HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 14—
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■ O��V e children (lie du at the bet
weather months than at any other
FOLKS season of the year. '('heir vitality is SCOTLAND,
then at its lowest ebb, and un attack
DOOOOOOOOt�0o00000000OQ of diarrhoea, cholera intention or His Majesty Will Inspect 40,000
stomach trouble may prove fatal in Troops on September
JUST A BOY'S DOG. a few hours. For this reason no driat should be without a box 16th.
home in which there are young chil-
Nu, siree, that dog won't bite;
Not a bit s' danger!
IVhat's his breed! Shure I don't
Jest a 'buy's dog,' stranger.
No St. Bernard -yet last year,
'l'ime the snow was deepest,
Dragged a hale shaver home
!Where the hill was steepest.
Aint't n bulldog, all the same,
"I'tt•()ul(bn't do to scoff him.
eustened on a tramp one time --
Couldn't pry hitt off hits.
Not n pointe(! -jest the same,
When it all is over,
Ain't a better critter round
Htartile up the plover.
Sell him? Say, there ain't his price,
Not in all the nation!
Jest a 'boy's dog'; that's his breed -
Finest in creation.
(Ji11)OSE A LIFT: VOC.\'1'10N.
'!'here comes it time when every
growing boy must face the question:
What shall I do for a life work?
It is an important question. one
that is as important to the parents
as to the child. It is one that must
The announcement that his Ma -
Baby's Own Tablets. which promptly i je.sty the King is to hold a review of
cure all stomach all bowel troubles. volunteers in Edinburgh on Septelt-
If the Tablets are given to a well ger 18. has created intense satisfac-
child they will prevent these ail- tion all over Scotland. It has long
Stents and keep the little one well been known that Lord Provost
food strung. Mrs. Jose{,h . Tiger)(!, Cranston has been exerting himself
Itryson, (lues, says: "My little ono to the utmost in order to get his
was uttac•kisl with colic and Jiurrh- Majesty to hold a review on sotto-
tea, and I found Baby's Own Tablets thing like the scale which Queen Vic -
so satisfactory that 1 would not now toric held in August, 1881, when al -
be without theta in the )louse. "'These( most 40.000 volunteers were on pa-
rade not only euro suuuuer fou trade from every part of Scotland.
The nrrungenhe•nts are in the hands
of the military head -quarters in
Scotland, who now occupy spacious
offices in the palatial buildings of
the "Scotsman."
It is believed that the military
bles, but all -the minor ailments that
afflict Infants art:l young children.
They contain nc opiate or harmful
drug, and may Ir: given with (tidal
safety to the heli barn baby or well
grown child. ',Nyco are imitations
of this medicine '..•!A mothers should
see that the v. )1 ds "itaby's Own
Tablets" and the tour -leaf clover' authorities in Scotland have already
found on the (wrapper around each ' put themselves in connection with
with child's head on each leaf is•
box. As you value your child's life the 1Vtu- (Mice with tt view of ascer-
taining, not be persuaded to taken sob -
what allowance is to be
stitute for tinge's Own Tablets -the
made toward the expenses of the vol -
one medicine that stakes children well
and keeps theta well. Sold by all
druggists, or you can get their by
mall at 2.5 cents a box by writing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
be faced squarely and answered wise -
And yet there are ninny who shirk THE EVILS OF GAMBLING.
and turn away, trying to avoid a —
direct answer, leaving the solution to An Appeal to King to Uso His
what they hopo will be a happy Influence Against It.
'('hen there are sons who leave the
solution entirely to their parents;
and there aro parents who leave it
all to the sons.
Each should consider the matter
with diligence and frankness and
come to a determination agreeable to
both. conipanied our national sports and
In considering the problem it will even our indoor pastimes. The sin
be well to remember several things. of hazard was, in his opinion, one of
In the first place all real succe.ss the most outstanding of our nation -
must be founded in the economic • al vices- and one which every serious -
principal of becoming a producing minded patriot trust feel was a
member of the great industrial
scheme. '!'here is 110 room in the
world for a drone.
Everybody t product something
The man who produces what is most
needed and most wanted receives the
largest rewards.
As a general rule it is wise to try
to produce something of which the
A striking sermon on "The Sin of
Hazard," was delivered a few Sun-
days ago at the City Temple, Lon-
don, England, by the Rev. R. J.
The preacher spoke of the unhealthy
desire to gamble which too often ac -
menace to the well-being of the com-
munity and to our Imperial destiny.
The gambling evil had penetrated to
the highest grades of our social life,
to our commercial life, and to our
sports, but the most regrettable fea-
ture of all wits the way in which
the desire for gambling had spread
to the lower classes, among whom
supply is scant. In any case, it is the "copper book -maker" and the
prudent to avoid those occupations small moneylender had firmly estub-
In which there is already a surplus lisped themselves.of the proe•ict. For instance, the i With regard to garnbling in society,
world is not crying for lawyers, doc-1 Mr. Campbell could only saa that if
tors, preachers, or accountants. The half the stories which were told
so-called professions are overcrowd- about the sums of money lost nod won
cd. There is a large surplus stock at "bridge" among the upper classes
of legal advice on the nutrket; also , were true, thev formed a veru ct it
medical advice and of bookkeeping.
Consequently the rewards are dimin-
:She kind of roan that is most plen-
tiful In the market is the one v ho
knows no business in particular and
wants something in which ho can
wear good clothes while at work.
The man most in demand and least
plentiful is the one who has had ac-
tual experience with some occupation
which soils the hands and the clothes
and (who, at the same time, has the
Capacity for planning and directing.
A railway manager who has tramp-
ed the lies and built a trestle, n
book publisher who has set type; a
Lumber dealer who has served as a
umber jack: n contractor who has
ensured in" and checked out" -
a word, the man most in demand
hardest to find is the one who
learned some line of business
the basement to the 'front of -
The then who want 10 learn
iciness from the top down are
This is n great industrial era.
'-here are opportunities for all. Every
ten or twenty years the great indus to other people.
trial army must ho recruited allcW.
With all respect, continued the pas -
The time has passed schen it was not tor, ho desired to add a (ford tonpas-
"prufest«hle" t.o be nnylhing but a earning the influence which ,nicht lee that .11)1111 Bunyan is a gre •ii -grocer;
"professional Stan." Science and exercised by the King. 11is Majesty John Milton keeps a chandler's
learning have become the handmaid—Das such loved by his people: he shop: a barrister, n roneh-buil,ler,
ens ofthe industrial arts.
To -day hnd proved himself worthy of the and n wnua
tehmker each boast of the
d ay nnylhing is honorable lint
is dung( well. Produce something- postcon, and hnd rightly earnedfor name of Willis,,! Shakespeare; while
give something to the world, and the himself the .of "11e pence ken Charles Dickens is n Poplar tinker.
Intoof the world." if the King would
(told will pour its blessing WRONG SORT.
exert his grout influence in separating
your lap
♦ gambling from sport, and in Ms-
countenac•ing what wns essentially
200 YEAIIS iN ONi': IIO1'SI:.
untet•rs who may comae to the review
from a distance. as soon as de-
o-finite information has ixen obtained
upon this point no time will be lost
In communicating with commanders
of corps throughout the country.
Edinburgh is sure to slake n good
contribution to the gathering, for it
will be the desire of the brigades of
which Lord Provost Cranston is so
popular a commander to turn out in
such numbers as will dcntonstrate to
his Majesty how admirably he bus
interpreted the feeling of the volun-
teers of the capital. All over Scot-
land the same feeling is br'lieted to
prevail. and there is general expecta-
tion that throughout the country
the day will be observed as a gener-
al holiday. This will m.'an an influx
of people to the capital on a scale
(which will help to ntnke up for the
lack of visitors recently cousplaieed
of. The carious railways will un-
doubtedly offer (('opting Med Ities
which will insure an immense attend-
ance of spectators. it will provide,
too, another of the too rare ',ppor-
tunit b s which people from every
part of Scotland have of testifying
how l opular his !Majesty Is among
his Scottish subjects.
The review will also tend to infuse
new life into the tc.lunteer IlIOVe-
tnent, (which in Scotland, as in some
parts of England, has rather sulTer-
ed in popularity within recent years
as the result of what, rightly or
wrongly, is regarded ns the want
of genuine practical interest on the
part of the war office. It is not
portent for the furore of the race. It yet known (whether the (Queen is to
was only fair to say that there was • nccommpany the King, but if his Ma-
to -day a healthier feeding among the i jesly is accompanied by his royal
highest grades of society than exist-1cotnsort, this will only lend addition -
ed in the eighteenth century, for in -1 al eclat to (what hes every prospect.
stance. when statesmen of the high- of being a memorable occasion in
est. rank gambled away their entire Scottish history. Unfortunately the
fortune. Still. it was to the upper Inst review took place on what was
classes of society that the country one of the wettest days on record.
naturally looked for an example, and But be the weather what it Stacy this
it was to be regretted that the sin time, there is no doubt but (herr will
of hazard was t,uu,ifested in 80 be plenty of enthusiasm on the ()c-
mnrked n manner in connection with ctsio:r of the King's visit. and it
the game of "bridge." will not be surprising if the muster
AN APi'EAL 'I'O TiHE KING. of volunteers at the review exceeds
In our commercial life there were even the great gathering which
many phases of activity which were marched past Queen Victo'ia in
not ordinarily described as gambling, 1:43 1.
but which partook of that character, Ai'1'AIIt IS IN GOO)) 1!ANi)S.
and which were certainly examples of General Sir C. Tucker is not the
the sin of hazard. 0 t
Speculation in 111811 tleave anything undone that
ninny of its forms was merely n de- is calculated (u ensure the success of
sire on the part of some person or the ret i W, and once he returns to
persons to get rich quickly. lids
desire was in iter!( 1ssemtially vic—
ious, because, it added nothing to lour of the Scottish volunteers no
the wealth of the coin nntnity, but 1111,0 will be lost in pushing forward
merely acquired for one man what the needful art-urge:mc0.5.
night be looked upon as belonging
131•:AltlatS OF FAMvl ':Auih:S.
The "tendon mire • tory" shows
evil, 8nd encouraging (what watt es- Perhars Plain Old Meat, Potatoes
A cottage 1enant0d without a break sentinlly good. a very •11 noire
tor nearly 21)(1 yeti's by a local Guar healthy impulse ?night be given to and Bread May be Against
ly named Rushton, n representative the sports of the nation. You for a Time.
f which (Mr. Thomas Rushton) is a
A change to the right kind of food
can lift one front n sick bed. A lady
olliery malinger for the Evil of
i:Iln•snu re was demolished the other
Oily at 1Valk(Ien, near Manchester, the
tate Leing required for a new frim!- (twnndu, n town in Africa. con-
nive Methodist ('lapel. 1n the early ' tains between 10,000 and 1J0400 in-
vert of lost century the cottage, habitants, and is surrounded by a
curiously enough, served as a preach- palisade of pules. the top of every
!ng place for local Wesleyan Metho- pole tieing crowned by a human
(lists and hnndlootn weaving was skull. 'There are six gates, and the
also carried 011 in it; it also served "proms, to coot iv laid with it
Suffered for Years Before She
Found Quick Relief in the Great
Canadian Kidney Remedy. ,,q awe the !Wares iR.r
St. Rose du Degele, Tet niscoutn - - --------- ---- --- -
Co., Que., Aug. 21 -.Special). -Sof- A PROSPEROUS SOCIETY.
tering women all over Canada will —
read with fe lings of interest and re- How the Independent Order of
lief the experience of 'Dame Ani,dce Foresters Has Grown.
Bendelte of this place.
"It gives rue pleasure to be able
to tell," says !)tune I3rndette, "that
Results froin common soaps: ( BLACK AND WHITE
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
• The Supreme Court of the Indepen-
dent. Order of Foresters held its
triennial session at Atlantic City,
I am cured of all the ills 1 Suffered New .Jersey,
recently. I'he reports
for a number of years. 1 found in ,submitted at this meeting shute the
Dodd 's Kidney Pills quick relief society to be a (wonderfully prosrer-
ous one. An independent Finance
Committee investigated iI1 the secur-
ities, etc., and reported that they
found the business affairs of the
Those troubles known only to wo- der managed in a thoroughly bmsi- l�� m0! SCY
U 0[ 0 t
Ymen always spring front disordered pees manner, the investments ieits aafcly U
Kidneys. The female organs are en- and (wisely made, and that no losses 5A clnide St. 1.2 t, Toronto. Ont.
tirely dependent on the K idneys. had been incurred during all the
1)odd's Kidney fills never fail to years of the order's history. The
euro the Kidneys. Thu( is why they order's uccuntulatea funds have in -
always bring health, strength and creased in the last three years $3,- PACIFIC COAST I.aCUI(SIONS, trcnth caret Philadelphia.
cheerfulness to tweak, rim -down, sof- 272,345.51. The order's position is
fering woven growing better every year for During June, .July. August and �AIRM AT Al itDR11.. AI81.••'1.1--
instnnce, the increase in accurhduted September the Chicago and Kurth 1' arc5t181 miles from
miles north oI
+ assets during the Inst two !!osteon Ry, will sell front Chicago. t ung Y. 11_s (rot, Airdrie runway
t round trip excursion tickets to San ,tet'o1.; convenieutt to church, schools,
AUNTY GLEN'S CURE. years, 1 ►Oa -•1, was :31.31 per coat., stores, etc.; SP Ic11didly situated; mngnt-
while the increase 111 insurance at Francisco, Los Angeles, Poi (land, II(•e,IL view; first-class soul; good water
How the Old Lady Got Rid of a risk (luring the sante period was only Ore. (Lewis & Clet{ko Excursion), Se-
a 0of -(ltt Qht roo�� Ott+iiiieil with
Dreadful Headache. (3.417 per cent. The order has increus at Ur, Victoria, \ anrouvet at very all modern conveniences and drainage
ed its accumulated funds !:ince the low rates. Correspondingly cheap system; stable, Battle sheds, hurry
' fares from all ,oink In Canada.
shed. workshop, corrals. et::.: good
'I'Onlmy 1 onx'roy's pneumonia led last meeting of the Supreme Court1fences, all new and substantial; will ho
to a discussion at the sewing -club more rapidly than it increased in any Choice of routes, hest of train ser- sold 118 n ((sing concern, with stock,
between an advocate of mustard equal time previously. !luring rte (ice, favorable stopovers end liberal nislhitigsn tihinerv, tools
olnllnpinn�nble nail
plasters and a believer in cold -water 813 working (lays of the year the return limits. Hates, folders and is especially adapted for growing hard
nppl1cat ions. order pays out $8,89'1.88 per day, full imfnrination can be obtained fall wheat and for mixed arming. Full
from B. )t., !onset(, Genual Agent. t/artculwrs en application to Cray
"!Chat a variety of cures there and each day puts away a surplus I 8 t(ro .. Airdrie, Alta.
are," remarked Miss Everett, pleas- of $:3,1)07. The order's nccunutlntotl 2 East King St., Toronto, Out. 31 - ----------
antly, with a meaning look at the funds now amount to over $9,000,-
9,000,- --
others. "Yesterday 1 heard of the OOU, and these, the commit tee re- I)1S(:ItACEFUL 'DEFICIENCIES.
ports, are all well and sefely invest -
(51. The society has added 1 1 ,000
members net for each year of the
past triennial period. No changes
were made in the rates, the Supreme
Chief Ranger contending that the
rates of the order at the present time
were ample.
All the Supreme Executive were re -
front all my pains. I only had to
take one box to bring back any
health, and in five months I have
had no return of my trouble."
are not more difTereet than the ..Id fu shi.pnr.! Lull, ut sesssoe tees. flea
Carefully Crown, Thoroughly Cured and Prol.orly Packed
v tamar'meamo. r eLtetammiz—•.*� •-
�']r?. 11.. 'I°Et� 'M w1 S-1%172 L� 1�i Tp.
For sale by nil lire grocers.
A telegrapher earns from
$540.00 to :18OO.00 a
year. 1)o you? 1f not, let
us qualify you to (lo so.
Our free telegraph book
explains everything. Write
fpg it to -day.
11. W. SO '!ERS,
Mention this paper.
Idtt,lt St 1.e:-- EVERYBODY 1v it nO
keeps hens or pets should send
Oc at once and get the hest practice'
lntonuution and latest news about
poultry and pct stock keeping, every
month for the next 10 months. Money
back if col satisfied. agents wanted.
Address, l'oultry News. Olwen_Sound.
Superfluous Mak Permanently Removal
11 bile ti riveting in Mexico 1 discover-
ed a drug w11.cu removes hair front
face, anus, neck, or any part o1 the
body 11.stalttly and permanently, ,.o
will send to any one afflicted without,
any expense but a postage stamp.
Dont jug Igo any treatment by uusut:ess-
ful attempts o1 others. I hove suffered
for )cars with this affliction and notv
my life's a ork is to help others from
this humiliating trouble. lay treat-
ment is easy and accomplished at horn�
and 1 will forfeit 6500 if it fails e+t
remote hair. Don't suffer longer. Pe -
lief is now yours for the asking. Writs
now lest you forget my address.
lrultee1'a1' 111..'''1, 1ft1;, nrlh six.
• c , I'a.
'Inugiring cure'!,•
"Indeed!" The minister's wife
hastened to help in steering (sewer -
sat ion away from the belligerents.
"You've kept yourself so young,
Mrs. (:len, you roust have something
interesting to contribute on cur. s."
The old lady thus addressed was
a recent comer, but it was gradual -
It is a disgrace -
To half do things.
To be lax, indolent, indifferent.
Not to develop your possibilities.
To do poor, slipshod, blotched
give bad example to young
elected, with Iles. Dr. Oronhyulc klta Ib have crude, brutish, repulsive
ly dawning on the community thatnauners.
they had a saint anionf, them -one at their head. It should be added
of the unobtrusive, happy, healthy that the death rate the order is .life is posslitre aible.
life ((rhes
half -
kind. children were already calks low, indeed much lower te
than it as
g u•Not to be scrupulously clean in
some year's ago, and the average age
her "Aunty (:Ica."
of the membership is only thity- person and surroundings."1•u you believe in mustard'.r " do- rto acknowledge a fault and make
(sanded the determined advocate. seven. The medical work seems,o effort to overcome it.
"For those that it benefits, yes," therefore, to be well and carefully nTo he ungrateful to friends and to
said firs. (!len, gently. done. As a fraternal society the
Independent Order of Foresters cur- those who have bellied us.
Tial tell us how you hr.ve kept '1'o go through life a pygmy when
well," hastily interposed Miss Ever- (linty has bee n u wonderful success. Nature intended you for a giant.
cit. and
something of its financial To kick over the holder upon
"i don't mind telling, hal 1 geese
you'll thin': it's a funny kind of
cure," Mrs. (:len replied. with a
smile. "Once, years ago, 1 had a
dreadful headache. 1 hadn't slept
a wink the night before -i was
grief ing about a friend that hadn't.
tr.ated too right.
"1 was just branding away. going
over and over in my mind what 1'd
say to Mehilnbel ifeco•d some day,
when 1 saw that to big grudge was
growing right up inside of ire.
'Note,' said I to myself, 'femme Me 1t appears (egos the monthly re
that n reason why you should grow !for
bituhel Record did really d0 it, i+ ; port of the medical officer of health
the city of London, England,
a grudge?' i fleat in the four (weeks dealt with no
' S0 1 set richt about forgiving i less than 310 tons of meat. were con -
her as hard ns 1 could, and Pretty i (I• noted an unfit for 1uman food, of
soon i just 1010(1 Melti1abel 11c•cor11• I which 145 tons were imported frozen
no natter whet shed dune. ' I'( Luce. Uf the whole. 3(13 tons me
The needleswere motionless. ''he I !!'seethed ns "putrid." The total
speaker. although fleshing under the • windier of seizures made was 3,40(i.
gale; of many ,yes, continued: the
in more than 1.000 eases sales -
1111'11 were the first, to enll attention
given MAW abel-why, any headache t o the quality of the food. Other
wits gone, and I felt nice all .,ver. It ; produce inl,nd,d for human con -
set me to 1hick ing. After that, 1 ;iinjst' , but seized and • 'mimeo
whenever 1 hnd an ache or pain, I clueing the fourweeks, included:-
practised going nwny by myself and Ono find a half tons of atrnwber-
forgit'ing some one. It worked won- ries.
dcu." half tons of damsons.
"rf!rillyd you always have some on0,'' One and a On; and 11 half tons of atilt and
asked the minister's wife, softly, "l0 1)088.
{tract is.. un?" Os. tun or more of blackberries
"I)eaty tae. En!" said Aunty and plans.
Glen. "la• rxMote's nitrites treat- On one (ley the inslnetors seized
ed me so 11i e, 1 ran out of folks 1,2110 tins of pines, mixed fruits, sal-
t() forgive Ioeg ago." teno). Inbsl,r. and snrdiues, and on
"1IOW did you mutnng0 your 'cure' another 1. f0U tins of cundomscd
then?" milk.
"Oh. nlong about the snll1e limo I ♦.'
ran out of aches and pains, too. I Oso the safe, {{dcnanot mud effectual
haven't lost. n (Illy in hod in forty- wenn killer, !!other (:neves' Worm 1:x -
five cetirs." lerminalar. nulhhhh equals It. 1'rucurc
IL bottle 01)11 take it bootie.
'There was n pause.MissEverett,
wit11 shining eaves, broke the silence: "it is a punitive delight to meet
"Loo's, I stove it vote III thanks a man you feel you can trust " re-
t deur Aunty Glen, for n bit marked the indivicLuhl with• ho high
PAVEvt•: TENT OF S( 111.1.54. of very deep and very dear ',hiloso-
In N,Idwn, 111., nays:
"I.nst spring I became bed -fast 'thy' And i move, also, that we
with set ere Minimal trouble ncc5111- adopt her rare and practise it-
panted Ly rick headache. 1 got with unusturd plaster or without, as
worse and worse un'.11 1 became, so cnvh one likes.'
low 1 could scarcely retain env food
at all. nithough 1 tried every kind.
1 i had bei one comfit,'ely disrour-
ns nn alehouse se in the eighteenth liiit,.,,ti.nt of human shuii+, the tops age(!. had given up all Wipe and
century. being the only parts that shote thought 1 was doomed to starve 10
above -ground. Mare than 2,1)00 death, till one day my husband trw-
l'lll: ENG 1.181i VOCAIIULAItY• skulls nre used in the pavement lug to find something i could retain,
The English language -according
to at C:ernlnn statistician who hits
a whole
strength may be understood from
the fact that the reports show that ! which we have climbed to out' pusl-
it has already enough in its treasury(1 andusages au 1 i, be grossly ignorant of the cus-
to pay all probable death claims for !toms of
al•omt live sears without collect 'magood society.
:u:y premiums from any one of its She --"You say you are devoted to
ruen,bcrs.-Toronto (:lobe, August (art. What is the particular
art thatIS
you love best?" 1IS "Thou art."
Tons of It Destroyed Monthly in
the Metropolis.
Th • legal position of Queen Alex-
andra is very curious. So far ns
her private business is concerned, she
is not regarded Ly the laws and cuss
leading up to each gate. '1110 pave- brought home some Grape -Nuts. toms of I m:land its n married wo-
nm•nl is of !Aluwy whiteness, polished) '•'1'o my surprise the food agreed man at all. She is the ()illy woman
made n study of the connparative to the smoothness of ivory by the with Jnr. digested perfectly, and in Great Britain who dues not come
wealth of Intih
gnngts-heads the list doily passage of hundreds of naked without distress. i began to gain within the scope of the Married Wo -
with the enormous vocabulary of feet.
2101.01111 words. (leru,nn conu•s next
with (;0,000 words; then Italian,
with 75.000; French, with :50,000;
Turkish. with 22,.:•00; and Spanish,
with 2(1.00(1.
The following note reached n
schoolmaster from n b y's father. in-
forming; him of the cnuse .,f his son's
11 (0-1.110V (roll) Pelt(' 1 tear previous
day. 1l t;morally cnn•ed some titer -
rout, judging (r• ,n the way
he signs the epistle. it In no way
flatters him. 'lite note rat• as fol-
lows: "!Tense cks use 1 • filmy not
being at schen) yesteru lv .s he ane
kept at Immo to wash --his fnth,r."
First. Shopwalker - "Poor old
Iljones tins completely lost hl1 henr-
ing. Flo afraid he will lose his
J(,1. •' Second 8ho{,ttalker-"Non-
Denae' lie's to he transferred to
the complaint deportment!"
'1•licy arc. Cat erully Prepared. -Pills
which dissipate lhcnrselyen in tho stom-
ach cannot be expected to have 1111),
effect upon the Intestines. and to over-
come festiveness the medicine adminis-
tered mull( Inllucnee the action of these
//nuts. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are
made. under the supervision of ex-
perts, that the substance in them in-
tended to operate on the Intestines Is
retarded in action until they pass
thteugh the at -S to the hovels.
LADIES',.. ° ;;,;�%;
(*a be done perfectly by oar Maes Trott** Try li
Pearl -"I hear that Jeanette and
!tarry were about the softest couple
that were ever married in this
Ruby -"I should say so. Why, they
were so soft 1hnt. their friends !roiled
the rice before they threw it at
Very many persons die annually from
cholera and kindred summer complaints.
ANTI 1ltOl'()ME'1'I(10 SURVEY, who might hive been saved a primer
• remedies bud heel. used. If attacked do
"1n my opinion," said the. Duke of not delay in getting a bottle of Dr.
Devonshire, "the report of the cum-
J. U. Kellogg's I,ysentcry Uordtal, rho
medicine that meter tails to elfcct w
mission has not received from the cure. !'hose who have used it say It
',otitic all the attest' it deserves." acts prornptly, and thoroughly toques
Ile suggested a systematic anthropo- the pain and disease.
metric survey. I James-"•11'hen I'm
calling i never
Speaking for the Government, Lord know (whit( to (10 with any bunds and
Lansdowne gnve the assurance that feet?" lions -"Offer your hand to
the report should not be pigeon -the girl, and use your feet to get
holed and forgotten. Ilut further en' sway from her (other."
qui13 and invest igal ion twel'o neces-
miry before n great many of the re- ltnve you tiled Holloway's Corn Curet
commendations could be taken up. 1t has no equal for removing these
troublesome excstsctcen as 111any have
testified who have tried it.
A Sinal! fill, but Powerful. -They
that Judge of the powers of n p111 b
its sire, %e ail consider I'arntelee A
Vegetable Pills to be locking. It is n
little wonder among pills. (That it
lacks in Site it snakes up in piton
'I he remedies tsIui:h it c.n.rrles are put
Up In these small dines, because they
aro so powerful (lint only small doses
aro required. '1'h.: full strength of the
extends is secured fu this fora, and do
their work thoroughly.
"Is that a birthmark en your
friend's forehead?" "No; that's a
laundry •k." "A laundry mark.
Ilow odd?" "Not so very. Ilis wife
hit him with a flat -iron."
Lever's Y-% (Wise Ilend) Disinfects
ant Soap Powder dusted In the
bath, soften• the water and dlsln.
It•:ifARNA TILE IIOOK. facts.
The Prince de Ligne is the Girth-
Mavis--"Andnute possessor of perhaps the most
so you are going to
curious hook in the world. It is marry Ferdinand after all. You've
neither printed nor writes. 'The chosen him out of all rho legions of
forehead. "Oh, I don't know. I {rt (errs of the bunk are all cut out suitors you used to have?" A wi1--
prefer n man who pays t•nsh," re- "Yes, h0 was the only 'n' who of vellum and postal un blur. paper.plied the man (who kept the grocer's The hook is as easy to rend as if (11scr1, and 1 deckled that n Ferdin-
sho',. , and teas worth two in the hush." 6
printed from the boldest type. A..
lLf characters arc cut nut with 11la an 0fflrer of the Law of 'kettle INeeker--tiny, old chap, I'm 10 marvellous precision and uniformit..-t1'hen called In to attend a rututrh-
beastly had luck; need money hntlly and this dexterous piece of handl- once it searches out ono Idling -place of
s (lass.' and like a guardian of the penrnJ►
and haven't the least idea where I craft must have required n great Iaya hand, upon 11 and snys, '•f arrest
can get it. Baxter -Well. 1'01 glad amount of time. lnbor an 1 patience yc'•,.•• Itesistwnce Is useless, ns for In+v
t0 hent that -1 thought perhaps you try the sulfur. The volume bears , of health imposes a sentence of pee petu-
hnd nn idea you could touch me for , nl banishment on pain, and fn Thour•
the t!tIe "The (look of all Passions I as' KIrttrlc Oft was originated to °n-
it. of Our Lord JeRtrs Christ. with f°1 La that nentenco.
rhnrnrters not composed of any ton -
Mrs. c Casey -An' wo
tt . t be awful," remarked a A1rs.t be .e gin' to
s in 1(31(1 the `K
t0rinl.' It i sand that
gushing young girl, "never to hate lermnn Emperor, Rudolph 1i., offer_ !make of yen boy, Mike? • Mrs.
a chance to marry." "Yes; but noted the enormous sum of 11,000 du_ 0"Tonle-W,11, ars int Indio' hits for a
eats for this wonderful, but vet cur!- lhndcnrrier, like his pa, but the bye's
ous, work of art. What snakes the aim was so ,g.°°11._ at hill!n' scall
history of the book more peculiar is will fitness whie te Inst strike w81
the fact that the English arms are on, that now 'Tire is goin' to haat
inscribed upon It, although the book hint' train for n hall player.
f is supposed never to have been Ir
!strength et once. my flesh (which man's Property Act. '1h• idea of nearly so find ns to he we hnd a
♦--- had been !tabby) Btt• refirmer, my the law is that affairs of State con- chance and let It slip!" said the
`health improved in every way and stitue all the time of the hing, and, lady ••f uncertai:u age.
WANTS A 1II'NtiltEli NI11.1.ION. Ietey day. and in a very few weeks 1 her( fore, no responsibility for the
Lord Kitchener hos asked X100,-+.1 gnine(I 211 Pound in weigh(. 1 Queen's private business rests upon
000,1)00 for the erection of L•n"rucks !liked (:rape -Nuts so well thnt fee •1 hint. If the Quern contracted debts
and military centres along the In- months 1 11(0 no 0111,1' food. and al- ion l • •• husband's natn0, he would not
Jinn ftontkr. 'I'Le Indian array :way!• felt es well satisfied after rat- he reseonsible fur theta its any other
exists. he snys. (HAY 1(1 re gel n lot - : Mg ns if I had t=at down ton fine,husband w••111,1. '1'I,e King ,ammo(
Skil int•uslon, and Is not a police , banquet, be sued fu1 debt. but the Queen can
force to preserve tiro ish supren,n:y i "I had 11' return of the miserable 1 be. Should the Kin(; (Ile. s s nu.
°monk the natives 111 India. There- sicL st'mu:ch nor 0f the headaches, ! 1hori1t,s hold tont the Queen coup'
fore, ho proposes to change 1110- that 1 need to have when 1 nuc nut ninny attain, in case 'he wished
gethrr the sy tots on which the 01 her rand. 1 nm now 8 well wo-'lo do so, Without th, special lir, , • ••
army has been prepared for nwblliz_ • man, doing al) my own work again, • 811(1 ,rnnn1issiun of the King's s ::-
atlotl, and feel 11 nt life is worth living. 1c05801'
—4 "Grape -Nuts filed line been 0 goo -
send to my family; It surely snvr(I I Tiler• neo only three lintion81 holi-
"Whnt do you think of our new my life 81111 tele tiro i;t'le 1.ot.; have Heys in .inform. .lnnunry Ist is one
oil 1•0111in;; r" asked Mrs. Netvri•-h. thriven en it a0,ureefi: '.: " Ncnr' of therm. and th• I.11-thdnv of the
'•W,II," answered Mr. Ne,.trich. "it given by 1'ctstum Co , ('ntt!e ('reek, Ireit. eine. E,nlere r. November :till, is
se0tns good enough from the front.. Mich. mot le r. lint rub? stilt 11th is thie
but if you turn It round and look at 'There's n rentor gre•ntest of the three (lilies. for It Is
the other ride i must say the ma- Get the little i.or.k. "'I he !tend to the nnniversory of the eoronstion of
tcrial seems kind o' cheap." iWellt•ille," In each pkg. Ithe first Emperor Jiuunu.
BiNG 1'I' IN.
"Iie made quite n little speech
when he propos(-11 Inst night," con-
tided He n,
"Sort of n ringing speech, 1 pre-
ro-sume?" laughed Katherine, noticing
the glitter on her chum's hand.
Perhaps the most unusual way of
delivering mails Is that adopted for
one of the islands of the 'Tonga
group in the Pacific, where the
danger of approaching Inshore ren-
ders it necessary for the mail stream-
er to use a sky -rocket as a postman.
Whooping Cough
The children ,seem to catch Whooping
co igyhewsily In the slimmer time when it
is at ways se much hauler to get rid of.
The Lung
w ll cure them rare re is r.n
lejurfnts drag in It and 11 it pieswnt
to take.
At all druggteta, 25e., see: and 11 t•.. t.r,tle.
VI +•
ISSUE NO. 34-05,