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Exeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 4
THE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBER 12th 1905. DUGIISTe SurroundinghNews Iblesomc at the best, of- ey lead lead to serious Coin p1icatons AND rue they should not be ne- ed. A bottle of Our hits Pine & Tar quick- ly cures Coughs and COLDS :ent bottle will probably nough if taken in time. ownings rug Store ie Exeter Times NDAIt FOR OCTOBER, 1905 1 8 15 22 29 ... 2 9 10 Z 30 3 10 17 2.1 31 N ... . 4 11 18 25 a..... 6 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 K'TOBER 12th, 1905 111: NSALL id meeting. of Carmel's Society was held on last w•hen t he spa - at of i ho church was but Vas literally t,•Ivins to stand in the The subject of inter - out such •a largo as - a debate: "Itesolved is preferable to ooun- ere." - Tho affirmitive r. W. A. Cook, support - attire) and Mr. Isaac file t he ne;alive was is Itowcliffe, supported vden and Dr. Ferguson. PPaintcd to decide ;the debate were Itcv. W. r. Samuel Smillie and y, and the otitio of as Mr. William Bu- r. Smith, pastor of very ably filled the rman, and to;other as, highly compliment - ens. A meeting of the held on Monday (venin; musical and literary was carried out. 'rid Wren, divinity 'ttr- cted services with very tance in the Methodist abbath evening. last. . McDcu;;111 returned k from Toronto, where visiting. for n mouth. le Urquhart left hist •nio where she .intends rse of studies. est Thanksgiving ser - Id in kt. Paul's. church It 1110 rc will be gin hero next i;1:t in Carmel church un- u-si.ices of the Carmel ,pale'; Association, by Rev. vte=, of Knox church, Galt h. r.ecrets of Scotch nuc- Nnowles besides having. as a preacher and lec- ery recently wen new author of St. Cuth- t popular Canadian T OF A COLD. my it pontes.. No ry to the druts;.ore, ops, t It.. !mats are ef- b pneumonia or tutter- it's too Tate. Keep • on hand. -it kills colds oni:•t hin g uta Rica! about ores Calm"' and lir o.tch:- hozone is the best remC• it curer in nature's w'ay; t hes and rest ores perma- ry a Catarrhozonc inhal- racket, use it occasionally never catch cold -that's mberias. '1.I11t1CIl :;liter acted as a judge t the Rayfie•41 show. Troyer, the totwuship w:as ill the villager last the tax not ices. id Scheel., has sold his driver to 51r. John tipar- ar ‘'art -t. 'lltel shim tI was pfionally ;good one and t he •d for it by Mr. Sparrow r, SChnci1 nlw.'ya rain:, _ i >e sure, you are growing But why let everybody it, in your gray hair? iyour hair dark and rich ostpone age. if you will • sir Vigor use Ayer's Hair Vigor, gray hair will soon hive he deep, rich color of IL Soldfor 60 years. If new mer fJears old 4t..' 1 hav• ',glossy head rrleap Ter..... h • • ' t;o •.era Otte 1111,0 asci 1t. A 1 r,.1 • If In 1E411 dao to Ayer's nil, \ ::. r •• )Ja.. 11 It. Pt•nil.. HM'i.It, 11,. a eflla. J. C A?ra co. for t bite Haid Items of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondents. CREDITON A trtoot.in; for t he tt urpu;c of r• organizing the Literary Society will be held on Friday evening t ho 13111 Inst at 8 p. m. at alto home of Mrs. Bluett. V:all all the old membora and any new ;iii huger.% wishing. t o join be in at tt•ai tunce. -Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. of Parkhill Are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 41ern. -Mr. \Chris Rowe, who has been workint in London for some lows, has re-entered the employ of Mr. 11. Ilrotvn. -Mr. Fred Youn; was ui London F'riduy and Saturday on business. -Mr. and Mrs. Matthew 1Lorlock are spending a couple of weeks in Zion, 1! 1., %v i t h their sons, w l .1 aro residents of Dowic's city. -Mr. and Mrs. 11. Brown and Dir. and Mrs. Gotloib Morlock spent Sun- day at Shipka. -Messrs. Kuhn & Clark have com- pleted the vault in htc Soveret;a Houk• The work is very creditable to Bert and there is no doubt but. t ho will soon develop into a full fledged architect. -Mar. Wm. Moriock, who conducts o large furniture factory at Guelph. stent Sunday at the home of his u ster, Mrs. 1i. Oestreicher. -11r. E, Wuertla, who had hit foot severely burned Nome weeks ego :at Brantford, is improving nicCJy and expects to get work soon. tt to t -Mrs. (Itev.) Damm, who is Ill with appendicitis, is vetting along as well as can be expected. -Rev. Andrew's was in Parkhill on Tuesday. -ll.r. Sot. Deaver, two has been in the employ of J. 11. Holtzman. al coat maker for the past awes years left Saturday morning for Hamilton where he has secured a zooil position with Mr .George Kellerman. -Mr. Witbont Clark, of St. Marys, is spending a few days in the v.iJla,;o. -Mr. Kin•;sl.y is having; a cement floor put in his barn . -Mrs. Rosins Finkbciner and Mrs. Harry Either returned after spend - in; a low days with friends in Ubly. Duch, and other points. -Miss Dora Either visited friends in 'town on Friday last , -Mr. and Mrs. Au;ust ILill spent a few days in Milverton. -Miss Tillie and Clara Wind have returned to [Detroit after spending a few weeks tallith Their parents' , -Miss Graham, of Sodom. • 9pont Saturday and Sunday the ',uest of Miss E. Parrot. -lir. Jack Smith has sold ,his threshing outfit to Mr. Garnet Ilis- sett. Mr. I1,issett will commence or. Nov. 1. -Mr. Charlie Feltner spent Sun- dae in Dashwood. Some attractions. -Mr. Geo. Redden has moved hs household effects Ito Dashwood, where he has accepted a situation. -S1lerin-an, the healer, has Icft the vill:l;o. His presence here has not in- jured any person and although some may have been benifit ted or claim to have Leen benefitted, why not Let the matter drop at that. Such reports as appeared •in the Toronto Star sl,ndenin; some of our best citizen; will do no good and will only help to sow discord among the inhabi- tants of this otherwise peaceful vil- to h. Ilut all people are toot born alike, some delight in saying and do - in; 'things which when biou;ht. home injures theta mare 1Itttt ,t he person they rieticu'.'.-Cont. Anniversary Services. - The an- niversary services of the: Methodist church were held on Smelly last, Rev. S. J. Allis of Parkhill conduct - in;. In the afternoon he addressed the Sunday school and uas well re- ceived. itis sermons, both morning and evening were from texts suit- able for the occasion and lois hearers were .;rci1ly pica`:ed twith his ad- dresses. Rev. Allis is n man of deep thought and Ilia manner of delivery r• very l,atasin;, and his theories instructive. Ott Mond*. evening a concor.t eats 'given itt connection, ad- dr:sses being delivered by Itev. God- win nail Going. of Exeter. Rev.11. W Andrews, Il. A., of Centralia, occupy - in; the chair. Music was given by the choir by Mr. and Mri. Allis and Mri. A. E. -- of McInnis, recita- tions by Miss Fonda, Algin, Mi.ti Lu- lu Esiory, Miss Inez Andrews tool Myrtle Cla rk. The proceeds from the Sunday services were over $1110 tel those from the concert on Mon- d ly evening. will .greatly swell the church funds. Tho anniversary per - Vices of elm Ebenezer appointment ell be held next t un`lty, Itev. An- ,i,ew•e of Cent, -t'i't t tkinl clrotge. -M,r. Got !nib Brown, IIIc aaie - etip tax co'o ct or is making his rounds. neat h of John F. Fa1hcr,-Mr •Jo!,u F. Either, son of Frederick Either, And one of our most respected eit:- tens, ,hied very suddenly last Motl- .1,y morning.. 11 had boon itt ill healalt for some months, but svrs never considered in a set ..0114 con- dition until Iasi Friday, when he r I led t o Lr 1. Mr. s just in the print-: of life bon: loot. 35 yews of ate^. 1lut9t•Z Y.; h. Iia^ It^ tvIV' a It•^.1 ‘‘ •ti:,t and very honornb!e in the disch,r;e of his antic.. and Loved by all with whom he came in contact. 11' i+ survived by a yount widow and four chi!+1 ren, un a ted father and moth- er, five brothers and four sisters. The • r mains were interre,I in t b f c plot in the Evan;elie•il cense- �`.' Ineaday afternoon, tho r •- n which he was hold beim on by Ilk torr' rortote which folio •e1 him to his I,tyt .r • tt'r pi ice. It wt.,s iheutlit lo:.. 1rat1:11, "• wwdth hot Innis, but 1 11 tam under hr im trn. Ston that I:• '. I injure:Mi itnstlf some )(oust •ate "e part icipU ir•r at 1,: r (-w 1r, and a pOSI tie -moron Cx?nt t a t • 1 w .s !odd Tuesday. by Dr. 11 to ol ! 1, . Antos. of Esete•r. The cxanti•:tti:vr allotted newt, pi:cun:o'i t. Among theta^ from a •li tance who n11:`n.1ed the funeral were: Mr. W. Eilbet. of Newark. Ohio: ,Mfrs. Cawley, of P7. !reit : Mrs. Truetler. of ,Detrol Start!'( F4Lrvr, of Buffalo: ant Chris. Either, of Zurich. The Tinges join•, 'n cs1e1t11in1 heart -fell sympathy to he be 14)1 wed f -t ntity• The foilow,in; is the report fur lite month of Septentln;r. 75 per cent of the ,harks are required for hon- ors, 60 per cent for a pass. Name. in order of merit , Division III. -Class V. - Honors; Edna Pack, Pass, Gertiu Short, El- vin McMurray. 1. - honors, Pearl Gainer. l'ass, Howard Meadd. Sr. Ill. -tumors, Elsie Gaiser, 'Lillian Finkbeincr. Pass, Almed:t F'inkbei- ncr. Clara Boltzmann, Matilda Ocs- t reicher. CLAUDE IILUETT, Tcoohcr. Division II. - Intermediate I11. -- pas,, Pearl Treitz, Charlie Gower, B. lledden. Jr. III. - honors. Mabel \Vcntzel, Lulu Ga.isor. t,1':1ss, Ida Brown. Gretta Bissell, Gordon Ap- pleton, Edwin Fahner. Everett Il aisl Harry Swcitzer. Sr. II. - pass, Queouie llod;ins, Wellington hoist, Loran Brown. Florica Hill, Herbert; liaist, Mervin Winer, Martha Welsh. J r. II. -honors Llu,u -lleddcn. Pass Evelyn Bluett, Emmanuel heaver, Lulu Datnm, Murray Boltzmann. MISS FARROW, Teacher. Division I, -Part II. -pass. Gordon Benedict, Herbert Nhenk, Frank Kin;. A V. -honors Irene Erb. Pass Genie Guenther. A IV. - honors, Raymond English. Lillie 'Weiner. Pass, Harold Gower, Londe lleddcn. Finkoei- A. M. -honors, Harrington t n ner, Verna Hill. Pass Irene Wolfe Roy Shenk. A o [i A. If. pass, . • Botha Kin;, Gertio Erb, Emmery Gatse.r. A. 1. -pass, Alien Carter, Waist. Lavergne McMurray. MISS KIENZLE, Teacher. A FAMILY NECESSITY It's remedy capable of affording immediate relief to the hundred and one ailments that constantly arise. It may be a cold perhaps toothache, neuralgia, pain in t ho back, - use Poison's Nert'iline, it is penetrating, pain subduing and powerful. Ner- viline is at least five limes Wronger than ordinary remedies and its worth in any household can't be ocar estitnntod For man or beast Norviline is n panacea for all pain and costs only 25c. per bottle. Buy Nerviline to-doy from your dru;;ist. (IOW TO CURE CORNS AND BUNIONS First, soak the corn or bunion in warn wader t o soften it ; 'then pare it down as closely as possible( with- out drawing blood and apply Cham- berlain's Pain Balm twice daily, rub- bing vigourously for five minutes at colt application. A corn plaster should be worn :t few days to pro- tect it from the elites. As a 'general Liniment for sprains, bruises, lame- ness and rheum:disnl, Pain Bolan is unequalled. 1'or sale in Exoter by S. 'Lowey. INSOMNIA AND INDIGESTION CURED "Last year I had a very s vcre at- tack of indirgostton. I could not sleep at night and suffered Most excruciating pair:.; for 'three hours after cach innal. 1 was 'troubled this way for about three ntontlee when I used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and received im- mediate relief," says John. Dixon„ Tullamore, Out ario. Canada. For sale in Exeter by W. S. llaw•ey. W INCH F.LSEA -The anniversary of Sunshine church which wan held last Sunday toss a d('cidt'd succes4. '11:^ Rev, M r. Ilau;h preached Iwo very interesting and instructive serittotts, while the choir exeeLlctl ihemselvev in render - in; the beautiful music. The collet. tions taken amounted to nearly X36. -The pupils of \Vinchelaea intone school hove ont:utiz^dl n 1ibeuar) society. The officers app ointod are us follows: President, \Villa' Elford ; Vico 1'., Almeria Heywood ; ,Secretary, Net lie CAintibc11 : 1'rolrant commit- tee. Sr. room, Vera' Washburn, 01- ivo Berryhild kind Newton Clarke : .1r. roots, Pearl (Jahr, John Crecry and Minnie 'Cantel : Critics, Mr. Isle - nautili and Miss Howard. It twos decidcll to have it program every two week, the first one, which twill, be on the coming Frid ty, to lake the form of a deirt:e and spelling match. The •t.bject for debate is alt (asy one to be;in with, "Resolve that the horse in more vale-' than the cow". Re- melts published next week. Thesc meetings promise to be interesting, as well as instructive and it it 1:• be Loped 1h.1; the parents will take :in interest in 1 Lent and ho.tor us by their presence, in st !cast solus of (hem . -Miss Nettie Gow•.,ti, of (lolerich, visited Miss Howard at the school one day last week. -We 'egret to hoar that Mr. \Vm, Crct•ty, ere of our most prozressi:•c farmers has offered his Larru for sale. The farm is a splendid one and the buildinjs are in Goal repair. Dyspepsia Is an motion that the stomach and other digestive =are weak, tired or tad. k. causes no and of aches and pains and is most, common where pftple bolt. their meals and urry and wotty as they do in this country. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures dyspepsia -it has "a �L� msgictouch y in this disease. !or tsads0d&Y of rrttAsllsekafrls mos sued for C. e1. s 1 os., Lowel, Mas. Tined Newous Mothers Mahe Unhappy Homes -Their Condition Irritates Both Husband and Children -How Thousands of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous Prostration and Made Strong and Well. 41i s Albert /Mann i ,/hfrr ekes/ereiliiy._-, A nervous, irritable mother, often on the verge of hysterics, is unfit to care for children ; it ruins a child's disposi- tion and reacts upon herself. The trouble between children and their mothers too often is clue to the fact that the mother has some female weak• ness, and she is entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her nerves that govern- ing children involves; it is impossible for her to do anything calmly. act like n ills of women The aa firebrand upon the nerves, consequently nine - tenths of the nervous prostration, ner- vous despondency. "the blues," sleep- lessness, and nervous irritability of women arise from some derangement of the female organists. Do you experience fits of depression with restlessness, alternating with extreme irritability? Are your spirits easily affected, so that one minute you laugh, and the next minute you feel like crying ? Do you feel something like a ball ris- ing in your throat and threatening to choke you ; all the senses perverted, morbidly sensitive to light and sound; Women should remember that Lydia pain in the ovaries, and especially E. l'inkhant's Vegetable Compound is between the shoulders; bearing down the medicine that holds the record for pains; nervous dyspepsia, and almost the greatest number of actual cures of continually cros.s and snappy ? female ills, and take no substitute. If so, your nerves are in a shattered condition, and you are threatened with nervous prostration. Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Masa., invite Proof is monumental that nothing in all sick women to write to herforadvicd, the world is better for nervous prostra- Mrs. Pinkham'a vast experience with tion than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- female troubles enables her to tell yon table Compound; thousands and thou- just what is best for you, and she will sands of women testify to this fact. charge you nothing for her advice. Ask ■rs. Piakham's Advice -A Woos sat Vsderstuda • Wssitrs 111. Mrs. Chester Curry, Leader of the Ladies' Symphony Orchestra, 43 Sara- toga St., East Boston, Mass., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:- " For eight years I was troubled with ex- treme nervousness and hysteria brought on by irregularities. 1 could neither enjoy life nor sleep nights. I was very irritable, ner- vous and dest`ondent. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was recommended and proved to bo tho only remedy that helped me. I have daily im- proved in health until 1 am now strong and well, and all nervousness has disappeared." The following letter is from Mrs. Albert Mann, 154 Gore Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont.: Dear Mrs, Pinkham; - " 1 suffered a long time with ovarian trouble having it pains in the back and abdomen and very sick headaches every month. I was tired and nervous all the time and life looked very dreary to me and I had no desire to live until 1 began to take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and to get some relief. My recovery was slow but it was sura and I have never regretLtmsi the money spent for the Compound as itnarought back my good health " Fre© Advice to Women. Home Comfort Steel Ranges Manufactured by WROUGHT IR311 RANI CO. Ltd' TORONTO, ONTARIO. FOUNI)LI) 180.11. The above M a cut of our improvc•:I nick le plated Range, with handsome enamelled rc+sercoir altoched Io wa- ter frre,t in fire box . The Wrought iron It Inge Co. haws localed one of their divisions in Exeter and will canvas surrounding country from this place. 'i'1:in is a sample of how our geode please our earstomers: Exeter, Sept. 21st, 1905 Wrought iron Range Co. Toronto. Gentlemen :-Four years a ,To 1 purchased from one of your males - men a ITom'• Comfort I[anzc an l have found it nn excellent heater CA1'1'I'.‘ I. and cooky' and a great fuel never I believe it will s•lwe Mil: PO than 10 per cent on its price in fuel, that in ten yearn will pay for il, and 1 Aye 110 reason why it will not last a life time, being trade of weal plate and malleable iron. I heartily re- commend the Monte C fort to all who %ant 1he hest. \\'i►hint you success I 1111 yours etc. iRICHARD WELSi1. (:rand (lend, Sept. 21st, 1905 To \Vbont it ?nay concern: - We have used a ilorne Comfort itante for eight years. and under no consideration would we n r anyt hin t M11. :\Nil X111'1. \1'M. i.I•:VITT, J. W. K. VanNORMAN, Div. Supt. Subscribe for the TiMES. From now until January 1907 for $1.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦•••••••••••NN••••••♦♦♦♦•N••••••••••••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1 i Save Your Money Buu Your Dinner set at London GroGkeru Go - 169 Dundas St - "Why do we sell so wany Dinner 8etsi" Because we give you better value for your ty,t money than any other Crock- ery store in the country. We buy where the goods are made and can afford to see you . t closer in price because I UL' sr.� .�`•`�� and WE Make all there is to �tj_;•ttt"-rte �c�" be made in the deal. No one else comes between us to tuake any profit out of it, "bloods direct trout the mak- ers to you" flints it. 97 Piece Dinner Sets, Good Value at:$14.00 for $10.00, The Sets are just in and are of Exceptional value.), Beautiful shadings and colorings, also beautifully traced in best gold. 97 Plece Sets, (food Value at $12.00, Our Price $9.00• Also sold by the piece. Make up your own see' Always Match- able if broken and of the:best 14..nglieh Semi Porcelain with full gold lines. 97 Piece Sets, Good Value at $8,5o, Our Price $6,150 You should see these. You cannot get such values any where else beautifnl clear prints, splendid patterns and good quality of ware New shapes. 97 Plece Sets, Good Value at $' 5,00, Our Price $12.00. This is also a Stock Line. 1103 that is its number. Comes in a Dainty Pink Spray with green colorings in leaf, almost as good * • as china and just to ok at the price. Made at `Staffordshire Eng- land. Quality A 1. i 98 Piece Sets, Good Value at $15.50, Our Price $13.00. This is a beautiful white and gold pattern. Just as pretty as most ZZ • China made by "Johnston Bres." the hest Potters in England. Stock Line "Make up your own set" "Buy what you need," ♦ Come and see the largest assortment. Come and see the best valuta COME AND SEE THE NEWEST PATTERNS. COMF. AND BAVE Y Uri MONEY -By buying our new goods, We show the largest line of Crockery, (glassware, Chios, Lamps, F.tc. in Ontario. Come and see for yourself. Z London Crockery Co. •• 169 Dundas Street, London. ♦ WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of Z$10.00 or over. •••••••••••••••••♦•♦••••♦•••••••••♦••♦•••••••••••• ♦••••♦••••••••••••••••••••••♦♦♦♦N••••♦♦•••••♦•••••• • 1 MARA'S Phone 1684. 134 Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane, Former Screaton Premises. LONDON, O1\TTARIO EVERYTHING NEW CLOTHING DEPARTMENT UP=STAI RS Everything Bright Clean and Up-to-date. Spool Cotton, all numbers, 2 for 5c Spool Cotton, guaranteed 200 yards and 6 cord, 2 for. 5c Boys' School Suits, made of Al material, sizes 24 to 28, pleated style $1.50 Boys' School Suits, made of pure wool materials, Al trimmed, pleated and Norfolk style, all sizes; at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 Boys' School Pants, Al material, well lined 474-c Boys' Pants, made of heavy extra navy blue serge, wear guaranteed, sires 24 to 33 ; pair. 75o Boys' Three-piece Suits, all pure wool material, single and (!onble-breasted, Lion Brand goods, double seats and double knees, sizes 28 to 33 ; at $2.95 & $3.50 Boys' and Youths' Niggerhead Pea Jackets, well trim- med, extra heavy, lined, sizes 24 to 32; special at.. $2.50 Boys' Fancy Tweed Overcoats, in dark shades, with Ifir line stripe, loose fitting, sizes 24 to '28 $2.05 sizes 29 to 33 •••• •••• •••43.95 Mens' Cravanette Coats, suitable for rain or colli weather loose fitting, swagger style. in dark and light shades, all sizes ; regular $7.60 and $10.00, for 135.00 Mens' Heavy Cottonade Pants; regular $1.00, for 750 Mens' Tweed Suits Always Headquarters -Three -button Sacque, Al material, best trimmed, sizes 36 to -14 ; at $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 Ladies' be on hand early in Silk Section -Peau de Soie Silk, :l6 in, with', extra heavy, will not cut; to clear, yd 75c Mail Orders Especially Attended to. •••••♦••♦♦•••••♦♦♦•N♦••••••N••••••♦N♦♦♦.••••••••w = THE I'1O1_SONS BANK • • (itlrntl`nrated by Act of P:ulisntent 1Kaa► CAPITAL PAID UP • - • • • • 53.000,000.00 RESERVE FUND ••• ••• $ • ,3 itranehce in t)ntario, Quebec. Ali.crta rtritl•h Columbia nr 4 M tnitoba • EXETER BRANCH • • Open every i.awful Day from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. except t! turdsy 10 A. 1r. to t 1'. M. Fnr,tierw' Malo Notew cashed or collected. Forms supplied On n •pbcatinn. ORA!. TS rn A11 lr.,;r,te In the Dominion.(ircat Britain and ('n lied States, bought and Feld at In% e.t rate. of exchange, 1 MAS'INUM DEPA RTMENT DC Olt!a 1.00 en:1 upwards received. Interest Cnnl- pnundrd bnlf yeadee,,,t'I Added to erinelrAl June se•1b and December 31.1. Ife- p.osiu Receipt. AI -o is -ted sod h'ghrst current rates of Interco ',Based. Ativnneew mase to fr,rnlcrp stock dealers And business men at lowevt rotor, and no mo -t NA., rstlr term•. Agent. al i'xeter for Isom. Gel -eminent. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. fJURDON, Manager. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i • 111 t