HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-19, Page 8shill; EXETER TIMES, OCTOBEit19th, 1905. s`S'EWA.IR, T8 Rousing Price inducements for Early Fall Buyers '1'ite seNFr n lino now staling in in earnest and the uew things !Lust be bought. 'lite stole's full of the newest fall styles for all the faintly, The earl.er }'.•u',:• bete tee better the choice and the more money you'll save, for the Fest h.erg,►ins go first. Don't forget the children, we've always something epeeixt for the busy school folks. '.1.01, .$:1.25 and up tr :).UU fa- a smelt lot of sills' It• and (. ster coats. nicely trim- - 'tic wi:h carding. with a.: • t.i.:., scams %%ith bad:. 1Selts and e:,::e with fu;I Belts. Bring the and let theta pick their own 20e. ::5c. 35c. JSe. awl up to $1.25 for the lest range o[ Ladies' Vests :Ind Drawers we have ever placed on our counters. Onc line worthy of special mention is 011.1' natural wool Vests, Draw'er's and Combination suit for women. We're selling lots of I then] . 5.00. :,,.-,(t, i..'1, rto.ttll and up .to e12.5) les e Islet, of ladies' tailor 111:•1.• to _ th,1 \%:'1 nc.k.i 10.1113' 146, ,,'•.I cu.; Lim: ... fir us -Yes• you'll see 4,11 r•.,14, S1,41', wnul 3.50, 3.75, 5.01). $6.00, $7.50 :I u.l up to s18.50 for a very complete ranee of fur neck ruffs and 14c:trfs. Our Ames -Loin Saute scarfs and ruffs at $5.1,0 elem. and $8.1111 are %•endless. 5.1.^.t > tbrier lar your choice 25c. Idte' ya.ret hor :t soup l,arram of l 5:+11:.• of %,-1,-1 ends in in dottbln fold tweed Dress Goods ••.i Shot Slot, lir effects, pu soft Valour finish, re;alar price was le (...,,, r:• en, Bei:' and Beaver tf- 10e. We g.ot a barg:tin and in turn fcc,:. '.-,: to lite the II.w Mele•ry sloe you ow. ('.dors alt greys and waist itt z._teens. FUR COATS We show nearly one hundred, and every coat a distinct bargain. Our $15.00 and $19.00 fur coats for men are money savers. and the ratan who tent's early gets the hest coat. There is lots 10 choose from. All dependable lines are represented in our etock. We have tidies fur coats in Astrachan, 13 ,Laran, near Seal, Coon, Russian Lamb and Persian L•ttub. \Ve have men's fur coats in Wombatt, Wallaby. Yack, f3nc� rive D tx. Ru=si,ua Calf, Gallow'ty C.►If, Corsican Lamb. and Coon. Our Menu !'11.,11 colt at $48.0018 a world beater and our woman's Coon coat at $40. to $5'.) (h) are values I h,tt you'll net sea later. - 51.3.511 f(!:' a 4.:•w 1115 pies • i ul ye - lean Dinner Set. 11 it ilp 1: • ;_ he rattle, , ore %white body twit! rely C 4 :. I'nk ir&e !IOW .1- 11 ions it rr.',I ,::. It look. jus( as I .:- e, o., Odra ::t tierce 0, t).. 1,11(1. "Ves ice have other d epic, : (,)." Ahrens Grain Catf Boots for boys and rilrls for school wear are, we be- lieve, the best value in Canada. Ev- ery pair is sol under •guaranitee. Your money kick if shoes .arc ]lot exactly as represented. We are sole senior a:rents for Exeter. Ask for Alarms and lake none whet'. Are you using Mooney Biscuits.? "Yuw yum hut they're good." Mooney's oda Cracker is a world teeter, got them all beat to death. The quality is hat does the trick. and then we sell them so cheap. Try a package of Moon- ery's Sweet Jlized lakes. :l pounds for a quarter, cheaper than baking. Olt yes we are swill keeping up the price J of Butter and Eggs. We are hard to down. • • Bring ns all your pl••.i.t:e, it's just as good as cash. FITGFI ThLK We can supply you with a watch of any description. GENTS \VATCIIES, in either •lid Gold, Gold Filled, Silver, Ickle Silver or Gun Metal cases, ging in price from $2 00 up to 00.0o. LADIES WATCIIES, in Sil- Ver, Enamel, Gold Filled or Solid Gold Cases, ranging from $4.00 to $6o.00. We have a fine assortment for you to choose from. Before parting with your money and see what w'e can do for FITTON, er of Marriage Licenses. e've Turned The Corner. It's fall now in the store no atter what the weather is utside. Fabrics for the coming cold ve again filled up our elves and counters, and the mand will turn largely to vier weights. It's a splendid time to order. And you have the choice or the refusal of the most worthy collection of clothing materials that you will find anywhere around here. Call any time. W. W. Taman Merchant Tailor. FOR OVR1381XTY 1FUNS Alt OLD AWT NS-att.-Tanen R[Ytnr.-Mrs Wlnelow's Soothing Syrup has been used for Over etxtyerrs by mutton. their mothers for elr children while teet.hinR with perfect eueoe.f. es soothes the child. (softens the gum., allays all pain cores wind colla snd le the beet remedy for Diarrheas. s. It I. pleseant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 23 Mute s bottle. Ito value is incalculable, Ne cure and tate Mee WIn.1ew'e 800tblue $yrapand ask for no other rtlnd, Market Report. -The following it tike report of Exeter markets, cor- rteeted lip so Oct. 19th. '%he.it, 72c. for Standard oats, 2') to NO cents per butte! Rally, 35 to 40 center l,cr 1* Feat, 61i cents n bushel. Shorts, $18 per erne fleet, $14 per inn. Feed Floor. $1.25 per ewt. Flour, $2.25 per eel. ilav, $6 per ton. flutter, 20 Mots '► pound. Eats. lee. per doyen. Onions. 60e. per bushel. Clover acrd e..i to $6 a but. Hors, lite et isle, `6.40 per ce 1. i'ork, (tressed, $9.00 per cwt. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19th. 1005 .......................... LOCALS . . ......N s....... See Mara's, London ad. on pantie 4. I Council meeting to -morrow ni.;ht. t Mr. Jae. Waken; returned &itur- Iday from a trip to Toronto and 11;Uni ltton. ' Mr. Fried \Vta1itcrs returned home \Vcdtirlttlay train his Id() 'l o Abe Soo where he spent Lin vacation. Miss Cana I•O%%ell rot orned Thurs- ibay from a pleasant trip to Now York and other points. Miss Mabel Brooke eels successful in winning elevena1 •prizes at She 1lIyth fair last week twill' hen Indies' work. The emperor of Japan and theem- I,eror of Russia on Saturday ai;nod r.)r peace iltre.a ty. I bus ensiin; •the w'.atr, f • For Sale. -House and two lots for sale on Victoria street. west, for fur- ther particulars apply to John blind. Sir henry Irving, the well known En;lush actor, died -on Friday nizht at Bradford,En;!ond. Sir llenry was born in 1838. Col. 11. A. L. White, of St. Mierys, was in Exeter friday last attendin; the funr.ral of tee late Wm. llawk- stiaw•. Mr. Goo. 8amwcll t-eturnod Thurs- day Lnom a three weeks' trip to Montra►1, K•in;ston and other east- ern points. Nightly services .are being con- ducted in the Main street church this week by Itev. Goin; of the J.anies street church. Saturday will be the one hun- dredth anniversary of the battle of T.nafal.;ar, one of the ereat.st of England's naval battles. The word d ih)i•t is pronounced do.h-lila. It was named after Andrew Datil, t lie 8 sccd►.sh botanist, *who discovered it in Mexico in 1761. The vein; dyad w'1to sends in t he weekly budgcl ftorn Goderieh to the Clinton Newteltecard, should ask the publishers t o slate what she is co- respondent for. List Thursday hrou;ht us the first snow of the ,nelson alt heart' eery little of it fell, the day vas very un- plorasant and the sales recorded ey the buisinese men %sere small. it is alt¢•;Lor likely that Sandy Niel/off, the alte;ed murderer of Wilson Holton, an old miser alt Til- bury in 188.1 will he captured The Creon is actively en;a;ed on the work. Dr. Duller, London, will be at the Central Betel. Exeter, on Thursday October 26th. 1105, nil day for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, EYE, EAR. NOSE and TIIitOAT.F its Glasses properly. Office. Comn.er• dal hotel, Exeter,. Next visit ftat- urdlty, Octnher 21st. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tab- lets. All etruggiste refund the mon- ey if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sign.at+lre is on each box. 25o. CIDER -The cider sewed has a;•tin arrived and we oloim we have the blest means in the County for mtkinz it -that is a first•elast ar- ticle. We also claim to have the Best process known for making Sweet Syrup and Apple flutter. We make it without suzar nr erwcet ap- ples, simply from the ordinary sour fruit. We make the finest Jelly. Usual prises prevail. -- A. Cottle, E tote r. Miss Delman, of Lou..,.'i, is the swat of Miss Ednt McCallum Atr. frank Samwcll is visiting his e tindp:trete s, Mr. :1111 Airs. Ge1or.;o y,nl,vcll. Thursday next, (Th'1nkssiri'13 Day) will he observed as :: puolic holiday. Mrs. NC clod. of Detroit. is visitin; hor aunt, Mrs. D. Kernick, who has been seriously ill bur is now slowly recovering. 11r. and firs. • Stephenson, of S;•aforth, 5140111 Sunday with 11r:.. Stcphcust.n's pa.rcnts, Mr. and Mrs. ltultmor. hound. -On Exeter fair ,z rounds on fair day a shawl. Owner can have s:lnr.; by calling at this office and paying (Lir this notice.. The Exeter Evaporator is being kept busy. A slight force has been put on laud the plant is runnin? double .time , We have received a nuwber of re. spouses so the bills for arrears for the 'Times recently sent out to sub- scribers and shall be pleased if ot- hers %'cute be equally respansive. The auction .vale of els. It. !licks' holes -shoal ;cods last Saturday drew a 5r.';e mingle of loe.op!e to town. The bidding on the tan -ticks was brisk and tenon prices Isere realized. AIr, Thos. Bisect I, jr., rctutned to Exeter Thurat;ay Mout Manitoba, where be has Is011 w-orkitug aural; the past aumnuv'. Ile will remain Lore durin; ilio winter. At rhe \'ictttria Day exercises hell .at Toronto last tt-eek. Mr. C. W. Currclley formerly of Exeter, rave a descriptive addresa on his jour- neys •t hrou;h Egypt. Tho best and cheapest powder in the market for keeping chickens healthy and increasing the egg pro- duction, prepared at Lutz's Drug store. Two lbs. for 25c, trial pack- a.gc free. C. Lutz. Thae retort of the \V. C. T. U. Con- vention held in Exeter nn account of which the were unable to publish itt our 11.1.54 issue owing Io .an overflow of copy, will be fount in anoth•a: column. Mr. .1. W. Broderick, of G.c,h.rich. was in Lown the forepart of .the waste. :Monday le ening the assisted w'roUh Ithe um -gram at Sexsmitb, r,n;irig ono el his f'2%1ce.ite ...tongs very ilcceptably. Mr. ltobt. h. Pickard and [amity are expected home Friday night from Frobisher, M:ul., where they Ie'tt•c been .spending the summer, Mr. Picketed overseeing tthe work on his extensive farmin; property there. Rev. Going of the James stevet church conducted the anniversary services at the Centralia Mel ho:list' church List Sur.!ey, Rev. G. W. Aedrew•s, of Cenenll.ii► occupied Mr. Going's leaflet lire both intonate; and *•tecins. Mr. N. Dyer Ilurdon, mina;er of the Meson's bank, is having several imlar.ov^runnier .,1In!:e •1•o the interior of his residence. The walla are be- ing 'tinted, the ttt,.:•k being dorm by M.r. lied 3cokclJ. Tile blending of the co'.orinrs shows that Mr. :lecke! orders:sleds his w tr k 1 borourbly. Windsor board of Education has decided to observe the anniversary of Tr:ifa4ar day, Oct. 21. and fit- tingly celeianate the centennial of this mcruorablc event when A'ltnira1 Nelsou went to a hero's ;rave after 11) ntainin; E1121and's supremacy on the sea ill 1805. '1'btt the Tinted is a popular newspaper is evidenced by the fact that we have added twenty new names to our already lar;e list dur- ing Sate past week. The excellent clubbing rates and the fact that' our goiters and shall be pleased if others would be equally. responsive. Mrs. Soutthcott. who has keen via- itin; her seeter, Mrs. J. \Vestcottt of Dour'ity, Man. fluting 14ac post summer left last week for tCal•ifor- net, wiIstre sire twill remain .iltiritir the winter. She wee accompanied by her dao.;)iter, Mins Sicilia, Mrs. .1. \"vitt eta t, and M r. Geo. he'rnick. Ee l 1%111 remain in Manitoba. Th" font -VW c[ the tato \Vin. Ihtw ktes.ttw, tin. nccount of whusc ckvrh wits 14AINAcd last week, wal )V'1.1 from the (ntnily residence on Willi tm et.rcet. Friday afternoon and coneidorin; the lateness of the lour was very tersely attendetl. Iteln- tiwes and friends were in attendance front 'Detroit. Lo::•!nn. t .'f rib, ilett- sa11, 't. Marys, Lucknow, Lucan and other 'places. The lan11iversary setviecs of the Sexsmith church w•eie held last Sun- day, S-.ermons ficin; preached by Rev. Knowles. On Monday evening the. 'Jnnive'.rsary tea was zivan, a finely .balanced pro;rain following. Talent was there front Itenaill. Exe- ter 'and other places. The Revs. 1tn.r.lin find Caine .(sive a few im- I.rottaptn remarks. Rev. Godwin oc- cupied 1 h^ chair . Atnon; t•Is' early minters of rein in raorb)nern Europe were the dw•el- Icrs of Eastern Germany. They Wer^ so skilled in their c tiling that a number of them Wero invited to Enfkand to manufacture the metal money of the kingdom. These strnn• ;ers were Known as "Easterlin;t." After a time the word became "titer - lin 4." and in this abbreviated forin it Itis comes to iniplify what is gen- uine in money, p''tte or character. ltcv. 11. W. KI owlcs, of the i til- btrton circuit ocrtipicd the pulpit of the Main street Methodist church Sundry, rnorniu; and cycninz. in his .venin; discourse Mr. iCnow- les dwelt upon She inactivity of the "oncers," lhote who attend church only once nn a Sabbath. ile also held that the doctrines of the church should be upheld by its mcmbera under all cirenmstannos. Lar,e ren .rez inions greeted 11:4' ()reacher Ind hie sermons were enjoyed by his lett eters. A Kansas editor in writ in; up (he intrria;e of two of his to%'ntpenple recently, recited plain (:acts about them. Ile slid the girt w -.is homely, didn't know any more aoout eook- inz than a horse does about :t pock- et hew)k and never helped her moth- er a day in her life, and at for the ;room he WAR a loafer, booze 1 all the time and epon gc4 on hit (elks. The editor it now t ryin g 1 a enlist the services of 81i rman, the dealer, to repair injuries lie received after the issue of his paper. It isto Dour interest to read this Ii,st MANTLES Women's Black Beaver Coat 42 inches long, l.poee or fitted styles, well Tined throughout, belt at back, trimmed with covered buttons to watch cloth. Special at $10.00 and $12 00 FUR RUFFS An elegant assortment of rich fur ruffs in Alaska Sable, Red Fox, Electric Seal and German Sable, everything that's new and up-to-date in ruffs, we have it, ftoua $5 to $25. Women's TwPed Coats In brown and white, blue and white, black and white tweed mixtures 3e incites long, belted back, lined. Only $6.00, BED QUILTS le dozens white bed quilts in lilt 1 size good quality, regular price $1.00 to clear, at (19c NAIRN'S LINOLEUMS In floral or block patterns, very pretty colors and designs, heavy quality, 4 yards wide, for $1.00 and $2.25 yd. Black Dress Goods 5oc yd Black Corde-de-Cheue with neat figure lovely silk finish. Best value we have ever shown. At 50c a yard. OIL CLOTHS Very pretty block patterns, good Eng- make, 2 yards wide, for 50c CORDED VELVETS In navy! eed,andgreen suitable inlish for suits or waists, excellent quality. 50c. a yard. WOOL CARPETS In pretty fawns. In pretty reds. In pretty greens, Best two ply quality, sold tegular for 85c yd. to clear out entire lot at 69c FLANNELETTES 25 pieces fine Saxon flannel, plain Saxony blues and pinks or fancy stripes 36 inches wide. Only 10c a yard. MILLINERY Hate with lots of style, beautiful trim- i tied hats, lovely ready-to-wear hats, all selling at a little over half what some people ask. LACE CURTAINS Five Clearing Lines. $1.25 curtain for $1.00. $1.75 " " $1.40. as saw ..$L.00. $3'00 " $2,35, $4,00 " " $3.45. ART SHOES FOR LADIES The best, the most stylish and best fitting shoe, that money can buy at $2.25 $2.75 and $3,25. SN"EIaIj & ROWE 1Liss Helen V. McNab, of Seafort•h, spent Sunday the !guest of Miss J. Brown. Mr. Ilarold Bissett, of the Mol - sons Bank staff is away on 0 two weeks holiday -.rip. The County valuators have epees_ ploted their work of revising the property rt1ultions In the towns, villures and (ownahips of the county and are now en;:t;ed in tabulating their report -to be presented to the county council. Special Evan;elical eervioea will be ).aid in Main street church each wenn; leis week, ealnmCnoitr3 at half past Leven o'clock. It is ex- pcoted that these sort•ices wild con- time for Ibhrec weeks. lieu A. II. Going. 11. A., will preach at each ser-- twice. All are welcome. Mr. Geo. Eacrett, who ,recently disposed of his hornets business to Mr. Geo. lfouse, left on Saturday for Winnipe;. Man., where. he will take up his profession as a musician Mr. Eacrott 'lad for n nutn'ieer of yeers been a valued member of the Exeter band and before hie de- parture was made the recipient of a music companion by the remembers of the band. The Greene Opera Company are fillin; a week's en;a.,;ern,ent rat 'the Gidley Opera House. A plan of revival services is being :erran;ed which will embrace every circuit in the Exeter dietricd. In each ease ministerial brethren from adjoitun; circuits will aid the pas- tor. giving one week of services in each of three places. The whole church should pray and labor co make these meetings an abundant blessing. Anniversary services in Caren Presllyterian church, Exeter, 00 Sunday. Oct. 22nd. Services at 11 a. m. an 7 li. tn. by Rev. A. lid. William, of St. Marys. Mornings anthems: 1 Savior Blessed Savior, anthems: marc!!, by Ernest II. Smith ; 2, Stand up Stand up for Jesus, E. Minsdiall. Evenin a Anthems: 1. Duott, "In the Brass of Christ \Ve Gitory." by Edward Horne, Miss Anna Martin and J. Senior; g. "Onward Christian Soldiers" by P. A. Schnen- ker ; 3, "Grant L's Thy Peace" Kari - tone and alto solos and chorus, Geo. n. Nevin. Special offerings , Subscribe for that Times. FOOTBALL Tee first football tame of the Kea- eon was played last Friday sift;rnoo•i at dere school'rounds between the town team and the hi;4 school team resulting by in favore( 5}ue high school boys by a score o[ to 1. The tme was full of brilliant plays and ,tits tncrnhers of each team did good work. The lineup was its follows: Burden •;o'll Itendlc Trieleeitr (lack Gardiner Melitis!! itisset b Workman 11. black McPherson Clea;;Moir Gardiner forward Hunter Senior Ilardie t Mr kit; Sanders Ata Min `gout hoot t t FLOUR, FEED AND G R O C E R IEs I n addition to a full stock of Flour, Feed and Groceries, we have on hand some first class Timothy Seed, the best t0 be had. . we have also a supply 01 the cheapest and best Stock Food. Produce taken in Ezehanue. THE GAME LAWS. holding awritten license to sh ,t romuchnr,- cupant or lessee. 1'drori portho have heretvbo a allore put• bred or in►portcd, or who shall' here. after put, breed or import deer opo;) their own lands with the desire to breed and preserve the same, and thema licenseesintof any such ',crier's they hunt, lake or kill any such deer from 1)e Ist day of Oclobsi,:o the 15th day of November in any year, both days inclusive, but the onus' of proof ,1),:., such de 'r was or were so put, heed or imported shall rest on the parson humin; or killia; the mime. Not F,cavc,r or offer .iIJ let hunt- .d, naked or kil.lod or shlet') in poistca- siou by any person before '1 he 1st day of November, 1910. Grouse, pheasants, 'merit fowl or part refer. woodcock, bkack or ;rt'y squirrel may be hunted from Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. Quoit or wild turkeys octose Nov. 1st and Dec. 1st. Swans from Sept. 15th to May 1st. Ducks of all kinds or any. other water fowl be•t%oca &pl. 1, and i)cc. ire h. buil,., rail, plover or any other birds known as shore birds or was 151h' fpe+ttwcrn f4opt. 15t It and Dec. f.51 ikcr from Nov. 1st to Nov. kith. Hares from Oct. let to Dec. 3Ist. No sail turkeys shall be hunted, taken nr killed at any liner before the first day of November. 1905, dad net itrairie fowl or English or Mon- tn!uvt pheasuints before the 151h due of I4epte,ntwr, 1910. TIN` twtw,d-hare or cot ton -tail trill- bit .nay he taken e►• killed in any manner by the nwncr, occupant or of .any I:'nit. upon which it can be proved to cause actua4 dam- a.ro to t.rees and shrubs, or by any ineeibe.r of the fatuity t f such!...Wnor actupant or lessee, or by any tier- son heeding a written Heerlen or permit to ,.hoot front such owner, occupant or masse. Se HARDY & SON '7 - GRAND TRUNK Railway System SiNGLE FARE FOR THANKSGiV. TNG DY GOOD GOING OCTOABE.R 25 & 26th RETURNING UNTIL OCTOBER 30. Bet ween all stations in Canada, aim to Detroit and Port .Huron, Minh Sutl,enwon Rrid:;e and Buffalo, N. Y. GOOD GOING DAILY UNTIL NOVF.AfBER 7th FOR IIIJNTEiIB SiNGLE FAIRE TO Points in Tcma.;ami on T. & N. 0, Ry., to points Mattawn to fort Ar - thur, inclusive, to Sault fate Marie and fort Arthur, Via Northern Nay. (70., (1001) GOiNG OCTOBER 26th TO NOVEMBER 7trh, TO Muskoka Lakes Midland Lake of hays I'enetan; 511inetewan River Lakefield. All Stations Arzyle to Coboeonk, Severn to North Bay l'oinis on NorI it itt Nile Co., (Georzian flay and Mackinaw Divi - cion.) All tickets valid te.lurnin; until Deep 9thlessee For tickets, illustrated literature and full information, call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot ticket anent. Exeter. J. D. McDONALD District passenger agent, Toronto, VLOSICiL11AN Reneweri INALES ilair Why ntlKstop this falling of your hair? At this rate you will boon be without any hair, Just remember that Hall's air Renewer stops falling hair, and makes hair grow. urwer:.~ rli'Lab CARL.ING Ba --20 . ' THE BIGHTPLACE TO BUY YOUR"WINTER IS WANTS". We have the best of everything letluilfd for the "COLD WEATHER" that money can buy. We will always be pleased to see you and show our big rale of Dressgoods, Furs, Underclothing and Winter Bedding. HOSE All %viol •loud heavy hexa, tiuecd or pterin, sizc�i '4 1-2 to 8. a big snap per pair 15c. All stool w'oreted Lose. .rood qual- ity, 25c. The best worsted on the neurkeet . BLANKETS OVERCOATS Alen and Boys a bo want the new- est cloth in the latest fashion should not 1 +•il t •ogee our leati.'rs. Boys' l.ot•dars $1, $5, $6 Meri's L.tadors ...$8, $10, $15. Iloys' litters $2 and $3 'The lasts Flanelolto blankets, white or grey, $1. Wool blankets bought niforo the rtiso in price of wool. A large soft fluffy blanket, pure wool for 133, $1 $5.U0. FURS Neck Ituffs ............ ... ... $1 to $ 5 Neck Ruffs ............ ... ... $5 to $15 Sable Itutfa, good ones, ...... .. $20.00 Fur Caps ... ... ...$1 to 131 Ladies' Coats... $30 to $47 Men's Coats ... $20 to $38 A Bi; Selection RAIN COATS We shine in them on cloudy wet days. Three quarter Coats, li;lit, ... $4.75 Three quarter Coats. dark, $5.75 Lon! Itain Coats fon ... ... $2.00 Lon; Itain Copts for ... ... $4.00 Lon; Rain Coats foe ... ••• $0.00 Lon; Itain Coats for ...... $10.00 SHOES The-ASTORIA" is loading. \Ve are scllin; a lot of them. Ile ani good as your neighbor and have a pair of trite nest that is /going. None too rood for you. l'oput.tr price '$4.00 DRESS GOODS Plain Cloth, Plaids and Tweeds are very ftshionab!Q this season. Our stock is made up of all the new colors in those goods. ..............N.......N.►........................ DESIRABLE FURNITURE At Tempting Prices. This month we offer a few Attractive Specials iu Furniture. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dress and Stand, with large British Bevel Plate Mirror. Regular price $35.oe ; sale price, complete, $32.00 Solid Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard, with British Bevel Plate Mirror, two small and one large drawers, large size cupboard. regular price $32 ; sale price $3o.00. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Table, full extension, regular price, $22.00 • sale price $20.00. . Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Chairs, leather seats, one arm and live small chairs. Regular price $19.00 ; sale price $i6.5o. W, C. HUSTON!•• Funeral Director. ........................t4•••••••••••••••••••••••4•• ' THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Total Deposits on 30th April 1903 - ... , 3oth April 1904 29th April 1905 31st August 1905 Established May 1902. $3,252,583 • ..• 5,707,503 Your Current or Savings Account Invited EXETER OUR r RI3TIRING SALE Is a Big Success Have You Beep to the DIU Sale? Do you want to save from 15 per cent to 35 per cent? if so, come and see us, and if we cannot save you that much do not buy. You are to be the Judge 200 Pieces of Dress Goo We want to clear every piece of Dress Goods from our shelves and to do so we have cut our Dress Goods 25 Per cent. Do you want a dress? Come to us. Do you want clothing? Come to us. Do you want shoes. Come to u Do you want anything? Come to us and'Iwe will do you good. Our Stole, is crowded WITIH BARGAINS but conte. early and we will wait on you. TERMS:•rProduce or Cash. NO GOODS GIVEN OM APPROBATION NO G0003 MI BACK r 1ER PURCM l 4 - Popiestone & Gardinet. ei t One door nisi!' --� I �•e• (►f?ir'�.