HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-10-05, Page 1•
Jld It Ever Occur to You?
That tierce you get male bill. print-
- 1 at the Times office a free notice
•+•+( •read by thousands. Everybody
• &noes the billy rte print aro ';open
• alp in good style.
• gka-.- _____________ ._ ._
' Tuiwry-Tonto YEAR -No 1672
••••• t. It..••••••••••••••••••••••
See Our Clubbing Ra
Attention is called to our
bin; rates iu another column
(text year. Pick out the paper•
want ; send us the money and
toill do the rest. It will pay
"1 don't . ,
aid ]tar1t' .
uud \1'cl•L,
era:! (10,,, Art , tardware and Seed Store
positions of t•,
men arc ons
endiI you want to
that your cashier won't pr• uu ' r Builders and those intending to build
lirto rob a customer, ' Pt Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
I.ier be a woman."
Mr. Grayling tieing the sue
ner, the argument ceased. ,
Janet Bruce was tti�i�tihlts Paints Oils,Glass &c.
Mr Webb alone f f
in the oflicc seer.',
was a very ca,
"lightning ce'
hard w'orkii:g, o' 'cements we carry the two leading Brands
Besides which,
but. that's try the e . of Canada
yet. however, been ,
prerne test. Mr. (Ire
bled with rale •__
erect the'
of a nt
hunch:ech ,
customer •
counts. •
for to .su.
Mr. time
"smartness We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
ono rnerrti eve have a machine to make all our own Troughs
came to
statement ind can give you firstclass material. Try us and
Deakins, Li Oil will be conuinced.
''There's ►'
National and Star
flguro 1 in
began. "le'r.
pounds. so it
a hundred p( to
cheque back, t .
!!cave roll for h'curt h clash, Jr.
:tee as follows for the moat It1 of
Seleember : Alonzo llcy a cod. 79 IKer
cent.; Herbert G:u diner, 77 ; Willie
liirney, 73; Garvey Acheson, 72; Bir-
die Hoyle,' 72; Gladys Ford, 70. No.
on roll 41.
J. E. AS1OS, Teacher.
Sr. 111. -Lily ltuwe ; Pearl Johne,
eta y Davis. No. on roll 47 ; ;tver-
a3c attendance 41.
11. E. WALROND. Teacher.
11001,1 VI
Sr. 111. -Irene Hardy. 79 tier cent ;
Loth c Delve, 76; ,Willie Ford, 75;
Willits Heideman, 74. Jr. 11. -Ruby 1
Wood. 94 per cent ; Madeleine Car-
ling, 81; Viola !tows, 78 ; Gladys
Delve, 77 ; harry Snell, 75; .Ernest
Harvey, 71; l.innic Ford, 71; Gor-
SENTENCED TO BE HANGED. ifiensall Horse Show
Felix Do,le and Jos Iit t t, an
Indian, tele stere lust etek convict-
ed, .t let former ou :t clta nets or 'nue-
der.ul.( his mother:eel latter tone he
murder of au Indian ,;irl, Bees 1 .lac-
ol)s. %vers Saturday sentenced by \1r. ;chivies, W, Kerytick. Alex Sinclair ;
Justice Anglin to be hung on Frjday , brood nacre with foal by her side,
Dec. 15:11. Iloyl.e's solicitor trill ep- i J. N. 13. Smillie, Geo. Dale, Alex Ei-
nes; Foal of 1905, Jno. Bell, A. In-
nes; filly Or eeldiu;, yearling. .1.
Morton, G. W. Wrenn; filly or, geld-
ing, two years old, S. hunter M.
McEwvcn ; Lilly or 3eldin3, three
years old, 8. hunter, J. elcGAth,
A,r.icuLturel,-Brood mare accom-
panied by foal, J. Caldwell, J. Scott
foals of 1905, J. Caldwell, W. Elder
filly or igeldine three ye:'rtt oltl II.
McGrc or, A. Innes: filly or eeldine
two years old, R. Stephenson, A.
Buchanan; filly or geldiuz, yearling,
W. Hortin, J. Sparrow; best team,
don Marshall. 70 ;Miller Huston, 70. vi «. to the evening Rev. Graham•
The follow.i.nz .aro the prize win•
tiers at the horse show herd at lien -
sal/ on Tuesday :
Heavy 1)rauzht.-Span mares or
peal. to Ottawa for lenienccy !tit-
cheat 01141 ask that t het seneenc
1H+ chanted to ilnpei5.nnlrten 1.
Missionary sermons t%it.! be non -
dueled in brith titi11:tin eerec;t, and
James xtrcrt ""5lcta
tllist churches
ilext Sunday. lit the nlurnin,• the
Rev. lir, Gwltly of Win.Zhaut, a for-
mer pastor, will take charge of the
se.r eices in 'the !lain street church.
]rev. 11. A. Graham, of St. Marys
taking the Joules street church ser- J. A, Dow
No. on roll 53; pvera3u at'tenllnnct w% 1 be at the Main e(ireg church
Carriage of Coach horse.- Brood
17. and Dr. Gundy tit the James tercet marc not less than 16 hands, accom-
A. E. MARTIN. 'Teacher.
Sr. Pt. 1l. -Lily Colia•geoal, 110 per
cent ; Ethel D.ly, 72 ; Beatrice Hod -
gore, 70. Mid. Pt. 11. - Florence
Rowe, 86 per cent ; Thomas Clarke,
79; Mabel Knott. 77; Itoboic Flem.
ireJr. 1't. IL-\Villie Manson,
;, per78. cent ;Anna !Jell, 77 ; jeannoy
iiowwey. 75. Class 1I1. -Wilbur Mit-
teked, 88 per cant ; Joey Fer;uson.
2 72 ; Harry Parsons, 70. No. on roll
: 31 ; aveen.Ze at lendance, 32.
F. L. CARLING. Teacher.
1 ItooM VIt
Sr. Pt. II.-NeFJie Jones, Et tic
Bowes,. Blanche Quance, Mid. 1't. 1I
Muriel Ander: o►1, Jean Seldon. Mar-
•uerite Gardiner, Liclden Harvey.
Jr. Pt. Ir: -Willie Lydd, May Smal-
Iaconrllo. •Pt. 1. -Mildred Ileywood,
Ella Jones, Elsie Keyes. No. on roll
38 ; ave.rgi;e attendance 32.7.
ELSIiS A. McCALLUM, Teacher.
mtify it?the" e.rror' ANN++NIH►NNN�N►NNNNN
�~ ••••N
"!lave they
or too littl'
antioitsly• rand Centralia Two Remarkable Records
n •
subItsracttion, •torehouses
count, or w•:
"In the (lir` tidy for use, the best
"Ah! 'ifiei
lady, that lent and Lime
cover h t money can buy
a ruin also
hr i:,al for Everybody
• at lowest prices
whence t `
You are Suit buyers. We make the
, • lite- you wear them out. We make
• .,h4 as well as we can, so that they
your tt.'-� wear out sooner than they
tame, as -Because, if they do, you'll
in the (1- eomewhel'A else for your
us being 1: And no one could blame
have sent. nuch monev ought to buy
;all) sib, -cit worth. And Suit worth
herself; ibleness of fabric -style in
storm. it !Gish -looks - dressynees -
ti of service.
cheques t 4 a place as there is within
(,teed into -^t, all this and not pay too
"I don't Johns,
among th.
"Where is •'$lack and Blue
"In the
sale! Ja1t-tie s for $15.00
Mr. • an $18.00.
""`"'I' JOHNS
"V011 .1
have." r' Merchant Tailor
your in
Mr. C.
y011 Citll
Look out
out of tr
don't thi.
"And o fill the new positions created by
"that ye 'd Telegraph Companies. We want
l'wvu N .n and Ladles of good habit., to
tilled wt • 'Ali TELEGRAPHY
letter Art wd R. R. Accounting
don. , 7; per cont of !hr Upstater. and
"'1 haitF Jnts in Amortol►. Our .Ix sctfools
tiny," it east exclusive Telegraphy Schools
ed. It m, gsteellehed 20 years and en-
that we o leading pailway OBtolatl. t
o i $2.i) Bond to et'ery .tudcnt to
sane de or.her a position paying from set t
"Co we it fro States
to Elie the
hmonth kin t
we realise ,f Lt itockiet, immediately upon .,
must true.
esty 0f t l;, t enter at any time. No vaea-
trncts. ane Ip)r.Icduregarding any of 1 t
vette irectlard to oar c�ectw.
mode by the Poplar
The attendance at the opening ' •
of our Fall Term was five times .
as great as that of a year ago.
Last month we had ten time as
many calls for Bookkeepers,
Stenographers, Etc., as we could
fill. This undoubtedly indicates
progressiveness and shows that
this is the best school to patron-
ize. Enter how. Magnificent i
catalogue free. Cor. Yonge and
Alexander Streets.
W J. ELLIOTT, Principal. •
ZThe largest Business and Short -
hand School'in Western Ontario.
Our courses are thorough and
practical. Teaching is done by
experienced instructors. There
is no better school in the Domin-
ion. All Graduates secure posi-
tions. Enter now. Catalogue
W. J. ELLIOTT, 1Principals
T foltowi:u; is tete correct re-
f, for elle month of September.
•i 1)•1iu•s in order of merit. V Class.-
ileen Caves, Edna Luxton. 1V
Class. -Russell efay, Frank Rooke,
Arthut Kerslake, Ernie Luxton, Wil-
lie Weber. Willie Essery, Bella Davis
Cecil Skinner, Frank Handfotrd. Vino
Kerslake. III Class.-IledIey May,
Annie McCurdy, Geor, c Davis, Wil-
la+) Walker, Carrie May, Ave Skinner,
Lila Creighton. Sr. II. -Mary Mc-
Curdy. Fred Webber. Wesley Col-
bert, Clara Kellet. Jr. 1i I. - Lena
Coates, Allis hunter, Verna Coates
Leda Harding, Alice Creighton. 1't.
MI, -Thelma Skinner, Minnie May.
Sam McCurdy, Eddie Kellet. Sr. 1
Itoy Thompson, lady Webber, Venue
1'incombe, Verela Hicks, Carrie
Thompson. Ave.ra ee nttendnnee 29.
W. A. DAVIDSON, Teacher.
The foldcwwia z is the report of S.
S. No. 2, Stephen. for the month of
September. V. -!toy IIiIJ, 93 per
cent ; Eva Ilirtzel, 89. Sr. 1V. -Lau-
ra Sims, 85 1-2 ; Ilcrbcrt Mitchell,
e0; Stewart Mitchell, 75; Clayton
Situs, 70; Everett Sims, 69. Jr. IV
Olive Nine, 8:3, Meryl (till, 82. Jr. III
T::hi Sims, 80 1-2; .Lillian Stalls. 78:
Mettitda E,Iwards, 76 ; Ethel Sims, 75.
Jr. IL -Viola Cornish, 92; Irvine
Sothis. 75. 1't. 1, Sr.-Gerlie King,
92: Lizzie Sinus, 90. First cease. -
Myrtle Sinte, Rt.
O.M. TIURNEIt, Teacher.
eta S1IAttON SC11001. REPORT
Cho tollow'inz is a correct report
of t)te standing of t he pupils of S.
S No, 4 Stephen, for the month of
%ith disfavor perh:Ips, But is it nail
tfte, all a mere prejudicet Eye
lasses seldom let rats( from ones ay -
4' trance. In fact t Ivey often add to
trusted w) rinuattl. 0. Catalogue free.
meat cont, --THE-
'.'.1 ;eillolol of Telepraphij
tors hate literate, N. Y.
I.,IIro"se, Wk.
money. but tit sac Frhnei(CO3 Cal.
'discovered' t'
hatepleasure i- .
order ter good- (Real Estate
12(Ki,O()O, >a -d
order frequenllF fe Limited.
Grayling f
"1 (i0n't thi, s St., London
said c0ndescene ;sear that you want
peek 8 new it for our terms of s."1.
fact is. I rtth \Ve )r,vc the most
811'1--" (011 of adtrrtisinz and
"i?sense ux'. 11,y, in (`anackt. Ito you
yon `1(', 11011410 n farm or business
you amire any part of Ontariof
yours thrott• ,list. Nye have scute
csty. You r •'
It took tin' ,T -
better 1' •
'•` A STO R I A
Is Mess
ahnll k c,Infanti and Children.
1rs'm lits ‘ YN HHI Ahrajs B bt
t(11s such I
,c.' hos.
Wire -That's
laugh ahon 11.
church. Itcv. G.ndwwut will go to pained by foal, A. Elena(. John, Ilcy
V. LII,zhaut and Bev, Goin.; to St. jr., D. Schnell; foal of 1905. A. EI-
hlerys. coat, John Hey, jr,,, 1). Schnell; fil •
W.ord has even received from ithe
Cobalt district that John Glenden-
ni1nZof i`a.rkhill, who went into the
Cotrait district about u year ago as
to laborer las eitruck it rich, having
in Company with two surveyors,
discovered rich 'tracts of free) eiLver.
They secured 'throe claims, of which
Glendenninzs interest 'amourrts to
half a million dollars.
Another murder ocirred at
Brantford Saturday morning when
an Armenian shot and killed this
daughter and then shot himself. The
father objectedto t he union of his
daughter to at yown; man with
whom rhe *was on her wayi 'ho :get
married when lite :;hoot in; took
Cittrlets lune, Who w:is convicted
of lllhe murder of Haywood ate Les-
ser Shave Lake, N. W. T., -et Septe,
wax 1isinged at Edmonton hist Jeri -
day morning. Kin; went to the
scaffold unassisted end quire cool.
Ile maintained his innocence, until
t he twit.
The visit of Prof. IMrcnwend to
Central hotel on Thursday Oct. 121h
will afford tbe lefties of Exeter rend
surrou;.din; country on opportunity
of cess tileg hint r(gardinZ their
hair, its :meed., .lt•d tle'ir r(:ltuere-
me:rtts in all Myles of hair goods.
Prof. Dorcawend eor.r.ics with Iritis
a large and molt varied assortment
of his famous conceptions in Swit-
ches. Bangs, I'ompndourm, -Wavey
Fronts n0t1 \Vers. The equal of
threes'. Melt ;rade natural hair pro-
ductians can't be procured from any
hair goods dealer in Atneriao. Prof.
Dorenwend has the distinction of
being the largest manufacturer and
the most 'noted specialist in these
Zoods. Private apartments are at
the convenience of all who avail
themselves of caUin.1 at the hotel
('ent ral on the day of hie visit.
-')deter Wilfred Nol t tient t had
the misfortune to fel :tn.l break
an arta while pleyin; at sclicol one
day last week.
-Mrs. Peter Murree- recently made
Pete t Inc present of 0 little baby
September. Names are in order of-Anniwers-,ry services will be hell
merit : V -El Amy, Sr. IV - here on Sunday the 15111 and 0n the
)dell;( Schwarz, Withur Morlook, fotlowvint Monday (Venin, the ustlal
Gladys Kesile. \Villie I'rcszca1or, 8•v- supiwr tell! be:<rwrd, 1 !clod lilac: is
bona Morlock, Merner Either. Jr. expcated .
(, aro ac
Et1 le, 1 i to no, 11 at: >t
IV -Minnie Kest le, rel Keel3 u .Mr.
Nellie Auly, Lucilla Schwarz. Sr. IIi, W.
Co!ctnan is now able to tet
Herbert Wein, Lorne Morlock, harry :wound pretty well.
Schwarz, Edwin Wein. Jr. 111-Arva -H. Dillinz is prctetrin•z to move
rokenshirc, Leonard Schroeder and this fall.
Beulah Smith equal, Clarence Either
13 -H, J. Co!e is buInckin+z ape
Algin Cornish, ()scar Cornish, 1'!C9 for J. G. Jones asy r present.
dred Klumpp Ilerisert Kraft, Em- -Mr. Gurney. a,f Exeter, rendered
senna Schroeder. \Villin Sehw•Jrz, 1I few vocal selections on Sunday
Mervin Brokenshirc. Sr. 11. -Mabel with plcasir.t effect.
Cnxwworth, Clinton Breen, Jr. 11. --
Otto Brown, Lulu Kest le, Gordon ONTARIO SUNDAY SCi(OOL AS.9O-
Consist', Cilara Wein. Sr. 1't. 1. - CIATION
Emersion )toeszler, Edna Amy, Em- --
ers01 Wein, Clinton 51orlock, Jr. 'rite 40111 Annual Convention of the
1't. I. -IIs Either, Levine Smith, jo-
Ontario Sunday School Association,
s , fir kenshirr., tole hell in Inc city of London, Oct.
241)t, 25th and 261h, promises to be
of more. than usual interest. Situate
ed in the heart of it district{ excep-
tionally sl roar in Sunday Scheel ac-
tivity, in :t oily of handsome church-
es. model sunday schools, hospitable
homes, and excellent railroad facili-
1 ices. the protects were never more
hopefur, The prozram which is now
bein; issued, includes the mates of
0 ntunblrer of Canadian speciatiets.
in addition to Mrs. Larnorcxlux, a
noted Primary worker from Chica-
Ze. and Manton Lae mii e, the irider-
netional 'Corelary, frnm Toledo,
Ohio. Seven open parli:nnents and
cnnferrnc(s have fees arrun./ed, and low rate on any nen 'paper or ma ;-
will undoubtedly prove an attractive cutis.
feature, and ww1.J embrace Primary NOTE: CAREFULLY.-Aay of the
work, teacher work, home depart- eo•kly publicatim►s in the above list
teen!, house to lou -e visitation, i'•'r• will 1)c Hent Ire tits%( aubse above
a from
P111,' responsibility, and (incision day, pow to 1s4 11f J tnunry, 1!In7, for the
price quo:c•,1-the remainder of this
year is 1 hrow,► in free.
These talc•' are rlricily cosh i,)
Advance. K.'nd te,ni410nees ny post-
al note, frost office or express money
order, nddressia1--
r. Especially if they are well anile s.1h Seim trz, Je el h u
nd perfectly finite! like Eddi.' Cornish, Mervin Coxworih. Av-
OI'It EYE GLASSES ere et. attcndanee 35.
ome and try on a pair and s'c bow GEORGE W. LA\\'SON, Teacher.
well y0tt look in then(. 'then hove
us examine your eye., and -tee the 1\'iNCiIELSE A
pair that will nicike you t''(' as 55e11 --
as look well, 1'Le (011055 It T is 1 he ret (itt of S.
--�-- 8. No. 0, t'-lr111e, far 11111 1110111 11 ul
W. S. HOWEY Phm. B. September, Names in order of merit.
V. -Willie Elford, Vera Washbure,
Chemist and Optician, Exeter. Ont. AInten3 Heywood. Sr. IV._ Uihell.,
lirywyno.l, Laura Godbolt, Net l ie
Campbell. Jr. 1\',-I.01:. Hes wnod,
TiiE QI'ESTION Oi' BALDNESS Virde Ilerrybill, Sella Heywood. Sr.
T1►i is a vital question with )tun.111.-!:Ila W:ishhnrn, Hubert .1 ones
Mary Cort)i'h, Jr. 111, -Minnie Tel -
hot, Lillis Godholt, Alex Berryhill.
Sr. 11.-Jeensie Cautpbell. .1n0 Brack,
Al 110111 (:lark. .1 r. 11.-I•:rain:, Bes-
et ria. I'.. ll, -Alice Cieerv. `tr. I't.
1.-1tay (iouL.Line, Barile irk Cornish,
Inez Crcery, .1r. 1't, L -51,1y Clot
1,1 -s -.I Johns.
h. McDOt'GALL.
\VINN1E iiOWARD, Teacher'.
dreds of met elm are bald or par•
Bally so. !low to overcome the di'•
(inurement lent by baldness is :1 ',sim-
ple (natter ww1een you convitk'r 1 he
perfection of modern ort in the mak•
int of Wizs and Toupees. i'lte visit
of I'rof. Dorenwend of 'tomtit° to
Exeter on Thursday, Oct. 12th, when
he u ill are at t he !'end ral' hotel, ren-
ders it possible for any wiles wish to
consult him Vo do so or his private
apartments rels,tird at the Central
Hotel for thio purprxe, Iknnonstra-
tion ziven to show the perfect n•t-
tur,tlne'' of his \\'ize and Toupee'.
Do not miss this (`T )OrlunIt/•. 1(e -
member the drys and dotes.
Bran the TM Cif Yet IMI
of .' /. Y
I'AIN A1101 '1' THE 1(ii'S.
1. is a ec!un100 (1171),t.tint w•11It v.o-
nr•n. The ri,zh4 .1fret ntent is Ner-
wiline, which penetrat('s to lir• r0:14 tack of indereetien. 1 ei u'wl not
of t he pain imnlpdi: tele. Nereiline Oen') 0t ni3bt rind suffih d moat-F_tETF:It, ONT.
warn,' and enntht•s the :)tfectc.l ^xeruciatinz tains for 1) • hours Miss Barnes 'pent Sunda) in 'I,:
p:1r•ts, ,Ione~ 0111 11 • it -rite( ion and after each meal. 1 was 1rsu!rted recon et'h her mr.ther.
peen, ahloee the Iontient ease after this sway for recut three vie nthes.
wee Ittyltinr. NO jnintent .n cc04 w•M'.t 1 used Chamberlain's Stomach Qg�'ra z .
noetics t(nd safe.
Nearly lifty veers and Lircr Tablets and tceeivcd int- lle�»ale 1sPiRdY51HalAlllt
ii u•^ and t hat 4 ?IDOOd initnenscly mediate relief." says John Dixon. �i� �I
• , ,.t(H Y 1111 ! \, • v:';' ..e.0 To" •tee- . (w.s•Brig, llgsatttis IQs
1. .I. „ 1..
COn11dn. For .f
ly Di. .lolling three years old, J.
Spro•it, J. It. lto4ferts, A. Reicher ;
filly or I eidinee two yours old, R.
Hunter, J. It. Roberts, D. Leitch,
Lilly or 'gelding map n3, \\'.Chesney
If. Klopp, A. Iktyman: linir carriage
horses, Or Caldwell, J. It. Itoleertsi
T. Bissell, sr.; Sitezle carriage, Oli-
ver Johnston, J. Sprott, W. Car-
noc1.-all; lady's outfit 11. Chesney, L.
Luker, G. W. Nott.
ltoatdstcrs.-Brood marc accom-
panied by foal, It. B. Higgins, It.
Brock, T. Lane ; Joel of 1905, )t. 13,
Higgins, 1I, Crich, W. Luker ; ,filly or
'gelding three ye.•us. J. Sparrow. J.
Decker, J. A. McNaughton; filly or
gelding, two years, .1. Sproat. 1).
Schnell, 11. Crich; filly or ege'din;,
yearling, J. McGrctiyar, J. lacy, jr.,
W. MCAllistor ; pair roadsters. 0. W.
Nott, A. Buchanan; .Single roadster,
J. Sparrow, J. 1). illornor, F. C. Mc-
T. J. Berry's Spelet1,-Etee s. Le'
Prior's lfero, G. W. Wren. 114 Pen -
found, T. N. Forsythe; best foal
sired by any of T. J. Berry's horses,
J. Caldwell, J. Scott, \VO'Brien, .l.
Barry and iiiair's Special,- !lest
foal by Electric 13., \V. Luker. R.
Brock, T. Lane.
L',twden & 'McDonnell's Special. -
heavy draught, three years, W. Ker -
nick, -S. hunter :,heavy draught two
years old, S. Bunter; Ilackncy two
years, S. lluntcr.
Chamber Special, W. Kernick ; S.
Hunter, J. Hortin.
Farmers' Trot or face. -N. Le -
beau, Little Mac; N. Mara's Prince
Adna; J. Dwthridze, Long Tom.
Named Race,- J. Stewart, Amelia ;
G. Joynt, Rost Mack ; ,G. Troyer,
Nellie M.
Itunnine race. -F. Stelck, .1. F, \V.
1'al (et son, W. Kinsman.
Harvest Tliankeeivin; Services will
be held at St. Paul's church, l)en-
maLi, Sunday Oct. 8th. The Rev. A.
C:►rtisle, 13. A., assistant, Manorial
church, London, will preach at 11 a.
tn. and 7 11. m. Everybody welcome.
Bargains in Newspapers,
The Tinges will receive strb,c
tions at the foll+owine rates:
Tunes to January 1st, 19117 ... el 1,0
Times and Daily Globe 4 59
Times :Ind Daily Mail and Em-
pire 4 50
Tunes and Daily World 3 10
Times :In.l Toronto Daily News 1.90
Times and Toronto i)aily Star1 85
Times and Daily Advertiser 2 35
Times and Toronto Saturday
Nizht . 2 35
Times and Weekly Glnbt ... 1 G)
Times and Weekly 5! -til and
Empire 1 75
Times :and I':uuily Ilereld and
Weekly titer 1 Ru
Times and Weekly Witness 1 65
Times and Montreal \Vicekly
Itc.rald 1 50
Timm and London Free Press
(Weekly) 1 `{0
Tines and London Advertiser
(Weekly) .. 1 611
'Times and l'oronto Weekly
Hun 1 80
Times and Presbyterian 2 25
'rimes and \Vorld Wide 1 R5
Times and Nori Lent TIe-ssttieer 1 25
Times' :and Farmers' Advocate 2 35
Times tint! I'trininr World 1 61)
Tiniest and 'Youth's Cornpani•►n 2 ee
Times and Impressions (rt busi-
ness monthly) 1 et,
\Viten premiums we :iw(•n wills
any of the, above topers. t.ubeerihers
will secure such pl, ntiunus ellen or-
(lerine tInoue!' us, same es if order-
ed direct from publishers.
The rates are as low as 550 0:1:1
nrike them, and mean a considerable
saviu; to our readers, 1f '.1111 do
not etc (that you want in the list,
enquire at the office; 150 can '11ve :1
Brow to house visitation will no
doubt reoeivc special ccnsideretinn in
vi,ww- of th' interest connected ween
1111' tru'yentent.
-Last year t hnd a very --'yore at -
The orcat North Way
-General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North We
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands al
a number of' other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm land
'We have made a number of splen did investments for our clien:
placed orders with u.s for selection s of Canadian Pacific and other
North West lands. In a number of instances values have increased et
rapidly that our patrons could roa lily realize double the anaourit of &h(
money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects foi
a bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedented nutn e
of sottlera cpmin3 into the west, prices of lands of good quality and
situated convenient to a railway are bound to make a still furthel
large advance.
One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is t,
Crop Estimate for the Present Season.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Advan
We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands.
give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands.
x•427 0o down secures3a great iaeres, (half section) of choice wheat l
$ G • Tbis would be n, v(
for YUU.
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatev
$383.40 Secures 390 acres (half section) choice wheat land to au act
settler. No other payment required for two years,
R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months'
through the Nest. During his stay there he will locate a nuc>y
of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various
railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in
ern tands should communicate with him when full informati
be given. His address up to the 15th October next will be
General Selling Agent for C.P.R. Lands. Frobisher, As
Having our ImmensPShow Rooms backed full of
and up-to-date furniture in every lisle, and in order to in
room for some large shipments of goods now on order. '
have decided to open the fall trade with a suprisingly to
Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all intending purchase
to come and examine our goods and compare our prices
fore placing their orders. as we intend cutting the price
every article in our store lower than we have ever attem
to do before. So don't fail to take adVantage of this ch,
to buy furniture at prices never before known in Exeter.
The Leading House Furnishers and Funeral directors.
-Mr. and Mrs. JaIMY Wallace. Oil
Comber ate spendin; a week %tit h
their relatives here.
- 51ins Garrett, t( Toronto. .tad
M.irs \Vinnicott, of Itusseldalc. were
the guests of 51iss V. Tu(fin last
-Mr. itobert Norris in yisit'►.•t( his
brother in Ottawa.
- Mr. Joseph `orris was in 'Toron-
to last wvec•k takin; in the sizlttx of
the ;real fair .
- Mrs. \\'ordcn turd Miss harbour,
51r. and Mrs. I'. 1). Ilutclriso11, Mr,
1'. A. 11.tmbly, ('. Robins, '1'. Oliver,
.1. Hemet on, and many others from
t Itis bei eltborhoed visited London
fair this week.
The Maeaztne vection of the; W
.;11111 Cru,adinn l•'a:10)'1-
1 IIIIIily unique in its t,ictcri.i1
literary qu:tlitice. No other til
1(413 into t he lurnnce4 of t i;e far
of Conaria ie 0bin to keep its
ars so closole in: touch with, a
well informed rc)Znrdinrj hotel
evens ('f ❑(.trona! rind int
eion.11 interest. The 11,1u- tr
and ante -elites I.tit tisited ('.Ich site
to widen the knowwledstl eters in
the culture end reLincmunt. o:
who are privile;ed (o r(ceive-
\\'eekly GMir and Cateedia
mer. Tires splendid f tmil•,v o
per enables those even fartheal
moved from the centres of poli
tion to Enjoy and profit by thct
Chit tart and'tel•eset. hnye to offer.
Stoves, Ranges & Furnaces
This week or any other
time we will he pleated to
show the merits of our 11105
lines of Stoves and Ranges.
Our :;tock comprises Sou-
venirs, Garlands, Hurons and.
Happy Thoughts.
in this line we are showing the mast'
up-to-date in town, Art (sailatids,;
Art Souvenirs, Empire (iarlandi- and
Jewels, it will pay to examine our
A New Idea (Coal or Wood Furnace will bo set
up on floor. Its many advantages and good
points are easily seen.
1HEAMANSi And Stove Store.