HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-14, Page 4`tumors Conquered
Without Operations)
Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pinlsham'e
Vegetable Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox
and Miss Adatms.
Vj$jfou' London ExpIfI .
1lisit the London
Groekerh Go.
169 Dundas St.
One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
the conqueriug of woman's dread
enemy, Tumor.
So-called " wandering pains" may
come from its early stages, or the pres-
ence of danger may be made manifest
by excessive menstruation accompanied
by unusual pain extending from the
ovaries down the groin and thighs.
If you have mysterious pains, if there
are indications of iutlammation ulcera-
tion or displacement, don't wait for
time to confirm your fears and go
through the horrors of a hospital
tion; secure Ly,a L. ' Pin h m
k a s Vege-
table Compound right away and begin
its use and write Mrs. I'inkhatn of
Lynn, Mass., for advice.
Read these strong letters from grate-
ful women who have been cured:
Dear Mrs. Pitikham:- (First Letter.)
"In looking over your book I Tee that your
medicine cures Turnor of the Uterus. I have
been to a doctor and be tells ane I have a tu-
mor. I will be more than grateful it you
can help me, as I do so dread an operation."
-Fsgzde D. Fox, T Chestnut St.,Ilradford,Pa.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:- (Second Letter.)
"I take the liberty to congratulate you on
the success I have had with your wonderful
Eighteen months ago my monthlies
Shortly after I folt so badly' sub -
mi to a thorough examination by a phy-
sician and was told that I had a tumor on
the uterus and would have to undergo an
op"I serati000n after read one of your advertise-
ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink -
ham' s Vegetable Compound a trial. After
taking five bottles as directed, the tumor is
eatirmy gone. I have again been examined
by the physician and he says I bare no sis
!of a tumor now. It has also bron ht my
monthlioe around once more; and I ant
;entirely well. I shall never be without a bot-
! tto nt Lydia Pinkhatn'a Vegetable Compound
in the house. "-Fannie D. Fox, Bradford, Pa.
Another Case of Tumor Cured
by Lydda E. Pinkhant's Vegeta-
ble Compound.
Dear Mrs. Pinkltam:-
Mtout three years ago 1 had intense pain
in ray stomach, with cramps and
headaches. Tho doctor prescribed for
but [lolling that I did not.get any better he
examined tare and, to my surprise, declared
I had a tumor in the uterus.
"I felt su; othat it meant my death warrant,
ant was very disheartened. I spent hundreds
of dollars in doctoring, but the tumor kept
growing, till the doctor said that nothing but
an operation would save me. Fortunately I
corresponded with nay aunt in the New Em-
end tttates, who advised nae to try Lydia E.
Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound before sub-
mitting to nn operation, and I at owe started
taking a regula •ut treatment, findingto my
great relief that wry general health b gan to
improve, and after three months I noticed
that the tumor had reduced in size. I kept
on taking the Compound, and in ten months
it had entirely disappeared without an oper-
ation, and using no medicino hut Lydia E.
Pinklutni s Vegetable Compound, and words
fail to express Trow grateful 1 am for the good
it has done the." -Macs Luella Adams, Colon-
nade Hotel, Seattle, leash.
Such unquestionable testimony
proves the value of Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's
Vegetable Compound, and should give
confldenee and hope to every sick
Mrs. l'inkham invites all ailing
WOtilen to write to her at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice.
B Plakkam's Veietabk C,leesad i a Weems Remedy hr %awes lib.
-Mr. Joseph 5(aersliall, of Forest,
spent last week visiting friends and
relatives in 1 his vicinity.
-Air. and Airs. John Schroeder re-
turned home on Thursday evening
[COM Toronto where they at(coded
the fair and while thore took the
boat to Niagara. They -report :c
pleasant 1 rip.
-Slut -nor Silber and Elgin Amy
spent Sunday Jest with Cecil dote of
Sexsn►ith ,
-Mrs, Jane Kestle accompanied by
her iwo sislors. Mrs. Marshell tint!
Mrs. Shipton. are spendin: a few
days in Landon with Mrs. Johnson
and attending the fair .
-Mr. Joseph Amy Left list week
for the west on a prospecting. t rip.
He intends zoinz to Allyn a• and on
his way back visit his brothers Wel-
lington and Alvin in lrantiota.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coxworth
spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs.
M. Andy .
-M;ss Florence and Luther Rey.
holds were the zuests of Mists Bell,
and Fred Amy on Sunday list.
-Nir•. and Mrs. ihrul Coates and
Mr. and Mare. Jeff Fisher and fam-
ilies spent Mittel is. last u ,lfr.
and Mr.. Nelson Kest le.
(intended for first week./
•-\Vellinzton Morton, of 1Ite Same
bls Lime, lliddulp)r, has sold his farm
to Eli Thompson, of 1110 haute tnwn-
01up. for $3,000 and bou,(Itn a be farm
on the 3rd concesaaion of i)iddulph
from Mr. Thomas More;' for ;55(1011.
1,1r. Claris. llnd.:ins has bot►thl 50
:acres on the 2nd con. ltiddulph, from
Mr. C. C. 11911 gins for $400(1.
-\ir. Jones Simpson, of Moores-
ville, also 1. 1. Lewis of t Ir' ammo
Joetl.ify has taken in (he excursion to
Manitoba this week .
-Mrs. Gibbs, and Miss Gibbs, of
Detroit. are the nrests of Mr. Wil-
bert Hes-in:lon This week.
-Mr. Joseph Hollins, one of our
old lime residents, but fog +erne time
a citizen of Manitoba, is renewing
acquaintances here at present.
In addition to a full stock
of F!(:nr, Feed and Groceries,
we have en hand some fir-[
class Timothy S(ed, the best
to be had
We have also n supply of
( (a
Food. 1 best t.tOck
ProduGe taken in Exchanije, I
"Veda" Furnace
is "male In Cassia."
It is designed by Can-
adians, who know Can-
adian winters,
It is built in Canada,
in a Canadian foundry,
by Canadian workmen.
• The patent "Reda"
fused joint—that does
away with bolts and ce-
ment -- and makes the
"Hecla" dustproof, and
stnokeproof—Is a Can-
adian invention,
When you pay for a
"Heela" Furnace, none
of the looney goes
for duty and excessive
freight charges.
Stop in and let's have
a furnace talk.
Local Agent:
'1'Ilitl•:I•: ,il'Itult' CURED
Of Clx,ier-t Jlorbus with one small
Ito, t le of Chamberlain's Colic,
Choler. 1110t Dictrrhoc•a itenlody.
Mr. G. W. Fowler, of 11ittiton-cr,
Ala., telalc an experience he had
while s••rvin.: on it petit jury in a
murder case al Edwardsville', c nut-
ty et. it of Clenourte, county. Ale -
trona. lie ,r..ys: "\\•hile',he►xt 1 ale
some fresh are:tt .nal some+ souor.
meal and it five nee cholera ntor,)us
in a very severe form. I was never
tnnre e4,k in Illy Life anti tont In the
drug vtorc for a certain elmiert 1111x-
1 ore, nil I lie Brox rim sent too t
hot tL' of ('h ttnberliin's Coli'. Cho'cr
and 1)iarrlr: :t Itertledy instead, liay-
inz 1ha( Ile had what I tient for, but
Ilett chit mc•efici.:t:' was 5.) 1011011 set-
ter he would rather send ;i1 4o me
in 1 he fix I was in. 1 look one dose
of it and was het ter ite five minutes.
The ee'c•,n'I dose cured ma entirely.
Two fel'014 jurors were affli
11v erne mariner end nut' small bot-
1le curet) the Ilila*. of ns." I'ott t.;tit•
in EN. tet I V . S. 41 ,Nes
School I The Surrounding News
Dpens Next 1 Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
For School Books
School Supplies
and Stationery : :
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
IfDAY 3 10 17 24
NDAY 4 11 18 25
EBDAY ..... 5 12 19 26
CDNRSDAY... , 6 13 20 27
U R8DAY. , 7 14 21 28
MAY 1 8 15 22 L)
2 9 16 23 30
THURSDAY. SEI"I'. etth. 1905
11001 110f soiunut will be found
-law for the borrowing of a sum
oncy not t0 exceed the burn of
0 for the purchasing and in -
an electric li_hti plant and
meet and acquirin; a suitable
or an elect nit light power house
Village of Exeter. The vot -
•ill take placo at the different
/daces on Saturday, fe•ptoms
1. It will bo seen that the as -
valuation of ,the Corporation
ut $513.947.00 and the amount
raised each year by eleh-cntur)
$132150 or about 2 mills oa
ollor ,
purchase of the above proper -
s beell discussed by many, but
bLic aneetins '10 be held tonight
bo largely attended to that
who aro unfamiliar with the
may become enlightened. It
consensus of opinion amour;
ess men t hat: the /abase of
aw would be a good thin.;
town. many agreeing that
nt phtnt •is incapable of sup -
he demands tregttired, also
purchase would be a pay -
position for us. At .tlto pre.
me vt•c ;aro •payin-; Mr. Snell
year tor lizhtisr •t ho vit.
hile the amount to be raised Ss
over $300 a year more. It
ily be *teen that with proper
merit the corporation will be
to add to its treasury from
pts Pram li=1lting stores.
tc, while :the sale of ice
increase the receipts con -
re three new note:9 that
t Civic Ownership ,row's in
rotor: The rntepayers of St.
Out., sanctioned a ny-law on
7111 to raise $15,000 for the
n of the [waterworks and
lizht systems The town of
. N. 11,. have decided to build
unicipal listen); plant. The
plant has been in existence
and is too shall for the
requirement:'. The /we-
ll, in all probability, be
h dupto:ate machinery
of .apattee, Ont.. hnvo pas -
law to rause $30.000 for a
icipal li;htin; plant. The
11 no desiznc•d and oon-
aso that the entire equip -
H is' duplicated to prevent
itritity of an interruption to
vice in the event of enters
sekecping liberality is often
economy. ;et r'Iicul:irly at the
of winter, when the vibe
e of a considerable punt on
's food supply may mean
i f twiny •t doll-ir. Some
deice in 1bis direction is
*bol Gordon ('ort is in the
inset tor. which contains
res of housewifely intcr-
tye'en ('arty Noveliies,"
delicacies for hallow (''en
7 and c•tltcr'tainmcnt, is rt
Sem. ,,nd other culinary
• '• in.; (latae Dishes,"
ti 1• " "Ilonic- ;late and
heat Bread," and "A Ince
y," in addit ion. 1I try Tay-
) •0011' 1 • ';,lo1 : en
Lit ' of IlouosketHet."
's Cherry Pectoral
tickling throats, hack-
ughs, pain in the 1unRs.
`Jieves congestion, stn -
inflammation. It heals,
'theles. Your doctor will
in this to you. [le knows
o ut this cough medicine.
timed Aver's cherry rseterat to
for it ,ears for tl.re,,t snit lune
ad we ar nt no medicine ea.r,
A. l'OeHaul. At'ldelon, sans.
z e. ATEA co..
for .k u,a..I •
reatly ekl rc^every.
et his; gently Iaaativc.
By Our Correspondents.
-Messrs. J. Trcvethick and
C,,slty addressed t he Metbodi,it• Sab-
bath school last bunduy in the in-
tereets of the McGilliw'ay townlisip
Sunday School Association.
-'1r. J. Lawson 14 rcn►odc•Ilin;
store he •recently purchased from
Mr. S. 'frown into a dtcoUin;. A1-
teratient( u(rc started Tuesday.
-The flax will has complete,'
threshins and the auost of the In-
dians have returned to, the ••Muncey
-Mr. Charles 1), llrown, accent
panics by his sister Sophia. from
Ann Arbor, Mich., aro visit in; their
parents .
-Mr. Fred Youa; and Albert AN
spent Sunday at Grand Bend
of iwr poiats.
-Mr. Wilbur McMurray spent a
few days lasts week with friends in
St. Marys .
-Mr. and Mrs. Au,ust \Vuertz
left last Friday to their future home
in 1'i_t•on, Miel,.
-Miss Olive Madge of the Thames
Road is spending a few weeks here
I *uest of Miss Mary Moriock.
-Miss L. Martin, of Hamilton. is
[kiting at Mrs. Albert.' Morlock's,
-Mr. Osaor Wolfe has returned
from Louisauii where he has been
workint for the pose year. We are
glad to see Oscar's taco again.
-Wedding bells will soon ring in
town.our tow.
-Baseball has almost died out for
this season. The Juniors intend to
play Exeter on Friday night:weather
permit tin;.
-Mr. Scott, accompanied by his
son Freddie, from Philadelphia, is
visiting Mr. 11. Either. M. P. I'.
- Anton; those who aro attending
the London Fair ,thin week are Mr.
and Mrs. C. 'Lwickcr, W. Lewis. H.
t, \V
Either. W. fentzcl. Eli Rin„ W.
- Footprints showing very small
heels were found in an orchard near
here the olhnr day and it is quite
evident that some of! our young la-
dies have been [going out 03' the light
o' the moon swiping. apple?.
If you want n paper giving up•to-
date news take tho Times.
- Messrs. M. Finkbeiner, S, Brown
and James Clark, school trustees,
left Tuesday for London whore they
will inspect the schools there for
the purpose of obtaining information
which will assist than in preparing
plane for the proposed new four
room school to bo erected here next
-Mr. Herb Eiloer who spent last
week at Toronto and Niat;ara Falls
returned home .
- Mr. and DLra. Lawbrook were
visiting in Toronto last week.
The sacrament of :tho Lord's sup-
per will be administered in the Ger-
man Alethodist church morninz next
Rev. S. It. Kwcchtel. 1'. E., of Merlin.
will preach in German in the morn.-
in: and English in the evenia.
_iter. J. W. Andrew attended the
ilial riot meeting held at Lucan Tues-
-Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick
lett Tuesday for London to visit
friends also to take in the fair.
-Mr. Jos. Hoist is now settled
in his new home.
\\'cddinz Itclts.-A very pretty
vyeddinz took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark. \Vcdncsllay
at noon. when Miss Myrtle Meads
dauzhter of Mrs.. Clark w•es married
Win. Dixon. of Parkhill. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev
.1. W. Andrews in the presence of a
number of relatives and friend*
Miss Cryst-tl herzteem acted a
bridesm sirs and Mr. Dixon. cousin of
the ;room assisted. The bride was
prettily :owned in while silk net
over white satin ante c:arri'd a benu-
liful bouquet of bridal roses. Her
travellinz.sown was of brown. Af-
ter the ceremony the brill! party
art down to dainty rorreshrncnl+.,
after which Mr. and Mrs. Dixon left
for Niagara Falls. Hamilton and oth-
er eastern points. '11:0 zrnoni'.9 sift
to the bride tvav a oeaulifnl sold
locket :Ind chain. to the bridesmaid a
,gold rinz and to the ?roomstnan a
pair of :old cuff but tons. The Times
joins with many friends in extend -
inz cent soot Inett ions.
-Death of !qrs.. Fahner.-heath on
$.aturdav took away ono of our old
residents, Mrs. Fa liner, relict of 1he
Lite Tobias Fahncr. Airs. Fainter
was one of our earliest set I!ere and
lived to a ripe ot,) are. beinz Rs
year.' old. Rev. Mr. Darnrn held the
funeral service In the Evangelical
church. The remains were interred
In tie. Germ ,tt cemetery. Anton,
these from a distance who attended
the Niteroi were Mr. Chris Ilan and
meter, of London and Mr. ('has.
Swoitzer. of Mallon ,
Mc- -Another good Horse Sold, -31r. T.
J, fleury Jets cold the well kaoon
draught stallion, "\atony ItoyaI,"
to ttlessrs, Johuwtr. Nicholson an•!
Fee, front twos Bloke.. 'This horse
is a dark ()row(' in' color, wide [get,
with plenty of dine iir, flat, clean
ne owl good feet. Ile has proven
himself to neo sure foal ;getter unit
cannot fail to oe a !clod stock
horse ,as he is of Itbe nest blood in
England ,
-Iteeve SiwiilaColn,e is busily eu-
a t;ed in preparing a uow'lin g green.
- Mrs. Cooper Forrest was in Lon-
don list week ,spending n few days
with relatives and friends
'oil i -Mrs, W01. Douro)i and Mrs. G.
:uta Todd were in Godorich fol; u couple
of days last week visitiase.
- Mrs .Conk -y and Lit I le sort, of
W.inniye;. are bore visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. McEwen. Mrs. Conley's
parents ,
-Mr, Iktrslein, of Detroit, is vis-
iting her aist,ctr, Mrs. John Moore
-Miss Hands, of Wroxeter. who
was here for some time on a visit
returned home last week.
-ltov, Mr .Bau,h rind family re-
turned last week from London.
-Tlie Misses Thompson. ,teachers,
w•ero in 'Toronto durins 1},c past
week spending a few days with, their
-D r \1'
tn. McDougall, of this vil-
lagea 1
is in Dlinitona t•isilin4 his sons.
-A very /arse hummer from I(en-
sall and vicinity visited the exhini-
tion in Toronto .
-Mr. and Mrs. \Vnr. Shirray, of
Detroit, wore in ;the villtage last
week oisitin; Mr. Shirray's mother.
-Mrs, Geo. Found ;returned last
week from a pleasant visit to Win.; tn.
-On Tuesday titter/loon of last
week Mr. Chas. \V. Chapman, third
son of Mr. A% in. Chapman, of 4 his
vilkt;e, was happily married to Miss
Lizzie E. Scott. second daughter of
Mr. G. Scott, mc.•chaat of this vil-
lage. Tho ceremony was perforrnc.1
ny Hcv. Mr. Smith in Carmel church
and. at the desire of the young cou-
ple. •1 Ito manria ge was very quietly
celeonated. After the ceremony the
happy couple *drove to the natation.
wLere they took the five o'clock
train for their borne in \VootIttock.
For all weakness front vvhicli girls
and women puffer, no surer reme-
dy exhists than .Dr. ilamilton's Pills.
They maintain that bracing health
every woman so earnestly desires;
they uproot disease, and bring
strength that lasts till old age.
"No medicine could he more leen.
eticial than Dr. Ifamiltott's Pills"
writes Mrs. Mary E. Ayrton; of Vic-
toria. '•I ha ye been sIren ,thefted.
my ttireslion is bet ter, I have itn-
eroved in color and feel considerably
bet ler since using Dr. •iratnidton's
Pills." Sold everywhere, 25c. per
box or five boxes for otic clrc►llor,
11r. I:dtyard Ctrvin. of this plisse
was struck by a Graad Trunk en zine
at London. Tuesday morning while
cressi.lz the t racks. ile was thrown
to o:1c side of the track and upon ex-
amination at the hospital, where he
was taken a depressed fracture of
the scull was located, cousin; his.
death in the afternoon, Mr. Cury;n
was a !daftly respected resident of
ihie sect ion and hitt 9311 dea(h it .tc•-
plored by all.
4 -Mr. Clans. \Venor, of Rochester,
N. Y., is visiting relatives here.
-Miss Nell Stoneman, of Herman
spent a few days last week stitlt her
sister, Mrs. Kelly.
-Messrs. 11. Eilncr, M. P. i'., and
M. 1 . McLean. ex -M. 1'. 1'„ will ne
here In assist in lite openirt; of the
new Fair :rounds, Sept. 21st,
-On Mondoy cvcninz of last week
the metnners of The Zurich Y. 1'. A.
gothcrcd at the home of Mr. Mitred
Faun[ and presented hits with an ad-
dress and a honrisom" rift as a
Misfit token of the esteem in which
he is held by t Isom. Mr. Faust rc•
plied in a few well-chosen remarks,
thankinz them for '16cir kindness in
remcmberins Trim :curt w'isltin1 than
God's blessing. Mr. Fated left on
Friday for Aapicrville, ills.. where
i.e +till commence his studies', for en-
teron z 1 lie miniet ry.
1' I • people in a holden spot and
makes mistily hard to hrnce up
Nert•ili:t,. : ,kgs that kink cut of
your spinal column i 1 o t ors
n e i r er ,
it ;soothes. that's why relief comer
sn soo'r. lert•kline penetrates; hal '•
why .f t+arcs. rive -times stronger
1. to r r.' nary rctnediess, NetviIine
rtn't f t•, cure lame. back, Him •
' t and nr•ura7zi.•t. Ner•
t rt' !, r.nt death to ail muscu•
1., t 1',:+ nearly fifty years it
I,,< 1;.. •ler lar;est bruins liniment
n (' Patter try it.
Al the los( 110-01ing of the Huard
of Examiners for the ('ounly c>f
Huron. it was II (.01%.1-11 1II:11 111o14e
teacher.; who have Jur ' ,r Le -wins or
Sr. Leavitt.; non professional (lenifi
cater may have their Third Clara,
professional certificates renewed for
a Ictin of •t twee year.:, on repna5irlr
ih* Model School • mini1ion,
GEO. 11 \ l It D, Secy.
a Constitutional disease
��� oortitgtioed
(treatment acting through
and purityjng the blood or
- Ti • c' ,ft , ',1, :irndist choir vis• its radical and permanent
1 t I?• . I e; c•puint men: on tun •
y rcr. .r, i rcnderert choice mu- are. Be supe t0 take
sic .
-`ate T. 1i. Andrew is visithtz tltc�HO rS'S�Siapis
and other local forint of catarrh
-Mr. ttu%it Norri•. Sr., and John ef+s 1utIJY d by Catarrtets,
flutter visited the Toronto Exhini• *' .Y�1nu
tion nlsn William Dinner and wife.
-Mr. 1. 11. Andrew w•ts in Toronto � Hood's Sarsaparilla, all druggists, $I.
Catarrlets, mail order only, 30 eta.
Por testimonials of remarkable cures
and for our look on Catarrh. No. 4.
C L Hood Co., Lowell. Mass.
cn ltit)l a business trip thi• week. .t"
(otttnin;rt. httsiness o. i(n plc -.are.
-Mr. and M.rs, 8. A. Mihir and
family spent last week ylsitinz Mr.
1 Miller'+ o- •: i -r of To• _ atria.
Silk waists or Clothes seem Iiko
brand new when cleaned with
Odorless Non-poisonous
Works weepier.' beyond belief on the
rnarsoctand Brea "ffthriu.cnrtaotr
or delicate dres good.
Kills all 'arms in c:.rpet.t, ete.
Extracts all dust
Restores colon like now
R n
o w
s tho •[sing
All in a few room, i,tt fora few cct,t+
and a child It do It
ikea old things new nnd rnmnrc+
I. • a•eana,•!nin from new
k your.: roti er (,r •ap-o.ren•o,
The Huffman A Tooter Oo.
One of the many points
of interest to you will be
our beautiful show room,
where you will see line
after line of pretty goods
gathered from every land
and clime,
1)1N1�rI':Ii 51.7,5 Immense variety of Dainty Sets or splen-
did stock, patterns sold by the piece or
set, can suit you in almost. any choice you way require, full Dinner
Sets from $0.O0 up to 57 i.00, se -Every Set guaranteed.
_ TOILET SETS great choice of new efta les, styles anti
decorations, prices from $1.73 up to $15.00
per set,
TEA SETS -In t•i
♦ S ch and dainty designs, all leading wakes carried
English, Austrian, French, Etc.
LAMPS -Of every description, Glass Lamps, Parlor Lamps, Read-
Sewing Lam, Hanging Lamps, Hall Lamps.
Z GLASSWARE of every
pskind, table sod ornamental, vieties •
English, Austrian, American ani Canadian makes, •
• FANCY TABLE CHINA -Of endless variety, both useful and : '
ornamental lines. You aresure of getting the latest in
2 Z colorings and decorations here, as we keep in touch with
the leading factories in England. Franco, Austria, Germany, '
Japan and Bavaria, Always something new to show you. ,
SOUVENIR CH INA -Very special is this magniticient line inn- 2
ported direct from Austria, with some of the prettiest views S.
London, all in natural colors, every piece a treasure.
Come and See us You Will be interested It
li London ro eke ry Co. Z
Dundas Street, London. •Z
•• WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of
$10,00 or over.
t ••♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦••♦•♦••••♦♦•••Z
Phone 1684.
134 Dundas Street and Carling Street,
Opposite Market Lane, Former Screaton Premises,
1.101\TZDON7 O11'T.ARI0
Pure Mill End Sale of
White Goods.
White Cotton Mill Ends, guaranteed and better than ever,
36 inches wide, fine and soft, finished for the needle,
regular lOc and 10ic cotton, yours for, yard... 7jc
Ladies, Think QuickI
Mill Ends, circular Pielon cotton, extra fine quality, all
widths, regular 15c and the cotton, your pick, yard loo
Mill Ends of Embroidery and Insertion, 3, 4, 5 and 6 inches
wide, very fine quality and fancy designs, regular 8c, 10c,
and 12c, your pick, yard
Now is the Time for Making Comfortables
Wrapperette Ends, in grays, fawns, blues, reds, pink, 30
inches wide, fleece back, lengths of 10 yards, regular 15c
for, yard lOc
Beat English Chintz, 36 inches wide, in new Paisley designs,
regular 15c, for yard 11 is
Tapestry Carpet Ends, 11 yards long, extra heavy pile,
each.,... 45c
Brussels and Wilton Carpet Ends, 11 long, extra
heavy pile, each . yards1'. , .
Pure White Medicated Bats, large size, each .75c
• lOC
Ready-to-wear Coods at Cost of Material
Children's Long -Sleeve Pinnies, in white ane'. colored, Al
goods, fancy trimmed, fit children 2, 3 and 5 years; regu-
1Ai 500 and 75c, your choice, 371c each OI'.. ,.3 for $1.00
Infants' White Cashmere Dresses, lined in white, )ink or
bike, guaranteed to wash, regular $1.00, half price
each .
Children's School Dzesses, made of fancy wrapperetto, lined
in red and blues, fit girls lrls
6, 8, 10, 12 and 14, regular
$1.CO, for, each .,,.75c
Mail Orders Especially Attended to.
• (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • •$3,000,000.00
RESERVE FUND • • • • •
44 Branches in (ntarlo, (Judas-, Alt•crta Itriti•h Columbia and 11►nitob-s
Open every Lawful bay front le A. M. to '1 r•. M. except tiaturda) 1st A. M. to 1 1'. M.
Petrel -Mete Pirtle Nota!• cashed or rollecttd. Forms supplied
On t, plication. 1►ItAPI's en nll point-, In the Is minion, (treat lirllain and ('n
{ted .:+tate', bought end sold at lowest ra(c+of ex( hatge,
• Dcn t:mita o
Pd o nt ,1 upwards
received. interest eon)- poundal hail )ettiry. and nddrd to ;Tiled/ al June 3r.Ih end I',rember 31st. ite
ro•i1s int eipt., s!•n t.'•, .I er.rl hio e..t current tares a(merest all>ttcd.
Advances, +mute to farmers #tock dealer+ and business men at
• lowest nor, and onttt0 fatrrableterm.. Agents at Exrterfor Inn.(no rrnmen(.
Dickson & Carling, Sulirilnrr. N. D. HURDUN, Manager.
••••••••e••••••••••••••••• ••••••••N•••••••••••••••
— _ , _ Subscribe for the TIMES. From now; until
January 1907 for $1.00