Exeter Times, 1905-09-07, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES, SEPTEMBER7th, 1805.
Just in: Our new stock of kadies' and Chil-
drens' Coats, Jackets and Dress Goods. We
are proud of our new stock. The coat styles
are quite a change from last season. Some
very pretty effects in Fawn Whip Cord, tight
and semi=fitting will be the leading styles in
Ladies' coats for this season.
Our New Dress Goods are really lovely.
Come and have a look, it costs you nothing
we like showing new goods.
Butter and Egg3- Yes we are still in the race, we want
all you have.
Fine China
We have ,just, received a
line of the prettiest China
ever manufactured. All hand
painted and prettily decorat-
ed with gold.
If it is China
Our Stock is sure to please
you.. Come in and see for
S. Fitton,
We've Turned
The Corner.
It's fall now in the store no
(natter what the weather is
Fabrics for the coming cold
!lave again filled up our
helves and counters, and the
demand will turn largely to
heavier weights.
it's a splendid time to
And you have the choice
or the refusal of the most
worthy lollection of clothing
materials that you will find
anywhere around helve.
Call any time.
W. W. 'Taman
Merchant Tailor.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by minions of mothers for teen
children whIle teething, with perfect enooess
It soothes the child. softens the Qum., allays all
oats,cures wind collo. and is the best remedy
for >tarnccea. it I. pleasant to the taste. Soil
by drumlin in every part of the world. 45
centres bottle. Its value is Incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
Market Report. -The following is ,
the report of Exeter markets. cor-
reefed t111 to Auntyt :Hsi.
Peas 60 to 65 cents per bushel.
Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt.
Wheat, 70c td 75c per bushel.
Barley. 15 to 38 cents at au.hel.
Shorts. 019 per ton
Family flour. R2.50 1.•r c•w1.
}fay, 06 per toll.
Bran, $14 i'or ton.
O,its. 27 to 28 cents per Ousbel.
H0 r!° five wt•i_rhr, $6.50 per !wt.
)Iot•, dressed, $$.50 per cwt.
liutter. 20 Cell t+ 101.1' pound.
E3gs. 18e. per dozen.
OA!•gr, OR=A.
)tests tie _Th1 Pod You dare Aha/ B4etht
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
••••••N t►••NN�
See DLare's. London ad. on page 4.
Get your school supplies at Brown -
imp Drug Store.
I)r. and Mrs. ljellewxly, of Wing -
ham, are Visiting Mrs. Wc,1sh,
Orville Godwin, of a St. Thomas,
spent Labor Day tat tho parsonage.
Lawn mowers sharpened on short-
est nock at D. liartleib'a. Exeter.
Mr. and Mns. Downie visited
frien& at London Labor day.
Miss Sadie Ifawkshaw•, of Detroit,
is visiting friends tin Exeter and
Hensall .
Mr. and Mrs. Was. Haw•ks's,w were
the 'guests of 'Mrs. Joint Ifawkshaw•
last week .
Maria and Dinah Elston are. a.t•
tending the millinery openings in To-
Gardeners are 110W Irwaisinj 1 heir
potatoes and find that numbers
have 'oven rotted.
Airy. Joh..s ref unfelt Saturday
from. a visit to Isar daughter, Mrs.
Goodies, Sarnia .
Douglas Godh1'ins who has risen
spending his (holidays in St, Thomas.
ret urncd home Monday.
For Sale. -Residence of Mrs. G.
Kemp, on Andrew at. for particulars
apply to owner.
For Sale. -(louse and two lots for
sale on Victoria street, west, for fur -
then particulars apply to John hind.
Mr. and Mrs. Ililnorn, of Paris,
who were the,etucstri of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Ford.iroturncd home Saturday.
Mr. J. G. 8tanbury assidted In 1 he
!'resect/lieu of Masan, the - Stephen
tanner. who was 'cmtviete,l of in-
cest at Goderich last 1veek .
The antontobilists who , were
stranded hero for several days ate
iu;1, iti Their praises of the work-
manship done by Connor Bros.
Glasses properly. Office, Commer-
cial Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday, September 23rd.
31r.. Samuel Gidley, wla has been
11.61111Z Mrs. John Ifawkshaw Elw-
in; q ho past few stocks ret nrne.I
Monday. Mrs. Gidley will visit
friends in Sarnia for a few day < and
go to Duluth vial boat.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's
sigtoature is on each box. 25o.
Sergt.-Major Hector leas r:•rcive,I
.an invitation from the officers of
the 33rd ifuron regiment 10 select a
.team of ten men to compete at n
911ao11n. competition to he hef.1 ;al
Goderich this fall. Scr_t.-Major
hector desires those wlm .ate rood
shots to apply to him at Thames
til or Ser.rt. Beaman.
'Inn baseball ,;amt's were played
11bur day between deaths represent-
ing 'tbe east and wend sides of Nf:s111
Ft re.•t. in •I be forenoon 111e ,wes?
n ere victors by a score of 17 to
11 and in dire afternoon /the east side
Cattle out victorious ny a 50010 .32
to 31. Some sent 14lon•al ,ploys were
tirade al Ito( It mantes.
TL^ 111;11 au'I Public departments
of •t lie Exeter school opens 1 for 1 he
(.11.1 term Tic\flay mornin r. The
attendance W,IA exceptian•ally Iarzo
and .t ar' lettclx•rs wolf prepared for
their next yea r'51 work. lollowin z
aro the names of hte 1cachets: -
Mr. Fleming. Principal : Mise Chid -
ley, Mi59 Dorrington, Ili rh Seim( 1
Miss Vesper, Miss NValrond, - Miss
Carling. Mics McCathnn, Mic9
Lir), Public School.
Mr. 1t. Mock left Monday for The
Sort hives(.
Miss Cetile. tic•. of lknfield, is visit -
ing Mrs. Coomatx•s .
Mr. Percy Itemdle, of London, spent
Me.u.lay in tom n.
Miss flannel! t of Loudon. is,1 le
guest of Dirs. 1t. 11. Colin's.
Mrs. I'oplc»tone is visiting Mips
Dy:alt. of hin'u s.
Mr .P. \\'ems • ,11 of London, was
vi-il ing at A. .r. Ford's Lal,ot' Day.
Mr. Chas. Byer and Will Murray
spent a few clays in Toronto fast
w eek.
Mr. Al. Hastings and (laughter Lu-
lu. returned hone from Cro.ss11i11
Mr. and Mrs. ,Statham lent Saturn
day for Toront r,, w (scold t hey d t ok
in the Lair
Rev. It. .1. M. Perkins occupied the
E1•1 -copal church pulpit at ingersoll
Hondas last.
Miss Nina Carlin; .sends. •d a solo
at he Trivilt Almeria.l ch. rch Sun-
day evening.
Mrs. Fr•ietilly and children. of
London, were the •;t.. -IN of W. W.
Newey, Saturday .
Nits. 11. Iloc and Ntr. said Mrs. ileo
Parkhill. visited M.r. and Nits, 11.
ley over •Sunday.
N1r.and NLrs. \V111. 11;twksh:i v re-
1urn'i1 fav,ua 1hd•il. ,tris, to 80111i.v.
N. W. T., Saturday.
Mr..and Mrs. ;Dew, of Iowa, wero
41tr.. 'guests of: -Mr. :ut1 Mrs. S. A.
l'oplestonC Last week.
Miss Flossie Taylor, of J. 11.
Clhapman's. Lembo', is home for a
two weeks' vacation.
Mr. Nelson Sheer... who ]tats- been
visiting .at his house here left for
ilranntford on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Inwood. of Lon-
deu. were tho guests of Mr. nmd
Mrs. Samna! Sanders.
Mr. A.r:t Wood. of the Save rei'3n
Bank .staff. London, spent, Labor
Daly _viaitdan; his parents.
Mr .and Mrs. .1. A. Stewart re-
turned from their visit to lake Sim-
co! and Toronto Saturday evening.
Mr. Earle Brow • g and Mr. W.
Fisher. •of the Sovereign Bank. left
for Toronlo Saturday -to attend the
fair . •
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilbert, of
Talbotsville, arc the guests of Mr.s.
Gilbert's sister. Mrs. John Spack-
-Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford anti son
Ch rlie, left for Toronto Saturday
night to visit raelatives and attend
the fair. +
Mr. T. Prior Inas retuned .Louse
after spending a few days will( rel-
atives and friends in London And
other peaces.
Mr. Gro. Brownlee, of London.
general agent for 'the Sylvester Ma-
chinery Co., visited ariends in 'town
Tcronlo Lair in .full swing until
Saturday Sept. 9th. Do mot fail do
see it. Secure your +tickets at: Grand
Trunk offices.
We sent out n number of bills • to
(hose in arrears dor the Times. a►
couple weeks ago, a number of which
responded. We stall be pleased if
those who have riot remitted will do
y0 .
Notice. -Ravin; .purchased the
Exeter Evaporator, I intend running
the same this season and will iaq in
a position to pay farmers and oth-
ers the highest price for apples. -W.
IL Levet t.
The young daughter 01 Mr. Samuel
Rowe wsas injured .by a quoit while
vatchin•3 the match .(games here
Monday. The injuries were stet ser -
1011s and the Bette one was able to
attend eschcol Tuesday.
We wish to express our ((ranks
and appreciration to Mr. .1. G. St an -
bury for t he beautiful hoquet of
gladioli and or Tapanwsr
shell flower, which was shown ab the
Flower Festival and presented to
I he Times
The Times has made arr:tlr.gcment.i
to club with Leslie's monthly, now
The Amerioan Illustrated Magazine.
We will send to you f lie Tinges and
American Illustrated Magazine from
now until Jan. 1907 for $2.110. This
i. a Neat snap.
Rev. A. Ii. G(:in.., \f.A., wilt preach.
vunl'versary services .alt Bet lei ny
Met hodlst church next Sunday morn•
in.., Ite1'. Ii. J. Fair, of Elimvillc.
laking his work here. Mr. (loin.;
will occupy his .owm pulpit in 1 ho
cvecroi t.
Mr. George Walker, of Devon.
w1,4;I • driving to Exeter ono slay Last
week, where he distended hiking .11o4
train enrouto to t he northwest, had
1 h misfortune to have ono wheel of
his burry conte off, ihrowin1 hits
to tiro ground injuria; his lc; ,0111C•
hat and necc.swtatint a postpone -
1 tt r t llh4tr 1 1 1
'.1r. and NUrs. John Clyde Whit:.,
of Nlemphis. Tenn., w'erc 11x• ,.u('sly
Of Wire:. John 1V1111e :a few days dur-
ing IIN• past week. Dir. ¶,V halo sl :aIes
Ilia quarantine restrictions are so
strict al Memphis that persons have
to secure passports before enter-
ing or leaving the city on account
of t he yellow fever epidemic at
New O•team.
'Pere(• Cleveland automobilist s.
Nle.ars. John Thompson, ,James L.
('h ace and Fred Green spent 111e
treater portion of Inst work in 1(ow•n,
e1: in r to n bent shaft, on their. 10:t -
chin•. They were touring . trots
CIcsel:utd to Goderich and when 3
sheet distance from Grand Bend the
.111f tin; ,got I:enl. They had their
machine lowed to Exeter, Mere Con-
n' r tiros. at tended lo the disabled
The anniversary and harvest
bink- riving services of .Ilse Trivilt
Memorial church were hold last! Hun-
d iy. The Itev. Tames. Thompson, 13,
A., 'of Ingersoll, delivered two very
.silt, and instructive sermons, MIi .-
able for t he occasion. The Bev.
.entleitt,it dwelt upon the abundance
of crop. this year and years past ansa
f . 1. prosperous t'( (1.lit ion of 1Iris
f sir .1 minion. Mir. Thompson .is a
very able aiaeaker void at both sr r-
t•ic^-, it which the attendaneo was
11.4 entn-r(,tations were ereatlp
ph. 'sell Hite his address. delivery anti
to ,nn' r of i'andling his subj'•c:s. The
(torch was too dee( "110.1 foil 1he
See our Big Display of
A few Special Prices to clear out
balance of goods mentioned below
Made of good Cravenette in dark
grey, good style, only 4 left to sell.
regular price $5.00
to clear, price, $3.95
of all wool Cheviot, nicely trimmed
inado in newest style.
regular price $5 00
to clear, price $3.75
About 5 doz. ladies Fancy Cotton
Hose with lace stripe, warranted best dye.
regular price 25 cents.
to clear, price 19c pr.
4 doz. Men's Tweed Caps, all new
shapes, colors, dark green and brown mixtures
regular price 50 cents
to clear, price 28 cts
In Fancy Assorted Colors, blues
and reds, honey comb knit patterns.
regular price 85 cents
to clear, price, 69 cts
Clinton Sweet left Friday mornin;
last for Manitoba.
Mr. R. Gidley vas in Toronto last
week attending tato fair.
Mr. T. 23. Caa•l'ul+g IefU Sunday to
attend the 'Toronto :fair.
Mr. lforue of It he Soverei,grtl Bank)
spent labor day sin Parkhill,
M. Jackson is offering several hor-
ses, harness and wagons cheap. See
itis 'Lad."
Mr. N. D. Burden returned from
his fishing and hunting trill lo Port
Frank Saturday.
Miss Martha Carlin; left Monday
for Brantford where she will attend
the Collegiotc Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, of St. Thom-
as, spent a few daps of this week
visiting Mr. :toil Mrs. Hugh Spack-
man .
Mr. John Evans. of London, accom-
panied by his cousin. Misi Merle Pal-
mer, spent the 'forepart of this week
at his 1101110 here.
Miss Edith Gidley who has been
visiting ler grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. R. l;idley, rolurned to tier }some
in Blyth on Saturday.
Mr. (toot. Basan, of London, spent
11eo holiday w it I. Mrs. Barns, who
is veil lag at a 110 home of her parents.
Mr. and NI s. John Evans.
DL•1ra, IIIc: Lcndom dry .goods mer-
chant, uaake, special inducements
lo people from 4Iti.s vli.au:ty when
at legating the London fair.
The audeists sol awct' al .10011
Tuesday, and tvhen reaching Central-
ia hall 1110, mai;hap to durst one of
their tires. causing a delay oT two
Otrin .r 10 •a breakdown al the elec•
I ric lig l l plant iia^ machinery was
but dost it 'Nfonday dor several days.
The (I:utaazed mart heti to is: sent,
lu London for repairs.
Jim Fax, tiv1 i.umoris(, supported
by offset 1aIenlel,l gxarsons 11;iII I;ivo
rive ;in entertainment in the Opera
lloim' , Exeterun 4Ss pl. 1$t1 and
1!Ith. i'articulars next week.
Mr. Geo. Anderson has been elected
Ili;h Mcss••nger cf ,the Hirt' Court
of the 1utlettendcnl Order of Forest-
ers at its 2801 annu•Ili Re5io1) which
was 1M Id sins 5t. C:alai crines on Aug.
301 h.:amt asst.
For colds :and la .rippe-Dix Coil
Cure, Break-up•:a-Cold, Lax a Co'd,
Laxative Brou'o Quinine, 5:amtples
free, also 1/ix (sunt Syrup and Win-
an's Cough Ilalsatn. Sold by C. Lutz.
Central i)rug Store. Exeter.
I)r. Butler. London, will be at the
Central Ilotel, Exeter, on Thursday
September 2Is1, 1905, all di y
for Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat con-
sultation. Eyes tested and glasses
'ie w 111
The many friends burC Ix:
pleased 'lo learn .1hat Rev. 11. W.
Locke has nearly Irecot•ered frond him
recent Ile is now 'tit 11 Mrs.
Locke tccouperal.i:1; in Nluakoka
and mill shortly take Kiel work in
Kine a rdii: .
The sow lihousid passenger twain
'1'u:;aay mornin, ran info :1 cow al
i.nn(1ei9hol•pll.h de.I:ai ling the engine.
After a rrpple hours delay the en -
rine w is A11114'11 on the track and
:arrived hese annul noon. None of
the coaches left IKc track.
Do not forget the I.izl,clasi liler-
ury enlnrtdatinent in the IILI hes,l.a
church Thnl'1Lay 51'1.107. ,115 1111 11.
Clurkn, I he fa o: ator and en-
tertainer 11111 Is: tit big best in That
marvelous nv:.1!I) ut w i1. 1'Lsdotn.
p:1311.1s, dialect :amt oratory -To and
Fro in London."
Worn fn's Bast i1 81e. - A busitlt•;e
m'•etinif cf . he Wont 111'0 institute.
will iHe h<+Id in t hot pro ,'tins snot(( of
ho Too ti 11 all on I'ti'1.y 05-ptember
Itch -it :I I •r lurk. All llaotnaess are
regn('sle'1 to I,e tnleseet.-Miss 11..11.
Pic -i to: MIs. II.I I0! . Secretary.
The tax rate of S1. Marys will Is:
23 mills on 'the dollar .
Will positively cure sick headache
and prevent its return. Carter's
Little Liver Pills. This is not talk
but truth. Ono pill a dose. Seo ad-
vertisement. Small pill. Small
doss. Small price.
Tlic Latcst 111 Drcss 6000s
In the matter of Ito estate of Arch-
ibald Bodged the Elder, late of
the Village of Exeter in the
County pf Iluron. Gentleman. de-
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
R. 8. 0., 1897, chap. 129. that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said Archi-
bald liodtert the Elder, who died
on or about the 19th) day of August
1905, are required, on or before 1 he
2nd day of October, 1905, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
Gladman 8d 8tanbury. of the Village
of Exeter, Solicitors for aha Ex-
ecutors of the said deceased„ their
christian and surnames. addresses
and descriptions. the full particul-
ars of their claims, the statement
of their accounts and the nature of
the 'meanies, if any. held by them.
And further take notice that atter
such last mentioned date the said
Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto.
having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then Lava notice
and that the mid Executors
will not he liable for the said assets
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claims -notice
shall not have been received by them
at tho time of such distribution.
Solicitors for said Executors.
Dated at Exeter 11115 5111
September 1905 .
Railway System
Western Fair, London.
96c. from EXETER.
Doing September8th to 15tb.
Good going September 12th. and 14th.
Special Train, Sent. 12th, 13th and
14th, leaving Exeter at 7.50 a m., re-
turning leave London at 11.00 p. 10.
All tickets valid returning
until l Se,-tember
Pith, 10111,
Harvest Excursions.
$30 to $40 to points in Manitoba, As-
sinihoia, Saskatchewan and Alberta,
good going September 12th and 2tith,
returning within 00 days, extension
Special one way colonist fares to
pointe in British Colombia. California,
Colorado, Idaho. Montana, Oregon.
Utah, Washington, Etc., on sail daily
from September 15th to October 31st.
Toronto Exhibition.
In full swing until September 0th,
single fare in effect until thab date.
Returning until September 12tb.
For tickets, illustrated literature and
full information. call on
Depot ticket agent, Exeter.
District passenger agent, Toronto.
air Renewer
Perhaps you like_ your gray hair; then keep ft. Perhaps not ;
then remerbber-Hall's Hsir Renewer always restores color to
tray hair. Stops falling hair, also. `�""'1vt' '..� Tea.
Plain cloth Dress Goods aro one of the
this Fall. We have all the New ('loots.
leading Fabrics
Venetians in Black and Colored 50c to $L.00
Chiffon Broadcloth in Black and Colored 75c to $t.25
Plain Broadcloth in Black and Colored 75c to $1 00
I Ienrietta in Black and Colored 5cc to $1.00
Tweeds will also be popular.
A nice heavy mixed Tweed in all shades
One of the best in Greys, Blues and Blacks
Astora Shoes lob
We are the sole sellers in and around Exeter for, the
Great and Only "American" Astora Shoes. They are the
best shoes ever shown in Exeter and are guaranteed in
every way to be the best fitters most stylish and best wear-
ing shoes on the market. The Gun Metal Calf Blutcher
and Pat Colt Blutcher are the two leaders. Don't fail to
try a pair.
'Highest price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce.
$0.00 Brass and Iron Bed for $7.50 $12.00 Morris Chair for $9,51)
$12.00 Couches for. $10.00 $0.00 Couches for.......$4.50
$7.50 Kitchen Cabinets $0.50 $2.50 Centre Tables $2.00
$12,00 Extension Tables (111 ft.) for $10,00
Come and be convinced that we can save you money -and your
Credit is good.
Funeral Director.
•••••• •••• ••••••N•••••••• Nee*** NNNN••N��!!•••••,
You'll Have Sofflcillflo
To show for your years of work if you sage a
part of your earnings now -as much as you can
spare. You may need it at some future time -
might as well save it, anyway. It is not hard af-
ter you once snake a start in the right direction.
$1 is sufficient to start an account with this Bank
to which you can add to when you like in any
sized amounts, and withdraw all or any part of it
without any delay, and which earns interest at
the highest current rates, which is added to the
principal FOUR times a year, without it being necessary to go through the
formality of presenting your pass book.
You never realize the value of having a savings bank account until you
have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the
right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank.
We have the best facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking businese.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal.
47 Branches In Canada, including the following in H iron:
Exeter. Credlton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Clinton
JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dashwood and Zurich Branches.
Special Purchases
25c. 131k. Percaline Lining 30 ins.
for 21k.
20c. Pink. Blue. Green and Grey
Percaline Linings, for 15c.
Fancy Art t)uteens, beautiful pat-
terns, new coloring at.., l 1c.
White Hobinett Curtaining widend full
and narrow border and 2.
at ..1 and a.,c,
121c. Print, heavy tonality, 3i1 ins.
wide, 211 pieces left at 111c.
15e. Turkey Chintz Print, 30 ins
wide, only 2 pieces at. . ....1250.
25c. Reversible Cretonne, 38 ins.
wide, only 1 piece at 20c
8c. (grey Cotton, 35 inches wide,
very clean and fine at.. Oc.
121c, Gallatea Shirting, in blue and
white and blue and red stripes
at IOc.
Flannelettes, striped of pink,
grey and blue, at only 7c.
iOc. Flannelettes, stripes of pink,
grey and blue. at 8►ic.
24 inch Heavy Imported Flannel-
ettes. at only 121e.
English ilntearable Flannelette,
31 to 32 inches wide, at only . 1Sc.
ffc. Glace Cloth, 11 inches wide,
35' inch Self Color Saxonys, in
pink, blue, cream and white
all English makes at..........12jc.
121c, (:lass ('loth. in red and blue
check, 22 inches wide, for .... lak.
:plc. Huck Towels, plain white
fringed and hemmed for pair. .w,C.
Job Lot Men's Braces made from
)Blastic Ends, at only laic.
155 pairs Ince Curtains at 25c, 35e, Its
115c, 151.110, $1.25, 1,50, $2.00, to
$7.1111 a pair.
25c. Ilempiearpet, % inches wide,
green kind cardinal patterns,
at ak.
See our Ladies' Underwear for fall
and winter. Our prices range
front :')1c to $1.25.
$12.00 Dinner Sets for .. •$9.00.
35 pieces of white and cream diens
goods. 'I'Isese are very new
goods in pinin and fancy rink
prices run frorn t'lc to a $1 Cyd.
Evening wear dress goods in wool
andsilk. Prices from 5i1isltt $1.23:
Ladies 'silk Collars. all shades, ad
from 'tic to $1.110.
Ladies Shoes lost the. latest •t1. $1.35
$1.45, $2.00. $2.15, $2.50
$3.l)1 and *:3.25.
Don't forget us in Winter Dress Goods.
Poplestone & Gardiner.
One door north of Postoffice. Pro Ince taken in exchan.,c for goods