HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-28, Page 1Did it Ever Occur to You?
�� •>se't- lr•v print
eb;'1 Moi 'ts11!(t`i•it f 4 l ati1
ii Its 's 1 if he--billYs we pr,71.t arpt qt ten
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•�, i_.. f : Pif(t`ir'! ' J ca1,}1 t0 our
b:rr; rat'cs Iin ono�tliLee column
i1F7lt ,XApf€ pot► AY 3. 4he payors
t•e:' ,:. 14411}tje tele ; Ate the money and
,,,>..tu1 1 .•it
wilL--de the rest. It will paX
.•.t: 1 ,t•(;' .1 J ,T1ui i1 ,el: th'1 !a ets.•,Ii'I
::!!1.1•1' . t'I!'•1'i ,,. .- ifw a
T, i,, 3I1'Y'., GAVADA, T$U I SDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 28th :1905,
4.4 • 41.444.4144•444‘4"4“00 , BYLAW DEFEATED
L1e•, ,♦ON' ,:•
1,1 :t- rtl .1
irk . :
c.t 14,41
•Hard*a,:le and :Seecir Store
A !1 1....4 ;74 1: ;,...11.11150 .. . . :t i •
is the, piape for . tfldet's and those-'Yutfjndtng to buika:
.should go to 'get 'Cheap' '$ard Ware as we carry .a: foil
lineof..i. „ ., . . I. •
i1,11W:4 . n ,
' • 1 _ I J • � 7181 t) 2'; 1
Nails;:: Paif 4s, '-Oils, ! pis,
, ,
Ifuu: • a1. , t'-
1.1117111011 , t _.
,. h • t
.1U1 7 . 1,1.1 .. t, lis
1.n. en pats W
carry: two,leadin Brands',
g s~t
i• Of-eitAada
`.esti ltitionat,and.St .il,,...
.. t-• ?i 1t ,
4. .•rl'r r.^1 • ,r1. 16,.1,
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;.• 1 .1 aeon?. .110 1 •1 +: ' -•
1.-: c'ri $�u`Sp'ectt1ty'`of`'Eavet-ro ughin • as
Irwe:have a laaaehme te' matte a'lt itottrt, oto i�ol l :
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's s e lir
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• 1•Vt bat. • .u, :i'.• n 4 f}
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Juu 1.1 ,. :..:.,-:,i :.t.,•:1 14't r,! 1 • ..
bees:. t et -Vi ' d•1. ••44 � 411/444u••,e.
'•.eve-.) r 1.i,.
Tits feerc11'ic Ir ht w•as' t•q-'
lest out by the t-ate-po ore on te:atur=
ikij•'Jl L t! ::sI d }t iit ' 1 c, is, ilt, its [e:tr
b d ti>(i`�lfitt s t !I' fl. Est' jt; ?lie
total eliis '4,i'11s: 182. The? q[lestioit
is tto(V-lutr'•ttit'fltic"'ColittcI•I .115 •':to
• 1.
-. _ t +tr--
• �-
.Tho forty-first aannual exhibition
-given by the flay Azricultoral So-
ciety was IoW 111 Zurich Wcdnssday
:mkt Thursday '-of. loot w.aek.. • • :; The
event- of ,Ines fair this year. IVa% the
of)(Mip� .of •('Ise how_ 'grounds and
buildings eituutcd.at thee -extern end
of_ the vil luxe, The ; old zrounds,
w-Itids bad lien used for
iih'tdeQW►tt1 for the increased demands
u1. the nirr•cters r
tu.eccure a- riots• site
TM! old afro tits? 1d f
the 1x'54 wte., which :la mode ltar.i:er;
i tit 1 • and an ex-
w3cthAt �{r'liti3t }t h'11 IrjAtta [ntn+
ohtM -t ,-kk.0�fl,•8}{e t. W !ttc fntOrnr- )curl:, w tx
- ed- tA1N N'•tf'ttdt er(a111 ' franchiac fs
• •ti'Ufl1od, *iiyi 104•-10'or 15'tleara, Mr• [('r !twee sli 1 kcj k d
S 45 l•'Wi1t r ioke'th ' amen ne'dc11 and ricer ,1.k•,?
• :iutprovcuttt'»tk'ro lHis'fdit'tif. 'At the
probiottt!.tjffiel hbtiii' ??tattle to dclastl amid or *860 and
taint whit 11t+•wi11 Ho,' i;n1- sUt•nivak ,
the ucbion'.olt t he't3dtlnaNtr'-It tvvlt I,v w 1 @11' 4ut►cd fee til U
+ -1elt)thth:l ;avtlyd4'-3•:ui4' a'win4 for cc .%5UZ.,rjlc v, jXtll wua ergo led -at +
a 4tlw.bylarw,,,tittt ,that • ttlnotle+ b cad .4, pct) os,1ti00...;fleas loran -41- opening.
tvere :►;ain,stlitt5 Visa -vete hattaken: %%i"1,%leltk ait1.1`ridu.ia tddr'easeo being.
i .,t roof :- .:fr'or• , . ; A.ainst 'loli1rJgrt: Ils•,il,,:kii",e1�, M. 1'. )'..:John,
114 .N •,1.T •, :iy -
q1. Colw
LY1 b1. It,
Ort.t 'r r •-�Il 1.•a'. 2:: 1.f•,,,• :1 ► .. •
he.q rlitExeterend entralia,
W 1. .. ;StorehT lSeS
-�,tallit,• 1 �! fl ji 1.l,?`.'tT7 'the s
:-C eoti'a�;,Lame
That moue► earn 'b> y 11
•Itf /t�:l .1:a1f t / t. Ls:r
t7J:{ •..I'1 .,'Jp . .1t:,a1§tD ., 4'.(15114, I , ,.1
t. r AaI fi�tir: :t fl'l7A iA It
.t••.1 r
at'4eWesltiktricest' • " 1.„
c•'I rig
S'•.::,:, it: _ _ •4 -1 - '.1.:-8 ,4-4lt .,. 11.8 7/ 8188,
• •, i
(.111 , •, to tet .
4, You are Suit buyers. We linable the •
, Sults- you wear theta out. • We make
tbeat as well as we can, so that then
will not wear prat; sooner; tha,a. they
ugh:. Because.. if: they do, , you'll '
likeky go sost;ewher•s, else -fort ,your
hast Suit. And no one could. b atlle
you. So much money ought to buy
to much Suit womb. And Suit worth
is fashionttsblenesa of fabric --style in
cut---Rt-flaisb-looks -. dresayneue
and length'of service. . 4
• As good a:place as there Is within
??thiel? to get all this and' not. pay too.
Much 'is W. Johns
Elegant Black and' flue
Suitings for $15.00 ' '
and $i8.00. -
Merchant Tdildt'„ ,
6000 iE�E6R1P9ER3
Atrronslly, to 4111 the new go,•Itione created by
1*tlroad and Telegraph companies. We want
Toting Men and ladles of goqd habits'. to
and R. R. Accounting
We furnis1173'percent. of Inc Operator-, and
statin Agents In America. Our six it,•hool,
are the la t extensive Telegraphy School.
is the World. Eitablishod lfk years nod en•
doreed by all leading t,ailway Otllclals.
W4• execute .$2.s. non i to every student to
tfnrnt.h him or her a po'IUon paying tram cin
to IOW %m,rntk In Stntea east of the Rocky
Mountains. or from $75 to $1(1) � month In
States west of the Rookies, immedlately upon
Stuxleente cell enter at any time, No sari•
Hoes For fait panicnlara regarding any of
our Schools write direct to our executive
*Mee et Clneinnnttl. O. Catalogue free.
-T111 -
Morse school 01 Telepraphh
Olncianetti, Ohto. Sutrelo, N. Y.
Atlanta. Oa. man LsiC esse. C 1►1
Texarkana. Tex.
Western Real Estate
• i 1,101,..,
78 Dundas„ St.,!'•• London
)I�t w•p 1.y�i a, 1 1111 ;hat .you to t
to eiollr S%rst ' or try}, ler sus ,ate =�
IteAiert.e 'e Ravi' the ljt�`
00111 disc moiled ot 1tlilwrtoin,t• ;rind
deClin 'llt'oitei',ty in Oitn%(Li . Uo ytkli
.vtltitilt. (tf Mkt' fel in Of ' )orsileoe
t:aroperty 'ffi' tj� 'part bf,, tilntarirf
tiend for bur if t. tt'e ha'v� '3otnO
box? ? tile. • . _ _.
• • :111.,t 1.•.,;
M KIM TN �m Always ONO
�•. 1.
Bean tb.
Signature of
.. ane?
A. haus4:Soc.:
leiter. road.rptruji•liniettcl of
r T.ure, onivith. and Al. Y.
3lcLialt, ex M,;j',.,}vdto :wor•e.tinable
to at•i,cylt: tic, emoting.
4r•. Stewart doom not f.,llowi: out
1hq usual. ens( am of .ha!►iaz rit,elsin;s
but u visit 1° hie :willinery depart-
ment will conyiuCc the- most ekep-.
tical that the line of millinery -car-
ried by Taint 0,usnot be eurputsxed by
the city stores. .a(iss Editll•t:ktnders
who hal char;c of the depaltnic:su
bus a splendid display of ladies h::ad.
„oar._TL0.1'rcyailin3 Ml►gi7R9 ip•illp:itt
bits : nisi t 1 s tub, • 43 telt :t r ry's
and tams, with peacock blue?- the
v;trigtes t,1t:\tttrte of t c retest .% ) mut twee -
and nd
A4tco blue predominating. Black
is a ern very. considerltbly fax„ dress
functions .. ; . t
� It Civ
\[icy' Livia;4•rwtone;'gtho'`litap-�mbar ge
itiw,di as ttl8 ,+•t,1 .tat.34. I+'ettq{ f •' . 1.%14 iy deerit'ttfl int [
tlrts f)rm, ltns some �►et/ 'Aai f
'• A ,t' u Y u Kt •.
\ z c Y
g t
I1 J
.wrtl �iw:3, Ali. : 14t{ � I;
:w:Ard,-r- p1 tort' .:S[.1. (1 - :ell , - .:43
.� ao l 111 -.e)
of the )I ' •.: or• motley they have ieveraed. and to stew. of the 044 41di•l to sects for
4 t.:
. 1:4 . ,. 1.i ,
General Selling Agent.:.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos.: Lands; Canadian North )Vet
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Atanit;Qba Cos. sands als
a number pf other improved and unim rovedNorthaures ' i°arm land
\\'e ' ii vei made p number of. splen ciiu. invea%meats for our. clients, who
prated grdq;e with its ,foe tigleotiotie of :Ca.nadirn Pacific , gild other
North Welit .14u.ds.. In a purytlacr pi inytslttiece .vattte s; .hays -itlnl'etised so
rapidly that •Our patrons ,could rim (lily •realize double the ate ;kat of the
► tc•t reel .':'t ,._..95,1 ns Tib *Raceme s year wa as
one of the ,derby, crown. I iliade et Irfn; 3 silk
ktajtci�iy: ttyti:►str. $: ., •r 1 I of ever• )JV144 hS' ,; 1- le matchingt),o. velvet in oo)ptt. T co.
�i `
:.L a rrr
a Ib o J.
11 z
,. 1+,1 t•go:: ,•t--•�•E-♦--*.+i+1381 9 yt Of Zxllibit� :}g[•in3; Wye} �,t.rleh feat here mein �.. the,
;., 7;111 1 \'• ' • 1ttr,.,nr trail well sttilre e �
, 1.t v : -411; 1 .,?:• r .t� t ,t1. o'i n) Ker.. or triu„ucd to peon coiorin `�j1:
',:•:Fitr'8 l) •.' 1 (L1'ti�eilli"wC:^ �lrh9w�" -.n'mC f ►. �.;*•1 rtlt..:'l1.tpC
.les. to *show. het' '•meals 'eusbouters.
On' .bhrtrwin'g• pitittlro ha't, is1 doyoul-
:Dead iu,Alice.blue 'pantie velvet, The
1 ►t :L'• kJi IIOwLiAfi t 11. �p that xbola 'A varvesmart atiiY]et 1 iy
! M ii r ! 1 ' 1 Itbrse t1. 1rttStHi1} 1 C
}ties 011 tlio ltlttd11e11 I30w?illi , P . l})Cl avitolLein'i Ott' •' very -len -tart
1istrelet, •, tt ,,I1
i ie)lublshtird Civet% biro(' illfidAj►1 hi ti all C 1 dtsianpt+ 14itit itkq • la' iliVie,a »ha
ogre?• .aucceasfal tthi•:wntk,1sin., 'tidy of i he Sovorei;t1. des Of blue° told' Cer>l atr 11t 1 the
rihles irl• +et.." f••.•,• ,- !Chit; of F¢cdt r iT , i .h
_ t 'y'•tittnl \►trllflo•thc. lift- :stn Aucccssftil
alma: Huh: l►nx•.at ),tele 1utat.lun - ' still.
. 14 ttl:
woo d
kfl 1 haw0 Wen
I: clilfeeenj hlldLiit;:not .beery-4irct1;th'-
, (ties?; 1,31;:.)1 r; ; y'urr4Aler,:'. of : CY.ittt"ori.
Anyway a ,(wort +ca>ettsp ialbbt•ter•th1t t
nfeeq.:l tIetol Mast, krone ,r:hewe e'that,
geet-ce, ,avy,Y , 11(1e:t eed , by., ,21 . j►ointt4:
,xkH.: A,iji,pllvil Aerw.lflotio ano. ,a ler. ,of
ti ? "t iii1►fitt:i1f1,1, ihole-.Yltti•t, j14ree-•:Was
'likeS1Joarci 1 t
.1 soar.;--.,,,.
n!n .' .1 i�t4 ..'.'ire; ..�heco!rd$
:•�INese:.. by the NOW .;J$
' '.,The tiltfeat aheetat'ti r.:-OkepGig
df oUrfrall=Tetth whet - ire stun
sic grist WEI that of o
'� Last Month tie bast "tt n 'ti ail
Zy: a l�e' for Bookkeepers;
a1l,' This undod redly dilates Z
pt ressibetiese aid$ shows that •
,this is this best school to patron= 2
ize. Enter now. Magnificent , I
catalogue free. Cor. Ybnge aild
Atessinder iStreets.
- ' W 3'. ELLIOTT, 'kpr4pcilsa1:
4.11-.4-...-..--...--____....-..., 4 _ _ 171
xi aPirer...OM I 'by..-olur 1berm lets.
I il' l l 't,
.vt t.. �
• Y � � I I, kcJ►, E R
/le son• r.
1.i•::. 15)111...iuil
J1•''\V. Gladmnn
Skip.' 4
�Joiut'a►_''; Ya;11':I.vebt•
Gor•n,al5v Dr. Sweet. •
X,,T ;Iktvsq y,sIl llo:Ji I )(NMI
1V; sr]ex -.f J1; Itev. I'erkitks
Skip 10-' Skip 9
41!aloafes - 1 r.1fi; R.11tiston
J. (tomtit? ly • '' , .' .jos. Davis'
K. T Uowu r : -,N.' Dyer :Burdon
_:\V.. Jlerloy. •• Rev. .Wm. Martin
Skip, 12 t . „ 'r Skip 10-
C. 11, l'.tjla•ltow1ky J. 47.. White
F. S. Matin I. 11.-Vttrlin.
Forxc.:,t.r . 3. ;G, St:u bury • .
Dr. flu.rrit 1 ',V. J. Ile0,man
Skip 7 Skjp 0
Jones yr: T 'llcicller
.1. bs si'tify ' 11;'11. Samuel
M. 1)ew,tit SVtn• 111;1icllfard
W.' E1'ttify 1 ' - T..1iui r
.48kFlr 14 Skip 1'1
R, 1'allskowski' Y)1., Rolliaie
F. g.•Mon's .' \V. C•'Ilunton . .
• - 1);' A.:. Forrester C. 11. Snotl -
Dr. 1iajhitt :. • W. \V, Tatman
. Skip 19. Skip 8
Total 6.4 - -. Total 40
Another Successful Stu •
a1 1 l idfyft.
The tautest Bus rtes'' and Stlort t'
band -School in 'Western Utitwrio.:.
OiIr courpee are thorough • and
practical. Teaching is dome by
: experienced instructors. There
2 i no better school in the 'i oa4tii=
i' ten, All Graduates secure porn-
• tions. Eater now. C1tttt7ogue
free. + ' • .
W, 3, ELGIOT'T, ' • .1
D. A. McLACHLAlti;} ''�'ncipsb
• •••
ills: it:lr►•ey horlaitd,, of Farquhar
it 4tuiksnt ne the Exeter H }t School
ovho I ritssll the ttial riiluletion expmin,
ation ?last July, has rebeiteti word
flat tpswt hat irsr his papers • re -es
omitted it ' Wag `'found that" he wa
successful. • Ile -•wag- claseN1 - at! fi.ret
,with the uhriuecesv[ul and• throw;l
Nome :itutdvertnnoy on I )so. ' pdr o
Choi :era miners the .report ahower ha
had failed in ancient }tietrary : and
Lati,s Ant heirs. -This snakes three
out ofJ four who were etuccessful rran-
did:tt(tt_4' front the Exeter school and,
�nddat.arnO414cr.rlotclr in •[arto. of the
. oxceoen•t. teachinz ability of the ,fac-
ulty of. our echail - r.
cattle- frn141 1 (;i• ,
l l o s t o
w1. a
r seaurid� IJrit' for hfe l:arria;e
horse,•'ghoe Iiirkel•t gr.; taking fend
money, 1 (a4o':'1'euhille, .nf Kistfet'
carried 1 off latest of' Ill- prizes (or.
eheett.t' 'i'ltdi ):firs r trari•!" w`a:41 .t the'
insist tntoneetiog t'trrt nF I h. 'tirogr.ine
.and :from t}tn 'e'ltliug)dsm displeyed.
�acJ► ,o1 tine-:heraov must ' have lags}
inti- coterie of admiirontiri there.
•Great.oredit: is due -the mnti.a;ern(uE
for ..tlte succeasfu! •manner in'.ww,ls';c.li
t,Il y. 'ewidttotetk4ho exhibition, the
;111r,:, Colw'old, Amity; `tint it
;n ;hl•lkittefforts in iookirt• after be
diffe►ept,dap,lrtmenot. Of course tlnc
trt ,wo,,uld :not be n $UOcocy ww 4(130111
11P`;c,)L%i Secretary, 'dr_,1J.:A. Pitu41
yhO 11 bvE c,oprillctedwtitll the Fa
6iely.siece,,the tiylo,.t,hat:111(1 ment-
ot ,nary- runleth not, he rsays'its
seutetL,trt , til ol3q ;1.`9 • •
T1ie• Hay-A;ricul1ura Society' lrtvo'
an .innovation, wider; ,np,.,etlher az
rtbnl!turi *TOY:ia; chis recti n of
uu fent hos --/ •-
aids=•' ,
Alice • r
A o b:
txc� b tYc'1 :u e -eery,
1 strong -for this season 31:ick wrist
sit#ti,-1ArsJI(64t!,1e1 Jif' trEC t!ai.
t.s one that takes 4011. SmafltfOth-
er. Hale are very:__,}gooiit• fheatoe arc
kh3it•s in 11ati}}cr ,T -1,;n, [dale 'and
'11t'r1 0 r1ew•esf" shapes nisi 'shades
i'or,Ievkttin4 wean• t:tie bincil *civet
:dotby crown 'less: atknitted:• a prons-
illent• Oositioll:io-faslti.onable favor.
, he opening on.. blriday. anti: 63 t u r-
,dsR: wvi►s very•puccessfttl. - • .
•••E..eT,d ikkOICMA'N .,k•CO1
• The-slilow•t1$oins of tits virus was
very dttintlik Accuratcdwith itututurl
leaves•teturatsterri The eery latest
styled foie fell anil winter'iVear were
phot:t11Sr itt'ra-relai:. T),e iln'diht )'tyles
woiin- by our .zrarrdntothers' arc+'the
cermet things for this tttieeithkem : the
Inwedorninatln;'shades itwir, ' Alice
•bluer Lincolns, 13'ish ;leen; - Olive
greets, thee° :bein;ally nisi/V. desired.
Fawns -end-• browns still holds, their'
the coon ry• 111., filar ix, wit r starlit •G9 :as'$1440, does`re4.J,i11(4ctkjli.•il;i are
entr:tnco. tuicktlt issucd►•l'coup ns arc tt r1 401' tory dressy occasions„,An
given for, fair adlnisslona :'to ; 111,0 Ali" •bluff velvet, 4hotvknA, l.rimmin,,
Jrounes....The.gate rccnitits this yCar of y:b?t tci�1) .pIUr es, with t to
were abqut $300. ()wirer to limited cro^it'ahtf bsilfi'nlade of shirring of
„p{atC the Times is nimble to •nib_ velvet has. a very pnctty effect. The
li.•sh the List .of different r prize Witt- :111-. feathhr . ?eat .is -very•,,popul!1r
:tors, [1rGaC:1t :oral ,sthe tr4 r l,chu-
---t-+--- .ttful rnwlels (71443(11:!:1: .sca5W) corns in
Mrs. Kemp Moves to the line, DI..hor ))ernes:indeed has h
• oronto...: . • istISS.11LO/HACK
\;4, vers•. mµgh,reetret to announce
this woek. that EXntq.r is about :to
lose Mrs. Geo. Kemp -and dam;titers
Mabel and, Ger 1,rude. who leave far
Toronto to -morrow, where tteey will
reside in the futtlr.., Mrs.: Kemp
chile to Exeter some .30. years ago
with her husbatid,,.tht late ; Capt.
ticortt Kerne, and has been a, valued
anti' highly "res}tscterl'resident of our
tOw-n over rinc1. )ler home,, pts An-
drew street. was sold last week to
Mr, Jelin 13i`oderick, cif . S.an pts, the
ilinctlrler(tio)f I Linz $1,1100'cash. Mins
Mahe( Keane, w hn has been librarian
:spice the • drat? h of. iter• d"ather, will
big'• f-teitly 'Missed fly t boas who cattle
i+nrcont,it )Vint nor intlln duties of
her offjpe,. as-wwclf t% herr/ many
friends ajld nrq%l-lilaa:lrlces tiff ani
f a.roud'hxeter. Mrs. Kemp and ht•r
•rlau titers wilt take with there to
t }reit` lie ,l• homy: t lie wool l wishes of
0very tel Ions of Ear •t -r.
w r 1 'Pint r:11 211il extending (resin
it ist to Ito) The metenree•
..• .b
with disfavor l,erhnps, Ilut i% if »HL
after :ill a mere prejudice) FIG
zlaescs seldom detract' from ones AP"
ilea ranee. hi I%,ct thely •often add ,t.o
it. Especially if they ;are eel! made
.11d tK rfectly 'Olin! like
ogical element a of our lirtol:c are still,
t;ndcr the telt(ehitt-;. rower or the
fritumnaf equinox, and the ,moehi
passes quail/altire. -or first quarter
t1! earth %nil o -un, on the 6th,
Change IO tva ewer with fallin3 1t:tro-
meter an.1' zrdwinr cloudiness 'will
appear in we.rltrn,p(arts as early as
the Isl .uit1 2nd. odrin; 1`ut•.day.
\\'cdncxdal• and Thursday, the 3i d
•Itis and 6th, Ihcse cnndltlona will
advance oast wardly across - t l c
coutilry, causing rains''tind nittunus-
tl slot-mine/or over Most 'Orbs ?yin,
Ion; anti 11(•:15 the paths of storm
enters. A• a rule n stsries of ac-
he if not swore lintel stria -Mkt root
he nor?heeat (.Vet• the Irrent lakes,
nd frown the nor, lte.11 over the cen-
tral and northern Atlantic. sot in
during the first storm' period.; in
OeiAL M'. ' Such result. shone] not be
unixpeeted from I ho 2nd to the 511i
of October. Nott hevete rly I;n les,
apid tis' of Ilan barometer, elenr-
i.; wOtt ht•! with fronts. and some
reezin.a oo:'th)war.a4 will follosw dose
upon the rear of 111Fse storms.
0111 E\ -F: GLASSER r t
Conte and t ry on a p:s.ir :tad Fee bony,
'4(11 you look in them. Then hate • h
us examine Sour eyes and .ret rho
pair that will Make you *co :t% well
a• look 4.•11,
W. S.HOWEY,Phm.B.r
Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont. i,
• %1 1153'.
)\-ill sell
d,i.4„ ,"a•, To the
ddie • Barrows Injured
4,4.4.1:1 ,1,i .•,
While estate Ihttreiwsn son of is a l-
ord .1lnrroa', df.tho•Comtnereial ho-
tel, ant two other youn;• Inds were
l.sy'irrz .the, k'riday, 't try . aosurcrl 'n
sl'triekzc!, 4md Loki/m.nuhl l,n powder
11e 11 it in a eira.r box. \iilrith'
Eddie '451% preparing a fuer one of
the other boys iznited it, an intoned•
int^ r p15aon of th<• powder result•
1111. 1•ou►tg harrow" w • s;1n•linz
with hie face chis- to tljo hot and
r'r'•ited'the (1111 'force of 11• 0:1 bit<
f ire, loads and ca•'.. 1111 llvn4man
w IS ell?^d 10,1 tlpnn et imin'tion
found that 'the 141(1 had 'Isot e'n•tain-
cd any eoNous (njlari�a, nit hon zit one
of h'9 eyes %Va% badly burned.
C7AIiiTOSt A,.
Bands �►tM Ahld fort Ns, Elms Beasts
'Nardi West
Winnipeg $31.se Sohn - - jt3,S0
Mowbray' b • Ite ins --
eneor1►tne ;,,: } 31.80 Lipton
mottos 1111 ooeeiaw
110.5nloh ' t 35.53 umbclt
iq leton i 1-. Raakatalo -
Leu Ia. ALIO 'r. Albert
Min oto �tt•ltort
asrarlH '•, ' Y2.23 Itattlero i1
itoOeon,in 7 nes. ataolecd
c 1 31.3) tatgcry
te�ttri Iasi Ater
Vorktew } 3'w1r Ste/mitoses.
1i wuack J i
tiestng'IM,1. lath and 21;th.
ketar:liisesnre Sews iItts sad tltls.
it'sr�telt sniS fall •Oartiaetlln frown say r�th�'1 .41 bac;fill t�n�. "r swats»
8888 re .t pity a ana ` e. N 1'e.nte're't1�tk A te''r'nie of
'e r Vt'togu:' o b.y: Mute( otrr a ,. o t• P. 111 lit i ,,
.b9•tuintlu ylytr a1nollnd
EX11T'hlt COUNCi1,
TIse Council ,net .as /WI' adjourn-
ment: in 'the Town half tot Friday,
Sept. 22nd, tibeent Councillor Atin-
St roe .z, "Tite'wlnutesof tncetin'z.11et.1
On Sept.' 81 Ili •r#nd and spprored.
A eotnmunieation from I he Rote' N.
Monteith tc County councillors e_Icc-
lion road and filed.
Tenders were received and opened
for supp�ly in•; litter , from Messrs
Richard Darvis, 1•'. Gilk•.t.pic, J. N. llo-
wart?, Thos. Creech, Chris. Wilson
and..Goo. Ford. W. R. Lcvott - .1.
Muir -I }cit the .tender of Mr. Thos.
Creech al $3.45 per cord, travel tiro
cured from J. \Noon's pit, bring the
lowest, be accepted. -Carried.
The fol tow in,g account% were 0,1.e:cd
and orders drawn nn the. Treasurer
for the name: Frno'st Elliott, incur•
anise on Town 111111 for three tear•,
$30.00: Role. Dirks, t'•lephcno', 40e
Mise Mabel Kemp, a .-•anlsry to
Oct. 1st,' librarian, $23.00: E. .1.
Spackman, cemetery ac, ::41.150:
:umou:ttinz to *4,1.211. Motion. per
Mr. Connor introduced a Mr. Lo0-
ie, who ndrlreeeed tbo Council n1.
elect ric li;hlin,T.
,1, \Vcod -\\'. IL- i.f•vet t.-Carni+•d..
\V. II. Levels -J. Wood -- Council
adjourn until call of Hever.,
.1. SENIOR. Clerk.
•1411-, w., Proof.- i'lie sad
news was screw •1 11,•141 Tuesday ':f
the *Alt b misfit'tgrs*1,Wbltr'flrout, ,ii.i•
di.: •Kale' ';!tikh,,,t►tfJ:to7merty e!
Exeter, nt• I'lorit \1•illiaM...,froisi tY-
ph[,id. fetor, ,ageli 43 yeera, Ijfl.,rlcnr
a; can !!e Warisi,l a11' w1',►.9.4114atpIy a
couple of • wcw•k1, :unl,.her-,. 'ryt11,FPInc
1-y a shock to her filmily.;)11ti0,,as
►V 5y only last} Jura � Ian ,?\9!tlrfpilrried
(4, M1. I run tad,,4 J, s�i 7t with
I r huxlIalld for Poet -+ W111181# Iv
ut.ake• tlt',.ii bone., Is-'rin. rll'Izht
and h, arpyl future before tlit'in. 131541
is 1(1rri►•e•.l by her mother, .iv stoth-
cr., Geor;e, ,1111,E William. Richard
Thomas gal Robert, and forst_ ai1-
errs, airs. J. May, Motor': 31tk, A.
11001,er, Clinton: Mr.. Jame.. Al-
fAiti Mich,. Kr.. . W',' on, Lon;
Iteldtdtf'; •Mielf,f The eetoior.s arc cx-
(. ctOd 140'4 'A.-d•1y' or tt. mor roe.
AL, 111 OT Ali.
tietwtbe _AM tiro? You A I tett
The commodidlls .'hii4V'I room of
Miss Morlook is, as >.,4ti I l; in t h.^
°penin; 'masons, bung much -admired
for its bgtu(iful eoikectioms''of pew
millinery and. pretty decorations.
•The prevailia4; styles ' hero. are .the
Polo, Glengarry, 'Tommy Atkins :and
Yankee Girl. 'Amon; t)ie shades may
be toted .p:u'ticularly the Alice blue,
'terra. cotta raid American beauty.
Mist hiorloek, ti'ith her capable 141(1(1, -
Isis wrought many crc'alions .of ulsr-
vellc,u4 beauty; and the plrscrif dis_
ri.1y is in aggcorlt with this store':
mull Ina ,uif eeut productions. •
OIf INTf:11EST:TO [.Ap1E8 • -
- The • visit of l'rof. licorenst•end to
Cent rat hotel on Thursday Oct. •ltith
will afford the Indies of )Exeter •utast
Rllr• rouallill z count 1.i• ,:In 'outwit unit
of consulting him . n ordin;. ; their
ll.air, its :?cells, and 5)u.ir requils'-
airents in .styles of hair �;nniis:
Prof. Doren...enrd earr•.it:s with hint
a large arid moat .waded a1s011ni0llt
of his famous concept inns in 74l.it-
F roust 1t141l, \\Itl'y n►11'5 a ut a qua? \1.•t 01
!1,o':e high _rams natural hpil• pro-
ductions ran. not be procured :from
hair good,, rlealia Ili America. Prof.
1)pretnwCrd1 hrradj(he .di*titictioot* of
being the lar•4'at manufacturer and
l,he meet noted ipeeialist ..in these
roads. . Private u5.ertutcats aro at
t h' cra)vrnnenrc 1 t 111 wt'IID avail
(t:- rneeltes of caU.inr at piss hotel
Cent oil on 1 hs• day of his visit.
.The eigth annual convezation 1st
t La W. C. T. C. of Miro:: ' s tics ww ill
be held in the Main street Methodist
church, Thursday :11111 Frb1 1 , Oct,
5th ;and 0111. Al) sessions are' open
and rho public are very cordially in-
sured (0 attend.'The principal
speaker for Thursday etoninx ses-
sion 14111 oc :Mrs. McKee, farovincial
President W•4.-'. (4., wtho iv i tilos'
eloquent 'speaker anti oat .o tic
Temperance Worker. The rodent
ministers wi:I le. in attviidatcc also
\lain sttt:ti choir 54111 5, JV:: Sha(4.7 u[
the music.- Misses Martin and ,lie•
slop t►'i17 contribute , ,los. heroin !
*cs5i4n at 10 a. 1.n, ; ;J1e•rnoon eeswion
r�'l 11,.50. 1 evening aen:iolt at A p. 11:.
Mit Q('I?ST10V (11" 11:1L11N1':"S
fftr.� it ala '+tin1 Iv; tit
it:od9 of ii ('-) ole" :ore haIet or par
Bally .1.o. llowv to overcome the 41».
fizuremen' I:ht by baldness is n 4iun-
p1•n mat•ler w h<:n y oO moister the
t,erfectio:l of modern girt in that mak-
jn.z of N'i.5s end Toupee.. The visit
-1 Prof. 1)otenwen'I of Toronto 'to
Cxe:er on Thur./ 1_'511, when
e. di be Sit th nil' hotel, ten-
t+ 1.n it t,r•aihle (et any wh,4 1w ish to
cti•4nit Lim to do so o1' •his priva,e
:•par,ntents telained et IIto Central
Rotel Joe this purpose. Demonstra-
tion riven to show the • 'rfeel u1-
lur.,lues1 of him Wiz,. and Toup'.'.
1)e net miry this opporlunit y. )te'-
mem►mr the sI,ys rind d•Itc..
'•1 find Chitntrerlain's Stomach And
Liver Tanleta moue teencfioial y.than
any other remelt- I ever noel for
141(01• -irk trouble," says J. 1'. Cote,
of F:dnt a, .l 1o. For any di.ordcr of
the esom.art), biliousness or rotJatipa-
fi:m, rhes' Tablets are without a
peer. For wale in Exeter by W. R,
a• bumper yield and, 'enormousan'c1. :op. and theG 'un •sec dei}t.c nurnaer
of settlers griminj into the ,test, 'pr lees. of iatlds of ;pod . gtylity and
situated convenient tott * 'railway are bound to beak° stilt' ' further
large -advance.' ' , .. •- (_ n
1111 • , r . . „
( tie
f unfired Milliol� Bushels a� Wheat1 is th
rop lsti, t for the - Prese - e
New. is tha;
xto: PU
O" �n
(We give Speculators 6' years in. Which to pay'ftir'" 1�illl s•
.:'. , .1.. 1788 :�
�LvG-:t,t�tual Settlers 7o years .in:which- to pay, for htnds,..l f
$427(jf� . dewy seaug+@p 3'.o acres, (half,;veclignl'pfchoire ,.R'heat!
.00 This would boa regi; inyee t or Y
g. then # O17. ,..
�•_, • ¢
:T e1a ovist
tj}t.dg111lent iswithout any settlement duties tvhatcve
acre,e'04'10fseCtiPu)ichoics wheat :land toot' act
• . ler. No other payinientrequired for two years.
.R: E. Pickard left again list Week on a .:three months' t
throne the West. During his•staythere he' Wilt loca,te 4 num
railroads. >Arny person whojilegireS 'to make an investment in
eto.ta.nds shottldcbruntinticate with him when full _information
General Selling.Agent far C.P.R. Lands:- ..P14,0441441 -17,,,I,
- -Having our Immense Show.itooms packed f
and iip-td-date Thrniture in every line, and in order to.
room for Some large shipments of goods now on oracr.
have decided to open the fall trade with a suprisingly 1
Gut Rate Sale to which, iwe invite all intending purcha
to come and examine our goods and compare our prices
tore plaoing their orders, as. wo intend cutting the pric
eVely article in our store lower than we have ever 4tOtn
to do before, So don't fail to take advantage of this eh
to buy furniture at prices never before known in Exeter
The Leading House Furniithers and Funeral directors.
their • relit iyes hone:"
t guests of . Miter V. TUE fin last
brother in Ottawa.
10 last wieek tektite si -rho' of
the great fair .
- Mrs: Worden and Miss Pat -hour,
3. flamilroil, :rod warty. othors from
fair a his week.
'IllerialryZqualities.. NO 04 IIIVT rt
4.1's 'so elloseli tie it It,
well informed re rarrlie:.
t he cult ture .5111(1
ro enjoy :110 r fait by Ilie•
Stoves, Ranges & Furnace
This week or any oth
time we will be pleased
show the merits of our 190
lines of Stoves and Hanties,
Our stook coinprises So
Happy Thoughts. ,
In this line we are showing t he 111
up-to-date in town, Art titii land
Art Souvenirs, Empire Otarlaiolf
A New Idea Coal or Wood Furnace will be set
up on floor. Its many advantages and good
points are easily secn.
And Stoire Store.