HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-14, Page 1• a - • a uter HURON & MThDL ESEX GAZETTE' huts. THIRTY-THIRD YB,AR—NO 1670 EXETER, 3NT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14th 1905, JOHN WHITS it S01II •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXETER COUNCIL 1 DASH WOOD i'rHF: FINANCIAL DISTRICT MEET- ING I � The Financial District meeting of the Exeter district of the Methodist church was held ati Lucan on Sept. 12. Rev. A. 11. Goin„ 11. A., ch.iir•- tnan of the district, presided. Devo- tional exercises were conducted by Rev. J. Veal. All 'the pastors 'tore present except two. Rev. W. I.kLtt,gh, of Kippen, and Rev. C. C. Couzens, of Sylvan. In addition to the minis,- tors several laymen were present from the various circuits. Tho first order of business was COS. T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store Council to t int as Per ad',1 ournmenfi in the 'Town Hill on Friday, September i 8th, members all present. minutes of meeting held on August 26th read approved , uurmunications read from Brown t Bras., nurserymen, re.tress at .the • cemetery : also a petition signed by Dr. J. A. Rollins. I. It. Carlin„ W. W Taman and others asking, that a Public meeting be called to again dis- cuss the electric light proposition. \V, H. Lovett -J. Wood -thee prayer of the petition be granted and a meeting be called by the Reeve for Thursday, September 14th at 8 p.tu. in tato Town hall. -Carried . J. Wood -1. Armat ren x -The peeve sign the application form for the re- n.wal of the polic of (ire insurance on the Town Mall. -Carried. Tenders for the construction of a concrete walk along Main street from Victoria street to Aux Sable river were read from Messrs. Sand- • ers & Tr.iebner, J. N. Howard. Alf. 2 Taylor and Bawdcn & Sweet. WA H. • Levctt -J. Muir -that the tender of • Messrs. llawden & Sweet, 10 tents STOVES.-lf you are in need of a stoves or furnace, don't fail to have e. look at our stock. we were never in n Dotter position to supply your wants. E. I'. Paulin. Hardware. Stoves and Tinsmithing. -Taw Times correspondent being out of town last week, some of last 'socks news ",ill le given now. - Mr. Geo. Wambold spent a very pleasant week at Berlin, returning Saturday . -the County assessment equaliz. ers were in t lid village Thursday. - Mr. and Mrs. John \Vinkeuwader and sou George left, for the west Fri- day. 8th lust, to visit their sone in North Dakota. - Mrs. E. P. Paulin rind family re- turned home after spending !the summer at the Bend in their new cottage. -Mr. Peter .Mclsu;ic souk advaa- da;e of •the fair rates to attend the annual convention of the Canada Embalmers Association held in To- ronto. Mr. Aiclsaao says he spent four profitable days at dlec COiiVeu- • is the place for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star LRV[TROUOHINi We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to makg all our own Troughs and can give you firstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. HAWKINS & SON 1 • At Exeter and Centralia Fall Term Opens Sept. Storehouses 5th Now ready for usef the best Cement and Lime That money can buy also toal for Everybody at lowest prices J. GOBBLED I GK ti— 4 IN THE FAMOUS • TORONTO. ONT. • All one graduates are sure ot gacting positions. Among our large attendance of students dur- Iing the year were ex-studene of ten other Colleges, Write for Circulars. WE'RE I SUIT SELLERS You are Suit buyers. We make the suits -you wear them out. We make thew as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner than they ought. Because, if they do, you'll likely go somewhere else for your nett Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to btty •ao much Suit worth. And Suit worth is fashionableness of fabric --style in Cut -Bt -finish -looks - dressyness - and length of service. Alp good a place as there is within Imilts to get all this and not pay too much is W. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor :8000 iEIEGRIPNERS NEEDED w osition, reated by Railroad and Telegrapthe h Copmpanie..CWo want Young Men and Ladles of good habits. to LEARN TELESRAPRY and R. R. Accounting We furnish 75 per cent. ot the Operator. and Station Agent. in America. Our fix a• hoots are the largest exclusive Telegraphy Schools I. the world. i•.itabll.hed 2) year. and on• dossed by ailleading 1;ailway Official.. We execute . $2.5) Bond to every student to turnssh him or her a position paying from $l0 te eb).month in State. east nt the Rocky Mountains, or from is to >;1I) a month in States west of the Rockte . immediately upon graduation. Students ran enter at any time. No ynca- tlo.s. For full particulars regarding any of Our Schools write offi:e at Cincinnattl, Ore catalog ct, to �le r fCeouticc e -T1fE- Morse school of TeleUraphu ClnClnnat.tl. Ohio. linffslo, N. Y. Allanta,Oa. lnCroac, Wi Texarkana. Tex. s.111 Francisco. Cal. Western Real Estate ..Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London HAVE YOU A FAIt\t F(111 S:\1.1•:' If you h.ivo a Faxen, Toa it tr' Vil - tare prop.►rty for .v..le \\ rite 1e us for ow: ter -nus of Serb.►' Real Es- tate. We wive hie moat complete system of adverttisinz antl selling properties. Do \Ot CW ANT TO BUY A FARM, A SPORE, or 111'141, NESS I'Iu)h'ERTYI Send for our list •nf p•ropert les for sale. Wo have some splendid farms dor Lilt in the L Huron . �' Ked Yoe Han OM BOO w. J. ELLIOTT, • • ••• Principal. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRATFO.RD, ONT. • The largest Business and Short- • hand School in Western Ontario. IOur courses are thorough and practical. Teaching is done by experienced instructors. There sns no better school in the Domin- i ion. All Graduates secure posi- • tions. Enter now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. lPrincipals D. A. McLACHLAN, 1 ••••••••••N•••••••••••••• "i SEE iT CLEARLY. but 1 couldn't before these ;Iusse9." That's so and the 1lassc.4 'were fitted sp4 ci:tlly to this old gentleman by us. A IiELi' TO TiHE EYE is what eye and magnifying glasses are for. Some use them ain;ly and °liters use them together. We sup- t.ly the Lest cith.r, wap and at !trove possible prices. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont. CANADIAN PACIFIC Will sell WYESi EXCURSION iICKEiS To the North West N1'.nnipee 530.111) Sheho -- Alnwbrsy 1 Regina - I)clorainc31.50 Lipton Souris 1 Mooscjaw Brandon .0.55 )fumbclt 14leton Saskatoon - Lenore Minicita i31., 1'r. Albert �llnlota ))) 0\felfort Ilinscarth .12.25 1lstticfo-,i Mooeomin 32.24 flscleod Arcola 22.30 t 'alga ry Fotevan Red Deer per square tool Lein; the lowest, be 'sten. .:ot hln; like sou►; %•hero you accepted. -Carried . The following accounts were pas. sed and orders drawn on the Trea4 surer for the same: C. B. Snell, lighting for Aug. $90.31, less $12.31, $78.00; T. IIawwkins. cemetery acct. to Aug. 29th, $14.43; do., gasolene and Hardware acct, to Aug. 30th, $22.90; J. White & Sons, printing acct March 3 to Aug. 24t1t, $62.40; do., advertisin x cemetery notes, $2.50 Eli Snell. recreation .grounds, $15.00; Municipal World supplies, $16.30; J. Dennis, repair, $1.40; J. Dennis, pt. salary boll ringing, $15.00; Queen City Oil Coy.. Toronto. Gasolene acct. to Au;. 30, $23.12, less bbl returned $4.00, $19.12: Wm. Brickwvood, labor at Cemetery$2 25 ; John Ford. part salary to Sept. 1. $27.00; 13awden & Sweet, pt. payment on sidewalk. $350 W. J. Bissett, pt, salary to Aug. 22, $31.25: J. Sutton, street watering acct., $25.00; Mrs. W. Delve, charity. $9.00; J. Senior. pt. salary, $6.2.50. amounting to $749.05. Motion per J. \Vood, sec. J. Muir .and carried. W. 11. Levet t -I. Armstrong- Clerk call for tenders for 5o to 100 cords of coarse and fine gravel% to be deliv- ered within the oorponation as per instructions of Ibe Street Commis- sioner. Tenders to submit price per cord from Wood and Ford twits. Ten- ders to be i.t by 7 p. m. Friday, Sept. :.'2nd. -Carried. J. Wood -J. Muir -Council adjonrn to Sept. 22nd . .1. SENIOR. Clerk. THE RENEWAL A STRAIN Vacation is over. Again the school bell rings at morning and at noon. again with tens of thousands the hardest kind of work has begun, tho renewal of which is a mental and physical strain to all except I he most rugged. The littler girl that •a few days ago .had .roses in her cheeks, and the little ,Loy whose dips aero then so red you would have insisted that they had been "kissed by straw- nerries" have already lost some- thing of the 'appearance of health. Now is a time when many children should be given 0 tonic. which may avert much serious trouble, and we know of no other so highly to be recommended as llood's Sarsaparilla. which strengthens the nerves, per- fects di,estion and assimilation, and aids mental development by building up the whole system. • can see and hear( up-to-date business methods. - -John Kraft returned .lo work at Mr. Edighoffers shoe store after hav- ing spent two weeks holidays in Hamber;, Berlin and other southern points . -Manuel EL'crs, of Exeter. is spending his vacation or: 1hli farm helping his father. - The Misses Lizzie Minnie and Catharine 1!•inkheiner are on a visit lo Tavistock -Laura Goetz returned home after spending a few weeks in Detroit. -Quarterly services were held in the Evangelical church hero Sunday last. The Rev. Knechtel conducted the services. -Mrs. Will Madi;c►• has returned from a few weeks visit with her mother. Mrs. Ogden, of Whalen. -There are a goodly number tak- ing in the London :fair this week from the village. - We aro pleased to note that Mrs. Goo. Edi,;hoffeer is recovering from her recent illness. - Mrs. KLeintield, who leas been living with her -son John, on the 11th, passed peacefully away to the great beyond Thursday last at the advanced age of 69 years. Inter- ment took place in the Goshen line cemetery Saturday a. m. Mr. Klein. field and family have the sympathy of their friends: • -Mr. \Vm. Kloinstavcr holidayed for two weeks .in Detroit anis Toron- to. -Miss Salina Madi;cr attended the muillinery openings in Toronto and has secured a position in Ayton, Ont. -Saturday Last Mr. John Pfaff bought of Mr. Restamyen the house .ind lots recently occupied by Mrs. NuckLe. .-Mr. Conrad Wolper, of the Town limo, west, bought from. Mr. Jac. Div- gardine the 70 acre farni that he now occupies we learn at a fair price. \Vo learn that Mr. It. S. Hamilton has purchased the tug "Scotia from the contractors of the dock at Grand Bend. -Mr. II. A. Kellerman left Mon- day for Napicrvillk, Ills., where he will commence studies in the college. - Jfr. Jacob Kellerman has become quite a successful piano and organ salesman and those to whom he hal Sold instruments speak highly of theta. Ile has disposed of organs to PLUGTOWN Mr. C. Stada, Stephen \Nebo, Jos. i Gll :tad J. K. Ehlers also a ilcrlin -As Norman Francis was culti. Pi.tao to 1). Schaeffer. - Miss El bol Kellerma.. who took vlt.in; on Monday of last week he ho -,ors at the rcecne examinations in met with an accident 'which mu;ht Loddon, Icft for Sarnia This week have proved fatal. ile spied a musk- Where she will continuo her studies. rat while ,sofa; along and jumped off the cultivator to run after it. The animal turned on; hint and tool.• hISiIING IN rEMAGAII quite a lar to pieces out of Isis Pout, he This; is the hest time of the se;t- being in his bare feet. Medical aid sort for boas and trout fishing in was summoned. He is ,getting along the Tcn1•.;anti region. the Sports- nioely at 'the i,reseene writing man's paradise. Tourist tickets on -Ono of .lir. .)antes Gardeninr'a sale daily pr Grand Trunk Officc3. boys had the misfortune to sprain —0,...____ kis ankle while in the act of jumping Ci.N11LALiA 1 4 The Great North West the .acceptance of The assessments on behalf of 'the various connectional funds and were :1s follows: Super- annuail'on Fund Exeter (James St.) ... $99 00 Exeter (Maio Si.. .... 'it 00 Parkhill t;l 00 Elimvillo 73 00 Centralia 51 00 Ilensall 63 00 Kippen ... 58 00 Crediton ...... 51 00 Grand Bend 61 09 Sylvan 46 00 Ailsa Craig 51 00 Lucan 61 00 Branton 68 00 11 00 Woodham ...... 65 00 11 00 Kirkton 78 00 13 00 Communications were presented: From Dr. Chown. Secretary of Temperance and Reform work, re - statistics on the sad results of drink and urging the members of the meeting to push local option work. The brethren expressed themselves as standing in re:alines-4oto assist the work to the extents of their ability. It was recommended shall the min- isters meet to;ether .and organize the district for evangelistic work. The following committee was ap- pointed to form 'the various circuits into groups of ,four and select the ministers to work in these places: Rev. A. II. Goin;, B. A., G. W. And- rews, B. A., and W. Godwin. From Sunday School Library board re -supplementary lessons in Bible study and recommending ithrir in- troduction into Sunday Schools. T o training of Sunday school .teach was also urged and 'the opening up new work on the district . it was resolved that a committee ecnsistin; of Revs. Godwin, W. H. McTavish and .7. E. Holmes and Mes- srs. W. H. IIoltby, J. \V. Ifumphries and II. E. Huston comprise the Sun- day school section of the summer school lo confer with .the executive of the Epworth League . A resolution of ,gratitude to God was passed for •tate irestorart.ion to health of Rev. W. Godw.i.l after his tea and dangerous; i)dness. • The meet.ior closed tail lf.'the Irene - diction. Gest. Con. Fund $17 00 12 00 10 00 15 00 9 00 11 00 10 00 900 10 00 8 00 9 00 10 00 CURED OF LAME BACK AFTER 15 YEARS OF SUFFERING "I had been 't roubled with lame hack for fifteen years and I found a complete recovery in the use . o1 Chamberlain's pain balm." say:. John G. Risher, Gillam, Ind. Chis lini- ment is also without nn equal for sprains and bruises. It is for sale in Exeter by W. S. Howey . t A REMEDY WITHOUT A PEER •'l find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver T•anlots more .beneficial than any other remedy I ever weir for stonmoh trouble," says J. I'. Clete, of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach. biliousness or constipa- tion. these Tablets aro without a peer. For sale in Exeter by W. S. llowey. SACRED CONCERT The Exeter band propose. igiwin; sacred concert on Sunday, & t. 17 al 4 p. m., 'wcalh^r px.r,ii tting, the Victoria Pairk. The following will be the progirnnune> National Anthem 1 0, hail IIs Ye Free ...Vorai 2 Serenade for Baritone. Losey 3 "Gloria" from 12th :Mss, Mozart Serenade "Angelic Choir" ...Myers "Gems of Stephen Foster" Tohani Marche Romaine Goutod off the fence Saturday evening. 5 - Rev. G. W. Andrews, after a va. 11 LU\V RATE\\'1:8TI:ItN RSC1J►t- cation of two weeks, took his place 81U\S cn Sunday and preached two excel - Going Sept. 21, 22, and 23rd, to Detroit, I't..Huron, Chicago, Day City, Cincinnati, Clevclan.1, 01ria,Col - limbu., Ohio, Dry ton, Grand Rapids Indianapolis, and Saginaw. Return- ing until Ocioht•r 9111. Secure tick- ets from Grand Trunk Railway Agents. aunt, M rs. I3raWn, of lirintford. -\1r. and 11.r'.. Del gat y, of It w I' tin from indigestion, dyspepsia, field visited friends hsc.rei last ...wk. aad to,, hearty eating is relieved at —\ir wait es I3anvblm ds in.t lant sermons. -Miss Sarah Neil is the guest of 11•2r sster, Mrs. lto::enberyer, of London. - Mr. Percy Simpson attended the exhibition at London ors Tuesday and Wednesday. -\miss Vero F.s.ery i.; lisitlILC h, r once by taking one of Carter's 'oath his parents here. LittLi1 d' tel I ter le ver 1'1 Is, IEOM tate y a -\t►ss Seca, cf Mir.(l.,n, is vis - dinner. Don't forget this. itiur her Filter, Mts. Will Abbott. SEWING MACHINES Save Money By Home Dyeing. Easy Way to Make New Autumn Dresses Out of Ohl and Faded Costumes and Suits, Diamond Dyes Are the I'opular I'ackage Dyes - Mr. W. J. Smith, Miss Agne,. For Reliable Home Work. flew -turn and George returned to their homes after specne!iug , pleas - •int time al the l'oroutn 1: :prsitim,, 11•01'1 51 ,r a f:,.I••d :n\\r1 11: t.l:irt. \Ir. William J. Smith twill leave Don't look shanhy slow!) 1 us.• shortly for Detroit where he ha. \'„u 01111101 afford J( buy :r 1.0.\ 1ake,, a situation with 'Fla. 11. i1, dre..A. It is not recess try to wear cloths - \1r. 'Thomas EsserP, of tee Lon. in Ihitt is faded and Wittily because don rood has '^used 1110 farm 10 M r. you hive no 1110107 to buy more. Farrell, of nett, 'r0101, 0, for term \\'ith one or Two packac•{r or 1)ia• Fyfe & Co. OR sa1'•sm:in.. At Bargain Prices. „f three years. "Ir. Es.ery tits ,c. mond Dyer, Thal costs len cents per sided continufarsly on his farm for package, the old dress or skirt can ver 60 •car. and deserves a w\011 be dyed n fashionable and be tut iful We are offering a ) drawer, Pr•ned rest, The faro, i considc r,.,p color in keeping with the autumn • one of the hest in Gat:trio, t he su z.lr se 'son. Thousands of women 0 ill have :,uturnn dresses. suits and skirl. flint cannot s told front new, but which h.1ye cost I hen, only a 1 rifle, the result o1 ro!orin: over 1141r old maierials Willi I)AiM011d Dyes. Nes er risk year materials and gar- ments with the week, adulterated and imitation dyes gold Ivy ,:ome /leo. ors. When you buy the Diamond Dyes, yon have the hest produced in the wet id. Send to Wells & Itieh- nrd.son Co., Limited. Mort ic;.1, h'.tl., for new book. "Diamond Dyes and How lc I'm Them,” anti card of 18 o y �) I crop neaU, guarancee(I sewing hush ficin; t he largest around here. itis machine $21.Of) Satisfac- \Ir. Fart -411 certainly ira' secured a > 33.73 well kept farm. A1r•. Esscry will .lot al.u) tion guaranteed. move off until next march, 5.16 In Pianos we still keep up ---..-'— •; oar record. IIigh grade .N.$) pianos at prices other dealers ask you for inferior goods. Come and see us we will 3930 Yorkton (33.t0 Stratheona r 40.VKamaack doing Scet. lith and :6th. Returning until Nov. 13th and 77th. Pamphlet,. and full particulars from any Canadian Pantie Agra or C. D. Footer. 1). P. A Toronto CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. interest you pure. o Kind You Hari Always 9ou< t Bears the , S. MARTIN & SON SIgnatnre o! dyed rk111 ramp": sem fr' • In •a.ly address. ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands also a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm lands. r We havo made a number of splen did investment, for our clients, who placed orders with us for selections of Canadian Pacific and other North West lands. In a number of instances values have increased so rapidly that our patrons could readily realize double the amount of the money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects for a bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedeuted numaer of sottlere coming into the west, prices of hinds of good quality and situated convenient to a railway aro bound to make a still further large advance. One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the Crop Estimate for the Present Season. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advance We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands. $427 00 down secures 3:'�) acres, (half section) of choice !r • Thls would be a great investment for YOU. wheat Jand. The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.40 Secures 3220 acres (half section) choice wheat land to an actual settler. No other payment required for two years. R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months' trip through the West. During his stay there he will locate a number of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various new railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in West- ern tands should communicate with him when full information will be given. His address up to the 15th October next will be R. E. PiCKARD, General Selling Agent for C.P.R. Lands. Frobisher, Assn. About Bed Time Blessings on the .man who first in- vented sleep. Blessings, you will say, on the man who first invented the greatest aid, to sleep and rest known as the Marshall SdnItdru Mattrass The only ventilated Sanitary Mattrasa in the world. Purer, cleaner, cooler healthier and more con)tortable than any other mattrass. A continual cur- rent of air refreshing tho rnattrew, always keeps its shape,will never pack or harden. Guaranteed for five years. Will last a life time. Don't fail to see it. Sold only by ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture dealers and Funeral directors KiitliTON Uur;ess' Photo Studio, Kir kton, will ".ie open every Tuesday during Septemoer. If you ww-: nt :nod phot cs he will please you. CIIAMHERLAiN'S COUGH REMEUY AIDS NATURE Medlcincs tlhat aids nature are al- ways most effectual. Ch►nninerlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cm,.5h, relieves the lungs, ails expectoration, opens the secre- tions, .antl aids Dal lire in r^storing the. system to a healthy condition. Sr.lil in Exo!'-r by W. S. ilowwcy. Ifyou, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such disease. to Tit I.erntu Co.. 179 King Street, \V., Toront', Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain f,r you LEIBIG'SFITCURE Exeter Fair, Sept. 18 and 19. On those (lays or any other time we will be pleased to show the merits of our 11105 lines of Stoves and Ranges. Our stock CJ111itrise. Sou- venirs, Gitr:and, Huron 1 and Hiapl)y Thoughts. HEATERS In this line we are showing the most up-to-date in town, Art Garlands, Art Souvenirs, Empire Garlands and Jewels. It will pay to examine our Heaters. FURNACES A New idea (',)11 or Wool Furnace will set up on floo r. Its many advantages and good points are easily seen. HEAMANS HARDWARE And Stove Store.