HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 6HE WORLD'S MARKETS! buoyth` speculative testing Was more 1 JAPAN'S LEGACY OF WAR BEPOBT5; :VROM TIIF. LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheeses and Other hairy Produce at Rome and Abroad. Toronto, Oct. 10.-\Yhttat- No. 2 Ontario White is quoted at 7.11 to 75c, and No. 2 red Winter at 731 to 74c at outside penile; goose wheat, 67 to 68c outride. New Nu. 1 hard is steady at 851c, Georgian Hay ports. No. 1 Northern at 83c. and No. 2 Northern at 8111c. Oats ~ales of No. 2 at 801 to 31c north and west, and at 301 to 31c north and west, anti at 31 } to 82c rust. Barley -No. 2 quoted at 47 to No. 3 c.tra at 45 to 46c, and No. 8 at 42 to 43c at outside points. Troy -Sales of No. 2 at 67 to (8c, north and west, and at 70c cast. Corn -The market for Canudiun is dull. American corn dull at 601e for No. 2, and at 60c for No. 3, lake and roil. Buckwheat -A sale is reported outside at 50c west. ltyc--Quotations 62 to 65e outside. Flour --Ninety per cent. patents, made of new wheat for export, are quotid at $3 to $3.10 in buyers' sacks at outside points; do., in LLis, $8.50 to $3.60. Manitoba flours un- changed; No. 1 patents, $5 to $5.- 20; No. 2 patents, $4.80 to 34.90, and strong bakers', $4.60 to $4.70. Manitoba hour, made of new wheat, quota) as follows: -No. 1 patents, $4.50; No. 2, $4.:30, and strong bakers', $4.20 on track, Toronto. • Millfeed-At outside points bran is quoted at $12, and shorts at $16 to 117. Manitoba bran. in sacks, .10.50 to $17; and shorts at $19. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -Choice stork, $1.50 to $3 'per bbl., and cooking apples, 81 to $1.25. Beans -hand-picked, $1.75; prime, 11.60 to 81.65. Honey -The market is steady at 6j to 17 c for'trained, and $1.50 to $2 per dozen combs. Hops -18 to 20c per lb. Iiay-Car lots of No. 1 timothy are quoted at $8 to $8.00 on truck here, and No. 2 at $0 to $6.50. Straw -Car lots quoted at 56 on track, 'Toronto. Pot:.toes-They are quoted at 60 65c per bag, on track. vo Poultry -Pat bens 7 to Sc; , 6 to 7c; fat chickens. 9 to thin, 7 to 8c; ducks, 8c; all weight. THE DAIRY MARKETS. utter -found rolls are jobbing at to 21c; tubs, good to choice, 18 0 19e, and inferior, 16e. Creamery print:i sell at 221 to 23c, and solids at 21 to 22c. EggsSales at 181 to 19c per dozen in case lots; splits, 10 to 16jc. Chccse-The market is steady, with ices at 111 to 12e per ib., the lat- Jor twins. IIOG P1 )DUCT'S. con -Long clear. 111 to lltc Ib. in case lots; mess pork, 18c; ort cut, $22 to $22.50. Cured meats --Hams, light to medi- al, 14 to 1411e; do.. heavy, 13c; oils, 12c; shoulders, 11c; backs, 15 to llic; brenkfnst. bacon, 141 to 15e. Lord ---Pierces, 10tc; tubs, 101e; ils. 10;c. BUSiNESS A'I' MONTREAL. nevem, Oct. l0, -Business in on spot to -day was again and the market was without ial feature. In oats the Is firer on spot, prices are nt 34 to 341c for No. 5 There was no change in which rule firm at 77c afloat, buckwheat at i'41e afloat. flour anitoba Spring Whcrtt patents, to $5.10; strong tinkers', $4.70 4.80; Winter whcot patents, 81. - to $4.60; straight rollers, $1.25 $4.35 in wo(xl; in bags, $1.90 to Feed -Ontario bran in bull., 5 to $15.50; shorts, $20 to S20.- Atanitobn bran, In bugs. $17 to shorts, $20 to $21. Iiay-No. 8.50 to $i) per ton on the track; 2, $7.50 to $8; clover, 56 to 5; clover mixed, 86.50 to 87. rs-Choice printer, $1.50 to $1.- r hush; lined -picked. $1.65 to O. Potatoes -New potatoes, in of 80 lbs.. 50 to 55c: in hags. lbs., 65e. honey -White elot•- n comb, 12 to 18.' per 1-1h. sec - extract, 61 to 7c: buckwheat, to lir. 1'rotisione-Itonvy Cnn- an short tout pork. 822; light ort cut, $18 to 819; American cut clear fat becks. $20.75 to $22.25; comp..mei Inrtl. 54 fo 61e; Canadian Imre Inrd. 10 to 111c; kettle ►render- ed, 11 to 12e; hauls. 121 to 141c; haemo. 14 to 15c: (resit killed abat- toir dressed hoes. 89.'25 to $9.50; Olive. $6.75 to $7. mixed lets. 'Sege Straight stock, 20e; NO. 1 cand- led, 181 to 19c. hurler -Choicest erennterv, 23c; undergrat1••s. 221 to 224r: dairy, 18 to 20c. Che,`sc-On- tario, 110 to 111c: (iie'het., 111 to 31;c. UNITED STATES' *TART<1:TS. Buffalo. Oct. in--i•'Iftn'-T'irnt. !{!heat Spring time; No. 1 Northern. a,i.L, 85;c: Winter uneettied; No. 2 1, 8544'. ('orn-111,11; No. 2 yel- low. Mlle; No. 2 corn, 581e. Oate- Strong; No. 2 white. Ate; No. 2 mixed. :tete. t'nnal freights-Vn- (than Fre l Toledo, Oct. 10 .--Wheat-Cash. 841e; I1eenlher, sr, le: May. 871c• Cern-t'nsh, neer: December, 431c: 11fnv 42!e. Ont' --Carp, 30e; Decem- ber. 30;c; 41st'. :(1•4c. Nt. 1.01115. Out 10 -Wheat -Cash. 1.\'i, K S' ( r K :TS. O i 1 JIAR F 1 Torort.1, Oct 10.-1luyers reported imp' ot•em,nt to the trade at the tern \1nt•ket to -day. I'ric•ee of litre to best butchers' and feeders (S fit no without a quotable rise, Export cattle, choice 84.40 14.n0 Do., medium ..... 4.15 3.00 2 75 2 75 4.15 4.00 ..... 3.60 2.75 2.00 3.00 Do., bulls Do., light . ...Do., Cotes Butcher's', picked ch ()ICU Do., mediumDo., light Do., bulls Stockers, choice Do., common ...... ... 2.00 Do., bulls 2.2,5 i Leavy feeders ...,.. 3.50 Milch cows, choice ,....40.00 Do., common ...28.00 Sheep, export, ewes ... 3.85 1)o., bucks :1.00 Po., culls Lambs, per cwt. Calves, each :1.00 5.25 5.85 2.00 10.00 Do., per cwt. ...... 3.50 6.00 /logs, selects 0.25 0.00 Do.. lights and fats... 6.00 0.00 AN ARCH -SWINDLER. 4' ;5 i Interest 011 Debt Will Be Seventy - :3.25 live Millions. 3.00 A 'I'okio despatch says:-Fnru►e1 Mr. Joseph Keefe of the Geograpbn- SMALLER OUTPUT OF GOLD. JCONDENSEDNEWS ITEMS HE CLAIMS BIG ESTATE I LUCKY SERVANT GIRLS - Dry Sunuuer Has Interfered With Mining Operations. ITAPPENINGS FROM ALL C'.'ER AUSTRALIAN ASSERTS HE IS LOWLY MAIDS 11l'IIO MATE A despatch from ()teawe. sv3s: THIS GLOBE. THE TRUE HEIR WITI3 TITLES AND RIGHTS. Telegraphic Briefs From Otu Cate Cupid Is Never happier Than and Other Countries of Ito- When Linking Lives and Brid,- 3.25 Foreign Minister Okuu,n, leader of cat Surrey, returned to the city on '1hurtiday front the Yukon. Mr. beet, worked in a practically unknown dis- trict about 400 miles up the Stew - 2 2S that when the wit hdramat of troops tut Ititer. The country in that sec- tion was completed elle will Lind herself con - and was rough and tliu'tuimoud, ' 'fe' (rented uilh a e!c4,t of $1,250,000, -and Was 'woe!. d by mule a few trap - 2 ' it 000, the interest on whisk alone, I'e'rs and truucr;, with tcho►tt the In- :3.iiU'roughly spcukiul, will be $7'e,lu,u,- diens of the Mackenzie Irude. There 50.001000, or 11curly twice the re%euce of were indicat1 ' -; of goof) d•'pmsits of 33.00 the country ren years ago. The icer iter, galena, veal, copper. and gold, 4.10 citi•ita tate of taxation before the specintel.s of which Mr. Keefe for a line new wing to the Chatea 3.50 war was $2. Now it is $6. The per brought home. Frintenac, Quebec. 3.50 capita ..huie in the uattone' debt ).o- Mr. Keele said that the yield of Cattle -thieves have been busy it Beverly township. Mr. George Wit Jinni reports the loss of ten steers. A Winnipeg firm is co,templat in building a grain elevator at Van cuuver, the first on the coust. Joshua Brunt, an Indian, Was ru over by a train near Belleville ant killed on Saturant•. Mrs. Reuben I'ark of Chatham aged 70 years, was killed while walk ing on the railway on Saturday. George C. Campbell, implemen agent, committed suicide at Wood stock by taking carbolic acid on Saturday. Miss Bessie Lewis of Netvboro' shot a black bear at Devil Lake that weighed nearly 200 pounds. Fred. Chambers, who recently pur- chased the Dake Ilouse, at Princeton. committed suicide by drinking car- bolic acid. on Friday. The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation 4.25 the prugressIve party, before the As - 4 I,:, ,,ociatc l Chambers of Commerce on 3 s Thursday. referring to the sudden ex - :3 00 Pension of .Japan's !!marcs, said ('A NADA. Canadians are invited to tender for live hundred horses for the :mouth Africa constabulary. 'filo Wolverine Cedar Lumber Co. of Michigan has purchased a timber litrit on the Spanish River. '1'!►e C. P. It. has purchased land u After Thirty-nine Years of Prison Goes Back for Ten More. A ('hicago despatch says: Frank (lope, 59 years old, tvho has served 89 .are behind the burs, plendtel guilty on Tut sday to a charge of swindling, and was n:rtenct 1 to the penitentiary for ten years. Ills real name is said to be Punchon. and it is said that he has respectable re- latives in London. England. Ile was released from the Joliet Prison the latter partof last August. and had been at liberty only two weeks, when he was again behind the bars. Ile confessed that he advertised for a woman to act as travelling com- panion for children and then robbed the auulicunts for the position. EXCHANGE PRISONERS. Russia Will Hand Over 1,866 and Japan 64,000. fur.: the tear etas 50. It is now 4.25. gold in the Yukon this year would CountOkuu,u, however, was not pin- be less than Inst season. The reason shuistie. Ile referred eloquently to for' this was the unusual dryness of the recce .ity of business men to•, the Summer. Auuther thing inter- doubliu • their energy in the det'etop-;fering with the yield was the pass_ meat of productive works ot alt kinds • in; of many nines tele the hands and thus securing victories in peace of !urger coinpanies with bigger as well as In war. outfits. When, however, these coo- - ♦ patties get down to business the out - CONTRACT LET. put wenn' be much larger, as their equipment would enable them to 500 Miles of Transcontinent„1 to work low-grade mines. Mr. Keene be Started at Once. tsaw no signs of exhaustion in the A Montreal despatch says: --The contract. for the construction of the roadbed complete. ready for the ties ko Supo •• • Yukon, and tit right it would be- come o-come a 'ermtue,•', mining camp. JAPAN'S FUTURE. alit rat's, ; _ branch of elle Grand 'Trunk Pacific Invitation to Foreign Capital Be - Railway from Fort William to Lake; gins to Bear Fruit. Superior Junction, about 210 utiles, Was awarded on 'Thursday morning atA despatch from 'Tokio says: - the office of 11 r. Frank W. Horse, `Baron Shibusa tt to addressing the As - vice -president and general manager,,sociated Chambers of Commerce, said Company have derided to spend to Foley tiros., Larsen and Co., of the development of trade communlca- trillion dollars in new teSSeIS an Winnipeg, Man. This firer is consid-;tions and carrying power was of rho other itnproventents next season. ered one of the most successful and ,greatest importnuce to Japan. Ile Messrs. Long, ltisby and othe experienced in railway construction criticized the ultra -pessimistic view public-spirited citiaens of Iiamilto work on this continent. .taken of Japan's linanclal future, have taken up the nock of providin Tho awarding of this contra'rt and said he was confident of greater a consuntpt' sanitarium for th means that about 500 utiles of the : development of Japan's resources and city: Grand 'l'runk Pacific will ise under tic- also those of Corea. The British Columbia (:overnmen tunl construction by the latter part The Baron said he was highly de- will exhibit ten tons of fruits growl of October, and it is hoped that at lighted to find that his efforts while in that province at the Exhibition o d cm - f ntra- t o to nl orticu lural Secure i a d r n g t ► n t a 0 0 e s t c charged a tell murder of or en Mit- chell on Isle Horde two months ago. were acquitted at Montreal on Sat- urday. Because be objected to her mar- riage, Kaspan Kasparian, an Armen- ian from Ilantilton, on Saturday, shot his young and pretty daughter at Brantford, and then turned the re- volver on himself. Both were ser- iously woueded. The National 'Transcontinental Railway Comu►ission has deckled to utilize wireless telegraphy for com- munication with the survey camps in Northern Ontario and Quebec. The first stations will be at New Liskeard and Lake Abittibi. No fewer than eighteen suicides have occurred on outlying creeks of the Yukon since %fay est. Failure to "strike it rich" deranged the minds of most of these victims of self-destruction and the lure of gold, The latest of them is Joe Kane, niias .loo Thomas, who has been in the Yukon six years. Ile took laud- anum. least 1,000 stiles will be under n traveling a broad to invite tho t h I toyal 1 y A St. Petersburg despatch says: tract by Nov. 30. It is stipulated'ment of foreign capital in .1,a! an London. Russia on Wednesday agreed to the that the Work shall be completed so 1 were bearing bruit in the present cu- John W. Hartnett was arrested a Jape.nese proposition to exchange that this branch will be a factor -in operation of foreign capitalists. , Ile Watertown, N.Y., on Friday, on prisoners of war whereby 1,866 Jit- moving the grain crop of 1006. believed they would find an extensive charge of forger; preferred by th panese prisoners In Russia will be -- ; field of activity in this part its the Bank of Montreal and brought t delivered at setae point on the test- MANUFACTURERS GROWING; world, and especially- in Corea. While Kingston for trial. October 10th for the infantry ant October 20th for the artillery hav been given out as th3 tentative date for the removal of troops from To ionto and (luebec to the fortress a Halifax. Provincial Treasurer McCorkill o Quebec told a delegation of the Brit ish Agents' Association that th Provincial tax on commercial travel ital oyc a lens would be maintained. { Charles Kterwick and his trite sistiug of tt209,378,(i:i8 in tants,' A despatch from Tokio says: -The ern frontier of Russia, and 64,000 Russians will be delivered at the ports of Kobe, Nagasaki and Yoko- hama, whence they will be conveyed to Vladivostok in ten I(useien trans- ports, now interned at Mhanbitai and - ''admitting that Japan ecus heavily in resell. of the war, the The Value of Products Nearly !debt uron said nbit behove l that adequate $u�'�'� I efforts on the pert of the business An Ottawa despatch says: The men of .Japan would open a way' to Census Department on 'Thursday is- increasing the wealth of the empire. t•o u t !since statistics its to Saigon. and two or three other the n manufactures There were 14,(150 establishntentsI noted, represeuling 2(14 classes of in-, f to make special and chtstries. The value of the total cap-� Privy Council. I 1 d was 6446,916,487,con- ships which are being sent from o want in Canada in 1901. Odessa. The Ameri •an Charge d'Affaires is At a Meeting -of the Japanese cndeavorin more specely arrangements for the PEACE TREATY ENDORSED. release of 250 sick Japanese, for whom it is hoped Japan may send buildings, machinery, motive power, tools and implements, and $237,- a ship direct to the Baltic. 537,849 in working capital. Tho umber of persons employed on LETTERS FOR THE NORTH. n ealtn'ies was 30,691, with salaries of $23,676,146, and the number on Department Has Instituted a Win- wages 844,085, and the cost ot sal- ter Mail Service. aries and wages $11:3,240,350. The value of the total products was An Ottawa despatch snys: The $481,053,375, being for goods n,ane- Post-011lco Department has arranged lectured in establishments $409,208.- for a special mail service similar to 351, and fur custom work and re- pairing $11,795,024. CURE OF CONSUMPTION. that provided last winter for Port Resolution, Fort McPherson and in- termediate points. A mail will leave Edmonton on or about Nov. 29th and Feb. 7th. The mail matter for these despatches will ho litnited to letters only. The weight of each letter is to be not more than one ounce. Letters may be registered. but not insured. Preference will 1,e treatment for diphtheria, and who is given, first, to registered let tern . one of t he most buttons of the Pas- ant), second, to ordinary tetters, a.-- tear Institute experts, informs the cording to the date of posting. !Malin that he intends to proclaim _-,-.__ • next August a method of curing tu- Inercntosis which he has discovered.EASIEST CURED DISEASE. Ho says that the method involves the use of neither scrum nor vaccine, but What French Authority Says of that it is a preventive Its well as a Consumption. curative remedy. Ile will hold the A Paris despatch says: At the secret some time, as he did in the case of his diptherta serum. ,e • •ulosis Con roes on 1Vedne dry Drs. Tuberculosis t e g He trill ex plain the method to Prof. Grancher, one of the leading I Roux and Menlehikol7 and Irate the French authorities, declared that eppttcatiun of it to medical practi- consuutption was the most ea•il!: boners without revealing tho nature curable of diseases if taken in ti1110. ' of the remedy, because he thinks he It was a mistake, he said, to wait ; has a right to reserve temporarily until the presence of the bacilfu: the, profits of the discovery to en - was established. Immediately n able him to prosecute other research - physician discovered a permane'1t es. i'rof. lichring added: -"From to - abnormal sound localir,etl at the top (lay onward the victims of tubercu- of the lung when the patient drew losis may hope again." a br. nth be ought to diagnose the 4 trouble as tuberculosis. Sounding was the best and simplest test. it- way. wens far superior to rndloscopic ox- C. N. R. Trach -layers Will be amination, in which he had little There Early Next Month. WHEAT GRADING I3108. confidence. Important Discovery by Pasteur Institute Expert. A Paris despatch says: Prof. liehriu6,. who discovered the serum NEARING EDMONTON. I Privy Council met on Wednesday forenoon, and after •a long discussion endorsed the treaty of peace which ' was signed at Portsmouth. Marquis ;Ito presided. Tho meeting took place in the prsenco of the Emperor, and was attended by Ministers of State. It is expecte(: that after the '':m- , peror formally ratifies the treaty ho will commend Admiral Togo to bring the combined Japanese fleets to Tokio Bay, where it is planned to hold an Imperial review, some 200 Warships to take part. 'Pogo will take this opportuliity for a triumphal return to the capital. NEW HIGHLAND REGIMENT. Winnipeg Delegation Waits Upon the Minister of Militia. A despatch front Winnipeg says: -A large delegation, represe..ling cue Scottish societies, .coifed on :Sir Frederick Borden on Wednesday and urged rho organization of a 11.ghlatd regiment here. The Minister of Mil- itia promised favorable consideration. MORE C. P. R. ENGINES. Works in Montreal Close Contract For Thirty-five. A dcr,palch from Montreal sass: - 'Phe Locomotive and Machine Com- pany, of Montreal, announced on 1Vedncsday that they had closed a contract with the Canadian Pacific Railway for 35 ten -wheeled freight and passenger locomotives, known as the Canadian Pacific "700" class. The locomotives arc duplicates of the 30 of the saute style recently built by the Locomotive and Machine Com- pany for the Canadian Pacific Rail - An Edmonton despatch says: -Pre - WINTER NAVIGATION. silent Mackenzie of the C. N. It came in over his line on Thursday night, nil left for the coast next Expert to Design Vessel los North- day. hails are laid past Vegreville, utnberland Straits. and will reach here early in Novem- An Ottawa despatch Sias: The px- bet. The gneotiou uta union depot i {ere from the shipbuilding yards uhere was lad before the linilway i (,oniniission informally, and a set - Maxim. Vickers and Co., of Borisov- • Gement Is expected. on -Furness, smiled here on Friday. ��- Ile is to visit Prince Edward island CAN PEED 100,000,000. and secure data respecting winter conditionson Northumberland Straits. and then prepare designs London's Ex -Lord Mayor's Opin- for a t.'sel which will assuredly ion of Canada's Possibilities. keep up comrnu»icattion to and from A dispatch from Lon.lo!► says: Sir Ilcnry- Knight, ex -Lord Mayor of I ureter interviewed at Liverpool on the island all winter. TWENTY INDIANS PERISHED • his return from Cnnada. said he thought the North-West was quite Started Out in Fishing Boat itttd enpnlde of raising profiler.. enough Have Not Been Heard of. to (tell n hundred trillion people. Canada had many world wonders, say': A l,shrng boat with (our fora- { Canndinus nor Ilrt.tsht rs thoroughly lies of Indians trent Gntd('n Island. ,understood tho greeti»0a of Its pos- including several women and chit- isfhiltties. Arra. loft here Septreh.'r 26 for ; 4. w ilea tei Island. The bunt has not WILL BREAK T/'AT•IT7ON, 1lilllaul \ . ()'l►aly, nn American On.e Result of the Insurance Revc- , it it engineer, ties assassinated In yet reedited the Mand. and it hits, -- letiotns in New York. about 8.e•n given op ns lost. 'Ilene Innovation on the New British M. rico. are supposed to hate been nholit , Battic:�tip Dreadnaught. A d•.;e's'l, i !s -r'iu :.aye: It 1 Jlultnc l»ty, n toren 111 ('apo Cul - twenty 1'Whin% in the hunt, {mnbuhly { A ,hol„ !el. tract i.• t,•/''1 �::ys: A -- stated here tl,,.i . .•.t'liee Eta_- ol:y, was struck by a cyclone and re- f fish. french . 1 ' '' not insurance dared to ruins. half woua•n old children. cordite.:te. the can e . t' . t' hire- „ rnmpnni• s are , to , st,nonol ' Pricer a null Germany have signed ship Ito rat't nla:ht. I eildirR r.l ort s - BIG NUGGET PURCHASED ,11'';th. tt'11 )10••,1`. train! tre.litiurby brnnebrs in ti„ A ( hnrletoix, Mich.. desptttrlt'but ho was of the opinion neither Bulk of Western Crop is of Uni- formly High Quality. A despatch from Fort William says: -Twenty-eight hundred and thirty- two cars of new wheat were inspected at Fot•t William in September, as compared with only 871 Inspected in the saute month last. year. 'l'hc grades are much higher, 2,400 grad- ing Xo. 1 hard and No. 1 Northern, the bulk of the Western crop being of uniformly high quality. TOGO TO VISIT BRITAIN. Proposal That He Bring the Jap- anese Fleet With Hint. A de! patch from Len. Express nays Ono 1es discussed for the hr: r land of the iic, t of A. Nothing is tet settled. .: Tho ,ere beimg r.•. to iSng- 1,•,i,:.l 'Pogo. Mum/ cif the 0ItEAT 111411'AiN1 The Allan line bas suspended its Glasgow -New York service. There is talk of transporting the entire Canadian exhtblt at the Liege Exposition. to London. General Booth Is arranging to chnrter three steamers to bring emi- grant•, to Canada next spring. Great Britain will establish naval bases at Gibraltar, Dover and Sing- apore. The London Times says mtsmanage- ment of the three big insurance com- panies may largely impair tho bon- uses or dividends. Alderman Walker Vaughan Mor- gan, who tins connected with the 1ludsou's Bay Company, was elected Lord Mayor of Le,ndon on Friday. The Church Artny of England has offered to send 2,000 emigrants to Canada next spring if the Canadian Government will pay their passage. S'TA'TE:s. The yellow fever germ has been ident !lied by New Orleans physici- ans. A leading financial Institution in New York was swindled out of se- curities valued at $360.000 by an unknown man who presented a forged cheek. The insurance investigation in New 1'„rl- r'eveloped that set teal largo c.: .r:ies combined to took after 1, t..-4ttion, divided the tcrritery be- t" net them and shared the expense. (!I'NEItAL, The licit i<h far eastern nglalron will visit 'Tokio early in Octol:er. Unssnct•cs of C1u !stars by Turkish ships n:•:• r.pnirin;; :end refitting and troops are repotted tram ?ltncedonln. cannot 1'u',0 .Jnt•nn for some limo. 1•'ran(•e int accepted Russia's Intl - talkie to attend the peace conference BP.ANCHES IN JLKERICA• at The 'togne, result of the , hint ire flee cheers' 1)1W r1 in the Now 1'orl. Cobalt Tronster to Decorate Na- ln•r i,: . of U:e tr..t,l „,3,1i) 5014 ''set's crime so. r sone Tv,, iGrHtt'a- tionel Museum at Ottawa. • A despstch from (Mown .•'t' Ile Barlette f 11. 5.'.4.•,.$•.11 has purchns' .1 On lle. r • •': ..'n 11 \(Useur» n '2:••-' 1•.r:r.,! e''l..1.• • eft •0 engin 1. it IS 114 foui1 on tIlk. IA - row whine, an(1 be taloes it al 111,000. ti. t . 'r i •'ales!. is 4110 to I3N• ' t•.r..+�,: t •o • (ei ni:hien; nceonuoode- tfen fe, se , r t•: of I.' t° men 1111.1 eX- lit:. rt aaua11''(' of at:onnnI- 1IOW S', !:. n1111 t'1'1.` !00115. Ill.' 1'e'.ulnen;{tt will fe the largest bat- tleship in the world l'errih'.• Into, '.1 • the 1811 i.h tn; - , :+ e itis: the bimee,., b. t Afe1 or idiot. 1' '. thnu'•,teul Ik n to 1. •,reel )(raise g'- (t•.t against the Jnr Province of Bengal. -tntts% as the ,ntr ngr•e(mcnt In regard to the 'slu- r %. lot lone in 1,'c' ) gr est coin it is reported thnt 51. %%lite will be 51100.e a Count and chief of rho ('ab- , ..i i, .; Inet (.f .111:•i: +t' rs, the highest 1:(,Ilml' 1n 18. gift. of the ('car, !'• r-,:1 ,1 There are fears of it revolt in Itnn- enry. ()wine t0 the aningonisnt to a'.. •t' ' n the Kart -1 :r.lj cror. 0'`4 ns a !sr"- j 4'11:1i1ive cf great cruelty to the titins of lh, t,nlltvs are teade ngainst the admin- istration in aha French Congo. Will Attempt to Wrest Title and Riches Front An English Duke. Very deter u►ined will be the attack to be made soon to wrest trout the ing Social Oulfs. Cupid has nut often bunt in it vire romantic mood than when, a siert Duko of Portland his title Luigi vast time ago, he etude Mr. .1. G. 1'laelps relates. So string is considered the Stukcs, n young Awrrican nnilltun- tane of the ciaiutnnt, George Hulauo- nice and PIsilanthropist, lay his Itegnrt by Lruco, that u limited liability. end fortune at the feet of Aliso yas- cumpany teeth a cu!>ilul of 555,04)0 - tor, tout nelduta has a heart been lust Ifns been registered at Souterset and won in oaten a strange cnviron- nrrmt, for it 'wits in the slums of )louse under the title o[ "ll• Il i New lurk, ane! when bent on errands Druce, Limited," says a London tot-' tet • of charity, taut these two niters -II Mr, Deuce. it may be remembered, ; Gest tact. cu,nu to I:uglund from Australia ice llr. Stokes is the sou of a million- Mr. 1903. from that time he bus cel air() banker, and springs froze, a line been btu with his solicitor gather- overra oft rhusrtls, while ing every possible shred of etidcueo Mins no Pastor is a "daughter of the (;licGltu, ' had her Mrhomesulit enc limo that bears on the famous claim. It is stated that everything is now in in Black Lion Yard. Whitechapel, and earned her }!ting as a cigar -maker cccding in support of the claimants before she became social reformer order for tho reopening of legal pro - contention. and began to work among the dcsti- tute in New York sluts. 13y such CLMDiHI:C'I' l;N'1'. strangely opposite and diverse paths Mr. LAIruceS's claire isDESCnow, briefly, therm two young people have suet; as follows: It is u fact that the pre- anti it few days ago the "child of the sent holder of the title and estates Ghetto" -who is u pretty and clturrn- is descended front the third son of ing lady -stood at the altar with the third duke, while Hr. Druce her briilegroov►-Croesus, and with a claims that lie is directly descended $25,000 pearl necklace --his gift - from the first son of the third duke, round her ne-cb underground passages, Welbeck Ab- ('lipid, one may imagine.is never happier Shan when linking, h duke, twho ryas supposed at g lives and limfifto to have died unnarried and bridging socia gulfs in this dramatic Way. We need not go outside our owu laud to point to dozens of pen- nilcss and humbly -born girls whom he has orated with titles and wealth; and it has ever been and always will bo so with the MISCHIEVOUS Li'1'1'LE IMP. And if the 4�rrnarriages aro not always as happy a. they ought to be - well. we can scarcely blame hint; he play- ed his part cleverly, anti there the - matter ends, n0 far as be is con- cerned. Without giving living examples of this kind of romance, one could eas- ily Lill columns with stories of maids of low degree nliutn Cupid has raised to coronets uud wealth; indeed, in his daring ,Hoods be has more Than once offered ,; crown in exchnnge for a lowly maiden's hand, as when ho bey, the Portland seat, being literal- made Peter the Great fall a ti. tin► to ly honeycombed with subterranean , the bright eyes of Martha Skatrou- works. Both had strong objections ska, the peasant's daughter, and to wine and tobacco. 'Their portraits placed her by his side on the throne show remarkable resemblance. Both of Russia as Catharine the Empress. had the eccentric mania of constant- Sir Henry 1'arkes, three times Pre- ly changing the position of things mier of New South Wales, married his cook; John Crossley, founder of the millionaire family of Halifax car- pet -weavers, had for wife (and an excellent spouse. too) Martha Turner, a maid -of -all -work; '191o►nas Coutts, the milliotnni;e banker, married his brother's "general"; and Cobbett and Itobert Phillips (brother of the' poet) both mated with servants, the latter after uniting sixty years for her. Nearly seventy years ago George. fifth Earl of Essex, tome a countess of Catharine Stephens, daughter of a carver and gilder, who as dowager Without issue, whereas be had mar- ried under the mune of Deuce. 'This is what the claimant bus to protc, but he and his solicitor, who have just telt for the continent to rest after their labors, express them- selves as quite contident of success. Inuring two and a half years that, Mr. Druce and his solicitor have been in this country a great amount of evidence as to the strange parallels of habits and eccentricities m the fifth duke of Portland and 'Phonies Charles Druce, under which name he is alleged to have niarricd the moth- er of the claimant, has been discov- ered, compared and collated. (MUCH EVIDENCE FOUND. Both were of the same height and build, and both loved to burrow in and is, in fact, a grandson of the atounu them. The story of the life of each al- leged separate personality fats into the gaps in the history of the other. The fifth Duke of Portland is found to appear in public life when Thomas Druce is' missing. When Druce reap- pears there is no trace of the duke. Mystery in the dukedom claim has centered round a vault in Highgate cemetery, in which Thomas Druce is said to have been buried, According to the claimant's theory the alleged burial of Druce on Dec. 31, 1864, was an imposture, an empty coffin being interred. countess long strvived her husband b. - It is further alleged that Druco as ono of the most beloved ladies in was seen and recognized by many the peerage. Eliza O'Neill, daughter persons after this date. Some of of a strolling actor -"a pretty Irish these persons are still alive. The girl, with a small touch of the death of the fifth Duke of Portland brogue on her tongue; she is very did not occur until 1879. SITTING UPON A YOUNG MAN. "I don't altogether like this young man Millikin who comes to see you so often. I hear that he is only it poor clerk," was what the head of the family said to his daughter one (lay at the dinner table. "He is a very nice young man," replied the duughter. "llesi+les, he is something more than a 'poor clerk.' Ile gets a large salary, and is manager of ono of the shops in the city, end expects some dry to have an interest in the business." "I hope he may," responded the old man, "but he strikes me as • very flippant, impertinent young per- son, nuc! in my opinion he should be sat upon." "Well, I have invited hint to take ten with us this evening," said the daughter, "nod I hope you will trent him politely, at least, You will find him a very different person from ',that you suppose him to be." "Ohl I'll treat hila politely enough," he said. That evening Mr. Millikin appeared at ten, and made n most favorable impression upon the old gentleman. "Ile 1s a clever young fellow, after all," be thoaght. "1 havo done him an injustice." It was just here that Bobby spoke out. (lobby was a well.meaningboy but too talkative. "Pape," he ventured, "you know al:at yon snit' to -day at dinner about Mr. Millikin, that be was an impertinent young roan, and ought to be sat upon--?" "Silence, sir!" shouted the father, swallowing a mouthful of hot ten. llul the little fellow wouldn't 1.11- 011041. "It's all right," he continued eon- tit:0ntially, but in a whisper loud enough to be I;enrd out of doors, "be has been sot upon. Sister sat down on 1•,11m last night for two hour,.•' After that the tea wont on more quietly, ening to 'lobby's sudden and t.'I•v i.p (t'-;,artu►•.'. ---+ ---_ BPAIJCH WORKS IIJ JAPAN. Armstrong and Co. to Establish a Factory There. A despnt -1i frons Kobe to the Lon - dolt Sicuudaral says that Sir *1i4Iiatn Armstrong end Co_ shipbuilder" and ordnance ntnnufse taros, hat e ac- cepted nn invitation from the Merino Ministry to establish branch works in Japan. A Fite has been chosen hent• 11ire tsaka. ---� A Helena despatch toys that the Liberal party in Cuba Is considering the (location of sending a commie - Sion to Washington to nsk for the re-estnbliehment of the Amerirnn in- tervention or that 1N., UJnited States guartotltee fair elections in the 110iad. pretty, and so, in fact, is her brogue," so John Kemble described her -Was wooed and won by Wittiam Wrixon Becher, Esq., M.P. for Mal- low, who, some years alter, IVAS MADE A BARONET. The first Earl of Craven offered a coronet to Miss Louise Brunton, daughter of a provincial actor anti manager, ono of eight children, who was brought up amid the poverty and hardships inseparable from a strolling actor's life a century ago; Miss Farren, who became Countess of herby, was the daughter of a poor Cork apothecary, and spent; her early years, after her father's death, in extreme poverty; Miss Mary Bolton, the daughter of obscure parents who lived in Long Acre, found a husband in the second Lord Thurlow, son of tho famous Lord Chancellor, and be- clone eclone the mother of the third Lord; while, to give but one more out of pinny similar romances, Aurora do Llvey, who vest made Voltaire's ac- quaintance as a "poor girl, as mean- ly clad as a beggar," wore a cornet as Marchioness de (eouvernet for many years teforo she died. -London Tit -Bits. WHAT HUNGER 15. Physician Describes the Cause of the Unpleasant Feeling. Hunger is the sensation felt bet' - cruse of the contraction of the mus- cularis either of the pylorus or possibly also the entire stomach or of the duod,•ntun, or of the contrac- tion of the muscularly of all these structures. If the contraction is ikmore intense it is felt as n panind hunger. The contraction is slight, then the scn"ation of the hunger Or al'o of u slight degree; it is evan- escent Hunger is a lesser degree of pain and is produced by the contraction of the muscularly. 'Phis is the rea- son why hunger passes allay after n certain lapse of time, even it no food has been token; it means situ{- ly that the musculrtris become!; tired and contraction gives way to re- laxation. Absence of contraction, the inability to contract; relaxation, distention-tltert° being the opposite, the reverse of contraction. results the opposite of •appetite, anor' cin, provided, however, that such dis- tet►tlon Is not caused by an over ahuntlnnc•c of the irritating arid gns:'s. Awe -vale is the reensory sr nietom of distension of the stom- ach uud upper portion of the int. s- tint) by non -irritating gone., ne nnt- pantetd by complete or partial rclnx- ation of the sphincter. This is the condition we obser',e in chronic pyloritts, chronic gastritis. and chrome inMrrtmafere conditions of the first portico, of the small In - teat in.. The first country on the rent, that it 111111 Ile baited r Turk'',