HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-14, Page 8i'}iE EXETER TIMES. SEPTEMBER14th, 1905. STEWART'S Just in: Our new stock of Ladies' and Chil- drens' Coats, Jackets and Dress Goods. We are proud of our new stock. The coat styles are quite a change from last season. Some very pretty effects in Fawn Whip Cord, tight and.semiafitting will be the leading styles in Ladies' coats for this season. Our New Dress Goods are really lovely. Come and have a look, it costs you nothing we like showing new goods. Butter and Eggs- Yes we are still in the race, we want all you have. J. A. ST.WAR'T' W!iTGtI TIiLK We can suppiy you with a atch of any description. GENTS WATCHES, in either lid Gold, Gold Filled, Silver, ckle Silver or Gun Metal cases, nging in price from $2 0o up to I00.0o. LADIES WATCI-IES, in Sil- ver, Enamel, Gold Filled or Solid old Cases, ranging from $4.00 o $6o.00. We have a fine assortment for u to choose from. Before parting with your money 11 and see what we can do for TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left notleter than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 111U 1 1)A Y, SE 1'"1'. 14th, 1905 i 'LOCALS ••.•••N •*See*** London hail- is ort I Iiia track. Lawn mowers sharpened on ehort- cst notko at D. Hartleib's. Exeter. I)r. A. F. Malloy was in Toronto last week attending the fair . Miss Eastwood. of Whitby. is vi- itin, her sister. Dara. J. G, Stanlntry. Mr. Robert McAlpine, of 8I. Marys spent Sunday the guest of Mr. .1. Grieve. Miss Stella 8packwau left Tuesday .to resume her studies( at St. Mar- jarct's Colla;c, Toronto . Mr. E. Eacrett, of Spokane, Wash. in home spetuting' a feat weeks holi- days with his Mother. Miss Lillian Ruston left Tuesday OU. for Moorceficld where she will re- sume her position as milliner. Baseball, -A game of baseball will be played on the recreation grounds on Friday at 4.30 p. m. Let ween Cred- ition and Exeter juniors. Ad. 15c. Dr. L. L. FoILiek, :dime Mabel rol- lick and Mtiss Johnson, of St. Marys, were t he ,guests of Ur. hollick's par- ents last Sunday, Mr. Shermon, at Delorainc. Man.. who has affected u number or cures by pntolisin; his hea1ite; rrr1, has been iuvitod to come to Exeter. Mr. lames Fax. ars usual was ir- resIsttbI y comical .end carried the ausliettce by storm. Ile is 111e prince -of public entertainers. - Toronto Globe. S. FITTON, Suer of Marriage Licenses. e've Turned he Corner. It's fall now in the store no atter what the weather is ntside. Fabrics for the coming cold ve again filled up our elves and counters, and the mand will turn largely to vier weights. is a splendid time to order. nd you have the choice Mir. J. 11 .A1kiusom, of tbo firm of Rowe & Atkirtson, ryas in Toronto bast week attending rho convention of the Canadian Embalmers' Associa- tion. DR. OVENS. London. Sur;eon, EYE. EAR. NOSE and THftOAT.FIts Glasses properly. Office, Commer• tial Hotel. Exeter.. Next visit Sat- urday, September 23rd. Fax was a whole company in hitn- sc+lf and kept the audience in :1 tier- petual roar. Slr. hex's next •apecar- nnce in this city wilt draw :t bumper the refusal of the most bou •-Kitls>aloli Whig. rthy r011ection of clothing Dr. Duller, London. will be at the y Central Hotel, Exeter, on Thursday tertals that you will find September 21s1, 1905, all dily ywhere around here. for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses sup' Call any time. A ►cx•tnos:t iug of the ratepayers is cal- led for to -night in the 'Town ]tall to discuss the proposition re the electric light plant and old mill dam proper- ty. Several good speakers have of- fered their services curd ir is desir- ed that a largo attendance be pre - W. W. Taman Merchant Tailor. FOROVP1 UIXTY 11CARS As Ot.o •ern WsttrTxasn RsMsOr.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been tuned for sixty years by millions of mothers for their ef1Mren while teethin with perfect nuecos. II soothes the child, sone the gums, allays all n curse wind collo. and U the best remedy f)tarnc�ea. It In pleasant to the taste. tot in every part of the world. 25 4Ieot• abbootttle. its value Is lnoaloulable. Be erand' take re Winslow's Soothing rnesea reit for no other kind. Market Report. -The following la the rteort of Exeter markets. cor- rected it to Au rust. :it st. Peas 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Wh .Ir, i.' cum, p• rt bushel. Barley, 35 to :is ratite :t aushel. Shorts. E19 tee. ton Family flour, $2.50 per cwt. Hay, RO per ton. ilran, $14 per ton. Oats, 29 mot • I.c'r• bu.h 1. Hose live weight. $6.50 per en t. Hogg. dressed. $8.50 per cwt. E,tjs. 18c. per dozen. Butter, 19 r•111• ;t pound Onions. fisc. per hull" 1, CALSO TOA=a. t.• , lits Kind ¥cu Here dere 8 ht t1a'• Rent . Mr. and Airs. Wm. Delbrid„te, of E)iutville, returned Saturday after a three weeks' visit to New York. While away Mr. and Mrs. Dcihridge visited at Albany. Iluffalo, Niagara Falls rood nils► took in The Toronto exhibition. (tone Mr. and Airs. D. thoroughly enjoyed their extended trip. A very 1)iet ly %%sahi ' z was sots eninizcd on August 30th al' Oho resi- dence of \Vele Caves, or Usborno, when his din,hler. Et hs W. was united in mat :la _e to Mfr. Siege ood Hunter. of 1'sborne. The ceremony this perk -frilled by Rev. Andrews. of Crediton. Only the inunediate rel- atives were present. After alae wed - din; dinner tvtiist /served 1 )s 1 Ivo happy oou1)k eft on the afternoon train for Toronto and other eastern cities. Ml r. Thomas ilunkin, of the 8th con. t"slorne, aecitee a cure effected by Mr. elhc,rman, (the healer now holdinz fort h at Seafor1h. Some time azo Mr. Hunter suffered :1 ftac tare of one of his Iez., a stiff knee bcius the result. necessitatinr the use of crutches. Ile Iron to Se.1- ferth her week to deceive treatmtent from Mr. Shunt in and is now :able to al lend to his duties around ):ie Imo without any nrlificial aid . • St.,: nal.t'ii. Loudon tot. en pa;o 4. fuur. Monday sued Tu -day next ate rail. days. Mr. J. Stull- nay in London Satur- d.1y en busiut•ns. Earl Brownies; returned from the Torcato fair last Saturday . Its up to the nett her luau to fur- nish good weal Ie t for fair days. bliss McTat*sit. of Detroit, is .the •u.st of 'Ler grandfather, John 1lawkshan. . Mrs. (Dr.) St tnbury•, of itayficld, was the guest of her sou, Mr. J. G. St anbury. Mr. Gilbert Doty returned last tyosk from 1 u o wont hs 'ai'i1 tlova rh the northwest. Mr. A. J. Ford and family. who at- tended 'Toronto fair, returned home Friday evening. Mr. T. 11. McCallum and daughter Edna attended the exhibition in To- ronto last week. For Sate.-Itesidence of Mrs. G. Kemp, on Andrew at. for particulars apply to owner. Rev. Godwin and son Lloyd visite-1 at Niagara halls and also took in the"Toronto fair last week. Mrs. Du,lass, of llantiLton, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. J. Kcstle. and other friends in town. New supply of Comic Post Cards for fair day. Come and have a laugh Honey's Dru; store. For Sale. -house and two lots fur Salo on Victoria street, west, for fur- ther particulars apply to John hind. Mr. C. Steinbach and Mies Jacooi, of Waterloo. wore :thl (guests of Mr. Alex Dyer the forepart of the week. Mrs. T. 11. McCallum. Mrs. Doug- las and bliss Elsie McCallum were in London a few days last week visit- ing friends. Writing pads with pictures of Trivia Motorial church and Aux Sable bridge 15 and 25 cents, honey's Dru; store . The turning' of the 'first sod of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway took place at Fort William Monday the ceremony being performed by Sir \Vilired Laurier. The remains of Susanna Whiting, relict of the lata Edmund Whiting, arrived here Wednesday from Brace- vilte. Ills., the remains being interred in the Exeter cemetery. Mrs. R. N. Rowe was called to Clinton last week on account of the death of her fathor, Thomas 110110- w•ay, of that down. Mr. Rowe nt- tended the funeral Monday. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative¥romo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggi s refund the mon- ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's si®toature is on caeh box. 25o. The Coughlin family who appear at the Gilley Opera House with Jim Fax Monday and Tuesday ni;lets, Sept. 18 and 19 are pronounced to be one of the best concert companies on the road . Notice. -slaving' purchased the Exeter Evaporator; I intend running tho ta•Imc this season and will bq in a position io pay farmers and oth- ers the highest price for apples. -W. 1i. Levert. An eminent physician says that ap- pendicitis is caused by rho mad rush for stoney and that in his twenty years practice. he has never operated on a newspaper man. Certainly not. tI;ey all work for their health. For colds and la !grippe -Dix Cold Cure, Break -up -a -Cold, Lax a Cord, iiixative Ilromo Quinine. samples free. also 1)ix Lull; Syrup• and \Vin- ali's Cou'it Balsam. Soldose. Lutz. Central Dru; Store, Exeter. -S+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ One of the leading attractions on fair days, Sep!, 18 and 19, will be Spacknian's Millinery Openin;s, es- eecially for the ladies all are invited o attend. -E. J.Spackman. t art ++ s--t"a'a'-r'1' s-++++++ 4-e i'1' i'•r-3•-I'd- A. E. Tennant. V. S., returned last week from the northwest where he had his fast racing horse, Harry P. entered in sores -al events. Mr. Ten- nant is well 'lensed with the !dhow - in; trade by his horse and intends entering hint in several epecdin; con- tests in Uncle Sant's domain. Attention is oafish :10 our many reactors to the new story started in the Tithes this week. 111 is entitles "Regina Fairfield or a Terrible'. Ex • piation." The story is n good one and should be rend with much inter- est. Extra copies can tat secured at the Times office. Harvey Ilros. have nearly coin plated the extensive regi:airy and 1111 proycn►ents to their infilling plant A sheeting of (galvanized iron is be- ing put on the outside, improving the appearance of she building and making it impossible for the mois- ture to penetrate .tlie walla. 'rhe office is train; beautifully decornf- ed. An ornamental metallic ceiling is being put on, 4ogetlaer with other additions. A solid wall of hrich hart been built underncnth the elevator. Settled. -The action brought by \1r. Thomas Cameron, of Usborne '1'u'.vnship, formerly Secy -t yeas. of the Usborno & Ilibbert Farmers' Mu- tual Fire Insurance Co, n;ainet the Company Iris been settled by the ac- ceptance by M r. Cameron of $31.94 which the Company's Solicitors pail into Court. Mr. Cameron sued the Company for $200 damages for al- le;ed wrongful dismissal, 5119.50 for services and money expended for pasta ge, slalionery &c and also for the delivering up of Itis 1idolity bond, The company admitted M r. C<amer- On's ri.tltt to his post a ze and station- ery atnount•iu; to $31.94. Every newspaper does a largo nntoullt of free sorvicc for the com- munity, ramal imes tt it foul request. hill always without thanks. Never- theless ever- thieless Ilio newspaper is net mach 0 private enterprise ns sins (Alien man- ufacturing business. 11 is built up by sudh hard labor. :stony, applica- tion, siovere nervous 51 rain and strenuous life as is tuaknnwtl -lo any other elitist;: and tit, hatsiness in the world 'requires so much anti se yon• 51:1111 an investment of new material to keep lip-to-da10. Al the same time. no other industry is solicited s•a often to contribute. of its very life -its advertising space -for pub• lic and piivate benefit, as the news• paper . ts'lILLINERY e are always in the lead in this depart- ment. Our showroom is now well fill- ed with the most artistic display of trimmed and ready-to-wear hats. The prettiest collec- tion we have ever shown. Inspection Cordially Invited. MANTLES Pretty Fawn Coats : Alt made up in the very newest styles, made of the finest and Pretty Tweed Coats : best wearing cloths, neatly trimmed, perfect fitting. Pretty Black Coats : PRICE,736.00, $8 00g,.$10.00. DRESS moons BroaIi 6Ioths: TviccflS • • Beautiful fine finish all shades, 48 inches wide 75c. Special collections worth 75c for 50c. r1dIds • • A great assortment to choose from, 25c, 40c and 60c a yard. SNI.J2.1 & ROW -+ Mr. J. A. Steuart took .in the Lon- don fair Tuesday. Mr. John Evans and MLr. Robt. Barns, of London, epenti Sunday with their families here . Robt. Moir has secured a situation with T. Ilawkias & Son and com- menced his new duties last week. A new supply of Tooth Brushes justarrived at Ilowcy's Dru; store. !'rices ranging front 5 to 50 cents. When you come to the conclusion that you will get married. Mr. 8. Fitton is the man to ;et your license from Airs. Rev. Curric,(nee Miss Mildred Godwin) was a visitor at tho par- sona;o for a few days during the past week. Looals -Mr. John 8packt.tan is having the Gidley Opera House building thor- oughly overhauled need t new cost of paint put On the outside. The Tithes extends a hearty in• vitution to its subscribers and oth- ers to visit the office while in Exeter during the fair days. We are at all times pleased to see the faces of our friends and enjoy a handshake. -S++++++4 -1-1.4-1-2-/-S+++++++++++ Fall MLillincry opcoiu; at Spack- man's Monday .and Tuesday, Sept. 18 and 19. Every lady of Exeter and vicinity cordially invited to attend. - E. J. Blackman. -1-1-++++++++++++++++4-1-4-1.-14++ MPany. subscribers to 1 his newspaper have friends and relatives in other towns -people who have gone from this vicinity. ('lease send us their names. that the may send them a sample copy o Otte Times and prove to them it is like ":t !eller from home." • The medicine show which held fer111 here for two weeks drew up stakes and left Monday. 111 has been sussested that the Council pas, a by-law by which it, will be impodsi- blc for such concerns to secure a license to do business here. They not only deprive those who do busi• ness in the town and help support it by paying lases. of le.;i1itnatc sales, but inyei_de people into buying a lot of stuff for which they have no worldly nee. T1►a month of October will likely s^c n number of bye -elections to fill vacancies in 1.1►o Dominion Parlia- ment. One seal is vacant in Ontario -West Lamtbton, by the death of 1)r. Johnston, and one in Nova Scotia-Antigoni-sh, by 1ho appoint- ment of Mr. Mclsscac to the Trans- continental railway commission. \W -al • ter Scott's choice ns provincial leader will make another vacancy in \'"est Assiuiboia. The prospeztive vacan- cies ;Ire tknyn in Nova Scotia, whe.rc .a couple of members. Finlayson tiid Mackenzie. may zet county jut;c- ships, which would occasion vacan- cies, while e0ltlo pretreat commoners in several provinces are after ap- pointments to the Senate . ,lir. T. 11. McCallum and tktug)tter. Ednaa, beae roomed from a visit to Tiaiuilo and Grimsby !'ark. While at 1110 (serial- p'ace the)•' attended tine nnnunl •galheiing of the MCC:iI- IUIn clan, held on Labor Day, it which about one hundred and sixty represent•ahives of the ,family welt, present. The Uinr)ling '.vas delight• fully spent in introductions clad re- newers of friendships. white. after a su0110110us dinner, addresses were riven by represent :ati'Os of the did- forenl branches of t ho family. One of the most interesting features of the day was 'the Looking over of the old family records anions which was the orizinitl toed of ,Alio first Land held .in (Itnada by 'their ancestor. .lames McCallum, after his arrival from Scotland nearly two hundncd voars ago. also a picture of his his rooks. "fttverncry" in the old land. Guests titre 'assent from 114 - fro cut parte of Ont :thio and the 81.1tM, and a most enjoyable day \v ;as 51)0111 . Mr. H. Evcu►s at tended tLe 1.011 • don fair yesterday. Mr. R. (Sidles,, of Hayfield. spent Sunday at his home here. Fat hogs and Lar4e pumpkin% mill occupy the limelight for a few weeks Miss Morlock announces ttl►at she %vill hold annual fall millinery open - in; next Monday cveninp and Tuc;9- d:ty . IIICICS' FORECASTS FAIRVISITO S S hould not fail to see our big displpy of Fall Goods! in- cluding everything new for the fall and winter. New Dress Goods, new Furs, new Overcoats, new Suits, 'new fiats and Caps and Underwear. Dress Coods-All the smart effects will be found here from 50c up. New Waistinas-In Polka Dot Velvets; Silk 11�1(I • Wool Mixtures; Fancy, Plaid and Plain 50e per yd. New Furs -Ladies Neck Ruffs all sizes and shapes in the fashionable fur $1.2.50 to $25.00. Ladies Fur Coats front $ 25.00 up. New Rain Coats -We have a nice showing in tL short and long in light and dark shades. None nicer $1.00 to $9.50. Fall Underwear -You will find us filled up with all the good kind at the old prices. We bought before the RAISE in price. Astoria Shoes Don't mitis getting a pair of the GREAT ASTORA SHOES. The best shoes ever shown in Exeter. WE -are the only people here selling them. 'Highest price pai(ffor all kinds of Farm Produce. CARLING B208. HUSTON'S SEPTEMBER FURNITURE SflL[f $9.00 Brass and Iron Bed for $7.50 $12.00 Morris Chair for $9,50 $12.00 Couches for. $10.00 $0.00 Couches for....... $4.30 $7.50 Kitchen Cabinets $0.50 $2.50 Centre Tables $2.00 $1200 Extension Tables (1.1 ft.) for $10.00 Come and be convinced that we can save you money -and your Credit is good. W, C, HUSTON Ono of the most probable earth - Funeral Director. quake periods its Septemm'. will be •••••••••••••••••••••••••N•NN•••N•NN••••NN central on the 131)1 extending toren• ly-four to thirty-six (tours before and after that day. A marked chart;e to ir1;11 barometer, westerly ;ales and much cooler will almost certainly follow general and severe to at this lite lerosls its man s y localities, especially northward, oe- Iwecn the 15th and, 191h, May roots sonably be expected. LAWN BOWLING A match game of the series, was played on the green last Friday -f ternoon between rinks skipped by Rev. Martin and Mr. Gladman, re. suiting in favor of tiro former rink by ,•1 score of 23 to 8. The result : Wm. Levet t C. 11. Snell You'll Have SoMothing To show for your years of work if you says a!/ part of your earnings now -as much as you can spare. You may need it at some future time - might as weal save it anyway. It is not hard af- ter you once make a start in the right direction. $1 is sufficient to start an account with this Bank to which you can add to when yon like in any sized amounts, and withdraw all or any part of it without any delay, and which earns interest at the highest current rates, which is added to the principal FOUR times a year, without it being necessary to go through the formality of presenting your pass book. ;1. G. 8t:uabury Sweet. Tou never realize the value of having a savings bank account until you W. 1.WTaman Dr.W. S Beaman }have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank. We have the best facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business. Rev. Wm. ,barrio Is .W. Gladman Skip 23 Skip 8 The following is 0.e standing of the different rinks to date: Won Lost (, t F. \\ imam k 1 Rev. Perkins. skip ... ... ... 0 Itev. Martin, skip ... ... :i .1. Muir. skip 2 1 1 0 r HORN COTYLE. -In Usborne, Sept. 10th, the wife of Daviel Cottle, of a son. NEIL. -in Exeter. on Sept. 3rd, the wife of W. Neil. a son. Sic NICIiOL.-On Tuesday, Sept. 12th 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- Nichol. Farquhar, a son . Wan GRAND TRUNK Railway System LOW RATE EXCURSIONS. September 21, 22 and ZIrd. Port Huron $2.90 Columbus, 0. $9,35 Detroit $4.35 Dayton. 0.....$9.05 Chicago: $10 2(1 (;hand Rapids $7.15 Bay City, M.$5.4) Indianapolis $11.55 Cincinnati $11.05 Saginaw $5.30 CLEVELAND, 01110. Via Detroit and Lake Shore By, $S.85 Via Detroit and D. & C. Line, ....110.85 ST. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. via Chicago or North Bay, $24.40 via Sarnia & Northern Nay. Co. $31.00 Harvest Excursions. 530 to $40.50 to points in Manitoba, Assinihola, Saskatchewan and Alber- ta, good going September 26th, return- ing within (1') days. Special one way colonist fares to p oints in British Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho. Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Etc., on sail daily from September 15th to Octob it 31st. For tickets. illustrated literature and toll information, call on J. .1. KNIGHT, Depot ticket agent, Exeter. J. D. McDONALD District passenger agent; Toronto. • Keep them in the house. ars i S Tate one when_you ken bii- iousordizzy. They tet di- rects on the Iiver.,:(Y'>r1 Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DY E a bdatifil brawn or rich black? Use /wig' .31. 4/ .u4411.1 el l r ::A1j 1 W.. *masa a. a The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office Toronto. Chief Office, ExecutiveMontreal. c c 47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Huron: Exeter, Credlton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensel! and Clinton JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dashwood and Zurich Branches. WHAT TO BUY' AND WHERE TO BUY Are two great questions most important to the person wanting goods for Autumn or Winter. We have great values in men and boys' suits. We are good in Dress Goods. We have the latest Overcoats. The best you have seen in Men's Raincoats. None better than our Ladies' Raincoats The best shoes are none too good. Buy your Shoes and Rubbers from us. Buy your Cream and White Wools or Silks from us. Buy Black Dress Goods from us. No Competitor can beat us for price. No Opposition can excel us in value. No Merchant will use you better We give 10 per cent off for cash on all goods except groceries and goods cut in price. Poplestone & Gardiner. One door north of 1'ostofticc. Produce taken in exchange for goods ak • • 1