HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-21, Page 5Carr osts
A large quantity of Cedar Posts for
Odle of the best quality. /duet be sold
Citi once.
We would bepleased to quote you
yprices on any Building material
wlty. r'equlre. We can supply
Sash and Door Frames;
Lumber Lath & ShinglesI,j = CBC notice
'tact we are in a better position 4' r to supply our many custom -
.rhea w all they may require either
=s p or yards.
Bee keepers supplies ready for
delivery. Tanks made to order
Wood for Sale
Clall and see the wood we have for
Aisle. Just the kind you require for
Bummer cooping.
JThc RossTdijlor
G0. Ltd.
( 164+++++++44+++++1 +++++++++
To Farmers and
the Public in
.1s the fall is coming on I
now gather up all your old
► truck such as Rags, Rubbers,
Wool of Pickings, Horse Hair, F
O -d• Rope, Bones, all kinds
cf old Iron, Brass, Copper, moi•
Lead and Zinc, and take
th^ty down to
Iain -St. Exeter. I
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. That's +
where you will get the high-
est cash price for them.
Grist Mill
We are prepared to do
Gristing and Chopping on
shortest notice.
We are making a splendid
de of Flour which is giv-
g exc(lent satisfaction
our Flour.
A\'egetaWe PreparationforAs-
sinlilaliag the Food and Ileg u1a-
ting the Stomachs and i3oweis of
Promotes Digestion,Clteerfu1-
ness and Rest.Con tai ns neither
Pruni,Dlorphine nor Mineral.
✓ofd BrSN(L'b'F17f i7
Ji.y.F;a Jill -
R.A41.4 .f lis -
•l.i. Jc.s ..
bid., •
Haim Jet d -
O iAiJ $49 P .
14124g/sant gv..lAts
Aperfect Remedy forConstipa-
tion, Sour Stomarh,Diarrhoea,
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Vac Simile Signature of
Atha:rnor►ths old
1� Des r � `C. E.i r.s.
TN[ C[wTAYa eV MIAar, N[W Y011R CIT
For Infante and Childr
The Kind You fl
Always Bough
Bears the
For Ov
Thirty Yea
Thursday, Sept. 21. Auction sale In the natter of (ho estate of Arch -
of farm otock and implements. If ibald Ilod;ert the Elder. Tato of
noS sold privately on or before the the Village of Exeter in the
aoovcs date the tarns will also be o.- County pf Huron. Gentleman, de -
feted for sale by public auotion. For ceased.
particulars apply to Thos. Cameron, Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Auctioneer, W. D. Harvey, Prop. R. 8. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all
Friday Sept. 15th, 1905: Pu tic creditors and others having claims
auction of farm stock on lot 25, against the estate of the said Archi-
south Thames Road, Ussorne. If bald IIodgert the Elder, who died
not soli privately before that date. on or about the 19111 day of August
Thera will also loo sold lot E half A, 1905, are required, on or before the
con. 1, Bianshard, containing 50 acres 2nd day of October, 1905, to send by
more or less. Thos. Cameron, Auc- post prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
tioneer, B. E. hackney. Prop. Gladrnan 8d Stanbury, of the Village
of Exeter, Solicitors for the EX='
ecutors of the rend deceased,. their
christian and surnames. addresses
and descriptions, the full particul-
ars of their claims, the statement
of their accounts and tho nature of
the securities, if any, held by them.
And further take notice that after
such last mentioned date the said
Executory s{i11 proceed to dis-
tribute the esset3 of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto,
CROMARTY P. O. having regard only to the claims of
F. IAOr.:,3- , WIHALEN P. O. which they shall then hava notice
W. 11. PA3314o 1E, FARQUI)AR P.O. rand that the raid Executors
War, Ho-:, BORNHOLM P. O. will not bo liable for tho said assets
J. i., R771337.LL, RUSSELDALE P. O. or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claims notice
The Usi)orne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Presilens.- -T. RYAN, DUBLIN'. P. O.
Vic^-Prea.: •- 1. A. NoRRts
AGENTS. shill not (rive been received by them
J. lieost. 1:Are, STAFFA. UST at 1 he time of such distribution.
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
(:i..\ OMAN & STAN BURY, Solicitors STRA V -Si raved on Lot 9, re ut h
iib OAS •'•'s bourektry M 'fay. :shout July
1 T11OMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- 1st, 1905, a ye:clor; soon heifer.
W. BROWNING. M. D.. M. C. j anter, will' drawn, money to loan, The owner can ihive rsatnc by proving
• P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni• ttioreosrest ifai,oronl end Pertctlo etrChafor i property and paying eosls by •sp-
g i.y. office and reeldenence. Dominion moderite. Orders left at the Tons 'rat m L ly tn- to Andtpw (7 tmpbcll, Tharnev
laboratory. Exeter. residence. F:.rquhar will reecho prompt aeon road P. O.
Solicitors It tors for said Est tors
Dated at Exeter this 5th
September 1905 .
Toronto University. Former
ass Burgeon to Toronto Western Respell.
3.sor to Dr. J. A. Rollin?. Night call at
D. 8.1). D.S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University. Dentist.
esth eztrected without pain or
bad straw _effects. Oltice is l'on
son's. west *idea :Hain
F OIL 't 1LE.-T vo rood workin g
hors.; and one drivin t horse, 2
siutle t:orae wagons, two sets heavy
single harness 1'eu• further parti--
tank s apple" to AI. Jackson, Main St.
OR SALE - Lot 8, Con. 3, Us -
borne, 100 acres. all under cul -
tis ;Hon, 2 :welly. On the propet•ty
is .. frame house, good bank barn. Ifyon, your friends or relatives sefferwith
one frame barn. For further par- I Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling
Exeter• iicu� re epnly to Jall. Eseery, Exeter Sickness, write fora trial bottle and valuable
,v• ANDERSON, (o• O. 8. LU.$.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto Unicersit)
Hordollege oe Dental Burgeons of
{ College with Maori Akio Pont -grad i s a et
. • School of Proethetfo Dentlptry (with
le mention.
1 • i oorrice. Bridge work. nknown to the n*
In trowel, al.
on), gold and vulcanite plater all clone is
neatest meaner penslble. A perfectly
Les anaesthetic used for painless 511150
one door month of C Bre'. Store
treatise on such disease, to lifts 1.Ersto Co.,
179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All
F011 AA i, h. 011 itl•.NT.-.\': ill rent idruggistssenor can obtain for you
or sett 130 cores choice Land on' L.ElBIO S FITCURE
*Homes ;.tear, Osborne. 100 acres sett
eod[•d. Gott! bank barn • and stew ,
brick hoose. For further particulars
apply '
1 Pto Andrew Gibson, Ivo . r
r, ti. T.
Road or adtlriets Hay. 1'. 0.
undersigned has for sale %III
Let 15, Con. 2, Hay, n number of t
up-(o•tlatb thoroughbred Shorthorn
' 1 bulls. Tiny are M the low set
ONEY TO LO blocky type, dirt red in color and of
ahave ,'imiteipeyote to ler invoel choice beetling. They are all eliz-
sspoe memos einagepropertyat Iowa; ible for registration, and will be sold
el Interest. 'reason'i)i,,. .- John Elder, Ilcnsall
:dieter P. O. Wt. art' off('ring a li drawer,
FAUN' 1011 SA I.E.-50 ..ct,• fare, drop head, guaranceed sewing
At Bargain Prices.
• have a large amount of private tends to
on faun sod tillage properties at lowratee
DarMRter• Solicitors. Main 8t. Exeter.
for sate, beans Lot W. half 15, Il1AC1)ine for $21.00 Satisfac-
Conce•.sion 9. Fnrio is well fenced t1011 guaranteed.
end in stood condition, w4.11 strained,
good orchard Brick house, :.i: cellar In Pianos wo still keep ill)
uneerncnth, cistron in cells, with
Rink Ind pump in kitchen. Good 011l' record. High grade
pianos at prices other dealers
ask you for inferior goods.
('onie and see US We will
interest you sure.
bink Darn with brick foundation and
1 splen.lid rettauildinre. One mile and
a quarter from school and poet office
&meftersNaW1em,Ooaveraeesnt, :. miles from market, town of Exe-
• m A.lonere, 8oikttars for Ibe,ttolsonel ler, v:line M Kirktott, 2 1-2 miles
nk,Ete. : from church. For further pirtacu-
toLose atlowest ratesof bitterest. tars apply to Thom.. Cnmeron, F.rr.
ICIt:-MAIN 8TRRET, EXETi:R. 1 quh,r 1'. r), or write /to Newton
cantata to e• a. r 11. orcr<enti McCauley, Ethel 1'. 0., Ont
A To Cure a Cold in One Day ;.
halos LazatIVe Sromo Quinine Tablits. �� .V 7
levee Me. tllonss.oM le past tt3 manors. This/J"0$/L ' 33.,
STEPHEN & USBORNE FAIR ets, J. Muir; assortment of tw
(Continued from first page.) any make, 3. Muir, 1st and 2nd
two bushels black cots. M. Bret hour ; single harness, G .Eacrctt ; pr. is
boots, J. A. Stewart ; hair seals'
boots, J. A. Stewart : cured
Mrs. J. Tom, lst area '2ud ; ; ssorla
meat of tin %sork, W. Holman; as-
sortment of copper ware. \V- Ilcarnan
assortment upholstery, \V. C. 1Ius=
ton ; best collection ;ener:al store
Kernick ; ct{{o bushels spelt s. 11. igoods, J. A. Stewart ;.assortmen
1. Levet liret hour ; two bushels lar;c peas, carpenter work. Ross & Tayl
M. Bret hour ; two bushels small seas Jud ;cs.-\\ . 111baker's bread. A. teallick.
M. Bret hour.. Houton.
Judges. -\V. 1f;hrdiu W. Smith. FINE ARTS.
Al'I'LES Painting, landscape, T. II. McCal
Six variety {{later apples, five of lum; p''intinz. figure, Mrs...). White
etch hauled, I:. Roeder, F. 'Tricbner ; p"arntinr, t.ruit or flowers, Mrs. ,,
four varieties fall apples Live of each \V hire, Miss Alcock ; water co5or
landscape, W. Statham, Weeks Bros
named, E. Roeder F Triebner • ;;
cels I umda bread, A. Case. G. A. K. birL od
met made bread, <�. Case, G. A. K. Sic- I LIEUT. F. S. DAVIDSON.
clic: 1.r•oti
; anti pills►w'. ha nd pait$tted, W. (
Stat ham ; tutees underclothes, ina-
chi;te made, Mrs. J. \Vhitc, M:-. E.
leonine(' h. nkerchiefs, Mrs. D. 1
Mack ; d:til seeks, It. likdd, Mrs.
Mack ; eroctiet work i.t wool. Mrs.
t of '.1 ick ; crochet work i,a cot ton, Mrs.
or . Mlack,Furmer Bras; best dressed doll
Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mrs. D. Mack;
P. dolls clothes, Firmer Bros. Mrs. 1).1
Mack ; fancy pin cushion, Mrs. D. •
Mack, Mrs. R. Kidd;
Extra, children's dept., Mrs. 3. A.
One bushel timothy need. M. l;teth-
our. Fred 1logarth; half bushel flax
seed, Al. Bret hour ; One cushel
white beans. Miss E. Ferguson, M.
Beet hour ; one bushel c',over seed,
M. l;rethour; best collection ,riirt
in oar, M. Bret hour ; best ensilage
corn, stocks and ears, 12 stocks, W.
1 r , est water color, fruit or flowers. Weeks
plate 12 winter apples, any variety, Bras; Sepia painting, Weeks Eros.:
E. Roeder, le. Triebner; Plate of best p:ieture, Huron County scenery,
fall apples any variety, le. Triebner. J. Senior; Pyrography, Weekes Bros,
A. Case; plate of 5 Rhode Island •�
Grecnings, Geo. McLeod; plate of 5
Northern Spies, A. Bissett, E. Snell ;
plate of 5 Roxboro Russets, \V.
Metier; plate of five Ilaldwins E.
Snell, W. C. Keddy ; plate of five
snow apples. W. Fisher, 1t. Sanders:
plate of five G:ravenst'eins, 11. E. Ilus-
to►r, E. Snell; plate of five Oolvarts,
. W. Fisher, A. Ihsset t ; plate of five
King of 'I'ompkinsE. Snell, M. le. SaI-
tier; plate of five Alexanders, F.
Trnehncr, W. Fisher ; plate of 5 Can-
adian Red, \V. Fisher, M. 1)rcthpur ;
plate of five Ribston Pippins, M. F.
Salters J. hunter ; plate of five Wai-
vers, M. F. Salter. T. Smile; plate
five Grimes 0. Pippi.as, F. Triebner
plate of five Maidens Blush. C. Roed-
er. \V. Fisher ; plato of five Golden
Russets, M. F. Salter, E. Snell ; plate
of five Ben Davis F. Triebner. \V.
Wood ; Wcilthy, F. Triebner, F. llo-
tzarth; Duchess Oldeaburr, II. E. Ru-
ston ; Blenheim Pippins. F. Triebner.
-('late of five Duchess of Anjouline
J. Gill, 3. Creech; plate of five Iieurs
Clair;eau. A. McPherson: Pluto of 5
C a , ,'s
; i Favorite. E. Ruder, Mrs. .1.
Richardson. plate of 5 Sheldon. Dr.
Amo;; plate of five Ilur au de Anjou.
Itev. Mar•Lin, Geo. McLeod; .plate of
five Bartlett, Brock & Son, .1. hunt
k r.
Plate of ton Duane"s Purple, Rosa
& Taylor, T. Brock & Son ; plate of
ten Le,nb,artis, 1i. E. Huston, T.
Brock & Son ; 171a':e of any oilier var-
iety, Ross te 'Taylor, Carnia; Bros.;
Stcw-trt, Mrs. D. Mack.
Extra ladies' dept., Miss E. A 1J-
ersns. Jul rs, Hiss J. B11tentinc
Mass It. J. Elworthy, and Miss A.
Con -;biro. I
Soverni;n Bank eeeci:.I for Le.,sy
horse, any :ore, W. Kernick.
Soveicirn Rank special for light
. I. McCallum ; crayon' or pastello, horse, any are, 8. Hunter.
any subject, John Esscry, Mrs. .1.Sovereign Bank special for three
Whitt; pencil sketch, Weeks tiros; cows or Leiters, ,of different ages, II.
collection tt photographs, J. Senior; Smith.
photograph J. Senior; collection Molsons Bank specials called off
rhot. on Account of rain.
! o,raphic views, J. Senior; pen
and ink sketch, Weeks liras;
Hair dressers work, E. II. Fish ;
collection of coins, Gen. Anderson 1st
and 2nd.; collection of stamps, Geo.
Anderson 1st and 2ud.
Prizes recommended by Jud,es.-.
chins painting, ll. E. Huston. box
Begoni•:. Mrs. I). Mack.
Judges -Dr. Browning, R. B. Sam-
Three varieties in pots. Mrs. J.Itich
ara.son:folia•;e plants, J. Cottle.Mrs.
3. Richardson: Leronias in flower.
Dr. Amos, J. Creech, Mrs. J. Rich-
ardson; geraniums in flower, J. Cot-
tle; hanging basket. Mrs. J. Richard-
son; collection of flowery in pots.\V.
Hartman, Mrs. 3. itichardson.
Dahlias, J. Cottle; dihl;aa, boques,
.1. A. Stewart, J. Cottle; palsies, tu.
Selo:leder ; German asters, 1)r. Amos
Trot or pace. crass 2.25, Lon; John
1st, Freddie Lee, 2nd, Sidney Pointer
3rd, Lime 34 1-4.
Trot or pace, class 2.40, Dunbar,
1st, Dr. Harvey. 2nd, Rosie Mick,
3rd, time 2.49 1-2.
F'Allt NOTES 1
The collection of ve;etablee show•, i
by Geo. Anderson was worthy of con -
siderable notice, Geor,;e never toes
anything by halves.
efany swains and their sweethearts
remained over 10 take in the Jim
Fax concert.
Tee horse show •cant the secontl d;iy
was the best attraction) on the fair.
The list of entries. was Lavre and
the entries showed the tersest col •
I coon
of horses shown, :it any Lair
in Western Ontario.
The sunt of $570 was taken at the
;en weeks stock, J. Cottle, Dr. Amos; 'gate. This almost reaches the hitlt
verbenia, J. Cottle; petutrias,double, water tnark.
J. Cot r.le ; phlox dromrnonds, J. Col- The Iter -of -{war contest for 'I L:•
de; gladiolas, Dr. Amos, J. G. Stan- Molaons Bank prizes wero not pullet
buoy; zenn.as, 3. Cottle ; best arras- off on account of the rain stopping
-sed basket cut flowers, Rev. W. M. the exhibition. It you do not derive prompt and sails -
Martin ; collection Annuals iry bloom, The cauda •e burst, and outfit
Dr. .krona, J. Cottle; ornamental shown by lir. E. W. Ilorne. of the factory results from the use of Pernna,
garrise and fountain, Mrs. T. 11. Ain- Sovereign 0 '.k was very much ad- write at once to Dr. Hartman, ,riving It
Gailum ; dabs cactus, J. Cottle ; ,lapn - mired. Mr. II horse is a four fustatement of your case, and las will
plate n[ "end' Seedlings. 71. E. Hu- ansae shell flower. J. G. Stanburv, year old, sired by Chester, and dam be pleased to give you his valuable ad-
ston, Carling Bros; Wilt of Growl Judge -\W. Sweet. by General Grant, .and certainly had vice gratis.
Duke: 9. Powell. Ross & Taylor; LADIES WORK, on his show tnanne.lt while heirs; ex- Address Dr. Hartman, President of
plate . t Glass Seodlins, Carlin; tiros bibited.
Ad r. Henry Sn►th, who \{44 else -
Hartman Sa.nitaritun, Columbus.
F. S. Davidson, Late Lieut, U, S.
Army, Washington, D. C., care U. S.
Pension Office, writes:
"1'o my wind there Is no remedy
for catarrh comparable to Peruna.
It not only strikes at the root 01 the
malady, but It tones .'ad strengthens
the system In a trui•' wonderful
way. That has been its history in
my case. I cheerfully and unhesi-
tatingly recommend it to those
afflicted as I bavo been.'• -l'. S.
OHO rat Rein Claude, Mrs. J. Ride;
Thrt•• ir�nches of Concord, Carlin;
Tiros., P. Smile : Three bnnclins of
Delcw:t • r. Rev. Nlart in, Carling
Bros.; t':ree hunches of Ito;era' No.
15 (A:1 :an), N. D. Hurdon; three
buncht'.s of lto;ers' No. 19 ; \icrim:rc)
W. Ne vr'srnbc; three hunches of
Rovers' "-s 4 (Wilder). Itev. Matt in g
three bur •hes of any other variety,
T. Brock s.ck Son.
Plate of six early Crawford, S.
Powell ; piste of six of any other
variety, E. Roeder, R. 1Ic1'h' rerm.
'lest colkotrion canned fruit J.
Decker, M. I;rethour : best collection
hooey, A. b1c:'herson : honey 111 comp,
A. Meb'herso:.: ,honey in jar, :1. Mc-
Pher.soo ; Col t.ert ion of home made
wiaes, Mrs. J. font, Miss N. J. Tom :
colleobio;1 botsied pickles, Mrs. J.
Richardson; Hot collection shinned
-eretablcs, Mr:. ,1. Itirhirdsoi.
.1 rel •e. -D. Fri :nch.
Half hushes "'sari of Savoy pota-
toes, )frock & Soo; Half bushel Em-
pire Slate, l;rocl &. Soa, half bushel
Ited Eleph•.:at p •tatoes, J. Decker ;
half bushel hors New Yorkers, T.
Brock & So;i ; jiaf bushel any vari-
ety' potatoes, (;. .=chroedcr, M J.
Itichardso:a : four Scads of {sinter
cabb.rre, C. l;;r.iev: ''our bratty of fall
cabby;e, F. Suaale, :. A;,.lerson , Six
blood bents. Ge.o. A:. 4 root), F. Smile ;
six dobe beets, 3. ' .ttte, 1, 'lay ;
six sugar beets, J. . reech 1,. Day:
six lath marigolds, o Kernick, L.
Roeder, 1.. Dv: six lobe. rnaa;olds
I,. 'loader, L. Day, R. Sanders • six
i:►lcrmcdiates \V. lien :ck, L. D1y,
1.. Roeder ; Aix oarly 1.0 , carrc. s, 0.
Schroeder, L. Dns : re), tant.'s car-
rots, W. Kcr.,ick, G'•s, Schroeder ;
six lost orae;e or red carrots, Geo.
.Schroeder, .1. Cottle; rix shilo or
yellow field carrots L. Itoedor ; t'•:1
ears sweet cora, Mr.. f. Tom. ..1•
ilret hour ; .twelve airs ?.s "in corn.
T. Itroek, It. Solders; Afire. water
rn'•lo.e.s F. Triebner, I.. Roeder . thtec
musk melons, C. ilirney, R. Randers;
six Swred t ur.iips, E. Border, J.
Decker. E. Roeder ; .tour lends cauli-
flower, Geo. A.Y.k•rson ; ')eek ret' n,►-
io.is. C. (11ruey, .t. Cottle ..eek of
w hit a nr yrs tow ,...lone C. !limey.
Mrs. .1. A. Stewart : peck of toma-
toes, Itev. \l:u-ni.1, .1. Cottle . 0 It;n-
ches relc•ry, Geo. A.ukreon. Is' nd
2.141 ; ; hree citron-. M. iiret hour, E.
itocdef•;.sig pirs.t,ps, W. Kernick.,.i.
R.u•Il:Hubbard squash, F. hors•ih:
Odd:: repast', L. Roeder ; 1 rat col-
lection of s-etct,l`,'sy, Geo. Ands;.son.
1.. i)sy ; Pumpkin. worthy ;,f ',Axe,
Geo. schrooder, L. Imes k r ; .rquash
wort by of prize. 1'. Ilir.u•y, It. Far d-
Jud res. -J. Cobble,pick, A. Doupc.
tlas carpet, cotton warp. Mrs. .1.
Tum ; rig mat, 'hooked, J. Parsons,
H'. Glenn, sr. ; rag neat sewed, Miss
N. J. Tom, Mrs. J. Tom; wool cooks
holey, Mrs. Ii. Creighton, Mrs. J.
Tom; wool socks fine. Mrs. 11,
Creighton, 1st and 2nd; fancy cotton
etl'ekin _s„ Miss E. Ferguson; ,L•tdies
wool net rs, Mrs. H. Creighton, Mrs.
J. Tom ; ladies silk mitts, Mrs. II.
Crer;)±ton; men's wool mitis, Miss
N. J. Tom, Mrs. II. Cro?..;hton ; Mcq's
wool z!oves, Mrs. J. Tom, Miss N.
J. Tom : counterpane knitted. Miss
N.J.Torn, \V. C. Belly ; counterpanecrochet, C. Il. Sanders, Chas. Birney ;)
counterpane, tufted, Fred. llorartlr,
Chas. Birney; quilt int silk. Miss E.
Ferguson, Mrs. J. Tom ; quilt. patch-
work cotton, I. Johns. \V. Yearly
quilt, patchwork c!oth, Mrs, J. Toni :
quilt, patchwork, lox cabin. Miss N.
J. Tom, Mrs. J. Torn; knitted .or
crocliet {wool shawl, Allss Mable
Brook; patchwork, Miss N. J. Tom;
darn:n; on stockin;s, Miss N. J. Tom
Lits. .1. Tom: .buttonholes, Miss N.
J. Tem, Mrs. J. Tom; rnochet table
mats, Miss Mable Brook, Chas. Bir-
ney : rloylic.„ Mrs. C. Blurt t ; lianll
or fancy bag, Miss Anderson, Miss
Brook : laundry bag. hiss N. Creish-
ton. Miss E. I'cr,uson; fanny pin
cushion. Miss E. Anderson, Miss
Brook ; sots •pillow mounted, W. C.
Huston, Paul .11•sdze, Miss N. Crei-
g hton ; .whi-sk bolder, Miss E. ieer-
; usor, ; toilet articles, Miss Curl air.,
novelty in fancy work. J. G. Stan -
bury ; slippers knitted. Miss N. Crei-
ghton ; slippers crocheted, Miss N.
Creighton. Miss Mable Brook ;child's
dress, Miss Mable Brook ; ladies un-
dernlothin;, Mess Mable Brook. Mrs.
J. While; painting in oil. IL E. Hun -
ton, Mae Alcock ; Meth's fancy out -
in; or night shirt, A. llastines:
childs c,rria;c afzlian, Mise N. Cr:•i-
eblon ; child.; couch afghan, Itoss &
Taylor, Mrs. C. Bluetit ',tea ooey,Miss
N. 3. 'foto, A. Hastings: five o'clock
lunch or mitt; bows' scarf. Mrs. F. 3.
Kni;ht, Rob'. Kidd: hand made hind
kerchiefs, Miss N. Cr•eigttton) risc or
box for hendkerchiel o Miss N. Crei-
ghton, Miss C. Bluntt : embroidered
center piece, Miss C. Bluett, Mrs. .1.
A. Stewart ;.centre piece, Miss E. An-
derson, Miss N. Creighton ; embroi-
dered shirt waist, Mis! E. Anderson;
tidies' stocks or collars, crochet,Miss
M ibis" Brook ; Ladies' socks• or collies
.1. G. Stanbury ; :article mute {wit h
f.arosin I, J. Creech : croehOt lace,Miys
Mible Brook. Miss E. 1'erzu:.a.a :Irish
point crochet Ince, Miss Mahle Brook
crcch'•t y"nrk and fancy w•,ork com-
bined, .I. G. Sunbury, Miss Brook ;
Crochet work in silk. Miss Mabel
Brook Miss E. Ferznson : knitted lice
or trimmin; cotton, Miss N.. 1. Tom,
Miss E. Ferguson; bittenburg lace
Miss E. Anderson, J 0. Stinhury:
I;rixilinn or Teneriffe Lice, Mi.' N.
Creighton; tattine, Paul Marl te:
drawn thread work fine, Mrs. C.lilu-
ett. Miss N. Creighton; driwn thread
work heavy, Mrs. Mariott, Miss E.
I';we pou.)ds butter enfficientIs ; Anderson: work on screen or .1awa
silted, Robt. Kidd, A. Case, J. beck- canons, Mrs. G. Marriott, Miss 0.
er ; teapounts of halter suffir.ently I illu•Vt ; coronation braid work, Mrs.
silted, A. C: se. .l. Ifa.rd:itr. H. El- Mit 0010, 11. F. 11u.to); crochet
worthy ; pound rolls or prints, five work in wool, Mrs. C. Marriott ;
pounds, 11. El worthy, I;. Kidd, h'. Nnrwo;i18 or liardinger embroil -
lfnz.irth; S,,ecial-most :neatly ar- ry•Mrs. J. White, Mrs. 0. Marriott :
ranted plate, if. F:IworIlay. F. lin• lead work, \Ira. Mirriart, Miss E.
girth. For .1113011 modern cross stitch, Mr a.
0. Marriott : embroidery on silk s I' -
in or wool ;cods, Mrs. C. Rhea ,
embroidery no while call or( or I n
en, Mrs. ('. illurtt. Mrs. 0. Marriott
Roman or cut work, Mrs. G. Mar-
tiot t ; .1ppinote embroidery, Mrs. C.
Marriot 1, Mrs. C. Bluett; Mount
Mellick work, Paul Madre, Mrs. C.
Msrriost ; l'er•inn or erniments1
embroidery, Paul Madge, Mrs. 0.
Marriott ; netting, .1. 0. Stnnbary,
home m act horse Minket. lst,
2nd. 3rd, M. Rrethour :.\Vrw,l:efi yarn
Mrs. J. Tom, Mrs. H .C•ei.hton :
sewing machine, S. Martin. Singer
Mt.. Cosii Orin, i.t nra.l 2nd, S.
Martin; ifet Paler J Ilrrrturc•, Rn{ee
& At kin.( n. W. C. Htuston; set of
be -to ors 1;nature, W. C. Ilu[ton,
Hos/ & 1:kinson; etutfc'1 bird.,
stuffed •.:t r• tact yeas, lst and 2r•l IelmC. !Buret : work done by last)
A. M.P11 rrcl fine tali ,r t+t'vetnty years old, Sirs, J.
/round. It Werke ; ball( \s Lite, Sirs. 1. Tom : Beet collcctin.l
of nil: fe ; purposes, Exeter of lactic, work, .),1' less then •ix nor
Silt Work. ;actory made quilt, J, more than twelve, Airs. C. illuett;
•Muir; faatory tweeds, J. Muir;feet- Mat �olrection of k M' .
J b nk
cessful in winning the majority of Ohio.
prizes on cattle entered at the Exe-
oter Fair was also successful in Ott- 1 CAUSE OF INSOMNIA
nisi; prizes on all his entries at. the Indigestion nearly always disturb!
London fair, t`ecurine fir to for aged .the sleep more or Ic;ss and is often
:the cause of insomnia. Miny cases
have been permanently curcn by
Chamberlain's Stain telt and Liver
Tahlet:s. For sate its I'xc,er by W. S.
Sl.onthorrl hull, yearlu.R h •iter. herd
of calves, and first and s. 'ond for
heifer calf and second for bul: calf.
't t
�• TH
Dunlop Book
For Norsemen
free to
Any Address
Sixty- four
pages, withl
( lustrations and
valua b 1 e
charts. Useful
about lam e
horses care-
fully selected
and compiled.
Write for it to -day, by post-
card, giving your name and
address and the name of the
paper in which you saw this
s.c- meriaThe Weirder'(,ttee. consist -
in; of Meinont,Spack-
mr3 I'aind lenettr, Ferris not be -
in Gsxterich on
Iasd11 ednfad h
y :utnd a conference
with Mr. You,,y, of fort Albert,
whore daughter was recont•ly dnown-
cd, a;td who 4 hreate.nn d action again-
st the ocunly. After the tuattor had
been d;sucssed freely. Mr. Young re-
duced the amount leo was asking
from 'tire county, and finally a;recd
to accept the Ruhr of. $400 in full.
This was ::;'reed 1d 4)y the commit-
tee, who w'IL report' to the County,
Council 3re(' *al ieatl•v. The :et t ict„ent
is not by ans sonans. excessive, and
wo think the county :is to be con.
!gnat Wet ell .on , set tlenient having
reached. Mr. Yi•unr was wtlli1114 t0
ncocpt a less arnoant 1)1.n' originally
clointod rather Ilia. .a- Igo 'to f•.,.{.
Ne;Looted catarrh sooner or 1 iter
causes consumption which dee toys
mare human beings ,t han famine and
wow combined. Tut; ons ' Cit ti rr '.o-
zone" 08(0.s catarrh is very simple;
it firs( kil!:s d he szerms that cause
the 1rriIntion ; then by sc.,hin;
away the con•;estjon and itnflanu1a-
tien ;t cures Alio diechar;e, hawking
and droppint in •t he throat. "1
suffered so co.rt;nually from nasal
catarrh" writes Ernest R. Dakin, of
Rosemont, "that 1 scarcely knew
whit it was fo be free froth, nctd-
acl.. sad pain over the coves. Ca+
tnrrhozons relieved me at, once .rod
midi• a thorou;l► cure." No Niter
remwdy curcn Nko n-_
try it for your next"Cstilatusrrhozonr"
TIIE best range ther-
mometer ever invented
will not produce satisfactory
baking from a poor oven. A
fluctuating oven heat means
guess -work baking;.
The Imperial Oxford oveu
has a steady, evtn heat. You (lon't require to touch the fire or move a
damper. Making with an Imperial Oxford is an exact science. Just place
the article in the oven and ti1,:Q it -the men does the rest. it is the
Diffusive Flue t'f 1114'
Imperial Oxford Range
that make;
this possible. 7 ht.
.• a4ra
1 ? °1f• •
,1 tp
doe Maws in fresh air from outside the
range, it is superheated and dis-
charged through a grating into the
men. 'this heated fresh air per-
tneats every• part of the oven and
krep: is at an teen h gh tempera•
Write its for literature explaining
more fuliy the exclusive features
of the Imperial O.fnrd Range and
the address of the nearest dealer
who can tshow it to •oti. 22
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited