HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-26, Page 5wmi THE gXK'1 ER TIMES, OCTOBER 241111 1903. 'Cedar Posts ♦ large quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale of the tett qualit v. (Oust 1e sold at once. We would be pleased to quote you our prices on any Building material You may require. We can supply yo P with. Sash and Door Frames' Lumber, Lath & Shingles on shorts t notice In tact 'we are in a better position than ever to supply our many custom- ers with all they may require either from shop or yards. Bee keepers supplies ready for delivery. Tanks made to order Wood for Sale Call and see the wood we have for sale. Just the kind you requite for Bummer cooking. The RossTaWor G0. LLU. 114++++++•F�•-1 ++++•E•i•++`F•h++`F•I•+ •�• Notice To Farmers and General Public the Pubc in As the fall is corning on now gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, + Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, + Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take j. them down to MJ . ACKSO N & SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the • Metropolitan Hotel. That's where you will get the high- est cash price for them +++++41•++++++++++++`!'++ rist Mill CREDITON We are prepared to do Gristing and Chopping on shortest notice. We are making a splendid grade of Flour which is giv- ing (•X(( hent : atisfatt icn Dy o{!1r Flour. H. +- ��Atz�•���.+��� , The Kind You Iiave Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature or and has been mato under his per. sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thiS. All Counterfeit:4, Imitations and "Just -as -gots(" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or Iutitnts and Children—Experience against Experiment. • What is CASTORIA Ctt:4toria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is I'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic [substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm$ arta allays Feverishness. It cures Diarriteett and WInd Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tine Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Hage Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COM/AMY. TT \SUNRAY STREET. HEW TONR CITY. SALE REGISTER. r 'Phur.wth•ly, Oct. 'l6, 1905. Auction Salo of Lir avtock and implements on Lot `d6, Con. 6, Usborne, nt One o'clock shoes)..TLas. Cameron, A act. Thos. Cann, nrotirietaor . Saturday. November 4. 1905. Auc- tion sale of farm stock and iu►plc- n:e.►ts on Lot. 18, Con. 1, Stephen. an Saturday. Nov. 4th, at one o'clock harry Brown, Auctioneer ; Samuel Parsons. Proprietor. Friday. November ard, 1905. Auc- tion sale of stock Steers, Heifers end Colles on Lot 22, Con. 2, Usborne, on tire Ilarvey farm, one mile east of Exeter North on Friday, Nov. 3rd, :It one o'clock short. Thos. Cameron Auctioneer ; Andrew Campbell, pro- prietor. ro- prietor. Tne Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President:—T. RYAN, Duiu.n P. 0. Vice -Pres.:— J. A. NORRIS CROMARTY P. 0. F. Monter, WHAI.EN P. 0. W. II. 1'ASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. \VM. Roy, BORNHOLM P. O. 1, L. RUSSELL, RU88ELDALE P. 0. AGENTS. Switzer i 1. CARM[('1lA! I MIL16AL A. DUNCAN J. 1VtL.`ION, I. S. GIrFII.t.AN, JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. c. I B. W. F. BEAVERS, e P. S„ Graduate Victoria m Uni• Secv.-Treas. Farquhar. *ppr eweratory, Exeter. . office and nsidenence. Dominion ' (.1,ADMAN & STANit1IIY, Solicitors STAFFA. ONT FARQUIHAR, ONT FULLARTON, ONT I VCAN, ONT DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Fortner $once surgeon to Toronto Western Hoepttvl, iocce..or to Ur. J. A. It0119.. Night r l nt fie. DICNTAL H• SINEMAN. L. 11.8. AND UR. A. R. KINSMAN. 1.. 4.,D. 8. D. 1) 8., honor Orwduate of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad atter effeete. (Mee In Fan• .on'. block. Wal Nide of Malo Sees$.• Exeter• D.A. ANDERSON. (D• D• S. L Di. DbINTIST. Hopei. yah Graduate the Tomato University of Mental Surgeon of psyrto, with honors Also I'o,.t• nate of ChioaLo School of Pro.thetfc Dentistry (with ble mention. da*itnythinthI. of ',Mee. Bridge known to the orktop Probcrown.,,Rtal ��as•(sunt. gold and vulcanite plates( all done in yrmaless neatest rneed to,bipainless estcrwrr. Wena one door r,ortth of Carling tiro +.tor• Mer. Ont. MONEY TO LOAN Ws have unlimited private Lunde for Invert. oat opOtl farm or village property et lows* akar of illterertt. UiCKNON & ('ARLI O • eta•r• riF,Y TO LOAN. We have • farce *menet of private funds to ass 0• farm and village prepert4r. at lowrate. rrletorost OLADMAS R STANItUttY Parrl-tere Relitilor.. Main et Rioter. DICKSON & CARLING, •at'rt•ter.. finticttere, Nota hem, Atte .r'e s, Cornml.' l 01cnear. 8 Bank. Ko•. Money to Loss at lowed War of tater•eet. OVilCKr--MAIN $'TRNIT, KXKTKR. 1. a. CARLING a. a. I. R. DHCRttole THOMAS CAMERON. CONVEV- ancrr, wills drawn, money to loan on real Istat , Alpo Lieentcd Aue/loneer for the counties lof Murat and l'erth. ('hergee moderate. Order,. lett at the 1i t):R',rat my residetec, Farquhar Kill receive prompt atten tion. ESTRAY—Strayed oa Lot 9, (tout b boundary of Hay, about July l 1st. 1905. a yearling, .n heifer.! The owtie.r can have name by provin; prol,crty atul payilz coals( by •ap- plyin; to Andrew Campbell, Thames raid P. 0. F0R SALE — Lot 8. Con. 3, Ps- borne, 100 acres, all under cul- tivalion, 2 wells. On the property r is a fratne house, good bank barn. one fratno barn. For further Car ticulars apply to Jas. F.esery, Exeter JII%t11 1 N E S P. 0. Ryon. your friends or relatives sufferwith Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tat: Lionia Co.. 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you LEIBIG'E FITCURE DUNLOP TRADE MARK Dunlop Book For Horsemen Free to Any Address Sixty-four pages, with il- lustrations and valua b 1 e charts. Useful information about lame horses care- fully selected and compiled. Write for it to -day, by post- card, giving your name and address and the name of the paper in which you saw this notice. THE DUNLOP TIRE CO. LIMITSD TORONTO 17 SEWING SHORTHORNS FOR SALE — Th3 undersigned has for sale oft Let 18, Con. 2, ilay, n number of rip -to -date thoroughbred Shorthorn hullo. They are of the low set blocky tyle, dark red in color and of choice breeding. They are n11 elij- iblo for registration. and will be sold retaonably. — John Elder, Ileneall P. 0. FARM I't)11 GALE. -100 acre farm for Bale, Lein.; Lot 11 ; Sion 10, Usburn". Firm well fenced, in rood condition, well drained with orch►rd, has windmill, larze frame hots e, hank barn with zalvanized roof ; a'liar under house•, one 111410 from \\'inelvlaca, near school, church .and market. For further parlictt- I•trs apply to Wm. Creory, Winces'. se 9. At Bargain Prices. We are offering a 5 drawer, (crop head, guaranteed sewing machine for $21.00 Satisfac- tion guaranteed. In Pianos we still keep np our record. nigh grade I pianos at prices other dealers ask you Come ll inferior Os and seeus we will !interest you sere. IS. MARTIN & SON To Cure a Cold in One Day .arTr,s,,:gPatt T.k. Laxative B Tomo Tien( & Att% ,� �: asoma se.. ((flim leant mid It past 12 woods. r FARQU1L\lt --Mr .(co. S. Ile !taws returned from 11.1miota, 51'n.. on Sunday last. —Mr. Arnold Harris intends spend - i,.; tK' n inter t'1: Goderielt. —Mr. 11,rvey Borland leaves thin week for \\ ii:nipc:, where ho w take up the study of law. — W. It .0 trr. V .S., of Kirktutt, was in She neighborhood on Eatur- day (hhorniter cattle . — Revs 11. \V. Knowles preached two very accept:.1,10 sermons in Bethany church on Sunday itt ,.n - ;wet ion with the IA,:.rue fowl upper. If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated ton- gue or bad taste in the tnouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional use. — Opti it., to 1 he inclement; weather the dome in the .hall on Friday nigh( was not well attended. The trousercd .,ender were there in a lame majority . ARE G001) LOOKS VALUABLE ? If nature Iv:ul her way every com- plexion trout(' be clear and deli;ht. ful. 13ut many allow their blood to become weak.—hence pimples, sallow skin. dark circles under the eyes. To have as Loautiful complexion use Fervozoie reju1arly. It orin;s a rich ruddy glow to the cheeks, nour- ishes the olotxl and thereby destroys humors and pimples. For Leauty, health and gots( spirits use Ferro - zone. Your appearance will intprare a hundred [old. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate -coated Ferro - zone tablets—Don't put of[—;et Ferrozonc to -day. SENSSII'1'II —Anniversary Services. — On Sun- day the 15th anniversary service] were held in Sexsmith church. 111 the afternoon he service was con- duotod by the itev. 11. W. Knowles, of Fullerton, and in the evening by Mr. \V. II. Join:stun, of l:ippen. The sin;in; in the afterfron was in charge of She Main at reet church choir, of Exeter, and in the evening by the Route choir. Tho weal her was very favorable and the church was well filled •all each inceting. On llotxtay ovenin; the usual supper was served and nv Sexsmith is note 1 for its tea -meetings the church Was crowded to the doors. An excellent prazratonic was rendered iucludinx addresses by Rev. A. 11. Goin; and Rev. V NI -artist ti of Exeter . readings by Misses Godwin and (Howey of Exe- ter, and Mrs. Snot Vernon, of St. Tlone:ls ; roles iby Mr. Gurney, of Exeter and Mtr . 13ooderick of Gode- rick; Duets by Mrs. Wickwire and Mr. White, of Exeter, and Mr. Ross, 1 c ick • also • . 1 it r of Exeter .t I r l o+l n excellent sin_in; .by the Hensall Meth,oli+t mal: quartette. The clhair Methodist male quartette. The chair tt as occupied by the pastor, Rev. W. Godwin in his dsual good /style. On the foll'ra in g Tuesday evening. a len-cent :social was held with a load proerammc ;nada_ up by sit•,in;. speeches, 11' '.tinge and Gramophone solos. lir .Christopher Campbell anted as chairman. The total proceeds amienwt 'l 1.0 over fifty-five dollars. "Peninsular Baseburners" Keep [fomes Warm. Next to "'recta" Furnaces, Peninsu- lar Baseburners are the hest heaters in Canada. Because, between the magazine section and the portable jacket, is a constant cir- culation of ppore, dry, lteattal air, which conies out into the room through an opening in the top of the stove. By attaching a pipe, an upstairs room tuay be heated at the same time as the room in which the stove is placed. Let us show you the latest models —and the details of constructiou. "Peninsular Ilaseburners"are full of interest to prospective stove buyers. Local Al.nt : H. SPACKMAN AUCTION SALE —of— STOt'l: STEERS, JIEIFKItH A.1► COLTS Mfr, Thor(. Canier•un has leen hi- st rutted to sell, by i'ublin Aurt ion on 1,01' 22. CONCESSION 2. 1•S11011 \ L. on 1 )v Harvey farm. one r,litr• ,•..til of I:x:.ter North on l'ltll).\' Y. NOVEM111:11 :tr,1, 1905, At is o'clock :teary the tolls\ i11 v.1:1 tll!t' el eek, vi, HOiZSEiS 1 filly, 2 years old, agricultural. r gelding, 2 years old, " t span of yearlings. t brood marc, in foal. CATTLE to short keep stccrs, 3 years old. 25 stccrs, 2 years old. 3 yearling stccrs. 12 heifers, 2 years old, good butcher's stock. 2 heifers, t year old. 2 cows, due to calve in December i'oeit ively no reserve as t h• t,: prietor has no feed to winter the .tock. TEi1Ms.--11 rnotrtha' credit w ill hr :jivcn un forni•bint p1191 ,v01 joint notes. ,\ discount of fit e•'nt off for (sod. in lieu et n.. THOMAS CAMERON, ASetioncer. ANDREW CAML'i1F.L1a, Proprietor /.I it ICH —11..rv:st '1 h tekssivin; etre held in the Lutheran last Sunday. —Itev. 11)'. Lcibonl. of Plaltsvil!es visited friends and rclnlive:t here for- a ora felt days l,stl week. 51r. kion eat who tv:rs priu;il.,l of the Zurich public r►ohu,l for many years, and tyles moved to Landon front here, where he ,has been prin- t oipal of ono of dho schools since, has deoided (0 [novo out West, where ho :old his brother:, have 1 aken us :1 lar;e tract of land. 51r. Latta has handed in his rest. nation. I —51r. C. lirtitvu, Wit,/ nils fleet' con- tductirrc ,It block smith shop in Wake for some mouths tyai in the village on 'Tuesday. Jlr. Brown lets •decided to discontinue the runnin4 of ill,: shop. and has secured a lucrative situation in Toron'-1. le:. 1^1t ::or that city lost week. — 11 r. Currie .11,e contractor, who is building the dock at St. Joecph 1,as had very rou;lt weather Lo con• tend with and as a result not touch headway bets been rnade._..- A hinge crib e:is sunk last Saturday and the work L. fillies; itt up a it It Moan was 1 under a ty. when the lake become too touch to work on it with nafety. 'rho crib could not v:ithstand 'th<e heavy secs and washed ashore badly wrecked. I i church FIVE YEARS DYSPEPSIA CURED. "No one knows what 1 have suf- fered from stomach trouble and dys- pepsia" writes Mr. A. 11. Agnew, of 13ridtewater. "For the East five yoans I hove ;unlalblo Ito digest and as- similato fto'.l. 1 hid no color, my streegth ran down ,and I telt miser- able and nervous all (Ito time. 1 al- ways had •a Leavy feolirr; atter molls and was much tr.oubied with dizziness and specks Leforo my eyes. Dr. Hamilton's filIs were just what I Welled- They have cured every symptom of my old troul;lo. ;'My • n be desired. w•• all lieu e a health i, now 1 l)1 Ily all means use Dr. Hamilton's pills 25c. per box at all dealers. GOSHEN LINE, STEPHEN.EN. .-31iss l4ucy lleri:eet, of Itiddulph, is vilitiiux.wilh her friend Mise Alice M a tv 1, i misty. — 31r. :1tt•) Mrs. Geonze Maw hinney 11r. and Mrs. Robert M twhinncy and Alfred Williams spent Sunday the guest of Mr. awl Mrs. \Vm. -'early. --Mrs..lainea Lawson. of the Baby- lon Line, visited with her sister, 51r 'Ma rty•n on Sri(t' t +.rl v Mr. her 11'reszoator visited with friends en dile lino mush one even- ing East week. Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Henderson in- tend leavins for London ie :about week. They intend keepinz a btalr,l- iia. hour. on Carlin; at reel. 31 r. and Mrs. Henderson will be greatly missed and every stcee•n i:s wi:11 .l lh^ut In their new .hone'. (tuck lnu.tin:. v.- :IN all tI, ra,,• around here Incl week. Mr. awl Mr.:. .lolnt Wilson spent Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Verily. Mrs. Wm. itt:,whinney eisitcd with her temente. Mr. and Airs. Thos. Atny of Sharon. one day Coat week. 51r. and Nits. Louis Kraft have re - turret! front Berlin fair. Louis is kept write busy theme day•► duck hurt ing. 'fakes Louie ilo Tet up cearly in the morning especially when Lit's after ducks . MLss Martha Snell. of Exeter. is visitinx I.er iricidpatents, Mr. and Mrs. Disney. 31iss Lydia Sohradcr, of .Dashwood, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. John \1'ilhem r. 51r. Wm. Mawhinney delivered some fine steers ler Exeter on Satur- day for which he received a good fi sure. 7.1 r. Mark Rol Iineon is :Tenth o 4 ThTnkssivin; in London- with f rieruts. Miss Louisa la 'moron v.i,4led with Miss Annie Yearly DA Tuesday. Quito a number ftront here attend- ed 1 he .funeral t,.r d he !ate John Kerr on Wednesday. Mrs. John School/sr. of Shipka, yisittxl tt.ilh .friends •on the line the nt hrr +1,'y. BORN .1i/NES—In Exeter, on Oclor►er 22, 111a wise of E. G. Jones, a Esau jli- ter. CItEECII-1e Exeter, on ()clone:: 23, the e. if(' of I'll Cre00h, a tau jh- ter. DIED 1:I'.Itlt.-141 Creditrxt. tot Oct. 12211u1, 11115, John Korr, n,xod 66 years.. 111'1'('11.—In Clint en. 011 October 21 1905. Mrs. Mary Ilitcll, of pncn- 11101)i a . 311LI,SOti.—AI fort (lope, on Wed ro Fry, Ont. 181 h, .I.ohn 11. Millson, ;1 78 y'nr. Interred t11 th urr.an ('nv' •ry, fort 110111'. ClAES'12 2A. Ilan the _ A1he Kind You Have Alm Bought Bigastan of Farmers' Poultry Ws want all your Poultry, alive or dressed, and will pay the Highest Prices for it. Quotations sent promptly on request. FLAYELLES, LIMITED LONDON - . . oNT AVOIDED Two Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided Serious Op- rations.—Many Women Suffering from Like Conditions Will Be Interested. When a physician tellsa woman, suf- fering from ovarian or womb trouble, that au operation is necessary it, of course, frightens her. Tho very thought of the operating table and the knife strikes terror to her heart. As one woman expressed it, when told by her physician that she must undergo an operation. site felt that her death knell had sounded. Our hospitals are full of women who are there for ovarian or womb operations! It is quite true that these troubles may reachasasee where nn operation n is the only resource, but such eases are much rarer than is generally supposed, because a great many women have been cured by Lydia E. 1'inkhrtnt's Vegetable Compound after the doctorsors mu per- formed. said an operation .had p �t be per- formed. In fact, up to the point where the knife must be used to secure instant relief, this medicine is certain to help. The strongest and most grateful statements possible to make coine front women who, by taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, have escaped serious operations. Mrs. Robert Glenn of 434 Marie St., Ottawa, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— "L dia E. l'inkhsrra's Vegetable Com- andwidelyknown i is so well that t oes not need my recommendation, but I am pleased to add it to the many which you have in its favor. I have suffered untold agonies from ovarian troubles for nearly three years, and the doctors told me that I must undergo an operation, but as I wan unwilling to do this, I tried your Vegetable Cornpot.ud, and I am only too pleased that I did so, for it restored mo to perfect health, saving me the 11sin of an operation and the inlll.bnse bills attending the sumo. Pray accept my hearty thanks and bait wishes.:' Miss Margret Merkley of 275 3d Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: Dear Mrs. Pblkhaat:--- `• Loss of strength, extreme nervousness, severe shouting pains thleagh the pelvic organs cramp«, hearing due n pains, and an irntable disposition eontpellod me to seek medical advise. The doctor, after narking an examination, slid that I bad ovarian truu- ble and ul.rration, and advised nn operation as i 1} only tripe. To this 1 strongly objected —and deehhx lastLydia 1 as a l resort W tr • .t E. Pinkhnnt's Vegetably Compound. " To my surprise the ulceration healed, all the ba.l syulptoans disappeared, and 1 ant once more strong, vigorous nod well; and I can- not express } thanks what It has done for rte." Ovarian and womb troubles are steadily on the increase among women —and before submitting to an opera- tion every woman should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and write Mrs. I'inlrhant at Lynn, Mass. for advice. For thirty years Lydia E. I'inkham Vegetable Compound has been curin g P the worst fortes of female complaints, all ovarian troubles, inflammation, ul- ceration, fulling and displacement of the womb, leucorrhoea, irregularities, indigestion and nervous prostration. Any woman who could read the many grateful letters on file in Mrs. Pink - ham's office would be convinced of the efficiency of her advice and Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound. Ask lbs. Plnkham's Advke—A Womas Best Understands a Wasse's IMP 'Flee, We THE rums t important part of a range is t1 oven.Any kind of a fire will boil potatoc but it tel;es an evenly distributed, dry heat to bake light bread and flake, pastry. The Imperial Oxford Range is the result of over sixty years of work along the lines of oven improvement. 1\'hen we had produced the -s- perfect oven with the Imperial Oxford Diffusive worked on the other improvements that make it the most economical and easiest -managed range on the market. Imperial Oxford Rang But it is the wonderful baking qualities of its oven that has [Wade the Imperial Oxford Range fatuous. We would like to tell yott more about this range. 'Xe would like to have you examine one. If your dealer doesn't handle the Imperial Oxford Range, write us direct and we will send you our catalogues and tell you where you can see the range. 16 The Gurney Foundry C.., Limited 7OROST0, ti,ST*EAL, WIR t1I►i13, VANC.n:VKR Sold by T. 1IAWKINS & ON, Exeter. Headaches Wh:n the Head aches and the Tongue is Coated it is Biliousness or Constipation. 'Torpid Liver is at the bottom of the trouble. And it takes Fruit-a-tives to make that lazy liver work. Fresh frnit is fine for these troubles, but one can't eat enough fruit to do much good. The medicinal elements (:re in too small proportion in the ripe fruits. A clever Ottawa physician discovered a method by which fruit juices could be combinal so that their medicinal action \vo111.1 lie increased many tittles. Fruit-a-tives ate these fruit juices in tablet form. They Sweeten and tone the stomach awl liver, cure Constipation and remove all blood impurities. One Fruit -a -fives tablet has the same curative effect on liver and towels as dozens of oranges, apples, figs and prunes. And this action is as gentle as the fruit juices themselves. ..1 have been •u7ering with Torpi,l river and Ceintipstion, and end th-.1 trait -a -lives are just what m• system requires to relieve these . , uplarots. I hope many more sufferers will try them." MRS. W 1. TREPI'RV, Durrtaide, Man. I or f rutt Liver Tablets. re. It bol. At alt dralgi+ts • 1Ma(etect.red ►y Ifylt-a-tives Limited, ott