HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 9v • The Wedding Season Again We leave the meet up-to-date eed- dist; stationery to be lied. When it :antes bill leads, envelopes, etc.. e can always fill orders. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR -No 1672 :trier HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETTE Ns Did You Ever See Our Job Work ? WvLI, we excel at it. i:verythies Vte (o is neat and guttae; up in the hest style to please the eye. Dent force the Times when. you want anything in printing. EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12th, 1805, ]01i11 WHITE! & SOis r••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• T. HAWKINS & SON • Hardware and Seed Store 1 is the pace for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star UIV[TROUOIIING We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstelass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. HAWKINS & SON • • • • 's i • • • • J. E. TOM'S OPINION The Inspector for West Huron, gives his views on the School System. Mr. J. E. Toni. in discussin; the scarcity of teaohers throughout the province. says t'Iw situation is rte- plontbt'e and is continually :growing worse and unless sotue very radical changes are nuute, the system of ed- ucation. which is the pride of Can- ada, will deteriorate to such an ex- tent that years of ;ward work w111 be necessary to bring it back .to its present standing. The ;'cutest drawback is that teachers are re. tire( (u I t o Lake o full •even r at the 6 1 ) Nornutl school, instead of takiu3 one term, ns was formerly the ,ro;ula- tions. This, Mr. Tom claims. is the reason for there loins so lees ,male teachers in the schools. The salar- ies paid not twarrantinr the lose of time and expense attached to 'rho normal course, oonsequently tho male teachers embark in other sour. suits or go to the Northwest, where the normal term is shorter and the salaries paid are ;greater. Out of 300 teachers at present attending the normal schools only 15 are males. 2Another drawback, Mr. Tom claims. is that 'most of the schools are not 'graded and that a younz teacher, just fresh from the modes school, can legally take the position of an experienced teacher and of- ten docs at a very 'greatly reduced aaiary. the trustees, in many cases, giving their schools to the lowest bidder. which is a big mistake. An gets the ginstance is cited where a 'teacher Two Remarkable Records etnuiaro At Exeter and Centralia a year, has to sweep out thenficient salary $275 school' • 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Storehouses made by the Popular Now ready for use, the best Cement and Lime That money can buy also Coal for Everybody at lowest prices J. GOBBLEDIGK WE'RE SUIT SELLERS You are Suit buyers. We make the Suite --you wear them out,. We make thetas as well as we can. so that they will not wear out sooner than they ought. Because, if they do, you'll likely go somewhere' else for your next. Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to buy eo much Suit worth. And Suit worth Is fashionableness of fabric -style in Cut -fit -finish -looks - dressyness - and )(nth of service. As good a place as there is within miles to get all this and not pay too much ie W. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $i5.00 and $18.00. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a farm that you want to se11f Write for our terms oe sol - ling property. \Ve have the 'nest complete method of advertising and esolbn; ,prnperty in Canada. 1)o you wend to buy a farm or business property in ;any part of Ontario/ d for our list. We have some ;aim. NORTH WEST LANDS. A few sections of good North-west land for sale at $6.75 an acre. Apply to ERNEST ELLIOTT OFFICE --Main Street, Exeter. 1'AlN ABOUT 11111•: HIPS. Lt is a C001111011 r.owplaint wilt' %co- �t,•L•. The rank t rea t mcnt is Nei - which penotrate.9 10 the ',eat) of the pain immediately. Ncrvilinc warms :and soothes the affected parts,, draws nut the irritation •roil pain, aLlosets the isitient ease otter one ridden!. No 'liniment so rcpt stostic:tl and safe. Neatly fifty years tin use and the l rmand immensely treater every di, ! Nsrviliie must I My friend, look here) you know how weak and nervous your %sire is aid you know that Cartct's Iron Pills will tei'eve her, now why not ho fair atyout it any buy her a host Sick ifl'adachn i- miuscd by a di.sor- dereed coatdf sort of the ptotttach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's fit ()mach and liver Tablets. For sale * Exeter by \V. N. homey Dim tie 4z,16.1* Kid Yoa Nov Alinas B00 glpate» .t J build tires and do general chore work, and with these duties is CX' �t'TY.TO r%r /%/� pected to be a successful developer' of the youn; minds. ile was the Lowest bidder. The Law should be changed. so that schools like Cen- tralia and Crcdition should have an expcnienced teacher as principal. The teachers 'there at present are %%ell qualified. but there is nothing to prevent the trustees fr.otn en:;m;- inz a bc,zinner to take char. Thin, he claims. is radically wren;. Art• other mistake is that trustees in ad- vert,isin s for teachers should state s denies instead of inviting tenders from the teachers. Teachers of present aro very scarce and the' rea- sons advanced are principally those 'iven by Inspector Tom. TORONTO, ONT. • The attendance at the opening I = of our Fall Term was five tines • • Lad as great as that of a year ago. Lamonth we had ten time as Zmany calls for Bookkeepers, • Stenographers, Etc., as we could fill. This undoubtedly indicates progressiveness and shows that t this is the best school to patron- • ize. Enter now. Magnificent catalogue free. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Streets. • W J, ELLIOTT, Principal • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• i,CEpTRAL STRATFORD., ONT. IThis small advertisement re re- • sents one of the largest and beat 2 business college. in Canada. No • school in the Dominion does more • for its students than we do. To our knowledge not one of our S graduates is unemployed. We get far more applications than we can meet. You may enter at any time. Write for our handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, D. A. McLACHLAN, } principals 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• CLUBBING RATES are wren w n (r, any of the above papers, subscriber• %%il1 secure such premiums when or- dering thrnuzh us• Fame as if order- ed direct from publishers. The rates are as low is WO can snake there, and mean a considerable saving to our readers. if you do not Fee what you want in the hat, enquire at the office; we can • ive a low rale on any newspaper or tea s- azine. NOTE CAREFULLY. -Any of the weekly pulilioations in the above list will be sent 10 new subscriber{ from now to isi of January, 1907, for the price quoted -the 1etnaiader of (hie year is throw.[ in Inc.e These rates are strictly cash advance. Send remnitlnnces by post- al note, post office or express money X11.;0Frit: F, 1:' 1;T1?1'. (:\1. SOME SEASONABLE ADVICE It may be a piece of superfluous advice to urge people at this ►season of the year to lay in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be needed before win- ter is over. and much snore trnontpt and satisfactory results are obtain- ed when taken as soon as' a cold is contracted and before it hos .become settled in the system, which can on- ly be done by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so n)'lozc1hcr ;good that no one asloutd hesitate about buy - in .4 it in preference to any; other. It is for sale in Exeter byt\V. 8.1Iowray. CENTRALIA heath of John Tennant. -On Mon- day last death removed front our midst Mr. John Tennant, an old and respected citizen of Centralia. ut the advanced ase of 76 years. Deceased was a very active tnan for his years )rein; road comntisgioncr for alae township for (ionic lime. Several stays at() he was feeding his stock when an v'nrazed bull charted tat him. In his endeavor to reach toilet I►^ climbed a gate but the animal, gaining on him struck the state, throwing him to the ground ;and stunninz him for some moments. From 4 he result of the .faIL be ilia not at first feel any great incon- venience, but the next day medical aid was called in and upon examina- tion a rupture of the intestines was found. 1t was deemed advisable af- terwards that an operation was nee- ssary, and although successful, was too late to save hie 'life. Mr. Ten- nant was an old soldier et one time .'reins in tate hritish army. brine :n enz:tze'rnents at Inkerman, Ilalak- !.av1 and SebaMapoi. lie was /torte in Londonderry, IreInnd, and •hnd leen in this country come years. The de- ceased is survived by his axed wife. Ho w.15 buried in St. Patrick's cem- etery. A .11'nICIOI'S INQUIRY A well known travelling masa %who visit. the drug trade says he has often heard drua21NI5 enquire of customers who asked for a rough medicine. whether it was wanted for a child or for an adult, and if for a child they almost invarilbly recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The reason for this is that they know there is tro den;(t+ from it and that i1 a!aways cures. There is not the least danger in azivitt; it, and for coughs, cold and; croup it is unsurpassed. For sale in Exe- ter by \V. 4 .1lowey. A woman who is weak nerveus and sleepless, and who has cold hands and fret, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron fills equalize the circulation. remove ner- vousness. and give strength and rest. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TN Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the btguatur.1 of DEATH OF WILLIAM HA\VKS11A\\ �KIRKTON FALL FAl The death of et r. \Vm. 11-11vkshtw on Tuesday morning took away (1111. of Exeter's most respected citizens, and who was one of the most widely known men in 'Western Oat rio ninon; the t ravclli►t; public. Ike - R Tho Kirklo:t A;ricultunal Society's big Lair held at Kirkton last) 1'hue,- sday and Friday was the moist suc- cessful ia the history of (ho or.!.ut- ceascd was horn near Toronto 66' izatioa. the weather was perfect. years ago, of Irish parentage, ani when reaching manhood came west, first living in London township. af- terwards movie. 10 Exeter. where he kept hotel for some years, mak- in; many friends by his genial man- ner and good fellowship. At dif- ferent titres during his career he kept hotel at \\'in;tarn, Illyth Sea - forth and St. Marys, and later re- turned to Exeter, where lie kept the Commercial hotel until his re- tirement from .,alive pursuits. His immediate death resulted from a hcu0r aln,e 011the bruin,' n, which Can..] ed paralysis of the entire right side. Three years a;o he had the misfor- tune bo fall down stairs, injuring his head from which be suffered un- bearable pain and from the effccta of which he never fully recovered;. Some weeks ago he, with his wife, return- efd £nom a t rip to the Northwest' whither he hid gone to recouperato his health, but the trip lad not ben- efitted him to any zrcat extent. Atiout threes %%seeks ago he had a sli;ht attack and at that time felt that his end was near, as his st.ren;th wos fast Leaving him. Mr. I[awkshaw was a man of sterbin; charaoter and exceptional qualities, always luavin; a sood word for every body. and was especially solicitous for the welfare of those wha c:unc frrfu tho land of his lather's firth. 11'E never failed too pay his last tri- bute to a friend by attending the funeral. aomot,imes ;going hundreds of miles for that purpose. Ile meas a member of the Oran;e. Masonic and A. 0. U. W. orders. Ile was twice married, his first wife being a DLLss Rollins, Mrs. Schossenberg. of Landon, beim; the result of t ha t union and still surviving. By his second wife, who is still liv,na..there are two children, Will of Souris, Man.. and Joan at home. Mr. John tlaw'kshaw, of Exeter is his only brother end Miss Susanna. of Lu - can, Mrs. Foster, of Marksville. Mrs. James Soli, of Lucan and Mrs. John Sell, of Lucknow, are the sisters,. The funeral will take place from his late residence. William street, Friday cat 5 p. m. for dew Exeter( cemetery Tho heart -felt sympathy of the en- tire community is extended to the wife and family in their )wad ber- eavement. A man's %wife should always bo the same especially to her husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, sho cannot be, for they make her "feel like a different person," so they all say and their husbands say so too. DASIIWOOD STOVES. -i( you are in need of a stove or furnace, don't fail to hove :a look at our stock. we were never in a trotter position to supply your %%'ants. E. 1'. Paulin, hardware, Stoves and Tinsrnithit►z. -M r. II athlete of , Crediton, is moving to the village. - Mr. Louie Shoemacher with typhoid fever and is well as could be expected - Mr. Levi Ilaymacher, who has hid the typhoid fever for the past three weeks is slowly recovering. - The following persons who have been under the Doctor's care ere convalescent, Dire. Ilan; ..tsr., and Adan) Birks' baby. -Mr. E. P. Paulin attended the W. C. T. U. convealion nt Exeter 'noire/Lay and l'r'i(kay of last wx'ek. -Mr. McLennan, public school teacher has Leen rcenczot;ed for the ensuing year. - Miss Tillie Ruby. of Buffalo. (1tughter of Mr. Gco. Ruby, of this villa re was married in Buffalo last week to a young man of (hat: place by the amine of Walter Ilorn. \\'e do not know the youn; ntnn but he hes certainly secured nn cstima,le. )'our; holy for a bride. We join in wishing rho young couple n happy and prosperous wedded life. -The District n ent of the hell Telephone Co. w'(ts in town Friday of Inst week for the purpose of Lav- in, the local office moved do other granters. There was n warm time where ever n group of citizens vont,; meet discussing the situation The dissatisfaction over the 'runny - in; of the office from its present', site oras sn general that a public: Inettin; ons held in Dr. McLaugll- Iin's office with the result that' for 418 present at tenet the office re- mains where it is. Mr. Coughlin, Insiector of weights and measures was inspecting .cabs I. -re Tuesday. ` \VOOIIIIA11 -Mr. .11:.! (;eo. Kirk. of Brandon. Man.,•l:cave been visitin; relatives in this vicinity and return- ed to their \Veste•rn'vine o►t)lettur- dry last. - Mess Annie Brook, of Mitchell, i• visit in; under the pnrentat roof. Frank i. :tl smiles, it iv 1 zir1. . -Mr. Wm .Kirk is on (hot -irk list. -Mr. John Sykes, of �litche'I, e. tiled 1.n Mr. J. Shier on Friday last. - Mies Mary Johnston returner; on Sunday last after ependinz the past six weeks visiting friends in Wimp - ton and Toronto. -Mrs. John Copeland spent Sun- (Ily with Mrs. A. 11. Creighton. Miss Palmer, (f Brampton. is -icing her friend 4l:Ay Johnstone. -Mrs .Avery, of 110thec11, is vis- itin; her deu;htcr Mrs. Wm. Ed- e. t14N. s..» tea 1111 Rind Yon Hsi Aha Baitit Ft noon of •i. is down doing as :the exhibition excellent in every re- spect, aaad the crowd 't he largest ever gathered at a fair ia Kirkton. It i9 estimated that there were over 2.000 people oa the grounds. The cx- hi1itioa in the hall was tho test ever sesta in Kirkton. The ladies depart - meat was particularly .attracttive, nail elle poultry, root and ve;gtable exhibits were very •zood. Several of the vitL.•a.;e merchants tn:ulo very ,1:- t,nactivc displays. HORSi:S Heavy Draught. -Brood marc hay. in; fad in 14)05, J .11. McCully, Geo. Spearin, Ratcliffe Bros; Foal of 1905 S. N. Shier. Geo. Spearing .1 .11. Mc- Cully ; 3 year old [illy or ;geldiag, Jas. Beatty. J. A. Moore, W4 Beason 2 year old filly .or i;eldi.t.z, 11. Berry, W. Gilfillna, J. 11. McCully; 1 year old filly or aeldint;, S. N, Sheer H. Horton, G. Rutherford: team in har- ness, W. Kerttick, ltatctiffe Bros. AgricuLtunal.-Ilrood mare 'havi3•; foal in 1905, 1t. Birch, J. Moore, \V, Brock ; foal of 1905, W. Martia, W. Brock, Jas. Scott, jr.; 3 year old fitly or gelding, .1. Moore, A. Dawe son; 2 year old filly or :gelding, W. ilanna, J. Gilfillan, W. Ilanaon : 1 year old filly or zelding, 1[. Hortin, A. Chittick : team in harness, J. W. Allison, J. A. Dow, 1'. Anderson. General Purpose. -Brood mare hav- ing foal in 1905. 11. S. McCullou;it; foal of 1905, R. S; McCullough., II. Berry, A. E. Doupe ; Z year old file ly or a;eldintg, \V. ilyde, .T. Gilfill.an, A. Dawson ; 1 year old; filly on 'geld. in;A. E. Doupe, A .Gunning; team in harness, \V. J. I'ym. Roadsters. -Brood marc having foal in 1905. W. Brock. T. Ilunkin • Foal of 19050. I[awkey, .1. Selves; 3 year old filly or gelding. J. A. Moore, 1i. Rortin ; 2 year ohl filly or gelding, \V. Staaw'art, \V. Hanson ; 1 year old, J. A. Moore; tninl;lc road* ster, C. Cuwmin;s, M.H.Elliott ;span of roadsters, A. Robinson, A. Chits tick ; aaddlo ]corse. \V. It. Carr. Carriage. -Brood marc hawing fall in 1905, J. Parkinson. T .)[unkin ; foal of 1905, G. Dickenson, J. Parkin- son ; 2 year old, It. Birch 1st( & 2nd: k year old, W. Dclbridae, G. Spearin ; single carriage horse, S. P. Walsh, E. W. llorae. CATTLE Bulls.-Azcd Durham bull, 0. Bentley & Sou Thorrott,;hblrod Durham. D. II. B. Pedierxie.-Mitch cow, G. Bentley & Sat, 1st & 2nd; 1 year old heifer, 0. 13e.1tLy & Son. ;bull calf. G. Bcntl)- & Bot, .1. ILanna ; heifer calf, J. Han- na, G. hent Icy & Son. Jersey. -Milch cow, J. Hooper & Son ; 1 year old heifer, do. ; heifer (half, do. Ay rshires.-Milch Cow, J. O'Brien. Polled Angus. -.T. Hazelwood took all the prize in this class. Grade Cattle. -Milch cow, D. Ila. zelwood, .1. A. Moore. 2 year old heifer, D. Hazelwood, Akin.9on pros.; 1 year old heifer, J. A. Moore. Akia- son Bros; Ileifer calf, J. A. Moore, J. 1lazlow ood ;.sneer ca f[, J. A. Moore 2 year old steer. A. Dawson. It. Daw- son; 1 year old steer, J. A. Ifazle- wood 1 & 2 fat ox or steer, R. Daw son 1 & 2. SHEEP. Leicester. -Mr. A. Smith took all the prizes is this Class. Shropshire Down.-Itam, 2 )cats Mrs. .1. W. Robinson; rate 1 year, W. lloy ; rant Iamb, W. Hoy, 1 & '2; breeding ewe, Mrs. J. W. Robinson. W. Hoy ; vherlin; ease. Mrs. 3. W. Itobi►L•ton, W. lioy ; ewe Lamb, W. Hoy, Mrs. J. \V. Robinson. Lincolns.-ltant 2 years, G. Pen - hale, W. Oliver ; ram 1 year, Geo. ('enhalc, \V. Oliver; ram lamb, W. Oliver, 1 & 2; ewe, Geo. I'enh-.le, 1 & 2; shelling ewe, 0. Penhnle, 1 & 2; ewe limb. W. Oliver 1 & 2. Grade.-Ewc, 0. l'cnhalc ; sherlinz ewe, A. Smith; pee lamb, A. Smith: Val sheep, \V. Oliver, \V. lioy. l'iGS. Yorkshire. -Aced boor, 11. Birch .1. Dunitar ; Sow. it. Birch 1 & 2; boar littered in 05 11. Birch 1 & 2; sow, littered in 05, It. ilirob. Chester White.-A;od hoer, Geo. 11 azelwood. Berkshires. -A red boar, 11. E. Sweitzer, It. Ilircb. ll. E. Sweit zer took first and second in all the rest. To m w• ort?h.-1). Dou z le . & S0:19 texrk rill 1E0 prizes is this class. POULTRY. Gotdc:t or Silver Laced Wyandotte, A. Belli': buff, black or white. wy- aadotls, A. Reith, 11. Pomeroy ; 1.•a.tgshans, 0. Stephc•uson, A. Reil h ; Miaorcas, G. Stephenson 1 & 2;C.x:b- i.ts, A. With 1 & 2; I'lyntout Is rocks '111110, A. Reith, 11. Pomeroy ; )'ly- mouth Hocks, barred, S. ile.tth•y & Sort, G. Stephenson; white erected block l'oi:a.td.r S. Bentley & Son. 1 & 2; (Sark ilrahtn=ms, A. With; lith' 1)rahuuas, N. Beat ley & Son, 0. Ste• pterion ; Orphin;tans, 11. Pomeroy 1 & 2: ))lock Spa.uch, A. Reith, 1 (u 2; Ifoudo.ts, Mrs. E. Ilanhant 1 & 2; l.e;horas. 1). Bougie. & Son. A. Demi; ; (i:nn". (;. tit"phenson 1 & 2; Turkeys, 1). Dourly.; & Son : Geese, I). I)ouzlos & Son ; Decks, I). Dou- ;41s & Son, Geo. Hazelwood. 1MPLEel NTS $inzlc 1 op Sul ry, W. It ebb & Son, 1). Mcl.erty & Non ; ainzle open :y, 1). Mc[rrrty & Son, W. Babb & Non: I'irtlute'! cutter 1). McLarty & Bon, W. Itabh & Son ; pians tare cut t('r, \V. 11 rhl. & Nna ; pair iron harrows, .1. Mr.Elrea. GRAIN AND SEERS Poll wheat white, John ;lodge, `1. Itr'ethnur; fall wheat red, M. Meth• out ; 6 -rowed barley. M. lire) hour Large mats, M. Ittethour; clarion().1 oats. white, M. llrclhour. W. Wise - peas, W. rule, ,Ino, Hod : timet by peed. M. lhrethour; white ;Harms, N. "--^r•-e • 12 care corn The orcat North Wast ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West Coss. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos, Lands also a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm lands. We have made a number of splen did investments for our clients, who placed orders with us for selections of Canadian Pacific and other North West lands. In a number of instances values 1,ave increased so rapidly that our patrons could roe dily realize double the amount of the money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects for a bumper yield and an enormous crop. and the unprecedented num'3er of sottlora coming into the west, prices of lands of good quality and situated convenient to a railway aro bound to make a still further large advance. One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the Crop Estimate for the Present Season. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advance We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands. $427.00 down secures 32)acr sn (half section) of choice • This would be a great investment for YOU. wheat -land. The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.40 Secures 320 acres (half section) choice wheat land to an actual • settler. No other payment required for two years. R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months' trip through the West. During his stay there he will locate a number of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various ne railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in We ern tands should communicate with him when full information wi! be given. His address up to the 15th October next will be R. E. PICKARD, General Selling Agent far C.P.K. Lands. Frobisher, Assa. CUT-RATE FURNITURE SALE. Having our Immense Show Rooms packed full of new and up-to-date furniture in every lino, and ill order to make room for some large shipments of goods now on order. We have decided to open the fall trade with a suprisingly low Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all intending purchasers to come and examine our goods and compare our prices be- fore placing their orders, as we intend cutting the price of every article in our store lower than we have ever attemp to do before. So don't fail to take advantage of this eta to buy furniture at prices never before known in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading House Furnishers and Funeral directors. It. Sanders. W. Hazelwood. VEGETABLES Mural Now Yorker potatoes, \V. Hazelwood. it. Davie; Pearl of Sa- voy, W. \Visenr,n : Beauty of Heb- ron. W. Sadler, Jilt,. Ho(I;e dose, .1. 'Iodic, J. Selves; Empire State, W. Sadler : any other variety. W. Wiseman, H. Davis; rol. 3 of each. \V. Wiesen -1n, \V. S•.dlnr : Swedish I urnipsJ. Selves, J. Hauler & Son: field carrots, R. Birch, \V. J. Pym; garden caswots, \V. llazelwond, W. 11. Hazelwood; maanz('I w•urzel, lone red, 11. Paynter. W. Sadler ; mange' tvurzel, intertncdiete. \V. Sadler. 11. Doupe ; su;ger mnnzol. It. lurch, It. Doupe; onions. Jas. Sanders. .1 .Cot- tle; blood heels, lora;, W. \\'iceman, It. Birch; turnip 'cele W. 1lazlc- wood, W. Brown ; cc►bba,zc, white, J. Sanders. Miss Doupe.:cabby;e, red W. Jameson, J. Sanders; Winnin.z- alead cable;e, M. ilrethour ; toma- toca. W. Brown, N. Garvett ; cauti- flowors \V. Sadler; celery. Ratcliffe ilros., M. Brcthour ; Citron. long, \V, Sadler ; citron round, It. Rove, 51183 McCallum ; pumpkin, 11. Paynter, \V. Hazelwood ; watermelon. J. W. Sowers, \V. \Vjsent.ut : muskmelon. Mies McCallum. W. Wiseman: par- snips, \V. Wiseman, \V. Sadler; squash, .1. Sanders. W. Sadler. DAIRY PRODUCTS 25 lbs hotter, .1. W. Sorters, J Hoapor & Son ; 5 It's. table butter. .1. Hooper & Sem, Miss K. Doupe. FRUIT Gravensl�;n, W. Sadler ; Wolfe (Coe tu,u d m pa;c 5) t Stoves, Ranges & Furnaces This week or any other time we will be pleased to show the merits of our 111O:1 lines of Stoves and Manges. Our stock comprises Sou- venirs, Garlands, Hurons and 'ram Thoughts. HEATERS in this Itnc we are showing the most up-to-date in town, ArtGarlands, Art Souvenirs. Empire Garlands and Jewels. it. will pay to examine our Iieaters. --- - FURNACES A New Idea ('oal or Wood Furnace will be set up on floor. its in;t.ny advantages and good points are easily seen. IIEAMANS HARDWARE And Stove Store.