HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 13THE EXE'1 ER TIMES, O('TOBII: R Ihh 1905. " Cedar Posts A large quantity of Cedar Posts for rials f the beet quality. )Just he sold agate. Wil would be pleased to quote you Our pricer on any Building material you may require. We can supply you with. Sash and Door Frames; Lumber, Lath & Shingles on shorteft notice In tact we are in a better position than ever to supply our many mutton-- ere t touo- et s with all they may require either from shop or yards, Bee keepers suppliesready for delivery. Tanks made to order Wood for Sale Call and tree the wood we have for sale. Just the kind you require for Summer cooking. The Ross-TuIor G0. LLU. 104.444- INotiee To Farmers and the Public in General As the fall is coming on now gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, + Wool Pickings, Iiorse I -lair, Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, 13rass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take them down to ',JACKSON & SON $ Main -Sts Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's where you will get the high- est cash price for them. IH -4.+4-144-4-14+++++++++++++++ Grist CREDITON We are prepared to do Grristing and Chopping on shortest notice. We are making a splendid grade of Flour which is giv- ing excellent satisfaction Try our Flour. E. Switzer ' jyTCi)IUAL JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. . P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni• T��eessffty. office and reeldenence. Dominion Laboratory. Rueter. DR. A. F. MALIA)Y, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former gene°Surgeon to Toronto as eelers Hospital. i i STORIA Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over :10 yeast, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per• somal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ib contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotie satl)Stunee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worts* and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Rowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea --Tho Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORiA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You llae Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNa COMPANT. 7T NUN AT .TNECT. NM YOUR CITY. TILE TIIIN MAN'S DANGEIt. Ile can't resist disease germs, — that's why he's such a (nark for con- sumption. In this land of plenty, thinness is w•ickcdncs, especially (then it's so easily overcome with Ferrozone. This remarkable tissue builder makes you fat quickly ; ,i4. does so by forming blood that's rich, nourishing and health •;iris;. Ferro - zone supplies the nutriment needed by wornout nerves. rapidly con- structs muscle and fatty tissue. The forst fills out, the cheeks redden. proving that sveizlit is being added. To be well and stay well,uso Ferro - zone. Fifty chocolate coated table% is a box for fifty cents or six for 32.50 at all dealers. D 11,.11.1E1,1) —Mr. .Inures Thompson has par- j rt.,sod machinery for hie Pour mill and put it in las t week. lin expects :o have the mill :uranin; 1a a month. —Mrs. Jamieson and fancily, who i aro been spendin; the bummer bete roturnud to their home at Brooklyn : nit Tuesday. ' —Mr. Wilson Ecn;!esus, of Luck - now, event a few days in the village with friends lost week. —Mr. Willi tm \Whiddon, of Goder- ich spent a few days last creek with with friends in the village. —Tho following is t he report of the senior division of Hayfield Tubi lic school for the mouth of Septem- ber, based on at tendance, deinea, o, and general proficiency :—Sr. 5t h.— t;rant McNeil. Jr. 5th—Mane Mc- 1 t)ou;all, Alice Tippet, Nellie Bi. - ,.art. 4th—Clara Galvin, Laurie Fow.tc, llerbio Stur;eon. Sr. 3rd.— Ford King, Ituby Woods, Atny Mc- Neil. Jr. 3rd. — Robina Harrison. \W Ober Erwin. Harold King.—T. 11. IlrotVnlee. Teacher. —Mrs. J. 11. Petty and Mrs. Thea. Dick, of lIonyall were :;nests at, the (fiver hotel. during lost week. —The congregation of St. An- drew's church will hold their jubiles. 1 I anniversary on Oct, 15t b., when ltev. 1 Mr. Smith, of 'Lerma! will be preach• er for the occasion. On the Mon- 1 day evening fo'•lo vin; there will be an interesting program after a ju.- ike ten has neon served by the l:r,:i of the con.;regation. There Las Leen cone.iderable sura.' sin; as to the, reason 'he( body one of the youn; men recently fon:, was divested of its clothing w•hi the other was not. One tgenticmai gives as his opinion that Hailey, trio was an excellent swimmer, divested himself of his clothing in the wale• M order that he mi;ht better hell himself and his compateen Woods who was not en export, but_the la:• ter lost his hend and ,grappled wit' Bailey- and both went down to dead= together. If yon, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such di,eases to Tttr. Lrauta Co.. 179 King Street, \V., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain f..r you LEIBIG'S FITCURE MORTGAGE SALE The Usborno and Ribbert HOUSE AND Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur- LAND once Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President:—T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. Vice -Pres.:— J. A. NORRIS CROMARTY P. 0. F. MOI(LEY, W11ALEN 1'. 0. W.11. PASSMORE, FARQUHAlt P.O. Wm. Roy, BORNHOLM P. 0. 1. L. RUSSELL, RUSSELDALE P. 0. AO ENTS. I. CARMICHARL, STAFFA. ONT, A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT, J. WiIsost, FuLLABTO:\. ONT J. S. OILFILt.AN, LUCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. I GLADMAN & STANltt'ItV. Solicitors THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancvr, wills drown, money to loan on real v.tate. atm) 1.Iceosed Auctioneer for the counties lof Huron and Perth. Charges moderate. Orders lett at the Ttat:s ar at my residence, Farquhar will receive eren,pt utteu I.aecessor to Dr. J. A. (tonins. Niettcan at tion. Waco. te-1,.ur DENTAL 11. KINtMAN. I. D. 8. AND Mt. A. R. KINSMAN. L. 1). 8. 1). D S., Honor Graduate of Toronto Uclventlty. Dentist. Teeth oxtrwc'cd without pain or had after offer -ea. °Rice to F'an• son's block. Nest aide of Main WMt. )cxeter• D.A. ANDERSON, (0. D. S. L•D•$. DNDHNTIST.Moor ZZ and }Royal ()allege tof Dentalhe at Su Surgeons oft carie, with honors Alao yoet•graduate et School of Prosthetic Dentistry Iwita IM -arable mention. iverything known to the Dental Profession illeaela IleatInam,ls ottioe. gold and vulcai rte elates all done In �is>s1e.s a aeethetict cused for painless a trio- • Oce ons door month of Carting Brea store Ismter. on t. la MONEY '1'O LOAN MONEY We have unlimitedrl - .a► epee village property at Iowa oboe of lutereet. DI('KSON & CARLI kUetor ESTRAY—Strayed oa Lot 9, Routh boundary of Hay. about July let. 1905, a yeirrlin.; iron 0 heifer. T),c wetter can have ciente by ['reviler property and paying coats by ap- plying' to Andrew Campbell, Thames raid P. O. OR SAI,E.—Two ;nod w•orkinz horses and one (Wein; horse, 2 single horse wa;onp, two rete heavy einzle harness. For further parti:- tears apply to M. Jackson. Vain St. FOR SALE — Lot 8, Con. 3, Us - borne. 100 acres, all under cul- tivation, 2 wells. On the property in a frame house, good bank barn, one frame barn. For further par- ticulars apply to Jas. F.asery, Exeter P. O. SIIORTHORNS FOR BALE — The undersigned has for sale on i.et iii, Con. 2, Hay, n number of up-to-drtte thoroughbred Shorthorn bull.. They are of the Tow Net blocky type, dark red in color and of riONEY '1'0 LOAN. chnice breeding. They are all eliz- ihle for registration. and will he sold W. here a 'ergs amount of private funds to sae on farm and village properties at towrate. I'. o. 1f Wore" OLADMAN A STANBCRY B.srr$.lerm Solicitors, Main 8t. Exeter. roI m'hly. — John Elder, Hensel!, DICKSON & CARLiNG, marviMer. Solicitors, Nela,les (Veveyaacers, Oornmtw.l,'ners. Solicitors for the ol••on. Peek. Rte. Messes to Leas at )ewest rotas of interest. o?FiCR :—MMN STREET. EXETER. 11. IL casuals oh. 1. R. DICKSON 1lt'1 1'(111 SALE. -100 acre farm for sale, leen: Lot 11; Conces- sion 10, t'sbernc. Firm well fenced, in rood condition. well drained with orch,rd, ham windmill. tar;e frame house, bank barn with zalvanize,l roof ; cellar under house, one mile from \Vindictee a, near echoed, church and market. For further part ieu- Iars apply to Wm. Crccry, \Vinchcl- pe:l. TH1tEE ACRES OF IN CREDITON Under and by virtue of ltho pow- ers contained in a certain Mort - sage, which will be produced at time of sale there will 1st offered for sale by public suction, ny John Gi1!, auctioneer, on else premises ON MONDAY. OCTOHEIt 23, 1905. At 2 o'clock in ttbe •afternoon the follow•inz property, viz: fart of the South Half of Lot.number Eleven in t 11e Fitt It Concession of the 'fown- slap of Stephen, in the County of Huron, described as follows; Com- mencing at a point on the South d istance Boundary of said Lot at a it of ten chains and thirty-seven links from the South-west corner al said Lot thence Northerly nine chains and eighty links to the centre line of said Lot thence East wgully along said centre line three chains and six links, thence Southerly parallel with the Western Boundary of said Lot Nine chains nod ninety links arriv- in; at side road. thence Westerly alonz said side road three chains anal six links to the place of 1;eziuninr. cont ainin z three acres more or less. TERMS Twenty t ter cent of the • on the la oC twa Ie .— 1 purchase stoney y 811(1 1 ltd halorce in thirty days there- after without interest. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on tho day of sale or may he had oil aapplic:a1iun 10 t he undersizeied. JOHN GILL. Auctioneer, or _:LAi)MAN & STANin'UY, Exeter Ont. Vendors Solicitors. tatted at Exeter 1145 thin( dray of October, 1905. SEWING MACHINES At Bargain Prices. We are offering a J drawer, drop head, guaranLeed sewing machine for $21.00 Satisfac- tion guaranteed. I In Pianos we still keep up our record. High grade pianos at, prices other dealers ask you for inferior goods. ('ome and see us we will interest jou sure. S. MARTIN & SON PTo Cure a Cold in One Day ..`4"sr„eGgP, ' Tem Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets., f4 on every N,t(la, ilio. Waft sad ht post 13 moods. 'Ibis signature, /rv'vt� box. 25c. i STEPHEN COUN(:I1, 'the Council of the 't'ow'nship •phcn, convened in the Town 1L: • on Monday the 211d day. 01 • 1J05 at 1 p. tn. All • ment- oere present. Tho minutes of ,'; cvious meeting were read :uta adopted. Resolved tbat when the en ;Ricci files the ►sport. plans ❑rad specifi cations re Mud Creek Drain t hat a lit Clerk scud novices 'Uo tt'' l..trties ins terested that the stone will be cou- sidcrcd at the Tow•n Ilatl, Crediton, on Monday the 4th of Dec. next al 10 a. m. The following orders were passed. F. W. lFarncotno, Forel Award, $20 - NeLson Baker, ;ravel contracts, blk. 2, C. 1t. 2 F. R., $96; R. Davey. com- missioner Flt., 32.50: J. Sims, corn- utis.,Loner C. it., $111.1)0; II .L. Kraft. ;ravel con. Mk 6, EBR. $2,50; Chris• tion Stade. commissioner Bik 6, ESt $2.50; 11. L. Kraft, ;ravel, $18.05; do., ;ravel N. Il.. 35.30; August Swcitzcr, repairs ta. Fsscry Bridre, 333; W. Martin. concrete tile $1.50, 11. Roeder, cleaning ditch, 31; Chas. F. Either. rep. Haist's bridge, 35.00; U. F. Eilber, ss-ork on H:ist's brid.zv. 32.50; W. II. Hill. ;ravel, $22.10 Asaph Gravclle, rep. culvert. 31.50; C. Prouty, do.. 33.00; Thos. Webb, concrete tile. 35.50: John Baird, con- crete tile and rep. cul., 33; D. Ma- whinney. tile on road, $1.10 ; ,\V illiam Pickering. rep. cul.. ;$2.75; Sinton Swcitzor. do., 33.50; J. Bracey, tim- ber, $2: j4obcrt Sims, drain under award, $3: ,Enrlish iron bolts, 65o; S. Gaaiser, rep. cul., S. ll., 33; Henry \Win;, spikes, $1.03; Nelson Baker, ;ravel contract. S. B., 37.00; Ezra Feist, work on llaist's bridge, 33.00: It. Treibner, gravel, 370.50: J. Keys, rep. Mud c►eek hridre, 31.59; F. W. 1•';wncomb, part payment of fees re - mud creek drain. $60.00; Jerry -Bre • der 2.50 m. work t $ pLe�•. r on _ Johnston. et al ►cp. brie;e. con. 20, 327.50; M. McIntyre, ;ravel con. Ittk. 7, S. 11. $13.50; John Barry. commissioner 111k. 7, S. B., 33.00. 'net Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall oil the 4th of December next at 1 p. •nt. HENRY EMBER, Clerk. EXTENSIVE, GlDEIRING AUCTION SALE —of— FARM STOCK AND 111PLLMENTe ,1 a+ White will sell by Public Auc- tion for 71r. Adapt St. Jolt's on LOT 3, CON. 0. (SASE LiNE 111ttoshard. half utile east of \Voo.l- Lim on THURSDAY, OCTOBEIR. 19113, l•'0-1 Comuicnoinz a t 12 o'clock sharp the fotlow'inr property: BTOCK.—Clyde Marc 4 years old in foal to Colston Leader ; ;e'ner.al [stir - epee more 4 years old, suppd,:c.1 t„ Is, in fool to Sir I.vylyn : Mare 12 years old SuppOsed 10 he in fool to Colston Lnadcr ; !Olio 11 years old supposed to be in fat! ,:o Sir Evylye ; drivin; mare 5 years oral; yearlinz filly sired by Orchard Willow ; suck - lin; colt sires( by Sir Malcolm; puck - lin; colt mired by 1'e re he rim ; six ;owl mitch cows supposed to he in Calf 10 thoroughbred hull, 5 due to otlf, February to May ; 1 renewed cow ; 1 due to call in 1)ecemhnr ; 4 three-year-old 8toe rs : 2 three year old heifers' supposed to be in calf Io thorouzhbred hull ; 4 twp year old hcifors pummeled to be in cell to thoroughbred butt ; 2 two year old steers: 2 yeirlinz steers, 5 yearlinz hrnifaere, 5 calves ; 1 brood 'ow due to (arrow at time of elle. iMPI, EMF.NTS. — Alassey•Il.,rr:+ binder, Maxwell mower, Maxwell &cc harrow : Champion reed drill: horse rake; wagon with box ant! spring scat ; pair hnhs!cizh•. set 0f Diamond barrows, teeter; plow near- ly new Cockshut make; single top burry ; rood cart ; I'ortktnd cutter: forks. does, chains and several of her small articles useful on a farm too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve as the pro- 1.rietor 1)15 rented his farm. TERMS.—$5.00 and un,ler cash ; over 31311 amount 12 months 'r• will be 'given eta funnelling app Joint rote., or a discount of 6 tea cent for r,.h in lieu of notes. .108. WHITE. ADAM ST. JOHN Auetkneor. Prophet or. N. SUFFERED FOR YEARS ro. rtIl;T o. or FEMALE DISEASES. Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Usefulness to i'e=ru=na. Read the Letters of Grateful Women Cured by Dr. S. B. Hartman's Free Advice. Thousands of Testimonials ceived Every Year. An Ideal Medicine. IAHS LOUISE MATHER, IJChureh St., Burl ingtou, Vt., Vice -President Bureau of Exchange, writes: "Your medicine Is an ideal wo::can's medicine and by far the best 1 have known to re- store lost health and strength. "I suffered for several years. My back ached, I had bearing down pains, and frequent head- aches. "I would often wake from sleep in such pain that I would suffer for hours before my oyes would close again. 1 dreaded the lune nights as well as the weary days. "1 consulted two physicians. hoping to get relief. (finding that their tnedicluo did no: seem to cure me, a friend ad vised mo to try Peruna. "1 ant certainly glad that 1 fol lowed her advice, for Permit. was the only medicine for mc. 1•:vory echo and pain disap- peared in fottr months and am in perfeet health now. ",fly earnest advice to suf- fering women is to try Pe- ,(y: rune, for 1 feel sure they wit J _ not be disappointed in ft."— / Louise t."--- Louise Mather. Enjoying Splendid (, . L.E. Health. ijYLER Mrs. L. E. Tyler, Santa Re- , rs, Health and rt >.:;;•, gree.,. t£i 33 t MSS 01::, LOUISE 91ATH ERS Ca' So Monica, Cal., Secretary Santa Monica Musical Society, writes: "1 was troubled for over three years tett systemic catarrh, complicated by female weakness and inflammation. ,,This Induced frequent headaches, nervousness, hysteria and sleepless- ness, which nothing could relieve until 1 tried Peruna. "1 began to feel better after I had Hanan the first bottleful and improved from week to week until at the end of stout eleven weeks I was entirely well. "1 at% pleased to say that 1 have enjoyed splendid health now for nearly a year. I have s fine appetite, enjoy sound slurp and do not suffer from any more headaches of other pains."—L. E. Tylef. Kirkton Fair. (Continued frons page 8, • .1. ltooinson, .l. Shirr ; North- ,. ea'. A. Gunning. M. llretitour . . itheim Pippins, Ratcliffe tiros. i rs. Colgan; Fallow \Vater. W. i .tutr, .1. Sanders; Tolman Sweet, Sanders : Ilaldwins, .1. Shier, It.I taupe ; Snows, J. llod;e, Ratcliffe Brea.; Greenio;s J. Shier. J. Sanders I; o Tompkins, •'t [ ins J. Sanders,F. Kin; P. Sw•aitzer; Alexanders, R. San- , - , .. 1'11 ; 1s, . ., assess, Mt Brebho; Golden Rus v, .1. 8 inrLors, 74 ourlianhatn ; Bile. - on Pippins, W. llaz!ew•oal, W. 11. 1.,etewtxxl ; Colvo.r: +, F. 1'. fortifier, &idinr; Ssscat fear, ,\1. Broth- er. W. Wiseman; Duchess of Olden • '':•;. Miss K. Doupe; Cayuga real cak, J. Sanders, M. Ilse( (roar ,\'Lection apples three of each, .1. •.nders, W. Sadler; crew apples, A. hest,(►our, Mrs. Warren, plums, .1. Sanders, .1. Slier; fall pears. Mise lfanham, It. Ross; winter pears, J. White, .1. Shier ; peaches. Airs ..I. White; ;crapes, white, Mrs. J. White .(.raves, blue, W. Ii. Paisley, Mrs. .1. White. MISCELLA\a. )I'S Maple sugar, M. ltrethour ; anaplc syrup, Miss K. Doupe, F. 1'. threitt zer ; home lade brand. S. N. Shier, \i. Jamison : blankets, 11. Jamieson union Illsinkets, M. Jamieson, N. tlicizbt0n; suit Cana(Man t weed, Shier & Mirslei11:honey in sect' .1. W. Homers, G. Bentley & Son ext,flacl honey, J. Kirk, .1. W. Somers Canned peaches, M. Jamieson, A. K. Fer resort; plums, Jenny Robinson, Mary McCallum ; t•enrs, Jennie Rob- inson. N. (ori:Th on ; cherries, M. Brant hour. A. Itobinason ; zooselrerries, A. Bret hour, W. Brown; stn,wlx•e- ring. A. Brntihour, Mrs. .1. White ; nasplprrics, N. ltrotdrour, A. !teeth our eonsatees, It. Doupe, A. Shier : jelly, A. Shier, Mary McCallum ; col- leet.ion of pickles, Jennie Robinson, Mary McCallum ; phreto;raph, .1. Senior ; collection of 1,hotor, .1. Seri inr : pencil dn•twinr. M. Jamieson, J. Taylor; er ,son +,r plate!, any sub- jeot..1. Te,vkr. Mrs. J. \W.hite; paint - in; in oil, figure, Mrs. J. White. LADIES \VflI3K. Counterpane crocheted(, A. Shier. Mins .1. Robinson ; countcrean0 knit ted, dies .1. Robinson ; patchwork, quilt. Mrs. lfanhatn. Miss White; crazy patchwork quilt, Mrs. 11 on trim, R. Doupe ; }adios undcrclot Lin z. Miss Robinson ; Mrs. llanhem ; ,pp- pligte! work, Nellie Creighton. Mrs. 11,nLam; errasene work, Mrs. .1. While. N. Creighton ; roman calibre - dery, Mies White, M. Bret hour ; venetian embroidery, M. Creighton, M. Jamieson; battenburz ince, Mrs. \\ trren, Mise McCallum : slipper, knitted or crocheted, Nellie Crei rh- ton. Miss McC.sllum ; sofa pillow-. N. Creizhtnn. Miss JI. Brook, ebi1,1'� -\ress, Miss M. stunk, Mrs. J. Whit.• r,; carpet, M. Ilrethour, Jennie Role inson ; tea cosy, M. Bret hour, Mry. J. White ; table centrepiece and trey sloth, M. Jamieson. Miss White; .lin• nor teats, Ada Shier, Miss McCollum : •n: Completely Regained Her Health. Miss Edith Reams,72i3 North Main St., Dayton, 0., writes: " I suffered for some time with both lung and female troubles. "1 had been under the treatment of a good physician for about nine months without obtaining any relief, when Peruna was recommended to me. After taking twelve bottles of this medicine 1 have completely regained my health. " I am pleased to recommend Pernna to any one suffering from the above all- ments."—Edith P.er.nts. No testimonials published witleout written consent of the writer. `.M ISS EDITH @EAM,S America is the Land of Ne Women. The majority of women are n beesuse they suffer from some fo female disease. The greatest obstacle in the way recovary is that they do notUflders that catarrh is tho main sourer of their illness. Women who are in doubt as to th ailments should write to Dr. Hartm President of Tho Hartman Sanitsri Columbus, O. Give him a fall des tion of your symptoms, previous ment and age. He will promptly reply with t sections for treatment, free of cha THERE has only been one real im- provement in cooking ranges in many years. That improvement is the Imperial Oxford Diffusive Oven Flue. While other makers were adding dampers, racks, door openers and shakers in a vain attempt to make im- provement,, we studied the heart of the range. We knew that the only improvement you %ante,I was a better oven, an oven that would help you bake better bread, pies and cakes, toast beef to a turn, retaining its juice and flavor. Our investigations and experiments :•t•!-ti•S2'70/1r,"M PArLi 'M1�.W/.'.�: M. 4i'_W�.:• produced the oven -heating system of the Imperial Oxford Range 03') The important feature of this syst is the diffusive flue which draws fresh air, superheats it and distri it evenly throughout the oven. article on the bottom shelf fa from the fire is getting as much on all tides as the article on the shelf next the fire. We would like to explain this fully. If your dealer d,esn't h the Imperial Oxford Range, wr for particulars. We will send logtte and tell you where you can the range. 14 The Gurney Foundry Co., Wilted TVa,'STO, MONTd.AI, WINNIPP,y VANCOU,[. Solt) by T. HAKINS & l'.xl'ter. Rode 7,000 Miles on One Pair of Tires MR. JAMES THOMAS DEWIY ie Canada's champion steady bicycle rider. He is a collector for one of the big telegraph com- panies in Toronto, and he rides a wheel all the year round making collections over a wide district. His record is 13,000 mile, a year. Mr. Dewey's bicycle is fitted with Dunlop Detachable Tires, a single pair of which have carried t\ him over 7,000 miles of good, bad ) and indifferent roads. Dunlop bicycle tires are famous as the kind that may be attached, detached sad re- paired when necessary by the two bands unaided by any form of tool. Every pair if guaranteed for a year. THE DUNLOP TIRE COMPANY, Llmite .T. JOHN Toronto MOWT*E►L aM reeicJuVEU •WIPID 0