HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-12, Page 1The Wedding Season
We have the tnukt up-to-date tled-
idin.3 stationery to be had. When it
SOmes to bill heads, envelopes. etc.,
ire can always frill orders.
Did You Ever See Our Jot
Weil, www excel `at it. Every thin,y
wC dtb it neat anti ;otteul up in thw
best style to phew) the eye. Don'ts
'forget 1 he Times when. you wane
anything in printing.
Hardware and Seed Store
is the place for Builders and those intending to build
should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
line of
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Cements we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
and can give you firstclass material. Try us and
you will be conuinced.
At Exeter and Centralia
Now ready for use, the best
Cement and Lime
That money can buy
Coal for Everybody
at lowest prices
You are East buyers. We make the
Suite -you wear them out. We make
then as well as we can, so that they
Will not wear out sooner than they
Ought. Because, if they do, you'll
'likely go sornewher.• else for your
n ext Suit. And no one could blame
you. So much money ought ht to buy
*0 much Suit worth. And Suit worth
1e fashionableness of fabric -style in
CUL -fit -finish -looks- dressyness -
and length of service.
▪ &e good a place as there is within
• les to get all this and not pay too
much is W. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $15.00
and $18.00.
Two Remarkable Records
made by the Popular
iThe attendance at the opening
of our Fall Term was live times
• as great as that of a year ago.
Leet month we had ten time as
many calls for Bookkeepers,
Stenographers, Etc., as we could
fill. This undoubtedly indicates
progressiveness and shows that
this is the beat school to patron-
ize. Enter now. Magnificent
catalogue free. Cor. Yonge and
Alexander Streets.
W J. ELLIOTT, Principal
• This small advertisement repre-
4 /rents one of the largest and best
business colleges in Canada. No
school in the Dominion does more
for its students than we do. To
ourknowledge Howled e
not one of of
graduates is un/rmployed. We
get far more applications than we •
can meet. You may enter at any
Itime. Write for our handsome
catalogue. :
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principals •
Merchant Tailor
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited.
78 Dundas St., London
Have you a farm that you want
to selil Write for our terms of sel-
ling property. We have the most
Complete method of advertising and
welkin; ,property in Canada, 1)o you
want 10 buy a farm or business
property in any part of Ontario/
Head for our list. \\'c have some
bar ; ainm.
A few sections of good
North-west land for sale at
$4.75 an acre. Apply to
OFF'tcr.--Main Street, Exeter.
PAIN ADM '1 111F I I I PS.
1t is 1 common complaint with wo-
nten. The tight 1neat ment is Ner-
`` yiiine, which penetrate to 1he road
"I•'bf the pain immediately. Nerviline
9 and soothes t
he affected
parts, draws out the irritation and
pain, a1Jows1 the (patient ease after
one rublenr. No )inintent so (sees
Il%Ohieal and safe. Neaoly fifty years
in use anal the 4 errand immensely
,heater every Illy ! Ncrviline must
My friend, took ! you know
how weak and nervous your wife Is
sad yon know that Carter's Iron
Pills will reWve her, now why not
be fair about it any buy her a host
Sjek headache is amused by a disoa -
idctsed creelR ion of t he Stomach and
Fre quickly cured by Chamberlain''
Stomach anti Liver Tablets. For elle
In F:aoter by W. 8. 'towel .
% OAIll orOA=AL.
1t4 Ki,d 'fro Ash "Hila BAP
Sian tb
of arile-#211rja";
Bargains in Newspapers'
The Times will receive subscrip-
tions at the following rates:
Titus to January lst, 1907 ...S1 110
Times and Daily Globe .. ...... 4 50
Tinges and Daily Mail and Em-
pire 4 50
Times and Daily World ,. 3 10
Tunes and Toronto Daily News 11)0
Times and Toronto Daily Star
Times and Daily Advertiser
Times and Toronto Saturday
Night ...
Tittles and Weekly (;lobe ... ......
Tithes and Weekly Mail and
Times allot Iratnily heraand
Weekly Star
Times and \Vicekly Witncesld
Times and Montreal Weekly
Times and London Free Press
Times and London Advertiser
(Weekly) ...
Times and Toronto Weekly
Sun ... ... ... 1 80
Times and Presbyterian 2 25
Titres and \Vorld Wide ... 1 85
Tunes and Northern Messenger 1 25
Times' and Farmers' Advocate 2 35
Tinges and Farming World 1 00
Times and Youth's Companion 2 75
Tinges and Impressions (a busi-
ness monthly) ... 1 NO
When premiums are riven with
any of the above papers, subscribers
will neuro such premiums when or-
dering through us. sante as if order-
ed direct from publishers.
The rates are as low as we C11
make them, and mean a considerable
shim; to our readers. If you .M
not Fee what you want in the list,
enquire at the office ; we carr 'rive a
low rite on any newspaper or mar-
,OTE CARF:FULLY.-Any of tl'e
weekly publications in the above list
will be sent to new subscriber( fa
bow to lot of January, 1907, for the
price quoted --1 Le rculaiader Of this
year is Ihrow.1 in free.
These rates are strictly cash i.t
advance. tend remittances by post-
al no:c, pest office or express money
1 85
2 :15
2 35
1 05
1 75
1 PO
1 65
1 50
1 80
1 00
The Inspector for West
Huron, gives his views
on the School System.
Mr. J. E. Tom. in discussing the
scarcity of teaohers throughout the
province, toys t15. situation is de-
elorable and is oontinuully growia;(
wore tout unless some very radical
cluing -es are Made, the: system of ed-
ueation, which is the pride of Can-
eda. will deteriorate to such an ex-
tent that years of bard work will be
necessary to bring it back to its
The death of Mr. \\ m. lfawksbaw
on Tuesday morning book awry one
of Exeter's most respected citizens,
and who was one of the Most widely
known men in ,\Veylert ;Ontario
arnonj the travelling public. De -
Tho Kirkto:t A;ricultur'al Society's
big Lair held at Kirkton lasts Thur-
sday and Frid: y was the most suc-
cessful La that history of tis orzau-
ceased was horn near Toronto 66 izntiot. Tho weather was perfect,
years a,,u. of Ir%sh trrrc eta;3c, :ani the exhibitio:l excellent in every re -
manhcxbd carne )wast. spect, read the crowd the larreat
first living itt Landon township, af- ever ,gathered at n fair is Kirkton.
torwards snowing to Exeter, wlteru It is estimated that there were over
he kept hotel for some es.irs, utak- 2,000 people o.t the grounds. Tho ex -
in; many friends by his genial man- laibitieu in the hall was the best ever
ner and rood fellowship. At dif- seers in Kirkton. The l;uties depart-
ferent times during his career be meat was particularly uttract'ive,
kept }wteT at \\'inghan,, Dlyth Sea_ and t+hc poultry. root and vezetahld
forth inti St. Marys, and later re- exhibits were 'ery rood. Several of
turned to Exeter, where lee kept rim lL t.h,at-
the Co,nuarcral hotel until his rc- fmotivive di;espt:lysmerc.ants made very
present taandin;. The ;reeked tiremerat from active pursuits. His
drawback is that teachers aro re• !immediate death resulted from a
quired to Joke a full year at the hculorrhuge on the brain, whichcaus
Normal school, instead of taking one ed paralysis of the entire right side.
term, as was fortuerly the .ro;ula-Three yours ago he had the misfor-
tune to fall down stairs, injuring
his head tram which he suffered un-
bearable pain and from the effects of
which he never fully recovered. Some
weeks ago he. with his wife, return-
efd (nom a trip to the NortIPlvesb
whither he lied cone to recouperato
his health. but the trip had not ben-
critted hien to any ;rcat extent.
About three flecks aro he had a
slight attack and at that time
felt that hit end was near, as his
at.rength was fast 'cavil]; hits. Mr.
Haw•ksh.•aw was a man of st 'r!in r
character sand exceptional qualities,
always having a good word for ever
tions. This, Mr. font c4ums, is the
reason for there being so few stale
teachers in the schools. The salar•
ics paid not warranting the Toss of
lime and expense attached to t.ho
normal course, oonac'quent)y tho
malt teachers embark in other pur-
suits or go to the Northwest, lehero
the normal term is shorter and the
silariies paid are 'greater. Out of
3110 teachers at present nttendin; the
marmot schools only 15 are males.
Another drawback, Mr. Tom
claims, is that most of the schools
are not ;graded and that n younz
teacher. just fresh fnom the model
school, can legally take the position
of an experienced teacher and of-
ten docs at a very greedy reduced
raktry, the t rustics, in many cases,
;ivhna their school., to the lowest
bidder, which is n big mistake. An
instance is cited where a 'teacher
gots the munificient salary of 5275
a year. has to sweep out .the school,
build fires and do general chord
work, and with these duties is ex-
pected to be a successful developer
of the young minds. Ile was the
lowest bidder. The law should be
chan-4od, so that iscbools Like Cen-
tra.lna and Crediton should have an
experienced teacher as principal.
The teachers 'there at present are
well qualified. but there is nothio;
to prevent the trustees from enlrn'3-
inz a he -sinner to take eharze. This,
he claims. is radically wrong. An.
other mistake is that trustees in ad-
vertising for leachers should state
sllanies instead of inviting tenders
from the teachers. Teachers at
present aro very scarce and the rea-
sons advanced are principally those
3i.vcn by Inspector Tom.
It may he a piece of superfluous
advice to urge people at this season
of the year to lay in a supply of
Chamberlain's Courh Remedy. It is
almost sure to be needed before win-
ter is over, and much mom prompt
and satisfactory results are obtain-
ed when taken as soon as a cold it
contracted and before it has +become
settled in the system, which can on-
ly be done by keepiraz the remedy at
hand. This remedy is so widely
• r )t her 00(1 hl.
known � .t (0 l r
kna t .uta n
no one should hesitate about. •buy-
i0z it in preference to any; other. It
is for sale in Kxoter by; W. S. llow(p•.
Death of John Tennant. -On Mon-
d ty last Beat h retrieved from our
midst Aar. John Tennant, an old and
respected citizen of Centralia, at the
advanced are of 76 years. Deceased
wet; a very active titan for his years
tieing road conrpniSSiumer for 'the
township for ewonte time.
(lays ago he wax feeding his stock
waren an enra zed butt clslrred tit
hint. In his endeavor to ►mclt safety
ler climbed a ;ate but the animal,
raining on lune struck the late,
throwing him to the ;round and
stunning him for some moments.
From 'thio result of the dolt he did
not at first feel any ,great incon-
venience, but the next day medical
aid was called in and upon- examina-
tion a rupture of the intestines eats
found. It was deemed advisable af-
terwards that nn operation was nec-
essary, and althnurh successful, wag
too Tate to save his Jifc. Mr. Ten-
nant was an old soldier at. one time
serving in the 1111)isll army. bcin�
to en13zetnent8 at inkcrtn'.n, ilnlak-
!'ava and Sebas-tapol. He was bons in
Londonderry, ircls,,d. and find been
in ibis country eetne years. The de-
ceased is survived by his :tacit wife.
ate WAS buried in St, Patrick's cem-
A .1('1)iclOI'S INQUIRY
A will known 1 ravcllin.t 10811 who
visits the drug trade says he has
often beard druzzists enquire of
customers who asked for a court)
medicine. whether it was wanted
for a child or for an adult, end if
for a child they almost invariably
recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. The reason for this is that
they know there is no 11:1114cr (rent
it and t sat it always cures.. Thele
is not the least danger in arivin;
it,and for coughs. tig c Mg analh croup
it is moult rpaseed. For sale in Exe-
ter by W. 8 .lIonvcy.
A woman who is weak nervous rind
sleepless, and who has cold hands
and feet, cannot feel and act like a
well person. Carter's Iron 1'ills
equalize the circulation. remove ner-
vousness, and give strength and
Por Infants and Children.
Da Med Yee Hata Always hued
Bears the /, �� i 1M VIII You Hart Atm SNP
•stare of
Boacf rs
body, and was especially solicitous
for the welfare of those who. crane
from the land of hit father's :firth.
He never failed to pay his last tri-
bute to a friend by attending the
funeral, nomotimes ,going hundreds
of miles for that purpose. Ile was
a member of the Orange, Masonic
and A. 0. U. W. orders. Ile was
twice married, his first wife being a
Miss Rollins, Mrs. Schossenber;, of
London. being t he result of that
union and still surviving. By his
second whife, who is still livin>, 'there
are two children, Will of Souris,
Man., and Jean tet home. Mr. John
Hawkshaw, of Exeter is his only
brother and Miss Susanna, of Lu -
can, Mrs. Faster, of Marksville, Mrs.
James Bels, of Lucan and Mrs. John
Sell, of Lucknow, are the sisters,.
The funeral will take place 'front his
late residence, William street, Friday
at 5 p. m. for the Exeter) cemetery
Tho heart -felt .3yntpatby of the en-
tire community is extended to the
wife and family in their sad ber-
A man's wife should always be
the same especially• to her husband.
hut if she is weak and nervous, and
uses Carter's Iron I'ills, she cannot
be, for they make her "feel like a
different person," so they all say
and their husbands a.iy so too.
STOVES. -If you are in Iced of a
stove or furnace. don't fail to have
a look at our stock, we were never
in a better position to supply your
P. ,
E. I . Paulin, n, Ilard►rarr.,
Stoves and Tinsmiths,;.
-Mr. Hadden, of , Crediton, is
moving to the village.
-Mr. Louie Shoemacher is down
with typhoid fever and is doing as
well as could be expected
- 5)r. Levi Ilaymacher, who has
had the typhoid fever for alto past
three weeks is slowly recovering.
-The following persons who have
been under the Doctor's care are
convalescent, Nine Maus .ter., and
Adam Dirks' baby.
- Mr. E. 1'. Poulin attended Ibe
W. C. T. U. convention tit Exeter
Tlturltt!1ay and Friday of last week.
-Mr. McLennan, public school
teacher has been tecta;]aged for the
ensuing ycnr.
-Miss Tillie Ruby, of Buffalo,
d1u;Inter of Mr. Geo. Ruby. of this
villa re was married itt Iluffalo Inst
week to a younz man of that place
by the mine of \Vetter horn. We
do not know t he young man but he
Isis certainly secured on cstitna:,lc,
yours; Judy for a bride. \\'e join in
within; the young. couple 11 happy
and prosperous wedded life.
-The District ro;ent of the Bell
Telephone Co. was in town Friday
of Inst week for the purposo of hav-
int the local office moved to other
quarters. There was a warm time
where ever ':1 ;roup of citizens
would meet discussing (11c '.11uation
The dissolisfaction over the temnv-
in,r of the office from its present,
site 008 SO renaral that a public.
mottin; wens held in 1)r. McLau.rh-
lin's office with the result (bat! for
Ila present nt mist the office re-
rrrtinet )where it is.
\t r, Cou1)1)111, Ins'etor of we64hts
.and pleasures was inspcctinr aca'ts
h •rc' Tuesday..
--Mr. Ind Mrs. Gen. Kirk. of
Itrandrn, 51:1n., hive been visitinz
rekttive8 in this vicinity anti return-
ed t o. their Western home ova Sat ur-
day last.
ss ie of Mitctlell
-\li not Brook,
is 111011nz under the parental roof.
Frank is r.11 smiles, it is a girl.
-Mr. Wm ,ICirk is nn the stick ti:•t,
-Mr. John Sykt.•. of Mitch( II,
caned on Mr. J. 8h;er on Friday Iasi.
- Mis's diary ,lohnstnn returned nn
Sunday last after Asendin; the past
six weeks visit in; friends in Ilr:lmp-
ten and Toronto.
--Mrs. John repel -m.1 spent Sun-
day with Mrs. A. 11. Crt•itllton.
'.hiss l:ahner, rf Brampton, is
vl.itinz her friend Mary .1ilinstono.
-,yrs .Avery, of ilotheelL i.t vis-
iting her th►u;titer Mrs. \\'m. Ed-
w'.t rids.
'I 11I l . -. ('t )• I' I t ' s'; stip.
I''. El F.1:, ONT.
/�: seed, pct tour : white ,efts . . .
(� w.. v,•• -^r 14 wwrtt torn
Heavy Draught. -Brood mare hay-
ing foal in 1905, J .11. McCully, Geo.
Spearin, Ratcliffe Bras; Foal of 1905
8. N. Thier, Geo. Spoarin, J M. Mc-
Cully ; 3 year old filly or zeldia;,
Jas. Beatty, J. A. Moore, W, Bassos
2 year old filly or ,3eldiaz. II. "Jerry,
W. Gilfillaa, J. II. McCully ; 1 year
old filly or relders, 8. N. Shier If.
Morton, G. Rutherford: tea, in har-
ness, W. Kctrnick. Ratcliffe Bros.
Agricultural, -Brood mare ttavi.t r
foal in 1905, R. Birch, J. Moore, W,
Brock foil f 1')05 \V it W
0.a o , . , art ra,
[frock, Jas. Scott, jr.; 3 year old
filly or gelding. J. Moore, A: paw..
son ; 2 year old filly or _gelding, W.
Manna, J. Gilfillau, W. Hanson ; 1
year old filly or reldin;, 11. /forth),
A. Chittick ; team in harness, J. W.
Allison, J. A. Dow, F. Anderson.
General Purpose. -Broad mare hay -
in; foal in 1905, 11. 8. McCullough;
foal of 1905, 11. 8; McCullough. 1I.
Berry, A. E. Doupe ; a2 year olid iias
ly c.r gelding. W. Hyde, .1, Gilfillun,
A. Dawson ; 1 year old filly on geld.
saga. E. Doupe, A .Gunning; team
in harness, W. J. J'ym.
Roadsters. -Brood mare Navin;
foal in 1905, W. Brock. T. punkin•
Foal of 1905D. Hawkey, J. Selves;
3 year old filly .or !adding, J. A.
Moore, II. Ilortin ; 2 year old filly
or gelding, W. Stewart, W. Hanson;
1 year old, J. A. Moore; single road.
ster, C. Cummings, M.If.Elliott ;span
of roadsters, A. Robinson, A. Chit..
tick; saddlo horse, W. It. Carr.
Ccrrria;e.-11rood marc having; fall
in 1905, J. Parkinson. T :punkin ;
fall of 1905, G. Dickenson. J. Parkin-
son; 2 year old. 1t. Birch 1st% & 2nd;
1 year old, W. Delbridae, G. Spearin;
sin;le carriage horse, 8. I'. Walsh,
E. W. Horne.
Bulls.-Azed Durham bull, G.
Malley & Son
Tharoulthttr•ed Durham. D. 11. B.
Petli,rree..-Milch cow, G. Bc.ttley &
80.1, 1st & 2nd; 1 year old heifer, G.
Beatty & Son. ;bull calf, G. Ihently' &
B0.1, J. Henna; heifer calf, J. Han-
na. G. Bentley & Son.
Jersey.-ftlilch cow• J. Hooper &
Son ; 1 year id it i
a o heifer, da • heifer
calf, do.
Ay-Milch-Milclt Cow, .T. O'Brien.
Polled Angus. -J. Hazelwood took
all the prizes in this class.
Grade Cottle. -Milch cote, D. Ha-
zelwood. J. A. Moore, 2 year old
Hazelwood, Bros.;
c ww d
heifer, D. I i z oo ki1>~gan
1 yeaold heifer, J. A. Moore, Akin -
son Bros; heifer nail, J. A. Moore,
J.Ilnzlowooh;.siteercalf, •1. A. Moore
2 y(ti r old etccr. A. Dawson. 11. Daw-
son ; 1 year old steer .1. A. Bozic -
wood I & 2 fat ox or steer, 11. Daw-
son 1 & 2.
Leicester. -Mr. A. Smith took all
the prizes in this class.
Shropshire Down.-ltant. 2 years
Mrs. J. W. Robinson; ram 1 year,
W. Hoy; rant Iamb, W. Hoy, 1 & 2;
brccxlinr CAVO. Mrs. .1. \V. Itobinton,
W. ltoy; eherhin; ewe, Mrs. J. W.
(to l,inson, \' . lloy ; ewe !,arab, W.
Ilny, Mrs. J, W. Robinson.
Lincolns. -Item 2 years, G. Pen -
!rile, W. Oliver; rant 1 year, Geo.
I'enhale, W. Oliver; ram Iamb, W.
Otit-er, 1 & 2; ewe', Geo. Penhtlle, 1
& 2; alerting ewe, G. i'enhnte, 1 &
2; ewc'lamb, W. Oliver 1 & 2.
Grade. -Ewe, G. 1'enhale ; elle rlinr
ewe, A. Smith; ewe loath. A. Smith;
Fat sheep. W. Oliver, W. Hoy.
Yorkshire.-Azcd boar, H. ilirch,
.1. Dunttar : Sow, 1t. Birch 1 & 2:
boar littered in 05 It. Birch 1 & 2;
sow, littered in 05, It. Birch.
Cieeter White. -Aged bear, Geo.
Ik•.rkshires.--Areal hoar, 1i. i'.
Sweit zer, 1t. Birch. 11. 1:. Hwcit zor
took first and second in all the reel.
Tamworth. -1). Dourless & Sons
took u!1 tis, prize+ is this class.
I'O I t l.T I I Y.
Go!tie:s or Silver Laced Wyandotte,
A. Hcith; buff, block or white wy-
andotts, A. Itc:ith, I1. Pomeroy ;
I.1.a gwha ns, G. Stephenson. A. Reit!):
Mi.torcas, G. Stephenson 1 & '2 ;C.s li.
i.as, A. Keith 1 & 2; )'IymoutIsracks
t%bite, A. Haiti), 11. Pomeroy; ply' -
mouth Rocks, batted. 8. iteitIty &
So.,, G. Stephenson ; white created
black "'steads B. Bentley & tion, 1
& '1 ; dirk 1)rahtn•ts, A. hest h ; lizht
)lrUhnt.ts, S. Beat Ir'y & So,,, G. Fite•
pbeason ; Orphin;lotee hi. l'emermv
1 & 2; 1t'ock Spa.tich, A. Reith, 1 &
Iioudoas, Mrs. L. ilanhant 1 & '2:
iw•zhOr.as, 1). 1)ou;les & Hon. A.
host h ; (;.nue, (1, 8tephenrrn 1 & 2:
Tut keys, 1). Dnu;kis & Sort : Geese,
11. Douglas 1 Hon; Ducks. D. Dolt -
;Lis & Son, Goo. flnzt•Iwtx,tl.
Sint'c' lop t.uz2). 'tV. isibb & tied,
1). \icLarty es Son ; einale open bug-
gy, 1). McLalrty & Bon, W. Bahl, &
Son ; Pert Com! tett ter 1). Melorty &
Son. W. titbit & Son ; Crow hex
cutter, W. 11 ihh & 8r;t ; pair iron
harrows, J. McElrea.
Full wheat tw lite, .1011(1 Bonze, N1.
Ilrot hour ; fall wheat red, NI. Meth -
our ; 6 -row tri barley, NI. Itiet hour ;
'carp oats, M. liretlinur : cr.mm.t
alts, )lute, 11. Bret hour. W. Wi�e-
1 rain : lar•;e peas, M. 'fret hair : small
pets, V. Yule, .leo, dodge ; timet ky
The Great North West
General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands also
a number of other improved and unimprovedNorth%Vest farm lands.
We have made a number of splen did investments for our clients, who
placed orders with us for selections of Canadian Pacific and other
North West lands. In a number of instances values have increased so
rapidly that our patrons could roa dily realize double the amount of the
money they have invested. and in view of the splendid prospects for
a bumper yield and an enormous crop. and the unprecedented shat' r"
of Bottlers coming into the west. prices of lands of ;cod quality and
situated convenient to a railway aro bound to make a still forth°
large advance.
One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is t
Crop Estimate for the Present Season.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Adva
We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for landss.
give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands.
$427.00 down secures 3 0 acres, (half section) of choice wheat_l
• This would be a great investment for YOU.
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatev
$383.40 Secures 320 acres (half section) choice wheat land to an ac
settler. No other payment required for two years.
R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months'
through the %Vest. During his stay there he will locate a nu
of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various
railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in
ern tands should communicate with him when full information
be given. His address up to the 15th October next will be
General Selling Agent for C.P.R. Lands. Frobisher, Ass
Having our Immense Show Rooms packed fuH of n
and up-to-date furniture in every line, and in order to mal
room for some large shipments of goods now on order.
have decided to open the fall trade with a suprisingly lo
Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all intending purchase.
to come and examine our goods and compare our prices bt
fore placing their orders, as we intend cutting the price
every article in our store lower than we have ever attein
to do before. So don't fail to tttike advantage of this
to buy furniture at prices never before known in Exet
The Leading House Furnishers and Funeral directors.
it. Sanders, W. Hazelwood.
Ittrral New Yorker potatoes, W.
Hazelwood, It. Davie; 1'c,t.rI of Sa-
voy, W. Wiseman; Beauty of Heb-
ron, W. Sadler, .lrto. 11451;e hose,
J. ifod;e, J. Selves; Empire State,
W. Sadler; any other variety, W.
Wiseman, R. Davis; Fol. 3 of each,
\V, Wiseman, W. Sad !or ; Hwedish
turnipoJ. Selves, J. Hooper & Son:
Geld carrots, 1f. Birch, W. J. I'ynt;
garden carrots, W. Hazelwood, W.
II. Hazelwood: mantel wt-urcl, ton_
red, It. Poynter, W. Sadler ; to:,n rel
Wurzel, intermediate. W. Sadler, 1t.
Dotes.; suz:r.r mansard, It. Ilirch, R.
Doupe; eninmas, 9:19. Sanders. .1 ,Cot-
tle; blood beets, boar. W. \Vieent•tn,
11. Birch; turnip beets W. Haste -
wood, W. Brown ; cobbaje, whit c, J.
Sanders, Miss Doupe, ;cable) re,
W. Jameson, J. Sanders: Winui
stead cabbage. M. Brethour ; tot
toes, W. Brown, N. Garvett ; ca
flowors W. Sadler: celery, Rotel'
Ihras., 5t. Drethour; Citron, lona,
Sadler ; citron round, it. Roots,
McCillutn ; pumpkin, 1t. Payni
W. Hazelwr:, ad ; watorntelon, ,1.
Senora. 11'.
unt\V1 eWm..•ut\V: isen,tfgmkrt:
Mi s McGail, an :
snips. W. Wiseman. \V. Ha(
squash, ,I. Sanders, W. Santer.
1)AiI1Y I'ItODUCfe
25 utler,Somcr-
1lrnptuItis b & tion ; 5 lits, talk
J. Iloopnr & Son, \Liss K. • Dou
Gravenstein, W. Sadler
(Coniinud ort VIZ,' 51
Stoves, Ranges & Furnaces
This week or any other
time we will be pleased. t(1'
show the merits of our 1905
lines of Stoves and Ranges.
Our stock comprises Sou-
venirs, Garlands, Hurons and
Happy Thoughts.
in this line w
e we are ah
up•to-date in town, Art ( the most
Art Souvenirs, Empire Garlands and
Jewels. it will pest to exemia'• otlr
A New Idea Coal or Wood Furnace will be set
alp on floor. Its 1111ny advantages and good
points are easily seen.
And Stove Store.