,) ,.il
by the .inp,lnes* at fort Arthur ua
and se1t(4l 1.110