HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBER1•lth, 1905.
Furs Our Strong line.
Our assortment is complete and we believe it is the lar-
gest in the county. We buy direct from the makers and save
you the Middle Men's profits. Just like we are doing with
Butter and Eggs shipping direct and paying the farmers the
)xtra price, which otherwise would go into the pockets of
the middle Miall.
Here are a few Seasonable ors
h.35 for Black !fair Coney Neck Ruff. trimmed with six
end tails, the hest cheap Ruff we have seen
62.5o for Black Full Furred Coney Neck Ruff, this has a
wide full collar, trimmed with six tails.
62.75 for our new Snowflake Fur Neck Ruff, very glossy
black, with white flakes, a beauty.
64.50 for a Black Fur Neck Ruff, til inches long, trimmed
with cluster tails, a very useful fur.
65.50 for our English Marmot. Fur Neck Ruff, cluster tail
trimmed, this fur looks as nice as mink.
66.0o for our American Sable Neck Ruff full soft furred,
cluster tail trimmings.
68.00 for one of our cLoict'st American Sable Neck Ruffs,
truly this is a beauty.
Ilo.00 and $12.00 for a swell range of German mink,
marmot or sable ruffs, stoles and scarfs.
uy your furs from us and get the best and save all
middle profits.
Tee copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
can supply you with a t •t LOCALS •
f any description. •
•••••••• t•••••••
S WATCHES, in either
old, Gold Filled, Silver, I See Mara's, London ad. on pato 4.
Silver or Gun Metal cases, Mrs. Tom spent part of lash week
g in price from $2 00 up to I with friends in London.
.00. 111 A number of Exetcritcs attended
the Ki,rkton fair last Friday.
ADIES WATCHES, in Sil- Miss halls was the zaest of Mrs.
P. T. (falls, Goderich, last week.
Enamel, Gold Filled or Solid p. liarticib took part In tho sI ooi-
Cases, ranging from $4•r'o .in; tournament held at Clinton last
�O.o0. week.
ave a fine assortment for
choose from.
Ire parting with your money
d see what we can do for
er of Marriage Licenses.
ve Turned
1 now in the store no
what the weather is
'es for the1
co nln coldi
again filled up our
s and counters, and the
d will turn largely to
r weights.
a splendid time to
Mr. and Mrs. \V. 11. Levett, of
Grand lend, spent Tuesday witli
friends in town.
London's population is 43,144 an
increase of 1,402 over last year's cen-
ALr. and Mrs. W. 11i gins and
daughter ferrel, visited in Sea(orth
last week .
New supply of Chamois Skins
ranging in price from 5e, to $1 each.
I(owcy's 1)ru; store.
For Sale.-Ifousc and two lots for
1.41e on Victoria street, west, for fur-
ther particulars apply to John hind.
For Sale. -A t.eaut,jfu1 sideboard,
oIk, nearly new, cheap, apply at
Tithes office.
Rev. It .\V, Knowles, of I'ullartnn,
will occupy the pulpit of the stain
tshrect 31st htal;St CLurch on Sunday
Ifocrey's Cure -Cold capsules will
drive t hose chills away. Nothinz
better for colds and 1,1 Grippe. Only
.'5c. box, Hoe ey's Dru z St ore.
The Forest City Bowling club, •of
London, will hold a bowling tourna-
ment on Thanks :icing. The Exeter
club will be asked to be trepresented.
I{obi. McFauls, who has been dr;v-
In; 0 team for W. 11. Lovett during
the past summer, has accepted a
position witnh the Ezrnonilville Brew-
ery Co.
Mr. Shot -man. the 1)eloraine haler,
you have the Choieecontinues to ;et considerable news-
1.11.er advertising. Most of the pa -
refusal of the most tars roast him but he continues do-
' ollection of clothing i°' business.
A delez.I10 from idle London Typo -
Is that you will find ;raphieal union was here last work
re around here. in the interests of the London print -
ers, 0lso }mend sIiikinz for an, 8
Call any time. hourscale. Ile is taking in the
hole roomy.
V. W. 'Taman
Merchant Tailor.
■ Ow •KD WiLL-TRrzn IIIYLDT.-Yrs
olol2P Ilse been limed for
C'�hnwoe their
while teething. yaws 's Socials/ gwith perfect ne of mothers su000ge,
letaes the child, softens the Ennui, Ways all
cures wind collo. and Is the beet remedy
• brew. It Is pleasant to the taste. Sol
to In eve t of rid
>7 Dar
the world. 25
ea ya Benin. Is Inoakn bio Bo
sad take Mn Wtasllfw'e 800thlns
•nod ask for so other kind.
Arranzorncnts have beer) complet-
ed for the extension of 1ho electric
tower t ransmiseion lines through
Elle Ate:9te.rn peninsula, London beta z
the objective point at present. flans
are complete and a survey will be
made at once.
iieinz nej1heir sticky or zreasy and
possessing a deli;htful odor our
(:re..1111 of iconvenient to Ilse
MI any time. Meals eh Ips,
cracks, roughened skin better th.I1)
all else. Only 25c. a bottle, ifow-
ety's 1
. Druz store.
The London Free i'ress says that
London was headquarters for the
rarket Report. -The following i, Intl; the main and the blind, white
Shuman, the healer was there.
report of Exeter markets, cor- Ile.
ted up to Oct. 12th. lief Inspector McCallum had a num-
.ed of request from his pa ie
�. ( q p tt nti for
it , 29 .c. „• St passes home. One of them, trot cur-
attn, to 311 cents Ix•1 h1511C ell, was somee hat under the influ-
arley, 35 to 38 cents pen bus encs of liuuor.
e, 60 cent, a bushel.
lorte, $18 peer ion.
ran. $14 por ton.
ied Flour. $1.25 per cwt.
our. $2.25 ler cwt.
ly, $8 per ton.
liter, 20 cents a pound.
Ige, 18e. per dozen.
ions, 60c. per bushel.
o ver seed $Ip 1 o $9 .i bits.
;e, lief, weiilrt, $6.40 per cw 1.
ilk, d4tpvved. $9.00 ler cwt.
TMKiattfaWI A kV
Dr. Butler, London, will be at Iha
Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday
Octolx r 261h. 1905, riI1 day
for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyes tested and glasses
DR. OVENS, London. Sur genu,
Glasses properly. Office, Commer-
cial hotel, Exeter,. Next visit Bat -
tinily, October 21st.
Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund t6. mon-
ey If it fails is sore. E. W. Grove's
slgoature is on caoh box. !Sc.
Dr. Rollins was in London ct few
el.ty's last week.
Atr. J. G. Stanbury was in Loudon
yesterday d n busiucas.
1Liss l.iIJjt 11ow:1rd, ul [Sarnia, is
the guest of Mrs. E. Christie.
The Clinton electric light .plant
has put cat an all ni.ihr service.
i'l,o Myth fair 005 held Tuesday
and \1'edr.csday of this week-.
Aliss Smith, of \1 ,tfor'd, je the
;tu•st of alis Misses Arnt'-t ton=.
Mrs. (Ur.) Mlrpowe1i. of Listowel
visited her mother, 1111•s. W. \Vclsll,
4101'j11.5 1111. hast week.
Our lists h.tco been corrected up
to dale. Look :,t your label and if
in arrears kindly icnlit .
'1'lie high school football team is
ends:Ivoniu; to arrat)tc for a :acne
with the town boys.
\liss Flossie Snell. rendered an ap-
propriate solo at Ile James strtet%
church on Sunday ('venin;.
Hiss Dorothy Lonstx'ry, of the
Grand Trunk staff, Detroit is the
guest of her sister Mrs. .1. J. White.
M•L.ss 111rdy, daughter of Mr. S.
11.erdy, has taken a position as steu-
01rapLcr with Gladm:u, & Stunl,ury-.
'1lo 1'resbyteriut church inteaels
hs Yin". a cement walk from the new-
ly- laid sidewalk to the church door.
.1 r. Arthur I(o'lin., of Sprinzbank
and 11r. Joseph Rollins, of Manitoba;
were in town Tuesday renewin•, tic -
qui intancc.s.
111 bus is ficin; fixed up for the
winter and John is using a carry-
all in Lakin; Itis patrons to and from
the depot.
JnsjK-ctor J. E. Tom, of Goderich,
was in t's,ornc and Stephen the
fore part of the week inspecting' the
work done by t he district schools.
Mr. G. 11. I'owel 1, w Lo w'.t s em-
ployed ill 1 It Uas11.o'ood branch of
the Soverciga (tank, has been trans
ferred to the Exeter branch.
We are unable this week to publish
the report of the W. C. T. U. Conven-
tion, held here last week and several
other items, owing to the overflow of
Mrs. T. pestle, of 1Lde•rt:oa spent
the forepart of the week the .(1081)
'.f l:er mother, firs. Thos. Rowe.
.tr. Kest le canis up Saturday and
returned Monday.
}Lev. R. J. V. Perkins preached the
I.:1nniversary sermons at the Episco-
pal Church, Granton, last Sun:lay,
Rev. G. .11. Kitty, of Granton, fill-
in; lir. Perkins' pulpit here .
Mr. and Mrs. A. Nash, of 6arni,,
('•piled on their daughter, Mrs. J.
Willis Powell on Tuesday, cnroutc
to Kincardine where flay were cal -
k./1 caving to 1 /loath kit the hit -
tar's father, Mr. A. Isard.
Mr. and Mrs. Schassenher.; and
family of London, were called here
during the past week owing ,to the
serious illness and subsequent death
of Mrs. iSSohosseinber;'s father, Mr.
William ITawkshaw.
Mr. Walter Hardin,, of London.
Isis liven appointed savings bank tel-
ler with the Saver 0i rn litulk here.
11 r. \V III:lei. A. 1' -Ler, who ,held
Ike posit ion inti Lech removed to
the Thorn/tape branch.
The first entertainment -given by
the Literary society of the high
school this season. wjll be held .text
Friday afternoon. The commit leo
has secured a first class program for
Ile occasion.
At a mcel.inz of the 0011 .rcal ion
of the Caren Presbyterian church
held l tst Monday evening it was de-
cided 10 hold a congregational tea•
mettle; on the 23iti, in connection
ccjt h the anniversary services which
arc to be held on Sunday she 220d.
Miss 'T. J. 11'Irite returned i•'riday
from a three weeks' trip to At-
lantic City, PLiladcliltia and New
Jersey. Mrs. 'T. M. \V bite, 30110 ac-
eomppartied her ca Inc to Exeter with
her, spending a few days here .be-
fore returning to Windsor .
Improved E.H_liAl st.nek food is the
best ;0.1d cheapest in the market, al-
so hate rna1jonal .and Columbian
sl ock food. Ilerb:i ;cute, ('ow Cure,
1Vitl•:t11's and 1)otc-s blood purifier.
Sold by C. Lutz, Cent r.i l 1)ru; Store
Miss Jeckell, alto was to hall
taken the room now under •1110 care
of Miss Carling, t\as unable •lo lake
up her new• duties Mond ty en0rujni
last owin; 10 her bcinz unable to se-
cure a leacher to lake her present.
school, Miss Carlinz, it iv expecte:1,
will continue until Miss .lecke•Il can
zct away.
At a tneetpjng of the council held
last Thursday evcninz, it 31)5 (lccjd-
ed 10 offer Mr. Sne1I a len years'
franchise provicl0d iie would install
a new engine, vow lamps and put his
plant in such shape 11• it AT lizht'-
int system would he 1110re reIi•Ible.
Mr. Stied his Itt crrttracts dor hjs
new equipments and as soon :14 t hey
Ire in9t111e1 L••• extension of the
franchise 11111 In. _5ranted him.
)1is.ionar3 Services veto held. in
t h^ Met hotlist churches un Sunday
list. In hhe morninz the Nev. 11. A.
Graham. of St. M.tr. s, conducted the
services in 11:^ .1 trne.9 st, rt.:lrch and
Bev. (1)r.) toddy, of Win ;di ,the
Vain sit. church. in the evening the
recuernd zentleinen exchanged pul-
pits. The servicrs of both morning
and even;n5 wor• theirouzhly enjoy-
ed h
r I y the conzre •!tions. The ('knits
of both churches were auzmented by
local talent and i heir renditions were
appreciated. ilea. Godwin took 1)r.
Gundy's pulpit, at W inzham, and
itev. (.ninz, occupied the St. Marys
church pulpit. missionary services he.
in; cnn•lucted nt both places.
The General Mie -ion Itoard of the
\tet iwaist ('hurch, row in hes,;.-.11 ai
London, b15 11ITV ,41 the entice sup-
port of the Err. J. L. Stewart. mis-
sionary in ('helot, ('Linn, province of
Sze -Chuen, to the Epworth Lea niers
of the Surat ford District. Hitherto
the n.iltry, $500 or $8011 it mnrrie.1,
h 1s been soiseil by the lipw'nrt 11 Lea-
zuers of Sarnia, Strarhrny, I:xeler
and Stratford districts. i)urinz last
year the Si rn t fol II district lea zuers
alone missed the sung of $807 for mis-
sions, which justified the butt( jr,
entrust.inz to Shen the entire sup-
port of Rec. Mr. Stewart. Of the
$807 r.1i...e•d the ('enlraI Mclhtele=t
l.eazuc of Stratford raised 8100 1011
W.11: er St net Loa zuc of London
cont rffuted $52.
It lstouourlntaresttoreatlthlsllest'MEN Sc BOY'S
Women's Black Beaver Coat 42 inches
Tong, loose or fitted styles, well lined
throughout, belt. at back, trimwed
with covered buttons to match cloth.
Special at $10.00 and $12 00
Women's TwPed Coats
I.r brown and white, blue and white,
black and white tweed mixtures 38
inches long, belted back, lined.
Only $000.
Black Dress Goods soc yd
Black ('ovde-de-Cheue with neat figure
lovely silk finish. Best value we
have ever shown. At 50c a yard.
In navy, brown red,and green suitable
for suite or waists, excellent quality.
50c. a yard.
25 pieces fine Saxony flannel, plain
blues and pinks or fancy stripes 30
inches wide. Only 100 a yard.
Hats with lots of style, beautiful trim-
med hats, lovely ready-to-wear hats,
all selling at a little over half what
some people ask.
The best, the most stylish and best
fitting shoe, that money can buy
at $2.25 $2.75 and $3.25.
An elegant assortment of rich fur
ruffs in Alaska Sable, Red Fox,
Electric Seal and German Sable,
everything that's new and up-to-date
in ruffs, we have it, flour $5 to $25.
1� dozens white bed quilts in 10,4 size
good quality, regular price $I 00 to
clear, at 69c
In floral or block patterns, very pretty
colors and designs, heavy duality,
4 yards wide, for $1.90 and $2.25 yd.
Very pretty block patterns, good Eng-
lish make, 2 yards wide, for 50c
In pretty fawns.
In pretty reds.
In pretty greens.
Beet two ply quality, sold legate!. for
85c yd. to clear nut entire lot at 60c
Five Clearing Lines.
$1.25 curtain for $1.00.
$1.75 " " $1.40.
$2.50 "
$3.00 " $2.35.
$4.00 " $3.45.
Miss May Gill is visiting 7tiends in
Miss Susie Weeks, of Guelph, was
called to her home here, yesterday,
owing to the illness of her sister, Mrs.
Hugh Spackman.
The friends and acquaintances of
Mrs. Hugh Spackrnan, will be pained
to learn that her illness has taken a
serious turn and is now in a very low
It was first announced that the fun-
eral of the late \Vnt. Ifawkahaw would
take place at 2 o'clock Friday after-
noon but owing to the expected arriv-
al of his son, WVill, from Souris, Man.,
it will take place at 5 o'clock.
If reports be true, Hon. G. W.
Ro.;s will within the next few/ days
be made the recipient of the muni-
cifient gift of $50,000 from his fri-
ends and admirers 10)10 appreciate
his efforts in a lots; and usefut ca-
CIDER. -The cider sea`ta0 has
azain arrived and eve claire wo have
the Best 10(1115 in the County for
makin; it -that is a first-class ar-
ticle. We also claire to have the
Best process known for making
Sweet Syrup and Apple flutter. \Ve
make it without suzar or sweet ap-
ples, simply from the ordinary sow'
fruit. We slake the finest ,felly.
Usual prices prevail, - A. Cot Ile,
The Met hof st board of missions
have marl• final appropriation.; for
domestic missions. They :ire
as follows: Toronto, $127.38:
Ifantilzon, $33.111; London, $12.45;
flay -of Quints, $65.05; Montreal,
$107.00; Nova Scotia, $115.19; New
Brunswick, anal Prince Edward Is-
land. $99.30; Neu foam/Wool, $132.70;
\lanitoha, $100.5n; Alberta, $201.45;
British Columbia, $140.60; �\ssjn:t-
$162.75; Vermillion ltiver, not
appropriated. $20.00, ; amount placed
at hoard's disposed, $1,3:31.20: amount
appr:oprjaled. $1,298.27; amount re-
tunre(1 to bot rd, 532.93.
The re;ular meet in of the \Vorr,_
an'S lust:jt lite was held in rho Town
Hall on Friday afternoon Inst. 1'11('
attendance ;CS usual was larze and
m t.n
t took business -like
6 a in-
terest in :til the proceedin;s. Some
very valuable points were brought
out in the paper read by Mrs. (iir.)
Sweet WI "The proper foods anti
their preparation for breakfast and
suriP r" and 1 he various points
brou;ht out were afterwards discus-
sed. Al rs. Vernon. who is here 01--
g.uijzin•; a class on physical cul-
ture wYis invited and delivered a very
intorest•in5 address on Ihat subject
and was appreciated very notch by
those present. At the next sleet in
papers will be read dealin; with; the
makinz of Christmas present and
cooking suitable for that festive. se -t-
Death of Mrs. Lanz
On Tuesday Oct. 3rd, Mary Ru-
therford, rewicl of the late i'hilip
Lanz passed away al her ,residence 0001) GOiNG OCTOIIE0 10th 1'O
on Andrew street at the advanced NOVEMBER 71
:t go of 71 years, Mr;. Lanz had FOR HUNTERS SINGLE FARE TO
leen 1 sufferer for some time with Points 111 Tema,z.Imi on T. & N. 0.
diabetes, which was the direct 01118(! Ily., to points Mattatt(1 to Port Ar -
of heir dsith. She 111.5 bort thur, inclusive, lo &Hilt Ste Marie
in Clark tow'rwhi1'' county of sand fort Arthur, Via Northern Nay.
I)urhatn, where she lived Co.,
until martini! to 1V m. i)ndd,, her 0001) G0150 OCTOBER 2(klt To
first husband. Site and Mr. holds
took up farrnin.5 near fort Hope, NOVEN1/1E { 7th, TO
where he diol. After hot m•rrriaze Muskoka Lakes 1lielland
to Mr, l.an;, she and her 11)sha„tl Lake of Bays I'cnct3114
I ov
n Cd In St (11 where Ihcy rt•• .\
1.iznetewaa, River hik('fj('Id.
tnt,ined about len years, :Were arils All Stations Arzyle to Coboconk,
tuo0jnz to Exeter. \ir. Linz died I.jndsay to ilatiburton
about 8 ye•.rs aro. Nits. f.inz wets a Severn 10 '.'s; or flay
staunch Presbyterian and wjl.l be Points on Northern Na v. Co.,
z,readly missed, havjnz IK.'n crierzct- (Gcorzian !lay and Mackinaw- Divi-
ic in church work 1111.11 1).•r, l:1t!s4, Sion.)
3000141 permit. She is survived by, tickets valid rr.turnitoz until
too diuzhl4'rs, Mrs. Thos. .1. Riney, Dec. !Irl,
of Stephen, and Miss Ilene, of Exe-
ter. A111011z the relatives from a For tickets, illustrated literature and
dist lure cvl o attended the funeral fall information, call on
11(.10 .1 as. Rut her( ord. 11 brother, of J. J. KNIGIIT,
iflrristun; Mrs. Ozden, :1 sister, Depot ticket agent, Exeter.
The Grand 'trunk repair ;an; way
through here Tuesday making- re-
pairs to bridges along- the line.
Council met per call of tho Reeve
in the Town hall on Thur;rd.ay. Oct.
Si h, 1905. All the nKunbers ,present.
'rbc minutes of meeting, held Sept.
22nd read and approved
A communication from 1Itt Canad-
ian Law Books Co'y read and filed.
The foilowiu; accounts were pas-
sed and orders drawn on ,the treas-
urer for the same: -A. Walters, rep.
to rubber coat, 25c ; Queen City Oil
Coy., Toronto, 'gaso!rne, $7.61; David
Jacques, premium for fire insurance,
`'Ouse at tho cemetery, 3 years, 55.30
\V. J. Bissett, port salary t o Sept.
22nd, $31.25 ; Jos. Sutton, street
watorjng ac. $50.00 ; Jno. Ford, q,t.
salary, cemotery, $27.00; C. Snell,
electric light, 588.17 less 58.47, $80.00.
By-law election expenses: W. D.
Weekes, D. 11. officer and booth.
$4.00; A. G. Iyer, D. 1{. 0., $2.00;
A. E. Fuke, do., $2.00: Jos. Davis, do.,
$2.00; J. C.obbledick, booth, $2.00
Silas Handford, do., $2.00; J. Senior,
11. Officer, 55.00; Advocate Municipal
1Vorld supplies, $7.44; Times office
Ballots. $2.59; arnot.rtttin; to $28.91.
Motion pot' J. NVood, Sec. \V, II. Le: -
vet t.-C:krnicd.
\V, Ii. Leve- 1-J .51iijr-Councif ad-
journ until friday, Oct, 13th.
J. SENIOR, Clerk.
In addition to a full stock
of Flour, Feed and Groceries,
we have on band some first
class Timothy Seed, the best
to be had.
We have also a supply of
the cheapest and best Stock
Produ»e taken In Exshanpe.
Railway System
of Chjnizo: Mr. and Mrs. Leach, of J. D. McDONALD
I•.lona ; Mr. \V, Rutherford, and Mrs.
John Rut Ilerfor0. of Elora.District passenger agent, Toronto.
9• Act directly on the liver.
3ers P'lIs
Thilieyousness, ccure constipt.-headatacheion,
Id for fO years. ,,,.„,�,,....
Want your moustache or beard B U C K I N tl U A M IS D Y E
a beautiful brown or rich bind? USA raw tnL or smouiRt r` f. trAHz. . c0 , r<..•u. L
Men's nice overcoats of large plaid Tweeds in doubly -
breasted and Belted. One of the new "Swagger" coats, for
only 161O.O0.
Young Men's Great Big "Swagger" coat, tho vett' new.
est thing for this season, made of Scotch Tweed, plaid effect,
extra long, doublebreasted and belted back, it has the full
padded shoulders, only 111111 .00.
Men and Boys' cheaper coats made up of different kinds
of material and very fashionably made $4, $5, $7 and $9.
We have just received one dozen of a new $19.00 rain
coat in)lain and fancy cloth, side pockets, and lined through-
out. This is the new fall coat an(1 while they last we will
sell then for $7.60.
Men's new suits 5, 7, 8 and $10. Boy's new suits 1, 2,
3 and $5
Don't overlook out' dress goods. We show you the
best range of the popular plaids. We have all the new
tweeds, plain and fancy cloths, and will be pleased to show
you our best.
'Highest price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce.
N ••N••NN•••••••••••••• f• •••••••••NN••••••• •••
At Tempting Prices.
This month we offer a few Attractive Specials in Furniture.
Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dress and Stand, with large British Bevel Plate
Mirror. Regular price 535.00 ; sale price, complete, $32.00
Solid Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard. with British Bevel Plate Mirror, two
small and one large drawers, large size cupboard, regular price 532 ;
sale price $3o.00.
Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Table, full extension, regular price, 522.00
sale price 520.00.
Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Chairs, leather seats, one arm and five
small chairs. Regular price 519.00 ; sale price $16.50.
Funeral Director.
•••••••••••N••••••••••••ib•••••••••••••••••••••••••• '
Total Assets - - - Over $12,000,000
Accepts sums of $1.00 and upwards on deposit
in Savings Department.
Buys and Sells Exchange on all parts of the world
Collects Drafts, Coupons, Dividends, etc , on the
most favorable terms.
Does a General Banking Business.
BIg DI6ount an Rcadvtocdr
116 New Overcoats to select from.
84 New Suits for men.
83 New Suits for boys.
56 New Pairs of Men's Pants.
47 New Pairs of Boy's Pants.
We were quite unprepared for this RETIRING
SALE therefore the REASON of our hav-
ing such a
Stock of New Clothing
These goods must go at a great sacrifice.
We have cut the prices from 25 tO 40 per cent.
We welcome every person and hope to see
you all. Get some of our Big Reductions.
TERMS: -Produce or Cash.
Poplestone & Gardiner.
One door north of Past. Office.