HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-26, Page 1►
The Wedding Season
We have the most up-to-date wed-
4Li stationery to be had. When it
tllleeeee to bill Leads:, envelopes, etc..
SIM can always fill orders.
Did You Ever See OU
Work ?
\Celt, me excel :it it. Ei.v.
mu (4) i., nu.(t and 101 ten' up
best t:tyte to please the eye.
for ret the Times m hen, yoU
anything in printing.
Hardware and Seed Store
is the place for Builders and those intending to build
should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
line of
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Cements we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
, ; we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
• and can give you firstclass material. Try us and
you will be conuinced.
At Exeter and Centralia During Recent Months
Has received TEN, FIFTEEN, TWEN-
many calls for stenographers,
bookkeepers. etc., as It had stud-
ents graduating during the same
months. Some of the eateries of-
fered were from $40 a month to
$1,200 per annum. THIS CLEARLY
RONIZE. Enter now. Handsome
catalogue free.
Nov ready for use, the best
Cement and Lime
That money can buy
Coal for Everybody
at lowest prices
You are Suit buyers. We make the
knits—you wear them out. We make
them as well as we can, so that they
Will not wear out sooner than they
Might. Because, if they do, you'll
likely go somewhere else for your
IIs=t Suit. And no one could blame
you. So much money ought to buy
on much Suit worth. And Suit worth
II fashionableness of fabric—style in
est—fel—finish—looks — dressyness —
Slid length of service.
As good a place as there is within
Utiles to get all this and not pay too
anuch is W. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $15.00
and $18.00.
Merchant Tailor
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited.
78 Dundas St., London
Have you a farts that you want
to Belli \Va'ito for our terrtus of sol.
ling property. \Ve have themon(
method of advertising and
elode. 1)
Sinking property in (Sanao you
want to buy a farts or business
,property in any part of Ontarien
Send for our list. We have some
bier ea.ine.
rifFall'!ARF: vOI'It limits
if they nye and don't )iutnlmr
biilbcr %ban this men's you )nd bet-
ter see u'1 at. nnec.
C'O'I 1t
and ;et .a 114'W set from us. They
will be free train disease ,terms and
keep your rr,llp in a za>,I healthy
condition. Our n'w stock 'f brush -
VA awl combs arojttat the thin/ 'lo
keel. t1• Iter hem f llll►t out.
W. S. NOWEY, Phln. B.
Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont
O- dtiNTOAZi.
/ 1/
2 This small advertisement re re -
sents one of the largest and best
Ibusiness colleges in Canada. No
school in the Dominion does more
for its students than we do. To
= our knowledge not one of our
graduates is unemployed. We
get far more applications than we
can meet. You may enter at any •
time. Write for our handsome 1
W. J. ELLIOTT, principals Z
D. A. McLACHLAN, - _
—Mrs. Jas. Rowcliffe, while r3oir.z
into the woodshed on Monday, had
the misfortune to fall on her arm.
The doctor was eurnmoned and it
was found she had broken her wrist
1►csidcs suatainin; other injuries in
her back. it is to be hoped that the
injuries are not serious.
—A number of people from this
villa.;e attended the fowl uspper at
Bchtany on Mondry nicht. Miss
Gerrie Millar assisted in the pro:I-e ur
eivine three excellent recitation~.
All report to have bad an enjoyable
—\tics Ella Robinson, who has herr
visiting friends in Detroit and else-
where returned home on Tuesday
—Mrs. 1). (:nuldin.r and son Itoy
are Viist.inL relatives in 13atinaw and
other paints.
—Mrs. Simon Boland and Mrs. G.
Ilazelwoo.1 visited friends in Mune
shine one day last week.
Mr. It. Croery, sr., on Monday
(venin, last slipped on the cement
floor in his stable and struck his
head mzaitttet the Stet!. ,
—Mr. James Jolles, of Winchelsea,
h:1s purchased all Mr. Ratnl Ilicks'
apples on t 1,e 1 rues. Mr. Jones pays
Mr. hicks $75 for the ❑piers 01141
does all the pickily/ and pack in g.
Tliur,.ilay ,afternoon a n,1d acci-
rdatnt occurred :I t r ho nett- North
sIreet Bcthalist church, G(tderi:h.
yount ratan was at
work in ide pasting 111,1 meted! coil -
iter and fell to ,the basement, n die-
tens- of elerty-fits or forty feet.
The Plied/4 for Om train floor of the
church am not very .far apart and
with the Fauns and other 1in1be,
aronll•d it is a mystery fliow the
young mall Int thr'oeeli to the has"-
tnete. 1)r. Whitely attended to, the
injured 111,111. and found four sins
eroken ft rim the spinate column and
>lpntli Po Kind YaHaliwn hot other internee it►rludin; a cut on
the head. irk escape from even
d I more perilous ,injuries was almost t
miraeulottw .
STOVES. --if you are in need of a stove or for -
mice, don't fail to have a look at our *lock.
we were never in a better posilton to supply
your wants. 1C. 1'. Paulin, Hardware. Stoves
and Ttnsintlhinx.
\V 01. Rohde and Andrew Masser
have returia+d home from 'Manitoba
where they have been welkin; all
Itev. Jelin Willert, Presbyterian
11:ir::c:ter, ,of Tacoma, Wash., preach-
ed .tn instructive sermon in the Ev
V:uL.;clicat church Sunday night,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Fuller-
ton, visited Mrs. J. Rutledge last
Mark Ilrokenshire has tnotod to
Mrs. L. Kraft's strop, tamest by J.
Fred Baker has purchased 'half an
R. B. Samuel Promoted' THANKSGIVING
Mr. It. Il. Samuel, who for t
past Revert years ltls been r ernes
ant 1t 1le Moleons Lank here,
ceived the eleasins nems on Mond
that lie had been appointed tnanae
o[ the lli;lteale brands to take e
feet Oct. 25tH. Exeter will be sor
'For all !t he store.] of .varnercd ;rain,
It_ f For all eho fruit: �tlre harvest yields,
rc- Rich with the blcssin.9that the rain
Asst summer sun have orougttt the
er fields
f- \\'e I;1)0 our thanks. but not alone
ry ; For these our eratitudc we own.
o ose r. anrucl, who has by hi
Good fellowship and ;eniel marmot
endeared himself with t hose wird
whom Ito came in contact. Ile wa
a valued member of -the bowling clu
and he will be greatly missed on th
erect'. Ile very recently moved in
to his rJ^te residence and the appoint
trent casae .3s a surprise to him
On Ta^vdiy ei nin•z ar 'lumber of his
frig:ds m:•t %%itat hill. ,in the parlors
of the .Ccairel hotel, when be was
acs,' •of Jared rear; Mr. \Nen. Snell.1preserved %lith :rn.addresrt and three
Njlte>►t Edi+zhof(er, %•h° was tt'ork- beautiful c)::ii•', leo Leh.; iron. his
at .the shoo' trade far his broth- many .frieudti in 1cu•.1 aad one from
cr, left Tuesday for his home ;,.It from Mr. Al. Mcl)onneli, who has
always appreciated the affable man-
ner .of Mr. Samuel. in buseeess 'tron.4-
actaons. Mr. R. J. M. Perkins made
1l:e pre'_^111at►o:t speech, whxh• was
very nicely res.pc:uled tie by Mr.
Samuel. Tutsis were given by Mess
srs. lfurdon, Muir,elcD,onnell, O'Neil
Senior, Betohor, Carliny, Knight,
Walters, Bissett, Dyer seal others.
The address:
R. 11. Samuel, Esq.—it is will* an
expression of deep re.eret that we
the undersizned have hear+l that yet
aro to remove from Exeter to take
another eittie lion and a liielier One
Ravin; been so don, all inhibitaitt
of Exeter, we locked upon you .ts
one of its citizen» and by your Good
quality and •'ood friendship have
won our esteem. We trust that in
the place you are 1;oin; to make
your future home that you will not
forget old friends and occasionally
and tet us knot, how you are pros-
perittz. Our best teethes zo with yen
and ett know full well you cannot
help but rise to n higher situation
if lift is spared you. We wish both
you and Mrs. Samuel every happiness
in your new home. Wo be; of you
to accept ,thee presents as a small
token of our esteem.
Mr. Samuel left ye-sterdary inorninz
to resume .his naw ;duties at Ilizh-
.;at.e. Ile wee succeeded by 'Mr. W.
D. Clark, of Antheretbun;, who has
commenced bis new duties.
s i For brawny hand and honest heart
To tend elle loony -or till the soil,
1 For steady brain to bear a part
s in helpful +thou lit, in hopeful toil,
o For joy Ito work, and oravily live,
c Much more for these our tianks we
• give.
. For viciory for our flee unfurled
O'er broad domain in 'distant land,
For prestige in the wider world
Where older nations n at chino stand,
We give our thanks,. but not alone
For these our .gratitude we own.
131:1 kc.
Mrs. David Bashes is on the sick
list. We, Irish her a speedy rccov-
cry r.
hl r. .Jonas 11*rttcib is down in bed
%vitt* 1ypleed fever. We hope to see
hies :wound ega.in coon.
Itov. 0, Yager, of Zurich, address -
cd the Y. P. A. meeting Monday
the sick
Haymaker, who has been on
list iv •able to be up agent.
Mr. John Piper spent Sunday :t
his parents home in .Exeter.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Andrew spelt
a few •(keys m•ilit their son at Croat
—Mr. Joseph ILawkins attends
tate funeral of his cousin, Dr. T
1'. Smith, of Elora, on Monday. Mr
Smith will bo remembered by many
being en eye specialist.
Special anniversary services will be
preached on Sunday next, ,29th Meteby Rov. Veale, of Kirktcn circuit. A
special colleotion ,and freewill offer -
Ln, of at lova$85 i4 asked (for by
the trustors of the church.
—Mr. Garret Miners and BruceCooper are en:azed for a fete m•eeks
packing -apples .for J. G. Jones.
—Quito a large (number of the
Chosen Friends •turned out on Tues-
day afternoon end lived up to the
[raternnl side of Iho order by (akin;
up a large crop of man;olds for M rs.
11. Spioor.
—Mrs. Rtts4 Skinner, who has been
vi. -ting lior brother any! sister • in
Manitoba returned borne kit •week
andvapor's a pleasant trip.
—Mr. lbobt. Wilcox. jr., is supply-
itre ns clerk at Mr. Jim Jones at
—Mr. Wm. hunter is t;ccriitz his
driver les a hi,zh speed., !think:: he
%t•ilt ome day be another Dan Patch.
—Anot her well k nown and highly
esteemed citizen erns passed do his
reward in Idle person of Mr. John
Billson, who was for smarty fifty
years n resident of Whalen nnrl for
many years the postmaster of that
place. One year Digo he moved to
l'ort Ii.op)e 10 spe'ne 'the remainder of
his file twit h his neice, and leas en-
joy d zood health up Iter two weeks
previous 110 his demise. Deextlsed
was a staunch member of the Meth-
odist church and for yeetrs lie was
superirtlendant of the Sunday school
at the Freewill eppointnient, on this
circuit. Although he was but. one
short year in his new home, he •11311
won for himself many wenn friends.
who showed their esteem for I►itn
in his sickness and da1(h. His son
George. of Whalen, attended the fun -
oral on Fru11y last. lin lalves three+
sons r ekind
n to moon the loss o[ •t
father, )d', wife predecesirrz him
eihtcen months a;o.
—The funeral of the +infant child
of Mr. ntel Mrs. Wm .ilnook, of
filar4hard took place to 'the Zion
cemetery .on Monday
—Mrs. Joseph Morley and Mrs.
Charles ilooper, who have been on
the sick Tint are recovering and we
hope %till soon 1:41 nut a;ain.
—itev. Mr, Veal, of itirktnn, will
!trench here .on Sunday 'next.
—The heeevy .r.ninte of hast week
hive dcktyed the farm work quite
n Lot. Most of our 'farmers me
busy ;otline .their apple', and other
':upplic's in for the winter.
A well known travelling roan who
visits the drug trade says lie hos
often heard drureets enquire of
customers who asked for a cough
medicine, %whether it was wanted
for a child or for an adult, and if
for a child they ai:nvet invariably
recommend Citanit,crinin's Cornell
Remedy. The reason for this is that
they know there is no danger from
it and that it always cures. There
is not the least dancer in rewire
it, and for cou;h9, cords ante croup
it is un.,urpassed. For sale in Este -
A few sections of good
North-west land for sale at
$6.76 an acre. Apply to
OF'FiCE—Main Street, Exeter.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Allays Bought
Bears the
Signature of
++i %t F•I-1.$-•fry` 1-F : ++4 :: :4 :4444+
You can limy the best mixed fam-
ily flour which is made of all choice
wheat, guaranteed to ;Om you first
class satisfaction, at $2.00 per hun-
dred lbs., and pure Manitoba at $2,25
per hundred lbs. at the Ilensall
flouring mills.
—Rev. G. W. Andrews is preach-
ing at .the speoinl services in Exeter
\rain street Methodist church this
week .
—There will be serviece held here
to -teary (Thanksgiviu; Day) at 10
o'clock n. m.
—Mr. Milton Mitchell returned
home on Saturday evening after
sweetie; the summer in ithe North-
west .
—Mr. Fletcher, of London, was the
.suet .of Miss Lilly Anderson, on
—51iss May Hawkins, of Elimville,
tt as the guest -of Miss Vera Essery
on Sunday.
—Mr. Frank Hoyle .and Mr. Cecil
Simpson, .of Luoa11, visited at their
homes here .>n Sunday.
—Miss Alio ilandford and M rs.
held, ,of Exeter, visited at Mr. Rir.h--
ard ILandfeed's on Sunday. .
We delve 'received A copy of the
beautiful picture. entitled "Queen
Alexandra her grandchildren and
do;t," liven to suescribcrs of the
Family.Ilcrald and \Veckly Star, who
club with the Times. We will give
you b papers r 4 .80 a
both s [o f t J l 07
1 4 toJan. 1 llc
and you will receive the beautiful
picture free ani to make ,gond trea-
sure we will sive the Farmer's Man
al rind Veterinary Guide, without one
(doubt the best premium offered with
a newspaper. \Ve also have some -
thine. else good in store for our
The last reeular Vulcan storm per-
iod for Octoner extends from the
24th to the 20th being cent rat' on the
25th. The Moon will ne nn active
factor in 11:^ disturbances of th:s
periost. It passes tierces the celes-
tial equator going southward on the
2Gth, while en the% 28tH it is ntr its
conjunction with Earth and Sun, or
at new Moon, heir{ on the 8:1111(1 day
al its perigee. or nearest print 10
the Earth. Chatiee to much warm-
er, with a decided fait of the baron).
vier, %trill tee ncted in western sec-
tions by the 24th and 25(11. These
condi) ions will Is. quickly kit lowed
by cloudiness, storm and precipita-
tion. Ity Thure.lay the 20111, decided
storms, :Mewled by heavy •rains and
autumnal Ii.;hlcnillz 1011 thunder,
and 11* their eastward tn:•reli acroni
tlic rout I ry. Ihese storms will
roach i heir cri. is and culminate in
nrttnh force on and douching the 28111
Warns f1111iu1117nl r31/Pit Will r►e nat-
ural from about the 20t11 to the 281h
A sudden and severe. c.l►1nza t 0 much
colder %till Almost certainly nisei out
of the %test and north Within 1wen-
y--four hours of slut (!nun on the
28th. As the month •zoos out .1 re-
action try stern) period %vill he in i:s
first state—tile barometer will he
f..ltir.; in the west, milli chanze to
11,1111`1 rod z:►thelint cloud?). This
perieel will es pi 'ss ;t self in more or
Tess Monet arid disturbed weather
conditians anti!! tee opening days
of Nwemlw•r.
Nan the IN triol Yon Hate IMa Mei
For victory much — but more for
+That show the pride of self-control,
That not alone our matien leads
In conquest, but in strength of soul,
For .:;c,:erous meed to fallen foe,
Our faith well kept, our thanks shall
Winthrop Packard
—Mrs. Ed. Maker, of Port Austin,
Mich., is visiting friends in I3iddulpli
She is at presen(J the guest of her
sister, hire. James Ifcnneey.
— Mr. Arthur Elliott of lite second
co1:cession I3iddulph has arrived
home ante from Manitoba.
—Mrs. R. Cooper has disposed of
her farm and stock and intends mov-
ing to Manitoba.
— Mr. Wellington has bou;let the
farts lately owned by Mr. Thos. Mor -
kin and bas taken possession of 1110
—dire. Fraser, of Mooresville, is
visiting Ler son, Mr. .las. Fraser, of
fort Iiuron at presort:
- Mr. Dan Aitkins, of Clarylenoye,
has taken ep his residence for the
winter in Manitoba. Ile says the
cold agrees with hint. Miss Dora
Atkinson has returned from Mani-
toba, and says il't cold enough here.
how tee differ in our opinions.
— Mr. :uwr1 Mrs. Stuart/ Ilod;ins, of
lfiddulplt, intends to lest it next
)•eek in Manitona.
A sample:co{)y.of the new premium
picture issued fry the Family Hewed
and Weekly .Star, of Montreal has
conte too harm. 10 is certainly ,a decid-
ed chanzc •from their, 1,iotu•-_3 of for-
mer years, and a chanxe.thal will tie
appreciated. It is entitled "Queen
Alexandra, Her Grandchildren, and
Do;s," a swat chenille; and antcr-
estin; suoject. It portrays Queen
Alexandra on a visit to the Itoyal
Kennels, accompanied oy her grand-
children. The picture of the Queen
turd the children ie an excellent one,
and the handsome 001110e and hounds
are so life like that one falls in love
%wills the picture at once. All suo-
scribers bo that treat weekly will
ieceive a copy of tide beautiful pic-
ture, size 22 x 28 inches, absolutely
free, on receipt of one dollar for a
year's subsoription. The publishers
of the Family Herald have also is-
sued this year a honk of immense
value 10 fanner::. 1t( is ct.iitled :
"The Farmer's Manual and Veterin-
ary Guic,e." Thin book is mid 'by
oompetent aythorities to bo elle hest
of the kind ever fssued. It cannot*
be troll;ht, but can I;c hail free on
conditions which may oat had on ap-
plication a1 this office, or 0y 1•ritin;
to %lin Family Ilemld .aiid Weekly
Star, Mont reel.
The fiftieth annual ,general meet -
n; of thio bank was held on Moti-
lity, Oct. 16th, 1903 in Montreal. In
interval t t•al
of half aur n the
ee t 1
Nelsons Ilnnk has never skipped a
dividend and the total :,mount paid
o the stockholders during that per-
od anrouute to no dens than $6,948,-
100 Lehi; a1 Iho avers ;e rate of
lute over 8 per cent. per year for
retire period.
The profit and loam account i4 n4
of lows :
la lance at credit of profit:
and loss eecount on Sept.
:to, 1901 ... ... ... $07,077 18
Net profile of t11(1 year af-
ter deduolin; expenses of
rnana..ientent, reservation
for interest accrued 011
deposits, (.5011anze and
provision for bad and
foubtful debts 300,274 51
Total ...$t:16,351 69
Appropriated as follows:
Ninety-ninth dividend, at
rate of 1(1 ler exrt. per
annum, April 1. 1903 $150,000 uli
On'1 101)1 roti th dividend, at
rate of 10 per cant. per
annuls, Oct. 2, 1905 ... ...150,000 00
nosiness taxes ... .. ... 10,149 80
Expenditure on bank prem-
ises at httltiches ... ... 53,18:3 9.1
Contribution 10 effieers'
(^halon Dina ... 10,000 110
`petrol bonus to officers ... 21.1,000 1.0
Tot / 1 $409,9:13 76
Leavitt; at credit of profit
and loss recount Sept. 30,
1903 ... ...$31,41 1.93
General Statement:
\) •posits tearing interest $16.8%).00)
U .po•-it'i hot 1;1 al in; int. 3,478.0w)
Dee/tele with Governtncnt 135,000
Municipal railway and
other recurities ... ... ... 2,841,000
Notes in circulation . 2,006,0(10
('a11 anti short louts ... :3,179010
The ('resident said : Tee whole
eta ff of the bank have ceuee to-•L,v
to feel preud of the result et their
mock ie connection with the nenk.
TI. • diroetors desire to express to
t 11 t heir apprec. It ion of t heir wr-
yness, and are plotted to be able to
:het: Ibis in a tangible way, by the
bonus elect' bar been given .
joss WulTI a Soi
The Orcat North W6.
General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North 1
Ces. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos, Lands
a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm la
We have made a number of splen did investments for our clients,
placed orders with us for selection s of Canadian Pacific ,and of
North West lands. In a number of instances values have increased
rapidly that our patrons could roa dily realize double the amount of
money they have invented, and in view of the splendid prospects
a bumper yield and an enormous cr op, and the unprecedented nuts
of settlers corrin; into the west, prices of lands of good qualify I
situated convenient to a railway aro bound to make a still furl',
large advance.
One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is t
Crop Estimate for the Present Season.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to A
We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for 1
give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands.
00 down secures 320 acres, (half section) of choice w
This would be a great investment for YOU.
The above investment is without any settlement duties what
$383.40 Secures 320 acres (half section) choice wheat land to an
settler. No other payment required for two years,
R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three mont
through the West. During his stay there he will locate a
of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the vari
railroads. Any person who desires to make an investmen
ern tands should communicate with him when full inform
be given. His address up to the t 5th October next will
General Selling Agent for C.P.R. Lands. Frobisher,
Having our Immense Show Rooms packed full o
and up-to-date furniture in every line, and in order to
room for some large shipments of goods now on order.
have decided to open the fall trade with a suprisingl
Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all intending pure
to come and examine our goods and compare our pr
fore placing their orders, as we intend cutting the
every article in our store lower than we have eve
to do before. So don't fail to take advantage o
to buy furniture at prices never before known i
The Leading House Furnishers and Funeral directors.
We know of no remedy ea reliable
as Nerviline. Twenty drops taken
in hot water three times tktily not
only stops the chill:; but destroys the
disease completely. Nervilire ,hb14 1
direct action on a:euo and chills and
removes their exc:tin; icauses. in
stomach and bowel disorders. Nervi -
line has held firsts place for nearly
fifty years. it is powerful, swift to
ac,t. Ihorouele tend perfectly !are.
Being pleasant do tads it's popular
with everybody. Your dru;zist sells
Dolrrou'8 Nerviline in lerze 25c. not -
(lee; satis(aotion guaranteed.
—Mr. Het 1114. Dent, of
'went Oro wvek unit with Mr
—Iter. .1, Fletcher Sut clif
of Grand Bend. )rcat
Metl►odisl church !a,I Su
sermons wore excellent.
—The run le qua net 1e, or
°dist church %te•n1 .ottt, a 1
by eevera1 vilketcrs, to no
Morley night. They all
ee)orl lime .
—Rev. M r. Brown, of
and his d iuzhter visited
Mrs. Geo. llnnu•n 1hie w
This week or any of
time we will be pleased
show the merits of our 1
lines Of Stoves and Range
Our stock c31JJprises S
venirs, Garlands, Hurons a
Happy Though ts.
in this line we are showing the
up-to-date in town, Art Garda
Art Souvenirs, Empire Garlands
Jewels, It will ply to examine
A New Ilea Coal or Wood Furnace will be set
up on tloor. Its many advantages and good
points are easily seen.
And Stove Store.