HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-05, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBER 5th 1903.
COUGHS 1 The Surrounding News
troublesome at the best, of- I -- -
n they lead lead to serious
rcfore they should not be ne-
ected• A bottle of Our
White Pine & Tar quick-
ly cures Coughs and
25 cent bottle vi11 probably
)e enough if taken in time.
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
LE \ 1 i:\ It FOR OCTOBER, 1905
AY 1 8 15 22 29
AY 2 9 18 21 30
AY 3 10 17 21 31
ESDAY... . 4 11 18 25
DAY....... 5 12 19 28
8 13 20 27
DAY 7 14 21 28
lt8OAl-, OCTOBEIt 5th, 1905.
is not likely •t1t data will be
p very soon, it hair been mug --
ghat t he site be u.sect as :t
bowline scents to be t ho only
lhat •takes in. Exeter. Why
ve the boys some encoura ie -
and have other games 'hetet
Crediton boasts of three base -
tubs, while Exeter has trouole
,fila one ••team together. The
it,.ulel be helped out. It may
little. but it advertises our
wet the same.
a ace 1 We have a Board of
rather we had one. 1t• is
t hs now since :t tneetin el
veld and even t hen 1 here
accomplished. Since
hin; has been statu quo.
d lee stand idly by ani
tow•ns:;et the good chines,
ter continues alonz in the
t? \Vhy not call n tneetin.;
Board of Trade. get. busy and
forth something.
by-law defeated, it is now up
Council to act, and do • it
The electric fight service is
s usual soulettul(rs off and
s ea, but principally off.
t iii in bad sIEtpe bat we
expect Mr. Snell tet make
ante unless he is given
remitee in t he shape of e
The town has decided it
Iffy him out and his fran-
LI expire in a few ulooths,
illitterat ive that AOme act jc,i
sown in order that we may
:t•t t.•r Service.
annual 1I.Irvest Monte
zivir.z services in connection
Pull's church, lnirkton, was
Sunday. Oct. 1st, at 11 a.
7 p. m„ when iscruises suit-
'aul's church, Ilirkton, was
Taylor R. D. of St. Marys,
was taken in aid of the
me On 'Tuesday evening
a hot fowl supper was ser -
✓ which a musical and Jil-
n 1 mu•,ical ententcrinnicnl teas
in the Aber.icen 1Iill, by the
ite 1 ('cuztin Fatnily Concert
O \'OI: GET 1111.1Ot'8f
the ly could L•c more ,prompt
reccab:e than Ur. llamiltou's
o matter %%here you ego you
✓ of lite nand cures lacy
rill ilea. from Ott awe Mrs.
care nays: "For people in-
biltiousness ;ul dsick hend-
lt't thin kthere is a rerne-
awe re with I)r. Ilemilito-t's
orincrly hid bilious at lecke
e a moot h -used 1)r. Ilant-
1114 an,l Detained -Trend .,•-
y stomach ha sieevl 11111 in
tler :and toy health :i ,:lv
d.•' No II Miele( 1:t.IICI for
vomer or chielren. Try Ur•.
son's l'ills-25c. per box or 5
far I.00 at .all druzziets.
'la head ,ilii ie a'u.••d by , 1, • .•
condition of the S10111.1 ell ..tit 1
ni kly cure 1 by Cll:amber) ti:I'-
a a •1: n 1 Liver Teldels. I'or sole
• by W. S. Ifowey
k` ars
Ir coughs, colds, bronchitis,
thma, week throats, weak
ngs, consumption, take
fer's Cherry Pectoral.
ways keep a bottle of it in '.
house. We have been t+
ring this for 60 years, ar..l
have the doctors.
hate used Ayers (Terry reetnrat In mr
ly for Peers. i1 11 tR• h.,t m,.n ,
0 world, know, for ill thrwt sal •,•n,r
11. s...
MIA... K. llorcao!e, Wa101111. •au..
: for t-'',•,:;,
he Lungs
en of th• bowels hi tteena•
nature with Av•r'• Pi:;a
Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
By Our Correspondents.
-S:un Kult.•t and Norman llea%er
left Tuesday for I'igeo.l and Se3e-
u'ain3, Mich, where t hey .wi11 visit
-The Many friend, el Miss Mattis
Watson. of Blyth. formerly milliner
for S. Brown, Crediton, will bo pleas-
ed to hear of her ularreego on Fri-
day of last week to Mr, E. L. Lane.
of Fort \William, . ,Mrs. Lane's
wedding gown was of brown broad-
cloth, antd she carried a boquet of
white roses. They will reside at
('ort William.
-Mr. II. Eilber left Tuesday even-
ing for Toronto.
- Mr. J. 1I. Holtzman is improving
t he front of his st ore with a new
atoning, On Tuesday when it was
lx•ing put in place it fell ,the iron
rod strikill•g Sol. Beaver on the head,
business r
1u ten him out offo
pulling 3
- Our ba,eball rteaul walloped the
Exeter team here on Friday by a
score of 1:) to 2.
-The door for the new vault
recently placed in he Sovereign
bank arrived Tuesday morning.
- There will he no services in the
Evangelical church next Sunday,
(Rev. Datum, 'the pastor. agoing 10
Chesley, where he will hold anniver-
sary services.
-Mrs. Moyer, of Berlin, is 'the
;west of Mr. S. Brown.
-Mr. Sherluau. •the healer. who
has been startling the province by
his alleged cures, was in Crediton
Friday Saturday, Sunday and a part
of Monday.1 People for mks :around
came ,to see him, many coming tfrom
a considerable distance. On Sunday
afternoon he gave an address in. the
•Iotwn hall and impressed upon his
hearers that wide shoes should be
worn, large collars placed around
the neck, and auove all to ,lake the
linoleum from the floors. also 10
discard rubbers, aLthough his wife
was seen wi•t11 a pair on. He evi-
dently reaped a harvest here and
several of our townspeople aro
thinking of giving up the ordinary
pursuits of life 'to 13o into /he heal-
ing business. Several who visited
hitt were seen, but they invariably
claimed chat he had not benefiteed
thein, although after rubbing the
joints awhile. There was some re-
lief, but only for a short t title.
-Jake is somewhat disappointed
He attended about 150 horses Friday
and his 'tips amounted to only tett
-Mr. Ilenry Molz, who was taken
quite ill the other day has recovered
It was thought at first be had par-
alysis but smelt was not the case.
-The postmaster has ordered a
new lot,ter cabinet for his office, and
it will certainly he an up -ler -dale
-.\l rr. (Dr.) ,II t lea. 15't urged home
Tuesday sight from her visit to
-Miss Clara \Vc:atzel returned le
Detroit 1to:ulay morning .
-Jack Either and Miss Dora Went-
zel left Tuesday for llc:lsall to take
i:l the )corse show and to spend a
few days with [Heeds in Zurich.
Mrs. (Rev.) Da,ntn. who retur.e:l
home Friday last. is :tow quite .111
with 3.1 acute attack of appendicitis.
She had but recently recovered from
an attack of tylihoid fever. We [tope
for her early recovery.
-The displays of millinery by
elessrs, y. (Nowt► and C. %wicker this
se3so0 would do credit to any Mil-
linery establisltnleuls in lar.fe towns
and ciites.
- The your; son of Eli Kin,. last
Thursday teas unfortunate in gel -
ting his right leg broken :there the
ankle. Ile was lookinr after some
cattle :at the time and W 110 climb-
ing a ;ale it fell on hill/ causiuz the
acoidcnt. Dr. (taut was called and
reduced the fracture .
-Henry Sweitzer's little boy is
ill with spinal trouble.
-The anniversary of ( lie Mut 110 -
church will be held Oct. et h 3311
9tis. Rev. S. .1. Allen, of Parkhill.
%till conduct the services both morn-
itr and evening and address the sten.
thy school in the afternoon. On
Monday evening a concert will be
riven con.sietin; of soma, addresses
ul.l recitations. Itevs. A. 11 .Goi11 r,
W. (:olwii of Exeter, 5..1. Allen, of
Parkhill. and 1)1111ui and Andrews, of
Credilion, wit•( give short addresses.
'(1i:4 A. E. 'Taylor. of McGinnis, has
been secured as soloiet and the chair
eel local talent will furnish music.
Rev. 0. W. Andrews, 11. A., of Cer-
a r ilia will act as chairman.
-Mr. ►Villi-ien Mc1\'illia►us left fur
Ilr.intford on Tuesday where he Iris
svcur(•d a ;teed 4ituatio:r.
-Tho ;ravel for the new cement
walks has been hauled.
-Quite a number from )ere at-
tended the fowl suppt•r at Itrinsley
uu Wednesday eveniuz.
-N1r. Albert Morlock is busy fil-
Iiu; silos at present. Albert has a
Fad rig for that purpose and gives
good sitistiction to every farmer
who has tried it.
-M r. 81tnuel Densmore, from the
Hume of Incurables, t,1 Condom, te-
: urned home on Tuesday last after
h1%in3 a tten( tnenl with healer ti+Vben they are tor•
S'1 lint to
! s.
John Kirin who has been pad, or stagnant', the whole
z friends in Exeter the part ,
eteks, his returned home.
_tli•a Anyieh of Condors. them at this time, but
.pent Sunday at homee with her par-, this
:►t a.
-\li.a Lydia Finkbeiner spent Kon• a
•y in Itrins'e.y with NIT.. and Mrs. ,
. , k T re w• • h i r k • face, k the bleated
sallow cometeY;ea._
'111.1 I' I:Ill nl'ENi\tie
colorings. the shape Lein; one of
pressed bronze ,green; with coque
feat here in illusive shades surntount-
ing. The principal shades worn this.
year are Alice blue, ;Mulberry, the
different :recite. The s11a1•es Most
stylish being Napoleon and Polo
turbans, Chenille hats are also
:intone the Lcaders. The opening
will continence •to -city. (Thursday►
and continue the rest .of the week.
C. %wicker. -Miss Colvi_1, had her
department tastily decorated for
the opeoiltg on Tuesday, Wednesday
:end Thursday leitlt red, zreen and
Alice blue colorings, which were very
;really admired. The principal
shades worn 4Lis seaeon are Alice
of Saxe blue, mauve, cardinal, 7frey
and the different shades of erect',
the shapes boine Polos, Glcn;arrys
Napoleons and G:oiusboroughs. A
very pretty and dainty hat shown
was a Gainsbor u trimmed o h, t tome 1 w illi
ostrich plumee and incline, with
black silk velvet. A (Ion shape in
the Castor e;hade, trimmed with
silk velvet and terra colla roses
Made a stunning effect. !!lack pic-
ture hats are very popular fon dress
funct ions.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Fuss visited
friends and relatives in Detroit last
-Milt Lizzie Albrecht. of Midland
Mich.. is visiting friends in this► vi-
cinity for a few weeks.
Ella Klopp left on Diond•ty
to visit her sister, Mrs. Jacob \Vai-
at Shakespeare,
for a few
-The re;uler meeting of the \V. C.
T. U.
was held at the home of Ilia,
Mrs. (tender, Monday afternoon.
- Mies Attie Schnell )las left for
Detroit where site intends remaining
for some time.
Happily Wedded. -On 'Tuesday of
last week a happy event was cele-
brated at St, Boniface church of this
villa 3e, when Rev, Father St rocder
performed the ceremony which made
Miss Regina, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alonzo Foster, of the Babylon
lino, and Mr. William lIenhoeffcr, a
prosperous youat farmer of near
Berlin, man and wife. The ceremony
was witnessed by a host of friends
and relatives of the interested par-
-The bodies of the remaiain; two
unfortunate Bayfield fishermen, who
were drowned in lake Huron some
weeks azo came to shore at fort
Frank, last week. ;They were taken
to Ilay[iel(.
It may be a piece of superfluous
advice 40 urge people at this reason
of .the year to lay in a supply of
Chantbcrl:tilt's Cough Remedy. It is
almost sure to be needed before win-
ter is over, and much more pnompt
and satisfactory results are obtain-
ed when taken as soon nit a cold is
contracted and before it hos .becoulc
settled in the system, which can on-
ly be done by keeping •fle- remedy a r
)hind. This remedy is so widely
known and iso She<%zether ,goal 11131
no one .sl'.ouLel hesitate about linty -
in; it in preference to any, outer. It
is for :sale in Exeter 1>,vt W. S. llowgw.
-Mr. W. Chapman %Vas in Gotlerich
East week, visiting.
-Mr. George Trott has rented the
second storey of Mr. McCloy's brick
block for dwellinz rooms.
-Mr. Jas. Johnston. son of Mr.
Andrew Johnston, of the London
road, left here for rho west on :a
prospecting tour, and in connection
with land investments.
-Mr. and Mrs. Walper z:n•e a
twcddin z reccpt ien Iasi Thursday
evenine in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Bell. There were guests present
Host on, 'Toronto, Sarnia, Varna and
Exeter .
-The first meeting of the younz
people's society was h,1(1 in Carmel
church 011 Monday 01•cninz of last.
ttcek, on which occasion there was a
vets fair attendance and an excel -
:0111 prozrenituc, and the :11tCii 0t►
and interest will no doubt increase
an the society starts nailer very (a-
vorablc conditions and is well offic-
cercd anti will prove helpful to those
attending .
A well known 1ravellint min who
visits the drug (rad:• s.ty:( h^ has
often heard drurrie's Cnquire of
cuvtouters who asked for :t court)
me,licin^, whether it was wanle•1
for a 0hi111 01' for an :1110'd, :and if
for a child 'they almost invarirably
recommend Chamberlain's Cottzh
Remedy. The reason for this is t hal
they know there is 00 d:lege[' from
it and that it always cures. There
i. tat t It 1^est (1:111 z •r in oeviu r
it, and for oou;Ls, colds and; croup
it is unsurpassed. For sial.:• in Ex --
tor by W. 8 .1lt.wey.
The Kidneys
system supers. Don't Mk
deed the warning of the
I: • t -U - Link. allyl has tits urinary , and
' ! he se:fin•ry ,le•part merit 6 11 treatiiiefltat once with
1 I ,tun 11 is %%m, very dainty
•t:ow ler ninny cuel0nlere.
tete eharnain; hitt of the Napoleon
,leveleptnCc', 1)) trimmed in navy
blue,anrtnaurvte,l with metric!' feet
• rs anJ feewhit Acrel{c'. Another
very pTetty elealbw i. a brown
N see'ron, 1 ri►nule 1 e it It renes and
.!raped with brown si'•k. A very
smart street hat is trinun.•d it.II01t
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which contains the best and
safest curative substances.
for nandoonWs of niserkelh awn
mod for cook on Kidneys, No. d.
C. I. Hood Co., Lows, Male,
ELlet 'lLi,l:
-hunter-.Miert -A help!e, recut
event wets celebrated! un Wednesday, 1
Sept. 27, 1905. at the residence of Mr. 1
.and Mrs. .101111 Millers. Elimwille,
u+ixn their only d auzht(1 Miss Lent t
Petri i 11iners, end \1r. Richard U.
Hunter, son of Mr. John Hunter. of
l .Jenne, „tee united in 1801laze.
11ew. W. IL Cooper, pastor of the
Methodist church at \Velluurn, of-
ficiated, Miee Lizzie Johns, 0rzan-
ist of t he Methodist church, b liva-
ville, played lticndels.ohn's wedding*
starch, white little Miss Bessie
\White, cousin of hue bride. :1114
dau;Lter of Mr. Jo..eph White, S1,
5):u'ye. was; flower girl, and looked
very dainty in her ;own of white
carrying. a hoquct of ulerlmerites.
'1'h bride, who ees given away by
her father, looked lovely ill a dress
of whit(• ,ilk crepe do (Nene over
taffeta, and carried a shower boquet
of Lrid.tl ruses with carnations. Af-
ter cong,raiui:t110114, supper was ser-
ved, the tables being prettily decor-
ated with asters and fern.. The
presents were In. It uunlerous and
costly .attesl'u14 lu IIn' 00pularity
o[ the young couple. The aruaan's
present to the bride was a beautiful
old chitin and to little Mise Bessie
'White, who acted as flower girl, a
nice bracelet. Among thtr: presents
was a handsome water set front the
boys of the rillage, and a handsome
clock from `dr. Dew, grandfather of
the groom. Guests were present
front Lucan, Exeter. St, Marys, Lon -
They do not realize that the back is
don, ltideetown, Iowa and other p 7linspringof woman's orgaaj¢__>..'Dff
Places, ntimbcrinz in all to 0v4 -r sew- sled quickly indicates by aching a disc
eels. An excellent programme was eased condition of the womb or kid -
presented by Iter. If. J. Fair. pastor pa s, and that the aches and pains will
of ISLimviUo circuit. Itecilalioti s & itin a until the cause is removed.
were given by Miss Jennie hunter Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable emu.
and Miss Flossie lluulcr, duets by
Oland for twenty years has been the
Messrs. Garnet Miners and !truce jt
Cooper, also by Dir. John Miners and
Miss Lizzie Johns, solos. instrumen-
t al and vocal were given by Miss
Lizzie .1011115 in her most pleasing.
style, while speeches felicitating the
bride :end groom were made by 51r.
Wm, Miners, uncle of the bride, Mr.
J. 0. .tones, general merchant :11
\\'inchelsee ; Iter. 11. J. Fair and
(Rev. W. II. Cooper who spoke of the
What is a Backache? 2•••••••••••••••••••••.............
••••••N••••NNN••NNN •NN•NNNNN•••N••
Disown •t Woman's Organise Cored eta/
Otw•fiwat Pal. sttitM.d by Lydia E.
Mehra■'• Vegetable Compound
"It seems as though my back would
break." Women utter these words
over and over again, but continue to
drag along and suffer with aches in the
small of the back, pain low down in
the side, " bearing down" pains, nerv-
ousne an$t nu Ambition for any task.
Oz a and only effective remedy in snO
uses. It speedily cures all womb and
kidney disorders and restores the fe•
m},1e organs to a healthy condition.
Vere is one cure among thousands:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham;
"I suffered a long time with ovarian
trouble, having intense pains in the back and
abdomen and very sick headaches eve
mouth. I was tired and nervous all the time
and life looked very dreary to me and I had
names, Gunter and Miners. as rep- nodesiretolive until I began to take Lydia
resent nig- 1'sborno township for E. i'in1t11am'e Vegetable Compound and to
three eenere lane, that thrift, in- somerelJef. My recovery was slow but
dustry and high type of citizenship was sure. and I have never regretted the
that )las made the name of the mobey sbackpetontforthegoodbeelth. Compound as it brought
totwnshil, of Usborne stand L1;h "It seems to be a medicine especially
anion; t he tunny splendid townships adapted to the ills of our sex and I am glad
of NN ester:a Ontario. Amid showers to say a good word for it. -Mrs. Albert
of rice the happy young couple left Mme, 154 (Gore Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont.
for their fun ore home, the excellent No other person can give such help•
residence and farm of 1[r. John Hun- ful advice to women who are sick a8
ler, who will in a few days reside can Mrs. Pinkham. Iler address is
in Exeter. Lynn. Masa., and her advice free.
Palpitation of the heart, ner-
vousness. tremblings, nervous head-
ache, cold hands and feet, pain in the
back and other forms of weakness
aro relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
made specially for the blood nerves
and complexion.
Women .with pale co lorless faces
ello feel weak and discouraged. will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using C:u•ter's Iron ('ills, which
are made for the blood, nerves and
Home Comfort Steel Ranges
Manufactured by WROUGHT IR911 RAM''E CO. Ltd
FOUNI)i•:1) 1861.
The ahore is a cut of out imp/or :I
nickle plated lettere, with hundsomo
enamelled res.•rvoir :1 hurtled to wa-
ter freest in fire box .
The \Vrourlit iron 11-1,1 a Co. have
lot:atel one .if their divisions in
Exeter and wild canvas surroundin1
country from t his place. 'Tile is :a
'temple of how our ;one, )'lease our
cunt mere:
Exeter, St pt. 21s1, 1905
11'rouzlit Iron Itarage Co.
Geri !emelt : -Fon r years a zo 1
purchased from one of your ,. •:. v•
111011 a Ilotne Comfort Henze 31x1
11 iv' foetid it :in excellent heater
;Al'1•ral, $ 1.000.0 0.O1►
and rook:... :rn,l a _i •,, 1, ' ••!c •r
I believe it will save utoics 111n 1u
per cunt on i(n price in 10(1, I h it in
tett years w•i1J tray for it. ;•1 1 I sec
no re ison why it will n.•• last a
life time, being tteulc of et -•-I plate
airs malleable if :WI. 1 h:•,ar:iiy tr.•
commend the 1lon,e Con:fu:t to 111
tt 110 want the best. Wishirt; you
eucres.s 1 ate yours
Grand Berns, Sept. 2Ist,
To Whom it may e,aacern:-
We have used a Ilorne Comf ,rt
Range for cirht years, nn•l under nn
cat"idcration would we 0-" any 11110z
1111. AN!) 111(8. \Vel. f,i:VITT,
J. W. K. VanNORMAN, Div. Supt.
Subscribe for the TIMES. From now until
January 1907 for $ I.00
Now is the time to get your new
Lamps for the long fall and win-
ter evenings. They pass more
pleasantly and quietly if yet have
good light, and every one of our
lamps are bound to give you
every satisfaction.
Lamp, (with h bestfitting) from $3.75 to $15 , 00
Hall Lamp, (with best fitting) from $2.50 to $8 . oo
Fancy Parlor Lamp, (with best fitting) from $1.75 to $Io.00
Reading Lamp, (with copper finish) from $4.00 to $7.0o
Sewing Lamp, (with copper finish) from $3.50 to $6.5o
1z Glass Lamp, (complete) from 25c to 51.00
Every Lamp we buy is direct to us from the Factories
where they are made and Our Price is always the
eat d
w an our ass r
o tment ie the 1
ar est u
• B you can
I I DINNt;R SETS Immense Varletu to Choose From-
t: "Johnson Brothers" make the best in the world, always 22 '
2 as represented. In all the newest designs and shapes from i ;
$13.0o to $15.00 set, for 98 pieces. •
NEW SETS -97 pieces, in new upto-date styles at •
2 $6.00 ; $6.5o ; $7.50 ; 59.00 ; $10,00 uy 2
II Cone and See us You Will be Interested 2 ,
li London Crockery Co. 2
• 2 ,
= 169 Dundas Street, London. ;
• WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of 3• '
• $10.00 or over.
NN•••NN••••••N••••N•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ,
N••••••NN•••NN•••••••N•••N•NN•••N••• :
1 i
Phone 1684.
134 Dundas Street and Carling Street,
Opposite Market Lane, Former Screaton Premises.
ZONS>ON, 01\1"TAR20
Have You Tried Mara's for Those Smart,
Endless Variety to Choose From
Covert Cloth, three-quarter length, semi -fitting and tight
fitting; at $7.50 and $10'
Covert Cloth Coats, in most up-to-date shades, three-quar-
ter lengths with pleats; at $12.50 and $18.00.
Ladies' Coats in fancy tweed effects, beautiful designs and
combinations; at $7.50 and $10.00
Misses' Coats, fancy tweed effects, fancy trimmed;
at $3.50, $4.b0 and $6.50
Girls' Coats in fancy tweed effects and plain shades
from $2.00 up to $6.50
(Children's Bear Skin Coats at price of material, double-
breasted, fancy trimmed: att.....$2.00, 52.25 and$2.95•
Tams to match, each ;,pe
White Bear Skin, 54 inches wide, lovely quality; for one-
week only, yard $1.30'
65c French Taffetta for 39c Yard
French Taffetta Silk, white and cream only, lovely finish
wide width; regular 65c, for, yard ........ 39c•
Mill ends of Prints
Best Prints, 29 inches wide, in light and dark patterns, fast
colors: regular 10c, to clear, yard ................ 7o
Mail Orders Especially Attended to.
•••.••NN•••••••••N•••NI ••••••••N•NNN•NN•NR .
(incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
• •••• S3.000.000.00
RESERVE FUND • • • . •
IA Hranehes In Ontario, Quebec, All.erta I ritieh Columbia and At initoba
Open every Iwwtu1 Day from 10 A. M. to 3 e. se except iatunlay (0 A. Al. to 1 P. na
Fnrnyers' Mesta, Notes cashed or collec•tad. Forms supplied
On application. DRAFTS on all pointe In' the Dominion, Great Itritatn and Wee
tied State bought and sold at !owe.t ranee of exchange,
Deposita o 01.00 and upwards received. interest com-
ponnd.d half Kearley, And r.ddrd 10 prinrfpal Jane Jath and December 31.1. De.
po.lta iterelpt• also Ie.uee and highe••t current rate. of Interest albeed.
Advances made to fntmere stock dealers and business men at
lowest (aces and on mo..t Womble term.. Agent• at l' x(ter for Item. ore ernment.
Dickson & Carling, S.,licitnre, N. D. HURDON, Manager.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••N••••