HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-19, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBER 19th 1903.
OUGIIS The SurroundingNews
)blesomc at the best, of -
hey Lead lead to serious
L omp1icatons
Ore they should not be ne•
:ed• .1 bottle of Our
hitt Pine & Tar quick-
ly cures Coughs and
:ent bottle will probably
nough if taken in time.
rug Store
ie Exeter Times
1 8 15 22 29
[ 2 9 18 2:3 30
3 10 17 24 31
• 4 11 18 25
Y5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
Y 7 14 21 28
AY, OCTOBER 19th. 19115
loan commence..' on the
constructed under the
between Detroit and
lasw,ortdt. etas sworn
:Of the Privy Council
r -General, Monday to
1 1 tc.ck ed
ut . i a ,.., resi n
found of excellent re-
' sick headache, Carter's
r 1'ills. Thousands of
m people who have used
yo this fact. Try them;
t or new offici•tlss,. azellc:l
t is announced that Jas.
Latta, :lliddle4ex Coun-
' !ice nt t lest ratct for the
t stl••try
try Carter's Little
sick headache, bil-
tipation, you trill
t them. They are
, small and easy t•
rget this
59., Oct., 15- Senator
rd, of Brockville, Ont.,
New•lal hospital. New-
:. Sunday afternoon as
('o[ •injuricv received int en
l occident on' week r;o.
Iford's injuries. which
t re;aritcd as slight de-
ttt•'trelyels of the
site for tee pant 1 two
s rro hope of !tie re -
ache is misery, what
tie Liver Pills if they
cure it? People who
em speak frankly of
• They are small and
Que., Oct. 15 - The
itic•tl circles here is that
( L tuI :e r is aI»ut Lq re•
arsi;Int,ian of Sir %Vil-
ely:n1s nothing. less
.ion of Finalloe Min -
o t he Premiership."
' crab known to 11e
01tasett. That Sir
d Mr. Ficldinz
\Cllfri"1's shoes
l here, •111(1 now
The Post mlaster-
nr.rwc under his
s decided t3 step
ticesbip rather than
e ship of Stale un: ler
whern he has not full
lie departure paves the
Wilfrid's !caving', since
can crow hand over the
'co to '(110 Minister of
'g.ive Irian atnple 1 ime in
fora arot her general
piece of superfluous
people at this reason
lay in a supply of
Cott ell Remedy. It is
.lee heeded before twirl- :
)ouch more prompt •
results are oblairi-
ns soon tae a cold ie
befote it has •leoornc
`+tem, t%liell earl on -
eerie r t Lr remedy at
*nettle is so (widely
o 8Ltozct 1'r loud that
11d hesita:,. about buy -
reference to any other. 1t
in I•:x('ter Lt• \1•, S. lloeew.
�rs first prescribed
Cherry Pectoral over
ars Ago. They use It
more than ever. They
pon it for colds, coughs,
:hitis, consumption.
will tell you how it
inflamed lungs.
a very 1044,1 mss fur three years.
Ayers Cherry recto:al. Par 1,130
'owl ilea:.d ►[. t wy maga dropped
Feint Hum, Guthrie Contra Ts.
3. C Afaa
L.,seII. Mu
at b"c!tlme Insures
next mooing.
Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
By Our Correspondents.
-Mrs. Went zel. who 1135
Unite ill, is now considerably
proved .
-Sam Brown has purchased a
new lleintztnan piano.
- Mr, \Val. Greenloe i'+ soaking ex-
tensive improvements on his stair e.
Itov. It. 11', Knowles and (wife, of
I'ullorton, formerly of t1..' circuit,
wore the genets of 1)r. and Mrs.
Heist on Alonday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis returned from
a visit to friends in Sarnia last week.
Nies.Mrs.Treller Int
Caw1e •
Miss Dora 11'enzell, who were here
attending the funeral .i the late J.
Either, n+turn to their homes today.
Miss Lillie Howard. of Sarnia, vis-
ited Miss Beulah neaver over Sun-
The flax mill has sterted work
- One Credit on WO Uri n says t let t
if slue svould follow the advice of
Sherman, the healer, she would look
like a ha; of feathers tion i 1 the
Mr. John Simms has rnoved into
the house he recently ,purchased
from Adam Finkbeiner.
bliss Lydia Finkbeiner i:1 numbered
ed with Ithosc on the sick list.
Quite a number of our boys have
zone to Del+roit for the wintlor, whore
they have secured positions.
Mr. Adam Finkbeiner •h.as moved
his household rg..cods to Detroit, and
intends to reside there in future.
A pertly was held at the home of
Mr. Jack Klumpp on Friday event -
n; and all .report 'ovine had a good
time. It was nn early hour when it
broke up.
\1'.illiam Iiill w•ea.rs a broad stuile
a •s. Its t hese d t a son.
ILr, and Mrs. August Hill spent
Sunday with ;Lricnds in Zurich.
Mrs. Iiarry Grism,orc and son Carl
of I'andona, Ohio, are visiting Mrs.
Itoasina Finkbeiner, and her daughter
Mrs. Ed. Morl.ock.
Mrs. Daniel Truemner, of Hay,
.spent a lew days .in -town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mlotz left on
Wednesday for Huron county, Alicia
where they will visit their sons and
Everybody is putting. in !the win-
ter supply of apples.
Miss Lulu Essery will take part
in the concert to be given in the
Methodist church at Fullerton on
Oct. 30th.
Mrs. Chas. Brown is confined to
!tor bed through,iLlnoas.
Royal Brown is on t he sick list.
Il:urry Either is at Clandeboye
sinking a well for Mr. Ifod;ins.
ALr. II. E. Huston, of Exeter, was
in town Last Friday on business.
Now is elle time to set busy and
organize a football club. and keep
up the reputation of last year, when
we cleaned up every( hine in sight.
The school trustees have returned
from their tour of inspection of
school buildings, but brave not yet
decided upon definete 1)111113 fog' the
erection of oto• proposed four room
-Mr. John Trautz is moving into
town .
- Miss Ella Clark epeni Sundry in
Cent salsa
-Mire .Rout. Sweet ie on the sick
-M.r. and Mrs. Au;,est 11111 have
returned from 9heir visit to Alilve.n.
- ALr. Wee. Finkbeiner and a few
of his friends were out sh:tot in; last
'Puss,;ay and, accordinX to
story they riot three ducks, two par-
trr•idee.s, four rabbits, and wo much
at her „pine ilral they had Bert Lire
a farm wa;on Jo brier; Ilue booty to
town. It must have been dark when
they arrived es w•o failed to see them
nor have we yet smelled the "tweet
arena of Lite luscious duck.
There are at present ciebt pupils
st tidy itte for tete next entrance ex-
amination and (seven for (the public
school loavine class. At the last en-
trance examination our school had
eleven candidates, every one being
successful, and w'h-t1 was g.ra1ifyin;
to our teaching staff was that Edna
Pack received !lee hi;hest' number of
marks of any pupil in the West IIu-
ron division, securine 558 out of a
passible 050. Mr. Itluett ,the prin-
riptl believes that to (successfully
cultivate and .broaden i.hc your;
mind physical exorcises should , 9)0
induLg.ed in. and any illy he 1111,)' be
seen at intermission hours ctxichio;
the youngsters in various gamete
Miss Iserrow and Miss Kienztc aro
hie efficient assistants.
-The anniversary services of the
Etreeu•zer church were hold last
Sunday, the services be!n; conducted
by Rev. G. W. Andrew., 11 .A., of
Centralia. On Mondiy evening a
concert twits given and was largely
at ten(kw1. Addresses were de!iverea
hy itcv.-4. A. .1. ALlin, of 1'.trkhill,
and Rev. Andrews. of Cent retie. Solos
%tore .riven by Mrs. Kerr, biiss An-
tIte 3, Miss 8404 (Wind :1i-. I'tarl
An.lrnwe. rcadinee ty Al re. Wanton,
Mese Esoery, bliss Andrews and
Myrtle Clerk, duett by Mrs.. Kerr
and Jai+• Audrows, n!ao a selection
by the etuartette. The receipts Sun -
;ley and Monday immunise! 10 $110.
-T1:e Literary Society his been or-
r.tnized for tt:e se::su.t e.• it the f'.' -
low inz officers: Pres. Mr. C. Bhp • :
\ is i'rc+.. Mrs. Kerr 2n(1 V.- •.
Mi!;. %%seeker: Secy, Mies Deese:
Asst. Secy and Treas., Mr, Ira lire . :
i.ibrer: 1r, `.ir. 11. F.!liror : l'roerite
rr,en.. '.Ir<. !Meet t. bliss Farrow ate!
'•1r. Kerr.
-Not ninon 'the visitation of 811-: -
m:tn. the healer, hos our burr !.
its quietude disturbed like 11;11
%hiel' happened Inst ueek ie01wee
: lie your r Indies and men of 1 he
: own. \\'r stay tow 11, o hi'.' e0 ('.
Dot el. joy the poptiki1ion, ur have
t !1' rni husi elm, prn_!P, liermc•tty ate!
et ftp to its lltat would de -3 c.redi f
to Latzer places, The re.••cr' for II'
recent Intl 100 ,40e4 1 bus. The I:oy-
h 'r' fo-it'-•1 a "butt". and
.r het 1h»ir photos taken In n
. 50 111111 their idcnl(Iv
fast. The ,objet' of the cin 1
lk to have stint parties, i he eirle le.
I in; left out in aha cold. Now the
;iris have retaliated by' orranizio;
jx,clt a chi!) a tilewl ties R. T. D. C. What
• int- the nth ills mean We are tutablc to
find .out, but. :UL0 toes cmueeel it
a "
,utt tin" club. Before 'ovine • int-
tialed into dins exclusive tl:tdie.'
club it 15 necessary to make a sol-
emn vow duet to get into -rite' under
:to years of w_e. They also have had
a •;roup Motto tlaken, but we have
Leen unable oto ottettre one for tame
lication. It is quite possible that
the older people ss ill hold a meson r
and devise means o[ brie;in; the r-
fract,or3 boys
u d girls toeether,
making a bonfire of their extensive
resolutions and bringing peace again
into our Later, and Sunday strolls
continued ,
"Last year 1 had a very severe at-
tack of indigestion. I could not
sleep at ni_Lt and suffered most
excruciatin_ pains for -three hours
after each meet!. 1 was troubled
this way for about 'three months
when I tuned Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets and received im-
mediate relief," says John Dixon.
Tullainore, Ontario. Canada. - For
sale in Exeter by 1V. 8. Howey.
At 11.30 Friday ni;ht the sash and
door factory beton eine, to S. Gibson
& Sons, contractors, of this place
was destroyed by fire. When tirst
discovered. the cn;iur, room and
north end of 1 be buildine were corn-
pletcly enveloped in flames, which
spread quickly lo the plain part of
the 1uiLdilt.;, nv'king ,•t complete
w•.ec Th cause r k. e c its s mystery, t
1 a m) t y, ►ut
appease 1,0 113 V orieinatod in it he
boiler room. The loss trill he. $5,0011
on 't be buil din;s and $2,000 on the
contents, with $800 insurance.
Food does you no -(00(1. You c•ln't
dize.st-consequently you're afraid t
cal:: tongue L9 coaled.. mouth dasles
Ind, stomach is bloated. Pretty
soon you'd be overcome hy stc:nkness
and nervous prostration.
Best prescription for your condi-
tion is lir. Ilamil.ton's l'ills of Man-
drake and Butternut. For dyspepsia
anti indi,3'o.9tion it is doubtful if a
bettor remedy will ever be devised.
Tht%sc' pills brie; netw sIien_etll st
vitality t'o thio stomach and die;esliv0
or!g.'an : 1t hey build up i he general
health and instill such vim and 4•c-
t;is.tin; bower Indo the system flea
(sickness is impossible ; try 1)r. IL•an1-
iIiton's filly.
The Amethyst has been
referred to as the 11 Mat-
ronly Jewel "-and the
epithet is undoubtedly
The new Diamond Hall
has an unusually extend-
ed range of 'Amethyst
Brooches, Pendants,
Rings, Necklets, etc.
One Brooch of com-
pelling beauty consists
of a large Amethyst sur-
rounded with 3o Whole
Pearls -the price being
$32, postpaid.
134.138 VONGE ST.
11 de F11'.1.11
-M.r. and Mrs, Caldwell end lam -
of l'('nronnir._•, Mich, are visit in z
the a Itters parents, a Mr. and Mrs,' 1'.
.1. Mesa rh.,u•v',
-11.r. and etre. .1. Geddes, of Bet-
Mve, were Ihe. reuessts of Mrs. .las.
Ferettson n few (Lays the {.;1st v.er.l:.
-Dr. T. Gairdner :and r.:n, M,1•1er
Ttt'Lr.-• of Chiea OO, 3141 .p'•n !ilU; n
few ,,tws etot:,r Il:c paetettoI ,eoof.
-nee. Stemt man commenced 0van-
13eliRlic services in the Met hodi•t
Church on '1'ucs(LIy eveteez and will
emit inlet' 11; -•in fro* ‹1 i. ('(sus.
-Rev. elle Nin h, of 11, •. 'i.1, ; r'u-
Is very often acquired,
though generally inherited.
Bad hygiene, foul air, impure
water, are among its causes.
it is called "the soil for
tubercles," and where it, is
allowed to remain tubercu-
losis or consumption is
prettysure to take root,.
Hood sSarsaparilla
Removes every Lrace of
scrofula. Get Hood's.
For lesemonlds of remarkable atm
Said for book on Scrofula, No. 1 •
l► . L Hood Co.. Lowell. Mats.
ducted :,nnive.rsaly services in tit.
.t((((rey s chard' oft Sunday
a. in. mud
p. w. Uu Monday evelllai; an Olde
Igoe •t<'I-rases►; was held in the
b"isrnu•nt of the church. Revs.
Smith. 1'.rquh(trt, 8aWefe. Brown,
Dose -Lwin and bturtdwnn rave siert
stelteS'\ts. Music was furnished by
1%illis church choir. Clint 014, :,ssislc'I
by St. Andrew's choir cu1(1 011x•3.4.
-The leve 0vatwntt•in,z estublish-
ntent of ,Bir. John 1%1r:fel•.,ut wart
burisad fo the :2rounel i.rr tyaturday
cvenilr; lass about 7 o'clock with all
1Is nraoh ncry and cora tents with the
exception of about ten or shelve
loxes of (Lri i' 18ppl..s :;nd two barrels
of chops, which was ;11 tttat eoutd be
s.tved. 'I'hc fire 'orientated ie the
dry in; ki!aty anti before any thitt;
could be dote so extinguish it the
whole building. twits in flames.
Probably 1ettine worse all the
time. Why not ,giro up (hut snuff
a d t
Ind mop do..ng your stouac.l, The
one sure trountent is ••Catarrh,e-
zm1e," sure to cute i.ec:tus() it floes
where her the disease really is. Certain
to tura in your case because it hos
restored teens of thousands *worse
than you are. Cuturrhozone is a
thorough cure LCcattse it khestroys
Ow Causes as well as rho effects of
the (lisc.,se. Relief is prompt, cure
is quick with this powerful remedy
which is :4unr.anted to cum. Ca-
ta.rrh in any part of the nose
throat, bronchial tubes or lungs.
-\\'e .re,;ret to chronicle. the
dwelt of Alga•: aret 'tont 11nnn,young-
eat dau3itter of 11 r. James Ilontbron
of Julie township of Huy. which sad
event occurred at her home on Sat-
in -titter October 701. Tho deceased
had al'tautned the age of 21 yc:ars.
Never very strong or robust, her
leak It (seemed to decline very rapi(1-
ly 'during. 11113 told year, dcspilq all
t)tat medical skill and loving parents
could •do. filet tats of a kind :kill
,gentle (Lis ao(sition, and posseeeed o1
mealy excellent qu'(litics. The funer-
al sort1ice. held at the 110111(1 tti19 con-
ducted by Ube Itev. Mr. Smith, and
weis very Largely Y vt lcnkdtestify-
test '
in; I
to h11e (respect felt for /he 110-
( '.13(1. and syniproUhy felt fur the
parents and letmiLy. The remains
wore 'interred in Oho Union ceme-
tery at liege retitle.
-Mr. John Cameron, eldest son of
M r. Thos. Cameron, of t his villa.;c,
who )%'33 an operator at thq station
here .for some years. but who now
11131the 'position of •railway a;cut at
Neus•Ua,dt, was there last (week, ac-
companied by his young bride, VL'-
itin4 Itis foments
-A 'feature under the auspices of
.the Yours; People's soeiety was held
in 0:urine' allure!' on Monday evening.
when Rev, Mr. Knowles, of Gait,
wino L9 known- oleo as ad author of
distinction, (gave bis fatuous lecture
ent.ittted "Secrets of Scotolt Success."
-MLrrt. Ilillin;s' friends were 1;led
l.0 see her out Tor a drive on Hittite
ditty. iiftttr tient ! confined to the
Dangers and Pain of This Critical Period
Avoided by the Use of Lydia S. P1nk-
bam's Vsgetabie Compound.
How many wo-
men realize that
the most critical
period in a wo-
man's existence
is the change of
life, anti that the
anxiety felt by
women as this
time draws near
is not without
If her system is in a deranged condi-
tion, or she is predisposed to apoplexy
or congestion of any organ, it is at this
time likely to become active and, with
host of nervous irritations, nuke life
t this time, also, cancers and tumors
are more liable to begin their destruc-
tive Work. Stich warning symptoms as
A sense of suffocation, hot flashes, din
nfneas, headache, dread of impending
evil, sounds in the ears, timidity, l-
pitation of the heart, sparks before
the eyes, irregularities, constipation,
variable sppetite, weakness and inui-
etude are promptly heeded by into '-
gent women who are approaching t e
period of life when woman's great
change may be expected.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound is the world's greatest remedy for
women at this trying period, and may
be relied upon to overcome all distress-
ing symptoms and carry them safely
through to a healthy and happy old age.
1,ydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Com-
pound invigorates and strengthens the
female organism, .and builds up the
wealrened nervous system as no other
medicine can.
Madame Loris Belleau, of 17 Ramsay
St., Quebec, Que., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-
" Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
assisted me to pass the change of life with but
very little sickness and pain, and I am pleased
to give It my endorsement, for 1I feel that it
is the medicine
which every woman should
rthree children
mother of
take. I am rho,
when I reached the age of fifty naturally my
health was none too good and I feel sure that
if I had not taken your Vegetable Componnd
I should sot have passed the climax safely.
I took it off and on for two 'refire and noir
find that I am in splendid health and strength
and feel younger and better than I did ten
yes ago. Much praise to your medicine, and
may all suffering women learn of its value."
For special advice regarding this im-
portant period women are invited to
write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. It
is free and ahvays helpful.
house for six weeks wit 11 a broken
A Good 'teeter ti for Foals. -Mr. T.
J. 'harry, of Hensa.tl, Otto well known
imparter and owner of hi.;h chins
a;rfalliots, tit+ I.o be con.jratuloted on
Ilse Lsptendid ahovinz of foals sire,
by horses imported by Lim.
Home Comfort Steel Ranges
Manufactured by WROUGHT IR3N RGIM CO. Ltd.
1?O1'Nl)I•;1) 1S111.
The above is a cut of our improved
pickle plated Renee, with handsome
(•namelled ree•.0rvoir attached to wa-
ter front in fire box .
'f he \\'rou;ht iron 1tanee Co. have
located one of their divisions in
Exeter :and wilJ canvas surrounding
couture from thi. place. '11113 13 n
1 1141plc of how aur ;owls please
real Omers :
Exeter, Sept. 21st. 1905
\V rou 2111 iron iL•ul;e Co.
Gentlemen :-Four years n eo 1
lurch tried from (
n. of your tittles -
men a Home Comfort Ranee and
lute found i •'11 esr"ilont hc,ter
and cooker and a ,great fuel nater
I believe it 0111 stave marc' than 10
per cent on ire price in fuel, that in
ten yea re will pay for it, and 1 see
no reason why it will not hat a
life time, Hein; to 1110 0f steel plate
and malleable iron. i heartily re•
commend the Home Comfort to 311
w11(1 want the bell. Wield@e you
succus 1 am yours etc.
Grand Bend, Sep!. 21st, 19(11
To \\'hour it may concern :-
\Vo Have used a Ifome Comfort
ltln;e for eight years, and under no
consideration would we use n
I 1 u 1a
ny l lu ,
M!t. AND MU'i. \:'51. 1.1•:\•ITT,
J, W. K. VanNORMAN, Div. Supt.
Subscribe for the TiMES. From now until
January 1907 for $1.00
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••41
2♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦N♦NN♦♦N♦N♦♦N♦NN••••••♦♦•♦♦•♦N e
Save Your Money
Bull Your Dinner set at
London Grockeru Go.
169 Dundas St•
''Why do we sell so many
Dinner Sets?" Because we
give you better value for your
money than any other Crock-
ery store in the country. We
buy where the goods are made
and can afford to see you
closer in price because YOU
and WE make all there is to
be trade in the deal. No ono
else conies between us to
make any profit out of it.
"Goods direct trout the mak-
ers to you" (hats it,
97 Piece Dinner Sets, Good Value at;St4.00 for $10.00. Tho
Sete are just in and are of Exceptional value.( Bet,utiful shadings
and colorings, also beautifully traced in best gold.
t 97 Piece Sets, (hood Value at':*1].00, Ct:r Price g9
Also sold by the piece. Make up your own let. Alwayb
able if broken and of the ;best Erglirh !;(wi Porcelain w-
ith full
gold lines.
97 Piece Sets, Good Value at $8.5o, Our Price $6.60
1 You should see these. You cannot get Ell(h A•allltb buy esthete the
• Ibeautifnl clear prints, splt ndid patterns at d gr «1 totality tf wale
New shapes.
t♦ 97 Piece Sets, Good Value at St3,ou, Our Price $12.00.
:4! This is also a Stock Line. 0(13 that is its number. Comes in a
. ♦ Dainty Pink Spray with green colorings in leaf, almcst as good
t: as china and just lo ok at the price. blade at Staffotdrhile Eng-
t 1land. Quality A 1.
98 Piece Sets, Good Value at $15.5o, Our Price $13.00. This
t♦ is a beautiful white and gold pattern. Just as pretty as most
♦China made by "Johnston Brcs." the best Potters in England.
tStock Line "Make Tour own set" "Buy what you need."
♦ t Conte and see the largest assortment. Cc ate and see the beet valla s
tCOME AND SAVE Y ()UR MONEY -By buying our ntw gocds,
We show the largest line of Crockery, Glassware. China.
t• t Lamps, Etc. in Ontario. Corte and see for yourself.
London Crockery Co.
:t 169 Dundas Street, London.
♦ ♦ WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases o T
tt $10.0(1 or oter.
Phone 1684.
,134j1)undas Street and Carling Street,
B Opposite Market Lane, Former Screaton Premises.
Those Chilly Days!
Those Chilly Nights:
Nave You Made Preparation ?
Large size coi.ton blankets, white and grey 750
Wool Blankets, thoroughly scoured, huge size
blue and pink border; special, pair $2.45
Comfortables, large size, good filling; special$1.19
Comfortables, large size, pure white filling.. $1.75 and $2.50
Cashmere Finish Wrapperettes, 36 inches, 2 widths to
a comforter, all color's; regular 15c, for, a yard.... 1Oc
Medicated Bats, large size ; each 10c
Nowkis the time for umbrellas ; special, each .. 44c 1
School Boys' and Cirls' Umbrellas,
with Crook.
Umbrella, gloria top, paragon frame, steel rod, g1ov
protector, mounted handles ; regular $1.00 for.. 69c
See Our Selection at $1.00.
Horn handles, patent runners, Al tops, ; best in city;
special.... ... .
Oilcloth Time
I3est Oilcloth, :36 inches wide, square yard
Linoleum, 36 inches wide, square yard.....
Oilcloth squalcs, 11 yards square
Oilcloth squares, 2 yards square
Boys' and Mens' Peak Caps Half Price
Mens' and Boys' Sample Caps, comprising half dozen
to a line, new style and colorings; regular 35c and
50c; for, each
Newness in Shirt Waist Suits
Chiffon Broadcloth Shirt Waist Suit, new' styles and
designs; Drown, blue, green; Ilolena make; regular
$15.00, for
Regular $18 01, fin.
Ayers' Shooting Coats, new shade, up.to•date
Rubber Carriage Rugs, plaid Hnin(i.
Mail Orders Especially Attended to.
(futolf'ora'ed Ly Art of Parliament I1*,):))
CAPITAL PAID UP • •' • $3,000.000.00
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• $
4411rnnrhr4 111 Ontario, Quebec, A:1.e0a llritl:h ('alumni) a(:d M utiloba
Open every 1.3% fel bay from 1t. A. M. to 1 I'. M. except 8atarday in A. M. to 1 P. Y.
Fesrrtiorrt Stile hiotcrs cashed 0r roller(>d. Forms supplied
On np; l 1:11 inn. Intel -leen n11 r.oit:t.• in the hominion, (ir(•10 flritr,in and Un•
Iced 5(310-, 100011 and 'old at Iome.1 rates. of est Merge,
Oepotaltee o $1.00 nn.l upwards teeeived. interest cone-
I•oended half )carley, and e.d,lyd In Irina (a1 June :441 and f,e'cctuber 31st. Ile-
to�lt. 1tr.en,t. al=o i. -bed and hiahM.t current rates. of Ircer4-1 allrvrtd,
Advance,, msdC to farmers stock deplete and business men at
lowest rstes.nd nn tno•t faw.,raele term.. Agent • at F:xe'er for Ilene. Government.
♦ Dickson & Cnrling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager.
N•• •♦♦♦♦♦N♦N•♦♦••♦♦♦•♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦•NN♦N♦NNN♦•••