HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 15CURRENT EVENTS
A meeting of great interest and.
perhaps of great importance in the
religits world will take place be-
ginnir g Nov. 15, when represent a-
1ivas or tweL,v-(.)'_ denominations
havi11 un aggr-,•gate i,r inbership of
18.04) 11(10 persons will assemble in
New ''ore for the purpose of confer-
ring on the advisability and feasi-
bility o: forming a federation of all
lien Feel It Within Them, Assisting,
Suggesting and Elevating
enty years" (Jer. 23. 11). A proof- I Sig************
iae of future restoration was also d•►
finitely given. "After seventy year
aro accomplished for Babylon I will I * 1-1 omE
visit you and perform my good word I ;L
toward you in causing you to return
to this place" (Jer. 29. 10). rho
•venty years must be counted not
fr(. * ***********
w the final destruction of .leru�t 7fi
leen in 586 II. C., but from the time
(( the leading into captivity of .10- SELECTED ItECll'FIS.
hoiaehin and the principal omen of (1ing.r Cakes. -Mix and sift to -
.1 Udall with him to 597, from the gether six cups (lour, two table -
tin f which we
o u which even n onward the eon
Cast me not away from Thy pees- world, in the spiritual dttu,n of Judah was one of absolute
encu and take not Thy spirit from tellectual world• st-ivitudu to Babylonia.
the Protestant churches in America. ore.-Psalues ii. 11. Ila it is who brought order out. u(
The plan of drawing all Protestant With e larg
t, udt'nntngca, largo possi- chaos, in these limos immediately
churches together in this manner was bilities, large knowledge of right and following the creation of world sant- FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS.
Peel leu suggested rested b rho example of w•ropg, the soul thus lives on the ter. lie dwells still w ilhin the phy- Mrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup has
I I"• ►6" • 1 higher planes when it does full into sisal world, conserving its order and
the l'resheteriuns, Who se••.n now in sire sutlers tit, once the keenest ro- its ha onions progress, restraining teen childrenused by millions of Mothers for
a fair way to get together us a fed- [;ret and longs to make the fullest "the stars in their courses." draw- their while teething. If dis•
eros Ludy, rest itIdiott. ing about in appointed sequence rho curbed at night and broken of your
Such was David, the King of Is- seasons -fructifying, storing, con -i rest by a sick child suffering and cry
reel, at a time when Israel was well summating the earth's fruits. And fog with pain of Cutting Teeth, send
The union of the various and sono- on the waw to becointng the greatest if it were possible, and Ilia putter at once and got a bottle of "Ales.
tunes warring sects of Protestantism kingdom o.f that day. In spite of O'elO to be token away from the Soothing oothing Syrup for Chil-
into one great, homogeneous church his nearness to (sod (and he teas . physical world, then chaos would dt'C11 Teething. It will relieve the
has been dreamed of and advocated
more or less over since the reforma-
and in the
in- spoons ginger, one tablespoon soda.
Heat one -hall cup lard or butter,
0110 cup ,New (►rle:uea nu,lusses and
one cup brown sugar until boiling.
'fake from the lire, add one cup of
sour cream and pour gradually into
the dour mixt tire, beating until
smooth. Pat and roll out, cut into
small cakes and bake in a moderate
Sponge Cake with Fruit Sauce. -
Cut a loaf of fresh sponge cake into
rather thick slices and lay these on
a plate. ('oak in a rich syrup flav-
ored with inarascl . , diced pine -
spoken of by the Almighty as "a conte nguius a apple, or any chosen fruit, and when
man after (:ad's• own heart"), ,with 1lo dwells, too, in the society of pond upon It, molhera, there is uo d pour boovderr of thewhipcakep.
men, melding surely -if, perhars. mistake about it, It cures Diarrhoea, Surrothisuisndcolwith a reed
slowly -the general trend of act mei:regulates the stomach and trowels, (..c,(un and sort., as ; o:,n as poesiblo.
word and thought, using teen for the ewes Wind Colic, softens the Gurus, rho coke should not b0 u110tt,i1 to
nducea Inflammation, and gives tone Set soft or too soggy before it is
served. in using strawberries for
this dessert, they must not be cook-
ed for more than a minute; indeed,
they need not be rooked at all. Cut
them in small pieces and stir into
the syrup when it is cool.
)toasted 'i)ucklings.-Clean the
birds thoroughly, put into each one
an onion and apple cut in halves,
dredge with flour, salt and pepper,
and rc•ast about twenty minutes, ac-
cording to size. Baste from time
to time with melted butter. Take
out the birds when dune. Into the
pan in which they were roasted pour
a little stock, thicken this with
browned flour, odd a dozen olives
chopped s
c and servesauce for the
ass Suet (
du"kliegs. div the way, remove
from the ducks the onions and ap-
pies, tvhich are to be used for the
purpose only of imparting a little
flavor to the birds, and of absorb-
ing, if need be. any strong flavor of
tli ducks.
Frozen Pooches with Tee -Cream.
Large firm peaches should he chosen
for this. feel carefully and cut each
in half. Pack in nn ice cave or
freezer for two or three hours, until
well frappe. Ilave ready round of
sponge or angel cake. Lay ono of
the peach halves on each of t hese,
surround the cake with ice creast
or whipped cream, and put a large
spoonful of ice-cream in lite place
left vacant by the pcachstone.
Ripe Tomatoes, Pickled. - Wipe
carefully one peck of smooth. ripe
tomatoes and pack them into a jar,
sprinkling them as they are packed
with one cup of Slade's Pickling
Spice. Scald one gallon (or enough
to cover tho tomatoes) of strong
cider vinegar and pour over the to-
matoes; cover closely nnrl let stand
three days. Pour orf the vinegar,
scald and return to the tomatoes
After three days repeat the process,
then set aside for six or eight weeks.
poor little sufferer inunediately, 1)
riches and honors pouring in upon
time Many Protestants have always hire -David fell into a fearful 8011-
concede(i that it would be a good sual sin, which drew other sins in
thing, but no denomination has its trail, and as his position was instruments of
ver high and he was very near to
shown n disposition to make such (10(1, so his fall was in effect the HIS GRACIOUS ACTS.
eoncessicns in regard to organize- greater, and his self-abasement tho
tion, creed, and teaching as it would more earnest.
be necessary for all to make before ,Itead the whole of that. lift.y-first
Psalm in which he utters the deep
It would be possible for such a union sorrow of his great heart, and ,ries
to take place. They have professed for pardon end pleads t he •liwtne
a willingness to unite, but each has promise, and declares his own pro- ing power the whole soctul fabric out the world. Be sure and ask for
tartly or avowedly made union con- mise. • would totter to its fall. 1 'Lars. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,"
ditioual upon such terms as no 01!1.1
FOR DAVID WAS AFItA'D. du the Christian church also His 4
power is present. rendering the divine
would accept. Considerable of the The proud king of a proud nation will and the •divine judgments j ARGUING WITII TBE TURK.
old spirit still exists and complete twins all trembling before the king of through the mouths and persons of -
fusion would be as impracticable all heaven tt�itl earth. Ile fears the His lninistera and servants -teaching, A Traveller's Experiences in Mace -
loss loss of (he divine favor and help, uplifting. upholding.
ani energy to tho whole system.
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for
And it is not too much to say that, children teething is pleasant to the
weak and imperfect and had as social taste and is the prescription of one
and commercial life seems to he in of the oldest and beat female physi-
stone of its phases, yet if the 11(11y ! cians and nurses in the United
Spirit were to withdraw from it States. Price twenty-five cents a
Ilia energizing, sanctifying, col:sert- bottle. Sold by alt druggists through -
now as it was in the past. and cries out: "Cast rue not away And what said St. Paul to the 1 After the last Macedonian upris-
frotn Thy presence, and take not Thy : Christians at Corinth. by way of ing under Sarntlov had been put
Idol Spirit
v fro
e It isrebuke and reminder when some had the cry al act er
Federation is practicable because of fear; but a fear inspired by vela 'fallen into lic•entrousne-s: "11'hilt! down, relief )ethe tions were sent by
dour and high character, I I{note yo nut that your beefy is the
England into the llalkans, carrying
it make:, possible union without S ).rotisions for the inhabitants of the
fusion. Protestants agree concern-
All Wren ought to be very fearful of temple of the Holy Ghost. who is in burned villages and medical supplies
fi losing the divine favor of being de- ' you, which ye have of (God'." For
ing most points. There are no (1if- privet' of the grace of the Holy the Holy Spirit dwells in the indi\.1- Land clothing for those In direst
ferencos between them regarding the Spirit, and if some fail to find in dual anti performs ldis great work- need. In "ilio Burden of the Bal -
themselves that peculiar fear it save when Ure indivirlual utterly re-' kens,"
fundamentals of morality. They Miss Durham, ono of the re -
seems that the reason i3 In a general jests lliut. lief ng0ntr, describes her experiences
all %vie:h to dissouadnate the truths lack of information and understand- WO can see in some people's faces. with the warring factions.
of Christianity as widely as possible ing in regard to tho work and power i anti in their actions, the proof of "This unhappy land," explained
and there are no considerable vari-: of that holy Spirit, i that divine presence. They (rel flint one .'Moslem official, "is given over
I'o> it is hardly to be expected 'within theta, assisting, suggesting, to the devil. You see his work
encs between them concerning the the'. a thinkingbeing would do such:elevating•everywhere. 'rhe Moslems are [weak-
liest fi The best of things of y
best ways of doing this work. Feder- things ns could insure only the loss'lifeare His work, the greatest boner ing the commandments of the Pro-
ation would enable them to inculcate • of something ho knew to bo priceless. ;fits done by man are Itis work. We Oct and the wrath of God 18 upon
the doctrines which they all t:ccept, :Men are careless about their reli- must learn Inure of hint and we shall them. They are drunken; they kilt
to accomplish the objects they all ' gtous. Men are careless about their! trust hien the more and value slim one another 118 well as Christians.
religious life and about their rola- the more. During these (lays of our When a Christian is killed I speak to
tion to the Holy Spirit, mostly ho- I probation wo shall he wise to plead them like this:
cause they do not fully understand ; for His continued presence. "Cast " 'Why do you strike this ratan? Ile
who the Holy Spirit is and what He; me not away from Thy presence, and did nothing to you.'
Inas done and is doing in the physical i take not Thy holy spirit from ate." " 'i struck him because he is an
" 'Why do you strike an unbeliev-
'Because I wish to kill them
Hardened his heart -Literally all.'
strengthened his heart. That is, 0- " 'Ito you wish the land to bo all
INTERNATIONAL LESSON, come altogether fixed in his purpose Moslem?'
SEPT. 3, and determination not to humble " 'Of course I do.'
himself before (God nor to follow the " 'lint du you not understated that
Lesson X. The Captivity of Ju- advice of his prophet Jeremiah. to . what you do is contrary to thewill
dah. Golden Text, Num. surrender to 14elUChadl•ezeae'• of God? Do you think you are more
32. 23. 14. Polluted the house of Jehovah powerful than He? 1f every Chris-
-'1'o what awful extent and in what (inn were killed the land would be
manner is indicated in the following almost without people. Who are
passage: "For both prophet and you, who think you can arrange the
priest; yen, in my house have I ' world?'
found their wickee•l11ess, saith elehov-I "Then 1 give hien a handful of
a)1 In the prophets of .Jerusalem ; clay, and say, 'Take that (ol(1 stake
also I have 50011 is horrible thing; it into a Moslem. - Make it into a
aim at, much more effectively with
a given sum of money and a given
expenditure of effort than they are
able to now, and that without. sac-
rificing any of their denominational
)peculiarities of creed or organiza-
tion. The federation would carry en
the work in regard to which all were
• agreed. Each church would be au-
tonomous in rcr •)act to matters as
to which there was not complete
agreement. It. would scent there
could hardly bu any doubt among
Protestants anti the friends of Pro-
testantism as to tho desirability of
organization along these lines.
Stiffened his neck -Was stubborn
and proud.
Neto ---These Word Studies aro bas-
ed on the text of tho Revised ' or-
Tt Is an interesting question whe-
The F:nct.-Irl the year 597 Nebucn-
ndrezznr had sent .lehoiachin, Lu-
ther the proposed federation. if ef- gether with marry of the noblest of they commit adultery, and walk . in Most int, I say, at onto!'
fected, would not prove the first step the, .Jews, into exile in Babylonia. lies; and they strengthen the han.ls` }Ir, is astonished and e! says he can -
In so doing and in exacting from of evildoers, su that none doth re -I not do it.
toward a complete union. That It 7.edekiah, whom he placed on the turn from his wickedness: they are r.il Tho Lord created all the peo-
would bring about i better under- throne of Jerusalem. a solemn oath of them become unto 1)10 115tiudm►1, pies of the world thus with clay by
a miracle,' I say to him, 'and you,
you cannot even make of it ono
Moslem; yet you would destroy the
Lord's work.'
'"Then he is ashamed. 1t is thus
est speak o st
n. mt such n
onet Tho
clay and the words -that they under-
Inrli1'idnnl argument of that sort
tnny seem to be a slow way of bring -
in peace into the llalkans-Mit if
the words and the clay hold out it
may be done
standing between the various church-
ea�And cause them to look with more
ta3erant eyes upon each other's pe-
culiarities of (Joplin and worship
and with less exclusive favor upon
of allegiance he evidently considered
and rho inhabitants thereof as Go -
the humiliation al the kingdom ui nlcrrah" (.ler. 23. I1, 1.1; comp. also
Judah sufficient to render it harm- Jere 7. 9-11; i•:zek. 8. 5-16).
less in the future. The Jews, how- 1 5. His messengers--•leretniah, Eze-
eser•. hal n stubbornness and a kiel, 1lydjah, Habakkuk, and other
a• •resistance wh ch 1 •ad 011'smithies.
o (.r of i he h,
un n
P a lv nnd s
nk-I I
ing the urgency and importance of
th', message and the earnest solici-
tude of .Jehovah who did not fail 1.0
warn and instruct ct people u tl 1
c o ,
1 1 Y
means of the messengers
he sent to
them both early and late.
16. Moc!ced the messengers -1 low
Jeremiah was imprisoned, beaten,
and threatened with death we have
seen in a previous lesson. t'rijah Is
reported in Jer. 26. 20-23 to have
been put to death, mid of the fate of
Habakkuk. who also lived during the
Chaldean period, nothing is know;1 py, or dors the paper not say''"
(rump. 1iab. 1. 6).
17. ('hnldeuns-The lend of Kahle,' fn her will an old lady has desire.'
her the name Chaldean is do- her cat, her "oldest and truest
friend," to be shot and buried with
d •r stinuated (n( sauce! had .(e
(,r rind v in
their (/w seems
th nprobable. That it
would lead in the near future to ac- before
t with his 1. army into ition at
before the remnant of the nation ar,
teal coalescence seem-) improbable. t.Ierusaleur were again planning 1 h
Widespread religious [evolutions nre overthrow of foreign supremacy.
tl k hinr•:.•!f, shave In
c i seen /.a uh n WO(ee
not so easily or speedily brought to a former lesson. was above all weak
Pas:). 1 and vacillating, and finally yielders to
the persuasions of his chief advisers
11KAI.TI1 iTINTS. land of the king of Egypt and, breek-
ang his oath, again declared the ;n-
I'or Round Shoulders -1f you are dependence of Judah from liabylonia,
round shouldered try sleeping with- In 586 It. C„ after a siege of one
pillow ,w
nal n for a while.
or at Ir , • • u•s
least trod a half yea
use a flat one. . again tool: Jerusalem, captured the
1'or a Sick ileadache-The juice of Seeing king, hamlet, 111111, and Sent
half a lepton. in a teacup of strong hien in chains to Babylon. The tem -
black cake, without sugar. is an pie, the royal palace. and all of the
excellent cure. finest buildings in the city were burn-
'ro Prevent a Cold -',Yarm 'Hatt-; rd The walls of the city were in a
about(' be taken just before retiring. large part torn down. and sone
11 taken during the day. exercise for . seventy or more of tho higher (slicers
a few moments vigorously. Take • and nobility were executed. Others
the cold buth in the morning, as it of the remaining inhabitants suffered
is an invigorator for the entire day cxeie, and only a small remnant of
sih Icor horns -Nothing is better for the poorer classes were kit in the
ItIlliburns than the white of an egg. it rity. lnstend of a king n -governor
exclude,: all air, thus e(tsing th( nits appointed. (.ehaliah, a trusted
pain, noel prevents b,!lanlmation. filend of .I(•rclniah, who made Ws
j A few drops of Inudanum. heated
hea(1qu lrters not at Jerusalem, but .
slightly, with the saute quantity of cit Jtizpuh. !Toasty Gedaliah was
Sweet ell, is also all almost sure
cure for earache. it should be
dropped Silo the enr, carefully, and
plugged in with cotton.
Calliphor is very useful to freshen
the nir of a sick 000111. Put a !flee.,
on on old saucer, nn(1 on it lay the
point of n red-hot poker, when its
fumes will quickly fill the room.
Physit inns nre Advocating the use
Mapure olive oil for weak lungs. It
s fair to take the piney of cod-
liver oil, and is thought by many
pleasanter to take. Olive., as a
food, are considered very strengthen-
ing for those with lung troubles.
Don't think of the complexion only
Slid Rear tan and freckles; they can
be r,•n11vrd• The sun 15 one of the
inns eflicient of all surgical methods
in treatment of morbid growths, as
warts, 111010e, and all nnrasitical
skin disease. Don't be afraid of
sunshine. Curnt ive powers nre in
the cheneital rays of the sun, and
they rejuvenate.
M . •-
Mot her-"'i'hcre were two apples
in the cupboard, Tommy, and i.„‘„.Afr there is only one. How's that?'-
Tommy (who sees no way of escape)
"Well, me, it wens so dark in Neer.
111 didn't ser the other,'I
}'or a beautiful flower centrepiece
fill a glass bowl with carbonated
water and immediately arrange in it
nasturtiums with plenty of leaves.
The flowers will soon be covered
with sparkling dew, presenting the
coolest appearance.
Ileliotrope, which is so hdrd to
keep fresh, should have the leaves
stripped from the stalks as soon as
it is rut. Greenery can he -nixed
with the flowers afterwards. Poppies,
very fragile blowouts, should have
the ends of the sterns seared with a
lighted match or candle before being
placed water.
1 red in a t .
'ro dip broth or soup froto the ket-
tle move forward to the hot part
of the range. Slaking the soup 'boil
furiously. 'Phis raises a large from bub-
ble o the ble in the middle f
which a cupful of soup at n time
may be dipped out -the fat n11 gots
♦ to the sides of the pot.
The practice of letting little chil-
dren run barefoot is a very danger-
ous s. Tf tee could be sure that
there were no rusty nnils or hits of
gloss around i( might be all right.
Even an ordinary scratch coming in
contact with tetanus germs might
lend to very serious results, ('lathe
your boy's feet in light -weight cot-
ton stockings and roomy, stout -
poled shoes (or sandals).
Serve h•. sh, ripe fruit for the first
course for breakfast as at other
Connoisseur -"I tell you whnt it is, meals. At sanitariums the patients
M'hnub, those ostriches are simply ; are expected to eat fruit before tho
superb. You shouldn't paint any- rooked food. This may be nn inno-
thing but birds." Artist (disgust- vntion in the country. The family
ed) -"'Those are not ostriches; they nre accustomed to sit down nt table
are camels." and eat heartily of fried meat, fried
Mr. %Vallnee (impressively) -"Ah,
here is another story of a elan who
killed himself beraus0 his home was
unhappy." Mrs. Welfare . (s .
'And (lidthat make
his house hap -
Reel. lay southeast of Babylonia on
the. seac(nst. It became n part. • f
the Babylonian empire, nil the
( hnldt'nns not only furnished the
early dynasty of Babylon, but also
migrated in large )loathers into llalt/-
lunia• The founder of the new Ilab ,-
logini kiul,durn, NAhopolnssur. was a
Chaldean, and from his time the
term Chnlden was used to designate
the whole of Babylonia.
Slew -had no compassion -The rea-
son for this dire punishment is slat -
murdered by a revengeful prince of , et! b3 1':iekiel ns follows: "'rhe
t h.e 'anise of Peens but the usurncrs, :tinily of the house of Israel and of
fearing the revenge of the liebylon-:,sorsa! is exceeding great. and the
ions fled into Egypt. The aged Jere- land i. hill of blood, and the city full
nliah wens agaitlst his 33111 taken 331(1::of %%resting of Judgment: for they
the. party. :say. Jehovah hath forsaken the land,
Verse 11. Zedekiah-Compare Les- and Jehovah scot! not" (Taek.
sof. Word Studies on preceding lee-' 9) The punishment itself is de-
scribed int re in (lentil in verses I -A,
10. 11 of 'Seek. 0.
Fleven years -From 11. C. 597 to
586 18. All the vessels -The spoliation
12. Humbled not himself before of the temple and city Is thus made
Jeremiah -The prophet had steadily complete by the currying away of
nen consistently advised Y.tsIekiah to all the things of value which remain-
suhnlit and Surrender to the 13aby- ed An earlier spoliation had nl-
Ionians (comp. Jer. 21. 1-7: 31. N- ready robbed the temple of tho
22; 37. 1-10; 17; 38. 17-2:1. But gteatel• port of its more valuable ves•
the vncillatiig king though frequent- eels (comp. verse 10),
ly asking the advice of the prophet, 20. 'ro him and his sons 'mill the
partly through fear of his princes reign of the kingdom of Perela-
not portly through elusive hopes "f Three kings succeeded Nobuchndraz7rar
ultimate relief from Egypt, could on the throne of Babylonia before rho
never bring himself to surrender, establishment of the Persian rule by
13. King Nebuchadneerar- The Cyrus. Of these three kings the
first, Evil-merodnch, 'as the son if
Neebllchndreeear• The second, Nerig-
lissnr, seem% to have been his son-in-
law. though a usurper. Whether the
third. Nahnnidus, was a lineal d's-
cedant of the royal house is not
clef nitely known.
21. Word of Jehovah by .he
more correct spelling substitutes an
r for an n in this name This was
Nehuchndre?rar II, son and successor
of Nabopolassar. fie WAS king ef
Babylon from 604 to 562 11. C.
Ifad made him swear-Feektel olio
mentions this oath of fidelity; "And
he took of the teed royal, and made
a covenant with hien; he also brought mouth of Jeremiah -"And this whole
him under an oath, and took away land shall be a desolation and an
tho talgphy, eke (Qk1 17. astonishment; and these nation;
441 shall serve tho king of Babylon toy.
her. Such touching devotion to old
friends is, fortunately fur cats, rare.
The HIntl You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnro of
und has been made tinder his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
• Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Iufauts and Children -Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowel,, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
or boiled potatoes, and strong coffee I The symptoms produced by these
and then have little desire for fresh substatices may be extremely severe,
berries. apples, peaches and other and comprise intense gastrio pain,
fruit in its season. Tho strength vomiting, intestinal disturbances,
recuperated by the rest of the night burning thirst, constriction of th
trustlargely be expended in digest- ; throat, and oftentimes disturban
ing hearty, unsuitable food. whereas of sight, such as hazy and doub
as much as possible should be in re- t vision. In marked cases there
serve for the clay's labor. great prostration and weakness o
Rice may be used at the noon meal the heart, which may last for weeks.
in place of potatoes. it has a medi- The practical lesson to bo drawn
cinal value in the season when bowel from a consideration of these possi-
disturbances are more or less preva- bilities is the necessity for scrupu-
lcnt. sous care in the handling of all
Pineapple juice is delicious flavor- things intended for table use. All
ing to use in whipped cream. This perishable foods must ho consumed
will be found worth trying with the as quickly as possible, and mast
cake crumbs. Mix cream and crumbs:never be left out of the ice -chest
exactly as directed for the staple 'longer than is absolutely necessary.
cream, but flavor with pineapple in- Canned foods should bo entirely ro-
stead, and have slices or bits of moved from the tin as soon as
pineapple at the bottom of the dish opened, and nothing that is intende
and also on top. to be eaten should ever be nllowe
to stand unprotected from the dust.
A FEW PTCIKLI: RECIPES. The air is constantly swarming with
bacteria and mold spores, which find
admirable conditions for growth In
the dishes prepared for the human
stomach, and often give rise to the
production of the poisons in ques-
tion. Leatly, every article of food.
tinned or otherwise, that is at all
abnormal in appearance, taste or
odor should bo discarded.
Mrs. Tiarker-"Shall I sing
cause I Love You?' " "No,
if you love ate, don't sing."
Pickled Cauliflower. -Take good
white heads, break in pieces. and
boil for ten minutes in rather strong
salt teeter. Take out the pieces and
lay on a towel to drain; when cold,
put in a jar and cover with hot
vinegar in which has been 1)0111(1 a
fete whole cloves, sticks of cinnamon
and n dash of cayenne pepper.
Sweet Pickles. -(Iver steamed fruit
of any kind pour a hot syrup made
of three pounds sugar and one pint
vinegar for every seven pounds fruit.
Spice to taste cony ire added to the
syrup, preferably tied up in a thin
Curried Cntrlitr .-S
hd and
Meet) in brine two days, drain dry.
end put in n pan of vinegar in
which three ounces curry powder per
quart has been steeped for three
days. Let come to n boil.
An Excellent Mustard 1'ickle.-One
quart ripe cucumhets, cut fine, also
one quart small .green cucumbers,
one quart green tomatoes, one large
caulillower, six green peppers all cut
fine; add one quart small onions. Put
all in n weak brine for twenty-four
hours; drain, mnrboil ef
w minutes
in equal parts of vinegar and water;
drain again, and pour over the
pickles n dressing mode as follows:
Take six tablespoons mustard, one
tablespoon turmeric, one and a half
cups %%bite sugar, on • cup flour. and
one-quarter !mum! mustard seed;
mix, mid n(1d two quarts hest vine -
ger; cook, and pour over the
1.00t) -POISONING.
There are runny ways in which
foodstuffs may give rise to more or
less }whom; disturbances of health,
and it is pnrticuli,rly during the
bummer weather that such accidents
aro likely to happen. Official exam-
inations are const not It revealing
how widespread in the practice of
adding preeertatives or adulterants
to viands of all sorts, and though 1
it Must be admitted that in many
`t• instances these substances are by
their nature or the smallness of the
quantities used comparatively harm-
less, still in the majority of cases
the conditions are such ns to render
their presence extremely undesirnhle.
But entirely apart from these, se -
J vera illness not. infrequently follows
C',!s the Use• of certain cotnenon fonds. in
animal footle, extremely poisonous
principles called ptomains easily air -
peer as the result ni bacterial ac-
tivity, and may cause wholesale ill -
Dairy products are especially prone
to such changes, ran:1 if not properly
cared for mny develop tyreaoxicon, or
cheese poison. n s.lbstan(c that is
not rare in ice-cream, while botul-
ism is a serious forin of ptomain -
poisoning following the eating of
tainted meat or sausage.
Fish and shell -fish yield similar
preducts, a specially vicious poison
*mined ntytilrltuxin having been iso-
inted front mussels, need canned
thins are also often offenders In
this way,
4i ,
_a, •
Little Liver Pill
Must Bear Signature 01
Set Pac.Shntte reraisr Below.
Vary small cad se our
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1((.9511371 11 probe-• t,u:eatnble. r'omratn'ea•
u.nIrtntl1 reyr,nade,,tt.1.It4mitwo.ken1'ate..te
rant free. Ot.t••)t agency for seeurlrr latent.,
Patents rake tbrue h )ntn A (u. reu(ir•
rpi(ticwr�Scifl k J
A nan.Iwmr-•r l lulrat4d 373eklr. bs Rest re
r•ula tt,n of tier edentate Pawn Tsriell. to a
(0Kr: f..•tr mow Ss. IL loll bra stem, lei&
1,3eftrelfirty, eW
I •, (••t tt.:S r ft.. Wsabinpee.