HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 122•HE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBER 12th 1905. COUGHS troublesome at the best, of - n they lead lead to serious ('ornpiicatons AND rcfore they should not be ne- lectcd• A bottle of Our White Pine & Tar quick- ly cures Coughs and COLDS 25 cent bottle will probably be enough if taken in time. rownings Drug Store The Exeter Times LENJAIt FOR OCTOBER, 1905 AY 1 8 15 22 20 AY 2 9 10 23 30 AY 3 10 17 2,4 31 NESDAY... . 4 11 18 25 DAY....... 5 12 19 28 Y 0 13 20 27 AY 7 14 21 28 DA OC • 1 OCTOBER lith 1905 11ENSALL second meeting of Carmel'd pies' Society was held on evening hst w'hcn the spa- sement of t Le church was y filled but was. literally , many having to stand in the ways. The subject of inter - drew out such a largo as- s , was a debate: "Resolved city life is preferable to ooun- rural life." The affirmitive by Mr. W. A. Cook, support- tr. Dunlop .and Mr. Isaac , while t he negative was John Rowcliffe, supported awden and Dr. Ferguson. appointed to decide ithe he debate were Rev. W. , Mr. Samuel Smillie and IcKtiy, and the critic) of ; was Mr. William Bu- oy. Mr. Smith, pastor of hurch, very ably filled the of chairman. and together' e judae.s, hialily compliment- debators. A mectin; of the was held on Monday evening a fine musical and literary me was carried out. avid Wren, divinity stu- ducted services with very ptance in the Methodist S.lbbath evening last. m. McDourail returrl,j, trtrakec a i;itirii , where had been visiting for a month. - Miss Bessie Urquhart left last week for Tononlo where she ,intends taking a course of studies. -The Harvest Thanks;ivin; ser- vices were held in St. Paul's church on Sunday . - A lecture will be 'given hero next Monday night in Carmel church un- der t h, auspices of the Carmel .Yo Le's Association. by Rev. s, of Knox church. Galt secrets of Scotch suc- nowles besides having a a preacher and lea - very recently won new as the author of 8t. Cuth- the Infest popular Canadian 1. THE F. \V OI1ST OF' A COLD. licnv suddenly it oomes.. No to hurry to the drugstore. develop. the lun;s are ef- rt with pneumonia or tuber - in and it's loo late. Keep rrhozone on hand, -it kills colds ntly. Something magical about •av it cures Catarh and Rroaehi- •Catarrhozone is the gest reme• cause it cures in nature's way; als, soothes and restores perma- ly. Carry a Catarrhozone lithel- y our pocket, use it occasionally you'll never catch cold -that'; �h re mem berin;. ZtRICII Mfr. C. Eill►cr acted. as a judre or Itorses at the Bayfield allow. -Mr. ('has. Troyer. the township tax collector sots in the villa go last week deaet•rin; the 1 ax notice. --Jur. Davit' Schee!! has sold bis 3-yoir-oal driver- to Mr. John Spar- row of near Varna. 791^ animal was an except ionolly •roal one :and ee price vial for it by Mr. Sparrow was $2f'0. !•I r• Schnell ale iys reieee sorld .hors;. i .vers To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, to your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will ilair Vigor only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. -1 are new over a 1eu, old, in.! t 111111(k. gimpy Iliad of I. or har ..r,Ich v a wead.t to .v.ry 011 who so.* It. And n.11* /ray Aals In It, all Aa. to Ay.r•, If•lr YIj••" Mu. It Lai Ti., ts.rda. )(tan. S,•M • bottle. r r Arra. re.. 111 dr gt.t& lOr, r .•-.'t. ‘41,04,. w II White Hair€ The Surrounding News Items of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondents. Cil E:DITON A ouiobitis for 7Iw purpose if re - or; .linin; the Literary Society +vill be held on 1e riday evening the 13t h 10.51 at 8 p. in. at the home of Mrs. lituett. Will all the old member% and any new members wishins 4o join be in attenduuce. - Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. of 1'urkhill are visitin; Mr. and Mrs. Ilern. -Mr. iChrrs Rowe, +vho hate been working in London for some 1irne. has re-entered the employ of Mr, B. Brown. -Mr. Fred Yowl; was in London Friday and Saturday on business. -Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Morlock c1:re emendate 0 couple of weeks in Zion, 111., wit h t heir sons, whet are residents of t)owie's city. -1Ir. and Mrs. B. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Gotleib Morlock spent Sun- day at Shipka. - Messrs. Kuhn & Clark have com- pleted the ratio in lite Soverci;a Bank. The work is very creditable to Vert and there is no doubt but. that he will scion develop into a full fledged architect. -Mr. Win. MorLock, who conducts a lary furniture factory at Guelph, stent Sunday at the borne of his sister, Mrs. 11. Oesbreicher. '9 O as his foot r +vhoh f E. \\ ire h -Mr. t , severely burned some weeks 41;o at Brantford, is improving nicely and t work soon. c s o + o expects to I ret I 's ill -Mrs. Lev. Damm ++••ho t D (I ) wibhnppcndicitis, is,;ettin; atop; as well as can be expected. --Rev. Andrews was in Parkhill on Tuesday. -Dar. Sot. Beaver, who has been in :he employ of J. 11. Holtzman. an Mit maker for the past Iwo years left Saturday morning for Hamilton where lie has secured a ;ooil position with Mr .George Ieellormun. - Mr. Wilbert Clark, of St. Marys. is siondin; It few days in the viJleae. - Mr. Kin;sl•y is !laving a cement floor put in his barn . - Mrs. Rosina Finkbeincr and Mrs. Harry Either returned after spend- ing a tow days with friends in tatty. DLO'. and other points. -Miss Dora Eilbor visited friends in •town on Friday last" . -Mr. and Mrs. August Hill spent a few days in Milverton. - M.sa Tillie and Clara Wind have returned to !Detroit after spending a few weeks with their parents; . -Miss Graham, of Sodom. • BOW Saturday and Sunday the :guest of Mises E. Farrol. • -Mr. Jack Smith has sold ,bia throshin; outfit to Mr. Garnet Bis- sett. Mr. B,i.ssett will commence or. Nov. 1. r-�=r`ir. clic •t.'atin,i• Sun. day in Dashwood. Some all factions. -Mr. Geo. Redden has m.oved Lis household effects Ito Dashwood, where he his accepted a situation. - Sherman. the healer, has left the eater. His presence here has not in- jured any person and although some tnea have been benifitted or claim to hive been benefitted, why not lot the (natter drop at ib it. Such reports as appeared in •tie Torotrto Star standenin; some of our best citizen+ will do no .good and will only help to sow discord amore; he inhabi- tants of this otherwise peaceful via Loot. But all people arc not born a1Lko. some delight in saying arid do- nt; things which when brou;ht. hotne injures them more than .the person t•hcy ridicu!,•.-Com. Anniversary Services. - The an- niversary services of thio Methodist church were held 1.11 Smelly 1:141, Rev. S. J. AIJin of ('Parkhill conduct - in;. In the afternoon he addressed t1s3 Sunday school and n +cell re- ceived. lila sermons, both morning :and evening were from texts nuit- ably for the occasion and his hearers were greatly pleased with hie :(- dresses. Rev. Allin is a ratan of deep t sou;ht anti hie manner of delivery is very t•leasine, and his theories invtructive. On Monday evcnin; a conecvt ons given in connection. ad- dresses Lein; delivered by Rev. God- win and Goils. of Exeter. Ltev. L', W Andre+vv, 11. A.. of Centralia. occupy - in; the chair. Music was ;leen by the choir. by Mr. :end Mrs. Allis snit Mrs. A. E. -- of McInnis, recita- tions by M ism Fernie Allies Mk., Lu- lu Essery, 'disc Inez Andre WA tend Myrt le Clerk. The procecdn from t he Sunday services were over X100 and t hose from the concert on Mon- day everrin; will ,greatly swell the church funds. The anniversary sc•r- %ices of elle Eoenezer appointment %ill be held next Suavity. lice. An- drews of Centralia takinz charge. -Ma. Got !tab Brown. the 'town- ship tax co'.lector is making his :viral 4. Death of John E. Ei',ber•-Mr .John F. FiLI►er, son of Frederick Eilber, and one of our moot respected eitt- sena. .'wcit very suddenly last Men- ai), moaning'. ile had been in ill he ill h for some months, but was never considered in a ser•loual con- dition until last Friday, when he was cern! tilled • a :-• to !ed. Mr. Either was just in the prime of life lain; about 35 yea e of sae. Burin; )1's life time he was a ha -'t +w,>rke, .and very honorable in the discharge f Isis duties and bred by all with shorn he cane in contact. ile i• survived by a youni widow and faun ciliation, an a ted fat her and mot h- er, Live brat hers and four sisters. The .remains were interred in ib' fatni'y plot in the );van;olical ceme. tery Wednc.sd•ty efternron, (he r •- serct in which he was held hoina -hntwn by the Lars` rortere which followed him to leis lint •-•stir': place. I: if !s thoutlit his trouble W1a1 v+:'r h lois lungs. but tho family was under t he impression that ho had injured himself some years ago while lore icipatipz at it:g-of-wtr, anti 1 poet n,orter0 exantir•1tian was 1 14 Tuesday by Dr. Iiaiat and !►.. Arno.. of Exeter. The cxamirsition showed ncute pl.eunton'1. Amort( thous from a are once v+h0 atten<Ied the funeral were: Mi. \V. Ratter. of Newark, Oi►io; airs. Cawley. of .1)•.. trat : Mrs. Trueller, of ,Detroit Martha Fearer. of Buffalo : an 1 Claris. halter, of Zurich. The Times joins in cxtcttdtn4 heart -IOU Syutpathy to t he berextved f lntily. Tho followin•; is the report for the month of September. 75 per cent of tho marks are required for hon- ors, 60 per cent fur a pass. Nantes in order of merit . Division III. -Class V. - Honors; Edna Pack, Pass, Gerrie Short, El- vin McMurray. 1. - honors, Peart GaLx r. Pass, HIouward Meath!. Sr. 111. -honors. Elsie Gaiser, 'Lillian Finkleeiner. Pass, Alnteda Fink bei - nor. (Ira Holtzman'', Matilda Oes- t reic r. CLAUDE ILt'ETT. Teaoher. Division H. - Intermediate 111. -- pass, Pearl Treitz, Charlie Gower. 11. llcdden. Jr. 111. - honors. Mattel \Ventzol, Lulu Gainer. .11'ass, Ida Brown, Grctta Bissett, Gordon Ap- victon. Edwin 1'ahner, Everett Llaist Harry Swoitzer. Sr. H. - pass, Queeuie Hodgins, Wellington llaist, Loran Brown. Florica lull, Herbert: Ilaist, Mervin Winer, Martha Welsh. Jr. IL -honors Llu,u llcdden. Pass Evelyn llluett, Emmanuel Beaver, Lulu Datnur, Murray Boltzmann. MISS FARROW, Teacher. Division I. -Part II. -pass. Gordon Benedict, Herbert Shenk. Frank Kin:. A V.-houors Irene Erb. Pass Gertio Guenther. A IV. - honors. Raymond EnsLieli Lillie 'Weiner. Pass, llarold Gower, bottle Henden. r F'nL-oe'- iartun. ton t t A . 111.-honors,I nor, Verna Hill. Pass Irene Wolfe !toy Shenk. A. II. A. II. - pass, Itotha Kin„ Ge.rtie Erb, Emmory Gaiisor. A. I.-pasa. Allen Carter, Mast, Lavon;ne Mcbluroay. MISS KIENZLE, Teacher. A FAMILY NECESSITY It's remedy capable of affordia immediate relief to the hundred and one ailments that constantly arise. It may be a cold perhaps toothache, neunad;ia, pain in the back. - use Poison's Nerviline, it is tenet Kiting, pain subduing and powerful. Ner- viline is at least five times Id roarer than ordinary remedies and its worth in any household can't be over csttimnlod For man or t:caat Norvitine is a panacea (or all pain and costs only 25c. per bottle. Buy Nervilinc to -day from your druggist. . HOW TO CURE CORNS ANi) BUNIONS First, soak the corn or bunion in warns water to soften it ; alien pare it down as closely as possible with- out drawing blood and apply Cham- berlain's Pain Balm twice doily, rub- bing vi;ourousJy for five minutes at each application. A corn piaster shot114L+R seelertat-rt.'Ot 1103; it. pro- tect it from the shoe. As a ;enteral Liniment for acprains, bruises, lame - noes and rheumatism, Pain Malin is unequalled. For sale in Exoter by 8. 1! ow•cy. • INSOMNIA AND INDIGESTION CURED "Last year I had a very severe at- tack of indiaaestion. 1 could not sleep at night and suffered motet excruci.itins' inane for 'three hours after each meal. 1 was troubled this way for about three ntonthvl when I used Chi imberl:lirI s Stoutoch and Liver Tablets and received im- mediate relief." says John Dixon, Tullamore. Ontario. Canada. For sale in Exeter by W. S. 11owcy. W INCH ELSEA -The :uiniwersary- of Sunshine church which was hold last Sunday .c 1a a decoded success. The Rev. Mr. It lush preicheal two very interesting and ilivtructive sermons. while the choir excelled themselves in render - in; elle beautiful music. The collec- tions taken amounted to neorly $36. -The pupi!s of Winchelsea puolic school hove orzauizeill a literary society. The officers appointal arc I14 11o1101% : I'resirlent, Willie Elford : Vice 1'., Aluien.i Heywood : accretary, Net tie (atom el! ; Prozraul co►nutit- tee, Sr. rt•0nt, i'vr4L1 Washburn, 01- ivo Berry hill ..end Newton Clarke : Jr. room. Pearl Guhr, John Creel') and Minnie Talbot : Critics, Jur. me. Dou and Jliss 11u++.1id. It was decided to have a prozr:urn every two week, the first one, which vi tl,1 be on the collator Friday, to take the fortn of a (1010 '. and sie!!1,1j motel]. The sl,bjecl fr,r debate 14 an crlsy one to be,;in i+ith, "Iteeeave that 111e horse is more vi hie titin the coin". Re- sults published next week. Thcsc meetings promise to he interestin ;. as well as instructive and it i3 1 be Loped that 1Iie parents will tak an interest in Ment anal Honor u• by their presence, in et 'cast Por • of them - Miss Not tie Gowen. of Goderici, visited Miss Ilow.ird at tire. scho, one dsy last week. - We re;ret to heir that Mr. W•. Crccty, one of our most progress .. firm^ra has offered his firm sale. The farm is n splendid one '.r. the buildinjs are in ,00d repair. Dyspepsia It an Indication that the stomach and other Live :Clars weak, or ad. ft Oases no end of aches and pains and h most, common where bolt their meals and urry and woriy as they do In this country. Hood'sSarsaparilla curet dyspepsia -It has s' a aailictouch this disease. Far tasekasdals of reassetalle as ss - ter tooNo. 3. C. 1. Co.,, Lowell, Mass. Tined Newous Molhets Mahe Unhappy Homes -Their Condition Irritates Both Husband and Children -How Thousands of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous Prostration and Made Strong and Well. A nervous, irritable mother, often 00 the verge of hysterics, is unlit to care for children; it ruins a child's disposl• tion and reacts upon herself. The trouble between children and their mothers too often is due to the fact that the mother has some female orale• ness, and she is entirely 1111111 to bear the strain upon her nerves that govern- ing children involves; it is hula/seller for her to do anything calmly. The ills of women act like a firebrand upon the nerves, consequently nine - tenths of the nervous prostration, ner- vous despondency. "the blues," alecp- lessness, and nervous irritability of women arise from some derangement of the female organism. Do you experience fits of depression with restlessness, alternating with extreme irritability? Are your spirits easily affected, so that one minute you laugh, and the next minute you feel like crying? Do you feel something like a ball ris- ing in your throat and threatening to choke you; all the senses perverted, morbidly sensitive to light and sound; pain in the ovaries, and especially between the shoulders; bearing down pains; nervous dyspepsia. and almost continually cross and snappy? If so, your nerves are in a shattered condition, and you are threatened with nervous prostration. Proof is monumental that nothing in the world is better for nervous prostra- tion than Lydia E. l'inkham's Vege- table Compound; thousands and thou- sands of women testify to this fact. Ask Itis. Makin's Advice -A Woos Mrs. ('Rester Curry, Leader of the I.adic11' Symphony Decimetre, 42 Sara- toga :•;t., l tet Roston, 111aa.o., writes: lh'er Mr.. I'Inkbent• "For tlgbt year. 1 Hal. 1rnuIl*l with et-- triune nerVon/Mesa end hysteria, brought nn triune 1 could neither wnlpoy life nor sleep nlghtr. I flan very Irritable, ner- vous 1111.1 /1118` 4111/0111 "I, Ilth.Pink un tabs Compound was rervnnnrmolcd and proved 1•. 111, the..n17 ramrod)/ that helps% mo. 1 tiara dally Ini- pmv1'1 in 110111111 wall 1 non now ptring and will nn. all nen use lino I The following letter in from Mrs. Albert. Mann, I.4 Dorn Vnle Ave., Toronto, Ont.: Ihar Mrs. 1'ink1latit - " I suffered a long urea with nverlan tremble having intense pains In the back and atelornwn and very sick hea,larhos every month. I wart tired and nervous all the timo and life lunkad very dreary to 1110 51111 1 ha4 no 'loran, to live until I began to take Lydia E. ruakhsm's Vegetable Compound and to get some relief. My recovery was slow but it was sure and I have never regret4 1 the money spent for the Compound as itTrought back my good health." Women should remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the medicine that holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of female ills, and take no substitute. Free Advice to Women, Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Masa., invites all sick women to write to her for advice. Mrs. Pinkham's vast experience with female troubles enables her to tell you just what is beat for yob, and she will charge yon nothing for her advice, Best Uadetattuds a jYsuaa's NMe Home Comfort Steel Ranges Manufactured by WROUGHT IR3M RRII'E 00. Ltd. TORONTO, ONTARIO. FOUNI)1:1) 1MM04. The above is a cut of our itnprove.l tackle 11ated Rano',it h handsome me enamelled re.eervoir attnched to wa- ier front in fire box . The Wrought Iron Itange Co. have located one of their divisions in Exeter and will canvas surrounding country from this place. 'thin is a 111lnple of how our goods please our customers: Exeter, &pt. 21st, 1905 Wrouslit iron It in se Co. Toronto. Gentlemen: -Four years c:o I purch,0ed from one of your 1411es- men a Home Comfort Ranee and h eve found • in cxcetient heater (7A1'I'I'AL and cooker and a ;rent fuel cover i believe i + it will save more. 1 'tan 10 per cent on its price in fuel, shat in ten years will pay for i1. and 1 see no reason why it will not last a life time, Irvin; made of sleet plate and mallenble iron. 1 heartily re- commend the Home Comfort to aft who want the !rest. Wishing you success i am yours etc. RiCIIAitD WELSH. Grand fiend, Sept. 21.1, 1905 To Whom it 111,y concern: - we hive used a home Comfart (time for eight years, and ander no consideration would we use any t bin; else. Mit. AND MRS. WM. i.EViTT, J. W. K. VanNORMAN, Div. Supt. Subscribe for the TIMES. From now until January 1907 for $1.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .r fig Z.'� Save Your Money Bun Your Dinner Set at London Grockeru Go. 169 Dundas St. "Why do we sell so many Dinner Sets?" Because we give you better value for your money than any other ('rock- ery store in the country. We buy where the goods are made and can afford to see you closer in price because YOU • and WE make all there is to be made in the deal. No cine else comes between us to 41 • make any profit out of it. • "Goods direct from the mak- • erst o you" thetat it. 97 Piece Dinner Sets, Uood Value at 114.00 for $10.00. The Bete aro just in and are of Exceptional value.f Beautiful shadings and colorings, also beautifully traced in best gold. tr 97 Piece Sets, Uood Value at • 113.00, Our Price $9__.00. • Also sold by the piece. Make up your own set. Always Match- i able if broken and of the:best EngliFls Semi Porcelain with full gold lines. : Z e7 Piece Sets, flood Value at 18.50, Our Price $6,60 You should see these. You cannot get such values any where else $ beautifel clear prints, splendid patterns and good quality of ware Z Now shapes. 97 Piece Sets, (food Value at $i ,00, Our Price $12.00.: j This is also a Stock Line. laa3 that is its number. Comes in a •: Dainty Pink Spray with green colorings in leaf, almcst as good as china and just lo ok at the pike. Made at Staffordshire Eng- • • land Quality A 1. t ; • • 98 Piece Sets, flood •Value at $15.5e, Our Price $13.00. This •: is a beautiful white and gold pattern. Just as pretty as most • ens"the beat Potters in England i a made by"JohnstonB (tin g Stock Line "Make up your own set" "Buy what you need." •• Come and see the largest assortment. Come and see the Left Yalu(s ♦ • • COME AND SEE THE NEWEST PATTERNS, • • (AME AND BAVEe 1' UCH D10NE1'-By buying our neve goods, s We show the largest line of Crockery, Glassware, Chita, j• Lampe, F.tc. in Ontario. Come and see for yourself. ♦ • •• •• Z• • 169 Dundas Street, London. • • •? i• WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of •. •4 $10.(X)orover. ••♦ •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • :•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1: London Crockery Co. t • MARA'S. Phone 1684. 134 Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane, Former Screaton Premises. IOI DON, ON-TARIO EVERYTHING NEW CLOTHING DEPARTMENT UP=STAI RS Everything Bright Clean and Up-to-date. Spool Cotton, all numbers, 2 for 5c Spool Cotton, guaranteed 200 yards and 6 cord, 2 for 5e Boys' School Suits, made of Al material, sizes 24 to 28, pleated style $1.50 Boys' School Suits, made of pure wool materials, Al trimmed, pleated and Norfolk style, all sizes; at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 Boys' School Pants, Al material, well lined 47c Boys' Pants, made of heavy extra navy blue serge, wear guaranteed, sizes 24 to 33 ; pair. 75c - Boys' Three-piece Suits, all pure wool material, single and 0.ouble-breasted, ion Brand goods, double seats and double knees, sizes 28 to 33 ; at $2.95 & $3.50 Boys' and Youths' Niggerhead Pea Jackets, well trim- med, extra heavy, lined, sizes 24 to 32; special at..$2.50 Boys' Fancy Tweed Overcoats, in dark shades, with hair line stripe, loose fitting, sizes 24 to 28 sizes 29 to 33 Mens' Cravanette Coats, suitable for ram or cold weather ' loose fitting, swagger style. in dark and light shades, all sizes ; regular $7.50 and $10.00, for $5.00 Mens' Heavy Cottonade Pants; regular $1 .00, for 75e - Mens' Tweed Suits --Always Headquarters -Three -button Sacque, Al material, best trimmed, sizes 36 to 44 ; at 94, 5.00, $7.50 and $10.01r Ladies' be on hand early in Silk Section -Peau (le Soie Silk, 36 in. wid-e, extra heavy, will not cut; to clear, yd 7.5c Mail Orders Especially Attended to. ••••••NN•••••••••N••••• ••••••••••••NN.N•NN•N = THE 11O1.SONS BANK ? (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1S.1;,) Z CAPITAL PAID UP • S3,000.000.00 • RESERVE FUND - - • - • - • $3.000'000.00 44 branches in Ontario. Quebec. AO,erta Ilritf•h ('olumbla and M tnitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every lowfnl Day from 1,, A. M. 70:71'. M. except Patentee V1 A. W.70 1 P. M. Fnr,t•orm' Snlo Note"; ra'hed or collected. Fnrrns supplied 1)11 nppiiratlnn. 1,ItAITs en all point' In the Dominion, (great Iltitain sod Cn Dr d :tate., bought end •old at lowest rate'. of exchange. SAVIN(JM DEPARTMENT Depooftw o 01.00 ani upwards received. interest cam• rounded holtyearlcy, And adder! to print; at June lrnh end December 31.t. 1)e• poste. Receipt. el -0 I..•rd or d highest confab(rat.. of Interest ellawed. Adve•nceee made to roomers *tock dealers and husineen men at ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 loweat •i•••••••'••••••NNN••NN•N•••••iN •lowest rate. and on moat fa'orable terror. Agent. at Fester for Dom. Government. Dickson & Carling, Solicitor.. N. D. HURDON, Manager. • i