HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-09-07, Page 3'+t`i-1-1�'M -i'�-i-h'i't-1"!•M i"1 -1"I1 HEALTH 1 A MODERN MEDICINE. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cure D a, CURIOUS HOTEL NOTICES IIE FEELS AS ease Through the Blood. "ENGLISH SPOKEN HERE. Medicines of the old-fashioned kind AMERICAN UNDERSTOOD." 1 -11 -141 -4 -141 -1 -1 -4 -1 -1 -1 -4 -++++1 -11 -141 -4 -141 -1 -1 -4 -1 -1 -1 -4 -++++of diseasfill seaetnio,s relieve ththesylupw eHere Stop and Bpend a Social e, though they 1044 never DOTS AU Coii11EDS. touch the disease itscli--they never 'lti cure. Ordinary medicines leave bee- (Lul pan -sons %I (i watch with hind them indigestion, constipation gretft)intentnes8 every change occurr- ing in their pIV';icul state and mag- htfy (vary little deviation from the Mt nal col.ditiolt into a symlptona of serious uisensc are often ye l and alarmed by the presence of spots be- fore the eyes. • They are sure the litotes are of dire import, preeatgiug weakened vision, ..\ If not total blindness. They are constantly looking for them; the lust thing before going to bed is to look at the light and the lirst thing on waking in the morning is to look toward the window to see if the Ngks are still fleecing in the eye. are, of course. for almost every can see there if he will look for Hour in Harmless Mirth and Fun." Soule weeks ago visitors to a cer- biliousness and headache; purgatives lain establishment in Chicago were, And From a Used Up Mau He Be - leave the patient feverish and weak- confronted with a notice to the fol- cned. Dr. Williams' fink Pills. on Dowing emTect: "Itunrdrrs tak.•n by came as Smart as a Boy. the other bend, du direct good to day, week, or month. Those who Orland, Ont., Aug. 2H—(Special).— YOUNG AS EVER MR. CHESTER LOOMIS TOOK DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. the body, blood olid ncetc • • cs. 'rimy do not pay will be taken by the Mr. Chester Loomis, un old and se - fill the veins with new, rich, red neck." 'Phis straightforward an- spected farmer living in this section, blood; they brace the nerves; they noul,comenl, though it may have is spreading broadcast the good drive out (Hawese by going right to made the conscious -stricken tremble. news that Dodd's Kidney l'ills are the root of the trouble in the blued. excited almost. as much hilarity as a sure cure for the Learns Rack and The , !h lw s a uv du •( — utl he r Y t annul 6 Y the earnest request posted in the kidney Disease so common among- . possibly du harm. Mrs. ileo. Hen- bedrooms of a small hotel in the old people. Mr. Loomis says: Icy, Itoxgrove, Ont., says:—"It is Jural: "Strange gentlemen will to "1 run 76 years of age and us with thanks that 1 tell you that please not dress for dinner, as the smart and active as a boy and I Dr. Willi'amis' fink fills have cured costume Motets the hearts of the give 1Mdd's Kidney l'ills all the credit for it. "Before i started to use Dodd'n Kidney l'ills i was 'so used up I could hardly ride in a buggy and 1 lite a my doctor had',aid 1 could maidservants and no work is alccona not he cured. I suffered from an al- p1ihhc•d." most constant fluttering of the That this nolico was not unneces- . 16 m• The reason why w•e do not heart, and sometimes severe pains. sary can be ,seduced fr the fact, I al(tuys see them is becaa se we have The least exertion would leave me that the evening dress worn by men 'could not do any work of any kind. Ii deed to ignore them Vide looking breathless and tired out. My appe- has frequently created a sensation ;Everybody thought I would net live u't the more beautiful things in the tit.• was pour. and my head ached among those unaccustomed to it. long. 1)odd's Kidney Pills are a wurid, nearly all the tithe. I had lost n11 Indeed, n famous actor who donned wonderful remedy." The spots may be black dots or ambition to (lo any work, and telt evening dress on one occasion when The kicfn 'ys of the ria); -shaped, with young may bed a light center, rely hopeless. I .)44(1 taken a great invited to dinner in u town out on wrong, but the kidneys of the old looking like minute bubbles. They deal of me(licine without any bene- the tt•est •r 1 , are few or many,single rlu ( n (loins alnm)sl caused a f st be wrong. Dodd' i or collected tit t; r s Kidney 6 until 1 was advised to tryDr.oe ,. Y together in larger o►• sulaller groups Williams' fink fills. 'These have see� the anxious were andcowboyit ;Pills make all wrongt. Kidneys riolk or strung out in long, %vav litres. b I i 'That s why they are the. old folks 6 g, Y imadc a remarkable change in my was only by conveying their guest to tgrc•utest friend. They move about irregularly, sone- l condition, anal I am feeling better a public building, and charging' times rapidly, sometimes with aslowlg fi than I have done for.years. i glad- cents n head for adnlittnn•e, that solemn sort of progression. They ere. ly give rely experieeee in the trope apt to bo seed more clearly or more, that it will benefit others." A RIOT 1\'A5 STAYED. persistently t,Iteu the person is not I Now Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build Very unconscious WriS the humor well—When he is "bilious," but they' Irl, strength as they did in Mrs. Hen- displayed by a worthy citizen of have no significance whatever. They1'ertitet lets\ year when he displayed WHEN BRITISH SAILORS WENT Re- tire simply the shadows cast upon le v's case in just one w'uy--they Re- t loony make new blood. 'That is all a notice to this effect: "English ON STRIKE. the retina by wandering cells in the s iol:en here. Aulerican 0iiI i' rood." humors of the eyeball. i they do, but they cin 1t well. They But it is feared that some wander- Richard Parker Rose From Sea - If they are seen in large numbers; don't act on the bowels, they don't ing se, as to cause great annoyance, n' ho(h41 with mere symptoms. They wag of ltritish nationality must man to be ''President of dose of salts will often alter the go right to the root of the trouble have been at work upon a notice patient's bilious state so that he will In the blood. That is why these observed lust autumn in an hotel 00 beeline more cheerful and in condi- pills cure anaemia, headache, heart the summit 01 n Swiss muunlain. tion to ignore the motes in his eye. palpitation, indigestion, kidney lou- The sign in question originally read: The beats, we are told, ike will ►g- ble, rheumatism, lumbago, neutral_ "Accommodation for travellers by noire anyway. gia. St. Vitus dance, paralysis. gen- Sometimes these specks aro due to . eral weakness and the special ail - an optical defect which properly fitt- nests of growing girls and women. ed glasses will remedy. Rut you must have the genuine with shy Some people are also annoyed by It the full name Dr. Williams' Pink blut ring of the sight,—"cobwebs" bo- fills for Pale People, on the wrapper fore the oyes,—which comes and goes around evory box Sol(( by all The sati-faction of having the %t; ging done early in the daN,' and well d(ne, belongs to ever; u_:er of Sunlight Soap. lei c' CU11. 41e1' 1 r (1 1 S If ❑CIl'nl to F 11 tlf the justify hanging of thirteen leen. The nen of the frigate Mimic mu- tinied in 11300, and tool; the ship into the enemy's port. And at 31u1- ta, in 11307, a mutiny broke out, %%filch had a terrible ending for the men it commenced on :April 41h, and lasted till the 13th, on which day. fearing the consequences, the mutineers expt,oltel :00 barrels of gunpowder, and BLEW 'I'I 11:3TS 1.',14V ES l N'I'O ETERNITY. Perhaps the most interesting of all llsilish mutinies was that of H.M.S. Bounty, in 1789, which gave us the little colony of Pitcairn Island. 'J910 Bounty, under the command of Ad- miral ltligh, went to Otuhcite, for the purpose of bringing away some SOMEFAMOUS MUTINIES breaWest,-fruit for Indies, Forl'' ixt'mon Ih8 n the ship lac there, and the luxurious and free life demoralized the limen. Soon after the Bounty sailed with her cargo, twenty -throe of the men sein- ed the captain while asleep, with eighteen of the crew, put them in a the Floating Republic." small, open boat, with only 150 The. of bread, 32 lbs. of pork, and 28 Somewhat over a century ago, gallons. of water, and cast theist when England was lighting fur her adrift. It seemed virtual murder. life, a tineas spirit spread like But, t>.v the stall and courage of Ad - horse, cycle, or motor -car"; but, in the plague through a great part of enirnl ltligh, the frail craft was kept order to bring it abreast of the the fleet. And, 80ltwge to say, our aheat for three months, and travel - times, some individual unknown n'1- Government was almost as helpless led 8,618 miles to the island of did the words "or by motor -boat." in face of the outbreak as Russia Timor, off .lava. From here, Cap - A Berne newspaper three years ago found herself. lain It)igh and the twelve surviving excited senile hilarity among British Our fnnous tiny of the Nore m,'n sailed to T.ondon• sojourners in SwitZer•Itlllll by pub- cormmum►lecd on April 14th, 179 a. 1'he; 1)1(11ineers. meanwhile, 1110(10 irregirregularly, seldom lasting for any medicine dealers or sent by mgjl at lashing an advertisement that might Quite unsuspicious of disaffection for Tahiti. They quarrelled t iolent- u lit Lin01 and usually chased 50 cents a box or six boxes for have been composed by an inhnbi- among his ►men, Admiral ltridport ly anmmg themselves, and half of $2'' !ant of the T:merald isle. The effort, gave the order fur the Channel them descried on touchil,; laud. away by a few vigorous winks a a i 50 by writing The Dr. Williams' gentle rubbing of the eyeballs. 'These Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 111 question announced Ihat "The Squadron to proceed to sea. But Many (•f these were captured later aro simply little collections of mucus hotel is a favorite resort of the seamen of his own ship, instead run by the Pandora, and bronghl to due to a mild catarrhal condition of those who the fond of solitude. ofhobeying the order, run up the I'oil enure th, where three of thering- the conjucticn• WOULD YOU LIVE LONG? 'Those who are in search of 101e1i- shrouds, end gave threw cheers—the leaders were hanged. Those %•ho re- 't'ie remedy is to fill a small glass mess are. in fact, conetnntly (locking appointe(I signal of rebellion to the 1110inecl in the Bounty disappeared, (a regular eye -cup is the best) with Dr. A. T. Schofield Gives Maxims to this hotel from the four quarters whole fleet. 'Tile men then :nude a no one knew whither. t • t But twenty yeti's late..a British water er con aining a little salt or with of the globe." demand for an advance in wages, to of Old Men. J >, shi ► stopped t tt .saturated solution of boric acid,An enter irisin r American hotel the amount of 80s. per month; and 1 i P'd by accident at Pitcairn and then put the eye in anti . open Dr. A. T. Schofield, in his new: proprietor some little time ago is- an increase in their allowance of island. and 1 he crew wore astopish- html close the lids several times. 11 book, "Nerves to (irtler, or the Main- stied al notice to his guests to the provisions. We were at war with c:(1 to find a happy community of this is dune three or four times ateonnce of lletalth," gives these effect: "Press your trot's- Spain, Prance, 011(1 Holland, and no_ half-breeds there, with one white Mee for three or four days the "cow- heclth maxims of great men who ers free while you sleep," wit h the thing remained to the Government man—all of Whose spoke English. webs" will cease to form.—Youth's have lived to long ago:—result that in the fi1-st month but to yield to the men's demands.'Then the terrible history vas told Ccrnpanio)I• "Moltke, when asked in his nine- 469 PAIRS WERE So TREATED. Order was quickly restored; and rho them how the nine mutineers. with tieth year haw he maintained his hips ""all—all but three, which eighteen lintiwes of Tahiti, landed, health and activity,One of the most reumei'kable notices answered, 'Hy on record is to be seen in the tap- . were left behind. in 1 790, burned the Bounty, and As the face is more exposed to sun great nlo(lerution in all things, and But, curioasl,v, our Government cormnelurd a lite 01 drunkenness, by regular outdoor exercise.' Cris ►I room of a well-known IJttoxeter . a treachery and murder.—London An- and dust than any other part of the 1 -le hustc!ry, ns can be Kalli- twos as slow to carry out its prom - said that 'requltarity and abstinence ise as the Russian hierarchy. On sw•ers body,'more care shied(' be taken in are, the secrets of lung life.' Sidney ('red fr the following tranwrip- 4 - in clennsing it. Soften the skin with Coo ter also btlived in re ulauit, tion:— 3lay 7th, a much e seri!nls mu - the nclic hs 0pplt wrung of a;good water, te', I Legout'o attributed his long -lila t l 1 tire'» to i'n! nds Pen 'Data Oci n tiny broke out on the ships moored regular exercise. Lh (MUM i.a7 It, M. Le ssmi el, :at the Nor.. it. began when Admir- IIOW TO CLEAN YOUR FACE. PACIFIC OYS'Ti•:RS. moi`•--" e Rich, Clear Color of TEA is suggestive of it's PURITY AND STRENGTH. It's DELICIOUS FRAGRANCE is :still more enticing. Fresh from the Plantation In Lead Sealed Paokete TRY 7:11___11_,!_i? LABEL. For sale at all live grocers. --------- 0+0+nt-O"b0+0040 FOR SALE:—SP't:l'IAI, DAItt;.AIN in hind we own ttnd liner f t• sale five sc.Uons o: land acne ('ra, A.....,)„,„. V♦1Z at enrol p that cannot �� du licated This 1 all choice. gently rolling. prairie. Write for (pf411 wallop P. U. Itox 433, Winnipeg, Manitoba. flit 1•R JJV �VU1t t3AI.i:.-1•:VP:R1'Itg1)y '0111, keeps hens or pets should send Is a line bis+,nesS fora young0c at once and get the best practical man. e information and latest news about $Jo.00 to $60,0o a poultry and pet stock keeping, every mond/ to steel, !lest place mouth for the next 16 months. )coney to learn is in back it not satisfied. Agents wanted Address. Poultry News. (Owen Sound, Free eats !Nun T sent, on request. Write. CENTRAL TEOLRECO/ITO. SCIjOOL Superfluous NI►Ir Permanently Rtrrnoral While traveling in Mexico 1 di.cover- ed a drug wfuch r removes RAILWAY Y halt from T. J. Johnston. W. M. •NAW � lace, arms, neck, or any part of the Manager. 1'resideo •. will send to u,y one afflicted without body instantly and permanently. so any expense but a pest f.0+0+0404.0+04-000+ WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL CLEAR THEM OUT BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTE'S miasmata PACIFIC COAST FXCUI{SIUNS. During June, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western Ry. will sell from Chicago. round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore. (Lewis aft: Clarke Excursion), Se - tittle. Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fare; from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers rind liberal return limits. Hates, folders and full information Can be obtained from 11. 1t:, Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St.. Toronto, Ont. 31 Jenks—"{{'ell, there was one thing I remarked about your wife the first time I saw her—she was undoubtedly outspcken." Peck—"You don'tsay so! By whom?" It Lays a Stilling (land on Pain.— Fur pains 1n the )elms 1 limbs 1441(1 c►cunt, atter which a thorough ru11b- British ('ulnullrin will noun be se, for r reumatic ains. neuralgia and dum- b Tla! ND('U Isle '('f; it.; lids iITP(LT:,al Colpnys ordered the tarn to go sup- skin Ilr. rllllras' t.cicctrlc (111 is ing with a camel's-hair brush will ",an American , uonogenurla)n' Nenl ignit ,iii 5t an dk In, ('tut, evils Pe below and remain quiet. 'They o! cy- plied with the finest of uyslers s%kin(�at a leer. W.,Il rubbed in. the 1)ow, of lilnine, inial steel's on the blown in beds on (hie coast, nccur'1_ ergo It and It r uiPkly and per- leute a few impurities in the pores. careful nwoidnnce of fretting• of Itis- AKOi•'NUne."N. 11. No Machine one t''1 at first, but very Boort tried to ing to the report of Ca ►loin Ernest'Iu„u,ently relieves the affected pram. Its 1{use wnteer 8oz,, Buz. of borax, and,of force their %ray on deck. Admiral 1 1caluu hes m Its snot is property of re- without re the ,11(10s11 o organs and another to read the above, under n Ketn ), Dominion fovernmc44t expert movie, p:un from the gody and 2ur.. of strained lemon juiceretake a; 1 protracted ale - fir of a quart of the landlord's t'blpoys lhereupnit ordered the 310 Y . that uud e u y for lotion excellent for removing tan and of exposure to sudden or otcton o stet culture, w•a 11(18 just K 1 alit it isl prizeli. cold with insufficient protection best ale. tines to fire. Only a few (Wirers completed an inspection tourof the sunburn ngrtinst its influence • Curnuaru's rule At first sight this enigmatical nn- obeyed— (icwernueul •eery beds among the A lady )wh1 teaches n select school was extreme temperance in toting nnuncenlent. lhni with the exorcise Ki1.1.1 O FIVE 31 EN. inti mIs of the Gulf of Ucurgia. 1'h,•.;e for girlsrf in looking over the copy- TIIT•: VALUE OF LT:MONS, and moderation in drinking. Ile of n 11111e ingenuity can easily he The Matinee threw down their arms hells were planted some time ngu•trook ref little t'tuuny, aged eleven, took anything that agreed With bon I translatld, may appear utterly in- • ami, the men, coining on deck, seized with shipntenls of oysters brought discovered an envelope addressed to Lemons are almost as necessary as and nuthin �t that did no (he•wroul coarse to those ;rho "here , Lieutenant liover, put at rope round out from Prince I?chcurd island by (hat young lady. "i hope, F'8euev ' soap. Nothing bleuchee the skin and b 1 hands like a little ,fluted lemon %%as sparing ie, tout!, and, like Cor -'stop nm! spend a social hour in his neck• and prepared to hang the Department of Fisheries and Mar- said the teacher, holding lip the on_ juice applied at night, told it softens I ninro, cultivated cheerfulness. !absolutely mirth and fun," but it is hire. Ilut, with fine bravery, the lee, and arc noW in n most flourish- welupe, "that ibis does not contain the complexion. Then the finest t (. "The late ISimIC Holden believed absolutely 'certain that most p(o, le' •ndmirul stepped for((tu'd, saying: "If Lig condition. They have grown a love -letter.' "1\'hy, whne an that he owned his stent Inoeeh rlle,..1,r prefer ... 1. ....to render its considerably since being put out. )n idea." relrli(1 fanny; "1 hnve out - ...,.,.in...,, ,.,.race ... ,....,1.. a.., dropping• fact. some were lifted which had gru%cn all that foolishness years end grown sten mare thou they would in Years ago." their native beds. Others were open- ed tlnd found to he Rli:a%wnirl,q. ell- These two desirable qualifications, though it W0» not expected that they 1)I tj , M•ctunllioarclstu tn(lfo 0ndlionsa to would stilton at all this year un ac- ther (:reaves' N'ortn 1•:xterminntor• Chil• dren /As it. years to 048 habit of linin • mainly •, .,, to e,mnt ._ a teaspoonful of lemon juice in a ti y meaning clear rat her than to have -' cupful of tepid center•.'Phis retnovea 1111 fruit and avoiding all stnrchy lir- the task of making the fallowing no- Ile nn41 his officers were sriz.•r all loins fr the nails 0041 akin tec•les of diet, including bread. .dew- ; lice, Ih:►t recently nppeal'(el in nI and est told Be. G. N. Pope, the Well- t'ontinl'nlul hostelry, intelligible. locked 441 their shins for 1aentre amt. ousels the cuticle naturally and . l four blurs, nfler which Ihry were much better than any sharp instru_ •khow•n Tamil scholar, that a to have' 1►uubtless the writer of the notice .aenl nsihore. Inept. a great work in progress is the wily" knew what he intended to convey by 1 'Then followed a terrible state of to live lung.' Accordingto til I11N'I'a CONCi•:I{NI\C: l.1:1'l'iUS. t, , m,formnihm will be withheld from i eyity ('Urihlhlh in 'paying attention tis' 1 renders. This mysterious cel- i Everyone can take a tepid hath (a number u! 81)1011 details.' without injurious effects; not every- "Among these are the follow iug:—n0unecneIlt runs as tnllotcs, 1)111 to , First, eight I what eITvc•t 18 fnr tram ol►vio is:— 1 one inn inks 11 cold sponge 1)11(11 ora (, t 10111•»' sleep. "Oentleueu 110)0 c • 111 this ho- jlot bath with impunity. 'The safe thebedroom the right side. 'Third, k, el' tel not s rule to follow is to begin the dtt,ly a Irooum wbuloly open till 11i1•hL ny anything about their bath with tepid water, Castile or 1'Curth, have a t to the bedroom' )11ea1s Ihev will be charged for, anal ; olive -snap, a rough wash -cloth, and. door. Fifth, do not have the heel if they should say beforeli,nal \hal plenty of friction. ,\her the bath stead ngni1st the wall. Sixth, no they are going nut to breakfast. or rub and rub, a11(I still rut, with a cold tub in the morning, but a bath (limner, moil if they say they no 'Puckish towel of generous size•, un- at the tem omen-atlireof the holt.: hate anything to eat they %will h Seventh. r vthoroughly u t (Ithexercise ch rr '( it he skin ishe 1 1a r l t t i l c hlv flew r• F or unless th r r' cel h In b break fe-t. the not ice of the manity e ti It t( and tingling. it nets as n splendid Eighth. cal little anent, and see that manager. And n tonic. it is well cooked. Ninth, for adults friss will he Allowed nflerward nbuu I drink no milk. 'Tenth, eat plenty of; it, anal nothing will be Allowed t fat to feed the cells (chich destroy deduct anything out of it." CLEANSING '1'fli: TEETH. ; direnso germs. 1•'10vonlh, avoid in- I it is a mistake to suppose that the tosleilnls, Which destroy these cells. I Not a Neu eating P+11.—'The exclplen teeth of every person Shola1(1 be of 'I'%elflh, tin11Y exerri,e• in the open . e.f 11 11111 1+ the tIIhStn1(0 which r'nl0141 111(1 811111e w•hite.esn. The varintb)n . ab•. 'Thirteenth, allow 1(1 pet ani- 1 toe Ingredients an'i makes lip the Idl multi in living • 11184141. 'that of Pnnnelre's Vegetahl J of color is largely a cunstitutiu44at g runts»—they are apt ; Palle is so con•pn)nded as to preset result. 'There is only one general to carry about (license germs. Four-' their uio'sUrre. nod they can he torr;,• James +n(% sr, r it. bol it is to be fralrerl flint Ihe' things. under the Ieadershi ► of Bich- count of being moved. Y the secret of lou ! aril Parker, who, from an able- Renlecut, suddenly mite to be "Pre- sident of the Float ing f{epublic." The mutineers paraded 5heernesse with red (lugs, took ships; out of the harbor, wont boasts up the river to win over the ships lying at Long Beach. They stopped mer- chant ships going up and down, nn(1 t effected a 1erilnble blockade of o London. I Ity this these the mutinous flit 0 wnR rt tree strong - y r nl; torr(• thirteen t 'sant of the line, together with litany ) ',Mope, frigates ntnal ematont!t. one , of the favorite nrltl+enlents of the !Mini w'nq to tie the officers to the t end of n rope. nttech n cannon hell I'to theh feet, hoist them to the . yard -n rm. ane! 1 hen suddenly vo 1)1101' '('11F,,f INTO '('(11: WA'1'i:'I. rule to eller respecting- the care of Ieelah, live in the country if pos_' rotor any lnufud•e wlthnut Im,pntrfu, ! hil'Ie. F•'ifteent!h, watch the three Il',y keep them \front ndl, ring. a order to the Goth. and thmt is that, they ,e 1 g. are rolled In \kept itmenculalely clean and in herr--epinking water, damp sued drains,' powders. which prior nnu.entlog to th e aixtl.Y•Inlll. Chan I I isle. I'urluelee', Vegetable 1',II.1 nr feet hen11h. 'Their color 1hen nett-- change of occupation." so ;trimmed that they aro agreeable t tern nothing, for their condition will! + I the most deHcnte. prey). that they ere well nttended 1 o to. 'She teeth should be dented of -I S('0'1'('11 1'1`;111:l{\ FAILS. I "A hor......oe is snppo..•.i to 1e.• i What the Government did in these circe.mstenc''•1 seems curious. They e Misted laenl0rl to the Viten if they e would return to their (111ty. And on ANY 2111h sent down three I Lords of the :1(hnirelty to treat with the rebels; but the litter be- haved uith such inol.nce that the Admiralty Lords ret Without ;layingnn}•Thing. Sona, leter.•r. three mut Moue ships deserted. 'Then, on June Oth, when "President" Parker gate the order to sail. no ship obeyed it. Next day the officers of the 1.1.11)81-41 with n few royal Reamer'. euccee41ed in cowing the mutineers aboard, 01)11 bringing ntwny the ship. 0n May lith I'airker'e own ship, the Sand- wich, sur•renflered, and that was the end of the mutiny. Parker nal n number of the lend- ing spirits were tried by court -emir - tial, rind hanged on ,rune :30th. The men of the whole fleet, however, got their "rise" In twnges of 5s. aid. n month. an inerensed nllownn,e of pro%isl a ns, 1111) pay While sulTering front wounds, and other adwnnt- agcs. In 1801. nt Ilnnln,v Bay, in Tre- land. the men, cnmpleining of Fool fond and other grie'tnncee, deter- mined that they we nial refeee to soil to the West Indies whenever the or- der should he given. it nevi rnme to anything more than a general agreement to mutiny. Hut thle an41 to 'oath cach u,c01. The failure of the herring fishery i:i i lime of f;ootl burl: " lit ro i1 i•: " `culland durie:g recent years h, 1'• 1111.41 the sport, "if it 110'S 1:11110r A LINSEED POULTICE. br•u(tn out of employment wet! tl.• t(;r,' ti1•Rt on your horse.'. Warm your basin by pouring n lit- I nlmh,a's of persons, oll;,)ny 111 . , Belinda—"1 love this e%cesit•,dy tla hot water into it; then put a► Iva men anal girls ho hnve tlo ulh •, hot. went her don't you Mr. Iln(e- sti all quantity of finely g;•om)d lin- s,,nr('ty o1 enlploytnent. This p{oni•,t ham?" Mr. 11.—"No; 1 can't tonna 414(11 mud into the befall. pour n e!1_ ell the Dia.:els of 8,lla•rlanl and 11. 1 shall go away 11 it 'out inlloS.'. Ile hot %ater un it, and stir it tamed other 11:411antrol'hic holies to est e0-! lielin(n—"1 do hope it 1.1111" in iskly until you have %e!1 ince:•- Iish at llelnlsalale, in S'ttherlandshir•e pWmled then!; Wald a little noire veal a) cnI'I'et-eentim; m)tnufnetory which toy, n littl4 more water, then stir it bids fair 10 decile!) into n highly im• modal. Te nal' tet any 111:111.8 roman `portent industry. The first carpel. tivibn,to, but sI lr ti,.. 1.4)11111 •e, 1111 tied off from the loom tine just. Weil and 610 not he sparing of your orrite41 h1 London, and !R being ex - trouble. 111:nt you should do next i hilated nt the ()lutes of Messrs. \\'nr- Is 1e take 1141 h 01 it out of the ing & Gtllow. The Duke of Portland, basin lie you may 'seiuiro, and lay it !however, has purchased the carp• t. on n piece of soft been, !,••ting it he which closely resembles that of n almut a quarter of nn inch thick, ''Turkish carpi t, a green center being ♦ �_ covered being of a rich real color. 1':\1'I,%1N1?1) i'1'T.T.1' F()I{1•:w1'-LIi E Ci•:METT:1{IES. Mother --Now did you conte to he When once tilled in, n Moslem tean!ng that Ilttle .1 mien girl? !ler ,grnve is Ie% or reopened on 8ny nc- Mother wale Just complaining to me count. To remove the faintest Shout it , chhnce of it (hies being derided, 11'illiu linrelcnse--1\'011, she %antedcypteee tree is planted after enrh in- soniebelly lis tense her, I wanted to i tcrnle•nt, so that the eon:etcri,a re - tel!' s(mehetly, and (t0 Were 1144th 1 soluble forests more than any third nccomtnmIatiug. That '8 all. else • ._--4- 1111shnn(1—"The doctor toll me , I must go to n 'rnst>fure.' " Wife — "INd he look at your tongue?" thus- • "Pa," said the bon', looking up from his book, "what dues a :inn's 'better half' mean?" ''Us,attle, my be- hand—"No 1 told him about son," replied the fltlh(•I- from be- hind the evening paper, "she means )ours." OUST THE DEMON. A Tussle With Coffee. '1'Im•r ! e 141 something m thin fairly y de nwni- acal in the way coffee sometimes wreaks its fiendish malice on those who use it. A lady writing from Calif. sltys:— "\iv husband and I, both lovers of coffee. suffered for some lime front n very annoying form of nervous- ness, accotnpnn0 it by •t frightful headaches. ill my own case there was etentunlly ((,•%eloped some sort of affection of the nerves lending Lifebuoy Soap — (isinfectant — le from the spine to the head. Strongly recommended by the medical "I was unable to hold my head up profession ns n anfegnard against in- 41trnight, the tension of 11)e nerves fectiots diseases. 22 drew it to line side. looming me the most intense pain. We got no relief from medicine, and were puzzled as In what caused the trouble, till a friend suggested that possibly the exactly what she says!" R'e hate no hesitation In saying that r,I. 11. Kollo ' Is without doubt the hest medicine ever Introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera and all a.nnm• r complaints. 1 us sickness. ale. It promptly givesrSUS and peter !nils to affect n positive euro. Muthet • should never be without u but - tie wb.•, their children aro teething. . 11 gg s Dysentery ( ordial Miss Vere—"Mr. Desmond, why did you go to the dining -room before you gr(' ted the hostess?" Mr ik•s- mund—"Well. the hostess will keep, but the refreshments seemed to be get t ing away.', (:1111. PANNED (;OLD. Miss l'enrl 11011, n Dawson girl, hes are i1ed at Vancouver to enter school, coffee we drank had something to do and is proud because a portion 'al with it, and lull nerd that We quit it her expenses are to be paid from and try Postern, ('otTee mens, she herself panned front slue "Wit followed his n(1 ice. and from , gold hands on the Yukon, says the the cloy that we began to use fate_ Colonist. !ler father is a proulin •it Una W(' both began 11 inipro%1. and miner of the lilundyke and her moete- in a very short, time both of us were 01- owns a Date -son hotel. Miss Hall entirely relieved. 'fire• nerves bo- said: "A portion of my ethical ional clime steady once more, the head- expenses are to be defrayed by niv- at•hes ceased: the muscles; in the hnek »ell 1 (1mt esplcy pt'uu( of tli.it fact because my 18tinllher nail moth •r of my • net k reinsert. env hend tit raighlflied up and the dreadful pain that had Ro punished me while 1 used the old kind of coffee van- ished. "11',. have never recons 1 the usro of the old coif's., but relish our I'ostion every tiny as Well ns we did the former bevernge. And we are de- lighted to find that we earn give it freely to our children also, ,.otlle- thir.a we never Mored to 410 With the old kind of rofier.'' Name given by Postern ('1 , Battle (:reek, Mich arc both amply table to pay my tui- tion, but I Wont to be ns indepen- dent 08 pus8i1111'. fort of the money 1 am going to use while in 1choel I made by panning geld. 1 did not dig dirt, but then did that for Idle, and I weshed it out. if you ores n miner you know that panning is often the hardest pert of the acquiring et' gold. 1 panned lots: lit i1, and kept it to help defray my school expenses. i1'•—"Why do you persist. in emir refusal to merry ale when i hnwre de• Poitnm Coffee contpine absolutely Glared any- inability to live wit hunt no drugs of any kindhet relieve• yens" she—"1*.1-auw' you Ila%.• the rofTC' drinker from the pld drug aroused my curiosity. I want 10 w'+ p"l`on• how lung you will be able to aur- There'a n reason. vivo." age 'stamp. Don't judge my treatment by unsuccess- ful attempts of others. 1 have Buttered foriears with this affliction and now thms �Ihutnilias trkin latroubI , to help otMly rs treafrott- ment is easy and accomplished at horns, and 1 will forfeit $500 if It fails to lief isenowlyours for n't suffer aski g. Write 110w lost you forget m address. Dolma -DV et. t1't:. (815 North Six- teenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FARM A'1` Albeit,-., A4.re YA- 2598 acres -22 miles north 01 Ualgary; 8 miles from Airdrie railway splendidly situated; mugnl- depot; convenient to church, schools, stows, etc.; fl(:a:nt view; first-class soil: good eater supply; up-to-date improvements; well- built house of eight rooms, ratted with all modern conveniences and drainage systems; stable, cattle sheds, moray shed, workshop, corrals, etc.; good tent , all new and substantial; will he 601116 as a going concerti, with stock, crops, machinery, tools and house fur- nishings; this farm is all plowable, an is especially adapted for growing hard fall wheat and for mixed farming. Fill particulars on anl'licntion to Gray Bros.. Airdrie, Alta. Furniture Free For your assistance In introducing our household goods we give, with- out charge, fine Household Furniture, Silverware, Watches, etc. This is Your Opportunity to Furnish Your Noma Without Any Cash Outlay. Wo pay freight. Don't waft. Send for descriptive catalogue to -day. THE COLONIAL SALES Co Toronto, Ont. CARPET DYEING and esaisa. ?kis U • q.olal(r with th. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. head eartlaslars by pis and we stews to w fser Mims Ms lie. Ysstnal. FOR LAMP OIL ECONOMY Sarnia USE Prime 011 White No real need In bey the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER, is used and KEl'1' CLIIAN. 1f you want a BIG LIGHT—THREE OR POUR GAS JIT:I IN ONH— Queen TRY A City BEAUTIFUL 011 LICNT Lamp The Choicest Oil Made is PRATT'S ASTRAL For Sale by Dealers, T"6 QUEEN CITY OIL CO., TXC o "I Wish Mr41. ilrown," said the boarder to his landlady, "I wish you'd give me the receipt for that pudding we hall yesterday." "1'd h rather give you a re:eipt for the board you had last month," re- turned the landlady, tartly. When fill other corn preparations fat! try Itonne-nry s Corn Cure. No pain w li ate(er, and no inconvenience in it. Habit may he one of our hest al- lies as well LIS ono of our Worst ena- mi(w. !low to (Irian,/ the System—i'arme- 1.'e•s Vegetable 1'111.• me the result o1 scientific stee.h' oS the encs 1.; er, e tracts of certain root. and herbs upon the digestive organs. 'Their 1100 has d'•mot.streted in many Instances that they regulate the action of the live and the kidneys, purify the blood, and curry o0 all morbid (0, ll„nl,ee10ns from (he system. They are easy to take and their action Is neat and lano- fi1b11. A beautiful young Indy and her once henutiful mother %'ere Walking down the street loge, her When they met two gentlemen %%hunt the ilio• ;ther knew. "How 11111s 11 your dau- ghter resembles you!" exclaimed one. "Ilow clevely you reeenilrlo your daughter!" exclaimed rho of her. Now, which of these two •gentlemen do you think was invited home to ten? A Summer CO ugh 14 the horde, t label Io Fret rid of and the 1e9st Uaage1011.4 kind to hcglccb consuttIption Cure The Luna Tonic will euro )0.1 grllcka ne,1 elIrelr -F,e,p 1 fever. etrenglluro Iho Jung♦ ,u,.l make) (•u well ago it. .1e all 1r1Rgirts, 4.S , r've and 11.0? a 1 ort'.,, ('•1 ISSUE NO. Sb ---O5.