Exeter Times, 1905-09-21, Page 2IS
No, Gime, that dog won't bite;
Not u bit o' danger'
What's his breed! Shure I don't
Jest a 'boy's dog,' stranger.
No St. Ilernnrd-yet last Sear.
Time the snowy was deepest,
Dragged a little shaver honlu
Where the hill was steepest.
Anal n bulldog, all the same.
"l'wouldn't do to scuff hint.
/Fastened un a tramp enc time -
Couldn't pry him ell hint.
Not a pointed -jest the saute,
When it all is over,
Ain't a better critter rot.nd
stadia' up the pluw�r.
Sell him? Say, there ain't his price,
Not in all the nation!
Jest a 'boy's dog'; that's his breed -
Finest in creation.
There comes n time when every
growing boy must face the question:
What shall I do for a life tleork?
It is an important question. one
that is as important to the parents
as to the child. It is one that must
be faced squarely and answered wise-
And yet there are ninny who shirk
0nd turn away, trying to avoid a to Kingto 'Use His
direct answer, leaving the solution to /111 Appeal
what they hope will be a happy Influence Against It.
Then there are sons who leave the A striking Acrmon on "The Sin of
Hazard," was delivered a few Sun-
entirelyaparents to their 1peave
(lays ago at. the City Teunple. Lou-
ththe are who lcuvo it don, England, by the Rev. 13. J.
Lou -
all to the 80118. Campbell.
Each should consider the natter The preacher spoke of the unh0dlthy
with diligence and frankness and desire to garble which too often ac -
both. conte to a determination agreeable to conipanied our national sports and
In considering the problem it will even our indoor pastimes. The bin
be well to remember several things. of hazard was, in his opinion, one of
In the first pierce all real success j the most outstanding of our nation -
must be founded in tine economic tit vices, and one which every serious -
principal of becoming a producing mindedpatriot oust feel was a
member of the great industrital' menace to the well-being of the corn -
scheme. There is no room in the eternity and to our Imperial destiny.
world for a drone. The gambling evil had penetrated to
Everybody must produce something the highest grades of our social life,
The man who produces what is most to our commercial life, and to our
needed and most wanted receives the sports. but the most regrettable tea-
Iargest rewards. • ture of all was the way in which
As a general rule it is wise to try the desire for gambling had spread
to produce something of which the to the lower classes, among whom
supply is scant. In any case, Dt is the "copper book -maker" tied the
prudent to avoid those occupations Small moneylender had firmly estab-
in which there is already a surplus lisped themselves.
of the product. For instance, the With regard to gambling in society.
world is not crying for lawyers, doe- Mr. Campbell could only say that if
tors, preachers, or accountants. Tho half the stories which were told
so-called professions arc overcrowd- about the stuns of money lost and won
cd. There is a large surplus stock at "bridge" among the upper classe
of legal advice on the market; also
medical advice and of bookkeeping.
Consequently the rewards are dimin-
The kind of mean that is most plen-
tiful In the market is the one rho
knows no business in particular and
wants something in which lie can
wear good clothes while at. work.
The elan most in demand and least
plentiful is the one who has had ac-
tual experience with some occupation
which soils the hands and the clothes
and who, at the same time, has the
capacity for planning and directing.
A railway manager who has tramp-
ed the ties and built a trestle, a
book publisher who has set type; a
:umber dealer who has served as n
lumber Jack: a contractor who las
"measured in" and "checked out" -
In a word, the man most in demand
and hardest to find is the one who
has learned 801110 line of business
from the basement to the 'front of -
Leo." Tho amen who want to (earn
p business front the top down are
This is a great industrial era.
'Th0re are opportunities for all. Every
ten to twenty years the great Indus to other people.
trial army , t be recruited anew.
With all respect, continued the p:.s-
'I'he time has passed when it was not
tor, he des sued to add n word con-
1 1 1" t l e anything but n h influencewhich i n t
More children die during the bet,
weather months than at any other
season of the year. Their vitality is
then at its lowest ebb, and an attack
of diarrhoea, cholera infant um or
stomach trouble may pr'ote fatal in
a few hours. For this reason 110
home in which there are young chil-
dren should be without a box of
Baby's Own 'Tablets, wh1011 'tromps!):
cure all stomach and butyl troubles. volunteers in Edinburgh on Sepletn-
I1 the Tablets are given to a well ber 18, has created intense satisfac-
child they will prevent these ail- tion all over Scotland. It has long
melds and keep the little one well been known that Lord Provost
and strong. Mrs. Joseph T. I'ig, .,i1. ('ranston has been exciting himself
Bryson, Que., says: "My little one to the utmost in ord. r to get his
was attacked with colic and ,liarrh- Majesty to hold a review on som e
tea, and I found Baby's then Tablets thing like the scale which Queen Vic -
so satisfactory that I would not now toria held in August, 1881, when al -
he witheiut them in the house. "'These most 40,000 volunteers were 00 pa -
Tablets not only cure suntnter 1rou Iradu from every part of Scotland.
bleu, but all the minor ailments that The arrangements are in ttto bunds
afflict infants aad young children.
of th• military head quarters in
They contain ec opiate or harmful Scotland, who now occupy spacious
drug and may (4, given with equal
offices in the palatial buildings of
the "Scotsman."
His Majesty W :1 - Insi tct 40,000
Troops on September
The announcement that his Ma-
jesty the King is to hold a review of
safety to the nevi b.rcu baby or well
grown child. i'ld:o are imitations
of this medicine ,rSA mothers should
see that the a �Yda '•Ruby's (twn
'Tablets" and the faur-leaf clover
with child's head on each leaf is
found on the wrapper around each
box. As you value your child's life
do not bo persuaded to take a *sib-
stilute for Baby's Own 'Tablets -the
one medicine that makes children well
and keeps there well. Sold by all
druggists. or you can get them by
mail at. 25 cents a box by writing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cu.,
1lrockvil', Ont.
were true, they formal a very 0%11yet known whether the Queen is to
portent for the furure of the race. It
was only fair to say that there was s ae('ompany the King. but if his Ma-
to -day u healthier feeling among the • j••.sty is accOIipnnied by his royal
highest grades of society than exist- comse.rt, this will only lend additioh-.
ed in the eighteenth century, for in- 01 eclat to what. has every prospect.
I of being a inennorable occasion in
stance, when stntcsmen of the high-
est raid( gambled away their entire Scottish history. Unfortunately the
fortune. Still, it was to the upper Iast review took place on what was
classes of society that the country one of the wettest. days on record.
naturally looked for an example, and slut be the weather What it may this
It was to be regretted that the sin t' •, there is no doubt but there will
of hazard was manifested in so be plenty of enlhusirsni on the De-
marked a manner in connection with c8sio:1 of the King's visit. and it
the game of "bridge. will not be surprising if the muster
AN APPEAL TO THE KING. of volunteers at the review exceeds
In our commercial life there were even the great gathering, which
"So i sat rilrht about forgiving 11,•ss than :110 tons u[ meat tenet (on-
nnuny phases 0t activity which were ruttrhed past Queen Victo:iar in her as hard as 1 could, and ,retry
1881. i (1 nulc4 as unlit for human food, of
not ordinarily df;scribed ns gambling, c -► RANDS. soon I just loved Mehitabel Record, I tvhitt, 1.15 tons were imported frozen
but which pa rtdok of that character. AT'i'.1IR IS IN (100+ RRA, 1 no platter what she'd done." (produtc. (11 the whole, :3O3 tons ore
and which were certainly examples of General Sir C. 'fucker is nut the The needless twere nu,tionte• s. The 'described as "putrid.•' The total
the sin of hazard. Speculation in Winn to leave 011}thing undone' that speaker, nit hough flushing under t:n•number of seizures mode was 3,406.
many of its forms was merely 0 do- is cnlculuted to ensure the success of gaze of many ..yes, cont' 0d: and in more than 1,000 cases sales-
on the part of some person or the re, jew, nod once. he ►returns to "And when I'd thomuglay tor- Ind were the first. to call attention
persons to got rich quickly. Ibis hen.1yu(uters iu 1?dinburhh from his given Atehit[bcl-why, any hen.1n'•itrito the quality of the food. tither
desire was in itself essentially vie -tour of the ~carts h volunie0rs no
was gone, and T felt nice 1111 ewer, it produce intended for human con -
sof and b(cnusc, it added nothing to time will be lost in pushing forward
set me to thinking. After that. �sumption, but seized and cundeumed
the wealt h of the community, but the needful urrangcuu•1,1s• whepever I had an ache or pain, I (luring the four weeks, included: -
acquired for one man whit I•ruct ismd going away by my self land (Inc and n halt (ons of st awLer-
might he looked upon as belonging g"
forgiving some one, it worked won- tics.
BEARERS 01'` FAMOUS NMIES. (tcrfully." 1100 nn(I n half tons of damsons.
The "I melon 1►ire:tory" shows "Did you always have some ane," um and n 11(111 tons of fruit and
•'respec n r e o p , cerning the w' nc t m •_ n se that John limo/nit is a green-groc..r; asked the minister's wife, softly, "to pens.
"professional man." Science and exeeis.ed by the Bing;. 11is Majesty John Milton keeps a chandler's prnctis• un?" (tae ton or more of blackberries
kerning have become the handmaid -
was much loved by his people: he shop: a barrister, a ••ouch -builder, 'henry nto, no" sold Aunty 01(1 1u1ar►18.
ens of the industrial arts. ' had proved himself worthy of the and n Iva 1clnnnkyr each boast. of t he (:len. 'l:v rybody's alwwn s treat- (11 0110 day the• inspectors seized
'1'o -day 0m•thing is honorable that ulstien, and had rightly earned for name of William �hukrspenra; while ed me so ni e, 1 ran out of folks 1,200 title Of }' •S, mixed baits, sal
la done well. Produce something- 1
g himself the title of "the pctuenutker Charles Dickrnft is n 1'u{rlur baker. to Derr ice l.a,g; 0qu." mon, lobster, and sardines, and on
give something to the world, and the of the world." i( the King would _ "Zloty did you nann};r, your 'euro' another 1.400 ties u( condensed
tturld will pour its blessing into exert his great influence in separating ---.4........--.
� - then?" milk.
your lop I gambling from sport. tool in dis- WRONG SORT. "h. along nbout the same time I - ♦----
--+ 1 cOuntenncing what was essenlinlly ran out of aches end pains, too. 1 Uso the snia 1,lensn,t and effectual
200 PEARS IN ONE HOUSE. evil. and encouraging what was es- Perhaps Plain Old *!eat, Potatoes haven't lust, n day in hell in forty- warn killer. Mother ur„ccs' Worm Ex-
terminator: nuthinl. equals it. Procure
A cotln};o tenanted without n break I sentially good, a very much more lite cants." u boldo and take it home.
g and Freed May be Against•
for nearly 200 years by a local haul- i healthy impulse might be given t0 There was n pause. Miss l:varrtt,
You for a Time.g "11 •
!s n pusitivr, delight to ulcer
sly whichmintRushton, n Rushton)
this sports of the nation. with sl' mow broke the silence:
of which (lir. Thomas itushlon) is a •'Ladles. 1 move n vett of a bit a man you feel you can trust," re -
colliery manager for the Earl of "- + A change to the right kind of food to -lo dear Amity (:len, for n bit marked the individual with •he high
re -
Ellesmere was demolished the other can lift one from a sick 1104. A lady of very deo) and very dear philoso-
I'AVi:1IhvT 0F' NICUI,I.(i, ill 1Celden, 111., saws: 1 forehand. Oh, 1 don't. know! I
day nt Walkden. near Manchester, this phy. And i mute, 0180, that we prefer it tuna who pays cash," re-
sile being regained for a new I'riml- (iwtutdu, a town in Africa, con- "Last spring 1 became bed -fast adopt herr cure and practise it - pried the 11811 who kept the grocer's
live Methodist Chapel. In the early tains between 10,000 and 15.4100 in- 1 with severe 8tumnch trouble [meant- with nher a plantar or without, as shop.
part of last century rho cot t nee. habitants. and is surrounded by n . ponied by sick headache. 1 got I
curiously enough, scrwrel ns a pr. ash- palisade of puler, the top of every worse and Wore moil 1 became 80
each one likes."
int( piece for Intal 1Vesleyan Metlio- pole being crowned by a human , low i could were, Iv retain nnv food ♦ Bbrker-tiny, old chap. 1'In in
1 e beastly had luck; need lnenew badly
(lists and handlooml weaving wig,: skis;I. There aro six gales. and the 1111 all. alt hi moll 1 11 net every kind. 1.A11 AND '1'llh: (lUEhN' and haven't the least idea where I
nlsu carried on in it; it also serwe:l approach to each is laid with n 1 1 had bile) u0 completely discMur-
n alehouse in the eighteenth ,+(w,auent of human skulls. the tops ;aged. hind given up all hope um! 'I'h.• legal position of Queen
Al x- can h of that-Iaxteell.perhapsiglad
ce u
century, being the only pnriS that shown �thoucht i was duonu•d to starve to;nndra is eery curious. tthought
above -ground. More than 2,000 i death. till one day my husband try- her private business is concerned, she had an idea you could touch 111e for
'1'111: I:N(:l,iti!! V0C'Al1ULAI(Y• :skulls are used in the Pavement tug to find something; i could retain, ; is 1101 rept 111411 by lite law's nal cos- it. _-
The English langlunge-nccordmg leading up to each gate. Thr pact'_ brought 11011)0 8(177.0 brat ,adult greed 1 maan at all. Shand e is the only married
w•w,►n "it must be awful," remarked a
t German stsltistici.tn who has 'anent it; of snowy whiteness, polished, ''1'0 my sur{ rvsr 1 c• 1' n Great Britain who dues not conte gn'17 ti young girl, "nevcr to hate
500 -
to t
'mole n study of he • pnrntice i to the smoothness of ivory by the t tcilh 1110, digested perfectly, nun) i i
e hundreds of tossed distress. 1 began to gain 501711in the scope of the Married Wo- a chance to 118rry." "Yes: but not.
wealth he lnormouM vocabulary
the list ;daily passage N h n 1 e 1 n 'strength at once. my flesh (which itlnuu's Property Act. '111.: lila of n•'nrly No bad as to have had a
with the enormous vocalrulnry of feet -♦- 1
had been (tabby) grew firmer. my i the law i8 lLnl ntTuirs of ~tate c: -n- chance and Irl it slip!" said the
1 K' lady of uncertain age.
It is believed that the military
authorities in Scotland have unready
put themselves in c0n110ctiun with
the War Office with a view of ascer-
taining what allowance is to be
made toward the xpemses of the vol-
unteers who may comic to the review
from a distance. as soon as de-
finite information hos been obtained
upon this point no time will be lost
111 communicating with commanders
of corps throughout the country.
Edinburgh is sure to snake a good
contribulion'to the gathering, for it
will be the desire of the brigades of
which Lord Provost Cranston is so
popular n commander to turn out in
such numbers as will demonstrate to
his Majesty how ad •'ably he has
interpreted the feeling of the volun-
teers of the capital. All over Scot-
land the same feeling is b'lieved to
prevail. and there is general expecta-
tion that throughout. the country
the day will be observed as a gener-
al holiday. This will mean an influx
of people to the capital on a scale
which will help to make up for the
lack of visitors recently complained
of. The various railways will un-
doubtcrlly offer tempting facilities
which will insure an ,case attend-
ance of spectators. It, will provide,
too. another of the too rare oppor-
tunities which people from every
part of Scotland have of testifying
how i opular his Majesty is among
his Scottish subjects.
The review will also tend to infuse
new life into the volunteer move-
ment, which in Scotland, as in some
parts of England, has rather :miter-
ed in popularity within recent years
as the result of what, rightly or
wrongly, is regarded as the want
of genuine practical interest on the
part of the war office. It is not
Suffered for Years Before She
Found Quick Relief in the Great
Canadian Kidney Remedy.
St. Ruse du ilegele, Temiscouta
Co., Que., Aug. 21-!Speeia11.-Suf-
tering women all over Canada will
rend with fe lings of interest and re-
lief the experience of 'llama Amedee
llradctte of this place.
"It gives ole pleasure to be able
Results from common soaps:
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
t.k fire the Oelegem Dia,'
How the Independent Order of
Foresters Has Grown.
The Supremo Court of the Indepen-
dent Order of Foresters held its
to tell," says Daum: liradettc. "that triennial session at Atlantic City,
I am cured of all the ills I suffere(1 New Jersey, recently. The reports
for n number of years. 1 found in Sui,nlitted at this meeting show the
Dodd's Kidney fills quick relief society to be a wonderfully prosper -
front all my pains. l only had to 01S 0110. An Independent Finance
take one 1)05 to being back my Committee investigated all the secur-
health, and in live months 1 have sties, etc., and reported that they
had no return of lay trouble." found the business affairs of the or -
Those troubles known only to wo- der managed in a thoroughly 10151 -
men always :Trine from disordered aces Manner, the investments safely
ICidneys. The female organs are en- and wisely made, and that no losses
tirely' dependent on the Kidneys. had been incurred during all the
Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to years of the order's history. 'Tho
dire the Kidneys. That is why they order's accumulated funds have in -
always bring health, strength 01141
cheerfulness to weak, run -(town, suf-
fering women
How the Old Lady Got Rid of a
Dreadful Headache.
Tommy Ponlet•uy's pne)uuonia led
to a (IisetiS.Sian at the sewing -club
between an advocate of mustard
plasters and a believer in cold -water
npp11(111 ions.
"What a variety of cures t here
are," remarked Miss Everett, pleas-
antly, with n meaning look at the
others. "Yesterday 1 heard of the
'laughing cure'!"
"Indeed!" The minister's wife h
hastened to help in steering conver-
sation OWIIY from the btlligcrents, p i ti' Not to develop your possibilities.
"You've kept yourself so young, were made in the rates, the Supremo To do pout, slipshod, blotched
Mrs. (.len, you must have something , Chief Hanger contending that the work.
talcs of the order at the present time
To ivo bad example to young
interesting to contribute on run s.' g
were 81111)1(:. d
The old lady thus addressed was pco{ e.
All the Supreme Executive were rem 1'o have crude, brutish, repulsive
a actor comer, but it nos gradual- elected with Iron 1)r Ornnhvlttekhumanners
Ore ;101141 0, ,11'1,•1'.-111 1 Ilan th old fa,)::,+1.•,1 busk 01 I',t' 1..))'r 1, ,; �. r. rid
Carefully Crown. Thoroughly Cired and Properly Packed
2'L-].,,. TR"3t '3L'$3E7 1/.1:3 JD) T....436..33 XI i
1'er sale Lt' cal Iive grocers.
A telegrapher earns from
$540.00 to Si H00A0 a
year. Do you? 1f not. let
us qualify you to do so.
Our free telegraph book
explains everything. Write
tet it to -day.
PrincI, al.
t,c�i o
5A :elaide St. 13a t, Toronto, Ont.
Mention this paper.
creased in the last three years $3,- PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS.
272,345.5 1. The order's position is During June, July. August and
growing better every year, for September the Chicago and North
Distance. the increase ill accumulated Western Ry, will set: from Chicago.
assets during the last tau round trip excursion tickets to San
years, 1903-•1, was 81.:3.1 per cents Fi aimcisco, Los Af(C!CS, ('or hand,
while the increasehsame
in insurance at Ore. (Lewis &. Cla>tko Excursion), nee
risk during the sante period was only attle, Victor•in, Vancouver nl very
6.97 per cent. The order bus increas-
ed its accumulate) funds since the low rates. Correspondingly cheap
lust meeting of the Supreme Court fares from all points in Canada.
more rapidly than it increased in any Choice of routes, (lest of train ser• -
equal IS , previously. (luring t111' vice, favorable (:to{'overs end liberal
318 worl8ng clays; of the year the return limits. hates, folders and
order pays out $8,892.89 per dile, full information can be obtained
and each (lay puts away a surplus from D. N. Bennett, General Agent,
of $:i,JU7. 'I'hc order's nccumulaute(t 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 31
funds now amount to over $9,000,-
0011, and these, the committee re-
ports, are all well and safely invest-
ed. The society has lidded 11,000
members net for each year ofthe
It is a disgrace -
To half do things.
To be lax, indolent, indifferent..
ly dawning on the community that
head. It should be added
they had n saint nutting thein -one To live a half-life when a whole
of the unobtrusive, happy, healthy that the death rale of the order is lite is possible.
kind. Children were already culling low, indeed much lower than it was i some years ago, and the average ago Not to be scrupulously clean in
her Aunty Glen." of the nu'nuhership is only thirty person and surroundings.
"Ito you believe in mustard?" dc- To acknowledge a fault and make
mantled the determined advocate. seven. 1'he medical work seems, no effort to overcome it.
therefore, to be well and carefully '1'o be uu grateful to friends and to
"For Hulse that it benefits, yes,' b
said Mrs. Men, gently. done. As a fraternal society the those who have helped us.
independent Order of Foresters cer- To go through lite a pygmy when
'glut tell its how you hr.ce kept tatinly has been a wonderful success, 6
well," hastily interposed Miss Ever- 1 Nat ure intended you fo. a giant.
eft. and something of its financial To kick over 1 h ladder upon
teen gt11 out hu understood tom
"1 don't mind (elliug, but 1 q)1es:s ' f' y which we have climbed to our pass
the (net that the reports show that
you'll thin!: it's a Dunn} I ind of :. "011.
It has already cn0ugh in i::reit erasury 'I'0 be grossly ignorant of the COS -
smile. "Once. years ago, I had a 1 to pity all probable elentll aims for touts and usages of good society.
dreadful headache. i 118.111'1 slept j lri)out live :rats tt ithort collecting
nnv premiums from any one of its ' yhi)-"You say you wr dr:ut• d to
a kink the night before -1 was : members. -'Toronto Globe, August I
grieving about n friend t hat hadn't 1 crt. What is the ,articular art that �lti`itTY.
ttea!rel me right. i l" you love best?" Inc -"'Thou art.."
"I was just brooding ww•a�-. going -9-
'r Pearl -"I hear that Jeanette and
over and over in my mind w:h11t 1'd j BAD FOOD WHOLESALE. 'They art. Cnrerully Prepared. -Polls Harry veru about the softest couple
which dissipate themselves in the stom-
say to Mi'hitnhel Record some day,' ""' etch cannot be expected to have m,t,,, that. were ever married in this
when 1 saw that a big grudge was !Tons of It DestroyedMonthlyin cram, of Ole intestines. and to over- town."
growing right up inside of me. the Metrop case,: cestimust influence
the ie act o ofadminis-
h ise Ituby-"I should say so. Why,they
t 1 myself. 's' lose Me- from the monthly re- cantos. Parmelee's 11 Vegetable fills that o were so soft that. their friends boiled
'Now,' said I c y 111 appears (r
i so u,udo, vole 0,e snp0rvislon nt cx- the rice before they threw it at
hitnhel Record did really du it,
is , port of the medical officer of health perte, that We suhstlo,ce in them in- them."
that +e ,•-•_��.. ••••. •••• .,•••,••••• grow Itot' the city of London. England, tended to operate 011 the Intestines is
a grudge?' i that in the four weeks dealt with no retarded in action until they pass I
R i+ t through the stnina.'a to the bowels. Very many persons die annually from
cholera and kindred summer complaints.
AN'rIltto1'0\ME;TRiC SURVEY. who might have been saved i1 proper
• remedies had beet. used. if attacked do
"111 my opinion," said the Duke of not delay In getting ar t,ottlo 01 Dr.
.l. I1. Kellogg's 1)ysrutcry Cordial, the
Devonshl.e, "the report of the corn-l;,edicino that never fails to et(ect a
mission has not receiveel from the cure. Those who have used it any IC
public all the attention it deserves." acts Promptly, and thoroughly subdues
! rho pain and dlseasu.
Ile suggested a systematic nllthrupo- I
metric survey, ,lames -"When I'm calling i never
Speaking for the tlo 'ernment, Lord 'know what to do with any bur. and
Lansdowne gave the assuranee that feet7" Jims-"Offer your hand to
the report should nut be pigeon the girl, and use your feet to get
holed and forgotten. Itut further en-
n away from h r father."
qui y and investigat bin were neces-
Nary before n great many of the re- have you tried ilolloway's Corn Cure?
commendations could be taken up. 11 suis no equal ter removing these
troublesome Cxeresellrea as many have
lentilied who hav0 tried it.
A Sn,nO 1'111, but Powerful. -'They
that )idgo of 1110 powers of a pill by •.}s 7hnt n birthmark �n your
Its 8150, would consider i'armelee's
littlVegetatde 1'1118 to be picking. It Is a friend's fulchea(I?" "No; that's a
hicks wonder imam; pills. What it. lauIdry meek." "A laundry •nark.
hicks in Mia It kes up lis poi,
Tho rcrnetliea wchicli it carries are slut i lloww odd?" 'it'Kot so vary. Iris wife
up In these 7(11)1117 470,0.8, because they , hit hump with flat -iron."
aro so powerful that only small doses
are required. The full strength of the (Wise llcad T)IslnfMt•
extrncts is secured 111 this form and do Lever's Y-'/. ( )
their work tholoeghly. ant Soap Powder dusted In the
bath, l,otteia the water and distn-
i, S.1l.i: - -IN 1+011 W 11 y,
keeps hens or pets should 8004 �r
goc ut once and get the best practical
u,luru(aliu11 and latest news about
poultry and pct stock keeping. ewcry
mouth for the neat 16 months. Money
back it not satisfied. Agents wonted,
Address, Poultry News. Owen Sound,
Superfluous Hair Permanently Removes
While traveling in Mexico i (liscoed
cd a drug wh.cu removes hair Iron,
face, arms, neck. or any part of the
body instantly and peru,anenlly, FO
will s0nd to tory nue afflicted wlth,.ut
any ex{,e1110 hut. a postage stau,I,.
t)on'L judge my treatment by unsuccess-
ful attempts of others. 1 have sintered
for fears with this affliction and now
(ll lilt's vi ork in to help others from
this humiliating trouble. My tres'-
11nmt is easy and accomplished at home,
and 1 will forfeit Cit10 if it fails to
r'enlnte hair. Don't suffer longer. i7s
lief is note yours for the asking. Write -
now lest you forget my address,
lit oft 'II1' It i.n r 1,415 `North Six-
teenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
11 ARM A'r Alltllrtt,.. Al )" t -
t 2308 acres -21 miles north of
l,algary; 3 miles from Airdrie railway
depot: convenient to church, schools,
stoles. etc.; splendidly situated; magnt-
lieaat view; first-class soil; g 1 water
supply; up-to-date improvements; well-
built house of eight rooms. lifted with
all iuodern conveniences and drainage
system; stable, cattle sheds. burry
shed. workshop, corrals, et:.; good
fences, all new and substantial: will ho
sold as a going concern, with stock,
crops, machinery. tools and 1107140 Mr -
:fishing.; this farii is all plowable• and
is especially adopted for growing bard
fall wheat and for tnixed forming. Tutt
particulars on ant
licntion to Gray
tiros., Airdrie. AIta.
LADIES a a e
(Jas N Noe perfectly by our Teases Process. Try a.
260,000 words. (:ertu+ul comes next
With 80.000 words; then Italian,
with 75,000; French, with :!0,000;
Turkish. with 22,'00; and Spanish,
with 20,000.
rhe following note ren'•hed n
s(•hoOhnnst(r from n 1. y's father, in-
forming hitt of the cause .1f his son's
uhsenr,, from scho 1 1',e previous
day. it r,nttrrally 4'11'1,0(1 some mer-
riment 4111(1, judging Os 'lr the way
he sieve the epistle, it In no way
tintless bine. The note rah rift fol-
lws: "Please eks use 7 • army nal
T,eIng nt 5( hool yester(, n' ps he wile
kept at home to wash --Lis father."
Viral Mbopwa1ker - "Poor old
Nonce has n,ulpletcly lot his henr-
ing. I'm afraid he will lose his
Joh." Second Shopwalker -"Non -
Sense' lie's to be trnnsfcrrcd to
the complaUlt department!"
hen!1 h improved in every way nnrl , souse all the time U 4• Ing. ant ,
WANTS A 111.N11111•:1) SII1-I.1ON. 1e'.,•ry day. mid in a very fete weoks'ther,•fcr(', nu responsibility for the
Lord Kitchener has asked $100,- ! 1 gained 20 pounds in weight. i Queen's 'whale business rets upon
000.000 (or the erection of barracks liked (:rape -`its so well that fur 4 •hint. If the Queen contracted debts
and military centres along the in.. months 1 me no other food, and nl- :in 1:e:• husband's: name, lie would not
dian frontier. '11,,• Indian erei0 wast telt An well satisfied ar
tisfiefter at- h.• reseonsible: for thein AS any other
exists. he says, only to repel e. toe_ - ieg
nr ri, it 1 hnd Ent down to a fine husband would. The King; (0nnot
ill• sued for debt. but 1h(: Queen can
shin invasion, and le not n pole 4, 11 n I { 5/101114 the Kin die, a01111 ntt-
force to preserve )1rit.isli supn•ll,ii:y "1 hod ne return of the miserable be. fl
among the natives in !mdfn. 'Ther.'- si' i. .1'e".,•cit ncr of the hendnches, i thorit i1•s hold that the Queen (11)11,1
fore. hn proposes to ehnngte alto- , tl'tt! 1 o:'ed to have when 1 rile ! not inert again, in 0ase ' he 5 e ',..1
gether the system on which the other toed. 1 np1 now 0 well 104- Ito do so, without the 81,,..1.(1 'ic.n .•
army has, been prepared for mobile- , man. doing nil my own work ng;ain. and con lllllS$i(lll of the I. eggs s :'s, -
ation. I tied feel 0 n1 life is w Orth living. i cess:or.
4-- "(irnpe-Nut~ flied has been god-
send to to 111,7 family: it surely saved Ther.• nre only three national h.,1:-
'•1Cimt do you think of ."4r new my life nod my two P1'le hogs hnve dnys in Japan. .1 (inners( let is tom
oil p81011 n' " a ski d Mrs. Newvri. h thriven on it wnn.1arfi 1': " Nene. of then(, nod 1 • birthday tit tle.
"Yell," nn804Ircrl Mr. Ne'.trich, "it 'given by Pomona Co., I'ntt!e Creek, ireiggniog 1 sep'rer, Noveieher :3111, 18
seems good enough t the front, iStich. ,nn07her. 1•14t l'ehroaly 11th is the
but it you turn it round and look ni I 'There's n renew!). ggrrntest 111 the three (1411(8, fig it in
the ether Bide 1 must Fay rho ala- { (:,'t the little book, "The itond 7,1 Ith nniwersnry (•f the coronation of
terial (ilium kind o' cheap." Well' ille," in cnch pkg. the lir:tt Emperor .1 ;mint,.
The t'rince. de Lien.. is the fora) Mavis -"And so you are going to
mute possessor of perhaps the most
marry i'crdinitlul after all. You've
curious 1 k in the world. It is chosen hint out of all the legions 01
neither FWD.(' nor written. Tho suitors yon used to have?" Avis -
letters of the book are all cut Dub "Y"'hr, teas the only on • /vim pro -
Theve11 and pasted to blue paper. 1,08(41. and I decided that n Verdin -
The book i8 as easy to rend n8 i( and was worth two in the bush."
printed (rent t he boldest type. A'i
the characters are cut oat :cith 11 I. nn Offtrer of the f.aw of lirnith.
marvellous precision and unifortnit.•. -when 001104 In to attend a 111.t,trb-
nurc it s0a4CIICC out (lo hiding -ids( '4
0011 this lleXterous pine of hnruli- Win, and hkn a gguardian of 1140 p. are,
10011 must 140:0 required a great Inys hands upon Il and says. ''1 arrest
611101111t er time. labor nn,1 patience you." Iteslstance is useless, ns 11.45 low
of health imposes a sentence of pc) ,etu-
by the author. The vol •bears al banisnment on pain,and Dr. '1'�,om•
the title "The hook of rill P88•donft ns' t•athat sentence!"
was orlginatcd to
en. of Our Lord 'hems Christ, with ' force
characters notcomposed of tiny ma-
terial" it is 8nid that in 1610 the
German Emperor, itudolph 11., litter-
ed t he rneruluus 811111 of 11.000 du-
cats for 1 his wonderful. but vet curi-
ous, work of art. 11 hat mnnkcs the
history of the hook more peculiar is
the fact that the English arms are
inscribed upon It, although the book
is suppcsed never to have been in
i(1N(1 IT IN.
"ile mnde quite n little epeech
when he proposed last night," con-
fided Helen. blushingly.
"Sort of n ringing speech, 1 pro -
num(:?" laughed Katherine, noticing
the glitter on her chum's hand.
Perhaps the most unusual way of
delivering mails Is that adopted for
one of the Islands of the 'Tonga
group in the Pacific, where the
danger of approaching inshore ren-
ders It necessary for the (nail steam-
er to use a sky -rocket as a postman.
.Irs. ('asry--A n' scot he ye goin' to
rnakn of yet• bow, Mike?" Mrs.
O"I'uule-Well, we intinded him for n
hodenrrier. like his pa. but the bye's
nim was so good nt hittt11' seabs4
e of
wid bricks while thlast strike
on, that now Tim is Goin' to hat
him train for n hall pinyor.
Whooping Cough
Tho ehlldrett .•"r,1 to rat, h whoop' ng
cougheasily in r h,,..i ,m'•r time ‘111(.11 tt
isal•,r•:l)s).l) .'IIh.,:'fcrtoEu rilof,
The Lung
will cure them gilckly. 1her0 1- nn
Injure:in drug In It and 7' is pleasant
to take.
At all druggist., twc., lOr, and 11 .0,1 a t.dtle.
--- -- ,- -- _ . --.--a,
ISSUE NO. 34-03.