Exeter Times, 1905-09-28, Page 5THE EXEI.ER TIMES, SEPTEMBER 28th 1905. Cedar Posts A latae quantity of Cedar Posta for dials of the best quality. A1urt be sold at ontig We would be pleased to quote you our prices on any Building material you may require. We can supply you with. Sash and Door Frames] ...Lumber, Lath & Shingles on shortest notice In tact we are in a better position than ever to supply our many custom- ers with all they may require either bens shop or yards. Bee keepers supplies ready for delivery. Tanks made to order Wood for Sale Call and see the wood we have for sale. Just the kind you require for hammer cooking. The Ros-TWor G0. itt 1,4144-1-1-1.4-1444-1-1-144-14++++++ Notiee To Farmers and the Public in General As the fall is coming on now gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take them down to M.JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's where you will get the high- est cash price for them. Grist M CREDITON We are prepared to do Gristing and Chopping on shortest notice. We are making a splendid grade of Flour which is giv- ing excellent satisfaction Try our Flour. H. Bwitzer t JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. . P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni• Alit. office and resldenence. Dominion .pratory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Forster e Burgeon to Toronto \Vc•tern Hospital. ti tutor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night call nt Mice. DENTAL II. KItWMAN, L 0.8. ANL DR. A. It. KINSMAN. L. 4.0is, 8. D. D. &, Hotter (hachure of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extracted withoutn or �o Fan. bad after B edsG Micef eon's block. West side of Main /rest,` Ise er D.A. ANKIIION. (0.0• LI. D.S. DIl11NTIBT. Mem Graduate Mf the Toronto University Royal e of withhossoon of Posorsteu uate et Schoolof Pr'osthetic Dentistry (with of known to the Dental Profession V this Mike. Bridge work, crown, al. sea. gold and valoanite latee all done in Wettest manlier nevuly anaesthetichetic used for paileseei one door south of Carling liro's store Bluster. On L MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for thresh MOMinterest. a ufart or village property at owes DICKSON & CARLiNGeter HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of privste tends to w fara Properties operties at Iowrate. errm (MADMAN R BTANBt:RY Barrister' Solicitor. Main 81. renter. bICKSON & CARLING, �reCo* ei t'!i,•fte ern, 8cc ins. Mveyreo lDomtoissi�.aer..8o1 for l[ Oink. Eta NNW to hots at lewset rates of Intermit. OiFh VAIN STREET. EXETER. L a. CaaLrlre IL a. L IL 0 IESON STORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which bas been in use for over 30 years, has borne the afgnatnre of 441and has been trade under his per - tonal supervision since its infancy. • Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with atilt/ endanger the health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Cnatoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Fare. goric, Drop/ and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotie substance. Its age is its gtutranteo. It destroys Wornti and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Vowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea --The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ?Me c.►r7.Ua co„MMy, an .Ua AV .Tatar. mow versa errs. 1 AUCTION BALE Tuesday. October 10, 1903. Auctioa sate of farm stock a.nd implements owi Lot 7, Con. 1. Stephen, on Tues- day, October lath. H. Brown Auct. Those. Essery, Proprietor. Wednesday, October Ililh, 1905. Auction sale of farm stock and im- plements on Lot 20, Con. 7. 1'3tephen, 11. Brown, Auctioneer; John Pedlar. Proprietor. The Usborn6 and Ribbert Farmer's Mutual Fir6 Insur- ance Gompanl Head Office, Farquhar, Ont, DIRECTORS President: -T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0. Vice -Pres.:- J. A. NoRRIS CROMARTY P. 0. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. W. H. PASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. WM, ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0. J. L. RUSSELL, RUSHRLDALE P. 0. AGENTS. J. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT- J. S. OILFILLAN, LUCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. G M STA BT'RY Solioitors GLADMAN A-& N I t A 1v TIIOMAS CAMERON, ('ONVEY- ancer, wills drawn, stoney to loan on real estate. nko Licensed Auctioneer for the counties lot Heron and Perth. Charges moderate. Orders lett nt the 7'IMr:s ,rat my 1 residence, Farquhar will receive sonnet atten tion. E^ ti 'l{AV-Strayed oa Lot 9, aoulhl boundary of 1iay. about July 1st, 1905. .I yv':srtiil.1 r(rI11 heifer. The ownsar can have same by provinr property and paying costeq by •a p.. ply in; to Andrew Campbell, Thorne9l rout I'. 0. FOIL SALE. -Two good workinr horses and one driving horse, 2 .n •_1 e horse P ►;O as leo seta heavy , sOt zle eavr,.angle harness. Forfurther parti ul 11 S apply to M. Jackson, Main St. F 0 I BALE - Lot 8, Con. 3, Ut- ! borne, 100 acres. all under cul- tivation, 2 wells. On the property is a frame house, good bank barn, one (rime barn. For further par- ticulars apply to Jas. Essery, Exeter P. O. P1011 SALE Olt RENT.-WillRENT.-Willrent or swell 130 aures choice land on , Thames Roar, Usnorne. 100 acre's ceded. Good bank hart and new brick house. For further particulars, apply to Andrew Gibson. lots 5, EI. T. MACHINES or address Hay furt P. O. HORSES AND CATTLE Mr. Theca. Cameron will sell by public auctkn on LOT 25. S. TI IA M ES RD., Usltorne, -ON- Thursday, October 5th At 1 o'clock sharp, the following live stock HORSES 1 draught horse, 4 years old, by Kinz of the Castle; 1 tlrau:ht horse 3 years old by King of the Castle; matched pair. 1 agricultural horse, 3 years old by Royal Tom; 1 agri- cultural horse, 3 years old by Moul- ton Rufus; matched pair. 1 n;ri- cultural colt, 2 year old, by Craxie V,r: 1 a;ricultural filly, 2 years old by Craiie Var; .matched pair. Pair zeneral purpose fillies, 3 years old, matched. 1 drauzht colt. 2 years old by Cootie Var. 1 drauzht colt, 3 years old, by King of the Castle; 1 drauzht horse, 4 years old: 1 agricultural colt 2 years old, by Kinz of the Castle; 1 filly, 2 years old, by Glasnick, with foal to Hand - ford's roam 'loose; .1 filly. 1 year old, i,}• Glasnick ; pair zeneral pur- pose colts, 1 year old, l;y Golden Thistle; 1 draught brood marc and fool; 1 driving mare 6 years old. by Stone iiiver; .1 good f inner's driver 8 years old. CATTLE 8 steers 2 years old; 3 heifer'. 2 years old; 5 steers one year old: 4 heifers 1 year old: 2 ropers due to calve in October ; 3 calves . TERMS: Cash. or twelve months' credit on furnishing approved joint nota', %%ithi intercwt at 5 ter ce,sf. T. CAMEIION, C. E. iiACKNEY, Auctioneer Propri'i Ifyne, your friends or relatives sufferwith Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tire I.raet' Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell Or can obtain for you LEisIcI'ssFITcuRE SEWING SHORTHORNS FOR SALE - The undersigned has for sale ot Lot 18. Con. 2, Hay, n number of up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn hulls. They are of the low set blocky tyke, dark red in color and of choice breeding. They are nil cli;- iblc for registration, and will he sold reasonably. - John Elder, Hennall P. O. FARM FUJI 8AL1•:.-1011 acre farm i for sale, Lein; Lot 11; Conces- s on 10, l'sborne. 1'inn well fenced, in tool condition, %%ell drained %with orchard. has windmill. large frame house, bank barn with ralv:Inized roof ; cellar under house, one mile from Winchelsea, near school, church and market. I. or further particu- lars apply to \Vm. ('retry, Winchel- AO 1. At Bargain Prices. We are offering a 5 drawer, drop head, guaran(eed sewing machine for $21.00 Satisfac- tion guaranteed. In Pianos we still keep up our record. High grade pianos at prices other dealers ask you for inferior goods. Come and see us we will interest you sure. S. MARTIN & SON To Cage a Cold in one Day;,. 'T Br iso QuInIne Tablets. '2 iI'�1. r .awry ase. agftA Mks Noises sold Is pat 13 moss. TW • CLUBBING RATES Bargains in Newspapers' Tha Times will receive subscrip- tions at the for suuinr rates: 'Imes to January 1st, 1907 ... $1 01) Times and Daily Globe ... 4 50 Times and Daily Mail and F.tu- pirc 1 50 Times and Daily World :t 10 Times and 'Toronto Daily News 1.911 Times and Toronto Daily Star.,. 1 85 Time,' and Daily Advertiser 2 35 Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2 35 Timor aad Weekly Globe .. 1 G5 Times a:►d Weekly Mail and F,mpiro ... . ... 1 75 'rime+ and Fautily Herald and Weekly Star ... 1 0 Times and Weekly Witness 5 Tinct and 51ontecu1 Weekly 1lerald 'rimes and London Free Press (\\'cekl,%) 1 80 Timet and London Advert iser (R'cckl}) ... 1 60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ... 1 80 Times and Presbyterian 2 25 Times and World Wide ... l 85 Times and Northern bicssenrcr 1 25 Tines' abet Farmers' Advocate 2 35 Times and Fannin; World 1 60 Times and Youth's la's Companion 2 75 Times and impressions (:a busi- ness monthly) ... 1 80 When premiums are .riven with any of t hs' above papers, subscribers Will secure such pretuiuns when or- dcrin; through us, sant as if order- ed direct from publishers. The rates are as low as we ca:1 make thein, and mean a considerable nasi"; to our readers. if you tie not sec• what you •want in the list, enquire at the office; we cars ..give :a low rate on any newspaper or mag- azine. NOTE CAREFULLY.-Aay of the weekly publications in the above Ii»t will be sent to new tuhscriher' from now to 1st of January, 1907, for the price quoted --the ren:ti:►der of this year is throw.1 in free. These rates are strictly cosh i.t advance. Send remittances ny posI- al note, post office or express money order, addr•essin:g- TIMES OFFICE E EXETER, ONT. 1 50 WINCIIELSEA -Miss Edna Godbolt re(urnad home on Tuesday of last week after spending :a month with relatives in Wroxeter and also Ilnrriston. -51r .IticIrard Calm was the pur- chaser ur- ch:aser of a pia.ao. -Our vinare blacksmith iy swilim3 those (toys - id's a boy, Tom. -Mrs. J. Kirk. of Woodhull. %vas t lots guest of F.Ijza J. Crory wt Mon- day last. While our viilage cannot boast .of a lunge number of business plecos. still '.vc can pride ourselves on the fact that %vital we have are treat orcdit to us. Take Jones & Clark's zcnor.:l marc, which los a :trade that far exceeder that of ninny, &torn in larger places. The stock of goods carried by them are up-to-date and the amount of patroncsize enjoyed by them shows that their honesty and fair dealin;s are appreciated by all. Another industry here which is worthy of noble° is the creamery. owned by the zenial Mr. W. G. Mudd Mr. Medd is thoroughly acquainted with everything that pertains to a creamery plant. Ile has lately in- stalled a new lc,stcurizin; and cool- ing machine ,rnakinz his creamery second to none. pie manufactures abouts 35 kicls, which %weilzl :about 112 pounds, each work, the most of his product being taken by :( List-- towel is-towel firm. There are other busi- rr.a places Fere, such as rola ',lock- smith shop, owned by Mr. Thomas \V!meter and the enrniare and wego' - 1%'orkin r shop own^d by Mr. Rabbi - son. For the Mize of our place we consider our burr a busy one. DUNLOP DETACHABLE BICYCLE TIRES Your own two hands and a pair of these tires and your bicycle is ready for the road. Every pair guaranteed for a year. The Dunlop Tire Co. 5t. John Vaatoe's, scary.° TORsONTO WiasINompe D AS11 \V OOI) STOVES. -If you :►to in reed of :a stove or turn.aa•, don't Lail aci ba we a look at our stock, we wore rover in a tetter pee:Oben to supply your wants. E. P. l'au!in. Hardware, Stu\'cs :and Tiru,tit; tbier. -Item ove.d.-On^ by one of lite %%e aro loving our ul•le:•tt and /sort rc- spectc,i citizens. This week Mr. Jaacph Snot' lar: moved to Exeter. Ur. and Mrs. Stiehl hive /meet aesi- ilents here from youth and have grown up w.ich the country, being.' :a 1►•ird worker he /pets u►utu 1►iruself cotn1or,tab!.t us far as t)t:a wortd'1- ;teela are concerned. Mr. Snell :and fatuity will be greatly missed, out %yh:;t is our toss is Exeter's train. Levi llay'machcr is down with .ty- phoid fever. 'We hope for his ae- cuVery. -I'roeenty Chaare.s.-M r. livery Ehlers recall his fart/ on ale. 14th to Mr. Fred hunt. M r. F.i►,'c-a.a then bouzht Mr. Jacob Keldcrutans resi- dence. Mr. Ke',Ic•rut:u► has pua'chas- ecl Luui.a Schoeu.acl:: rs house. Mr. Shtxsntacha•r has h oe shw .the o'.l hotnc+ste :d tx► ,t he I It h from 1iis mother :::7l %rill go farininr. -Mr. and Mrs. Nickles, of Hickson. woe 3 vision,, at Mr. Jonas H art- icsib'x for a few days last week, -Mr. Dan Mclsaac, who h:IM boon worlainz in .Mr. flit Fos+sol's ',lock- smith shop for the past four yc,Ir:a has a pcnstion in Hickson whore he intends •rain.r. -Mr. It. S. Hamilton :and bride have returned home from their wed- ding trip. -Saturday aortia,; a oo't bets.) g- ing 10 I'hi) Bastard, on .1 ho Goshen lino, o . into Mr. Tom. Clark's lane. Mr. Chink forthwith seized the op- portunity to serve his neighbor a turn and !ed the pelt to pound but un forturettoly for Tom he was not well informed in pound law or he would not have led the atrium!. The Iaugh %vas on 'font when Ito was s:•en releasing. the colt from pound about 5 o'clock. h1OItN 11cFALLS.-In 13iddu101 on Sept. 13th. 1905. the wife of Wilbert Mc - Falls, a dauihter. IIRO\C N. -In Crediton. on Sept. 18th, 1905. to 4r. and blrs. Samuel Drown. u daughter. BEAVER. -In Crediton, on Sept. 19, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Ilcaver son. EUWAItD.-in Crediton on Sept. 2;, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ed- ward, a son. DTINN.-In Osborne on Saturday, Sept. 23rd, the \vile of W. G. Dunn a daughter. a MARRIED TRl'LLET1-EILBEIt-In Cicc'1:on, Wednesday, S('l•t. 20t h. LY Rev. Damon, Lizzie, vounrest dauzbtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Either, to Mr. George Tru••1'crr, of Detroit. McVITTiE-GIDLEY-In Blyth on Wedrlesday. Sept, 201 h, Mated E. Gidley, daughter of M r. Samuel Gidley, of Illyth. and rrard•l•,nzh- ter of Mr. Richard Gidley, of Exe- ter, to Mr. Albert 11. Mc\it tie, of Illy th. DIED I11'Nl.IN'-In t'sbore. , September 22, Elizabeth Ilunkin, beloved wife of John Ilunkin, ascot 81 years. M ITCH iiLL.-On 2nd Con. 13iddutph Tuesday, Sept. 26th, 191;5, ids Mit- chell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, aged 31 years, 11 days. 1 Diamond Hall's Service Diamond Hall's: recent removal to much larger premises means increased opportunities for serving the Catta•.iian public. East and West and everywhere, the perfected Mail Order System of the Dominion's largest jewelry store puts an end to "barriers of distance." You can order with ssur d satisfaction from ii is illustrated catalogue of iamonds, Jewelry, atches, Silver, Cut Glass, Stationery, etc. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED 134-138 YONOE ST. TORONTO • ONT. - /. :.try MINNI ARNESS Ii loin; purchased the entire stock of 51 r. (:co. Eacrctt. 1 solicit I l e patronage of 1,1' 101(3 friends arid l cuatOmers. Our coais'',nt aim is produce and sell tooda that will rive the twat of satisfaction. here you %%ill find the correct yet brava Pensive harnev., Trippinz+. Rubber IltrnesS n specialty. Nothing tut the best of materialq aro used and %se ;ntrantec perfect s,tisfaetinn. Boots and Shoes We also carry a complete stock 01 Boots & Shoes. In f :et for all-round atyligh and up -to -dale rood!" ee have the bell and tartest assortrnent brought out this season. 11 will be a pleasure to show you our n•►tietac- tory collect;nn and our prices are in 'easy reach of a11. 1. n 1! ply you to give us a call Ibalore purchasing el,.ewhere. 0. HOUSE HURON John Leo. Carlin. •:,f McKillop, who w is injured some %seeks a;o, having a fork )candle driven into his hotly, died front his injuries on Tuesd:,ywf last week. There is no one article in the litre of medicine that gives sea large a re- turn for the money aro s good por- ous strengthening pla.Icr, such as Carter'a Smart Weed and Belladonna One day last week -t daughter cif M ra. McCourt, of C::uton. found a piece of buttered bread and ate it. Shortly :afterwards she was taken ,ick, and finding that the bread hurl been poisoned :and set out for rat., the services of a duct or only ..weed ls:r• life. The well known strengthening properties of iron combined with other tonics and a most perfect nor - vine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and 'complexion. The election courts have fixed the Rearing of the West Huron election pretest at Torrnto, on the 7th of October. This means that the pro- test will he dropped because they would never try a case of t his na- ture away from the county, as it would involve taking the witnesses to Toronto. TOose unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills. which are made oxpressty for sleepless. nervous dyspeptic. suffer- ers. Price 25c. A September Woddin;.-The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbroith, Wittg- ham, was the scone of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday of last week. when their daughter, Miss sfar,ratel Jane, was united in the Iitonnds of matrimony to Mr. J. Herbert 1)ug„ also of \\'inn;ham. Rev. Dr. Gundy performed the marria to ceremony, which took place at hi;h noon/ :and was witnessed only ny the relatives oft 1e bride and :room. CAUSE OF INSOMNIA Tndi;estion nearly always disturbs Ilse sleep more or less and is often the cause of .insomnia. Many case' have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablel•s. For Hale in Exeter by W. S. Howey. owey. WHALEN We res;ret to record this week the death of lirid;et 61cGce, daughter of 51r. P. McGee, %which 1nok place :It St. Joseph's hospital, London, Mon- day, Sept. 18th. Mite; McGee had been suffering from appendicitis and was taken to the hospital tor' an 09- cration. The operation was succe14- tut but Miss 51cGcc's constitution was not. st roti; enou.zh to withstand the ravages of the disease, death re- sult inz. NO SOGGY SAkIN WITH Peninsular Range. Meats and vegetables -bread and pastry - retain all their natural flavors in a Peninsular Range. Because the oven is perfectly ventilated. Odors and steam are drawn from the oven -fresh, heated air is constantly supplied - =Id food never becomes tainted or soggy. That's just one reason why Penin- sular Range is best. There are dozens of other reasons equally as good. Let us give them to you, and show you the Peninsular Range in detail. Local Agent : H. SPACKMAN • Taken from Chillia•'ack l'Iorress, -The late James 11, Atkinson. -Mr. .1•1mcs 11. Mkins on passed away ear- ly Tusetelay morning :after greet rsuf- [eninhz for the last few )days. Lit- tle hope wars 0111.0r alined gas to his recovery since 11se operation and ho ;mdually became weaker until the end oantc. Ile is taken away in the prime of life, )mini; only .43 years of air. Every one elle knew hint or have had any dealings %with .hint. have but one opinion, that of 1 thorough- ly conssoientioue% sand upr:ilthi tnnn. lie was wall fitted for oho respon- gihle peoit boon which he held id our town, viz, that of chief eonvtahle, which posit ion he las filled for five THINK OF ITI This Pretty .tfatros Had Headache and Backache, aped Her Cowditiow {Vag SSrivut. PE -RU -NA CURED. 99 Bleveatb Street, Milwaukee, Wk. "A short time ago 1 lband my oast. ditlon very serials. 1 bad hadsches, pains in the back, and frequent spells whkh grew worse every moat ' 1 tried two remedies before Pe and was discouraged when 1 ttogf the first dose, but my courage mei returned In less than two menthe my health was restored." --Mrs. M.. Brickner. . The reason of so many failures to cure cases similar to the above is the fact that diseaseit peculiar to the female sex arei n o t commonly recognitted as being caused by catarrh. Catarrh of one organ is exactly the same as catarrh of any other organ, What will cure catarrh of the head will also cure catarrh of the pelvic organs, lemma cures these cases simply because it cures the catarrh. It you have catarrh write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement 01 your cane, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President q TbeHarttman Sanitarium, Columbas, FEMALE TROUBLE NOT RECOGNIZED AS CATARRH. years very acceptably. Ln t lie per- formance of his duty he was never harsh and severe but exercised the ,3rceatesl care and forethou3ht in all his .aclionr. Those' %who knew him are unanimous in their opinion •that they have lost not only tt ;rood eiti$ zea but a faithful friend and neigh- bor. Ile was a prominent member of the 51.sanic fraternity and the Or- andemen. A wife and three chil•Ire are left to mourn Lis Ines, to who ole sympathy of the public is ex tended in their bereavement. Th floral offorinos were numerous and beautiful. (ht' donors !minx, the btu, nicipul Council of Clilliwaok, Sonia lodge No. 19, A. F. & A .51.. 1.. O. L. No. 1470. sisters of illy! ifarnily, Lactic-.,' Aid of the Mut hodist church, Junior Epworth League, Mrs. Farr. Mr. and Mrs. Al Chutney, Mr, and Mrs. White, Mr. steal Mrs. A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Mr. :and Mrs. G. II. W. Ashwell, Mr. anal Mra. 8. A. Cawley, a6g9 N. Reece, Jock and Gordon McIntosh, Mr, and Mrs. \V. Knit;ht, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kipp Mr. and Mrs. /tore, Mr. and Mr I)a Mr and Mrs. y, n Mr Ogilvie and family. Rev. and Mr Letts. The funereal was largely atm tended fully tc,st ifyint to the esteem' in a hitt► he 15• a :a held. After a short service zit the 110u40 the remains were taken to the Methodist church whore this funeral eervtce.9 were con- ducted by (hao itev. R. Btillmon, .as- sisted by Rev. F. Letts and Itcv. T. Crosby. The church was fittingly; draped and the services were very impressive. The ceremony at the ;rave was conducted by the Masonic; bret)crn of Sonic Intro No. 1!I' tad the Or•an.zo 'smitten' of l.. Os L. No 1170 of which lodge he was •an :act' member Ilewas a scan of hnn^s It. Atki son w ' , of Anderson, His sisters I Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Sweitzer, Sir Johnson, Mrs. Sparlir'g, of Ando; s, Mrs. !linnet t, of 11'ni ne1, : birs. 11 yea, of Thorn,l•.1' : firs. Kemp. Kirk1011 ; Mrs. II ;ray, of ('hilli%%:ack' Mrs. Box, of Rolf on and Ensm:a home. His brothers a re \111119111, Or Kkn . .1. �'., of Mitchell g Itnir',c•rttn:and;1)r(•iclnc�s at 1,011,0 . PROF. DORENWEND Their (3oo(is t3reatest Artist In America Ole TORONTO LADIES. -if you appreciate the added charm and the younger appearance lentto the face by having beautiful hair. tlo not fa fail to see the grand assortment of Switches, Bangs, Pompa- dours, Wavy Fronts and Wigs, which Pomo DOReswes ► will have with him. Consultations entirely free and demonstra- tions given regarding these beautiful conceptions in natural hair GENTLEMEN WHO ARE IIALD.-Even though you are bald or partially so, you can regain your former appearance by wear- ing 1)orenwend's Wigs and Toupees. They are made to match any shade of hair. They are a protection to the heal and a come for chronic cold in the head and catarrh. They are per- fectly fitted to the ]read and bear no trace of artificiality. is coming to EXETER -Will be at - Central Hotel -- on- TpurstlaU, 06t. 12 Prof. Dorenwend will take measurements and demonstrat,- the merits of his Wigs. Don't Forget the Days and Dates