HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-26, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, OUTeitEIt 26th 1905. rJ1SSS_&L !The Surrounding News PERRY'S TABLE EMULSION OF-- Items of Interest Here and There Furnished tE NORWEGIAN LIVER OIL \V'1TH 0P110SP111'1'ES F {.IME AND SODA. CURES Colds and builds the System. ul) ;ASANT TO TAKE. -It will you good. CE -:)0c and $1.00. 2t 1 ownings rug Store ern Pot Silver ch Fern Pot is lustrat;on of the values Diamond offer customers having its own S. e article is of first its silver plate in design of hand effect. With a of rich -colored ttery, it sells for $5.00. and Hall would oncy if by any ou were not RIE BJ OS. LIMITED -+-- 138 YONGE ST. NTO - ONT. l xeter Times It 1'OIt OCTOIIElt, 1905 1 8 15 22 29 2 0 16 Zi 30 3 10 17 24 31 .. . 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 211 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 BER 26th 19115 TRARS1(11' ocate is advanc- Mr..1oeeph fleck Huron in place of present incumoent. lac It 04 .,cen a11 indef.). r ndef .- r ilt the interests of ivy party, carrying the It 1 wo contests but hie scat each time. Exeter, is an aspirant and %virile he hos nev- e. he Iii always used (forts in behalf of the a rOII'lderan1c por- table I ince to its in• r. h t, erten been of - of contesting a seat it refused desiring e to furl het hes the party in a private 4 a 111:1:1 of excete ce and if it c)iinzc is n the Re.ivtrarnhie of q the man above all is entitled to recognitint) iso• tilt. ippoint"mere. yer's like your thin, rough, Bair? Of coursc you Do you like thick, smooth hair? Of you do. Then why 'r Vigor pleased? Ayer's Hair ekes beautiful heads r, that's the whole Sold for 60 years. Ayer'. filar Titer for • lone.. Irodd, a wonderful hair toni% to the. Asir and r.•Aly. and. At proving a splendid ereutu .1. W.TAIL M. .1141111. Int T. J. C. ArsR r(+.. Lowell Mal. for Hair By Our Correspondents. CR I:O1TON -At the mon ;ase sale of the Silos property on t he 23rd, $685 was real- ized. The property consisted of 3 acres and a dwelling. A meeting of the literary society of our village will be held at the home of Mr. Bluett on Friday evening, Oct. 27th. A full attendauce is requested and an invitation is extended to any wishing to join to attend this meeting There will be special Thanksgiving Services in the Evangelical Methodist church on Sunday looming next in German. In the evening Rey Damm will confluence a series of sermons on "Divine Healing", English. The sub- ject will be The Bible on Doctors and Medicine. Mr. W. Kerr, of Chicago, is here this week, havin • been called home by the death of his father, the late John Kerr, Mrs. John Hertzel is on the sick list. Mr. W. B. Geiser has just placed a fine Heintzwan piano in his home. Mrs. Rosin) 1'inkbeiner is spcist- iIt It few weeks visitin; Mrs. I). Truemrer, Hay. Thursday is Thanksgiving. Next Tuesday will be llallow'en Lock out for your gates. Mr. Sidney Mara, off Clandeboye, spent Sunday in town. OLE. Bort Clark is •busy puttying up ;Ill Idle old windows. Bert ie well Drained for tlint •businese and thus igives ...stood satisfaction to all Mr. Jacob Holtzman is (lotting a cement cistern In the cellar of his residenoo. Z Mr. Arthur `!.wicker spent a few days in London, the guest of his patent s. Bert has so far Bailed. ho shoot any ducks and he cannot understand how Wes. got three ducks and four rabbits. Quite a number from dere attend ed Mr. John Pedlar's sale on Wed- nesday of ,last week. Miss Christina Brown is spending a few doys with friends in Chesley. Mr. Samuel Kuhn has returned home after spending a few weeks in Sebewains, Mian., with friends. Miss Lily jr'ahnor bee engaged with Mr. J. H. Boltzmann as ta.11aress. Mr. James Lawson bas purchased the house and Lot formerly *occu- pied by the late Tebios Fanner. Wo are .pleased to learn that Mrs. Henna and Lydia Finkbeiner .lard able to be •ar•.oun11 at3!ain after their recent illness. Mr. G. Brown, tax collector has finished his rounds and for the con- venience of 'teepee -ors will be at his office to ,receive taxes. Mr. and Sirs. J. 11. ILoltzntann are attending ,the Provincial Sunday school convention held at London t his week. Post office Inspector Moloney was in 'town last week inspecting the posioflicc. He reported everything in firer class condition and coa3rat- ulated our i t'niul posttnaatee for the excellent manner in. which the affairs of the Crediton iostoffice are conducted. Mr. 11. Brown 1113 received a fresh corer;nmenl of robbers, shoes etc., which► is composed of the latest 01141 11103t up -to -dote styles. While a horse belonging to Mr. Kilmer, of McGillivray, was bitched to a post in froth of Mr. Brown's store last Friday, it roared and plunsed forward goiter through a plate !sloes window in •the store. M re. Kilmer, 1io1din; an infant in her arms, was in tar .coma;e at the time but was not injured. The hor wile cutsomewhat, but not badly. The death of John Kerr on Sun- d:iy haat in hi. 66111 year 1enlaVeS ::ane of Stephen's early pioneers, and his death i, tgreally rc;rel led by all those who knew him. Mr, Kerr was an Irishman, having been born in Tubcrcurry, County Shoo, Ireland. \Whorl a your; man lie carne to this country, first localise at Hamilton, ss here he remained only n few months, after which ho came to Ilu- ron, set thin; on the 'fntl concession of Stephen, Alvin; there nix years. Ile then tnoved to the horse e here he lived until his /teeth. The dcoeased %as a• brick -maker by I rade, a Meth- odist in reli Jinn. reformer in poli- tics and was a charter member of the Crediton pod;e I. O. O. le. %hick order, with Ifcv. Andrew., Lead services at the Exeter none- tery, where 1 he remains were in- terred yesterday. The deceased is mut-sheet by •1 widow and five child- ‘`. . hild- \1.11.. of Chico o, CIO/ICS. Vlcs- lcy W.. Fi'. derick and Evelyn J. Cr.:lilon. One brother survives hint, Ito!:^rt,• who live. or. 'the old home• ,: set in 1ICLunl. 1 11t1:TON (Too tate for last week.) e., -.Mi. R rtlr- Free .1 Ills ell a n o t h [lur- ch 1se•1 from ?1 I. Geo. llezleened Ili • Ol acre term end will quit the hoose chose. ter business and go tartllin, ! • t sprit';. it is not just fully i f• t- •: what '.1r. Hazelwood will • will likely purchase 143 nei.rhborhoof. ;t that our vi1'ore Dr. •f his preot ise and pro- .' i !melte in Toronto . ei,:er h 1larehall h:v, • •• ct a cetnent e .Isle 36X60 feet ss is 1, ,.i1. Mr. .1. Taylor i+ also yrs c is - t cement tt ao•l a1e•1 0. - int up eons, ' the eupplic•, of Raven I, 'kr• cement of which ('o .\I r. Taylor I si: irebolder. Ile hes alto just .`;,n!; ' ed a nice piece t1 sidewalk :0 f• :.f his piece. Netters Tike ulvocInes 1 thin; you aro inters,- s in. -Nlr. Randolph Davie has been at to:diet the hi ;It aohool at \Wood- ,'ock since midsummer. On &llur- 1 .y 1:1+1 h ` returned hotne and will inert! St. '.lary. MAI :sohm1. Sick 1,^.1,1 idle i. canoed by a di,or- d"rel condi: ion of the Mom telt and id quickly cured by Chernis rlain's d;onmcl' :Im1 Liver Tablets. For stale in Exeter by W. 8. Iioncy . 1IENSALL Ito v. (1)r.) Medd ret urne'I horse Friday fnwut a three weeks' trip t.) New Ontario, Where he with others went on a ptectstuo trip. Mr. Medd reports cvCryflourishing in the new count ry, the recent reports of large silver deposits being found. baking tltousantls of prospectors? there. -!lir. A. L. Case ;std !!5y mother, Mrs. G. I. Case. have returned from their holidays which they have been spending in Detroit and other pointy -Rev. Mr. Smith, pastor of Car- mel church has been confined to his room through illness during the past week. but is now illi provint nicely. - Mrs. Thos. 1k•l1, of Wingbarn. ac- companied by her little Bon is here visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dick. -Miss Ida Dick, of Durham, was here Iasi'• week, spending a felt- days with her father, who is so very ser- iously ill. - Mr. Mervyn Brown, son of Mr. George Brown ,of this village, and who last summer very successfully passed his eramii,at.ion as a druggist. has secured a goal position as run- nier of a drug store in Toronto. -Mrs. John Elie and two youns dauzhlers left hast week for Lone don -Mr. Goo. Joyrtt has purchased the evaporator which has in the past peen parried on by Mr. Ilerrin, of Dunvillc, and intends carrying it on more extensively than in Ilie past. -Miss Mina Doan, of Zurich, sis- ter of Miss Doan, teacher in our school, leflt here last week for Min- neapolis, Minnesota• -Mr. A. L. Case. agent G.T.R., Denfield is relieving Mr. A. II. Kits :agent G .T. 11. here, for the nex:0 eek. . 11AYFIELi) -Miss Etta McLco:l, trbo has been visiting ler parents the past few weeks, retunred .to Toronto on Mon- day. -Messrs. John Sl ungeon and Geo. Erwin left on Monday for Port Burwell. - Dr. Metcalf, of Detroit, spent n few days lust week with his family in the villa:ge. -Mrs. John McLeod, who Is.'s wiled to Ituntsville a few months ago on account of the serious illness of her husband, returned home lard week. Mr. McLeod is recovering. The anniversary services in colt.ncc- tion with 8t. Andrew's church, held on Sunday and Monday were a suc- cess. Large congregations greeted the preacher, Rev. Latchford, of Lon- don. on (Sunday morning ani evening. The Ica -meeting on Mon- day evening was a success. The la- dies were indefatigable in attending to the wants of the ninny • who thronged the tea Mole. The pros gram given in the church included adresscs try Revs. t'rquh:trt. of Kip - pen, Davidson and Brown of Varna. and McNeil tend Mr. James Wallis of the village. Misses Ceaateo, Mcltae, and Howson of Clinton and Misses Ituby \\•hiddon of the village and Laura Richardson of Stanley rens d^red excellent t,oleo. They, assist- ed by the choir* of 8l. Andrew's fur- nished the musical pare of the pro• ram. -A meeting of tho directions of the Pair will he held on Friday of ales week to :settle utt business. CrNll- plainte, if any, muse be lodged with the secretary hefore 1103 meeting. I'rize money will bel Paid ,on and ti- ler the 2811i inst. -Mr. .Iohn Sl,;utbury•, who fol many years lived upon 'the London Itoad, but for several months past has been a resident of Clinletr., will spend the winter in Bayfield with Isis brother, 1)r•. 51 anbury. -L. O. L. No. 21 purpose I;lulu t an entertainment on the 'well- ing of Nov. 3rd, ,the anniversary of the Gunpowder plot (allies on Sun - it iy. -Mrs. Townshend, of Tucker - entitle is the guest of her bn,lhei. i)r. Stanoury. INSOMNIA ANi) INi IGESTiON CURED "Last year 1 hind a very severe at- t;ick of indi cost ion. 1 could not sleep nt night and suffered most excruciating pains; for three hours after each meet. i was troubled this way for about three months wien i turd Charnberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and received im- mediate relief," says .iohn Dixon. Tullemorc. Ontario, Canada. For elle in Exeter by W. S. Iiotvey. iN•♦O *oieii•ii•••••i•4•• The 'LOW:, i+ hi:ll!y plotse.t with I.Ir.: iu-ge and interoetina 1)1111 ct•• sctul in by our corrretv,ndents i'1 h wsVk .1 WI tcc desire to express to tkenl our ',Tercet ion ami th1 ••••••4•♦•••••••••N••••• Catarrh constitutional disease in _ ment coblood ni kational acting thro and tpurifying the blood for its radical and permanent cure. Be sure to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Nasal and other local form of catarrh ars quickly relieved by Catarrlets, 104 allay infammattion and deodorise d12 CI its, ma ar la,rd s0 30 s, . W For tesdosoesnuli of resoni aWe awes send tforour4. G look on Gnarl*. Mood ro., LOMB, w L Mass: PRETTY MONTREAL CIRL "Zs:. SUFFERED DREADFULLY WITH PELVIC CATARRH. ONE BOTTLE OF PE -RU -NA BROUGHT LONG -SOUGHT RELIEF. An EnSlIah Woman's Letter. Miss Nellie South, late of Manchester, Eng., writes from 86 Prince Arthur 8t., Montreal, Can., as follows: "Peruna has mato a wonderful change in my lilo. It has brought :no health and happiness. "Since my seventeenth year I have had female complaintand irregularities. My general health suffered, I had pains in my back and lower limbs, my oyes were dim, and I became morose and un- reasonable. "Idother sought the advice of our family physician, who prescribed fo•.• Me, but I grew no better under his treatment. ".I then read of Peruse and procured a bottle. That one bottle was worth more than all the doctor's medicine I had taken previously. 1 felt so much better and kept on taking it for six weeks with marked improvement in my health. "I cannot express my gratitude. Peruna has been a groat blessing to me." -Nellie South. Pelvic Catarrh -The Bane of Woman- kind. What used to be called female diseases by the medical profession is now called pelvic catarrh. It has been found by experience that catarrhal diseases of tiro pelvic organs aro tho cause of most cases of female diseases. Dr. Hartman was along tho first of America's greatest physicians to make this discovery. For forty years he has been treating dis- eases peculiar to women and long ago he reached the �oaolosion that a woman entirely free fconi catarrhal affection of these organs W u14 not be subject to female diseases. ie, therefore, began using Peruna for est) cases and found it so admirably opted to their permanent cure that otuna has now become the most re- lithle remedy for female diseases ever WWII. Everywhere the women are ttiif?g it and praising it. Perlia 1e not apalliative simply; it cures by remov- ingthe cause of femalo diseases. . Hartman has probably cured more woman of female ailments than any FEW WOMEN ARE 1201IELY FREE r*OM CATARRIL ••••••••••••••••••••4'••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••♦••♦♦••♦•••♦•••••••••••N••••••••••••• ■ MISS NELLIE SOUTH. other living physician. He makes these cures simply by prescribing Peruna. Wo have on filo thousands of testi- monials from grateful women like the one given above. Wo can give our readers only a slight glimpse of tho vast array of unsolicited en- dorsements wo are receiving. No other physician in tiro world has received such avolume of enthusiastic and grate- ful letters of thanks as Dr. Hartman for Peruna. It you suffer from pelvic catarrh, do not neglect it. Take Peruna at once. There is danger in delay. Peruna can be purchased at any first-class drug store at $1.00 per bottle. If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from the use of Perlia, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a fell statement of your case, and he will bo pleased to give you his valuable a& - vice gratis. Addres Dr. S. B. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. All correspondence held strictly oon fidential. WRITE DR. HARTMAN FOR FREE MEDICAL ADVICE. MAPLE..LEAF. Br4 '• �c1.. TRADE :j MAR1i q�G Maple Leaf Rubbers are made only from the best "Para" rubber. '.Hdc to fit every style and shape of men's sl.-•; -. ladies' shoes and shoes for the little ones. I.; i ones' ill tpcs the'. are neat, 1i, ll t, perfect fitii'ig and lasting. Insist on the "Maple Leaf" Brand -- it's on every rubber. Sold by all dealers. J El. i'tV11.1.11 -in last weeks' neoount of the death of Mr. W. It. Spicer. the Times inadvcrt.anlly gave his rise as 75 in• stead of 57 yeirss it was a tytve zraphiciI error and was not noticed until the paper was lagscd. The fun- eral of Mr. Spicer look place Thur=- (l:1y nkerrloon, interment at the Fee - ter cemetery. The corte;e was one of tie lamest ever seen here, shoe - ins the hill) esteem in which the 411•• ceased was held. A number of rcla- isee and friends from a distance were here attending the funcrel which Wall in chars() of the order of Chosen Friends of which he wits a member . A MIII,I,Ire\ 1)OLI.Ait$ 1•')I 1\1►1'.ItE1). it is vstinuttc•l thi, gum wee w•a!1- , 1 t -1st year by. j4.op!e try in; to find I cure for catarrh. Foolish for suf- r•. I experiment when i:', so 11 kr ltvn ;hat "Cola rr hosone i+ 1he oely remedy Ihat Cores perman- ently." Other treatments only -re- I u. 1.ut- ('atarrhoxone care. and : t. :.- the disease from ever rc- tur"i►1z. ''1 hall 1'Itarrh in its worst (oral" write G. E. Fadden, of Itoyan, Que. "1 war el I,a4 that ordinary medicine Jit1'nt even relieve ; but C •- 11t1Itnztee ruled perfectly." No rh'1nee of Nile l pp-rnt reel! 1 wit h Ci- Irrhoaone-it's ccrinin as death to curt' your catarrh -just try it. FULLARTON A or 11141 concert under the aus- pices of r he Mot hottest church will be given in the Town 11111 on Mon- day. Oct. 30th. 1905. 11i,e Estelle Livingstone, London's popular nn01 versatile elocutionist, tLe Imperial Male Quertint te, of &fort h anti Miss Lulu Essory,o[ Crcd►tcntill take part. -Noose of the (It ath of '1rs. \\'m. ltuesel!, South Tillnles !toot, was heard with much Borrow by a Lase number of friend, in this ootnmuni- T r place 1 ly. b. sad event teak p ae of Sao. urvlay, Oet. lith, the cause beirll at- tributed to aur.; trouble. Mr)). nes- sell was aged scout 47 years. To her sorrowing husband and children the (11031 heartfelt svrnpathe i. extended. The funeral tv:Ie I.,r rely attended on Ttt'•.•:ay to Itoy's church cemc ery, n service teeing 101.1 nt the church prior In interment. SOMi4 SEASONABLE ADVICE it may be a piece of superfluous advice to urge people at thin Benson of the year to lay in a supply of e1a.1m1erL•1in'e relish Remedy. it is almost surd to be needed before win- ter ie over, anti much morn prompt and sat iefectory resets are obtiie- 00 when taken ae soon e.!1 a cold is eartracted end before it Inas bt•ootnc settled in the system, which can on- ly Iw• d',no by keepins tris• remedy at bend. This remedy is so widely knrev n and no at•ooze l)er gonad 1hat no nnr shooed hesitale about buy - ins it in preference to any other. It M for Mlle in Exeter byW. 8. lloaiy. Save Your Money Buu Your Dinner Set at London Grockoru Go. 169 Dundas St' "Why do we sell so many Dinner Sets?" Because we give you better value for your c money than any other Crock- ery store in the country. We buy where the goods are trade and can afford to see you closer in price because IOU and WE slake all there is to be made in the deal. No one else comes between us to make any profit out of it. "Goods direct from the mak- ers to you" thats it. _ 97 Piece Dinner Sets, Good Value at;$14.00 for $10.00. Tlie Sets are just in and are of Exceptional value. Beautiful shadings and colorings, also beautifully traced in best gold. 1 97 Piece Sets, Good Value at '' $12.00, Cur {'rice $9.00 Also sold by the piece. Make up your own tet. Always hlate - able if broken and of the;test Englil h St rni Pc trend!) with full gold lines. 97 Piece Sets, Good Value at $8.50, Our Price $6.60 Z You should see these. You cannot get tech volute any where else beautiful clear prints, spin:did patterns er d gctd quality of wale • Now shapes. 22 97 Piece Sets, Good Value at $t5,00, Our Price $12.00. • 2 This is also a Stock Line. 9(13 that is its number. Cowes in •► • • Dainty Pink Spray with green colorings in leaf, al,ncst as good • • as chin % and just to ok at the price. Made al Staffotdshi►e Eng- • • • land. Quality A 1. 2 2 98 Piece Sets, Good Value at $re.5o, Our Price $13.00_ nil, is n beautiful white and gold pattern, Just as pretty e.9 most 2 2 China wade by "Johnston Bres."the teat Poltets in England. Stock Line "Make a 1�}cur cwn set" "Buy what seu nerd." • • Conte and see the largest assortment. C•c ere ar.d see the lest values 2 COME AND SEE THE NEWEST PATTERNS. ?5U ♦ COME AND SAVE YIt MONEY -By buying cur margccds, We show the largest line of Crockery, Glassware, China. ♦ 2 Lames, Etc. in Ontario. Cc ere and see for yourself. 2; London Crockery Co. it' 2 • ♦ 169 Dundas Street, London. t2: • 2 • WE PREPAY express or freight c•hatges on all purchases o •2` • $10.00 or over, •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 • MARA'S Phone 1684. 134;Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane,Yo1 mer Screaton Pr( raises. IQ IRON, 011-TAR20 EVERYTHING NEW Those Chilly Days! Those Chilly Nights! Have You Made Preparation ? Large size cotton blankets, white and grey 750 Wool Blankets, thoroughly scoured, large size blue and pink border; special, pair $2.45 Comfortables, large size, good filling; special$1.19 Comfortables, large size, pure white filling..$1.75 and $2.50 Cashmere Finish Wrapperettes. 36 inches, _' widths to a comforter, all colors; regular 15c, for, a yard.... IOC Medicated Bats, large size ; each 10c Nowlis the time for umbrellas ; special, each 44o School Boys' and Girl:' Umbrellas, with Croak. Umbrella, gloria top, paragon frame, steel rod, glove protector, mounted handles ; regular $1.00 for.. 69c • See Our Selection at $1.00. Horn handles, patent runners, Al tops, ; best in city; special. $1.00 Oilcloth Time Best Oilcloth, :16 inches wide, square yard 24c Linoleum, 36 inches wide, square yard, . , ,. ..... 35e Oilcloth squares, 11 yards square Oilcloth squares, 2 yards square 950 ........ $1,45 Boys' and Mens' Peak Caps Half Price Marls' and Boys' Sample Caps, comprising half dozen to a line, new style and colorings; regular 35c and 50c: for, each Newness in Shirt Waist Suits Chiffon Broadcloth Shirt Waist Suit, new styles and designs; brown, blue, green; Helena make; regular $15.00, for Regular $18 00, for Arens' Shooting Coats, neww shale, up-to-date 25c $10.00 $11.00 . $1,25 Rubber Carriage !tugs, plaid lining $1.25 Mail Orders Especially Attended to. :• THE E fell .■ nOto♦n BANK 1•s•si 2 • • • 2 •2 2 • (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 14.-Z) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • 51000.000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • • S3,000,000.00 48 Hranchet in Ontario, Qi:(bee. Alterta iirttl.h Columbia aryl �1 toltoba EXETER BRANCH Open every !Awful Day from in A. 1N. to 3 P. x. except Saturday 10 A. M. to 1 r. w. For,tsorw' Mnle iVoter; cashed nr collected. Forms supplied On application. lots en All p(1110.4 111 the Dominion. Goat erltaln anal 11n lied State.. bought and 1.o1d at lowest rWle,l of exchange, BAVIN(IM DEPARTMENT Desporeltvs o •1.00 on 1 upwards received. lntereet nom- poundee half lcarlr•y. And added to princfiA1 Jane 301h /met December 31.1. De- toslts Reeder. alio Iwurd and heeled, current rate+ of luteret Allhtsed. Advancers made to farmers etot k dealers and business men at lowest rata and on most favorable term.. Agent, at Exeter for Dom. Government. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. D. HURDON, Nan • • a