HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-07, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, SEPTEMBER 7th 1905. School pens Next Week For School Books School Supplies and Stationery : : --co TO- 3rownings Drug Store The Exeter Times x.ENUAIt FOR SEPTFiMi3E11, 101.5 DAY 3 10 17 21 DAY 4 11 18 25 DAY .... 5 12 19 20 NESDAY... . 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 AY 1 8 15 22 29 CRDAY 2 9 16 23 30 1t SDA\', .SE!'TF:ellik:it 7th, 11105 `,1131':Itheife'S COUGH REMEDY AIDS NATURE dickies (het aids nature arc al- most effectual. Cbamtiertain's h Remedy acts on this plan. 1L s 1.1iC cowle relieves the lungs, expectoration. opens ,the secrc- , •end aids nature in restoring system to .a heelthy -condition. in Exeter by \V. S. Bowe.. AUCTION SALE. ction sale ot farm, thoroughbred ade cattle and implemeutb. Mr. Cameron has been instructed to public auction on T 21, THAMES ROAD, SDAY, - SEPTEMBER 21, 1905, 'clock noon. The following vel - ray. - 1 mare, agricultural; 1 g, agricultural; 1 gelding 3 years raught; 1 driving horse; 1 filly. 3 old, carriage; 1 gelding, 2 years arrrnge, TILE. -Pure Bred Shorthorns.-- withcalf at foot; 1 cew due to January; 1 heifer. 2 year old o calf in February; 1 heifer, 1 ld, sire imported; 1 heifer calf, he old. e Cattle -1 cow, due to calf in 1 farrow cow; 7 steers. 3 years teens, 2 years old; 5 heifers, 2 Id;2steers, 1 year old; 3 heifers, old; 2 grade calve-. 8,-1 pure bred Berkshire brood 1 pure bred yorkshire brood sow; bred yorkshire boars, 5 months More jpigs. PLEMF N TS. -1 Maxwell Binder; :well Mower; 1 Maxwell hay 1 seeder and drill comeinee; 1 cultivator; 1 disk; 1 set iron ws; 1 roller; 1 scttftter; 1 sulky 1 2 -furrow walking plow; 2 walking plows; 1 fanning mill; per; 1 lumber waggon; 3 truck vee; 1 1 air beteei iglt.; 1 bey urn; 1 coutl,tnat tt,u eels, tete; bugger 1 opt it huggy; 1 cutter; dt.ui, a her riebs; 2 art 81r,,t1e tine - fork, shovels. hues and mime hold furniture. ernis of Chattels -All suets of $5 d uruer, ct.tih; over that rtmount 12 1rther credit on furnishing oppruved t notes. A discount of 5 per cert or cnsh on credit amounts. rni for sale -Lot 21 and 22, con. 2 rte, 2)0 acres, 150 acres being i@ WWI) Phi the old Jory farm titch there iei erected a tivo-story house. 2 bank barns and wind - Good orchard, 12 acres of hush. lass state of cultiyation. 50 known as part of McCord farm roperty is all in grave,with ill on never failing well, suit for grazing purposes. Kill b. seperately or in one 1 lock to salt haler, we of Real Estate -111 per cent of the purchase money or it equiva- et in note or bond on clay of sele,the glance on first of Janutu•y,Il.k ;, with - it Interest, or a disco,ntt of 5 per art per annum oft for cash. No reserve as the proprietor is giv- g ftp farming. 11105. CAMERON, W. 11 HARVEY Auctioneer. l'rt•i'rietor, pro t vers You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood - Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. • i salhrM tenlh'y frim tn4tsestlen and gm brood. 1 f .:nd t.'• retie• unt:t 1 t...k Aye's itanarsrista. fvut bottle. reran• 111111117 evre4 1,1*." N a.. V. F. ItAar. Mt. )nt,re, ts. T. AnO11aMet's. j,- AI5M(0.. dre 1frf. for Rich Bloo The Surrounding News Items of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondents. CREDI'EON -Miss Lydi t Finkbeiner is visiting friends in Pandora, Ohio, for a few t+c•cks. -Miss ltosina leiukbeinc•r and Mrs. John Greet spent n few days last wick with friends in Exeter. -Mr. and etre. Aunust \Vuertz have rel. armed after a short honey- moon. They will leave tsltorlly for their future borne In Pigeon, Mich. -The filcssra. 'Toru Elumpp and Alex Kerrie -0C .and Misses Norali Sims and Josie 1:'Ianie In opera Swiday, nt Gr_tnd Bond. -Mrs. Dr. Uaist is spending a few t. eeks with her another in Toronto. -Tho Motlxrdist Sunday school held their annual picnic ot Grand !fend on blondety last. -1r endd Ars. Francis Clark, of Granton, spent Sunday with Mr. \\'iI•llam Lewis -Mr. 11. Eilbor is spending a few creeks holiday int Toronto. Buffalo. and will also visit his aunt in Ham- ilton. - Mr. Arthur Benedict met with a serious accident in the flax mill Last week. While threshing flux hies hand got caught tin the tangled fLax and was drown trotween t ho rollers cruslun,x -the hand and .arm above the elbow. Mr. Bcncdick will the laid up for tsomo time. It is fortunate the accident was not ,more serious. - A. E. Kuhn, of the Sovereign Bank staff, ejucut Labor Day in L"-•ta'lon. - Ono of he Brost interesting •,auras of base (ball over seen here wits played Monday oetwween our tramNo. 3, and a loam of similar little chaps from Parkhill. the score Being 8 :to 5 in favor of oar boys. Those who witnessed •; he leamo nre very enthusiastic over eho playing of ,the little .follows. some of whom aro not much 1a.ngcr than !the bat it- self, but how 'they can play ball, dounle plays and no handed oat elms being frequent. it is 'corlain that we have atnone them Futuro 1,ajoies, Collens', Kee:ter'a and other stare of t le big lc:u;uo [clubs. Mr. Rau, of London and E. Feist umpired the +game 'l0 1 he. satisfaction ot all. -Mrs. Joe. theist. who has Inlel.y returned from Mississippi, is ierea t- ly improved suet nein; bare . -Mr. Jos. Ilaist has bongbL tate brick y,rd from Mr. Geor.3o Mantle and will mako Croditon his home in future. -The fullotwin; aro Ithe names of Ihosp who wtcnt :to Toronto eo at- tend The exhibition: \Vm. Morlock. John Mor lock. A. Mor lock. Sam. ttrown. Geo. Boltzmann, 'terry Eit- bor, B. Brown, C. Beaver, John ScLrceder, John \etn, Chas /wrck er Art 'Lwt-icker, Ira Brown, and othere tt lase names the were unable+ do ac - cure. -lir. Rolliine, of Exoter was in 1 9'vn one day last week. Stephen Council mat on llfon(Lty feat and transacted consltlerabte busiuese. -Qtnrterly services will ne held in '1lte German Methodist church a week from next Sunday, -Chris rainier had the misfortune to upset a load of flax one day last week. rtar.rowvly escaping serious in- jury. n- jury. - 1). flweit.zor has returned af- ter a lwwo week's vacation . -elks Olivi r 11••)t erntann left Tues. tt•y f•.r Mil reenroe where she will at tend the Yours; 1'copie'et Alliance Oenvelticon being held there. --Mr. Chris It..u, of London. erica Libor day at his honer lucre . - Mr. W. 1I. leddon, lits tired his r-c:widcnce in Cretin:•:►n East -Itov. Mr. Damn]. •vf Mildmay. hi viait•itt,4 hie brothor, Rev. Mr. Diimin, fur a few d::ys. M,r. L,imm will oc- cupyelio pulpit of the Garman Motlt- otliwt church next 8undty morning. -Mr. Flannery, of Detroit. spent a few days here ki:iti week. -Mr. C. W. Clilmore, whet he beer. Mann ler .of the Greet/ton branch of the Sovereign Bank ever since it 1193 been established here, heti leen, oro. reeled lo a lucrative t•osit ion ire In- speotor's department nt Monti -eel eel 1•••5 1 I tee (-die up his new du. --Our t;l' • r V.:1', very quiet, on tabor day. many spent the (lay al Grant) Bend, and ext hone went' to Lu, c.1n to w,itment a hared) ill. match be- t w(uwn liar Irish •Nino and .a Toronto team. Lno:in tonin mime out victor - tone. .';�~ty a� ttlre Sdirsalptat111le. CItOMARTV (Teo Lite for last week.) -:l r. ;and Mrs. Geo. Wilson tete' .; ttlie rem -roil t nets Ihcir tfricn+ls m;.an the arrivir t heir bore of •, rtahr tire. -Mrs. Goo. flitter. who hal svent I he last 1 wo ono.:' h : i a the west, re- turned IOW teal week much &caee,l e. it 11 her trio. If^r stn An:lr•rww•. wvhn •ccompeneel her. intends 111X11'1111; t he win' r there- -M r. h ere. -Mr. root Mr+. r)onnie Po r tt:tve retunrN'.1 )tett" (trier , plea 'tont ‘i•• ' r•itL frieele .around Ottawa. eft - 1'•lnit hamil h, .nt 1towline? in ie •nt I r`'- of rieitin r her vertin SCrOfUla the will, •,. -`.1.. fudi^ :.1,1;(.1!,, a, of I.ond(.r. ie epee:tin r lea holidays et lion • with 1'r paten's in the villa 4e. Dr. .1tot `.ire. Tuff.ard telt I.i'.t week Ito vein 'friends at Peri.: amt ottier points. -Qtet.^ a numu••r from r1)u i vicin- ity intend M:t wee a next week. -Alis (:la.dys (;odno'.t, who spent Lora of iter •lroldtem with her nun'. Mr.. S. A. Miller. returned home lar.: tick. -Mee% Defoe' Sin ire is hunte at present %pendia; her lioiideys n'.so 10 t•ivit ‘0111 It Ler aro' IM-. f-om' Ch - c 1 : -. wive ,it home vein a his Mil. Iv 1. ,re eof t CENTRALIA -I'ars�us & D:rvis shipped .1 at toed of ears 0:1 Tuesday anti w.ill ship another one rto-morrow (Friday i -Lawton Bros. shippcl a vex -load of emelt.' to Toronto Saturday. -An(lrow hicke is tette :aline a new gasoline engine for glue operation of his hay press . -Mrs. Geo. Eesery and dime -liter and Miss Flora Essnry left Satur- day for a visit tlo Mrs. Fisher, et Forest. --Miss Sarah Moffat t is away oru a visit. -A party of London antomeroilists Ltd an unfortunate breakdown here one clay last. week. They. fiioa to ship 'their machine while the party tv is driven t., London. ..\ 1r. and -It 21 1 L rs Audr(tt_v and Mrs. daMiss i5s !laowt•nreturned t ed house+ ott elonday after <i pleasant two weeks vacation et Muskoka. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Wood and lit - tic roan. of London, welt the t3uests of the Misses Wilson on Monday. -Miss Katty ELJiatt. of London. spent t he Labor Day holiday: at her hon[:= here. --el.iss llaucack, who has been vis. inlet with her Meter, Mrs. \V. R. El- liot, Left for her horrto in Toronto on Monday. .-ALiss Dinah Ilo:l,ins, of Strath- roy. was 'the [guest of h(r cousin Mi53 Alla Hicks last :week. -Miss Eliza johns and Miss Leona \\'•ikon, of London. visited nt Mr. R. \\;inton's on Monday. -Miss Alvino Wilson ,left for Lon- don on Monday it attend the Model school. -Miss Et.tie Coughlin left on Mon- day 'to takeaCourse in the Forest City Business Colleen.. --Itis- Lizzie Wolf. of Crediton. was that .;tteet of Miss Glady'a Es- sery on Sunday. -Alis" Benet h Beaver, of Qreditoa. wwir,iled 'friends here •on Sunday. - Miss Margaret Coughlin, of Mont real. is visitiine herr uncle, Mr. 1)an'I Couzh1in. - Mr. Frank Colwell left! on Fri- day for •\Vtinnipee, whore hq wilt vis- it for a few weeks. -Miss Porter, our scl:ooh leacher, arrived here Tumidity '.to resumer her detuQ4. f -What has become of our. bowling enthusiasts, last Jun ;the .rattly stop- ped and hasn't .btten';suns eine.. Lets trot our green lin shape for next year. CURED OF LAME BACK AFTER 15 YEARS OF Sl-FFERING "I had been troubled wit h lame back for fifteen years and 1 found n complete recovery .in It lie use 1 nT Chamberlain's pain balm." Kaye John G. Risher, Gillam, Intl. This lini, went is also without an cqual for sprains and bruises. it le for sale in Exeter by W. S. Ilowey . • Z,llIIICH -Mrs. Chas. Fritz veined relatives iu •Dashwood and Grand Bend lest week . • - Mr. and ALTs. Au,,rust G. Elutes spent a few days with. (rietol" in 1.c ury and I'nrkhitL .haat week. -Mr. l'hil Sipple was in Gode,rich last week ns.m wiliness forttthcf Crown in elle case of the Crown vs. Mason. - Anton, 4 hose who went to To- ronto on Tuesday :to at tend :t he In, duetrial Exhibition now in prozre's at Toronto were : Mr. J. D. Meaner and wife. Mre. Henry Ma;cl, etre. Wein }eke. errs. Dr. Iluchenen :and dauzhtcr, Miss fear). -The element have nextm iti play 11tvoc do Hie "Itis Mock" at. SI. Joe -elite Quit. a ler;e hole is not - iceable In the west wall of the main at ructure, an.l chances scent race( for 1 further collapse unleee prompt, re- ; a1re aro inauzurateJ. -Mr. Fred !less, Sr., has sold a i,uildiny lot off t he. property recent - 1y ezeuirea from E. Zeller, to Mr. �• rt- • r . who 'f r e -, c .,n 1 f 1 I ,1•... o D^icL rt. a f10 eft will meld a tlwvelliur this fall. - eft. Mitred Feu -t 1114 been un- der lite v(itLer the pawl' twin weeks end haw 1. .n •entieel'eel to Icnrein indoor+ . - Mr. 11.ulc•y Weber had the itik- fortttrtte to get one of Itis fin sere cauzht in a railer et tletdltx mill nn '1'uc•a,liy. it was 1. 1a11y Su► is1u'd teal ww111 It Lint off work for some Cane -Air. An tin; Gulrr, w Ito recoil ly completed his 1-01111 i('t '4 of Mloffitt two I -e dit?leo •111roll tit lie'levy townshii•., hats taken t he coal rare of utakine a lamee dr,in in 1-. borne townehile and Las moved to Mint - vele. -A •I ieee fire -proof vault 1,14 been built in the tiowerci,ti. 111nk Ione. \V heti the elrotr••t now 114itt1 made to (1,•^ office , are complete 1, it will make a notch needed impr,wentent. -Mr. flan. leaercher, who 11.14 nett visiting friends and deten te.% ie. 1ilk vicinity for tht• 'past lent mom[ 11- 1:•- turncd•lo hie home near (:av11;'r. �• D. Is very often ayinirnd., glarlihyg=i52air= It water, mong " itse sp fors is tubercles," and where it, is allowed to remain tubercu- losis or consumption is pretty sure to take root.. Hood'sSarsaparilla Removes ever t r.ce of s eta taw o s A.. scrofula. Get . IIEN8ALL - !Hies Watson, of A; r. wi ;tin; elr. and Mrs. James Bout hrun, jr. - !dr. G. F. Scott, of C111111ab1. tvlto teas here vi -it . his brat her-in-laa Mr. Jas. Sutherland, has returned. - Quite a number front t his • vil- laee and vicinity ore aticndin; tLc exhibition at Toronto . -Mrs. Alex Thompson and her daughters Gernt. and (irice, recently returned from viNitinr ireletives and 1rit•o.1, in the rteizbbor•hood of nal - field. and 'Mike. -Rev. %tr. Sinit h. of Carmel church occupied his pulpit on San- batli atter a month's vacation. - Miss llawkshaw, of Detroit, is v;sitine her sister. Mrs. F. C. McUun- el1. -Mr. C. .A .Mcllotcll has relurned from Forest where he hie leen spendin: a week or NO at itis wife's home. _Mr. F. J..Delbridee event Libor Day at Exoter. -Mrs. J. 11. !let•c•ri:I_e, of I3r:uadon, elan.. is visit ire her Fester -in-law, NIr4. 11. Thomoon. - Miss E. el. Duvet is Non -line week with friends in Exeter. -elrs. Scltery. of Kincardine, is vet in; her son. Dr. Selle.ry. -Mrs. Anderson. of Blyth. .and Mrs. AircLeson, of Drrnoeh, were here recently the;_ucsts of Mrs. 1'ei- r uson. -Mr. and Mrs. J .D. Dick. of Clarksbur,, who were hero i'pcndine a moat It with relatives ,•returnett horse. - - Mrs. Pepper. of Brussels, is eeendeee a fete days twit 11 her dau:3le• ter=, etre. \Vm. Pepper. - Mr. Leslie Colwill left hero last week for I he [vest. - Mr. and Mrs. John \Vcismiller, of Wellesley, Waterloo county. have been visit int their .son John, dttt•it the past week . - Mrs. J. \Vc•i'miltcar and 'Mrs. Blair aro Lakine in the millinery openinzs and the• exhibition at 'To- ronto :this week . -Mr. Ernie White ha a zootl sit - tuition in Lucknow. -errs. Rennie is viai:tirtc friend, in Tormine - Miss Ida Peart. is home for a week. -An exciting :tame of baso ball• was played .on Labor Dee- bet ween the benedials and bachelor-. 'rise. scot.' w:1-• very close. -ltev. D. Wren .leave this weak for Toronto. Ile will visit several places en route. TIIAMES ROAD - Anniversary services will be held in• Bethany Methodist church. Thames rend, Sunday Septernl,or 10th Itev. A. II. Goin:z. M. A., of Exeter, willpreach ied 11 o'clock :and it he pas- tor Rev. Ii. 3. Fair at 7. A freewill offerin.; will he (taken. in behalf of 'tIt.:' 'frust 'fund of rthe church. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL ANI) SEE IF Y011 ARE IN ARREARS. AND SEND US TIIE AMOUNT. FLOUR, FEED AND GROOERIES In addition to a full stock of Flour, Feed and Groceries, we have on eland some first class Timothy Seed, the best to bo had. We have also a supply of the cheapest and best Stock Food. Produce taken in Exchange. Bean teas 1M KrA 1'u Fri Alm Nr4il ter tiseksi li± of ret.arkable owes B,s�,.a» sad liar look es Sa'ofl.{e. Mo. 1. of C. 1. Hood Co.. Lowell. Mrs. S. HARDY & SON $AP-OREN-O "IT [VAPORATES" Odorless Non-poisonous Non-innamwable The Wonderful Cleaner \\311 Kana the thrift bou.•cwifo many uvrfnl dollars. Cleans roars - ea or finest of nitwits carpels or slut waist; beyond belief. DUST entirety removed OeRM$ ab'..lutety de -t rayed COLONS restored like new Immo renewed in carpets AI.i. i\ A FEW MOMENTS FOlt A FEW CENTS .tea a child ran do it with SAP -0 -RK N -O (let it at )unr grocer'',. The Haafrfnan & Teeter Co. Toronto PAINFUL PERIODS; CANAuIAN WOMEN FIND RELIEF 1 The Case of Ellen Walby Ia One of Thousands of Cures Made by Lydia E. Ptnkbam's Vegetable Compound• Bow many women realize that men- struation is the balance wheel of a woman's life, and while no woman Le entirely free from periodical suffering, it is not the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely Y Thousands of Canadian women, how ever, have found relief from all tnontiely suffering by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it is the most thorough female regulator known to h medical science. It cures the condition which causes so much discomfort and robs menstruation of its terrors. Ellen Walby, of Wellington Hotel, Ottawa, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. Yinkham:- "Your Vegetable Compound was recom- mended to me to take for the intense suffer- ing which I endured every month and will' which I had been. a sufferer for many years getting no relief from the many prescriptions which were prescribed, until. finally becom- ing discouraged with doctors and their medi- cines I determined to try Lydia E. Yinkham's Vegetable compound, and I ant glad that I did for within a short time I began to mend and in an incredible short spare of time the flow was regular, natural and without pain. This stems too goof to be true and I ant indeed a grateful and happy woman." Women who are troubled with pain- ful or irregular menstruation, should take prompt action to ward off seri- ous consequences, and be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and then write to Mrs. Pink - ham, Lynn, Mass., for further free to - vice. Thousands have been cured bq so doing. '1'IIREI•. JURORS CURED Of C)e..lta r Morbus with one smelt Bou le of Chamberlain's Cali.!, Choler:[ and Ili rhoe.t Heuu .ly. Nit-. G. W. Fowler. of Ili.tlttower, Ala.. telatcs at experience be hail while •:'ry in g •'•n :1 emit jury in a murder case at Edwardse:lee, natti- ly se.:11 of Clcouure.: county. Ala - none. Ile Nays : "While [ hetet I ate sotto fresh meat a souto souao 'teat and it move the choleric litorous in a very severe form. I was never more , i.:k in my life and t.:ott to the druzetore fora certain ce olera mix- ture, nut the drueeist seat err a bottle of Chamberlain's Celia. Cho:era and Diarrhoea. Remedy inct(•ad, say- inr t 113 he had what 1 seat for, but 1 het •I Itis medicine was sa mttcll net • ter lie would rather wend ".it .to me in the fix 1 wee in. 1 took one dace of it and w•as het ter in dive utinutca. The second dose cured me entirely. Ii ed in 11wa fellow jurors were a ff 1 t the same manner 'end one small bot - tie cured the three of us." Fon pale in Exeter by W. S. lloweyi . LET'S TALE FURNACES If you are going to put in a new furnace, you can spend a mighty ;neat - able hour with ua. looking over the "HECLA" There's the FC SED JOINT-nobons or cement -prevents Inc smoke or dust escaping into the house. There's the big Ere door -and wood grate for soft coal and wood. And dozens of other special features that will make you want the "liecla•' Furnace in your home. Come in any lime -and let ago over the "Heels" together. Local Agent : H. SPACKMAN 1.001e Al' YOUR LAIiF:L AND SEE 1F 101' AltE iN AItitEAl(S, AND SENT) 1'S 'rill•: AMOUNT. Rode 7,000 Miles on One Pair of Tires THE IT. 1011` aft tfaPCOt viii MR. JAMES THOMAS Diw'EY is Canada's champion steady bicycle rider. He is a collector for one of the big telegraph com- panies in Toronto, and he rides a wheel all the year round making collections over a wide district. His record is 11,000 miles a year. Mr. 1)ewey's bicycle is fitted with Dunlop a single pair of him over 7,000 and indifferent Detachable Tires, which have carried miles of good, bad roads. Dunlop bicycle tires are famous as the kind that may be attached, detached and re- paired when necessary by the two hands, unaided by any form of tool. Every pair is guaranteed for a year. 1, DUNLOP TIRE COMPANY, Limited Toronto YOtfTRIAt. 1/01Pseso .....................................••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Visit:London Exposftion era IDINNER 2Z I •t •. .Z SZ •• ,• • f London Crockery Co. •• 169 Dundas Street, London. =Z, WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of: ' • $10.00 or over. • •......••••••••••••••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••• Z ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SETS elt the London GrocKerU Go. 169 Duntlas St. One of the many points of interest to you will be our beautiful show room, where you will sec line after line of pretty goods gathered from every land and clime. Immense varietytlri nty Setss or splen- did len- did stock, patterns sole by the piece or you may require. utrt full Dinner r choicel y set, can suit you in a most any Sets front $6.00 up to $75.00, sirEvery Set guaranteed. TOILET SETS great choice of new shapes. tyles and decorations, prices from .1 .5 u to 515,00 per set. TEA SETS --In rich designs, anddaintydesi ns, all leading makes carried English, Austrian, French, Etc. LAMPS -Of every description, Glass Larnps, Parlor Lamps, Rend- ing and Sewing Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Hall Lamps. GLASSWARE -Of every kind, table and ornamental, varieties English. Austrian, American ant Canadian makes. FANCY TABLE CHINA -Of endless variety, both useful and ornamental lines, You are sure of getting the latest in color in s and decorations here, as we keep in touch with the leading factories in England. France, Austria, Germany, Japan and Bavaria, Always something new to show you. SOUVENIR CH INA -Very special is this magnificient line int - ported direct front Austria, with some of the prettiest views in London, all in natural colors, every piece a treasure. Come and See us You Will be Interested RA'S Phone 1684. 134 Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane, Former Screaton Premises. 2.IONDON, ONTARIO EVERYTHING NEW Mail Orders Especially Attended to. 50c and 75c Corsets for 25c 325 pairs Corsets, girdle and military hip style, made of best jean and net, all sizes; regular 75c, for, pr. 250 �t. 75c Flannelette Night Gown, 50c Flannelette Gowns, loose fitting, with yolk, A1 quality in white, blue and pink; for each $3.50 Wool Blankets for $2.35 All -wool Blankets, sizes 60x110, fine and Lofty. Lambskin Blankets, large size; regnlar 90c, for BE ON HAND EARLY. $1.00 -All pure wool Tweed for suits, at half price: yd. All pure wool Tweed, 60 inches, wide, light patterns, with different colored flakes; yours for, yard Boys' School Suits Boys' School Suits, plain sack or Norfolk style, sizes 24 to 28, up-to-date tweed and patterns: regular $2.50, for Boys' School Suits, all pure wool, good double or single-breasted, double seats and double knees, wears like iron, regular $4 and $4.50. for. Samples of Cashmere Hose and Sox HALF PRICE. 375 pairs Men's and Ladies' Cashmere Bose and Sox, plain and embroidered style; at half price -50c ose for • • • • • . 25e Extra lleavy Quality Saxony Flannelette, wide width in blue, pink and white; regular 1:1c for, yard911 50c- $2.35 75c 50c 50c $1.60• $2.96 •••••••••••••••••••••••••r •••••••••••••••••••••••••w• Z THE 1'1oL.SONS BANK •• (incorporated by Act of Parliament 18.15) ICAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • •' • • S3.000,000.00 . RESERVE FUND 53,000,000.00 • 4+ Manche. in Ontario, Quehee, Alherta Britt -h Columbia and M tnitob:. EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful stay from 10 A. W. to 3 P. er. except t±aturday 10 A. M.10 1 M. M. Foretiorn' Solo Note.; cashed or collected. Forma supplied On nppltcatIon. DitAFTM on nil point.• In the Dominion. orent Itritabi nett Un iced State', bought and hold at Ioweet rale. of exchange, BAVINOB DEPARTMENT •} Do ortitw o *1.00 att:1 upwards received. interest com• P . , pouudrd half >rtrlcy, and ndrltrt to principal June 311th and December Slat. i e po.tts Ile• etpt.. also 1••.ued and highest current rate. of interest allowed. Advance's tnnde to farmers stock fetters end bttainees risen nt lowest rate, nod on mint fasorahle term.. Agent. nt F:Neter for !tom. Dolt rt:men,. Dickson &Carling, solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. N•••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• BT11NSI,r\ -Mr. \Vrn. Wind,1. 1.1.rc 1111 a 1'1•' ,! illi ottt l.' _ e i. v. r t k IN Iwo h''• w• nun;e't 1110111w, 11, \\ ,, Canto 10 wieit him. '1L' otter guests nt tho home are hi. •11un it(r Mr.. Amass. .1. I'o• ticetone .%IA F. 11. Burley :and font - fly, ail of :ii'etroil, Mich. FAL1. i'AiitS Stephen & 1tsholne,liwc,ri Sept , le&11+ Itrmaces ...Oct. 5 & 6 I:,r klo„ Oct. 5 & 6 1'er a 11. 81. el aye, Sept. 11. 14 & 15 Parkhill Sept. 27 & 28 Hey. Zurich, Sept. 20 & 21 • ( a