HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-21, Page 1Are You Going to Have a
Those who are having sales of
farm shock and iwtdement>t greatly
appreciate the fact that :a free notice
L .given in tho Times. We also ar-
Tan3e for taalcs fon Mr. Thos. Canter -
411. ►►ho has established an enviable
mmput.at,ion as an auctioneer and who
livconducted nearly all the sales
ad here this season.
Neter .„.,„
lay 1 5
Get Your Sale Bills Doi
at the TIMES
For the convenience of our mat
patrons who intend having aucti.
sales of farm ►stock and iuipla'men
we aro in a position to make &'.t t�
and terms..
Got your tills printed at t l.e Tiui
office. A free notice is ,;vett iu ou
col limns to every person act bill
from oat us.
111•••••••••••••••••••••t•••• ••••--•••••••••••••••N-•-
Hardware and Seed Store
is the place for Builders and those intending to build
should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
line of
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Cements we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
and can give you firstclass material. Try us and
you will be conuinced.
2 to ges to be obtained at our school
! are appreciated by the many students
who are in attendance from Exeter
and several outside places. pupils be-
ing in attendance from Hens:all, Kip -
pen, Dashwood, Eliutville, I3iddulph,
and other pierces. In fact those
from outside places constitute the
i old MaoriR, Elston\V, . Dunstan. S.
Muster ; heifer calf. 8hapton & Son.
Jersey.—Ileal cow, T. Prior, T.
Brock & Son; two year eel heifer.
IIAT the Exeter 111.111. ii;./1 pub- TLe tuition fees to outside pupils T. Woe & Son, W. Reid; ,one year
making school is uking rapid ere so very low that it is within the old heifer, T. l'rior, G. Maywood;
strides atm -aids becout.in:: r>tte means of everybody to take ndvant I beife.r calf, 1'. Prior. T. Brock & Son;
of the best educational insti ;e of the• r'xeel lent education fee- t Bull calf, T. Brock & Son.
tutions in Ontario can be better ap- ilitics offered by the Exeter eichcol; Polled Angus.—Mr. G. Hazelwood
`prec►ated when it is known that in board. one dollar per month being
II three years the attendance° in the the amount charged, and it may be
high school department la:asi incesas- said that the increased equipment
cd from 30 to nearly 1011 students las best* mostly paid fur by the fees
which goes to show t hat the advan- paid by outside pupils.
-.. + .t'✓: `;".MT:i'a`32• sty , -`'>;1 is i��
At Exeter and Centralia Two Remarkable Records
Storehouses made by the Popular
Now ready for use, the best
Cement and Lime
That money can buy
Coal for Everybody
at lowest prices
You are Suit buyers, We make the
Suite—you wear them out. We make
them as well as we can, so that they
will not wear outsooner than they
ought. Because. if they do, you'll
likely go somewhere else for your
next Suit. And no one could blame
you. So much money ought to buy
eo much Suit worth. And Suit worth
Is fashionableness of fabric—style in
cut—flt—finish—looks — dressynese —
and length of service.
As good a place as there is within
miles to get all this and not pay too
Ditch is W. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $15.00
and $18.00.
Merchant Tailor
6000 ::—iflE6RIPNERS
Annually. to 1111 the now positions created by
Railroad and Telegraph Companies. Wo want
Young Men and Ladies of good habits. to
and R. R. Accounting
We furnish 75 per cent. of tnc Operators and
'Station Agents in America. Our six schools GUARD AGAINST COLDS.
are the largo+t exclusive Telegraphy Schools
in the world. Est/0114116dsat neat,+ and en-
dorsed by all letting t)ailway Officials. , to impairment of the lungs, and im•
We execute a $Z'O Mond to every student to pairment of the lungs to that most
furnish him or her a position paying from Ito dre:ulful disease
toed) a to mth in States east of the Rocky
Mountains. or from $15 to 1910 a month in DEADLY CONSUMPTION.
States we+tof the Rock immediately upon It's easy to core a cold, harder to cure
etudent+.•an enter at any time. No vacs- i tonsilitts and it takes a miracle to
Corea For full particular+ regarding any of
our School+ write direct to our executive ,cure constant Von Get our coutth
once at Cincinnatti. 0. Cat.alogee free.
- THF: --
• The attendance at the opening •
• of our Fall Term was flve titnes •
• as great as that of a yearo.
' Last month we had ten time as
many calls for Bookkee•-iers,
Stenographers, Etc., as we could •
fill. This undoubtedly indicates
During the past vacation the small
room used as a cloak room and for
the bell rope was altered ,and divid•
ed into two sections, one part being
used for typewriters and the other
for the school Library.
There are at present eight teachers
en;aged, five in the public school In alto de-
partment and three in the high
Past school department. The high school
two yoars the faculty leach the Junior leaving and
results attained Matriculation, also the lull cowwer-
at the depart- tial course, in fact cover any work
mental exam- that is being done by any high school
ituttions by or collegiate institute .in the province
students trona except the Senior leaving classes.
the Exeter high The school a cut of which is shown
school Kaye herewith always holds a warm spot
been vary ,.rat- in 1 he hearts of those who attended
ifyin•g end it in years ,gone by, before the high
speak well for school ctepartineat was added, and
alae 4cachia., greatly appreciale the advantages
L. c, FLB11ilaa :t b i 1 i t y of which were offered then. Many of
the faculty. The perccntn;c of levy pupils Were succes9fuh fa secur-
IUCeessful candidates Were greater in; certificates without attending a
th:u1 any ot her hi314 school or co'I• high school sad tunny of them have
egiate institute in Western Ontario. made a mark in the world for them -
progressiveness and shows that ♦ The attendance •at the beginning
this is the best school to patron- = 1 of the present terns was the Inn;eat
ize. Enter now. Magnificent ♦ in tto)its being o►1 the rollhistory of the s of o[ the
catalogue free, Cor. Yonge and ? t t
Alexander Streets. z high :and public school departments
W J. ELLIOTT, Principal. •
The largest Business and Short-
hand School in Western Ontario.
Our courses are thorough and
practical. Teaching is done by
experienced instructors. There
is no
better school
the Domin-
ion. All Graduates secure posi-
tions. Enter now. Catalogue
}Principals D. A. McLACHLAN, Z•
Morse school of Telepraphu
Clecianatti, Ohio. Ilufalo, N. V.
Atlanln,(t:v• 1aC'ro++e. Wis.
Texarkana. Tex. sail I•'rr.nci+co, Cal.
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited.
7&.,Dundas St., London
HAVE hor A F'AItM I'Olt SALI'.f
if you havr n F:►rm, Town tar Vil•
cage propeehy for ruble write .to 115
for our varies of 'elfin z Real Es-
t ate.
,s-tate. We have lite most complete
system of advcrtlisinr and selling
properties. Do 1 -OI' (WANT TO
MESH I'Itol'Flt•1'i1 Send for our
list •(f properties for sale. \\'o hate
entre splendid farms for 'a11 in lira
County of Huron .
Henn w —AiN lned Yes the On
selves, some as professional men and
others in business enterprises. One
thin; Exeter can boast of and that
is we have and always have had ex-
cellent educational facilities.
The :annual exhibition given by the small and t tnan{}facturere are to
Stephen & Agricultural societywas he censured for their apparently lax
held in Exeter Monday and Tuesday attention to the display of their
of this week. and as usual was highly wanes at the [airs, %%hon it is there
successful. The addition to the Cry-
the farmer, who is the consumer,
t al
palace gave more room for the looks Lor new methods for making
1 ar. a List and each exhibit could be his labors loss arduous.
displayed to bolter advantage titan HORSES
before. Monday was entirely taken
up by placing the different articles Heavy draught. -Brood mare ac-
-and the manner all which the dilfor. companied by foal, J. Colwell, W.
ent things were distributed ,reflects Dickson, Radcliffe Bros; Foal 1905,
considerable credit on 'the manage -N
. Dickson, Radcliffe Bros.,,1. Col-
muntt. Each article w•as tont in its well: Filly or gelding, three years
properplace sand labeled, (bus giving old, E. Trayner, Jas. Beattie, 8.
the judges a splendid importunity for hunter ; Filly or gelding. two yrs.
in akin; their decisions. old. 8. lluntcr, W. Dickson, Chap-
in the crystal palace you are First aton and Son; Team, W. hernick,
confronted with a display Of }tonne- Radcliffe Bros; Filly or gelding one
rs de breed, butter, and preserves year old, J. Hunter, J. Coltvdll, Mc -
1 which show how elainty the hbusel Michael iiras.
vv'ifc can ;et up things for the table. Agnicullural.-Itrood ma re accom-
Tlwre anis fruit in abundance, pears hunted with foal, 1. Johne, J. Col%vcll
peaches and apples that fairly made
2nd and 3rd; focal, 1901,, 1. Johnq, J,
your mouth water. The collection o[ Colwell; Filly or gelding two years,
apples was one of the finest ever ex- old. ,11cMictaacl I3raq, C. 8. Atkin-
i►ibited and it ,iii doubtful if any of son, 1, Tohns ; Filly ,or .gelding one
the larger fairs can excel it. The year old Craren Bros., V. Hernias
furniture displays b \V. C. Huston
.1. Itowcliffe ; Team, J. Dow, \V. F.
y Elder, J. & W. Allison,
and Rowe & Atkinson slowed many
new (Lesi;ns in articles which go General purpose.- Brood mare and
to snake the home comfortable and colt. J. ltowctiffe; Foal, 1903, 3.
dainty. Rotveliffe; Filly or zclding three
The floral exhibition w':ls dlte mi. years old, II. Reynolds, D. Schnell ;
ire of attracbion, meshy very (rare do two years old, J. Rowctif re, W.
and beautiful fLowore being shown. 11y't14•; do, ane natio old, E. Ros:der;
Thele were gladioli. asters, petunias Texarn, W. J. Ppm, J. Decker, .1. Hey
and other flowers of beautiful 5113(1- )-.
in:. The exhibits of tgladioli :shown Jur! zes, It. Alexander, Forest, J.
by Dr. Amon and Mr. J. G. Stanhury Courson, Lucan and J. Salkeld, God -
seem') J hese .gentlemen as being Cote- et••ich,
n(•iseeurs in flower raising. The col- Carriarc.—Brood ryric anal 1oa1, W.
lection of gladioli, awn'," and annuals \Vitzel, .i, ifey, jr ; Foal, 1905, T.
.ream;ed anlisli iIIy in n beautifulIlnnkin, A. liisoet1 ;.do gelding three
coiuntn, ;and sheen by Mra. (Dr.) years old, R. Charter'', T. Shipley,
Antos was a.ireatly admired, and the \\ • 1)011;311 ; do, 1u.,► year, old, 8.i
lady is entitled In irrcnt praise for
Hunter. \V. Berry, A. Nlci)onald;rlo
her extra llcnt taste in the manner in (tieyear old, ,i. Hey, jr., .1. Cobble.
Istee her display was arrnn"ted.
r. ,i. G. St:unburv's collection of
rate 1igridi %seas also .greatly admir.
cd. ,
,\ III1IIL1I UI 4' garden 1110 exhibit o(
Mrs. T. ll. McCallum, showing a
small haat-', with grass, 'trees, fences
flow0rs and even to the setting hen,
was worthy of praise and attracted
th.r. it tension of every t+i!htseor.
Other cr,lle ettions %vete. •t stere in
abundance. ntits lite n kette quilts,
counterpanes and every imaginable
article that can Ix* made by the nev-
or idle hands 01 the fair sex. There
were itaintings, photo% Ilea crtetys,
fancy pin cushions, stamps of rare
value, con fedora te money, woks,
stuffed birds, ruts and many of her
1 lain gs ;and to uy(1 the phrascntu,(y al
the auctioneer. "lc.. nuln0nous to
\Vnte.iocou"111 .ro on to akin; nien(ivn CATTLE
of the nice ►hinge to cat and tacit.. i)urlgtnn.-Azed cow, A. G. 8m:wev,
but a list of prim %%inners follows 11. Smith, .1. Hunter; Two year 0i.1
and 1bal is the nu -8t intoresliai part heifer, J. Ihtnlcr, R. Amish, 0. ll.az-
tomany. leweeI;one 1e,r rt'I 9 Ver. 11 `smit9
In the Ilrtrt.icultural 11..111 were
found the ',reelects of the fatal and 1st and 2nd, 3. liuntlr ; Bull calf,
1i. Smith, 1st and 2nd, 3. Hunter
kips, beets radi
linden. 1)i ds s of carrot. pump- ( Heifer calf, 11. Smith. 111 and 2nd, J.
shes, onions, caltb., x•.
and squash that would rake a track ?hinter : Herd, Ti. Smith. Tat and 2nd,
1. Hunter; Throe ashes by rile bull,
to move, :and other vcx,tablcs that 111. Smith, A. 0. 8m al ley,
the proud exhibitors have nursed (:eaten.—.zed cow Shaptoa & Son,
with care, were in abundance. 1, 2, a x1 1; two tear old heifer. 8.
The machinery exhibit was very Ifu.rtcr 1 and 2, W. Ford; one-year-
mixture and keep it on hand, From \)
babies up it will save expense. 23e. a
W. S. NOWEY, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont.
\\' ill .ell
To the
North West
%1',noipee )$ pale
Rhelao --- 1.1..50
Mori bray
31.50 Liptton t1.76
Sourly 1 Ntrtoeejna aw 11.0)
Brandon 31.5.1 l(un10clt 13,00
l.ylcton % Sa.katoon - 15.25
Lenore ) 31.01 )'r. Albert "GAO
311n(0(8 1 Melton I0.110
Ban+earth 32,23 114tticford (7.0)
)too'otnin 32.24. Mteleod tv.(0
Arcola 32.30 4 alptary I)(50
is+te%anlint Deer 39.60
Vorkto(t 130) Strat hcona In.$
Ptam.ark I
Going S(('t. fah and :xith,
Returning until Nov. 13th and 17th,
Pamphlet" and full particulars from any
Canadian Pacific Atrenl .r
c.R. leo •e-. T) P. A Te•nn'n
dick; Carriage horses 16 111ttds high
or over, .T, Colwell, J. McLean, [tows
& Atkinson ; Single carriage horse,
16 hands and over. 8. W. Horne. W.
\Vitzel, T. Bissell, sr.
Roadsters, Ilrood mare and colt,
T. Ituasell, I). Schnell ; Foal, 1905, A.
N1 ecdonald, W, Witzel, T. Russel'
Filly or gelding 3 years old, J. Deck-
er, 1). Schnell, 3. Hepburn; !-
two years old, D. Schnell, \V.
Wit gel. McMichael Bros; do 1 yr.
W. \Vitzel„ .1. Eley, jr ; road
eters in harmer+, A. NIactionaid, A.
Buchanan, A. Do w ; Ttoedsfcr in
harness and buggy, J. D. Merner, J.
Sparrow, A. Dunkin, Saddle borne,
John Farmer; Indy driver, Miss
Decker, \liss ('1. artery, Mrs. Raott.
Judze�, 11. \Vikon, Sea forth, W.
Mossip, St. Marys, \V, Bae. Rt Paul
.l nnet ion.
took all the prizes in this class,
llutche.r's cat tee.-8hapton & Son
1 and 2; one year old steer, II. Smith
S. Bunter, W. Carter r steer calf, S.
lluntcr, 1 and 2.
Judges,—J. Stanley, R. Robinson,
J. Salkeld.
Southdowns—.ler. A. Telfer took all
prizes in this class.
Shropshiredowns—Mr. G. Pcmhale
look all prizes in this class •
Lincolns—Aged ram, A. Du cnn,W,
IIoy ; Shearlin; ram, W, Hoy, A.Dun-
can ; ram last, A. Dunkin, W. Hoy ;
ewe having raised lambs in 1905. A.
Dunkin, W. Hoy ; Shearlin g ewe, A.
Dunkin, W. Hoy ; rove lamb, A. Dun-
kin, W. IIoy ; e'en consisting of ram
shoarlitt,g ewe, ewe Iamb and a rain -
lamb, W. IIoy, A. Dunkin.
Leicester—Mr. It. Dell took all
prizes in this class.
Fat Sheep—Fat ewe, G. Penhale.
A. Telfer.
Jud;es—F, Ii. Neal, W. RolLiaa,
J. Delbrid;e.
Boar, 2 years old. R. Sanders ; boar
one year old, R. Birch; boar littered
in 1905, R. Sanders; pow two years
old, It, Sanders; Aim. littered in 1905,
11, Sanders.
Yorkshire—Boar one year old, R.
Birch; boar littered in 1905, R.Birch,
S. Cudmore, It. Birch:pow two years
old, 11, Birch 1st and 2nd; sow one
year old, It. Birch; sow littered in
1905, R. Birch 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Tamworth—D. Douglas took all
prizes with exception of boar two
years old •
Pigs for Packing—Best three j)ifa
for packia•z. It. Birch, D•Dou,tlas.
Diploma—Pen of any bred aro con-
sist of boar and three Sows;D. Dou ga-
las, It. Birch.
Judges,—F. hicks, C. Fanner, D.
Golden pencilled Iiambur;s, W.
Carter; IIoudans, W. Carter, Carling
Bros; Golden I'olands, G. Irwin;
\` lite Le;horns. A. Reith; Brown
Le.ghorns, A. Reith; White Leghorns
rase comb W. Carter ; Buff Leg -
horns, A. Reith; Black Java, 0. Ir-
win,. 1st and 2nd ; Andulusians, T.
Itrork & Stn, 1st and 2nd; Black
Spanish, T. Brock & Son; Black Min-
oroas,G. Irwln, J. 13. Armita.zc ; Silver
Lace Wyandotte-% W. Carter; White
Wyandottes, A. Reth; Golden Wyan-
dottes, Il. Makins, J. Grieve; Buff
\Vyandottes, W. Carter ; .Light Bra-
hamas, Carling Bros., G. Irwin; Dark
Brahamas, G. Irwin ; Barred Ply-
mouth Rocks, G. Irwin, Carling lleo;
White Plymouth rocks. A. Reith;
Buff rocks, A. Iteith; huff Cochins,
A. With, G. Irwin : Partridge Coch-
ins, W. Carter, A. With; Silver Grey
Dorkins, G. Irwin; Black Breasted
lted Game, Carling Bros., Dickson &
Carling; Any other variety tgame,G,
Irwin ; Black red game Bantams, G.
Irvin, 1st and 2nd; Brown red Ban-
tams, G. Maywood ; Any of lacr var-
iety Bantams, W. Carters; .Silver Spa
n;led Harnburgs, E. Roeder. \V. Car-
ter ; Golden Spangled llamhur- s,W,
Carter; Silver Pencilled Ilamburgs,
W. Carter ; Black Hambur3s, W. Czar
ter ; fireman Geese, W. Carter ;
kin Ducks, G. Irwin ; hone, Ducks,
\V. Carter, G. Irwin; Aylesbury duck
W. Carter ; roltection of singing
birds, Mrs. .1. Itichardsoa ; ilcl Zian
Rabbits, T. Brock & Son, G. Iley-
wood ; Ot her variety rabbits, T.
Brock & Son ; Guinea l'i;s, Dickson
& Carlin; ; Guinea Fowl, G. Irwin;
Pci Fowl, W. Carter.
Chicks—Golden Pencilled Itam'nirt
Carter r Is
t 3
nd • lfoud:utag1V,
Snell S
n 1 Orp}►inztons, Rbi
. akins, ist
and 2nd; While Le:horns, A. Reith,
Dickson & Carling; Brown Leghorn'',
W. Carter ; Brown Le horns, -rose
comb, W. Slat )tarn; White Leghoras,
rose comb, W. Carter ; Buff Lezbor:ta
A. Iteith ; Black Java, G. heel; ,An-
dulusians, T. Brock & Son ; Black
Spanish, Carlin; Bros., T. Brock &
Son ; Black Minorcas, G. Irwin, J. i3.
Armitage; Silver Lace \Vyaldottos
E. Maywood ; White \Vyandattes,A.
With; Golden \\'yandot Ie.s, D. ilow-
cliffc ; !tuff Wyandot acs, \V. Ca rter ;
Light Ilrahamas, Carling I3' -os: Dark
hrahamas, G. Irvin ; Barred Ply-
mouth rocks. Carling liana. Ii. Rey-
nolds; Buff reeks, 1). ltoucliffe 1st
and 2nd; huff cochins. G. Irwin;Bek.
cochins, A. Iteith ; White cochina, A.
Reit h ; silver trey dorkins, 0. irvin
1st and 2nd ; .Any other variety rime
G. Irwin, Brown red 11 intima, A.
Reit)) ; Any ot her variety haul ens,
A. it^•it9 hilver spangled hatnbur;s
W. ('arse r,; olden spanZled hain-
bur _+, W. Garter; Silver pencilled
h:arnburzs,\V, Carter ; black !limber."
W.Carter ; silver pencilled laysr,lot
tem, E. 11 ay wood, 1st and 2nd ; Itre-
104111 meso, \V. Carter ; /Ayes -bury
ducks, \V, (',:ser: I'atrig! re ''i'-
dolive, E. ifaywood.
Two bushels fall wheat white. M.
Brcthour; Two bushels fall wheat
ted, 11. Krol (tour ; ,Two bushels any
variety sprint .wh+•a1• Ni. liret hour,
I(. 8andors ; Two bushels 6 rowed
barley, NI. (fret hour ; Two bushels
2 rowed bit I .y, M. I1,.'t hour ; two
bushels large oats, NI. Ilacthour ; Iwo
bushels oonlnnon 0:118. N1, Ilrethour;
(Continued on page flve.)
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yon Have Always Osegbt
Bears the e��
Signature of
Jo11N WHIT. of Soles
The Orcat Noah West
General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands also
a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm lands.
We have made a number of splen did investments for our clients, who
placed orders with us for selection s of Canadian Pacific and other
North West lands. In a number of instances values have increased so
rapidly that our patrons could rea dily realize double the amount of the
money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects for
a bumper yield and an enormous crop. and the unprecedented num')er
of eettlera goming into .the west. prices of lands of •good quality and
situated convenient to a railway are bound to make a still further
large advance,
One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the
Crop Estimate for the Present Season.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Advance
We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. Ws
give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands.
$427.00 down secures � acres, (half section► of choice wheat.land.
G This would be a great investment for YOU,
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever.
$383.40 Secures 320 acres (half section) choice wheat land to an actual
settler. No other payment required for two years.
R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months' trip
through the West. During his stay there he will locate a number
of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various new
railroads. Any person $vho desires to make an investment in Wes
ern tands should communicate with him when full information wt
be given. His address up to the [5th October next will be
General Seiling Agent for C.P.R. Lands. Frobisher, Assa.
Havingour Immense Show Rooms packed full of ne
and up -to -ate furniture in every line, and in order to snake
room for some large shipments of goods now on order. We
have decided to open the fall trade with a suprisingly low
Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all intending purchasers
to come and examine our goods and compare our prices be-
fore placing their orders. as we intend cutting the price of
every article in our store lower than we have ever attempted
to do b
So don't fail to take advantage of this chance
to buy furniture at prices never before known in Exeter.
The Leading House Furnishers and Funeral directors,
—\\'e learn that Mr, llcnry Ehlers
of the 14th iv loakin,r for a house to
locate here, we hopq he may he suc-
— The funeral of the Irate Choy.yShce
masher of Parkhill, passed throurh
the vi11;e Saturday r noon in route
to Zurich where interment would
take place. Mr. 8110cuIocher i,t a
brother to Lowes of .this, place :and
formerly roside(1 at Zurich.
—Suniay was a day for rain, it
rained almost continuously from •• ,r-
ly morning. until six o'clock to. 01.
— Rev. NT. Clemens end family left
t at✓s evek to visite drieadrt in Lamp-
ton comity. They cxtaecl to be ab-
sent about 1 wo weeks,
—Wednesday moi ninz al the
home of the bride's parents. Mr. and
NI te. Win. Rohde, was the sceee of
'one of those eve111-1 that always
canoes a ripply upoit tthe usuany pla-
cid surface of society, whew. Miss
8(6(11, ctdest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Rohde was united in wed took
to Mr. It. S. 1lamilton our popular
sash and door non. The ceremony
performed 'u
n h< i
OM ► e
t cwcnc.
1 a
few 1111nar'liato friends by Alie Rev. -
Mr. Sutclift of Grand Vend. The
happy couple left o.t the evening
trsrin for Toronto, Niarrar:t Fate' anti
other post►lav amid Ila'. hearty .zood
wishes of their many (fiends.
—Mr. Geo. Powell of Exeter, anal
3 ruest at Mr, JosephBath-., Sunday,
—Mr. O. Elmo is back at the 8o-
vc r•ei zit !Lank having 'bean absent rev
lieviar at Zurich for two weeks.
—1Uillun I' Iirhoffcr, of Slake, i1
working hill his 1(101icer Ge,enge in
the shoe t me.
Stoves, Ranges & Furnaces
This week or any other
time we will be pleased to
show the merits of our 195
lines of Stoves and Ranges,
Our stock comprises ,Sou-
venirs, Garlands, Hurons and
Ilaplty Thoughts.
in this Itne' we are showing the most
up-to-date in town, Art Garlands,
Art Souvenirs, Empire Garlands and
Jewels. it will pay to examine our
A New Itll'tt Coal or Wood Furnace will he set
111) on floor. Its many advantages and good
points are easily it'en.
And Stove Store.