Exeter Times, 1905-09-21, Page 31
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puultrl ing of great interest and.
rrs of great importance in the
religious w•o11d will take place be-
gif'jllr:g Nov. 15, when representa-
tives of tweets-f.e••• th•n,,mittations
slaving un aggregate membership of
1H,t$)0.00 ► persons will assemble in
New Yeti. for the purpose of confer-
ring on tho advisability and feasi-
• bility o: forming a federation of all
the Protestant churches in America.
The plan of drawing all Protestant
churches together in this manner was
perhaps t,uggested by the example of
the Presbyterians, who seen now in
• a fair way to get together as a fed-
eral body.
1enty years" (Jer. 25. 11). A prorn-
���� �� tsa ut future rest Aft -t- a N'AS also .1 t• fit
finitely given. "Afrer seventy reais IIIOME.
aro u*
ccompltshce( for Babylon I veill
visit you and perform my good word
toward you in causing you to return
to this place' (Jer. 29. In). rhe
seventy tears must he counted not:***********#
frim the final destruction of •1et•u,s-
lean to 5t46 II. ('., but 1
the time SELECTED Ill'C11'h:5.
of the leading into captivity of .1e-
ltoiachin and the principal Wren of Uing. r Cakes. -Mix and sift lo-
.ludah with hint to 597, from the gether six cups (lour, two table-
tinut of which even onward the con- spoons ginger, one tablespoon soda.
dit ion of .1 ud:th +vas one Of absolute heat one -hall • up lard or butter.
set vitudu to Babylonia. one cup New 1)rleans lasses and
one cup brown sugar until boiling.
FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Take from the fire, add ono cup of
sour cream and pour gradually into
1{,•s. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has the (lour mixture, beating until
'len Feel l t Within Them, Assisting,
Suggesting and Elevating
Cast me not away from Thy pres- world. in the spiritual and in tho tit-
mice told take not Thy spirit from tellectuul world.
mc. -Psalms ii. 11. Ile it is who brought order out of
With large advantages, largo possi- chaos. in those times immediately
bilities, largo knowledge of right and following the creation of world mat -
wrong, the soul that lives on tho ter. Ho devils still within the phy-
1 she planes when it dors fall Into ideal world, conserving its order and Leen used by millions of Mothers for smooth. Pat and roll out, cut Into
sin sorters at once the keenest ro- its harmonious progress. restraining their children while teething. If dis- small cakes and bile. in a moderate'
(ret and lungs to make the fullest "rho stars in their courses." draw- Curbed at night and broken of your oven.
restitution ing about f iu appointed sec{ucace the rest by a sick child sabering and cry. Sponge Cako with 1'ruit. Sauce. -
Such was David, the King of is- seasons -fructifying, storing, cool- inn +crib pain o! Catling '1'ccth, send Cut a loaf of fresh sponge cake into
reel, at a time when Israel was Null summating rho earth's fruits. And at once and got a bottle of "Airs. rather thick slices and lay these on
The union of the Carious and sono- on the way to becoming the greatest 11 it were possible, uud Itis putter Wi once's Soothing Syrup• for Chit- n plate. ('auk in t► rich syrup Ilav-
times warring sects of Protestantism kingdom of that day. In spite of were to be taken away frim the g,erre +with un41rnschim,, died Luo-
dren '1'eethin It will relieve the p
into ono great, homogeneous church his nearness to (earl (uud hu ass Physical world, then chaos 10111(1 poor 1tato'.eth sufferer immediately. De- apple, or any chosen fruit, and when
spoken of by the Almighty as "'► conte twain.
ad upon 1t, motltora, there is no this is cold pour over the cake•
has been dreamed of and advocated roan after God's own heart"), 'with Ile dwells, too, in the society of (stake about it. It cures fere 1uuea►. Surround with a border of whipped
more or loss ever since the reforata- riches and honors pouring in upon men, molding surely -if, perhai•s•
'regulates ulRtes rho stomach and bowels. cream and servo as 10)11 as possible.
tion. Many Protestants have always hint -David fell into a fearful sen- slowly -the general trend of act aisle
e B� Mynd Col[c, softens the Gumower . •('(,c cake should not b. allowed to
cow -Mee that it would he a good sial Stn, which drew u0 .r sire in word and thought, using men for the
reduces lnflammatiun, and gives tone get soft, or too soggy before it is
its trail, and us his position was instruments of ani energy to the whole system• served. In using strawberries for
thing. hut no denomination has hIS UitACIOUS ACTS. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for
6very high and he was were near to this dessert, they trust not be cook -
shown a disposition to make such God, so his fall was in .ffect the And it is not tau notch to say that, children teething is pleasant to the ed for more than a minute: indeed,
tion, resole in regard to organize- ria- greater, and his self-abasement the weak and imperfect and bad as social ti.ste and is the prescription of ono they need not be cooked at all. ('ut
tion, creed, and teaching as it, would snore eatnest. then) in small pieces and stir into
(lead the whole of that litty first solmoeof11its commercial
yetllif the holy cianhe and nurses
nurrsesd /e in st (the 1� United the syrup when it is cool.
be necessary for all to make before Psalm in which he uttors the .cep 1 Roasted i►uclaings.-Clean the
it would be possible lot such t► union sorrow of his great heart. and cries Spirit were to withdraw from it States. Price twenty-five cents a
His energizing, sanctifying, cunserv- bottle, Sold by all druggists through- birds thoroughly, put into each ono
to take place. They have professed for mise. a and pleads the livi o- in • power the whole social fabric 1 out the world. Ile sure and ask for an onion and app, cut in halves,
a willh;gr.ess to unite, but emit has Promise, and declares his own (no 6 !"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." dredge with (lour, cull and pelves,
mise. would totter to its fall.
taetly or avowedly mad. union con- In the Christian church also ills ♦ and roast about, Ltveuty minutes, aa-
FOIt DAVID WAS AFRAID. power is present, rendcrilf -the+ divine! cording to size. Baste from time
dlt fount upon such terms ns no other judgments ARGUING WITH THE TURK.
'Che proud king of a proud nation ' will and the divine j g
time with melted butler. 'fake
would accept. Considerable of the was all trembling before the king of through the mouths and persons ot+ out the birds when done. Into the
old spirit still exists and complete all heaven and earth. lie fears the His ministers and sN'+'curls-teaching, �A Travellers doniaiencas in Mace-
pan in which they were roasted pour
fusion would be as impracticable loss of the divine favor and help, uplifting, upholding. 1 a little stuck, thicken this with
now as it was in tho past.
and cries out: "Cast me not away 1 And what said St. Paul to the After the Inst Macedonian upris browned (lour, add a dozen olives
from Thy presence, and take not Thy 'Christians at Corinth, by way -
u'i ` i„g under Sarntlov had been put chopped and r.ra as a sauce for the
Holy Spirit from ole.” It is tho cry,rebuke and reminder when some 3:.01 "f.,tcn, relief expeditions were sent by ducklings. By the way. remove
England into the Balkans, carrying from Ih. ducks rho onions and ap-
heiiinke un is practicable because of feta; but a fear inspired by "fl-
ees_ fallen
,�°lr°,t thn�t�ourlbody•is,}1t{ r. l,rovisions for the inhabitants of the i,les, which are to be u -cd for the
it, maker possible union without dem unci high character. be 1
All men ought to be very fearful of temple of the Holy Ghost, who is in burned villages and medical supplies purpose only of imparting a little
fasten. Protestants ogree concern- losing the divine favor of being de -I you, which ye have of (rod?" 1'ol•;ural clothing for those in direst (lnvor to the birds, and of liar
ing most points. '1'hcro are no dif- prived of the grace of the Holy ;the Holy Spirit dttclls in the i clivi- ;