HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-21, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES. SEPTEMBER21st, t9o5.
Just in: Our new stock of Ladies' and Chil-
drens' Coats, Jackets and Dress Goods. We
are proud of our new stock. The coat styles
are quite a change from last season. Some
very pretty effects in Fawn Whip Cord, tight
and semi -fitting will be the leading styles in
Ladies' coats for this season
Our New Dress Goods are really lovely.
Come and have a look it costs you nothing
we like showing new goods.
Butter and Egg;- Yes we are still in the race, we want
all you have.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisementp accepted up to noon
TALKWednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 21st, 1905
We can supply you with a
watch of any description.
GENTS WATCHES, in either
Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Silver,
Nickle Silver or Gun Metal cases,
anging in price from $2 0o up to
r, Enamel, Gold Filled or Solid
old Cases, ranging from $4.00
o $6o.00,
We have a fine assortment for
you to choose from.
Before parting with your money
all and see what we can do for
uer of Marriage Licenses.
e've Turned
he Corner.
It's fall now in the store no
tter what the weather is
brics for the coming cold
ve again filled up our
elves and counters, and the
emand will turn largely to
eavier weights.
It's a splendid time to
••••.••• l••.•••••
The By-law
Will be voted on
Next Saturday. Sept. 23rd.
Council meeting Friday night.
See Maras, London ad. on pato 4.
etre. \Vm. Daunccy visited friends
in London last %reek.
Lawn mowers sharpened on short-
est notice at D. Ilartleib's. Exeter.
Mrs. Anderson. of Landon. was the
guest of Mrs. A. Q. Bobier this week.
Mr. W. 1[. Ilorney, has rented Mrs.
Morlock's residence south of the
While the Government ruled. J.
Pluvius did all the training Sunday
last .
The apple Drop this year is - not
very heavy, but plums are in abun-
Miss N. Linkktt.or, of \Vin.gham,
was the guest oft Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Manson over Sundry.
Mr. E. W. Horne. of the Sovereign
Bank. intends ehowin; his horse at
the Zurich fair to -day.
The scarcety of beech nuts is a
sin of an open winter. There are
not many of theta this year.
Mr& Arch Ilod:3crt spent n few
days in London last week attending
the fair and visiting friends.
Mr. Peter Gardiner and his mother
attended the funeral of Mrs. (Rev.)
Turnbull. of Toronto, last Friday.
For Sale. -house and two lots for
sale on Victoria street, west, for fur-
ther particulars apply to John hind.
Mr. R. 8. Lan; has a number of
men out in the country packing this
yoar's supply of Tall apples for ship, -
Mr. Malcolm McGrc;or, of ltid;e-
town, spent Saturday .and Sunday
the guest of Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Man-
Amiss Millie McTavish, of Det.roif,
who was the .guest of her zranddath-
Il(l you have the choice c.r, John llawkshaw', returned home
list Friday •
the refusal of the most Mr. \Vm. Dattncey left for Ham-
by nolleetion of clothing bur; and Shakespeare List %%crk to
sul,onintend the necking of apples
rials that you will find fur Mr. It. 8. Lan;.
here around here. Wm. Kornick, of 1'sborne, last
week sold n two-ycar.old heckncy
colt, sired by Buller, to a London
man for the sum of $200.
\\'e arc pleased .to report that Miss
Vosper, who had t o give up het
. W. Taman class in the public, school on account
of .rleurnat,ism, is somewhat better.
Call any time.
Merchant Tailor.
faslow'.Soothing Syrup has been used for
sin wTh
rsle by millions of for their
.00tbee the child. softens the gum.. perfect lays as
ogres wlod colla and is theubestAremedyl
�s. it is pleasant to the taste. Sold
is in every part of the world. 26
a Cts. Ito slue in incalculable. Be
an.'take Mia Winslow's Soothing
sod sett for no other Mad.
Market Report. -The following is
report of Exeter markets, cor-
otcd up 10 8eetcmber 21st.
Wheat, 71c per bushel for Pt and rd
Oats, 28 to 211 cents per bushel.
Barley. 35 t o 40 cents 1 bushel.
as, 60 cents a bushel.
Shorts, $18 per ton.
Bran. 814 per fon.
Feed Flour. $1.25 per cwt.
Family flour, $2.50 ler cwt.
flay, $6 per ton.
Butter. 20 cents a pound.
Eggs. 18c. per dozen.
Oniony. 60c. per bushel.
Hots, live wcizht, $5.80 per cwt.
ors. dressed, $8.00 to $K•V'.
w _.lThe red Yee Boatht
See M Ira's ad. Thane ho at tend-
ed the London fair and 'fade pur-
chases of him received the best bar-
gains to Is: had in t he city.
Rev. Dr. Medd, of Hensen, occupied
the pulpit of t he Jews St. church
Sunday. Rev. Goin; took eliar;e of
the Rally day cervices for Mr. Medd
at Ifensall.
Gravel has been talnecd on the
street for the new cement sidewnlk
to be laid oa t he cast side of Mnin
street front Main street church to
the river.
The Bolo Ik, Taylor dry kilts is
notrly completed. The firm .will
have one of the best arrnnzetnents
for drying lumber in see ern One
tario when finished.
DR. OVENS, London, Bur;eon,
EYE, EAR, NOSE and THitOAT.E'its
Glasses properly. Office, Commer•
cial Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat•
titter, September 23rd.
M r. Thos. Oke. the ,sena al honi-
f ice. of the Commercial hotel, Kin ;s -
%ill'. with his wife visited lar. and
Mrs. W. T. Acheson. of the Central,
from Saturday t.il1 Wednesday .
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey it it falls to tore. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c.
Band concert at the park pc
Sunday .
Aird. (Dr.) Amos w.:s in London 1
w'ock atwattle 1 t he fair.
Miss Muir spent lase %reek in Lon -
.ion. also takin: in the fair.
There is one consolation anyway.
Tee mcou helps us out ncveaal nights
in the month.
Mr. Allen Myer-. of Lost a, visited
at the home of Mr. 5. Sanders this
Mrs. Joseph iiawden :s sfendine
few weeks with her sons ;n London
and ltidgetown.
Mr. \Vial Howard, of Cumber, was
in town on Saturday visiting friends
and relatives.
Tho season for the oyster has ar
rived. but it may be said the lobster•
is always with us.
1.Lr. Leslie Young, of \Via;h tin.
was he guest of .\Lr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mu.: ray over Sunday.
?.1r. S. liut.i'r has moved: inti.) :t
house near tbo depot' so that he will
be cloic to his work at the depot.
The population of London. En; -
lend. now exceeds t hat of either Can-
ada c.r Auvt rabid. nein; over seven
I'.arties intending to buy furni-
ture should visit Rowe & Atkinson's
cut rate sale and Jet prices before
placing orders els where, as t bey
will save you many dollars.
Coal is likely to take an advance
soon. The mine owners at a meeting
held at Columbus last Saturday, de-
sired to raise the price on all _grades
of call at thn ernes Lrom 10 to 15
Mr. W. J. O'Brien, who had charge
of the commercial course la the high
school here last year, and wird went
to London, -buts accepted a position
as principal of Cho :school at North
Alias T. J. White. accompanied by
Mrs. T. M. White, of \Vindsor, left
last Friday for New York. Philadel-
phia and Atlantic City, where they
%r.jll visit relatives and (nerds fer
a few weeks,
The literary society is connection
With the high scbool department
will be reorganized .this month, Bi-
monthly entertainments will bo ,;iv.
vca and a number of '3ood 'thins.; are
promised. Parents are specially in-
vited to attead these gatherings.
Dr. Butler, London. will be at the
Central Hotel. Exeter. on Thursday
September 21st, 1905. all Oy
for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyee tested and glasses
Mrs. 11. i'oplestone returned Fri-
day after -spending a pleasant' Visjj.
in Kinloss and Kinenrdine. Several
recepeions were held in honor of
Mrs. I'oplestono showing the high
esteem in which she is held by her
friends in those places.
Amory; those who attended the
Landon fair from macre were: Mrs.
E. A. Follicle Miss Edna Follick. Mr.
T. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. llern,
Thos. Carlin;, jr.. \Vm. Smith, Wil-
ber Vale. Elmore Senior. Frank
Knight. jr., George Burdon, Barry
Amon; those who were sueoessful
exhibitors at the London exhibition
from )hero were Simon hunter, 1st.
2nd and 3rd for draught horses and
3rd for Hackney: \Vm. Kernick drew
third prize for a teams of draughts,
3 and 4 years &d. and 1st for n
throe -year-old on the line; Peter
Lamont, of Zurich, got lst for , 'a
shire at allicn.
The Exeter highs school footle -al.
team was organized for the present
season Wednesday afternoon of Inst
week. Dyer Burden' was elected
secy-t real dad Tom Carlin; c;tpl.-
utzr. The leant has :tot yet arranr•
ed a schedule, but is is possible it
will eater the West! Huron Iiitt'
School football lea;tie.
A team of horses belonging to .1.
Hackney, of Devon, took tri;ht at
the trj.st mill Friday morning :toil
caused some comutot,ion by dashing
down Main street al a furious rate
of spced,briazinz forth merchants.
shoppers, etc. to witness their toad
run. The horses continued on their
way to Devon uninterrupted. where
they were stoppped. No darnarewas
Moser/I. Il Codon & McDon neI I feel
quite elated over tlieir RUCCess in
securing 1 he swecpsttakev a 1 the Lon-
don fair last week with their cele-
brated shire stallion "Storm Kine."
Messrs. Truhman Bros., of Bushnell.
IIIc., %%ore there wit h t,,cvera1 animals
determined Io secure lite coveted
prize, but Messrs 1lawdcn & McDon-
nell far outclassed then[ with their
Ward ria Ictvrivcd here last week
of t he death of Mrs. (Rev.) Turnbull,
at Toronto. Sept. 1:111,, from n com-
plication of diseases which had maae
her an invalid for some time. Rev.
Turnbull was at ono Imre stationed
at the Thames road Presby lor iia
church and %vas we'll known in Exe-
ter. Mrs. Gardiner, sister of Mr.
Turnbull and Mr. i'. Gardiner, of t he
Gin) of I'oplestone & Gardiner, at-
tended the funeral.
Mr. Sherman. the healer. who is
now holding f+a th et: Sea fort h. and
w•hosc wonderfel cures has gone
abroad thtou;): the whole dominion
was in Exeter t'unday fast. He tried)
his n)ra;netic 1 .w•er on: ecvcral resi-
dents bore, w1 o have different ail-
ment,, but Or Rueeess of his treat-
ment is 'not manifest es ycl. Mr.
Itobt. Cann. of t'slsorne, who ei -
iously injured his stoles some time
ago, %vas wonderfully iuipnovcd by
bis treatment, es also ons Abraham
Walker, of Stephen, who had n frac-
ture of the spino :several months ago.
Miss Stella Gregory, the young-
est dtu;liter of Mr. and Mrs Thos.
Gregory, town, has entered upon
Ler new duties as principal of the
pul•lic school oft he town of Erin.
Wellington county. at an initial sal-
ary of $500 a year, in full cheree of
the high school department. teach -
in r all ch^ subjects of t he high
school course of study to the end of
the juaior leaving. This school has
attained a hizh state of excellence
and competes successfully with the
high schools and collo;isle institu-
te.. As Miss Gregory is the first
lady princilsal in the history of the
chtxal, it s e aka well for the ability
of one an yonnz to be chosen for
such a pts it ion of responsibility.
e are always in the lead in this depart-
ment. Our showroom is now well fill-
ed with the most artistic display of trimmed
and ready-to-wear hats. The prettiest collec-
tion we have ever shown.
Invpection Cordially Invited.
Pretty Fawn Coats :
Pretty Tweed Coats :
Pretty Black Coats :
All made up in the very newest
styles, made of the finest and
best wearing cloths, neatly
trimmed, perfect fitting.
PRICES, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00.
Brodll 6Ioth:s
Beautiful fine finish all shades,
48 inches wide 75c.
Special collections worth 750 for
A great assortment to choose
from, 25c, 40c and 50c a yard.
The rain brought the fair to
abrupt end.
Tltankagiving Itbis year will 1
be held on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
Mr. Fred Ilawkahaw, of Londe
visited at his homo hero Tuesday.
-Mass Nellie McIntyre, of Fu
lerton is the t;uesti of Mrs. A. Dow.
Miss Victoria Miners visited re
atives in Gorio and London last
Mrs. A. E. Stewart, of Scaforth,
is spending a few days with Mrs.
(Dr.) Anderson.
an A bowling match of 'the series w::s
nlavcd on the zr:en Wednesday even -
,s ins of last weeks between rinks skip-
ped by Rev. Perkins and F. W. Glad -
rt, pian, ressulain;
mer by a score
W. 1I. Levett
l- Dr. Sweet.
W. J. 'Raman
1- F. W. Madman
Mr. A. F. Miners is spending a fe
days under the parental roof prime
to going 1.o the Northwest.
Clinton Hogarth, who bas resum
ed study in Lucan Isiah imhool spcn
the week at his homo in Stephen.
Hon. Thos. Greenway, M. P. t
Souris, is visiting Dr, Rollins. II
intends taking a carlo•td of etoc
with him next week.
Crediton base ball .teanr'I)uffers' d
[eatcd our tern in a ;game of bus
hall on the recreation ;rounds here
on Tuesday morning.
in favor of the fors
of 17 So 11.
II. E. Iluston
W. M. 'Ratchford
N. Dyer Bunton
Rcv. Perkins
Skip .11 Skil,17
We offer the following cluobin;
w rates for 'the Times and alto eollow•-
✓ in; papers mentioned :.)clow.
(From Beet. to January let, 00.)
- Times end Weekly nail 30c.
t , Times and Weekly Gl000 30c.
(From Sept. 05 to Jan. 07)
«. Times and Weekly Mail ...$1.90
e Time .and Weekly Globo ... $1.90
k Times and Farmers' Advocate $2.80
Times and American. IlI.ustrated
Magazine ... $4.00
Street Commissioner Wes. Bissett
sprinkled salt along the curbing; of
Main street Friday to destroy ;row-
ing weeds and .grass.
Mr. Harry Essery, of Amadon.
Mich.. an old Lsborno hey, spent the
forepart of this week in and around
town with friends.
IJse Dix Nasal Cream for catarrh
and cold in t ho head. All other rem-
edies for colds, influenza, La Grippe,
sold by C. Lutz. Druggist, Exeter.
samples Lree.
Mr. 1iilton Evans. who has Leen
an employee of Mr. J. A. Stewurt for
the past five years, has accepted a
position in the dress .00ds depart-
ment of R. J. Your;, ,of London.
Mr. John Pedlar. of Stephen, bar
in; disposed 0t h farm will hold art
auction sale of hie faun stock and
Implements on Wednesday, October
18. gee bills for particulars.
The shows !given Monday and Tues-
day nights by taw Jim Fax awl Cou-
ghlin Concert Co. were 1areely at-
tended. Jim Fax is always enter-
taining and draws large houses
whereever he appears.
The Mitchell bowling club wrote
that they would come ovor here for
a return 'Catch Monday, but owing
to the fair bele; held that day the
date for their coming was postponed.
Tbay are expeotod ovor to -trot row.
The Woman's Institute of Exeter
desire to express their thanks to all
parties who so kindly assisted in
decoralin; also those wVlio _are flow-
ers and loaned curio:) ull contribut-
in; to the success of the flower fes-
\\'c are please I to note that Mrs.
J. C. Tom hay returned from her
trip east and is at her residence on
Carlin; street. She was accompanied
by her 'dice, Mrs. 11. \V. Oke, of
I'ort Hope, whu will visit her for
a few weeks.
The entertainment under /he aus-
pices of t he l ewor 111 lea.;ue of the
Main street Methodist church, Tues-
day evening %% as very successful and
everybody had an enjoyable time. A
well balanced prozrnm, consisting• of
.olds, readjusts, (Netts, addresses and
instrumental :music was trivet'.
A bovine broke into E. 3. Spick-
rnan's sl ore Monday ufteruc►on. F.
.1. ltd a lot, of decorntiois for the
(air, :1:1I1 in its endeavors (o
1akea in'iI off them bit in he area
w,sy at rear of 1h•. store. The ani-
mal was taken up ill- stairs at the
Lack of the .tori not Lavin; injur,-
d•tl a hair.
Rave no equal as a prompt and
positive euro for .pick headache, !Si-
newiness, come ipaOen, pain in the
side, and all liver troubles. Carter's
.Cop q10£ •011 uo oorjJo 'enema
Little Liver Pills. Try them.
In addition to a full stock
of Flour, Feed and Groceries,
we have on hand some first
class Timothy Seed, the best
to bo had
We have also a supply of
the cheapest and best Stock
Produce taken In Exchanue.
Should not fail to see our big dispi y of Fall Goods, in-
cludin ► everything new for the fall and winter New
Dress Goods, new Furs, new Overcoats, now Su , new
Hats and Caps and Underwear.
Dress Coods-All the smart effects will be found
hero from 50c up.
N ew Waistings-In Polka Dotivets; Silk and
Wool Mixtures; Fancy, Plaid and Plain 50c per yd.
N ew Furs -Ladies Neck Ruffs all sizes and shapes hie
the fashionable fur $2.50 to $25.00. Ladies Fur Coats from
$25.00 up.
N ew Rain Coats -We have a nice showing in tL-e
short and long in light and dark shades. None nicer $4.00
to $9.50. e
Fall Underwear -You will find us filled up with all
the good kind at the old prices. We bought before !e
RAISE in price.
Astoria Shoes
Don't miss getting a pair of the GREAT ASTORA
SHOES. The best shoes ever shown in Exeter. WE -are
the only people here selling them.
UP -Highest price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce.
$9.00 Brass and Iron Bed for $7.50 $12.00 Morris Chair for $9,50
$12.00 Couches for. $10.00 $6.00 Couches for....... $4.5(
$7.50 Kitchen Cabinets $0.50 $2.50 Centre Tables $2.00
$12.00 Extension Tables (lo ft.) for $10.00
Come and be co.iyinced that we can save you money -and your
Credit is good.
Funeral Director.
••••••i••••••••••••••••••• a••••••••••••••••••••••••
Yoo'II Have Socth 1D
To show for your years of work if you saye a
part of your earnings now -as much as you can
spare. You t::ay need it at some future time --
might as wets save it anyway. It is not hard af-
ter you once make a start in the right direction.
$1 is sufficient to 'start an account with this Bank
to which you can add to when you like in any
sizei amounts, and withdraw all or any part of it
without any delay, and which earns interest at
the highest current rates, which is added to the
principal FOUR times a year, without it being necessary to go through the
formality of presenting your pass book.
You never realize the value of having a savings bank account until you
have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the
right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank.
We have the beet facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal.
47 Branches in Canada, including the following in heron:
Exeter, Credlton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Clinton
JOSEPH 'SELL, Manager of Exeter. Dashwood and Zurich Branches.
Railway System
September 21, 2:' and 23rd.
Port Huron $290 Columbus, 0. $9.35
Detroit 84.35 Dayton, 0.....$9.95
Chicago:...$I0 20 Grand Rapids $7.15
Bay City, M.$3.30 Indianapolie $11.55
Cincinnati $11.65 Saginaw $5.20
Via Detroit and Lake Shore Ry., $4.85
Via Detroit and D. & C. Line,... 50.85
via Chicago or North Bay, 824.10
via Sarnia & Northern Nay. Co. $31.911
Harvest Excursions.
8*) to $40.50 to points in Manitoba,
Assinihoia, Saskatchewan and Alber-
ta, good going September :Nth, return•
ing within 60 days.
Special one way colonist fares to
points in British Columbia, California,
Colorado, Idaho. Montana, Oregon,
Utah, Waahington, Etc., on sail daily
from September 13th to October 31st.
For tickets, illustrated literature and
full information, call on
Depot ticket agent, Exeter.
District passenger agent. Toronto.
LUS Hair Renewrj
Mates the hair grear long and heavy, and keeps It soft and glossy.
Stops hWng bah. and cures dandruff. And it alslys restores
color to tray Cdr. Sold for Arty years. m r -t ',L.. 1'i"'•
thank our
Chair liberal
numerous customers for
their liberal patronage we have en-
joyed from them for the past four years and
we hope to have the pleasure of a continu-
ance of the same until our Big Stock is re-
On Monday and Tuesday, September 25th
and 26th, we will be closed to complete the
marking Down of Prices
On Wednesday, Sept. 27th, we will offer our
4111.5000. 00 STOCK •
which means the Biggest, Best and Most
Complete Bargains ever offered to the Citizens
of Exeter and community.
Yours Gratefully and Weil -disposed.
Poplestone & Gardiner.
TERMS. -Produce or Cash. No goods given on approbation.
One door north of Post Office.