Exeter Times, 1905-09-14, Page 7K&K KZ3&K Kc�cK• Weak, Nervous, Diseased Men. Thousremature grave through early indiY'��oons and( laterexces es. annually Self abuseandConst to a titutionalMlood Diseases hay* ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young tuan. Have von any of the following symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on Sho Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; haggard looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains In the Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength. Our Neo Method Treatment will build you up mentally, pbyeically and sexually. Cures Guaranteed or no Pay. 26 YEARS IN OSTROIT. SANK ecu nTY. �SIi<'No Names Used Without Written Consent. A nenavoUs WRECY.-A HAPPY LiI�, T. P. EstMASON has a Narrow Escape. "I live ne a farm. At school I learned an earl habit, which weakeued me physically, sexually and mentally. Family Doctors said I was going into •Accline" (Conanmptlon). Finally. "The Golden Monitor," edited by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan fell Into my hands. I learned the rr.M and cause. Self abase had sapped my vitality. I took the Nem Afelha Treatment and was cured. My friends think I was cared of Consumption. I hare sent them many patients, all of whom were cared. Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and manhood." Caesultatloo Fra., Bests Fru. Writs for QeIstlu Sleek for Naas Treatises'. • ABC�IUTL 'RELIGION OF FRIENDSHIP SECURITY. The Best Religion is That which is Doing Cenulne Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Sear Signature of 5es Pec-Sinwib Wrapper Below. email sea as easy fa take as eager. CARTERS FOR RZAOACNE. FOR DIZZINESS. FON OIUOUSNES$. FOR TORPID LIVER. FON 00MSTIPATION. FON SALLOW STUN. FOR THECOMPL[XION {_ ' �a1_ r eve CURE. SICK HEADACHE. ' TURNING TRE TABLES. Ito had finished his Introductory remark, anti was about to propose, when he discovered his proposal \you'd be treated with contempt. "Go on, Mr. Sprigger." sho said, impatiently tapping her foot on the carpet us he paused in his remarks. "I was about to say, Miss ilildcr" ho continued, "that I nut aware that Aple the human heart, especially a wo- man's, is a delicate thing, and I conte to -night to correct a wrong impression which you have been un- der for some time, 1 think. To be plain, Miss Hilder -because I do not wish to cause you future suffering - let ale state that I have never cared enough for you to ask you to link your lot with mine; therefore, 1 do not think that I cau return the love you bear for me. My attentions to you have been prompted purely by a friendly feeling -nothing more. But I trust this will not mar our friend- ly relations," he said, taking his hat to go, "for remember, you will ever have in nn" a true friend. Be assured i will always bo a nephew to you." And she was so dumb with sur- prise that she didn't say good-bye to hfn when he bowed himself ont. TURK/STI "PLUMS." The plum of the Turkish Govern- ment offices is the Admiralty, which is worth 884,000 n year, and the present holder is stated to have Note-I'heso Word Studies are bass amassed a fortune of $12,000,000, ed on the text of the Revised Ver- 'i'he Minister of Foreign Affairs has sion. $41,000, and Finance cones next Introductory. -The consensus of with $1,000 lower. The lowest sal- opinion among modern biblical ars. is that of the Minister of Mines, scholars of to -day is that the book though it is rather higher than that of Daniel, at least in its present of the Premier of England. The form, is of much later date than the bunt is 827,800. time of Daniel himself, dating prub- -S • ably front the early part of the sec- ond century B. C. I'ro'n the apo- calyptic structure aucl content of the book it is inferred that the purpose of the author was to bring a mes- sage of consolation to his fellow countrymen in tt time of Sore trial and persecution under Ant ioehus 1':piphnnes, king of Syria, about 11i8 - 1(i5 Il. C. Daniel and his three friends are ideals of fidelity to Je- hovah and 10 truth under the most when storing for Sho summer, or 'trying circumstanrev. God honors when leaving the house etnpty.the leyalt;v of these men and grants When prese rving fruit. you nnlst lisp I to Daniel prophetic visions touching an enamelled soucepnn If you have the ultimate redemption of his cho- w) proper preserving pan. Allow sell people. three-quarters 01 n pound of sugar Space clearly docs not permit our to each pound of fruit. itinse out entering upon a discussion of the the pan with cold eater before put- points at issue here. We can only ting in the fruit and sugar. Stir re ' I the student Vint the worth continuously till the jute has boiled of the narrative we are about to sufficiently. study has always been primarily in what it teaches, and that els rich an(1 profitable teat -Piing is unaffected by considerations of date. suthor- sleip. 01 literary form. Concerning THAT BACKACHE se(,nrnte historienl allusion,' of the Deeds of Kindness. With a large company of youths nu'atu,ned in verses 20. Mag 'teens and enchanter.; --The wise men of ttncir•ut Oriental courts. The precise sense in which the words are to be understood is difficult to determine. --• — -- HYPNOTIZING A WOMAN. puts .zamod IlIM stsf aup.tng Makes Woman Helpless. The power of the human eye is ono A friend of sinners. -Luke vii., 34. fret their brides and hearts away of those mysterious influences of The ability to make friends is the trying to unsling churls and deter- which very kw peupll•-even scientilie Peculiar 1t ,eo ,le -know more than attribute of the human be- mine soundings of the shores %there I 1 v un that it The bible might well be call ed the islets of our lives are lapped by exists. • TI�e Fiomef 41�P? I-l-lai-M+I+14 !+14 S:\\'OI{Y SOl'l'S. Its no tray can the smallest edits and ends of various things ba navel HUM) satisfactorily than in the mak- ing of soups even without stock, the classic of friendship. Evan the infinite ocean of the Aust High.! Hypnotism. Mesmerism, thought- Stuck adds to the nutritive value in Abrahaul, the friend of God, 10 that But seeing souls know Mitt teethe- t'ttnsf''r''rn((.-they have never been sone cases, but at certain seasons one whose greatest honor was to be mattes are (utile there. They ex— celled u "friend of sinners" it blur- press the relationship in simple 1 A case of the latter kind was gore more acceptable if not store whole - lies the art of making friends. Ila terms of friendship, us did the sages' into at Sunderland, England. A man sante. of reads it without prejudice con- long ago. The highest forst of rc-1110n051 Gruhuut was charged with Clear soups -cons ebouillon, burglary. One of the witnesses (etc. -are less nourishing than stimu- agninst him was a young married luting, and for this reason are gen- woman named Holliday. ; erally useel at the beginning of a Mrs. lluliday described to the, long or hearty steal. The heavier court how she awoke suddenly in the soups may forst the satin dish of a night. She sat up and told herself luncheon or dinner. In the south of she must have dreamed un uupleus- (iermuuy they are served most accep- ant dream, for she had a feeling that tufty for supper. When the soup is something was wrong, to form the main nourishment it Then she heard a rustling in a must not lack in that requisite. Yeas, beaus, lentils, the various cereals, as rice barley, sago, farina, macaroni; single vegetables or mix- tures of many, all may be added to stock, milk, or water to make soup. A cup of beans or peas with a slice of onion. one pint of milk and a lit- tle care makes a delicious soup. Ono - fourth of a cup of chicken broth, with milk and rice, snakes another. Meat should be put through the chopper if it. is to be served in the soup; vegetables chopped or cooked In water or stock and put through a sieve. Lima Bean Soup. -One cup lima beans, two cups milk, one cup water, ono hay leaf, two tablespoons but- ter, one tablespoon flour, one small of her awful experience. onion, salt and pepper to taste. Slice Mrs. Holliday declared that Gra- the onion and brown in the butter; ham %vas the meat who mesmerized add the flour; stir until smooth her and upon her evidence he was and brown; add the water, buy leaf, eludes shut religion le but another 'iglu'', on this side of it, is the soul nano for friendship. of man seeking after over closer The ideal Huai was, abevo all else. friendship with tho great soul that. an ideal friend. Even the cold heart- broods over all being. ed aristocrats of his day recognized Thu world conception of the Su - that 011(1 flung at hint the term of prere Being has developed front that Su - reproach which has since become his of a giant who makes worlds to the glory. Without making profession sublime thought of a heart that ratt- er, being teacher, lawmaker, ker, or ',sad- fees with ours, u suit that seeks ho was simply the friend of any, ours, a being who Is ntun'S friend, and especially of every ono in nerd• and who cannot he satisfied until all corner of the roots, and her heart The ultimate evidence of his love forhumanity is embraced in the circle almost stopped for fear. The next Wren, the noblest sacrifice of all the of his friendship. Tho "grace of thing she knew was that a match God" is his friendship. ON THE OTIIEIt IIANI), ages, he chose to regard as a simple proof of friendship. This good friend won hien by his friendship. They were not persuaded by arguments or overborne by au- thority; but they looked into his face, and they said: "Tell us where you dwell. Abide with 115." The bonds of friendship held other inter- ests bade them leave him. No or- ganization or cause Could claim such loyalty. Long before they were conscious of any common cause that group of 0100 was fused into one by tho warmth of friendship for him ANI) FOR ONE ANOTHER. The power that transformed the rude, dull fishermen into ardent, tactful, successful leaders of a great world influencing force was the power of friendship They were changed because they loved him. Liking led to love and love to like- ness. So 10 -day men become Christ- ly because they see in .Jesus the most admirable qualities combined had been struck and that a man's face was staring hard into her own. She tried to cry out, but. her ton - the most helpful expression of any goo refused its office. She could man's religion is in simple friend- neither speak nor 'novo. ship for men. Ile is most like God The match went out. The room who most loves man. The best rel i- was plunged into darkness ngain. gion is that which is doing deeds of She heard stealthy footsteps making kindness, showing itself to be friend- for the door. Then the door opened, iy in plain, everyday ways. It and alto know she Stas alone. lay's down its life for sten not by `still s}te could not give 1111 alarm. dying but by doily living for them.Still the mesmeric influence of those fly thoughtfulness, gennsidsterrible eyes was upon her. Sho sat Holt, practicntl helpfultleness,coby cluierng_ like a statue. Not until two hours whatever the friend of sinners would (tall passed did she recover sufli- do for men, it proves that it is born cienlly to attract attention and tell from above. Friendliness is the simplest thing. Every Hoot knows how to be friend- ly. Yet it is tt sublime thing. it is the school where character loses the dross of self. 1. is the most po- tent agency in the world for its re- demption. Ono friend Is worth a dozen societies and agencies. Friend - committed for trial. ROU(Iif ON STOKES. Peter Stokes, who has been mar - ship has sop more people to the ried only two weeks, has left his with tho Most attractive personality. good and the worth -while than all write. Stokes is a little man, and his such a one as they would love to services or sermons. Nothing can a \vile weighs 24lute and was the re- call friend, whom they would tract man do for his world of greater list of Shu late Seth 'Thompson. far to know, and forsake man value than this -to be true friend to About ten days after marriage to the various soups. The conrder things to keep. y his fellows, to bo helper and lover of Stokes was s rprist•d, on to teof half nut. bo suflicicnt to give deo right definitions for the relations of the him of long ago, as the friend of sitting up in bud crying as it her flavor to Sho soup, but n drop or heart would break. tw•o of celery extract will add just soul of stun with the unseen. They sinners. Astonished, he asked the cause of what is needed. 'Tomatoes can be her sorrow, but, receiving no reply, used with great freedom. as they ho Logan to surmise that there must combine with so ninny other things. bo some secret on her mind- which Remember that one •tablespoon meat., she withheld from hits. and which vegetable, or cereal need never be was the cause of her anguish; so he wasted where soup is used every remarked to Mrs. S. that as they every da.v. were married she ought to tell hint the cause of her grief, 8o that, if possible, 11e 'night lessen it. Alter considerable coaxing he elicit- ed the following from her: "Last night I dreamed I was single. and as I walked through a well -lighted street 1 camp to a shop whore a sign in front advertised husbands for sale. Thinking it curious i entered, and ranged along the wall on either side were then with prices affixed to them -such beautiful nun -some for ono %houseful dollars, some five hundred, and so on to one hundred and fifty; and, as I had not that amount, I could not purchase." Thinking to console her, Stokes placed his arm lovingly around her, and asked, "And did you see any men like mo there?" "011, yes," she replied, "lots like you; they were tied up in bunches like asparagus and sold for two dol- lars per bunch." Stokes got up, and went to ask his lawyer if he lied sufficient ground for a divorce. and bouts, and cook twenty Minutes, or until the beans are soft. Press through a sieve, scald the milk, add the beans, and cook until thickened. Season and servo. A few drops cel- ery extract, onion juice, a little cats- up, Worcestershire sauce, or curry powder; any proper flavoring used with judgment gives variety and adds THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 17. Lesson XII. Daniel in Babylon. Golden Text, Dan. i., 8. LESSON WORD STUDIES. When stuffing chairs or sofas mac powdered bitter apple freely with the stuffing, for it is so potent that no Muth can live near it. 'titter ap- ple is a strong poison. so when us- ing it wear an old pair of gloves. t'rol(51100 Against Moth -Printer's 11 k is proof against moths, hence the utility of newspapers in protect- ing woollen goods from their ravages Always wrap blankets in newspaper DO YOU KNOW IS THE FIRST SYMPTOM OF rtnrrntive we shall relive occasion to speak in our treatment of the set•- erttl lessons token fr the book. Verse R. Daniel. -The trnditionnl author and hero oh the book bent. - name. A Hebrew youth of KIDNEY TROUBLE. fig h noble descent. highly endowed both 4 physically and intelleetnally. cnrried . into ceplivity to Babylon by Nettie It is I and you cannot be too i haelnozznr. in the third year of . .lehoinkim, king of .ludah, together careful about it. with a larger company of other +ou1!Of (rant .1,a-Is)1 nobility. All ► t l I f k A little backache let. 1(111 will that we know cnnr"rn:ng Daniel is 1'I;To,.i1i01* implies an agreement mistakes and failures is ccs destruc- t cause scr.0113 kidney elated in 1he hook of Daniel. Here ,,,e, tl: • part of It;+oiel a1(1 his cunt site lu the growth of spiritual Irene- batter with tato eggs, one cup flour Ste tare informed that he WON 11 I.,n0ions to snhmit to the result of ty and power, 1111(1 to the develop -i fiat ter;and 0(I1 one' to tnhiesfkoe n oilthick 'r trouble. Stop it in time. prominent figure during the gr. cater the test meet of material success, as it Is to. melted bolter and n little salt. 111 port of the seventy years of coPtit- !mirk forward to ills that inay never p • TAKE it y. nail 1hatt he was n contempor- 1.1. So he hearkened unto 'hent- it I, t1.' n of cold cnulillottor into he eflirer hln,self taus lnkin • no conte. to batter and cook one minute in my of the It'h•.Imninn Ling'_Icon►p' risk in the snuffer, since ample time —♦ hot deep ft t. (h• cut the cauliflower ! Den. iv., 1: 2Kings xxv., e: Ilan. • DOANwou.d ronin in cis -eremite anynto bits, stir them int•► the hatter, , t•. 1. 31: vi., 28). An early ten pus- 1'111: ()NiONLY' WAY OUT. 0110 evil erects of the experiment ., and drop heal a tablespoon into hot dittos Buys thus 1`46"1 riled nal ,-11ore the time sot for the appear_ Yeti told me before we were mar- Salt pork int in a spider. DIM E Y was buried in Snsn. to whirl) city ear" Of Ih" young num ill the prvv- tied, hu complained, "t h: you Salad -fake the center from a head ('eras, king of 1'••rsln, Fail trans(. r- would be glad to cook my Metals and of cold boiled cauliflower and use it em• of sats king. �''+ red his royal meal. nee le; gulch my clothes." ter another meal. You sift have Irft P1 LLS. Defile himself with the king's dein- ` 7r""` O'•rur-'Thal is, mitten- (tel you told ane 1hiit yon would a for. Of IMO%I of catilill,wrr, which ti••1'ilhe royal ►n"nu might conicin r"tits•' 1"'t'l1i11inc .t'"niel and his be glad to work early and into fn place in n salad bowl surrutmtde<I the meat of animate not slaughter 1 fr•e•nds re sub ,•t upon the '+impars order to be ably to hire servants tut eith letter•, and 1i11 the center of .1 ,tiers dee, , the entire three years wait on rue." the lived with ?diced cucumbers. I)re•ss' They cure where all others in the proper manner (Ifni \ti . - . terse hl. .\(ter be had srrate'fl el his heed fuer et). or I.1 sncl► ne were prehilet. •I I e 1' t% if h Fre it dressing and Herve with fail. As aspeciflc for Backaches the .Jews ns food 1Let xi , 1-2tti, 1 ''hese fuel• youths-Dami•'I nu(' 0 ne0Inelit he proposed that thug com- Eckel (1, •re•. I The foal and ohne might help hate tb,• three others mentioned in vise,. ' promise by hurtling up some cheap `e14l>--• 041. :and buil a cauliflower and Kidney Troubles they have Leen (tonnes-0ml to heathen theins- 11 boarding house. from 1w.•nly to thirty minutes. When! ' .•s by an eRcrinf; of n rnrtlen to :'Lull 11' nil leoi')ing Mid •.Yi'(l(lu- "�" ten(1er trim oIt the topfrith Its' no equal. Here is what 1 tliwlom iv FCC" uv(.d in th• se•nse in 1 Col" JIEN, flowery prat awl lay it. aside to use •hem in sire:rice, ns tens rustonary. i t• n whish rase 1he pnrtn!.ir.g of •such i •4e ire u e th" word ori"are•. to \ iota roan tens arc, cotttn Inter. Mesh the reinstitute'. anti rub ER. GEO. H• SJ1tERVII.L�,el •-i_a;ntr` nn intelligently arras v) g y 3.� it through a puree sites. Thicken c„ed mould nnuor..t 14) 0 r,•rognitier F g 1 Mlt. That is to say-. they have but of Stewarten, N B., write•; "1 waw Ra of the heathen cod. The de+t.e Loety I•ri"ciptea, one quart (11 t,tilk with two table-, K r e one story. And they are (ureter tell- ,l„)„ns butter ,lei tae of floss ceol- trvubhsl wit:, a sora Luck 10011111 not ger. u'I$»iolly ill l:,t'•r tunes, ntlnch"d \t l Daniel had "ne„•ts•n"dili in img it. .•,I together. 8144!. .,1 11111 sm0nl11, ado out of heti in the mornin” for over aye(ir. t resat innportnnre to di,•'nry Ines. 1n 11111 • is mss and rir•eame--in this point i of a ix,, of 1knnn's Ki+iney Pills rind ; t ,, I'ii' I . xr"lied 1 h.• r••st. ilia s +s•ci1tJ —�--� t h • sifted caniill•,ae( sed senw)n to g t low ash vont of the gr,nt sit- ;1 Mr. 'I'. Decte.•-Year (taught. r, whit 'lel': e" wash r.•l.' 1 ! brr•re i had them 'calf t *ken i e“,,1.1 see ry snit unr' rn erikn. I art sten to-dat• ono tinny still lied : gift is 'minted out here ns inn -ethic-' I sat deriving some benefit frel:n then, t.,ntipicuenslc ttlnr.•r! un the stades lure to the nnrrnti%r has just left the roam .rarce'v re- title in the Ilm•teret4 sari two or !meat sold or the food served 1n that establishment has been prepared in compliance with the proper ritualis- tic requirements. . 10. For why should he -The (iteral rendering; of an Aramaic idiom iii aning "lest he should.” Faces. worse looking -Showing marks of neglect and hunger. Endanger my head with the king - Literally, make my head guilty. that is, Ming guilt. and the forfeit of life upon pay head. The officer may have feasts(' that the king would accuse hint of having appropriated unto himself funds or food intended for the young men under his care. 11. Daniel had appealed first to the chief of the eunuchs and had gathered from his reply that he was unwilling to himself assume the re- sponsibility of granting the request, though not necessarily viewing the request itself tinfuvornbly. ile therefore turns from the chief 't the curtuchs to a subordinate officer who has the immediate charge of himself and his companions, and proposes to hint that he make a temporary test with vegetable diet. The experi- ment proves successful and the royal food is dispensed with altogether. The stteen t•d-1 felt. "ilt►uun•lzar"- Molzar being the title of some officer D1)N'"1' WO1(IIV. or attendant of the court; but what oflicer is intended is uncertain. llnnaniale Mishael, and Azariuh - Three intimate friends of Daniel who were later cast. into the fiery fur- nace at. the conuunnd of the king and miraculously delivered from the furnace by .Jehovah (comp. chap. :I). 12. 'I'e'tt days -A round number of days, leug enough to test the re- sults of the proposed change in diet. For a similar use of the ex- pression compare (:en. Naive aur and xxxi., 7, 1_et then -1'11e proper persons ap- pointed for that purpose A Hebrew idiom which in I nglish we :night more properly express by using the passive: "Ise there he given us." false• -Vegetable food in general. 1:1. Daniel's prnpositiuit is that at the , mi of a reasonable period of tiuu•, during which they have been permitted to lite on this simpler Worrying over trifles is an indica- tion of weakness. It is a confession that we are 11ot equal to our daily tusk, and that we have not the abil- ity to cultivate and care for the lit- tle share of nock Stith which we have been entrusted. Culamness, serenity, poise, and pow- er to go through life without jar or fret are characteristic of great ase and true nobility. "When God shuts n door 1le opens n window." A world of sunshine and hos e is epito- mie(l to this ituliaa prute•rb. '1'o look out on the world with eyes unc•Iteuded by shadows of fear or doubt or worry; to go forward in the spirit of love and trust, never for an Instant wavering in faith or hope: to resolve "Never to look behind me for an hour, '1'o wait in weakness and to walk in power, But always fronting forward to the light,'" INVALID DISHES. /Iran Muffins. -One half sup flour, one cup bran, one-half tenspunti soda QK l:f l.� K K SYCHINE (P�lONOUNCEC SI -KEEN) LACRIPPE �caa-s.rar.<f n That� -� . 1 1er11IsE .S 1t1V .. el • •t y cures all forms of LaGripp?, Coughs, Colds, and Pneumonia, is abundantly vouched for by scores of men and women in different parts of the Dominion who have been restored to health :jtrough this reaiiy :-eii arkable remedy. "Psl'cHINE" is not a patent medicine in the true sense cf the word, but a regular professional prescription prepared after carefully approved scientific methods. its efficacy has bean testes in thousands of severe cases. READ THE PROOF MR. HERRELI. writes, Sept. 14th. roue, a,out hie remarkable re:over1 from acute complica- tions: About a year ago 1 was taken down with i.a Grippe, them Pneumonia and Typhoid Fever, which soon affected my lass. 1 was unser treatmc: 1 .`f 1 physkias' and also in the hospital at Halifax, but the disease gained such headway that 1 was regarded as a hopeless case. Words cannot express my gratitude for what the Dr. Slocum Remedies, particularly Psyching have done for ate. I am daily giving my testimonial to friends and acque:stances... Hos as7 Springhill, N.S. Semis Ilaaaati GREATEST OF ALL TONICS ALL DRUGGISTS -ONE DOLLAR -TRIAL FREE The Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited - 1T9 King Street West, Toront, K&K K& K K&K Drs. Kennedy Sc Kergan,' K K Kik K K(',K KCcK- K'3xK' K•'. K pK into dice or thin slices. Butter a 'Ib clean asbestos in stoves and pudding dish and put in a thin layer fireplaces that has become blac:leased of buttered cracker crumbs, then the scatter salt over it and allow the cauliflower stalks, and a sprinkling gas to burn for hal(-un-hour. of salt, pepper, grated cheese, and i(sddish bars to a grate aro un - bits of butter, then the flowerets sighly and should bo treated as fol - and another layer of cheese and seas- lows: Yaint all theltrownlsh or red comings and pour in mill: enough to ono -half cup mnIik, ane -quarter tea- show near the top. Mix on( --hal( then with lemon juice, let dry and spoon salt, two and one half table- then Wackiead in the usual way. teaspoon French mustard with the slit oils molasses, ono egg. Mix and milk. Cover with a layer of hut- Feather heels should be placed In sift flour, soda, and salt; add bran, tercd crumbs and bake about, fifteen the shade to air, and he well beaten molasses, and Milk, tho egg well minutes. during summer days, but they should beaten, or egg may be omitted. Bake never bo set. in the Sun, as it draws in a hot oven in hot buttered gom out the oil and gives the beds an pans. Useful as a laxative. unpleasant smell. IIIN'rS FOR TIIi: HOME. 3luilhts.-One cup bread flower, one- half cup milk, teaspoon baking pow- der, whites two eggs, one teaspoon salt, two tablespoons melted butter. Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk gradually, whites well beaten, and melted butter. Peke in moder- ato oven in buttered gem pans. Lot steed in oven after linking with door ajar that crust may be dry and crisp 'Ifo be eaten hot or cold. Egg in a Nest -Break egg and se- parate o- parato yolk frorn white until stiff, using a sliver fork, then add a few grains salt. file on a circular piece of toasted bread first dipped in boil- ing salted water; make n depression in center and drop in yolk. 11t•ko in n moderate oven unlit dilicately browned. Serve with tomato sauce. Tomato Santee -Ono -half table- spoon butter, one-third cup stewed and strained toitiatoes, three-quarter tablespoon flour, few grains salt, few grains pepper. Itrott11 butter, add flour, and stir until slightly browned, then a(14 tomato gradually and stir constantly until it bolls. Season with salt end pepper. A few drops 0111011 juice is an improvement. 1)ry 'Toast. -Cut stale bread in one- third inch slices and remove crusts. ('lace on wire toaster and hold over clear tiro to dry one side, holding Hume distance from cents; tern and dry other side. hold 11011 rel' to coals and color n );el(1en beaten first on one side and t hen un t he other. 'Ulm moisture in the bread should bo (nearly evaporated. thus snaking the toast dry and crisp. if only charnel on the outside nncl soft In the inside it. forums in the stomach a soggy. indigestible mass. diet, n test of the results be stades is to Nike n long slop toward a ,y and that the officer making the test h,n; py and successful life. WITH ('.\i'LII'LOWI•:Id• n• gni c e( by lb,. out, The I e lookback constantly on post Frit tors -Jinks the 118tIU1 fritter •••"" which tapes•' i plied when 1 nutdressed her. is site 11: ree Iables ,rams tvhi , r.1 err. nln. 4 1 bef,,re 1 had taken them all my b..at 1 I 1 i war 0 K. and 1 have not been troubled Irsr dour of she;, and reel wire's* n a'ul which hinges largely upon this reserved? J(rs. Perelman -t think' \u I:rnlin.-- nnk awl he 11 n c11nli- 1•hort 11.•Flti•t: Hord, li tn.tnl,•I in j•IN'r'ial Gilt. itot. but I hate au idea that she's flower. \l hen Imelte trim of( liatel ' I1 nglish Lesher. signie, ing thnt the 1 19. Cm Inwood with 1h"m -'fist is retiring. i the tender tops end est the stalks For Polishing Mirrors. -Keep all pieces of tissue paper, no matter how crinkled, to polish ' rut•s and win- dows. When Boiling a Ilam. -To prevent dryness a ham should he left in the water in which it is boiled until perfectly cold. Stoves and ranges should he kept free from soot in all compartments. A dirty clogged hot sir passage will prevent any oven from baking well or the water from heating. Clocks should be wound regularly and never allotted to rut clown; such neglect. injures the works. When making a clock the correct time, never put back the hands, for it greatly weaken,' the tt•orke, 'Ifo Set Milk or Crcani.-Tho milk should be poured into shallow pans directly after it is milked, for, it al- lowed to cool first, of be agitated by being carried to tt distance, it (foes not throw up so much cream. The most useful gurgle for sore throats is water just as hot. ns one i can use it. This cleanses the throat besides stimulating it. Fust boiling hardens Meat, even the most tender, nn(1 the reason is this: Excessive heat tames the al- bumen in the meat to become solid, so solid, indeed, that the heat can- not penetrate to the interior. Brightly painted toys should be avoided when choosing presents for small children, for one hears of cases of poisoning from paint, and nothing iH more likely to cause this than con- tinually sucking a new and highly - cherished toy. A broom, when not in use, should always be placed in n holder to fit it. 'Those who wish to make ono should place two large screws into the wall about two inches apart. Drop Sho broom between these, handle downwards, and it will weer a very long while. 'To Clean a Black Dress.-1ioi1 a handful of fig leaves in a quart of water t111 reduced to a pint. Spread the material on a clean cloth on sp deal table and with a brush clipped in the abate solution rub the spots and stains. •.•.• ..FOR... Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Stomach Cramps, Cholera Mor bus, Cholera Infantum, Seasickness, Summer Complaint. cnd el Looseness of the Bowels In Children or Adults. DR. FOWLER'S Extract u: • Wild strawberry, is an instantaneou3 cure. It 1:as been used in thousandi of homes for sixty years, and has never fail_d to give satisfaction. Every home should have a bottle so as to be ready in case of emergency. 1•iRs. (GEORGE N. IiARVRV, Reaeneath. Ont., writes: "i can recommend Dr. Fowler's Ettract of \Plitt Straw- berry as the best medicine 1 have ever used for Di:errh re amt all summer complaints. 1 always keep it in tbo house and praise it highly to all ray friends." es •